View Full Version : Terra Gold LR 200 (video)
Terra Gold LR 200 is an long range detector for electronic dowsing with 6 frequency presets to search gold, silver, brass or cooper and cavity. You can choose one frequency preset at a time.
We can check the distance and depth of research by the sensitivity key, which depends on the quantity of the target and the ability of the operator and it can reach up to 2.500 meters and 6 meters depth. The various options are made from tactile keys, lighting the corresponding red led indicator.
The Terra Gold LR 200 is easy to use. Each time we press a tactile key the red led indicator lights and also the led of the choice we made.
There is the possibility of checking the battery voltage from the corresponding tactile key with indicators leds.
LR 200 is assembled in 10 seconds and consists of three parts, the main unit, the two removable BNC antennas for transmit / receive and the removable handle. Video with English subtitles ( (
Dell Winders
07-02-2013, 07:19 PM
DOWSING, is the optimum word here as it is well demonstrated in the video by the physical body movements of the operator controlling the reactions and pointing directions of the LR-200.
By definition, DOWSING, is a Mental exercise that is only enhanced by electronics through the power of suggestion and added price to suggest value.
Electronics, provide no practical value to a persons inherent DOWSING abilities.
In my opinion, electronic LRL's mounted on a Swivel handle are a step backward, Not a step forward. Dell
Dell your opinion based on your dowsing experience? How many years are you training in physical (without electronics) or electronic dowsing?
Everyone can use rods, to make dowsing. The abilities obtained by the time and only need little patience. The physical dowser spend his bioenergy every time who can dowsing.
In electronic dowsing don't need that. It work with another sophisticated way.
Dell Winders
07-02-2013, 08:37 PM
I have more than 30 years experience in the field use of both Dowsing & LRL of all description and a co-creator of MFD & HID locating.
The body motion of the operator in the video clearly shows he is manually influencing the direction the LR-200 points to. In my view He is mentally and physically overriding any influence the electronics might have rendering them useless. This is an inherent problem in using a swivel handle LRL that requires a stable balancing act to operate and why I don't recommend it. Dell
Hi xmen, is this great rotating LRL atestet for use along with pacemaker?
07-02-2013, 11:13 PM
By definition, DOWSING, is a Mental exercise that is only enhanced by electronics through the power of suggestion and added price to suggest value.
Good grief!
Dell - your description of this device is almost skeptical. :cool:
This is clearly the usual "Here's one I buried earlier" trick.
Tidy up the bit about dowsing being a mental exercise, and you're just about there.
May I suggest changing the words "mental exercise" to "psychological phenomenon". You can use this for reference ->
Dell You are a few thousand miles away and watching the video you think understand everything. :)
Simply expressing your opinion without knowing the detector. Your opinion does not mean it is correct. Everyone has an opinion and in Greece we say "out of the dance, many songs they said".
WM6 No tests were made for use with pacemaker. Best not used.
Qiaozhi I suppose you are the admin here, but you have transcended the boundaries of the discussion. I expected from a forum administrator, neutral stance.
Were you present at the time was made the video? Did you saw with your own eyes?
I suppose, you are not dowser or you have not use L-rods. You are sceptic.
You try explain it, that you do not understand, with a very offensive way.
All of us who knows that it works, we are happy.
I am impressed by your misplaced and offensive review, for something you never use. :)
In Greece we have a saying: "Anyone who laughs last, laughs best".
07-03-2013, 01:06 PM
Qiaozhi I suppose you are the admin here, but you have transcended the boundaries of the discussion. I expected from a forum administrator, neutral stance.
Were you present at the time was made the video? Did you saw with your own eyes?
I suppose, you are not dowser or you have not use L-rods. You are sceptic.
You try explain it, that you do not understand, with a very offensive way.
All of us who knows that it works, we are happy.
I am impressed by your misplaced and offensive review, for something you never use. :)
In Greece we have a saying: "Anyone who laughs last, laughs best".
What makes you think you'll be the last one left laughing? :lol:
And you're correct ... my stance is not neutral, and it doesn't have to be. Dowsing is a "trick of the mind", and (I find myself agreeing with Dell on this matter) there is no benefit to be had by adding electronic gadgetry to a dowsing rod, except in the wallet department.
Try using this testing technique -> A Double-Blind Test for LRLs (
and you'll discover the results to be somewhat different to what you expect.
Here's some additional reading material to keep you busy -> Info (
07-03-2013, 04:33 PM
Dell is has been selling LRLs AKA electronic dowsing machines for a small fortune and now he is downing them. That sure sounds like a flip of the old flim-flam guy.
Looks to me loke Dell doesn't like competition.
07-03-2013, 04:41 PM
Dell is so far above that you guys can't see it. He was trying to help the guy. But you wouldn't know.
Dell Winders
07-03-2013, 06:23 PM
"ELECTRONIC DOWSING" is a relatively new illegitimate term, invented and used by those in ignorance of the subject.
Electronic components are specific in their purpose and as yet have not been successfully incorporated into Dowsing, which acknowledged to be a mental exercise utilizing a body's IDEOMOTOR Response.
Dowsing might be considered as a type of Long Range Locating (LRL) but it does NOT require, or incorporate Electronic components. Dowsing, by definition, falls within the category of Meta-Physics (intuition, psychic ability)
Are the Electronics of the LR-200, and other Electronic LRL's mounted on a swivel handle intended to tap into and, utilize, or enhance the operator's Psychic ability so it becomes a DOWSING instrument? I don't think so.
If the products are detecting electronically, then why are the manufacturers confusing the viewers, and the easily confused Skeptics by referring to them as Dowsing?
So, I ask the question, Is the LR-200 being sold as a Dowsing Instrument (meta-physics) or an Electronic LRL built on the basis of Physics? Which? Dell
07-04-2013, 05:20 PM
Dell You are a few thousand miles away and watching the video you think understand everything. :)
Watching the video is more than enough to understand everything there is to understand about your LRL. It's clearly a duck.
Dave J.
07-04-2013, 08:39 PM
It's a great video. Anyone who wants to know how LRL's "work", there it is in plain view.
If that was me in the video, everything else the same, it would pass muster as high comedy debunking! "Skeptics" don't have to make this stuff up, the fraudsters themselves provide the material!
--Dave J.
I know Xmen.
He is not a frauster:nono:, he is a serious and honest man.
Are the Electronics of the LR-200, and other Electronic LRL's mounted on a swivel handle intended to tap into and, utilize, or enhance the operator's Psychic ability so it becomes a DOWSING instrument? I don't think so.
LRL-200 don't try to enhance the operator's Psychic ability, it has inside a signal generator. The only difference with your systems is that your systems transmitting via the ground and the LR200 transmitting via the air. All the other philosofy is the same.
07-05-2013, 12:26 PM
Terra Gold LR 200 is an long range detector for electronic dowsing with 6 frequency presets to search gold, silver, brass or cooper and cavity. You can choose one frequency preset at a time.
We can check the distance and depth of research by the sensitivity key, which depends on the quantity of the target and the ability of the operator and it can reach up to 2.500 meters and 6 meters depth. The various options are made from tactile keys, lighting the corresponding red led indicator.
The Terra Gold LR 200 is easy to use. Each time we press a tactile key the red led indicator lights and also the led of the choice we made.
There is the possibility of checking the battery voltage from the corresponding tactile key with indicators leds.
LR 200 is assembled in 10 seconds and consists of three parts, the main unit, the two removable BNC antennas for transmit / receive and the removable handle. Video with English subtitles ( (
Again an ordinary swiveling gadget. no new thing. What a funny-ridiculous movie, demonstrates nothing, only show of Ideomotor effect nothing else. Even if it uses the best oscillator cannot do especial work. You imagine; even in a mild windy condition it’s a real trash.
Dell Winders
07-05-2013, 05:25 PM
LRL-200 don't try to enhance the operator's Psychic ability, it has inside a signal generator. The only difference with your systems is that your systems transmitting via the ground and the LR200 transmitting via the air. All the other philosofy is the same.
NOT TRUE! :nono: I introduced the use of the AIR MODE for Frequency Generators in 1987 but NOT a FG mounted on a Swivel Handle. It's been included in my Instruction manual ever since. Any LRL can be used in an AIR MODE, or a GROUND MODE. The AIR MODE is preferable for distance and the initial survey of a potential site.. The GROUND MODE has more physics limitations but can provide additional information about a target at close range.
Understanding the limitations of your LRL in the field, and using it accordingly is key to success. Dell
Dell Winders
07-05-2013, 05:59 PM
Michael, I agree with you. With respect for your years of LRL testing and field experience you are very knowledgeable.
In light of of all the years of field testing and proving that FG's mounted on Swivel handles are NOT a practical LRL application, I don't understand why manufacturers repeat the same error over and over again and try to push it on a trusting consumer.
I applaud the efforts of inventors with new innovations but the repeat introduction of copy cat versions of a proven impractical LRL application becomes boring. Hopefully, the manufacturer of the LR-200 can do better than this. Dell
Dave J.
07-05-2013, 06:02 PM
L-rods are gravity detectors. If they were responding to something emanating from the target, the people who design them would provide a counterbalance so you're not having to fight ideomotor response every step of the way. An ordinary example of a swivelling apparatus that does detect something at a long distance other than gravity, and is therefore counterbalanced, is the magnetic compass.
As it is, of all the swivelling LRL's (and dowsing rods) out there, the number which are counterbalanced to eliminate gravitational pull is .........ZERO!
The number which are aerodynamically balanced to eliminate the effect of wind....... ZERO.
The number the electronics of which have something to do with detecting buried objects other than sondes used for fraudulent demos....... ZERO.
This newfangled swiveller is just another LRL swiveller, copying ideas off the Internet from other LRL's, it's not like he came up with something new out of the clear blue sky! Since he is obviously familiar with LRL's, that means he's read the forums and knows the things are frauds.
He knows for a fact that his gadget will not detect an otherwise unknown object, that's why he's not going to offer a credible demo of his gadget doing that.
Geo, the guy knows exactly the same thing that the "skeptics" do, the only difference is that he's decided to go into the business knowing what it really is, whereas the "skeptics" have enough ethics to not get into that business even though they have all the knowledge needed to get into the business. After all, we've had plenty of good teachers how it's done: Mineoro, Chuckie, Thomas, Yocum, and (yep) even Dell.
So, how's the guy not a fraudster? Greece is in a desperate economic situation, and when people get desperate they do things to make a buck that otherwise they probably wouldn't do. If I lived in Greece and was getting desperate, maybe that'd be me you see in that video. Maybe I'd do exactly as that guy did. And it would be fraud. Therefore it's fraud when he does it.
That having been said...... If anyone having been informed what the thing is still wants to buy it with their own money (not someone else's), they have my blessing! "Darwin's Law".
If they prefer the Dell apparatus with the separate "transmitter", well, anyone reading this forum knows where to buy that. Hey, Dell's gotta eat, too.
--Dave J.
Dell Winders
07-05-2013, 07:05 PM
WOW! All this from a guy who pretends he is a cute little dog that chews on curtains. Another example of WEIS!
Dave J, as usual you are barking up the wrong tree. As a fraudster your self, you demonstrate your hypocrisy. Your BELIEF that the common L-Rod, whether used in a Mental Dowsing application, or a physics application LRL) has to be balanced is ludicrous, and shows your total ignorance of the subject.
In my own instructions there are numerous pages stressing the point that the tips of the L-Rods have to be pointed at least 15 degrees off level, toward the ground. Many of my customers have to point the tips of the Rods pointing at their toes to obtain an interpretable reaction of the L-Rods with out the twisting of the hands, wrists, or arms to make the Rods move.
Now,my friend, you, or any skeptic, point the tips of the Swivel handle L-Rod in front of your toes and see how far, and visually obvious you have to twist your wrists to get the Rods to work against the force of gravity and cross. Yet, with the Swivel Rods LRL application there is only a normal minute movement of the hands and wrist and the Rods cross on their own, against gravity. Take a video and show us how you can do this without any visible Ideomotor response?
If the LR-200 Discriminated, and detected the direction of the discriminated target without having to be balanced displaying the obvious Ideomotor controlled Dowsing response, with the antenna pointed down at least 15, or more degrees, working against gravity, then they have a properly working LRL with it's own inherent physics limitations which should be understood and worked accordingly by the operator.
Dave, go put on the pointed cap and sit in the corner. Dell
Dave J.
07-05-2013, 07:07 PM
here's another video:
The guy sure knows how to demo an LRL!
--Dave J.
Dave J.
07-05-2013, 07:32 PM
Dave J, as usual you are barking up the wrong tree. As a fraudster your self, you demonstrate your hypocrisy. Your BELIEF that the common L-Rod, whether used in a Mental Dowsing application, or a physics application LRL) has to be balanced is ludicrous, and shows your total ignorance of the subject. Dell
Dell, show a little reading comprehension, please! I have been completely clear that the common L-Rod MUST NOT be balanced, because if it's balanced, that'll stop it from working! This is a matter on which "skeptics" and manufacturers alike (yourself included) have always agreed, I don't recall anyone ever disputing it.
Meanwhile if anyone reading this thread suspects that standalone LRL's are worthless and believes that a separate transmitter is needed to get effective operation, by all means buy one (with your own money)-- from good ol' Dell, made in the USA!
(Sorry admins, I hope that's not too much marketing.
--Dave J.
Dave J.
07-05-2013, 07:58 PM
DOWSING, is the optimum word here as it is well demonstrated in the video by the physical body movements of the operator controlling the reactions and pointing directions of the LR-200.
By definition, DOWSING, is a Mental exercise that is only enhanced by electronics through the power of suggestion and added price to suggest value.
Electronics, provide no practical value to a persons inherent DOWSING abilities.
In my opinion, electronic LRL's mounted on a Swivel handle are a step backward, Not a step forward. Dell
I especially love the part where Dell says "demonstrated in the video by the physical body movements of the operator controlling the reactions and pointing directions". Skeptics and LRL manufacturers of the world, unite! We have nothing to lose but our disagreements on what gainful employment consists of!
--Dave J.
Dell Winders
07-05-2013, 08:39 PM
No Dave, you are Wrong Again! Being balanced won't stop the L-rods from reacting but they do require a human connection and a sufficient "Strength of Field".
Several early experiments have shown that when the Swivel Rods are balanced in a wooden vice and a 10 foot lamp cord was attached to the Rods, and the ends of the wires held by one person, another person could hold their hand(s) up to 5 inches away from the tips of the rods and cause them to move right, left, or spin in a circle by the influence of the hand(s)
I have held Gold or silver in my hand, but the movements were the same with, or without a sample being held. From what I know now, I think it is entirely possible that discrimination could be added to these experiments.
Put on the pointed hat and sit in the corner. I read many years ago that Scientist had determined that wearing the tall pointed had actually improved mental faculties. Dell
Dave J.
07-05-2013, 09:51 PM
Of course, Dell. It's called "sleight of hand". Either that, or reporting a third hand fiction that never even happened.
You just explained why a balanced L-rod doesn't work-- insufficient field strength. You need that gravitational field to be able to point the sucker, and if you cancel the influence of that field on the rod by counterbalancing it, ya ain't got squat unless you magnetize the rod, in which case you have a magnetic compass that actually does respond to a field.
Everyone knows why there are ZERO counterbalanced L-rods on the market-- it's because everyone knows the damn things won't work! Anybody who thought maybe it would work and gave it a try found out the hard way that it doesn't work, and you have given a description (whether an actual or merely fictional event) of such a learning experience. Despite decades of creativity on the part of experimenters, there are ZERO counterbalanced L-rods on the market. It's because they don't work.
Remember, your salespitch in this thread is that a standalone swiveller LRL is step backwards, and I agree with you. Your salespitch is your separate "transmitter", which is supposed to work ........ with........ NON-counterbalanced L-rods, no surprise there after all!
Dell, it's not smart of you to be defending a counterbalanced L-rod that you neither sell, nor (wisely) have any intention of selling. Think business, man! Pitch the separate transmitter!
--Dave J.
07-05-2013, 10:21 PM
Several early experiments have shown that when the Swivel Rods are balanced in a wooden vice and a 10 foot lamp cord was attached to the Rods, and the ends of the wires held by one person, another person could hold their hand(s) up to 5 inches away from the tips of the rods and cause them to move right, left, or spin in a circle by the influence of the hand(s)
This is purely hearsay, unless you are able to post a reference to the scientific literature that details these experiments.
Personally though, I suspect that my request will somehow be related to an event involving Hell freezing over.
Dell Winders
07-05-2013, 10:47 PM
Qiaozhi, Apparently you are hearing (reading) what I say. So, yes, you are posting hearsay, while I am posting original content.
I try to remain tolerant of your limited mentality to think and do for your self. If I were a degreed Scientist the papers would be published. But, I am not a scientist, at least not in the academic sense.
In the meantime. if you feel you are mentally, or physically, incapable of duplicating the experiments yourself, then go ahead and get out your winter clothing. Dell
Dave J.
07-05-2013, 11:30 PM
This is purely hearsay, unless you are able to post a reference to the scientific literature that details these experiments.
Personally though, I suspect that my request will somehow be related to an event involving Hell freezing over.
This is a "read the advertisement" moment, George. Dell already dropped strong hints that:
1. He has no personal knowledge of the supposed experiments.
2. Whatever the results of the supposed experiments were, they were apparently so negative even on the part of those who were doing them, as to warrant no further interest.
In other words Hell already froze over, and the report of the freeze came direct from Florida -- in July.
The answer to the whole thing is right there in Dell's L-rods, which he has proudly described.
Dell, why do you keep arguing against your own L-rods? Be a competent businessman and pitch the separate transmitter!
--Dave J.
07-05-2013, 11:39 PM
Qiaozhi, Apparently you are hearing (reading) what I say. So, yes, you are posting hearsay, while I am posting original content.
I try to remain tolerant of your limited mentality to think and do for your self. If I were a degreed Scientist the papers would be published. But, I am not a scientist, at least not in the academic sense.
In the meantime. if you feel you are mentally, or physically, incapable of duplicating the experiments yourself, then go ahead and get out your winter clothing. Dell
As I suspected ... Hell is more likely to freeze over before receiving any hard evidence of your so-called experiments. If you don't have any scientific papers as reference, then what other evidence do you have, apart from hearsay? Actually, I don't know why I'm even bothering to ask, as we all know the real reasons why you are unable to grant my request.
Finally, please try your best to be civil. Whenever you find yourself backed into a corner, I've noticed you have a nasty tendency towards personal insults. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so I suggest you think more carefully before posting.
07-05-2013, 11:54 PM
This is a "read the advertisement" moment, George. Dell already dropped strong hints that:
1. He has no personal knowledge of the supposed experiments.
2. Whatever the results of the supposed experiments were, they were apparently so negative even on the part of those who were doing them, as to warrant no further interest.
In other words Hell already froze over, and the report of the freeze came direct from Florida -- in July.
The answer to the whole thing is right there in Dell's L-rods, which he has proudly described.
Dell, why do you keep arguing against your own L-rods? Be a competent businessman and pitch the separate transmitter!
--Dave J.
When Dell wrote: "Several early experiments have shown that ...", I assumed he was referring to experiments performed by someone else, and therefore there may possibly (with a following wind) be a remote chance that these so-called experiments could potentially have been documented somewhere. As no proof seems to exist, then Dell's "clamped L-Rod" story resides clearly in the realms of "hearsay".
However, in a different thread, Dell claimed that I am one of Carl's cronies, disrespectful, Carl's puppet, arrogant, ignorant, need to wake up, a scientific pretender, need a reality check, a rabidly biased LRL skeptic, full of self-deception, pathological, totally biased, total (sic) ignorant, constantly ranting, full of irrational suppositions, mentally challenged, and have a limited mental ability.
So what do I know?
Dell Winders
07-06-2013, 01:09 AM
So, What do you know about the subject? From reading your posts, apparently nothing. So why do you keep pretending you know more than those who have devoted their time energies, and money to learn for themselves and you keep posting comments based in ignorance, and nonsensical beliefs. If you want to have some laughs let pretend psychiatrist Dave J, analyze your comments. He has had a lot of practice in being wrong.
FYI, I duplicated the experiment two others had told me they had conducted, and the Rods reacted with equally positive results as I previously described.
Certainly a Scientifically oriented mind, would prefer to prove the experiment for themselves than accept someone's word for it? Right?
Truth be known, I was the original LRL skeptic before Carl, and directed their public attacks only at me for 3 years trying to put me out of business and make a name for them selves. It didn't work, I'm nearly 80 years old and still here with my reputation for honesty still intact. Nothing you say will affect me, or the truth of what I say. Dell
Dave J.
07-06-2013, 03:16 AM
George, you're missing the point. Dell's post was itself the documentation that spilled the beans. Nothing more was needed. Dell's been hearing "read the advertisement!" for a long time now, but you're still new to the concept.
* * * * * * *
Dell, you're working very hard to discredit your own L-rods here, what the hell has gotten into you? Just because you're getting old doesn't mean you don't need to eat. Please quit trying to cast doubt on unbalanced L-rod design and get back to hyping the separate transmitter concept.
You keep believing that I'm your enemy, and I'm not. Heck, a few years ago I offered to help you write better ad copy, the offer was sincere, and it got stuck on the problem of how to afford a lawyer to review the whole thing, neither of us was in a financial position to hire a lawyer for that purpose at that time. Meanwhile you seem to have managed to say out of jail, and neither of us has any of knowing what would have come of my proposed collaboration had it happened. .......I occasionally offer ad copy improvement advice for my present employer, and they've learned to listen to that advice and often even take it. Advertising is psychology. "Read the advertisement!" Psychology is also the single most important (and difficult) aspect of good product design, whether it be an LRL or a real metal detector. A supposed high-tech LRL doesn't even need to have any functional electronic technology at all, that's how important the role of psychology is in LRL design and marketing. It's hard to sell a metal detector that just plain doesn't detect metal, technology that works is in effect the entry fee ya gotta pay in order to get the opportunity to put psychology to work.
Is marketing LRL's unethical? To some people that's an easy question to answer, and the answer is no. I'm quite fond of the teachings of both Jesus and St. Charlie (Darwin), and those historic commentators on how reality really works offer a more complex perspective on the subject.
Some people are born with little in the way of critical thinking skills. Even striving to be honest with themselves, they're easily bamboozled. At least they can face up to the fact they're deficient in this area, and ask the advice of better mentally equipped friends before making major decisions. I don't regard it as ethical to target LRL's to such people, it's like selling cigarrettes to kids, or a clerk short-changing a customer with Down's syndrome.
Then there's the other folk, who in most areas of life do just fine with critical thinking, but when they really, really want something, their wants control their life and that makes them perfect candidates to be lied to. Two of history's greatest prophets, Gautama Siddartha and James the Just, provided incisive commentary on the dangers of wanting, they regarded it as the path to death.
If someone grew up with dreams of a "majick wand, one that could even point to treasure", and refused to let that one go along with Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, they're fair game, and that's the psychological reason why L-rod based LRL's dominate the market. They're majick wands. Of course adults unlike children do not pay $2.95 for a majick wand, the price tag is usually in the thousands.
This is the Internet Age. They've been warned. If in the end their wants control them, hell isn't frozen after all, there's plenty of room for more people to be roasted. Go for 'em, Dell, pitch the separate transmitter thing, you ain't got much time left and I'd hate to hear that you died of starvation.
And, anyone paying dollars, buy American! And not those other companies who never post here, buy from Dell.
Good evening, sir, sleep well, and awake refreshed tomorrow knowing that even in your odd business there is a mission in life to be found.
--Dave J.
07-06-2013, 06:48 AM
Everyone knows why there are ZERO counterbalanced L-rods on the market-- it's because everyone knows the damn things won't work! Anybody who thought maybe it would work and gave it a try found out the hard way that it doesn't work, and you have given a description (whether an actual or merely fictional event) of such a learning experience. Despite decades of creativity on the part of experimenters, there are ZERO counterbalanced L-rods on the market. It's because they don't work.
I tried counterbalanced L-rods once. Nope, they don't work.
Meanwhile if anyone reading this thread suspects that standalone LRL's are worthless and believes that a separate transmitter is needed to get effective operation, by all means buy one (with your own money)-- from good ol' Dell, made in the USA!
(Sorry admins, I hope that's not too much marketing.
The value of the lesson learned is proportional to the money spent. So I say, buy the most expensive LRL you can afford to get the best education possible.
- Carl
Dave J.
07-06-2013, 08:37 AM
And "xmen", there you have it. The consensus on this side of the Atlantic is that you ain't got nuthin' (your own videos prove that). Pity poor Geo who in order to rehabilitate you has to overcome the testimony of Dell Himself. It's a job which I suppose Geo would have preferred not to have had.
At least I don't understand Greek, only a few written words, and the rest is video which needs little translation. Fraudsters from Latin America tend to run and hide when I show up, because their superstition that nobody north of the Rio Grande can read Spanish or Portuguese gets nuked. Send "Hung" a PM and ask him between him and me, who posts more links to Mineoro and spends time to discuss their content. He is afraid to post links to Mineoro whereas I gladly do so because Mineoro themselves provide the evidence of their fraud, just as you do to yours, that's why I posted the link to your other video.
The problem with doing LRL demos on video, is that people can see what you did or claimed to do. That is information that works against you, unless they are people who do speak Greek and don't know enough English to read the information on the Internet.
So, let's suppose you're living in Greece, and hungry, maybe even trying to feed a family, and "ya gotta do what ya gotta do".
My advice is this: don't post in forums, too many people know too much. Our USA Thomas Alfilani (sp?) got this figured out a long time ago, he's the major LRL'er who has no regular presence on LRL forums, only the occasional "ping" where he gets slapped all the way to Siberia and the problem goes away for another year or two until it all happens again. You can be smarter than Tommy, and here's how it's done: Don't post in areas where people know what you're doing! Prey only on the clueless!
--Dave J.
Dell Winders
07-06-2013, 08:54 AM
Dave, in many aspects you also appear clueless, and are merely guessing and pretending you know. Don't be so obvious in advertising your lack of knowledge. Maybe you will get someone to believe you. Dell
07-06-2013, 10:43 AM
So why do you keep pretending you know more than those who have devoted their time energies, and money to learn for themselves and you keep posting comments based in ignorance, and nonsensical beliefs.
This is really the saddest thing of all; that after more than 30 years of self-deception you are still ..... self-deluded.
30 years of wasted time believing in something that doesn't work and is simply a trick of the mind! Keeping your head buried in the sand and failing to understand reality is (I'm sorry to have to say it) truly a display of ignorance.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that Dell actually believes this stuff, so he's perfectly correct when he describes himself as "honest". The majority of LRL purveyors know this stuff is fraudulent, whereas Dell is so deep in the LRL "hole" that he will never be able to climb out.
Dave J.
07-06-2013, 11:50 AM
Dave, in many aspects you also appear clueless, and are merely guessing and pretending you know. Don't be so obvious in advertising your lack of knowledge. Maybe you will get someone to believe you. Dell
Dammit, Dell, wake up! We've known each other for more than 10 years, we've disagreed on a lot of stuff and we've agreed on more than you'll ever publically admit to.
We're both "old pharts", you're a lot older than I am but unlike you I wasn't born with a long liver, so it's entirely possible that you'll be able to visit my gravestone. However you may need a fogie-walker to do it.
If perchance I outlive you, I don't want to read that you starved to death. I want to read that you cleaned the clocks of people who wanted their clocks cleaned fair and square.
Wishing you the best (within reasonable limits),
--Dave J.
Dave J.
07-06-2013, 12:06 PM
Dell, back to that "be a competent businessman" stuff:
You've attacked the schitt out of standalone swiveller LRL's. You have lots of support on this, don't squander it!
Here goes again: "separate transmitter". I don't offer any claim that it'll work any better, but at least it sets your stuff apart from the Greek Thingie and the Electroscope and Ranger frauds which you have seemingly denounced in this very thread.
If you continue to disparage your own product with claims that you have the inside dope that your L-rods are designed wrong, that's a hard act to follow with an elephant schitt shovel! I can't fix it for you, you need to get your story straight.
--Dave J.
Dell Winders
07-06-2013, 07:19 PM
Sorry Dave, I have no interest in trying compete against exaggerated, or untruthful LRL advertising. My business is, and has been for the past 15 years from "Word of mouth". I have no need to make extra-ordinary claims and my customers are informed of the limitations, before they buy.
This may not be considered competent business by your standards but it is honest and totally open for public scrutiny. Since I started building my own products there has not been even one consumer complaint, an enviable record I can take pride in.
My MFD products are what they are, and they are only going to be as good as the knowledge and experience of the person using them. Therefore a lot of time and practice is devoted to the best methods of using the L-Rods in a LRL application, andproper survey techniques. There is a big difference in the use, and interpretation of L-Rods for Mental Dowsing, or LRL physics. The latter has more limitations that should be understood by the operator to aid in the LRL's successful use.
Thank you for your concern but I am not interested in expanding my customer base any further. There are times when I have been backlogged with orders for months and it's a struggle for me to catch up. Keeping customers waiting is Not competent business and I don't want to get into that cycle again.
But, again I thank you. Dell
And "xmen", there you have it. The consensus on this side of the Atlantic is that you ain't got nuthin' (your own videos prove that). Pity poor Geo who in order to rehabilitate you has to overcome the testimony of Dell Himself. It's a job which I suppose Geo would have preferred not to have had.
At least I don't understand Greek, only a few written words, and the rest is video which needs little translation. Fraudsters from Latin America tend to run and hide when I show up, because their superstition that nobody north of the Rio Grande can read Spanish or Portuguese gets nuked. Send "Hung" a PM and ask him between him and me, who posts more links to Mineoro and spends time to discuss their content. He is afraid to post links to Mineoro whereas I gladly do so because Mineoro themselves provide the evidence of their fraud, just as you do to yours, that's why I posted the link to your other video.
The problem with doing LRL demos on video, is that people can see what you did or claimed to do. That is information that works against you, unless they are people who do speak Greek and don't know enough English to read the information on the Internet.
So, let's suppose you're living in Greece, and hungry, maybe even trying to feed a family, and "ya gotta do what ya gotta do".
My advice is this: don't post in forums, too many people know too much. Our USA Thomas Alfilani (sp?) got this figured out a long time ago, he's the major LRL'er who has no regular presence on LRL forums, only the occasional "ping" where he gets slapped all the way to Siberia and the problem goes away for another year or two until it all happens again. You can be smarter than Tommy, and here's how it's done: Don't post in areas where people know what you're doing! Prey only on the clueless!
--Dave J.
Don't be so sure that at this area the people knows?????:lol:
They don't know anything about dowsing or LRL!!!!
Dell Winders
07-07-2013, 12:40 AM
Pretenders! Big Ego's are at risk. Dell
07-07-2013, 11:25 AM
Don't be so sure that at this area the people knows?????:lol:
They don't know anything about dowsing or LRL!!!!
The reality is that this forum is one of the very few places on the internet where both dowsing and LRLs are very well understood, and the true facts laid bare. That's why dowsing proponents get so upset when their belief system is challenged. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever that dowsing works.
Pretenders! Big Ego's are at risk. Dell
Which is exactly what I was referring to by the huge hole you've dug for yourself over the last 30+ years. Your ego is now firmly stuck at the bottom. You should have left a exit route where you could escape, just in case you eventually woke up to the fact that dowsing is a pile of medieval psychic nonsense.
I read an amusing article recently where so-called psychic ability was described as being similar to yoghurt weaving, and that map dowsing (another one of Dell's delusions) was popular with some people, as it reduced the level of ridicule from passers-by. :cool:
Dell Winders
07-07-2013, 01:50 PM
WIS! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Dell
Dell Winders
07-07-2013, 05:08 PM
Qiaozi, It's nice to know you can read, but your moderating skills are lacking. It's hard to determine if the subject of this thread is about the physics of operating a Long Range Locator, Mental Dowsing, About Dell, or an opinion platform for Qiaozi's to demonstrate his disdain for LRL users.
QUOTE FROM DAVE J; You just explained why a balanced L-rod doesn't work-- insufficient field strength. You need that gravitational field to be able to point the sucker, and if you cancel the influence of that field on the rod by counterbalancing it, ya ain't got squat unless you magnetize the rod, in which case you have a magnetic compass that actually does respond to a field.
No, I didn't. I'm sorry I was not more specific when speaking to a little dog gagging on a chewed curtain. I was referring to the Strength of "Magnetic Fields", Not the Gravitational field. Maybe later, I will try to explain why Magnetic conditions will prevent an LRL from working.
There may be some merit to using Magnetized L-Rods. In theory, the L-rods reverse polarity while held in Human hands. If true, in practice this is why even Copper Rods are repelled by anomalous Magnetic fields.
I have briefly tested Magnetized Stainless Steel Rods, but have not done any experimenting. Dell
The reality is that this forum is one of the very few places on the internet where both dowsing and LRLs are very well understood, and the true facts laid bare. That's why dowsing proponents get so upset when their belief system is challenged. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever that dowsing works.
So... science is so little!!!!
07-07-2013, 10:53 PM
Qiaozi, It's nice to know you can read, but your moderating skills are lacking. It's hard to determine if the subject of this thread is about the physics of operating a Long Range Locator, Mental Dowsing, About Dell, or an opinion platform for Qiaozi's to demonstrate his disdain for LRL users.
No, I didn't. I'm sorry I was not more specific when speaking to a little dog gagging on a chewed curtain. I was referring to the Strength of "Magnetic Fields", Not the Gravitational field. Maybe later, I will try to explain why Magnetic conditions will prevent an LRL from working.
There may be some merit to using Magnetized L-Rods. In theory, the L-rods reverse polarity while held in Human hands. If true, in practice this is why even Copper Rods are repelled by anomalous Magnetic fields.
I have briefly tested Magnetized Stainless Steel Rods, but have not done any experimenting. Dell
I know your technical ability is somewhat lacking, but it should be obvious that the topic of this thread concerns the Terra Gold LR 200. From the video it is immediately clear that this device is nothing more than a dowsing rod with some additional do-nothing electronics.
As to whether this is supposed to be:
About the physics of operating an LRL --- Not likely as LRLs have more to do with psychology than physics, unless you consider their interaction with gravity.
Mental dowsing --- Which is a term seemingly invented by yourself, but is suitably vague so as to mean nothing.
About Dell --- Well, if it helps your ego. :rolleyes:
My opinion platform --- The scientific viewpoint is not my personal view, but it is the rational view of everyone with a modicum of scientific knowledge. Also, I do not have disdain for all LRL users. You might have noticed my willingness to assist those wanting to experiment in this grey area of metal detecting. It is the dowsing nonsense that I object to, and particularly such idiotic practices as map dowsing.
By the way, I see that you still find it exceptionally difficult to curb the insults. Apparently I am now a "little dog gagging on a chewed curtain", and have a lack of moderating skills. The list seems endless. :lol:
Dell Winders
07-08-2013, 06:07 AM
But Qiaozhi, This thread is not about Map Dowsing?
So, you are a hate monger, who enjoys spreading untruths and pretends it's Scientific. That's no excuse for grabbing Dave J's credit for the curtain chewing dog and making it your own. Dell
07-08-2013, 09:51 AM
But Qiaozhi, This thread is not about Map Dowsing?
So, you are a hate monger, who enjoys spreading untruths and pretends it's Scientific. That's no excuse for grabbing Dave J's credit for the curtain chewing dog and making it your own. Dell
Correct. This thread is not about map dowsing. It is about the Terra Gold LR 200, which is a dowsing rod with some additional electronics. The reference to map dowsing was made as an example of the sort of nonsense that dowsers believe, as if wandering around with a couple of bent coat hangers wasn't idiotic enough by itself.
OK - my mistake. Dave is the "little dog gagging on a chewed curtain", whereas I am one of Carl's cronies, disrespectful, Carl's puppet, arrogant, ignorant, need to wake up, a scientific pretender, need a reality check, a rabidly biased LRL skeptic, full of self-deception, pathological, totally biased, total (sic) ignorant, constantly ranting, full of irrational suppositions, mentally challenged, have a limited mental ability, and lack moderating skills.
Thanks for that Dell. I stand corrected. :rolleyes:
Dave J.
07-08-2013, 11:14 AM
I rather like that scene in the "Wizard of Oz" movie where the dog Toto pulls the curtain aside exposing the charlatan "Wizard".
Never met an LRL'er who liked that same scene.
When I was a kid I discovered that most preachers didn't like it either. It didn't turn me into an atheist but it did teach me who the biggest hypocrites were.
Dave J.
07-08-2013, 11:26 AM
I predict that Dell will suddenly pretend to like that scene after all. Your turn, Dell!
--Dave J.
Dell Winders
07-08-2013, 06:04 PM
Dave J, There is no similarity between a trained dog directed by someone who knew what curtain was to be pulled and Dave J, who is untrained, ill directed, and inexperienced going around pulling all the wrong curtains to practice Psychological babble.
Qiaozhi, It's hard to understand why anyone such as your self would bury their minds in the total reliability of ever changing science. Science is open minded to the possibilities. You are not. You don't appear to have the maturity, or the knowledge to be preaching Science to others. Especially, when you deny your own inherent mental ability in the name of science. Your hypocrisy is really sort of blasphemous.
One of the terms used by Scientist for utilizing the human mind to access remote information is called "Psychic Archeology. Remote Viewing, is another. This inherent human ability is used a lot more than you admit. I hope you see fit to remove your Cranium Computer from it's Rectal Resting Place, and accept the gift of knowledge that is available to you.
I too have been amazed at the knowledge an open mind has provide me. And I have the photo's and the witnesses to prove what I say is true. "Psychic Archeology" is a viable option used by Treasure Hunters and Scientist. Dell
07-08-2013, 08:45 PM
One of the terms used by Scientist for utilizing the human mind to access remote information is called "Psychic Archeology. Remote Viewing, is another.
Now you're just being silly. :razz:
"Psychic Archaeology" has absolutely nothing to do with Science. It's just more of the usual paranormal pseudo-scientific garbage that pretends to compete with real working technology such as GPR and magnetometry.
I too have been amazed at the knowledge an open mind has provide me. And I have the photo's and the witnesses to prove what I say is true. "Psychic Archeology" is a viable option used by Treasure Hunters and Scientist. Dell
The U.S. spent [or rather, wasted] $20 million dollars investigating remote viewing (or ESP, as it's also known) between the end of WWII and into the 1970s. The results were negative. It is definitely NOT a "viable option".
Honestly, you need to wake up to reality and forget this medieval claptrap. :nono:
Dell Winders
07-08-2013, 11:02 PM
Nothing paranormal about it. Even you could learn to use your inherent mental ability. I did, and I am no exception. It's built into the human Genome. Were you able to learn to walk, run, or use your hands & arms? Do you have an Ideomotor response? Of course you do, everybody does.
How can you accept all these things these things and still be in denial? Dell
07-09-2013, 12:01 AM
Nothing paranormal about it.
So why is Psychic Archaeology described as "a loose collection of practices involving the application of paranormal phenomena to problems in archaeology"?
Did you notice the word "paranormal" in the above description?
07-09-2013, 12:04 AM
It's just more of the usual paranormal pseudo-scientific garbage that pretends to compete with real working technology such as GPR and magnetometry.
I agree with Dell, omit the word "paranormal" as there is nothing paranormal about dowsing, remote viewing, or psychics. It's all ordinary stuff... some of it plain observation, some of it random luck, some of it outright fraud. None of it is what practitioners wish it was, although it's fun to pretend it is.
07-09-2013, 12:07 AM
So why is Psychic Archaeology described as "a loose collection of practices involving the application of paranormal phenomena to problems in archaeology"?
I'd guess that definition to be from someone who likes to pretend.
07-09-2013, 12:31 AM
I agree with Dell, omit the word "paranormal" as there is nothing paranormal about dowsing, remote viewing, or psychics. It's all ordinary stuff... some of it plain observation, some of it random luck, some of it outright fraud. None of it is what practitioners wish it was, although it's fun to pretend it is.
:lol: I understand what you're saying, but I'll let Dell figure it out. ;)
Dell Winders
07-09-2013, 05:57 AM
Qiaozhi, I see Carl, is still pulling your puppet strings. Carl, knows it wise to show denial rather than admit liable. Like the disgraced Randi, Carl's misdeeds will catch up with him when he least expects it. Dell
07-09-2013, 09:18 AM
Qiaozhi, I see Carl, is still pulling your puppet strings. Carl, knows it wise to show denial rather than admit liable. Like the disgraced Randi, Carl's misdeeds will catch up with him when he least expects it. Dell
I knew you wouldn't be able to figure it out. :lol:
Carl is agreeing with you about the misuse of the word "paranormal"; but not for the same reasons. Try reading his reply two or three times. Then it might sink in.
Dell Winders
07-09-2013, 04:37 PM
Carl, knows that I am correct so there is no choice but to agree to that which does not get him into trouble. You on the other hand are merely parroting Carl's lead like a good little puppet.
Again, your insistence on posting lame arguments that detract from the subject and your own interests has turned this forum into a farce and an effort to waste my time.
I know you wouldn't have it any other way, so again, you have the last word. Dell
07-09-2013, 04:45 PM
Carl, knows that I am correct so there is no choice but to agree to that which does not get him into trouble.
So, let me get this straight ....
You're now saying that you agree with Carl's post where he said that dowsing, remote viewing, etc., is all ordinary stuff... some of it plain observation, some of it random luck, some of it outright fraud?
If you do not understand something, you do not discard. If something works, how you know what it does and what it does not? Have you telepathic abilities?
Operators of Terra Gold have found many times buried treasures. Someone who have not worked with the detector, how to he write on this, without experience and knowledge? Your experience is due only to existing detectors and LRLs.
Terra Gold has user manual and if you follow it, you'll be able to find treasures.
If something works,
Agree, there is a big IF.
08-28-2013, 10:46 AM
Someone who have not worked with the detector, how to he write on this, without experience and knowledge? Your experience is due only to existing detectors and LRLs.
We do not need first-hand experience with this detector, as it's a modern version of a bent coat hanger (i.e. a dowsing rod) with added nonsense electronics designed to extract additional money from the buyer's wallet.
It certainly works as a treasure locator, but only once .... at the time of purchase.
And the sun revolves around the earth, which is flat.
If you do not understand something, you do not discard. If something works, how you know what it does and what it does not? Have you telepathic abilities?
Operators of Terra Gold have found many times buried treasures. Someone who have not worked with the detector, how to he write on this, without experience and knowledge? Your experience is due only to existing detectors and LRLs.
Terra Gold has user manual and if you follow it, you'll be able to find treasures.
Xmen, don't expect anything different from ozzy georgie and carlie boy, the owners of this site.
Just take a look at their 'bio', (in)experience on the subject and twisted knowledge(if any) by reading their past posts (if this does not become too much tedious to you).
But what do you expect from boys who need to sell a book based in the old floor polishers 'teknologi' and offer a never-working LRL atari marketing strategy gimmick to help them dig money to pay their rent anyway?
08-28-2013, 01:17 PM
And the sun revolves around the earth, which is flat.
You are free to believe whatever you like. :lol:
Do you think it's funny?
In Greece we have the following proverb: On the door of deaf, many times you can hit. :lol:
In Greece we have the following proverb: On the door of deaf, many times you can hit. :lol:
And Terra Gold is something like the door of deaf?
08-28-2013, 11:59 PM
Do you think it's funny?
In Greece we have the following proverb: On the door of deaf, many times you can hit. :lol:
The Terra Gold has its own funny youtube video. :lol:
It's a dowsing rod, pure and simple. The rest is just window dressing.
09-28-2013, 11:48 AM
Do you think it's funny?
In Greece we have the following proverb: On the door of deaf, many times you can hit. :lol:
Best Wishes, :)
Best Wishes, :)
Welcome back J_P.
Where are you?
We all are seriously missing you.
09-28-2013, 04:11 PM
Welcome again to the forum dear J_Player!
All the best wishes to you
09-29-2013, 07:23 PM
Welcome back J_P.
Where are you?
We all are seriously missing you.Hi WM6 and Sneshko :)
I am busy on a project that will take at least another year to complete.
But I am home briefly, and stopped to see what is happening in the forum.
And I was surprised to find this advertisement in the top of the forum section.
I expected to find this kind of advertisement below in the "Buy-Sell-Trade" section.
Now it appears Dell doesn't like this swivel thingy, which causes a huge division amongst the coat-hanger party, much to the delight of the transistor party.
But putting the politics aside, I found the video entertaining even though it follows the standard formula:
1. Show an amazing new treasure hunting product.
2. Explain what amazing things it can do, but don't tell how it works. Give some BS pseudoscience explanations that don't really make sense.
3. Demonstrate the amazing product finding treasure.
4. Show recovered treasure shining in the sun.
The amusing part is it looks like a RangerTell Examiner, but with a different antenna.
My opinion is you could show this product to 100 new customers who never saw it before, and let Mr. Xmen teach them how to use it.
Then, hide a ring in the hills for them to find and watch the results of their treasure hunting.
Then you could remove the internal electronics and parts from the swivel thingy without telling any of the customers that it is now an empty box.
I believe the 100 test customers would find exactly the same results as when the internal parts were intact.
This test actually works. I discovered this test method when when I was testing the RangerTell Examiner.
The results indicated I could buy an empty plastic box and put an antenna and swivel handle on it to get the same results I get from a RangerTell Examiner.
The only difference between the empty box and Ranger Tell Examiner is it cost about $12, not $695.
I wonder if the same test would work with this new Terra Gold LR 200? :rolleyes:
Best Wishes, :)
09-29-2013, 07:30 PM
Hi J_P
Nice to see you again here
best regards
09-30-2013, 10:55 AM
Hi J-P
I am glad you are still here with us, we felt the absence of impartial and competent person. I hope in the next few months to test my lrl in a real field and if the results are positive, I will explain in detail the construction of the sensor, which as I said is an amplifier that becomes an oscillator because of parasites coupling of the printed board.
Best Regards
I am busy on a project that will take at least another year to complete.
Best wishes to your project and come back soon.
Terra Gold LR 100 & LR 200 are among the few in world that have CE mark (European Conformity).
The CE marking assures us that the operation of a Terra Gold does not damage our health, our safety and our environment.
Dell Winders
10-19-2013, 05:02 PM
Dell Systems - Omnitron also carries the CE seal. :)
10-20-2013, 12:15 AM
Terra Gold LR 100 & LR 200 are among the few in world that have CE mark (European Conformity).
The CE marking assures us that the operation of a Terra Gold does not damage our health, our safety and our environment.
If the Terra Gold LRLs are marked with the symbol you've shown here, as evidence that they meet the requirements of the applicable EC directives, then they are incorrectly marked. This symbol stands for China Export.
The correct CE mark is based on two interlocking circles, as shown in the attached figure.
10-20-2013, 12:18 AM
Dell Systems - Omnitron also carries the CE seal. :)
It is also incorrect to call it a "seal". The CE mark is not a seal of approval, but a declaration by the manufacturer that the product conforms to the applicable European Directives.
Yesterday members from a Greek forum we had a meeting.
We went to try some detectors, lrls and dowsing systems.
One member had with it a Terra Gold so we tried it.
I don't like it.....
It did not give me the ensure that it will find hidden objects. I believe that a "good" lrod will be better than the 2 antennas from UHF mobile who has the Terra gold.
It is my opinion... maybe i am mistake... :(
Qiaozhi we laughed with your joke for CE.
But why are you so much evil?
Geo it may be small with no fancy shapes or laser and gps, but that does not mean it does not work. Many operators of Terra Gold have found gold coins or caves.
Ntino, calm.
You know that i know very well what i write....
10-20-2013, 09:52 PM
Qiaozhi we laughed with your joke for CE.
But why are you so much evil?
You can actually get in trouble for displaying the incorrect CE mark.
It was not a joke.
Terra Gold have and FCC mark - USA Federal Communications Commission.
Dell Winders
12-20-2013, 09:01 PM
Of course, Dell. It's called "sleight of hand". Either that, or reporting a third hand fiction that never even happened.
You just explained why a balanced L-rod doesn't work-- insufficient field strength. You need that gravitational field to be able to point the sucker, and if you cancel the influence of that field on the rod by counterbalancing it, ya ain't got squat unless you magnetize the rod, in which case you have a magnetic compass that actually does respond to a field.
Everyone knows why there are ZERO counterbalanced L-rods on the market-- it's because everyone knows the damn things won't work! Anybody who thought maybe it would work and gave it a try found out the hard way that it doesn't work, and you have given a description (whether an actual or merely fictional event) of such a learning experience. Despite decades of creativity on the part of experimenters, there are ZERO counterbalanced L-rods on the market. It's because they don't work.
Remember, your salespitch in this thread is that a standalone swiveller LRL is step backwards, and I agree with you. Your salespitch is your separate "transmitter", which is supposed to work ........ with........ NON-counterbalanced L-rods, no surprise there after all!
Dell, it's not smart of you to be defending a counterbalanced L-rod that you neither sell, nor (wisely) have any intention of selling. Think business, man! Pitch the separate transmitter!
--Dave J.
Dave, your absurdity is blowing a stink out of your mouth that would more appropriately be coming from the other end.
It is not a defense of a balanced rod, just a proven fact. It's not a practical use of the L-Rods to try to balance them. It's too easy for the rods to move just from the slight movement of the hand and over react. The correct usage of the L-rods is to angle the tips of the rods at least 15* or more toward the ground and employ the force of gravity to maintain the Rods stability. Many people can point the ends of the rods just in front of their toes and still get a good reaction with the rods with barely any movement of the hands, wrists, or arms. With the Rods angled downward you can clearly see how much twisting of the wrists it takes to physically force the rods to cross over a Magnetic field.
Apparently you have Not experimented with this, or you would know that what I say is true. It also provides a quick way to determine the strength of the magnetic field, and determine the amount of interference when it is present. Measurement to determine if the SOF and whether the Rods will react. or not. can also be done electronically with a Tri Field Meter, but why spend the money?
I don't know how you can truthfully explain away the fact that operators using the souped up, non swivel handle Dellrod, can accurately FEEL the rod lock on the target, and closely determine the target location while Blindfolded.
Grow up, and Stop listening to Toto, an idiotic, know nothing dog. Dell
Dell Winders
12-20-2013, 09:20 PM
It is also incorrect to call it a "seal". The CE mark is not a seal of approval, but a declaration by the manufacturer that the product conforms to the applicable European Directives.
Qiaozhi, looked it up, and that is correct. The CE, or FCC mark is not a badge of honor. It merely means that the electronics in the device does not emit an EM field strong enough to be harmful to people, or the environment and meets the requirements for import to that country. Warning labels are not required.
It has nothing to do with the device works as intended, or not. Dell
We have spend money for CE & FCC, because Terra Gold LR models are working perfectly.
Even it found on your eyes, a can with gold coins, you would still skeptic. You do not have to answer, every time I write something. We know your opinion.
Dell Winders
12-20-2013, 11:06 PM
Xmen, I am not sure if you are replying to my post. I have been field testing & using all types of LRL since 1980 and I am very familiar with the way they work, and also their limitations. for three years since 1987, I was the ONLY target of the illogic rantings of the so called Skeptics, or When Educated Idiots Speak (WEIS) Their ranks have been reduced to only 4 or 5 hard core non learners. Not to be concerned, their rants are no longer of any significance.
Yes, I understand. I also had to fill out the forms and receive approval to export my products. The biggest cost was a license for the Bar Code.
Meaning no offense, I'm just telling it like it is. Dell
09-02-2014, 01:42 PM
hi.. xman I am Mahinda . I watched lr 200 gold detector videos its nice one
can you send me this circuit diagrams or same one. if send. . .
you are my goa.(
htank you
reza vir
09-02-2014, 04:58 PM
Hey companies that sell these devices only
If the circuit to be someone who can no longer sell their business
If you have purchased these devices are open, they can not be used in any location you do not
Buyers always have great difficulty in operating performance with these devices because these devices have different requirements are not uniform and metals buried in...
Hi Mahinda.
Circuit diagrams are belonging to Terra Gold and protected by the laws.
Hi reza vir.
I don't know about other LR devices, but Terra Gold LR 100/200 have no different requirements and they used in any location worldwide.
09-02-2014, 10:43 PM
09-03-2014, 03:04 AM
avanturis, i cant take serious these tries, only what the man put a veil in he eyes
avanturis yo no puedo tomar en serio esas pruebas, solamente que el hombre se le taparan sus ojos con un velo, y que nadie hable, ya que por la forma de hablar le podria dar indicaciones en que direccion inclinara las antenas :9
09-03-2014, 04:19 PM
Question for Xmen:
Are your LR devices will find gold who stands for many years in the country?
Hi Avanturis.
Yes, they find gold.
Yes, they find gold.
In naive buyers pocket, at least.
Hi WM6.
You speak generally, without evidence and without ever you had used the LR 200. Μaybe you speak like that because you have bad experience from other LRLs.
I have statistics of my clients - Terra Gold users - who they have used it in areas with minerals.
reza vir
09-06-2014, 05:49 PM
Hi Mahinda.
Circuit diagrams are belonging to Terra Gold and protected by the laws.
Hi reza vir.
I don't know about other LR devices, but Terra Gold LR 100/200 have no different requirements and they used in any location worldwide.
this is copy device from
09-06-2014, 09:28 PM
this is copy device from
Yes, I agree. :lol:
The device in the video is a dowsing rod in disguise. :razz:
09-17-2014, 07:32 PM
Hi XMEN , How works Terra Gold (Tx+Tx or Tx+Rx).
Best Regards.
Hi humhum
I will not write details.
LR 200 looking to find the metal or cavity who selected by the operator.
Once LR 200 "catch" the target, then it moves and it "locks" towards the target.
reza vir
09-18-2014, 08:03 PM
Did someone from inside the box was photographed :D
It seems that this device is a transmitter vlf? :nerd:
01-13-2015, 09:34 PM
So... science is so little!!!!
NOT Science but sciantests ...
01-14-2015, 01:56 AM
jijiji those dowsers they think us are crazy
01-17-2015, 06:45 AM
I have more than 30 years experience in the field use of both Dowsing & LRL of all description and a co-creator of MFD & HID locating.
The body motion of the operator in the video clearly shows he is manually influencing the direction the LR-200 points to. In my view He is mentally and physically overriding any influence the electronics might have rendering them useless. This is an inherent problem in using a swivel handle LRL that requires a stable balancing act to operate and why I don't recommend it. Dell
I have noticed the swevilng that stimulates movment of the terra 200 in most vedios that make me hasetate of getting one even-though it looks good
01-17-2015, 08:29 PM
X-Man I can notice the prompt action of the Gladiator
with the steady hand of the operator in many vedios .
which I don't see it clearly with your demonstration
maybe the Terra 200 works the same but you need a beater demonstration
those two are my choice but I relay get the one which Iam convinced more off
Hello everyone.
The issue is the Terra Gold works fine. And it proved from Terra Gold operators who have have found gold or silver targets.
The science behind electronic detection from distance, it not known widely.
There are many skeptics and naysayers, who think that it is a trick, because they could not believe that it works, since they don't know how it works.
Research and the development of a Terra Gold detector done for several months. The results of research are protected by the law.
Every time when someone analyzing a circuit, we see to circulate counterfeit copies.
To compare an excellent long range detector, like Terra Gold, with a low-quality or no name LR is not right. It's like comparing a car with a bicycle.
Believe it or not, it works very well. It's not magic, it is a technological marvel.
01-18-2015, 03:13 PM
I know what you are saying. This forum is run by skeptics and about half the posters are just one or two skeptics with multiple alias. You can always tell when half the posters stop posting--it's one guy gone from his computer. Then there are greedy, jealous people who want to steal your work. Just waiting like vultures. Protection? You have to have money to defend your product in court. The thieves and their lawyers know that better than most.
It's like someone shouting "Hey look, I found some treasure!" Twelve people with lawyers will be trying to take it from you. You spend more money than you got.
That said, I am not a fan of a control box on a swivel handle. Place it on the ground and walk around it with an L-rod to find the line to the target. Yeah, I could build mine on a handle but I do what I know works--not what other people think about me.
01-18-2015, 10:00 PM
Hello everyone.
The issue is the Terra Gold works fine. And it proved from Terra Gold operators who have have found gold or silver targets.
The science behind electronic detection from distance, it not known widely.
There are many skeptics and naysayers, who think that it is a trick, because they could not believe that it works, since they don't know how it works.
Research and the development of a Terra Gold detector done for several months. The results of research are protected by the law.
Every time when someone analyzing a circuit, we see to circulate counterfeit copies.
To compare an excellent long range detector, like Terra Gold, with a low-quality or no name LR is not right. It's like comparing a car with a bicycle.
Believe it or not, it works very well. It's not magic, it is a technological marvel.
Hello X -man,
I didn't say more than the long range locator the Gladiatör GTR-8 has a noticeable prompt actin ,
I never said it is worse or better , I wish The Terra also works fine because I like to have one I like the design and the way is was made also I would like it more with precious stone detection insted of copper or bronze
01-18-2015, 10:10 PM
I know what you are saying. This forum is run by skeptics and about half the posters are just one or two skeptics with multiple alias. You can always tell when half the posters stop posting--it's one guy gone from his computer. Then there are greedy, jealous people who want to steal your work. Just waiting like vultures. Protection? You have to have money to defend your product in court. The thieves and their lawyers know that better than most.
It's like someone shouting "Hey look, I found some treasure!" Twelve people with lawyers will be trying to take it from you. You spend more money than you got.
That said, I am not a fan of a control box on a swivel handle. Place it on the ground and walk around it with an L-rod to find the line to the target. Yeah, I could build mine on a handle but I do what I know works--not what other people think about me.
01-18-2015, 10:12 PM
01-19-2015, 11:54 AM
This is your closed mind. How much is the terra bull? You can buy a frequency generator for $30.
01-20-2015, 08:28 PM
I looked for the frequancy generators found some but how to conect it to an antana and how to choose the right frequancy
need direction on that
01-20-2015, 09:26 PM
go to the LRL page at
01-21-2015, 01:22 PM
I forgot to mention there is much crap to wade through. They used to call that Yellow Journalism. Yellow like urine.
01-22-2015, 08:09 PM
go to the LRL page at
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