View Full Version : Crypton OBMD-2
06-24-2013, 09:49 PM
Here we are.
You need more informations about OBMD-2?
You need a video with NO edit?
Please check the position of the knobs. The crypton's users will observe that the buttons
of the device are in different posotion (depends the country).That means a real LRL machine
must be calibrated in each country differently.
06-24-2013, 10:25 PM
dear andreas, all these you succes derivate of morgan initial lrl impulses, hurra for america! alonso put in hig to america builders, i look what here ring isnt 20 cms deep but 15 jiiji no lie good find mr andreas, what circuit has these? all new ic prototipes are derivate´ s alonso basic, may be your should gave morgan a gift how 1 new crypton unidad, soon the EE should accept builders lrls are winers, conventional md go dissapair, geo earlier also was lrl sceptic jaja
aprecciable andres, yo miro que alli el anillo no esta a 20 cms de profundidad sino a 15, buen hallazgo señor andreas, que circuito tiene ese? seguro derivaciones del de alonso, impulsados por los de morgan
06-25-2013, 03:38 PM
Hi detectorman
Crypton is Andreas design and is not insparied on Morgan PDK.
You can go Crypton site and found the block schematic that shows crypton is a diferent machine.
I own a Crypton, and also i had build a pdk that is still under work, but is working very sensitive, same has Morgan. But now i need to find the correct RX frequency for gold and silver. However, the way is detecting is not the same has Crypton does.
PDK is insparied on Alonso and also Andreas old work. If you look close on the forum, you will find a schematic file from Andreas that is the inspiration for pdk builders. I think the picture that i attach here is from Morgan first tries of pdk base. Look at the botom of the page that shows the file was extracted from disk E: of Andreas files.
Best regards
dear andreas, all these you succes derivate of morgan initial lrl impulses, hurra for america! alonso put in hig to america builders, i look what here ring isnt 20 cms deep but 15 jiiji no lie good find mr andreas, what circuit has these? all new ic prototipes are derivate´ s alonso basic, may be your should gave morgan a gift how 1 new crypton unidad, soon the EE should accept builders lrls are winers, conventional md go dissapair, geo earlier also was lrl sceptic jaja
aprecciable andres, yo miro que alli el anillo no esta a 20 cms de profundidad sino a 15, buen hallazgo señor andreas, que circuito tiene ese? seguro derivaciones del de alonso, impulsados por los de morgan
06-26-2013, 11:08 AM
congratulation andreas from the video obmd-2 work very well :)
06-26-2013, 01:13 PM
A new and very interesting video for you
06-26-2013, 02:16 PM
Hi detectorman
Crypton is Andreas design and is not insparied on Morgan PDK.
You can go Crypton site and found the block schematic that shows crypton is a diferent machine.
I own a Crypton, and also i had build a pdk that is still under work, but is working very sensitive, same has Morgan. But now i need to find the correct RX frequency for gold and silver. However, the way is detecting is not the same has Crypton does.
PDK is insparied on Alonso and also Andreas old work. If you look close on the forum, you will find a schematic file from Andreas that is the inspiration for pdk builders. I think the picture that i attach here is from Morgan first tries of pdk base. Look at the botom of the page that shows the file was extracted from disk E: of Andreas files.
Best regards
Hello Nelson
Keep in mind,you and others,that i not take secret info about PDK to Andreas,i use his schematic that not work as LRL,and after many of MY modifications is working as LRL.
The complete story about this picture (PDK-1 prototype) is here somewere in the Forum threads,not remember where.
Why i use this schematic? becouse is very simple design,and deserve some time to try modifications,in the way to put it to work,and finaly it is workig for gold and silver prospections.
06-26-2013, 09:27 PM
andreas,begin,studies,and,tries,and,he,own,prototi pes,also,build,work,s,after,see,the,pdk,
yo,recuerdo,bien,que,andreas,no,creia,en,los,lrls, y,que,empezo,a,creer,despues,de,ver,los,
exitos,de,pruebas,de,la,pd,pero,el,implemento,sus, propias,ideas,y,modernizo,las,bases,de
los,principios,de,funcionamiento,del,pd,andreas,es ,buen,investigador,y,sabe,como,expandir,l
los,circuitos,andreas,empezo,su,negocio,arrancando ,desde,las,demostraciones,de,la,pd
de,alonso,o,sino,digame,cuando,antes,andreas,const ruyo,un,lrl,?,ni,creia,mucho,en,ellos,al,igual
que,geo,eran,mas,bien,escepticos,o,ya,no,se,acuerd an?
06-26-2013, 09:31 PM
the,first,lrl,working,in,europe,cloned,in,portugal ,by,morgan,was,the,alonso,pd,of,america
06-26-2013, 09:34 PM
no,exist,in,pAST,youtube,lrls,succes,shows,anterio rs,at,pd,exit
06-27-2013, 06:52 PM
the same old story over and over again:
persons are blaming and intruiging other persons instead of creating scientifical proven work ...
don't you ever learn - first create something real working that is of real use for others and not just a waste of 1000s of bucks and only after this you will have a right or law-status to protect your inventions.
if you are suggesting here that you would have a real working device but you can't prove it and other people lose alot of money for your "fantasy-products" you are just a criminal - betraying yourself (selfdelusion) or intentionally betraying others doesn't matter in that case!
If that original Alonso LRL really would have been working it would have been a huge success worldwide but it wasn't!
Not even the Mineoro stuff 20 years later works! This is proof enough!
So what do you want here, fight over a notworking schematic?
You may detect some EM-field (mainly earth-magnetical) anomalies with your - electronical seen extremly simple - receiver circuits but for shure you don't detect some hyper-secret gold and silver resonance frequency etc. mystical crap!
So the question is for what you are using this platform here at all?
Making promotion (or achieve business contacts even by PM after you made treasure-hunters wild and hot with your claims) to sell your doubtful inventions or - what would be much more meaningful - find out first on what kind of basis or principle any LRL-detection at all could work.
Because of being so extremly focused to be the owner of the hyper-genious LRL-circuit-rights you totally miss the solid basis of proven physical work.
btw. usually a non-directional energy source fades away by the square root of the distance - if the energy-level of a source at 4 meters distance has the value 4, then the same source if 8 m away has only the energy of value 1 (super-simplified explained). Thats the reason why usual MDs even with 1m coil have a hard job to detect stuff that is more than 5 meters away.
Tim Williams
09-06-2013, 02:57 PM
I purchased a crypton obmd-2 in hopes of selling here in the USA. I have been building and testing, studying LRL systems sinse 1985. I have located many small gold and silver unknown targets with my system. I've been watching this forum off and on about PDK type detectors.
Some people claim to have working PDK type detectors. I don't know if they do or not. I needed a unit to help pin point large targets. I received very good reports on the crypton detectors locating gold in Mexico. One of my best friends has one there.
I'm now testing the unit and have very good results. The unit claims to locate gold, silver and brass/copper in that order. I have located in testing small brass and have no doubt it will locate gold and silver also. I have one large signal in my yard I tracked from 75yards. I'm using that signal to learn adjustment of the unit. It may be a reflection because I live on the water and water may cause this. The small brass/copper pieces I found I tracked from around 5-6 meters.
I will have a page up on my site soon on the crypton. I will have video on the large target with the large signal. As I locate good targets I will add on my site.
Andreas is very helpful and has from my test a real all electronic long range locator that detects long time anomaly that forms over time on gold, silver and brass/copper. The crypton takes the human factor out from using rods and ideomotor.
I look forward to doing business with crypton. If anyone wants info on the crypton units please contact me.
09-06-2013, 04:14 PM
Hi Tim
My lrl has max sensitivity in east/west direction, the crypton has the same behavior?
Best Regards
Tim Williams
09-06-2013, 04:28 PM
Not that I can see. I have mapped the large test anomaly. I will post pic here in time.
I can approach good repeatable anomaly signal from all directions. I have not noticed N/S or E/W line detection.
This may because you can calibrate the unit for your area.
09-06-2013, 05:03 PM
Hi Tim
I am referring to a lrl designed by me, not to crypton. The only regulation is to set the gain for no compass/sky effect. My lrl is a passive receiver with a telescopic antenna. I'm glad that the crypton works well and this is a further confirmation that the phenomenon exists.
Best Regards
Tim Williams
09-06-2013, 05:09 PM
Yes I agree. As I go more places to test the unit I will know more. So far it looks very promising.
09-06-2013, 05:30 PM
Hi Tim
I also own an obmd-2 from Andreas and my test were very limited because the sites i visited did not have some treasure history.
I also picked up a small copper wire from about 2 meters, that was buried on a local park. More test will have to come and i will like to share it with you and also with Andreas
Andreas had made a fantastic LRL . Indeed i hope this weekend not to have rain to go out for some field test.
Crypton is very sensitive that not allow you to do a good prospection on the city. This means that all your search must be done away from any electromagnetic sources, even your cel phone must be turned off.
Your reports about weather conditions, kind of fields searched and metals detected, will be apreciated
I know you are a serius and profesional person like Andreas too and i must admit i was waiting for reports from people like you. I also own an arc geo logger, that show me your profesional knolegments.
If you want to discuss and share more about crypton, my email is
Best regards
I purchased a crypton obmd-2 in hopes of selling here in the USA. I have been building and testing, studying LRL systems sinse 1985. I have located many small gold and silver unknown targets with my system. I've been watching this forum off and on about PDK type detectors.
Some people claim to have working PDK type detectors. I don't know if they do or not. I needed a unit to help pin point large targets. I received very good reports on the crypton detectors locating gold in Mexico. One of my best friends has one there.
I'm now testing the unit and have very good results. The unit claims to locate gold, silver and brass/copper in that order. I have located in testing small brass and have no doubt it will locate gold and silver also. I have one large signal in my yard I tracked from 75yards. I'm using that signal to learn adjustment of the unit. It may be a reflection because I live on the water and water may cause this. The small brass/copper pieces I found I tracked from around 5-6 meters.
I will have a page up on my site soon on the crypton. I will have video on the large target with the large signal. As I locate good targets I will add on my site.
Andreas is very helpful and has from my test a real all electronic long range locator that detects long time anomaly that forms over time on gold, silver and brass/copper. The crypton takes the human factor out from using rods and ideomotor.
I look forward to doing business with crypton. If anyone wants info on the crypton units please contact me.
09-06-2013, 05:36 PM
My test also shows no N/S or E/W line detection.
I also forgot to tell you and Andreas that a month ago or so, i went to a field located close to the coast of Chile and i found from 5 meters a case from a bullet, buried about 4 centimeters
Not that I can see. I have mapped the large test anomaly. I will post pic here in time.
I can approach good repeatable anomaly signal from all directions. I have not noticed N/S or E/W line detection.
This may because you can calibrate the unit for your area.
09-06-2013, 09:06 PM
Hi all
I just saw the posts about my new unit crypton OBMD-2
I waited long for there to be confirmation that my device is real and not "Trick or false '
I wait (only holders of my units) to post actual results, this is the best test for me.
I also want to announce that last week we had major offensive by professionals hackers on our site. We have made "general format" all files and new programming. Unfortunately the robotic detection by google has locked us for as long as necessary for confirmation 'clean site "
But if you want to visit our website, you can do so via internet exploler. Be sure there is no problem. You can also (for Europe) to contact me via @
Soon I believe that we will have the free use by google
best regards
Tim Williams
09-06-2013, 10:28 PM
I will be going on a number of trips and will use the Crypton for sure.
Always keep data on your detections. In time it will show you good information. Don't be in a hurry to dig it up.
09-06-2013, 11:57 PM
I will be going on a number of trips and will use the Crypton for sure.
Always keep data on your detections. In time it will show you good information. Don't be in a hurry to dig it up.
well,nice to hear that the Crypton works as LRL in the U S A,thats good news. I think this is the new model CR-2 with optional knob to change frequencies,this is a good ideia,and easy to adapt same option in PDKs,becouse there are a few countries where the PHENOMENON is more dificult to locate,and by changing the freq. make more easy to locate the gold.
Good luck with the Crypton busines.
09-07-2013, 02:18 AM
Congratulations Andreas and yes it look that finally Crypton will show everybody that really works has promess.
In my case i have no doubs that it does the job. It`s just a matter of time and to find good places to search and of course time free for me to go outside. This month i will have a free week for going outside for treasure hunting, so i will work like Tim Williams said, with pacience and taking notes of everything.
Hi all
I just saw the posts about my new unit crypton OBMD-2
I waited long for there to be confirmation that my device is real and not "Trick or false '
I wait (only holders of my units) to post actual results, this is the best test for me.
I also want to announce that last week we had major offensive by professionals hackers on our site. We have made "general format" all files and new programming. Unfortunately the robotic detection by google has locked us for as long as necessary for confirmation 'clean site "
But if you want to visit our website, you can do so via internet exploler. Be sure there is no problem. You can also (for Europe) to contact me via @
Soon I believe that we will have the free use by google
best regards
Incurable dreamers.
Or: "What you deserve - is what you get".
Here we are.
You need more informations about OBMD-2?
You need a video with NO edit?
Please check the position of the knobs. The crypton's users will observe that the buttons
of the device are in different posotion (depends the country).That means a real LRL machine
must be calibrated in each country differently.
Position of knob is not important, video is not important, country calibrating is not important ....
The only important question is: "What is your return policy?"
Do you offer to buyers return possibility and money refund, if it turn out, that your "Crypton" is one more non-working crap (as in fact is)?
Or you are working on all fraudsters principle: "Take money from naive sheep's and run away!"?
09-07-2013, 03:08 PM
Congratulations Andreas and yes it look that finally Crypton will show everybody that really works has promess.
In my case i have no doubs that it does the job. It`s just a matter of time and to find good places to search and of course time free for me to go outside. This month i will have a free week for going outside for treasure hunting, so i will work like Tim Williams said, with pacience and taking notes of everything.
I still waiting for a real field test with CRYPTON-2 ,not the test made by Andreas in his fruit yard, but a test made by a serious TH, lets say robalocarapanda,he post that already found a few silver targets and a gold plated object using the PDK-2.1, i believe he say the true, and i know he have the CRYPTON-2 in his LRL colection, I HOPE HE PUT THE FIELD TEST AND RESULTS OF CR-2 HERE IN THE FORUM,as i consider his opinion very IMPORTANT,becouse is very serious person.
09-07-2013, 10:35 PM
....not the test made by Andreas in his fruit yard, but a test made by a serious ....
What do yοu mean i am not serious;
Please observe your words
If you beleive i am not serious, i think you send me license, produce your PDK with same PCB, same results, but better design with full mods.
If you need this, i can start production next week and send some samples-free for your "user PDK-customers" for testing
I told you in an earlier post .... sometimes politeness are virtues. As all members can see, never I mentioned, positively or negatively with posts on your threads. Politeness!!!!!! if you don't know this word, i can just congratulate you
09-08-2013, 12:10 AM
What do yοu mean i am not serious;
Please observe your words
If you beleive i am not serious, i think you send me license, produce your PDK with same PCB, same results, but better design with full mods.
If you need this, i can start production next week and send some samples-free for your "user PDK-customers" for testing
I told you in an earlier post .... sometimes politeness are virtues. As all members can see, never I mentioned, positively or negatively with posts on your threads. Politeness!!!!!! if you don't know this word, i can just congratulate you
Andreas,you are some kind of explosive person,you understand me wrong again, what i mean is that all the videos made by any LRL producer not count for a serious avaluation of the LRL device,so,it needs real FIELD TEST and the results , by SERIOUS THs,are you a TH ? if yes,sorry, i didnt know about that.
About the PDK-2.1, i told many times,its not a big LRL production ,its hand made,only a few PDKs was made.
09-08-2013, 03:56 AM
I just can said that more proofs will come soon.
I m just a modest hobbist and threasure hunter too. My time is very limited to go outside to perform real test aways from the contaminated city. Also you must know that in my case i m not close to places with know treasures, so this realy limits my desire to go to a good field.
I think Tim Williams will tell more because he is a good and professional person.
My OBDM-2 had found just a piece of cable copper on the city and also an amunition case about 5 centimeters down. I know this are not treasures, but i just can said that the way Crypton detected realy convince my self.
My pdk version also detected some stuff, but is short in distance if you compared it with crypton. The point is that works and sensitivity can be increase. Crypton is much much sensitive. Rocalaba from Mexico did some good test too, but know he is not responding any emails. May be he found a big treasure.
I also know that to bealive that Crypton and others LRL works has promess, a good video is a clue, but even if we can see a good video, you will never bealive in that video and you know why? Because videos can be hack to show what ever the video whats you to see.
May be when someone that can detect a big treasure with an LRL and this notice get over the media, we will said, ohhh it was tru that this LRL detects big treasures. But is also know that if a treasure is detected, this will never be post. Remember in some countries is illegal to find and own a treasure, others gives you just a small amount of the fortune you find.
So may be there are some succes on big treasures found, but the owner to eversdrop problems keep it in silence. JUst remember that on an old post here on the forum, a guy from Phillipines if i remember well posted a big bar of gold from the world war two. After that he desapears from here.
So before start doubing about LRL, we must wait a little more time to see results (pacience)
I still waiting for a real field test with CRYPTON-2 ,not the test made by Andreas in his fruit yard, but a test made by a serious TH, lets say robalocarapanda,he post that already found a few silver targets and a gold plated object using the PDK-2.1, i believe he say the true, and i know he have the CRYPTON-2 in his LRL colection, I HOPE HE PUT THE FIELD TEST AND RESULTS OF CR-2 HERE IN THE FORUM,as i consider his opinion very IMPORTANT,becouse is very serious person.
09-08-2013, 02:18 PM
Perhaps it would be a good idea to write some "walkthrough" for the Crypton first.
How does the detection really works under usual conditions:
Some explanation like:
After walking to the hunting site which is far enough away from strong electric field sources like cars, consumer- or high voltage lines, highways, railways, buried signal-cables and other stuff turn the Crypton on and adjust it the described way.
Now how the detection works???
Assuming you get some beeps, go into the direction from where the beeps have the highest signal strengh. Check out how the signal strengh developes while walking. Is is important to make a 360° turn every 5-10meters to readjust the best direction? What happens if the find-location comes near? Does the signal stops? If yes, how large is the diameter of the "no more signal area"?
All such stuff.
If this info is not clear, every find could be a find by pure coincidence, because at many regions every 5meters or even every 50cm something is to find.
Other technical questions:
Does weather or daytime influences the search results?
Disturbs iron-objects at the search location the results?
How do you find the correct frequency?
Does it works at thick woods with tall trees and at beaches and near rivers?
Is it possible to extract a long time ago metal object with a special "soft method" so the "phenomon energy field" will remain undisturbed and works again after reinserting the find?
Otherwise: would it be possible to remove a whole 1m x 1m x 1m of ground which still contains the find, bury this cube intact somewhere else and repeat the LRL detection?
- a list of find-sizes and from what distance those are detectable.
- a list of things you can wear and carry while hunting and what not.
WM6 spoke about a very good thing:
Returning the unit if it doesn't work conditions.
Explaining why only gold, silver, copper, brass, bronze creates this "long time buried" FX (effects) and not aluminium, nickel, steel, lead and other metal.
how can you test at what buried time it doesn't detects yet and after how many years of burying time the detection works "perfect"
I welcome the open philosophy Andreas shows here and I hope we can find a real working basis! Otherwise the acceptance of the Crypton for the treasure-hunting world will be or remain the same critical as it is with OKM Bionic and Mineoro. And we know how "stupid" those already have acted over many years if words about "real tests" have been spoken. "no reply" was their answer, and the answer of the treasure hunters was: better keep your stuff to yourself! This must not happen if Andreas is willing to cooperate the right way and provides us those facts which are needed to recognize the real abilities of the Crypton OBMD.
btw. I can't take the words of Andy Williams here serious!
He wanna profilates himself under the cover of Andreas' all electronic LRL which at least could detect some real existing EM-field anomalies while I highly doubt that Andy William's detectors can do this even at the smallest bit.
I wonder what Carl is thinking if he reads this thread...
perhaps: "will this LRL nonsense never ends?!"
So why not send Carl such a Crypton or are there any doubts that he can handle and test it the right way? I think he will be able for perfectly testing it and will inform us truly about his results!
09-08-2013, 02:19 PM
I just can said that more proofs will come soon.
I m just a modest hobbist and threasure hunter too. My time is very limited to go outside to perform real test aways from the contaminated city. Also you must know that in my case i m not close to places with know treasures, so this realy limits my desire to go to a good field.
I think Tim Williams will tell more because he is a good and professional person.
My OBDM-2 had found just a piece of cable copper on the city and also an amunition case about 5 centimeters down. I know this are not treasures, but i just can said that the way Crypton detected realy convince my self.
My pdk version also detected some stuff, but is short in distance if you compared it with crypton. The point is that works and sensitivity can be increase. Crypton is much much sensitive. Rocalaba from Mexico did some good test too, but know he is not responding any emails. May be he found a big treasure.
I also know that to bealive that Crypton and others LRL works has promess, a good video is a clue, but even if we can see a good video, you will never bealive in that video and you know why? Because videos can be hack to show what ever the video whats you to see.
May be when someone that can detect a big treasure with an LRL and this notice get over the media, we will said, ohhh it was tru that this LRL detects big treasures. But is also know that if a treasure is detected, this will never be post. Remember in some countries is illegal to find and own a treasure, others gives you just a small amount of the fortune you find.
So may be there are some succes on big treasures found, but the owner to eversdrop problems keep it in silence. JUst remember that on an old post here on the forum, a guy from Phillipines if i remember well posted a big bar of gold from the world war two. After that he desapears from here.
So before start doubing about LRL, we must wait a little more time to see results (pacience)
Hello Nelson
of course,your LRL field test results also count a lot for this forum,so not forget to imform us about new finds with PDK and Crypton-2
09-08-2013, 09:27 PM
Hi Funfinder
You know i am low profile and never i publish false infos about my or other circuits.
As i say crypton is not a magic machine or a extreame LRL or something from This machine can detect (for your or other members i say phenomenon). But this is not true. I know very well what i can detect, but ..... sorry this is my secret or better this is 25 years study before i find it. In practice is simple.
If you can study with "open mind" maybe you can find it.
Now about my project. I use a IR sensor. In practice this sensor work same method
as a simple photodiode detect xray. For more infos search "photodiode x-ray detector" Here i don't detect x-ray but other signal via absorption. Now my low frequency circuits can detect this very small absorption signal etc etc
Crypton series is not a machine "only for gold", ofcourse can detect a old buried aluminium or a steel if search area have not metal from Au,Cu, Ag but never detect iron or ground-metals .Ofcourse crypton's has problem with Hi AC cables signals, ofcourse crypton's has problem with snow or water (in this case snow or water are mirror for reflector signal"
But, i am be sure for this.
If other LRL etc work with 1-2%success or luck or ....etc, my units work with success >30%. For me with "today technology" this is enough.
I find a small-baby gold ring (you know my last video). Together i put a video for
you see difference between a scrap signal and a real signal. After my success some designers maybe publish "... my LRL detect GOLD ONLY GOLD bla...bla... bla". I say "i am luck, because my experiments area has a gold ring for a fine video".
A something for final.
A member LRLforum send me message for buy five pockets unit
I sent email and i said "I can not give you poket's, because, in your country don't work properly"
The Member can confirm if he will, this email by me. Personall i have not license for publish this member name.
best regards
09-08-2013, 11:43 PM
brodhy andreas, jaja :) really are good news what your lrl no work here in our countries, we need all buried gold sure, then we no sell any lrl gun prototipes, due us no like here rich people bouhgt kryptons and put invasion in our fields whit efficient lrls how those you is building, ok you sell all you lrls in europe no problem
es buena noticia que sus lrls no funcionen aca mr andreas, no queremos invasion de ricos especuladores falsos detectoristas, comprando esos caros krypton y invadiendo nuestros campos de distraccion, venda alla sus lrls en europa y asia, no hay problema :)
09-09-2013, 12:17 AM
my four personal experimental prototipes finished, also have others 4 in sugery table and 3 normal m.det circuit are disarm, 3 m.d finished working, and my last circuit pd design modification in process, by attemp i no stop
09-09-2013, 06:23 AM
brodhy andreas, jaja really are good news what your lrl no work here in our countries, we need all buried gold sure, then we no sell any lrl gun prototipes, due us no like here rich people bouhgt kryptons and put invasion in our fields whit efficient lrls how those you is building, ok you sell all you lrls in europe no problem
Don't change the meaning my post, because maybe.... that your interest or you are dealer.
Don't try give here spam message, about my units
I write i said "I can not give you poket's, because, in your country don't work properly" You know this country? Why you have opinion and write here for your country-mexico?
I write i said "I can not give you poket's, because, in your country don't work properly" and i mean model pocket. Why you have opinions and you publish here for models OBMD-2?
Detectoman I thought you're the right person. But Ι believed now, your last post is misinformation, because maybe there is discomfort in your plans
I sent email and i said "I can not give you poket's, because, in your country don't work properly"
Great, but (if this even happen) probably there is nothing noble, merely the fear that a scam would not have been discovered by more competent user.
09-09-2013, 11:44 AM
Hi Andreas,
if your detector really works everything is fine and you have the full right to get enough money and protection for your hard earned discoveries and improvements of many hours of investigations etc. but it also must work good enough for real usage.
Its a huge difference if you test it at a well know area where you know approximatly where the finds are or if the detection shall work at unknown terrain.
We must find real working ways to collect enough information including important user information so the treasure-hunter get's a reliable overwiew about the capabilities and the do and don'ts (what can be done and what is possible or not)
Perhaps I can visit you because I plan to have a longer trip to the Balkan countries anyway and if I have tested it personal and found it "useful" you can be shure that I will do my best to inform serious and professional treasure-hunters about this "new detection method". This test is very simple, we drive some km outside of the towns or outskirts of the towns to some random chosen place and we check out there what we can find and how the Crypton reacts.
And Andreas please use this forum here and your good english to inform the persons what they can expect and what not:
Cut down their extremly high hopes and dreams finding treasure chest from 1km distance to a realistic niveau.
Inform us about how the interaction and the discrimination works on a hunting site with alot different kind of metal alloy objects and even trash.
Only very few regions are free of "unwanted finds" and at such places like "lost woods" many times only worthless stuff can be found.
Please Andreas you must see it with the eyes of a treasure-hunter:
How many finds the Crypton can "make" within 3 hours at a place where every 20m is buried something and how much percent of the finds is "waste"?
As I said already if we can find a good working basis you can satisfy the professional treasure-hunters who are willing to pay good money for good detectors.
And the basis of course also consists of exact enough describtions of the abilities and of the usage methods which shall lead to success.
You also should tell us warning rules or precaution notes so the risk to dig 2m deep holes for nothing will be reduces as much as possible. Because if such a detector is LRL it is also a VDL (very deep locator). And the more depth, the more problems while digging, the more work and the much more frustration if it was for nothing.
Of course we all here know that a 2nd usual MD is needed to verify and pinpoint the at long range detected finds so at this information-layer also enough good tips must be provided - in other words- how work the Crypton with an usual MD the best together.
OK, now if the detection sensitivity improvement work is already at a professional enough state, I think it will be no big problem to solve all the info stuff and to achieve real convincing test results and practical real work outputs. Good luck to all of us... :)
09-09-2013, 01:02 PM
Yes Morgan, i will post for shure any new detection with pdk or crypton.
Thanks for you comment
Hello Nelson
of course,your LRL field test results also count a lot for this forum,so not forget to imform us about new finds with PDK and Crypton-2
09-09-2013, 01:17 PM
but it also must work good enough for real usage.
For this is used my clients. Following observations and notes can draw and produce the OBMD-2
Its a huge difference if you test it at a well know area where you know approximatly where the finds are or if the detection shall work at unknown terrain.
Never i use a now area for testing. I use only unknown terrain with unknown buried metals
This test is very simple, we drive some km outside of the towns or outskirts of the towns to some random chosen place and we check out there what we can find and how the Crypton reacts.
This is the best choice for me. Usually i say for new user " If you have a signal via OBMD-2,take your a MD and check with MD pinpoint central . Before open hole use again my unit for learn more method detection with this target"
please use this forum here and your good english to inform the persons what they can expect and what not:
mY english are very poor and i don't like google translation system
Cut down their extremly high hopes and dreams finding treasure chest from 1km distance to a realistic niveau.
I know a dowsing man my country. This man detect a treasure 200km!!!!!!!! distance.....
But never he find a treasure. Sometimes dreams are dreams
Inform us about how the interaction and the discrimination works on a hunting site with alot different kind of metal alloy objects and even trash.
Please see the second video in this thread. Usually trash or metal alloy has a very small pulse beeps. I like work with this "small false signals" and i check only a strong DC beep- signal or 3-4 together beeps.
How many finds the Crypton can "make" within 3 hours at a place where every 20m is buried something and how much percent of the finds is "waste"?
Interest question.
If there buried objects close together, we only have a strong signal. I believe that, in this case of small fields become a great one. If an area has too many ... We quietly. In this case we have a common brand and DEVICE can not "READ" signal difference if you set the gain, can be read every 20 steps a new signal.
Usually small old coins detect by OBMD-2 maximum distance 10 meters. This is fine for us
About waste, with experiments you know " the waste false signal" . this is a very small pulse beep and stop
You also should tell us warning rules or precaution notes so the risk to dig 2m deep holes for nothing will be reduces as much as possible. Because if such a detector is LRL it is also a VDL (very deep locator). And the more depth, the more problems while digging, the more work and the much more frustration if it was for nothing.
Usually i use a MD for open hole maximum detection range my MD. I don't work with treasure papers infos or other infos. I work only with a unknown terain for small results and small dreams. If i am luck later, i don't knw but is my wish
Of course we all here know that a 2nd usual MD is needed to verify and pinpoint the at long range detected finds so at this information-layer also enough good tips must be provided - in other words- how work the Crypton with an usual MD the best together.
Correct!! For first experiments is better use my unit together with a md
And the basis of course also consists of exact enough describtions of the abilities and of the usage methods which shall lead to success.
Tim produce now the best method for detection. I think is better, wait all members the opinions, because he use perfect the English
best regards
09-09-2013, 03:53 PM
I am the person who has contact andreas for purchase of 5 Pocket, but honestly I answered that in my country did not work properly, I think Andreas is an honest and really knows how to operate the LRL.
Andreas suggested that the Krypton-2 is more recommended for my country.
I am convinced that the crypton-2 is a good choice for this type of detection, soon I'll buy one ..
09-09-2013, 04:30 PM
Hi All
Thanks to Andreas who shared with us some secret of crypton. I think he uses the pir sensor as an economic Terhahertz receiver and this band of frequencies was studied by a German physicist in 1940 that snapped photographs of underground water sources with a special film. The waves at Terahertz frequencies have the property of crossing walls and thick layers of Earth also. I also think that the isotope gun of Dr. Armin Bickel was actually a wave detector in the terahertz range.
Best Regards
09-09-2013, 05:50 PM
andrew: initially the rs forum idea was only for study lrls operation based in alonso pd functional project, the r.s forum was initially integrated by hobbist and t.h whit a clear vision of obtain a operable lrl, and make experimentations, no for full the world of operable lrls and put those in sale and hand of people not t.hunters , you isnt a t.h but bussinesman and have others view points on our hobbies, your treasure isnt the prospection sport but bussines and much ready rapid cash, this be bad, in joke i said to you, keep away mexico, we no desire rich false hunter prospectors whit lrl in hands , man rich what can own whit money your lrl, a poor man how the th mexicans no is possible, so i say you in joke, no lrls dealers in mexico, due you how member of r.s semms inadecuate person, we in mexico today have gpr invasion, only rich groups put out the major treasures, a lrl invasion may put the gobernments like to put laws and regularizated for our hobbie, this strict and bad how in spain, then all we be affectad, in mexico the detection sport be today free, i question? who should have the lrl tegnology? the normal people rich no hobbist? here them have the farms whit chains and locks and whit wire around here are the ruins apart, earlier the farms no was privates and has free acces for prospecction, so lrl semms no how a advantage but disvantage for the genuine comun ht poors, you lrls value in 3000 dollars isnt accesible for people poors t.h, due you associate whit companies for sell at stratosferic price your lrls, remember a thing, your knowloadge no came only of your mind only, but of much others distincts man what invest this, no put in hands on all people extreme efficient aparatus at no be true t.h, this be only my opinion, remember to the alchemists no gave a world your major gold proccess, i no sell any detector tipe, you imagine to 1000 funfinder whit a 100 % operable lrl, they how negotiants people semms a put a group of workers whit functionallyes 100 poket andreas in your sceptic hands rastread our field how a pest in lines of body at body no how hobbie how bussines, efficient lrl extreme expansion arruin all our free natural t.h sport, good thing what your stuffs no work in mexico, soon you can look distincts andreas lrl version vie chinnese produccts, or others cloners, best regards :)
09-09-2013, 07:37 PM
andrew: initially the rs forum idea ........ :)
About idea RS forum you are correct. Ofcourse, you know well, never i use or publish infos. But you know well some members RS
Use this forum for commercial production unit (you well know ), published information in other forums (you well know) and these "features cases" not make comments.
And now you are robin hood for your country or ... you are robin hood for RS forum members publish infos or they use infos for commercial promotion.
You know well i build a clone AlonsoPD and work. You know this PD is only for my personal use and you know my promise is promise. Ofcourse everytime you need my help... never i say no.
Sorry for my strong - line for your person, but you know i am right for my opinions
Always friend
Tim Williams
09-09-2013, 08:23 PM
I am the person who has contact andreas for purchase of 5 Pocket, but honestly I answered that in my country did not work properly, I think Andreas is an honest and really knows how to operate the LRL.
Andreas suggested that the Krypton-2 is more recommended for my country.
I am convinced that the crypton-2 is a good choice for this type of detection, soon I'll buy one ..
I have looked at this forum for years to see if there was any truth to the matter of an all electronic locator. I was not allowed into the forum because I'm a seller of my own equipment and thats ok. I feel I could have helped develop unit in some way.
I contacted Andreas because of a story from one of my team in mexico. After emailing Andreas and seeing his post in the forums I fell he was truthful. I am very happy and can say the Crypton is no joke. I have video's ready to post up but waiting till everything is ready.
So far the Crypton is the only unit that I know of that can detect the anomaly of buried metals with out using a rod. Once I start selling the units anyone is welcome to come down and test it. It's has a clean indication and you have no doubt is is detecting an anomaly.
It could be gold, silver, brass or copper. I have already found small brass parts and have no doubt of gold or silver was there it would find it also.
Andreas has worked hard on his units and I have no intention of opening his unit. If he should ask me to help in the future I will.
.... you know my promise is promise. Ofcourse everytime you need my help... never i say no.
Hope you will be the first orthodox LRL-illusionist, that Pope Francis declare a saint.
09-09-2013, 08:56 PM
I have looked at this forum for years to see if there was any truth to the matter of an all electronic locator. I was not allowed into the forum because I'm a seller of my own equipment and thats ok. I feel I could have helped develop unit in some way.
I contacted Andreas because of a story from one of my team in mexico. After emailing Andreas and seeing his post in the forums I fell he was truthful. I am very happy and can say the Crypton is no joke. I have video's ready to post up but waiting till everything is ready.
So far the Crypton is the only unit that I know of that can detect the anomaly of buried metals with out using a rod. Once I start selling the units anyone is welcome to come down and test it. It's has a clean indication and you have no doubt is is detecting an anomaly.
It could be gold, silver, brass or copper. I have already found small brass parts and have no doubt of gold or silver was there it would find it also.
Andreas has worked hard on his units and I have no intention of opening his unit. If he should ask me to help in the future I will.
I bet that all your finds was not more than 20 cm depth........and the detection range was not more than 20 meters........
09-09-2013, 09:29 PM
I am the person who has contact andreas for purchase of 5 Pocket, but honestly I answered that in my country did not work properly, I think Andreas is an honest and really knows how to operate the LRL.
Andreas suggested that the Krypton-2 is more recommended for my country.
I am convinced that the crypton-2 is a good choice for this type of detection, soon I'll buy one ..
Hi Doctor and other people.
At least I’m impatiently waiting for your results report. Although I highly doubt it works like being claimed.:cool: Nelson is the guy who has used it longer than anybody else, but by this time no convincing proof of his claims is presented. every time was asked, he shirked.;) regardless of these, one of my compatriots had prepared one OBMD-2 after a long search, disappointed, so sold it. now hope the fact be reverse. :rolleyes:
Anyway any undeniable proof will be very appreciated.:) Please don't forget to share us.:D
09-09-2013, 10:07 PM
andres: jaja (haha) i´m not the mexico robin hood poor mexican treasure hunter defender, jajaja may be, i m mexican chucho el roto hunter, only say what vary sceptics how funfinder or wm6 or robert or max, etc sceptic people bad E.E , what today spy-critic, geotech looking anybody put a easy lrl by they put out own, or modern rich people go at purchase those functional lrls,, and i look whit jealous what your efficient poket marvel no work here, this is good notice ( joke ) the electronic science isnt easy, this good! and this difficultous point put the difference at t.hobbist favor, what no have money, so i happy, but all this i only say how joke for group, no problem for me what lrl make lower the gold mundial price by lrl finding abundances, the rich hunters whit gpr have a difficult, due they need a soil plane for make prospections whit gprs, we want in ruins whit rocks, but may be soon they can change sistem whit a andreas poket kripton unitis jajaja then they put a air prospection whit lrl coming for air how flys, and all the true hoobist cry when all mexican gold be put out hahaha, no most hobbie for poor mans :) is a joke, but has true, jaja, why major you put your view in europe., caution no sell your marvelous lrl in china or corea taiwan or mexico exist very much E.E cloners
09-10-2013, 05:34 AM
andrew: initially the rs forum idea was only for study lrls operation based in alonso pd functional project, the r.s forum was initially integrated by hobbist and t.h whit a clear vision of obtain a operable lrl, and make experimentations, no for full the world of operable lrls and put those in sale and hand of people not t.hunters , you isnt a t.h but bussinesman and have others view points on our hobbies, your treasure isnt the prospection sport but bussines and much ready rapid cash, this be bad, in joke i said to you, keep away mexico, we no desire rich false hunter prospectors whit lrl in hands , man rich what can own whit money your lrl, a poor man how the th mexicans no is possible, so i say you in joke, no lrls dealers in mexico, due you how member of r.s semms inadecuate person, we in mexico today have gpr invasion, only rich groups put out the major treasures, a lrl invasion may put the gobernments like to put laws and regularizated for our hobbie, this strict and bad how in spain, then all we be affectad, in mexico the detection sport be today free, i question? who should have the lrl tegnology? the normal people rich no hobbist? here them have the farms whit chains and locks and whit wire around here are the ruins apart, earlier the farms no was privates and has free acces for prospecction, so lrl semms no how a advantage but disvantage for the genuine comun ht poors, you lrls value in 3000 dollars isnt accesible for people poors t.h, due you associate whit companies for sell at stratosferic price your lrls, remember a thing, your knowloadge no came only of your mind only, but of much others distincts man what invest this, no put in hands on all people extreme efficient aparatus at no be true t.h, this be only my opinion, remember to the alchemists no gave a world your major gold proccess, i no sell any detector tipe, you imagine to 1000 funfinder whit a 100 % operable lrl, they how negotiants people semms a put a group of workers whit functionallyes 100 poket andreas in your sceptic hands rastread our field how a pest in lines of body at body no how hobbie how bussines, efficient lrl extreme expansion arruin all our free natural t.h sport, good thing what your stuffs no work in mexico, soon you can look distincts andreas lrl version vie chinnese produccts, or others cloners, best regards :)
Sorry detectoman but you're opinion is a bit too critical.
I can't imagine that Andreas will have any motivation or intention to create or clone "super top working Mineoro technology" and the chinese experts start to copy it and the mexican people and treasure hunters who are not so very rich receive big losses from that.
Your ethical view of thing may be correct seen from the whole point of view - of course it is not right if just the rich mexican people are able to going for successful treasure hunt including expensive detectors (and you assume the Crypton is far too expensive for the usual treasure-hunters) - BUT:
please don't forget that first a real working device has to be developed. And so far concerning Mineoro and OKM we have big problems with real working devices.
Now if Andreas could improve such special "detection-method" up to a real useful level it will be a benefit for everyone.
Of course this has to be tested first and at different countries otherwise we have the same trouble as it is with Mineoro which doesn't work in Europe or the PDK-2 which doesn't work in North-Eastern Europe etc. Andreas is fair enough to tell interested buyers if the Crypton OBMD works in their country or not.
And sorry but seen from the cultural level Greece and Turkey and the middle of Europe and also the arabic countries and England with the celtic tradition is based on a much more profound philosophy and therefore also technology to create realistic and professional products than Brazil! Shure, they may have reached a very high status meanwhile, too, but "award labels" like "Made In Germany" etc. don't come out of nothing. There are engineers who work on a different level compared with "jungle style" South America. ;) :D
And you know I love the mexican mentality and party and hot time etc. but the extremly high crime there is a product of "not working ethical philosphy" - Mexico still is like the American wild west but much worse in large cities where 100s of young people kill theirselves every day! So seen from a cultural and technical level you must admit that Europe technically seen made the most inventions and is competent enough for real needed new ideas and improvements. It's no wonder that some of the best MDs come from Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, France and England! Greece is very close to Turkey and Bulgaria and of course has a huge potential in philosophy and technological understanding, so it would be a good base for real working LRL design. And even Australia was a colony of Great Britain so the Minelab's technical knowledge was imported and it is not from the Aborigines. ;) :D
detectoman, why don't you wait and see if the Crypton really already is technical far enough perfectionated and afterwards you decide if the price and the product is OK?
If we would be happy with the work of Mineoro no one would ever have thought to built something better and improved.
Mineoro has failed and alot people lost huge amounts of money like Morgan and we can't accept such problem making companies. If they don't work at least somehow good enough for the real treasure-hunting technical needs we have to improve this stuff on our own up to a useful working level.
And we must be glad that persons like Morgan and Andreas exists with a huge interest in this field of special detection technology otherwise in 20 years we still would be fooled by (almost) notworking stuff as Mineoro and OKM provides.
detectoman, compare it with a political idealogy:
If it fails, something better has to be found.
Perhaps this also would be a good tip for the mexican politics and leaders to get a better life for all people living there and not just for the criminals until they got killed or the rich people who often just also got rich by "doubtful" activities.
Anyway, we need real working products, this is a technical forum and all kind of real working improvements is highly welcome.
And it would be good if you detectoman also could start to contribute real useful technical info so the improvement process can work much faster. Thanks.
09-10-2013, 02:13 PM
Your field test will be welcome, cause this is the only way to show what Crypton can do.
In my case i also have no doubs that it work.
Has you know Andreas has place on Crypton and adjustment control that allows you to set up the unit to your needs, depending the place and country you are located on and may be this is the point were i have to learn more about, to get the maximun of my OBDM-2.
My test are very limited cause i had not much time to go out of the city to test it. But soon i will go out to diferent places.
However Crypton found two targets that are not treasures, but enough to convince me that it works. The first target was a pice of copper cable, about 1.5 meters of distance and buriend 4 centimeters down. The second one was an ammunition shell, 5 metes away and 2 to 3 centimeters down.
Unfortunally i did not carry my video cam, because i lived away any electronic device that can produce electromagnetic interference. Indeed when i have my cel phone turned on, Crypton detect his signal. So no electronic devices must be close to Crypton.
I also tested Crypton inside my house where a copper water pipe run under the concrete floor. Crypton detected very sharp and strong. (I posted a video with this test on youtube). Later i found that this detection could be a copper detection or an induced electromagnetic field comming from the electricity tower located very cose to my house, that goes by the pipes tubes.
The IR of Crypton also works fine. I had mede a simple test pointing my TV remote control to it, and Crypton beeps inmediatly.
For me, Crypton show me is a very powerfull machine, that only need to be tested on the righ place and not on the city has i had made.
Credits are to Andreas for developing i fantastic equipment that soon i know will have more proofs, because Andreas has worked hard and without to much publicity.
Finally a question to you and Andreas, when we work with Crypton on the filed, does a digital camera affect his performace like the cell phones does?
I have looked at this forum for years to see if there was any truth to the matter of an all electronic locator. I was not allowed into the forum because I'm a seller of my own equipment and thats ok. I feel I could have helped develop unit in some way.
I contacted Andreas because of a story from one of my team in mexico. After emailing Andreas and seeing his post in the forums I fell he was truthful. I am very happy and can say the Crypton is no joke. I have video's ready to post up but waiting till everything is ready.
So far the Crypton is the only unit that I know of that can detect the anomaly of buried metals with out using a rod. Once I start selling the units anyone is welcome to come down and test it. It's has a clean indication and you have no doubt is is detecting an anomaly.
It could be gold, silver, brass or copper. I have already found small brass parts and have no doubt of gold or silver was there it would find it also.
Andreas has worked hard on his units and I have no intention of opening his unit. If he should ask me to help in the future I will.
Tim Williams
09-10-2013, 03:43 PM
Why would you say that? Do you have a crypton?
Tim Williams
09-10-2013, 03:50 PM
Yes the unit will respond to a EMF field from a wall transformer or power source. But that is only inside a house. I have 3 videos I will release when the page goes online. One is of a very strong anomaly detected from 38 yards away. I had to lower the gain by 4 points when I got near so the unit response could be controlled.
09-10-2013, 04:57 PM
but it also must work good enough for real usage.
For this is used my clients. Following observations and notes can draw and produce the OBMD-2
Its a huge difference if you test it at a well know area where you know approximatly where the finds are or if the detection shall work at unknown terrain.
Never i use a now area for testing. I use only unknown terrain with unknown buried metals
This test is very simple, we drive some km outside of the towns or outskirts of the towns to some random chosen place and we check out there what we can find and how the Crypton reacts.
This is the best choice for me. Usually i say for new user " If you have a signal via OBMD-2,take your a MD and check with MD pinpoint central . Before open hole use again my unit for learn more method detection with this target"
please use this forum here and your good english to inform the persons what they can expect and what not:
mY english are very poor and i don't like google translation system
Cut down their extremly high hopes and dreams finding treasure chest from 1km distance to a realistic niveau.
I know a dowsing man my country. This man detect a treasure 200km!!!!!!!! distance.....
But never he find a treasure. Sometimes dreams are dreams
Inform us about how the interaction and the discrimination works on a hunting site with alot different kind of metal alloy objects and even trash.
Please see the second video in this thread. Usually trash or metal alloy has a very small pulse beeps. I like work with this "small false signals" and i check only a strong DC beep- signal or 3-4 together beeps.
How many finds the Crypton can "make" within 3 hours at a place where every 20m is buried something and how much percent of the finds is "waste"?
Interest question.
If there buried objects close together, we only have a strong signal. I believe that, in this case of small fields become a great one. If an area has too many ... We quietly. In this case we have a common brand and DEVICE can not "READ" signal difference if you set the gain, can be read every 20 steps a new signal.
Usually small old coins detect by OBMD-2 maximum distance 10 meters. This is fine for us
About waste, with experiments you know " the waste false signal" . this is a very small pulse beep and stop
You also should tell us warning rules or precaution notes so the risk to dig 2m deep holes for nothing will be reduces as much as possible. Because if such a detector is LRL it is also a VDL (very deep locator). And the more depth, the more problems while digging, the more work and the much more frustration if it was for nothing.
Usually i use a MD for open hole maximum detection range my MD. I don't work with treasure papers infos or other infos. I work only with a unknown terain for small results and small dreams. If i am luck later, i don't knw but is my wish
Of course we all here know that a 2nd usual MD is needed to verify and pinpoint the at long range detected finds so at this information-layer also enough good tips must be provided - in other words- how work the Crypton with an usual MD the best together.
Correct!! For first experiments is better use my unit together with a md
And the basis of course also consists of exact enough describtions of the abilities and of the usage methods which shall lead to success.
Tim produce now the best method for detection. I think is better, wait all members the opinions, because he use perfect the English
best regards
Hi Andreas,
and thanx for your good answer. :)
> (but it also must work good enough for real usage.) For this is used my clients. Following observations and notes can draw and produce the OBMD-2
OK, for me this is no problem but you know we need some "real working standards" and not all people can "check" how a device works just by trying a bit around like technical experts can.
It would be very good if you could define some minimal to maximal standards or better "conditions" under what circumstances (or at what sites and countries) the device will work anyway.
See it the way if you look to your own detection experiences... other persons at least must be able to reproduce your own personal successful results.
> If you have a signal via OBMD-2,take your a MD and check with MD pinpoint central .
Absolutly the best method.
> mY english are very poor
No, really not, your english is pretty well and OK. You can explain everything and by the way there exists a "technical english" and a "conversational english". It depends on the field of interests of what kind of vocables and words someone has a better "database".
> I like work with this "small false signals" and i check only a strong DC beep- signal or 3-4 together beeps.
Yeah, it has alot to do with different sites - the main deal will be to get at a good site at all and if there is not every few meters something and if the person has some kind of "treasure hints and directions" the Crypton can lead 'em to the right spot and then he can start the "fine works" with a good and deep metal detector.
btw. i think your opinion is perfect to check the Crypton find signal afterwards directly with an usual MD to prevent digging too deep holes.
Some finds of course are deeper but you need real serious info about it so you don't waste your time to dig extreme deep holes just for nothing.
Interest question.
If there buried objects close together, we only have a strong signal. I believe that, in this case of small fields become a great one. If an area has too many ... We quietly. In this case we have a common brand and DEVICE can not "READ" signal difference if you set the gain, can be read every 20 steps a new signal.
OK, this can be good or not. At regions with very few finds it is good if the Crypton leads the hunter to a spot with "energetic signals".
But many times the good finds are at hot spots with a size of 100 x 100 meters full of finds !!! Here the Crypton would melt all those little signals into one huge and this could be very confusing or leads to using only the usual MD.
> Tim produce now the best method for detection.
Tim may be a true and good person but his swivel or even dowsing devices will mess up your whole reputation of real all-electronic LRL!
You can't mix up "paranormal abilities stuff" like it is with pendulum, L-rods or by plain hand-feeling of the ground with serious technology! It will ruin your whole seriousity !!!
It the same to mix up astrologers with scientifical working astronoms - you simply can't do it !!! Never! They are working on complete different philosophies or better: the astrologers working on superstitious faith which is 2000 years old and they have no real worthful proofs at all. I have studied this whole stuffs about how much worth are the pre-view of astrologers and their hogwash nonsense horoscope crap! They even dare to claim that persons who have been born at a special months will have a special fate - this is completly against free will! I hate astrologers, they are just talking sh*t to get extremly high amounts of money. The know nothing about stars! They dream about biblic stories and still think there only will exists 7 plantets and the earth will be the middle-point of the universe as it was believed 1000 years ago! Astrologers are for old women who have the need to hear nice and hopemaking stories! They should be deleted from this world, those evil and cunning lies- and superstition spreaders! They can shove up their planets %"$%$% and stuff from which they know nothing real about, they still repeat the crap old egypt astrologers have dreamed about.
Tim first must understand what is real and what is fantasy, otherwise he will never get out of his occult and esoterical swamp. He can't support you, Andreas, don't even think about that he could help you in any way!
I hate the sin, not the sinner! This is an old philosophical principle but you must know that persons who don't know how the reality works always just will lead you into their own darkness!
Andreas, please follow my advice and work together with real technical and realistic thinking persons - if you want the Crypton will be honoured and accepted as a real working device. Persons with "dream-LRLs" are the wrong supporting way for you, absolutly!
I just want the best for you thats why I warn you about persons who only would render your good work useless or would shine a bad light on your technical evolutions.
And by the way - Andreas - please try to find out what are the reasons why the Crypton in some countries doesn't work or only on a very bad level.
If its the needes background frequency input you may find a way to switch to other frequencies or you can make the device more sensitive so it can receive the needed energy-fields at any place all over the world.
This is just for your best - because the more many countries the Crypton works good, the more benefit and good feedback of the treasure-hunters you will get which will lead to more and more success for you.
Perhaps you think about building in a second "reference circuit" so you can double the contrast and comparement factor and another very important point:
Please try to find a good compromise with the antenna - double its gain if possible and if the weight is still ok. Those so far known "worthless" PDK style ferrite-antennas are virtually far to weak !!!!
Please try to construct a really high gain antenna, this has absolute importance. Forget about the weight, if the Crypton weights 1kg more just because of the improved antenna it doesn't matter as long as you can improve the reliable to a real acceptable level!
Good luck and I wish you furthermore good improvements with your inventions!
09-10-2013, 05:02 PM
Yes Tim, i do got OBDM-2 from Andreas, last year.
So sharing your results with mine i think will help a lot in learn how to work with Crypton.
Best regards
PD: your Arc Geo Logger unit works fantastic.
Why would you say that? Do you have a crypton?
Tim Williams
09-10-2013, 06:00 PM
Dream world? Do you know me? Are you my Nabor that you should know my heart so well? It's people like you I stay away from. You I would not trust at all. Anyone that can speak of another and never met that person lives in a world of his own where he is God!
09-11-2013, 07:11 AM
> Reply to detectoman from yesterday - I wrote:
> It's no wonder that some of the best MDs come from Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, France and England! Greece is very close to Turkey and Bulgaria and of course has a huge potential in philosophy and technological understanding, so it would be a good base for real working LRL design. And even Australia was a colony of Great Britain so the Minelab's technical knowledge was imported and it is not from the Aborigines. ;) :D
I forgot to mention Nikolai Tesla who was the true inventor of Radio - and not influenceful and rich Guglielmo Marconi from England who stole the ideas of Tesla and patented by bribing and money "his" radio:
Tesla, master of lightning - who invented radio?
(almost the same bad story concerning Maxwell, Hertz and Edison)
But we see Tesla was from Serbia and Marconi's family came originally from Italy - both not very far from Greece.
@ Tim
Don't get me wrong - I don't know you personal and I don't care about your true character. This here is just a technical forum and it is your own fault if you are not willing or able to provide real useful and acceptable info about your devices. You are the same as Hung and you are unable to proof your devices even if you are living in America "near" Carl Moreland who shurely would be happy to give you a "Fine, Tim, you built a good detector"-Result but this was not possible so far over many years!!! :( Guess why???? Is it the bad technical and scientifical thinking persons (by the way also universities which are accepted by the public have to work the scientific way) or is it you who wants to cook his own little soup, not caring about what other persons may think??? And if the "great feedback" of your customers would be so fantastic why you don't invite them to here and they can proof us their fantastic "treasure find stories" they made with your devices!
The good thing about you shurely is that you are "technical interested" in the same area as we here, "discovery of unorthodox detection methods", but the method how you're doing this only works for a "special group of people" - some may be the same naive as OKM and Mineoro believers who may find stuff by pure chance and thinking by themselves their LRL has found it because it was so expensive and that person would feel very bad about himself if he would confess that he simply was too naive to buy such a device without collecting enough serious and proven information - first!!!
@ Qiaozhi
What do you think about Tim and Andreas - and not forget about Morgan?
Is it the same you may think about Hung or is it more acceptable for you? If the ToTeM is built on the same electronical principle of the PDK or Crypton you should be able to prove them wrong.
And if its not based on that "old Alonso circuit" - in what way should it be connected with LRL-electronic-"technology" at all? Is it based on the Goldgun circuit? At least it must be based on some "claimed as LRL"-stuff if it can be of relevance for us, at all.
For us here it would be the best if its based on this Alonso-passive-receiver, because that way you can tell us and also Morgan or Andreas why it can't work (and only outputs random or unuseful anomaly signals).
Its absurd that on the one site Andreas and Morgan claim they have real working LRLs (not to forget Tim Williams) and on the other hand persons who may have the technical knowhow to look really behind their scenes remains silent and quiet.
Perhaps you are not interested in wild discussions with Morgan or Andreas but if you can shurely can say and if you have proofs that their LRLs can't work it would be really good if you would name and explain them exactly here.
If you say nothing it would be like as if you accept their LRLs at a level of "they are OK and fine, nothing bad to say about them".
Carl perhaps after all those many years of fights is tired of such discussions or he don't know exactly on what electronical-principle the Crypton and PDK is based.
But of course the main goal of this critical forum here is to discover the truth or at least to provide as much as exact pro and contra information as possible.
The Status Quo so far is that we have discovered that the Mineoro doesn't work in Europe or only with "bags-players-tricks" and that the OKM Bionic is some sort of Handheld-Magnet-Anomaly-Detector.
These are good results cause they will prevent treasure-hunters to waste their money and their precious hunting time if they can reach this information here!
So whats about Tim's, Morgan's and Andreas's detectors?
If we can believe Andreas' test results and technical competence and - personally I have the impression he really is a trustworthy and professional electro-technical working person - we may have reached now indeed a technical level were we can say:
"The Crypton OBMD-2 is really useful for treasure-hunters and worth its money!"
I ask you, Qiaozhi as one of the real technical experts here:
Do you think the OBMD-2 works and if not - what are your concerns?
@ Andreas
It is important that you help us with real strong argumenting proofs and technical results because you know - this whole LRL-scene is totally messed up since many years through fraudsters and "fantasy-story-tellers" and many treasure-hunters are "oversensitive" now if it comes to further claims of "working LRLs".
If we can get a clear and true picture here that your OBMD-2 works good enough for the price it costs and the treasure-hunters needs it will be the best "quality-check-passed"-seal for you and you will get huge success because the treasure-hunting scene will really rely on you and would be shurely interested in such kind of real working LRL-device as additional detector (Pinpointer, MD and LRL combination). So please provide us further with enough needed information or send some of your units for a test to Carl, Qiaozhi or other "well trusted persons" here so they can commit the real working functions of your new improved OBMD detectors. Winter time is coming soon and then we have to wait another half year until a good proceeding is possible in this task. thx. :)
09-11-2013, 10:52 AM
>What do you think about Tim and Andreas - and not forget about Morgan?
My thoughts are (not actually knowing either of them personally) that Tim and Morgan are honest people who believe what they say. This does not mean of course that they are correct. Self-deception does not discriminate, and we are all susceptible to its effects.
It appears to me, from previous conversations with Andreas, that he is a good engineer and is genuinely attempting to produce an device that will be accepted by the LRL market as better than other units currently on offer. In my view, Andreas has seen an opening in the market and is supplying a need. I suspect Andreas understands what I'm saying here. At least he's not making wild claims, and is letting his customers feedback their own results. Basically he's allowing you to make up your own mind as to whether it works or not.
In answer to your direct question (Does it work?): I've never seen or used one, so cannot comment firsthand, but I would suspect the answer is almost certainly no.
Is it the same you may think about Hung or is it more acceptable for you?
Hung is what I would refer to as "special". With an overwhelming impulse to give support to any LRL that enters the market, without a shred of evidence or even having seen/used the device, is not the sign of someone with an open mind. Even the calculator taped to a box and attached to swinging handle didn't phase our friend Hung. He would defend this useless contraption to the end of the world. The recent Bionic 01 discussions are a good example, where he was adamant the photo of the internal sensor arrangement was incorrect. But it later turned out that he was just "imagining" what was inside. I think you get my drift.
If the ToTeM is built on the same electronical principle of the PDK or Crypton you should be able to prove them wrong.
You can get the full details of TOTeM by reading Chapter 14 of ITMD.
And if its not based on that "old Alonso circuit" - in what way should it be connected with LRL-electronic-"technology" at all? Is it based on the Goldgun circuit? At least it must be based on some "claimed as LRL"-stuff if it can be of relevance for us, at all.[
I have already explained this in a previous thread.
For us here it would be the best if its based on this Alonso-passive-receiver, because that way you can tell us and also Morgan or Andreas why it can't work (and only outputs random or unuseful anomaly signals).
TOTeM has active and passive modes of operation to allow the user to experiment with both methods of detecting the "phenomenon".
Its absurd that on the one site Andreas and Morgan claim they have real working LRLs (not to forget Tim Williams) and on the other hand persons who may have the technical knowhow to look really behind their scenes remains silent and quiet.
Perhaps you are not interested in wild discussions with Morgan or Andreas but if you can shurely can say and if you have proofs that their LRLs can't work it would be really good if you would name and explain them exactly here.
If you say nothing it would be like as if you accept their LRLs at a level of "they are OK and fine, nothing bad to say about them".
I only comment if there is something useful to contribute. Without firsthand knowledge of Andreas' LRL, I cannot give an informed opinion. Of course, I can have my suspicions and expectations, but that's another matter.
Carl perhaps after all those many years of fights is tired of such discussions or he don't know exactly on what electronical-principle the Crypton and PDK is based.
Carl is too busy designing real working metal detectors; and I've already spent far too long replying to this post.
If we can believe Andreas' test results and technical competence and - personally I have the impression he really is a trustworthy and professional electro-technical working person - we may have reached now indeed a technical level were we can say:
"The Crypton OBMD-2 is really useful for treasure-hunters and worth its money!"
Until you perform the tests and experiments yourself, you cannot come to this conclusion. So far it's just supposition, based on a few secondhand test results.
I ask you, Qiaozhi as one of the real technical experts here:
Do you think the OBMD-2 works and if not - what are your concerns?
I think I've already made my position clear.
09-11-2013, 11:30 AM
Hi Funfider
First for all.
Please don't confuse my name with Morgan, minero, etc. I think this is "insult" for my person. When you write a post, you must be write only for my name or... only my units.
If you want write for others persons or companies open a new thread
or write there
Second, if you need more experiments, this is for your choice. I cannot lost my time for make again and again experiments for "believe" some members.
I have make my experiments, ofcourse my customers make experiments with my first model OBMD-1. Ofcourse OBMD-2 is a full modification via notes, experiments from my customers. Ofcourse i make a upgrade for my old customers, because , they help me with all tests
What do you need more:
Sorry my friend, but you know is impossible i make send samples, for experiments again and again .
If you want more experiments, i can build a prototype without firma and buy it with a special offer. BUT if this prototype it's fine for you or experiments-men and then open and we see inside a OBMD-2 (who knows), believe me the price for my units go very-very high.
If you want this method, i can produce a prototype with a special offer. In this case i have not "lost time" for tests, posts, opinions etc
And last. Do not try to change the meaning in my post. This is very clean
You must understand if manufactured something to produce and sell is not possible to wait for a reply or tests by extra one or two persons.
best regards
First for all.
Please don't confuse my name with Morgan, minero, etc.
In which way you are so different from Mineoro (etc.) fraudsters? Look at your claim in your test videos, and now your claim is fallen down to maybe 30% and to selected country working only, and then other conditions per your imagination, and other excuse ready to coming, why your hi-tech crap cannot working as promised and as expected from usable LRL.
Morgan is another story, as far I know, he sell his PD creations at about his production cost, which is acceptable. He took substitute of what he gave to buyers in material and his work. Fair relations. If one is not willing, or able, to create LRL by himself, then those can take cheap Morgan alternative. Results are the same - cheap non-working LRL for experiments and play around.
Tim Williams
09-11-2013, 01:55 PM
Funfinder, after reading your post it seems you are frustrated that the electronic type machines here cannot be proven not to work. I'm sure a you are good person and it seems you have built some of the system talked about here.
From your attitude I see they did not work for you. Is that correct or am I wrong? You can't prove they don't work so you want Qiaozhi to do it for you.
I will say this whether a LRL is all electronic or just a generator with rods some people will never understand. Because science gets in their way.
Seeing for some is not good enough. My page is up. Go see for yourself.
Sorry if I caused a problem here. Qiaozhi I didn't mean to cause trouble.
Happy hunting to all here.
Really busy these days. Besides professional engagements and field trips for treasure, I have built a professional industry standard PCB manufacturing facility for my detectors. That's a lot of fun.
Fom time to time I get to stop by this forum and I always prove myself right when I said that one can have a hell of a time just by reading some funny and entertaining posts here.
Actually I don't read long posts anymore. This reminds me of Jplayer's mambo jambo million word texts. So I just scroll down and try to pick some relevant parts.
Here is a funny one from someone above, I think it was ozzy: 'Carlie is too busy building real working metal detectors'... :lol::lol::lol:
Too busy building floor polishers or trying to help whites stealing more 'secrets' from Minelab's floor polishers ? C'mon, gimme a break.
By that statement we clearly see that firstly, even the 'moderator', 'administrator' or whatever fancy name ozzy calls himself here, proves through his statement that he considers this forum bogus. Secondly, by stating that his 'boss' is busy building real metal detectors' he completely discredits LRLs. So why on earth, his boss carlie still keeps this forum? Why did he open an exclusive LRL forum runned by a 'gem' as ozzy?
Why someone like carlie, who is 'cracked Randi's' disciple and 'pretend to be zientist' would open a LRL forum after years of denying LRLs?
Because he still dreams on cloning one that he 'thinks' it's safe to do it?
Because he is still waiting for a device that he thinks would be practical to clone and later sell it as a 'LRL from the skeptic-mor' that 'trully works' advertising gimmick?
Because he thinks we are all idiots and laughs to death at ozzy's each time more idiotic comments?
I don't think Andreas or anybody else here who have made his own LRL, or should I say, REAL metal detectors and not the old dated toys that these people still try to save from extinction, would run the risk of handling his unit to carlie to dissect and later state that it only detects his electric dog fence. Duuuhh...
Sorry for the rather long post. I tried to keep it as compact as possible, but things had to be said.
PS. There's a way for Andreas to overcome the depth and distance detection limitation employing a PIR sensor and do a better filtering for gold. But I expect that he will eventually get that.
See ya, gotta go.
Actually I don't read long posts anymore. This reminds me of Jplayer's mambo jambo
You don't read it anymore, but actually you still constantly write your long mambo jambo here.
09-12-2013, 06:50 AM
A komplete different but important question:
How hard it can be for a person to recognize if his detector finds something real (a metal object, cavity, mineralized single stones or meteorites) or not ???
Shure, you can find anywhere something - I can open the floor of my living room and bury deep and I will find something!
Outside the same - at least if I'm not on the ocean or on a mountain where its almost certain that it consists of solid rock of the same type all over.
What's so hard for the persons who claim they have working LRLs to distinct, prove and repeat useful "this is a clear find-signal" - like it is with almost any metal-detector?!
"It detects on critical high border sensitivity, it doesn't work everywhere and at every weather, it depends on the soil and how mineralized it is".
Fine, accepted.
But there must exists always good detectable finds and there must exists a reduction in sensitivity!
If the site is full of stuff every few meters a sensitivity reduction should exists so you can detect a grain of gold from 30cm or so.
For most treasure-hunters it will be the point no 1
09-12-2013, 07:19 AM
To make it short (which will be hardly possible...) :
Seems we need secret service methods here to get the truth out of the involved persons. :lol:
Drop by drop the reality can be discovered.
for me so far to get an overview:
pro LRL status:
it works but not in any country, the price is fair enough, send unit back to seller and get money back seems not to exists (so its highly doubtful if warranty exists because the producer always can say - it is not defect, it just doesn't work in your country, bad luck for you and bye bye), claims like "the nature-scientifical picture is not good enough or you can't understand it if you think the usual electronic way", little wars but also little cooperation-jointventures between the LRL providers.
contra LRL status:
accepting of the LRL providers "good will" or good technical knowledge but highly doubts that their devices are work at all, critical view on earlier made statements if they later have to be relativated or seems to have been wrong or false, not acceptable "trading conditions", warned because of huge "Mineoro and OKM"-issues since a long time (or in other words: "why those new LRLs now should be better at all if the huge LRL companies failed so badly")
And you think this bill can be paid or solved? The two parties are far away from any consense if the interests of both can't get satisfied.
I guess we really need some kind of faith- and esoterical-police in the future where all liars, fraudsters, blenders, superstition-spreaders, faith-healers, religious-fantatics, voodoo-freaks, wannabe-magicians and last but not least "fancy health or even energy or other stuff detecting devices"-providers will get punished if their claims turn out as nonsense or as a danger for the psychic health and moneybag of the peace from all this false crap wanting folks!
Or would you like it if a person tells ya he sells you a bread for 5 bucks and instead he gives you a stone?! :angry:
09-12-2013, 09:05 AM
@ Qiaozhi
I would say what you have written is a pretty good position.
But I can't accept that you start the same "secret chandling stuff" like the pro LRLs persons with your "read my book chapter Totem advices".
What shall this become here? A shop for "inside the LRL informations"? :(
First spend money for books and LRLs and afterwards you have the right to know the truth about this stuff? No way!
A clear short answer would be enough:
Yes, the ToTeM is based on the same circuit principle as Mineoro, Morgan and Andreas uses and after my personal tests I found out it doesn't work (and the real working MD part of the Totem doesn't interests in this case)
btw. I doubt that in your book is written:
The ToteM is based on the passive receiver.
But its obviously any way - as the moderators of the unfamous hidden RS-forum you was motivated to find out if this stuff works or not and a little comparing of the TOTEM and the Alonso Circuit would be the proof.
For me really it is the question now if the contra LRL persons also must keep their arguments in the secret? Where shall this lead?
Yeah, I know that all LRLs are the pure crap, I have tested it and I have built those devices, but I will give you no information about all of this, you must believe me! :D
No, this is not the way of rational thinking, just to believe someone.
Believing just means not knowing it for certain! Or in other words:
Trust is good, control is better!
If we all here just arguments on our personal "opinions" and we have no hard facts who prove that we are right we can stop the pro and contra LRL discussions right away.
And Qiaozhi, if your book incl. your Totem test circuits really proofs that the PDK and Crypton can't work it can be used as evidence against persons who sell such "notworking" stuff or against you because it could be that your "proofs are not correct".
I wonder what Morgan and Andreas might think about your ToteM chapter in the book... At least it seems those are not really convinced about it.
> In my view, Andreas has seen an opening in the market and is supplying a need
This is great. ;) The drugs- and weapon-industry also is supplying a need. Or astrologers, mentals, dowsers...
We should concentrate on our personal needs and those consists in real working devices. And I doubt that you wanna say that the Crypton is fine or super already as it is, just because it supplies a need (... per instance for naive treasure-hunters who may buy in their gold-fever everything no matter if it works or not...)
> customers feedback their own results
Usual this would be the best, but without a good "worldwide information map" such LRLs should be sold only inside their own Countries - or to their neighbours - for direct feeback.
Its no feedback if someone wastes 1000s of bucks for a device which doesn't work and has no chance to proof it it doesn't work at all because he can't go to Greece or Brazil etc. and test it there.
@ Andreas
> Please don't confuse my name with Morgan, minero, etc. I think this is "insult" for my person.
OK, I can understand that it's an insult for you because you can't accept their "bad work" or if you have other problems with them. I personally also found it not fair from Morgan that he start to accuse me to give circuit details from him to you and all such pure paranoid stuff which lead into the direction that Qiaozhi sealed me out from the secret RS-forum which lead to not the best relation with him because such unfair activities. We can say Morgan is a trouble-maker and the only good thing may be that he stoped selling his doubtful or notworking PDKs now.
And by the way I will not forget this throwing me out of this RS-forum by cheap excuses I would have had the bad attitude. I am a scientifical thinking person and if "LRL-believers" don't accept that and start to spread intruiges because they wanna protect their proven not working stuff it is their own bad attitude.
Andreas, you can swear that I never gave you any secret circuit informations !!! Of course his super PDK-2 improved special detector creating Morgan won't believe it because he's so focussed to protect this "cloned from Mineoro crap". I think it is because he has given his word to the south-american schematic providers that he will protect this circuit if they give it to him and therefore he must defeat everyone from which he believes they would steal or publish or even improve it. We see where this leads, Morgan now is out of business and his sold detectors are still not tested correctly.
Conclusion: What Morgan did and how bad he influenced Qiaozhi was absolutly not fair and the results I will never accept!
But now he pays the price, he doesn't get any support from me since a long time and my relation to Qiaozhi will remain disturbed. That's very sad because before this happend everything was much better.
Back to you Andreas - so you see I highly accept, respect and understand that you will not be named together with Morgan and Mineoro and I will avoid it.
But with those "reliable test results" - shure you made alot tests and those are good enough in your eyes but can you really convince other persons with it?
And now your cooperation with Tim or what it is - does it makes you more trustworthy for those who wants real working detectors and no doubtful L-rod or dowsing devices?
You heard what Qiaozhi said - he is not really convinced that your Crytpton works, he says it diplomatically but I'm shure he never would buy an OBMD from you, even if he is highly interested in electronics and treasure-hunting.
Doesn't makes it you sad if well reputated electronic-gurus and book-authors can't really accept your products?
Shure, you can say: "I don't care", I don't need it, I have my happy customers, I saw it works and this is enough.
Yeah, you may think and do so, like Tim Williams does, but don't accept a broad acceptance. We know that OKM, Mineoro also find ways to bring their detectors under the people, and we know how "satisfied" many of those treasure hunters are, afterwards... :frown:
It really depends on you - you can become a well known "brand" like Sony or Philips is or you can became another of those "underground"-LRL-producers where most treasure-hunters will stay away from. If you don't need them, fine.
High time I test and if it works I buy it myself to make all of this unclearity finally and end! :|
@ Tim Williams
> it seems you are frustrated that the electronic type machines here cannot be proven
Come on, kings had their slaves who tested the food first if its good for the king. :D
Of course this stuff can be tested, the effort is just a little bit too high that I drive to every LRL-reseller personally and test it, and the same think other persons. Thats why we wanna get here in this forum clear and true results and every behaviour which stands in the way of this goal can't be acceptable.
Its so simple:
First get good and reliable information (like women who always ask: "Are you shure?") and only if this question can be answer with yes our with reliable and trustworthy good info the money flows!
Of course businessman like it the other way around, they even prefer to say gold for sh*t and sell it with the highest price! At least we don't need crap-LRLs which doesn't work at all. If they just work on a limited basis it may be acceptable because of the special technology they're using, but not at all working - no way!!! And for shure not for 1000s of bucks!
So you pro LRL guys should really invest some money in providing trustworthy and repeatable information and results!
@ hung
You are talking as if you would be in a "working LRL universe" with just happy persons around ya. Now you have your own factory to make more LRL-buyers happy... :D Are you dreaming?
For you the whole outside world must be stupid because it found out that the Mineoro or stuff you provide or promote doesn't work.
And the usual MDs you call antique crap?
I wanna see you at a site with low-conductive roman-coins 20cm deep with your LRL-stuff and how you wanna be able to locate them! :lol:
You can't, you are dreaming of single treasure chests located in the jungle and your LRL stuff shall find them from 1km distance.
The problem with you started just because you don't wanna explain the electronical-basis of your so called "working" LRLs.
You say it is because of protection etc. but for real you have nothing serious to offer at all.
If laws would exists that persons like Astrologers go into jail for their evil betraying lie-show I'm shure you also would wear pants with stripes since a long time for your unbelievable LRL-show here.
You are like a master who throws a bone at a dog and in the last second you take it away. What are you doing here - making stupid promo for Mineoro???? What do you have to offer? Telling us moth-wetmaking stories about fairy-tale fantastic treasure finds with your oh so top secrect LRL-technology to raise the Mineoro sales into unbelievable heights? How can you be so fanatic this stuff works at all if we know the opposite?! You are like a ghost-believer who can't accept that most other people (99.99999999% of all people!) don't see any ghosts in their whole life!
The final question really is: What are you doing here, Hung?
Supporting the pro LRL fraction psychological? Your method may work for LRL-believers, but for shure not for logical and rational thinking people.
@ WM6
>Originally Posted by ANDREAS (
First for all.
Please don't confuse my name with Morgan, minero, etc.
WM6 replied: In which way you are so different from Mineoro (etc.) fraudsters?
Seen from the technical details and proven tests wanting skeptical persons Andreas really should do something better as those other LRL-sellers.
I wouldn't call them directly fraudsters as long as it is not really proven that their devices doesn't work at all. So shall we as "technical experts in this LRL case" now be detectives to get them busted?
Mainly we wanna protect ourselves for not wasting high amounts of money and if others are too stupid they must deal with the expensive results. But this would be really anti-social or even a help for fraudsters. Thats why we wanna get here a clear picture and we wanna find out if this stuff really works or not - so that way many treasure-hunters can be helped:
They look here into this forum and can read if a device is fraud or not!
btw. many did this already - a technical and correct working forum as a source for reliable and money saving information in the minefield of evil LRL-story tellers!
> at your claim in your test videos, and now your claim is fallen down to maybe 30% and to selected country working only,
Of course these are heavy assaults which should be answered or solved.
09-12-2013, 09:10 AM
I saw some members say crypton's don't work some countries or my country.
I think it's funny people who have no work or use my units, present an opinion, when members who have crypton presents the reality.
I respect ONLY positive or negative notes, by users present photo's or video's with my units in their hands.
I think must finish this, false infos and opinions.
I explain again for members with "poor memory"
OBMD-1 my first model with "weak" full regulation by the user. The effectiveness of very good, but with variable detection distances in each country, because this model has standard calibration from us
OBMD-2 full regulation by the user. Is not constrained in ANY country. Work always 100% after configuring. This unit can work together with a generator for more stimulate the target
Pocket simple low price device with poor results in some countries. Only this model in some countries really are not working.
ONLY FOR Pocket Model we ask the customer of what country him, before start order.
I think my post is very-very clean.
09-12-2013, 09:12 AM
Sorry if I caused a problem here. Qiaozhi I didn't mean to cause trouble.
No problem Tim
We may not agree on the science (or lack of) of LRLs, but you are welcome here.
Things only get out of hand when people forget to be polite. :)
09-12-2013, 09:54 AM
@ Qiaozhi
I would say what you have written is a pretty good position.
But I can't accept that you start the same "secret chandling stuff" like the pro LRLs persons with your "read my book chapter Totem advices".
What shall this become here? A shop for "inside the LRL informations"? :(
First spend money for books and LRLs and afterwards you have the right to know the truth about this stuff? No way!
If you want to find out about TOTeM, then you need to read Chapter 14 of ITMD. Many people have purchased the book, and are more than happy with the contents. Try reading some of the reviews.
It should be obvious that you are not going to get this information sent to you for free. Do you think that would be fair on everyone else?
btw. I doubt that in your book is written:
The ToteM is based on the passive receiver.
The Alonso PD consists of two separate parts. The first circuit is a direct copy of an ancient Heathkit metal detector. And yes, it is an exact copy, except that the coil has been reduced in size. The second circuit is a passive receiver that uses a ferrite coil. The secret is apparently to get these two circuits to work together. Once correctly balanced, it is claimed that the phenomenon can be detected. Neither of these two circuits form part of TOTeM. It is a completely new design that follows the underlying principles of the Alonso PD, but none of the same circuitry. It is much easier to calibrate and tune, and achieves the same results. What those results are, you will discover if you read Chapter 14.
And Qiaozhi, if your book incl. your Totem test circuits really proofs that the PDK and Crypton can't work it can be used as evidence against persons who sell such "notworking" stuff or against you because it could be that your "proofs are not correct".
I wonder what Morgan and Andreas might think about your ToteM chapter in the book... At least it seems those are not really convinced about it.
I've already replied to this question once before.
TOTeM is not supposed to be a proof that the PDK and Crypton cannot work. It is an experimental platform for those who want to experiment with the PD concept. It is known that the Alonso PD is a pig to clone, so TOTeM is offered as an easier alternative. I personally put a lot of time and effort into developing TOTeM, both for others to experiment with, and also to provide some interesting and controversial material for the book. As it says at the start of Chapter 14 - "Here there be dragons!".
I personally also found it not fair from Morgan that he start to accuse me to give circuit details from him to you and all such pure paranoid stuff which lead into the direction that Qiaozhi sealed me out from the secret RS-forum which lead to not the best relation with him because such unfair activities. We can say Morgan is a trouble-maker and the only good thing may be that he stoped selling his doubtful or notworking PDKs now.
Booting you out of the RS Forum was not my personal decision. You were voted out by the other members for being a nuisance and for continual ranting. The RS Forum was created to provide a place where members interested in the Alonso PD could investigate the design in more detail without constant barracking from the dissenters. There was a lot of good investigative work done during that time.
And by the way I will not forget this throwing me out of this RS-forum by cheap excuses I would have had the bad attitude.
All members of the RS Forum had to agree to be polite to each other during the PD investigations. You were not the only one booted out for not following the agreed rules, so there is no need to consider yourself "special". Certain members never even got past the front door.
You heard what Qiaozhi said - he is not really convinced that your Crytpton works, he says it diplomatically but I'm shure he never would buy an OBMD from you, even if he is highly interested in electronics and treasure-hunting.
How can I be convinced about the Crypton when I've never used one, or even seen one in the flesh?
Only Hung is able to give 100% support to a device he's only seen in a photo. But then x-ray vision is a great blessing. :lol:
09-12-2013, 01:03 PM
Hi folks
If anyone whant to know more about Crypton tests made by Tim Williams, you can go to his site and see the first videos he is showing.
I also agree with Andreas, when he said that good or bad comments of Crypton performance, can be made only from people that owns a Crypton unit. Otherwise, we stuck on the same, just commets without a solid base.
Tim Williams
09-12-2013, 04:21 PM
Funfinder. For your name your sure dont seem to be a fun guy here.
"So you pro LRL guys should really invest some money in providing trustworthy and repeatable information and results!"
Why? Here you have an electronic LRL detecting brass at 3 meters and still you cry. I know it's only brass but that's one of the elements it will locate. In a yard 40x30 meters I get one signal and its brass and still you cry.
Let me ask you a question. What test have you done on PDK type detectors? How much time have you spent testing? I will tell you why you are mad. Because you want someone else to spend all their money and time researching and testing only to say here you go funfinder.
That's why you are upset with anyone that has found anything using LRL type equipment. And you wonder why they kicked you out the PDK forum!
You do know that the target has to be 40 years plus in the ground right? Ok so I'm testing on old brass parts which have a higher rate of being in the ground over gold and silver. Then find it.
Still not enought for you. You do know if you don't want to use PDK type detectors you don't have too. No one here is holding your arm making you do anything.
And to clear you on one thing. The obmd-2 can be used in other countries.
I am really sorry you feel the way you do. I'm telling you that if someone here gave you a working LRL you would try to find out how it works. Break into and destroy the tuning of the unit. Then cry when you can't get it to work.
Andreas has found a good thing here that will give people that use Lrl's "not you" a different tool to use. All electronic. No rods. I am thankful for his work and time and money over 25 years of testing.
09-12-2013, 07:47 PM
You are right and i fell played with your words
Funfinder. For your name your sure dont seem to be a fun guy here.
"So you pro LRL guys should really invest some money in providing trustworthy and repeatable information and results!"
Why? Here you have an electronic LRL detecting brass at 3 meters and still you cry. I know it's only brass but that's one of the elements it will locate. In a yard 40x30 meters I get one signal and its brass and still you cry.
Let me ask you a question. What test have you done on PDK type detectors? How much time have you spent testing? I will tell you why you are mad. Because you want someone else to spend all their money and time researching and testing only to say here you go funfinder.
That's why you are upset with anyone that has found anything using LRL type equipment. And you wonder why they kicked you out the PDK forum!
You do know that the target has to be 40 years plus in the ground right? Ok so I'm testing on old brass parts which have a higher rate of being in the ground over gold and silver. Then find it.
Still not enought for you. You do know if you don't want to use PDK type detectors you don't have too. No one here is holding your arm making you do anything.
And to clear you on one thing. The obmd-2 can be used in other countries.
I am really sorry you feel the way you do. I'm telling you that if someone here gave you a working LRL you would try to find out how it works. Break into and destroy the tuning of the unit. Then cry when you can't get it to work.
Andreas has found a good thing here that will give people that use Lrl's "not you" a different tool to use. All electronic. No rods. I am thankful for his work and time and money over 25 years of testing.
09-13-2013, 02:21 PM
@ Tim Williams
Funfinder. For your name your sure dont seem to be a fun guy here.
The "term" "Funfinder" is not a name but an opinion philosophical spoken).
It means you should try to find fun in your life; .......... - - - - and if the treasures helping you in this task - it is great - it's even fantastic! And because we here are treasure-hunters. Motivation is more than money! And "fun" or call it "live-joy" is much more than treasure-finds. You only will have fun and joy in life with treasures if your character is special, otherwise every find could be a deadly "curse" ....
People are way too jealous if it comes to real treasures as usual and just short thinking persons might imagine....
And where starts the real treasure? It starts already if you found a special thing another person wants....
@ Nelson
Right or wrong just is a view of actual motivation. If you want world war iii (ww3) it is so simple - say that Europe is crap compared to America or special south America and the political leaders might be disturbed within their pride and defend it. We have had those "childish" games all over the centuries. OK, they're not childish, because what is the honour of a country worth if others can "make it down" as they like with their ridicule and infame words?
But it really is important to remember the words that "culture" is the way for all of us to "slow down" and try to understand the behaviour of other countries and psychological meanings.
And please nelson - now this is life-help at its best - try to cope with your life-wisdome and your best-loved-doings. If you found a way - perfect - and if you have the methods to convince others - even better - convince us and all is fine.
> QiaozhiQuote:
Originally Posted by Funfinder (
@ Qiaozhi
I would say what you have written is a pretty good position.
But I can't accept that you start the same "secret chandling stuff" like the pro LRLs persons with your "read my book chapter Totem advices".
What shall this become here? A shop for "inside the LRL informations"? :(
First spend money for books and LRLs and afterwards you have the right to know the truth about this stuff? No way!
If you want to find out about TOTeM, then you need to read Chapter 14 of ITMD. Many people have purchased the book, and are more than happy with the contents. Try reading some of the reviews.
It should be obvious that you are not going to get this information sent to you for free. Do you think that would be fair on everyone else?
Originally Posted by Funfinder (
btw. I doubt that in your book is written:
The ToteM is based on the passive receiver.
The Alonso PD consists of two separate parts. The first circuit is a direct copy of an ancient Heathkit metal detector. And yes, it is an exact copy, except that the coil has been reduced in size. The second circuit is a passive receiver that uses a ferrite coil. The secret is apparently to get these two circuits to work together. Once correctly balanced, it is claimed that the phenomenon can be detected. Neither of these two circuits form part of TOTeM. It is a completely new design that follows the underlying principles of the Alonso PD, but none of the same circuitry. It is much easier to calibrate and tune, and achieves the same results. What those results are, you will discover if you read Chapter 14.
Originally Posted by Funfinder (
And Qiaozhi, if your book incl. your Totem test circuits really proofs that the PDK and Crypton can't work it can be used as evidence against persons who sell such "notworking" stuff or against you because it could be that your "proofs are not correct".
I wonder what Morgan and Andreas might think about your ToteM chapter in the book... At least it seems those are not really convinced about it.
I've already replied to this question once before.
TOTeM is not supposed to be a proof that the PDK and Crypton cannot work. It is an experimental platform for those who want to experiment with the PD concept. It is known that the Alonso PD is a pig to clone, so TOTeM is offered as an easier alternative. I personally put a lot of time and effort into developing TOTeM, both for others to experiment with, and also to provide some interesting and controversial material for the book. As it says at the start of Chapter 14 - "Here there be dragons!".
Originally Posted by Funfinder (
I personally also found it not fair from Morgan that he start to accuse me to give circuit details from him to you and all such pure paranoid stuff which lead into the direction that Qiaozhi sealed me out from the secret RS-forum which lead to not the best relation with him because such unfair activities. We can say Morgan is a trouble-maker and the only good thing may be that he stoped selling his doubtful or notworking PDKs now.
Booting you out of the RS Forum was not my personal decision. You were voted out by the other members for being a nuisance and for continual ranting. The RS Forum was created to provide a place where members interested in the Alonso PD could investigate the design in more detail without constant barracking from the dissenters. There was a lot of good investigative work done during that time.
Originally Posted by Funfinder (
And by the way I will not forget this throwing me out of this RS-forum by cheap excuses I would have had the bad attitude.
All members of the RS Forum had to agree to be polite to each other during the PD investigations. You were not the only one booted out for not following the agreed rules, so there is no need to consider yourself "special". Certain members never even got past the front door.
Originally Posted by Funfinder (
You heard what Qiaozhi said - he is not really convinced that your Crytpton works, he says it diplomatically but I'm shure he never would buy an OBMD from you, even if he is highly interested in electronics and treasure-hunting.
How can I be convinced about the Crypton when I've never used one, or even seen one in the flesh?
Only Hung is able to give 100% support to a device he's only seen in a photo. But then x-ray vision is a great blessing. :lol:
Starting with the latest - yeah - Hung seems to have x-ray vision - he seems to know all about LRL-tech - he is like Dalay Lama....
Next. My true opinion really is that you Qiaozhi have deserved the "price" for your work and intellectual inventions for the books.
Really! Absolutly. No doubt about it.
The question for this forum might be how much information is available for money or not. We must not forget this what we here are using for "free" all costs money. Not just we, but also the creators wanna achive a profite of their investments, but we have to see that this may be not for free. There exists free forums at the internet, but those could be a bit too cheap.
But Qiaozhi you can't defeat me. We had the same intentions finding out the truth of this PDK circuits.
We both are still very skeptical about it.
We can say that Andreas now has solved the problem by improving the stuff good enough. I must laugh, sorry, but my all-over intention just was to bring this thing to a real working level, too.
Can you protect a phone that does works just 10% of all time? Everyone would laugh. :D
No - no way.
So please understand my intention to bring up this stuff to working level - otherwise it would be just a waste of time and money anyway - only fraudsters sell not working stuff.
Its really funny for me, because Andreas solved all the problems with the "initial very low level working PDK circuit". I don't have to involve myself at all. It is done by good workers.
And if you ask me.... Andreas did it the right way because he wanted either a serious working "Mineoro Crap" or no at all.
Crap, yeah, a bad word, sorry Hung and Tim and who-ever believes that Mineoro is a working device.
We have just higher standards, thats all. I think Qiaozhi also wants higher standards.
btw. Q., personally I think it would be better to open the usual geotech forum to the public directly without "hiding it if they are not registered" because that way you could inform them (it? ... the public) much better, of course also about the book.
How shall persons want to buy this book if they are thrown out of the geotech forum as long as they not do their work to register?
Nobody would by a product from commercial-TV-breaks if first he has to register to view this commercials.
Qiaozhi, I really made thoughts myself and I came to 2 conclusions about your "is it fair if you Q. provide this special LRL-circuit-results-info here for free if we would compare it with the intentions of the money spending book buyers:
Shure it is not fair, you're right. No doubt about it. You had alot work to find out and to write down the scientific truth so this should be honoured, also by money.
But it is a complete other topic for persons here.
They should get the needed info on an already understandable basis without having to achieve books or LRLs first.
Another question is: for what this forum stands for.
Clear information or linking persons to further info that has to gathered by money?
I don't think so. Persons who wanna know it the really profounded way can buy the book or even such an LRL and get the "direct" information.
What I wanna say is that people should at least get from you some convincing info - this also would make them interested for the book - why such dectectors based on certain circuits don't work or are just a fake like you Qiaozhi may see it.
Useful vs. Unuseful - thats the whole quest. most are interested who read here.
Of course it is a good investition to buy the book instead of the LRL first!
That way it is 20% less money to spent and the person can learn something real about electronics. And of course Q. I know you are a skilled person in this area. I can give you my word for this because of my own special electronical skills. The actual status here is that "I have a workin LRL device" persons here can make their statements, but of course we are watching it critical.
Qiaozhi, I think you really do a good job and I no longer care about what has happend in the RS-Forum because Andreas have done "MY JOB" pretty well meanwhile. I have read your some hours ago written reasons and you may accept or understand them and whatever. It is your view of things and it is O.K. as long as our long-termed-motivitation is on the same level which is:
We are critical and we only accept proven and electronical based real working stuff!
And I know this is your sight of things, too, Qiaozhi.
Otherwise shake hands with our LRL-providers and prove that those have real working devices. Just joking - we both know this could be a hard tast.
But it doesn't mean that I wouldn't be motivated at this region.
I honour and respect all electronically interested persons "completly" because those share my personal interest, especially concerning treasure-hunting.
They have a very high status for me, but I just don't wanna get fooled by them.
You Qiaozhi have also a very high status, because you work with the same critical and serious methods than me - you're a real person because you don't let fool yourself by false claims. This is the ONLY and ONLY CORRECT way in life how to go near to some special things who claim the "big deal". Its like the trap of spiders or Dionaea Muscipula - the smell very attracting but they bring death to the flys (Venus Fly Traps).
Thanks to you Qiaozhi, Carl and others involved we can be here on the source of "Warning".
And the only thing I want is to make this warning clear and proven.
If this Mineoro circuit stuff can't be imroved we have warning enough.
But if Andreas could do it - he might be now the only person in this world who can provide a real working LRL !!!!
Of course we wanna know and find out if this is true or not.... :)
@ Andreas
PS Andreas:
If you did this great job really you will get the best in the world,
but if you're hooked on a self-delusional thing and say to us
everything is great - we can not accept it. :angry:
What shall persons think if they read it and we all are happy about it and the OBMD-2 doesn't work? Those would call us "idiots" or "unreliable". But we are not, we work professional here, especially Carl and Qiaozhi which is proven by their scientifical founded book.
If you provide a real and useful working detector everything is OK and you can describe everything here. We don't need new tests as long it works. Just be shure yourself everything is really OK and don't get mad about money or huge business.
The absolutly huge award for this forum is that the rulers here are working as true, real and scientifical as possible! This is a very high standard here and if the Crypton can deal with it everything is fine! We will see it in the near future anyway.
09-13-2013, 02:42 PM
I'm waiting to see what Tim finds buried in the location of the large crescent-shaped anomaly. As far as I can tell from the video, the Crypton unit appears to react in a similar way to TOTeM.
Tim - Can you try the same procedure as before, but walk around it with your back to the anomaly. In this way you can determine whether the "signal" is coming from the anomaly itself, or from a distant transmitter. I ask this because the response does not seem consistent with the signal coming from that location, and as you walked around the anomaly, the signal tended to fade depending on direction.
09-13-2013, 03:41 PM
Good point.
I also will like to know from Tim, if he had made test with a remote control to see how IR is detected. In my case, i get the maximun signal from the front of the unit. Also i can get the signal from sides and the back of the unit.
I don´t know if i m doing this wrong or i don´t understand how IR works.
May be Andreas can explain this.
My question just want to know if IR signal is detected 100% from the front?
I'm waiting to see what Tim finds buried in the location of the large crescent-shaped anomaly. As far as I can tell from the video, the Crypton unit appears to react in a similar way to TOTeM.
Tim - Can you try the same procedure as before, but walk around it with your back to the anomaly. In this way you can determine whether the "signal" is coming from the anomaly itself, or from a distant transmitter. I ask this because the response does not seem consistent with the signal coming from that location, and as you walked around the anomaly, the signal tended to fade depending on direction.
Tim Williams
09-14-2013, 03:05 AM
I'm waiting to see what Tim finds buried in the location of the large crescent-shaped anomaly. As far as I can tell from the video, the Crypton unit appears to react in a similar way to TOTeM.
Tim - Can you try the same procedure as before, but walk around it with your back to the anomaly. In this way you can determine whether the "signal" is coming from the anomaly itself, or from a distant transmitter. I ask this because the response does not seem consistent with the signal coming from that location, and as you walked around the anomaly, the signal tended to fade depending on direction.
I will try this when I get home. So you want me to hold the unit facing away? Or do you want me to hold the unit facing the anomaly.
09-14-2013, 10:29 AM
I will try this when I get home. So you want me to hold the unit facing away? Or do you want me to hold the unit facing the anomaly.
Hold the unit facing away from the anomaly. The basic idea is to find out whether the "signal" is coming from a local or distant target. If the "signal" is local, then it will be detected only from the front of the unit. If you can turn 180 degrees, and still get the same response, the "signal" is coming from a distant transmitter.
With TOTeM I can easily detect an electric toothbrush charger from a distance of greater than 5m, regardless of whether the unit is pointing towards or away from the target. However, if I walk towards the charger, the signal gets stronger; but if I move away from the charger, the signal obviously gets weaker. If the target is located in the ground, you should also be able to confirm/deny this by tilting the unit to the horizontal.
In your video, it looked to me like the signal was stronger in certain directions, which could indicate a distant target that gives the illusion of being located at a particular spot. The localization of the signal could be due to many factors, including shadowing by nearby buildings, and constructive and destructive interference from other sources.
The location of Mr. William's "anomaly"is easy to detect with my locator although, just guessing, I am over 600 miles away; there on Bayouside Dr. in Chauvin, LA. Also, easy to detect, is a cell-phone tower almost exactly at the 113 degree direction and at about 3,800 ft. distance. His "anomaly" is sandwiched behind metal buildings and I would highly suggest (before he digs the place up) to at least check his cell-phone reception for anomalies there.
Tim Williams
09-15-2013, 02:50 PM
The location of Mr. William's "anomaly"is easy to detect with my locator although, just guessing, I am over 600 miles away; there on Bayouside Dr. in Chauvin, LA. Also, easy to detect, is a cell-phone tower almost exactly at the 113 degree direction and at about 3,800 ft. distance. His "anomaly" is sandwiched behind metal buildings and I would highly suggest (before he digs the place up) to at least check his cell-phone reception for anomalies there.
I don't detect anything pass the anomaly in both directions of the cell towers.
I will show this when I get back. I also thought this in my video.
Show be home today.
Tim Williams
09-15-2013, 11:55 PM
Ok I have a few videos. First the anomaly. Ini settings.
I had to lower the gain to even approach it, so you will see that I point the unit at both cell towers with no reaction. This source I believe it localized.
While doing this I found a smaller signal I need to check.
In Alabama I located a brass 38sp brass casing.
I bring the unit with me and test when I can.
I'll leaves theses up for 5 days to make sure they are seen.
09-16-2013, 10:29 AM
Ok I have a few videos. First the anomaly. Ini settings.
I had to lower the gain to even approach it, so you will see that I point the unit at both cell towers with no reaction. This source I believe it localized.
While doing this I found a smaller signal I need to check.
In Alabama I located a brass 38sp brass casing.
I bring the unit with me and test when I can.
I'll leaves theses up for 5 days to make sure they are seen.
What signals do you get if you go over the anomaly area with a metal detector?
Tim Williams
09-16-2013, 01:35 PM
I plan on doing a ground resistivity and detector grid today and post results here.
Tim Williams
09-22-2013, 03:13 PM
It's been raining here forever! All this next week we will have rain. As soon as the ground drys some I will do test.
I posted find made with the OBMD-2 on the crypton page on my site from customers. As more come in I will put them up.
11-03-2013, 12:35 PM
Dear Andreas:
Did you try the machine in an area containing basaltic rocks in the experience of a real and how much is the price in Greece without taxes and is there you have a new release at the end of the year.
11-03-2013, 09:15 PM
It's been raining here forever! All this next week we will have rain. As soon as the ground drys some I will do test.
I posted find made with the OBMD-2 on the crypton page on my site from customers. As more come in I will put them up.
hello Tim
still raining there ?...
whaiting for the field tests.hope better days will come.
Tim Williams
12-20-2013, 02:47 PM
hello Tim
still raining there ?...
whaiting for the field tests.hope better days will come.
New video on small target response.
Videos coming in from users. Will post on my site.
I decided not to dig that target because it's a good large test signal. Don't want to disturb it.
12-21-2013, 09:39 PM
I decided not to dig that target because it's a good large test signal. Don't want to disturb it.
Don't you want to know if there's really something buried there?
Dell Winders
12-21-2013, 09:57 PM
Don't you believe the Metal detector? I Do! Dell
12-22-2013, 11:30 AM
What signals do you get if you go over the anomaly area with a metal detector?
I plan on doing a ground resistivity and detector grid today and post results here.
I decided not to dig that target because it's a good large test signal. Don't want to disturb it.
Don't you want to know if there's really something buried there?
Don't you believe the Metal detector? I Do! Dell
What metal detector? :???:
Tim, what happened to the ground resistivity and detector grid results?
Dell seems to be imagining the results of tests that you never made.
12-26-2013, 12:43 AM
New video on small target response.
Videos coming in from users. Will post on my site.
I decided not to dig that target because it's a good large test signal. Don't want to disturb it.
Hello Tim
I believe is brass target buried there,however ,most LRL users are looking only for gold and silver treasures and the brass ,copper, bronze,lead etc,can be big obstacle...
Lets say,if one field contains 100 pieces of brass and copper,and a single item of gold, will you dig for this 100 useless targets ? ...
I think CRYPTON need a better filter for select only the noble metals,and brass or others as other option.
BTW- the PDK also react the same LRL way but for noble metals,however there are one report from Greece of a few copper coins found,but all coins in fine condition...
Also PDK lost the signal when lower less than 1 meter above the target,i think it overload,i see the same hapening with your Crypton.
Good luck with your search.
12-26-2013, 04:12 AM
Hi morgan
It is interesting that you say and take into consideration
I wish for all good research in this area still
I am now working on another project LRL s with IR can be that will be good for capturing low magnetic fields and radiation ions.
12-26-2013, 12:08 PM
Hi Morgan
My Lrl behaves differently, If I hold the antenna parallel to the ground the behavior is similar to other Lrl, but If I hold the antenna perpendicular to the ground I have a sort of pinpoint very near to the target. For this purpose we need a display with many leds or a meter, so we can draw a map of the signal in different locations. With my silver coins target and with an Lrl with 4 leds I have 2 leds on at 1.5 m, and no led on over the target with the antenna parallel to the ground, but with the antenna perpendicular to the ground I have 4 leds on about 15 cm near the target. For Nicolas I'm interested to IR, I tried to pulse on the target with the target but with no result because I have not a synchronized signal to drive the IR led. With my last Lrl I have an oscillator (the VCO of the CD4046) to drive the IR led.
Best Regards
12-26-2013, 01:58 PM
Hi morgan
It is interesting that you say and take into consideration
I wish for all good research in this area still
I am now working on another project LRL s with IR can be that will be good for capturing low magnetic fields and radiation ions.
I have here in my LRL collection,MINEORO DC2008 with IR and same model with no IR, behavior is the same...
BTW- If someone want to make tests with MINEORO LRLs, I have here many of them for test and can sale cheap,thats becouse a few people left them here in change for PDKs and they want to sell the Mineoros
here the models :
DCH 85 700E
PDC 210 1500E
DC2008 with IR
Also a brand new MINEORO two box for 500E
the clients prices for this more recent models, start from 1500E to 3000E, very expensive .
12-26-2013, 01:59 PM
I have here in my LRL collection,MINEORO DC2008 with IR and same model with no IR, behavior is the same...
BTW- If someone want to make tests with MINEORO LRLs, I have here many of them for test and can sale cheap,thats becouse a few people left them here in change for PDKs and they want to sell the Mineoros
here the models :
DCH 85 700E
PDC 210 1500E
DC2008 with IR
Also a brand new MINEORO two box for 500E
the clients prices for this more recent models, start from 1500E to 3000E, very expensive .
I said CHEAP only if we compare with the factory prices in Brasil.
Tim Williams
12-27-2013, 02:24 AM
What metal detector? :???:
Tim, what happened to the ground resistivity and detector grid results?
Dell seems to be imagining the results of tests that you never made.
Lazy! Lol. I'll do it I guess. Been working on other projects. I don't like cold weather.
Tim Williams
12-27-2013, 02:29 AM
Hello Tim
I believe is brass target buried there,however ,most LRL users are looking only for gold and silver treasures and the brass ,copper, bronze,lead etc,can be big obstacle...
Lets say,if one field contains 100 pieces of brass and copper,and a single item of gold, will you dig for this 100 useless targets ? ...
I think CRYPTON need a better filter for select only the noble metals,and brass or others as other option.
BTW- the PDK also react the same LRL way but for noble metals,however there are one report from Greece of a few copper coins found,but all coins in fine condition...
Also PDK lost the signal when lower less than 1 meter above the target,i think it overload,i see the same hapening with your Crypton.
Good luck with your search.
I'm sure the gold will be a stronger target. How would you handle that problem? Your unit find copper too correct.
12-28-2013, 01:48 AM
I'm sure the gold will be a stronger target. How would you handle that problem? Your unit find copper too correct.
Hello Tim
no, the PDKs are more tuned to gold and silver,however,but very rare, its possible to locate copper,if in very good condition,i mean with no patina (verdigris) the agent who insolate the not noble metals and becouse of that the PHENOMENON is very weak around this metals...
Gold never create patina , this noble metal,even if stay centuries underground, this aloud a perfect contact with ground,the PHENOMEN will be very strong. If stay many years in the same place,the GROUND BATTERY is created.
Tim Williams
12-28-2013, 08:49 PM
Hello Tim
no, the PDKs are more tuned to gold and silver,however,but very rare, its possible to locate copper,if in very good condition,i mean with no patina (verdigris) the agent who insolate the not noble metals and becouse of that the PHENOMENON is very weak around this metals...
Gold never create patina , this noble metal,even if stay centuries underground, this aloud a perfect contact with ground,the PHENOMEN will be very strong. If stay many years in the same place,the GROUND BATTERY is created.
I see. But your unit only good for your area and still finds copper. All instruments have limits. It may be that I live on the water and salt water that is causing the hits on brass/copper. I don't mind finding copper.
05-29-2014, 09:01 PM
Hi all
An interesting video from user and forum member, who lives in Poland
An interesting video from user and forum member, who lives in Poland
Really interesting video - that only prove how Crypton OBMD-2 is not able to find something, nor remotely nor from vicinity.
BTW: I didn't know that you live in Poland and take videos in Greece?
05-30-2014, 02:37 PM
Hi is the author of the video with Crypton OBMD 2 Poland. I am in possession of Crypton since April this year. So far I managed to find by Crypton many scales of the First World War and a few coins. OBMD 2 reacted giving a signal average of 15-20 meters. The exception was the coin from 1906 where Crypton gave a signal at a distance of 35m. Andreas posted a video that was recorded in the center of the city of 100,000 is pewłne Moher Operating Noise and therefore the search is not as easy as in the case of places where free Operating Noise increases coverage and Crypton can be more acute for anomalies. This equipment really only works one must know it well. I would like to add that I do not conduct any business with Andreas and my statement is a reflection of my own experiences. Andreas is very helpful during the first steps of Crypton. Regards
So far I managed to find by Crypton many scales of the First World War and a few coins.
"by Crypton"?
Video clearly show that you use metal detector to find things.
Using Crypton is evidently only waste of your detecting time.
But if you wish, enjoy in your useless toy.
05-30-2014, 09:12 PM
We see here that treasure-hunters are seducable to buy such things - even for a huge amount of money.
This is not good if the stuff they get is not worth the money at all. This was commonly spoken for the
whole LRL-problematic.
Really looks like that some people who buy such devices absolutly believe personally that it works!
And then they make promotion. This is comparable with obscure priests who believe that "god"
is with em and makes great things in their lifes, while in reality they have no proves at all.
We have to consider that this forum is still active in the area of "LRL pro advertisment".
This is not good for the naive and everything believing who read here as long as those who
posts such promo videos and "great" treasure-hunting-stories, can't offer any technical proves.
What I really hate is that false and truth gets completly mixed up here:
If the OBMD-2 really has the potential in finding larger "anomaly fields" where in the
end an usual metal-detector is able to find something or where the chances for detecting
metal-objects are much more higher than at other areas this has to be proven made clear!
An aura of total mistrusting here is not good. We are technical interested and our goal
is to find out technical developments and to discover "false" or not working experiments.
The most of the LRLs are such selfdelusional crap, comparable with astrology or
superstitious believes, but if we are working on a scientifical basis, then LRLs who have
no electronical detection-potential at all, we can exclude them easily anyway!
If djcelownik really was able to detect this coin from 1906 from a distance of 35 meters
this means that he only can detect it if there is no other coin or something similar more
close or in other words:
The OBMD-2 only works at areas where finds are EXTREMLY RARE!
Or does it has a super discrimination where it only finds gold or silver?!
Some "this far away area has treasure- detection-potential"-detector
(because there is some anomaly) would have its worth but:
I doubt it's directly worth thousands of bucks!
I still wonder why such a LRL-detector cannot simply be used as a pinpointer, too, just
by reducing the "anomaly-sensitivity".
We must not forget how much problems such a LRL causes for the treasure-hunter
if the located finds are buried deeper as the usual for pinpointing used metal-detector
is able to reach.
Why such LRL-find reports can't be much more precise and often, so everybody will
see clearly how the real hunting activity looks like and how everything runs in reality?
Persons who create LRLs or test it don't wanna be available all the time, they don't
get a trustworthy reputation, they don't answer important questions and that's why
it is no wonder that everyone mistrusts them, especially because of the ridiculous high
prices they offer for their unproven stuff.
If a person like djcelownik really was able to detect such a coin from so far away, it would
be essential important that he leaves it at this location and repeats his detection-session
over and over again with this find so everyone can get convinced that this stuff works
repeatable and reliable at all! Which is the standard status quo for all metal-detectors!
05-31-2014, 05:00 AM
.........................If djcelownik really was able to detect this coin from 1906 from a distance of 35 meters
this means that he only can detect it if there is no other coin or something similar more
close or in other words:
The OBMD-2 only works at areas where finds are EXTREMLY RARE!
Or does it has a super discrimination where it only finds gold or silver?!..............................
Funfider as you know i love say true and never i sell dreams.
First for all, never i say my units detect only gold or silver ( about gold-silver i think soon i can present it). The front label OBMD-2 write " the real long range detector..." and the same we write our site.
djcelownik present last email some photos, but i cannot see this photos and i present this "photos by djcelownik" again.
As you can see this photos don't finds extremly rare. Unit can detect the first near target and if remove it can detect the second target etc etc. Same method for small distance work a classic MD with full discrimination and reject iron.
For me Poland is base-experiment for check if setup-calibration by user and new preamps work with full humidity and rain, before send device "english treasure hunting clubs" for demostration.
I believe in the potential of my devices, but i like work with small marketing steps, before on world understanding my units are really machines
05-31-2014, 09:19 AM
Hi all skeptics. I have to admit that at first I was also a skeptic when it comes to LRL. Writing a lot of e-mails to Andreas always asked the question: `` if Crypton certainly works? ``-I saw that Andreas was bad at some point in my repeating the question .. I took a chance by deciding that he wants to have Crypton. The first foray of OBMD-2 I found a coin from 1906 and a few plaques. I sent an e-mail with photos to Andreas-writing that `` either got lucky or Crypton actually works `` I have to admit that still did not give 100% confidence Crypton. On the next trip I found another coin chromium, nickel, aluminum and brass-tone very strong, buried under a tree. Again, send an e-mail with photos to Andreas writing `` unless actually Crypton works but not 100% sure I did not have `` Then there were more trips on the lookout for which reassured myself that Crypton actually works. Today, I am writing to Andreas I'm lucky just send the video and write about the finds. I still refer to the last film and the use of the detector type MD. Three days before I was making a movie for a while in the garden in which I had a strong signal from Crypton but I have not done a video for lack of time. The day was sunny and a few days earlier. I przyjechć the next day to do a video but the weather has changed and the next two rain. After three days I showed up again in the garden in order to make the film. Crypton has not been able to determine the zero point due not to the end of the dry land-confirmed what he wrote Andreas `` zero point can be determined with great precision if the ground is dry ``In my country, in the period May - June is often raining so using the MD detector during this period is necessary. I greet supporters and opponents :)
The same way (along with metal detector) as Crypton, you can use any simple and cheap swivel dowsing rod.
Results will be exactly the same.
And for exactly the same, but more fast results, you need to use metal detector only, without such expensive dowsing crap.
06-06-2014, 12:30 PM
Thx for the interesting replies! :)
@ Andreas
Nice coincidence, the first coin you posted I found already, too :D
It should be a 2 Kreutzer coin (formerly austrian-hungarian monarchy).
Andreas, you know from my earlier conversations that I really do not think that
you wanna fool anybody - for me you are a skilled electronic-engineer,
but in the end the big question is:
How really good useful for the treasure-hunting world your detectors are ?!
I absolutly hope and would wish they are very useful and of course then everone would
fully be thankful and respects your great development and discovery-work -
just for now it needs a real huge afford of convincing-work!
And it's good if the detection is not limited to gold or silver only.
Per instance now this new test-results from djcelownik are looking very promising
but we must consider much more circumstances and "hunting-parameters":
The big question starts already with: What location is really useful to test the OBMD-2?!
Perhaps some kind of wood where really extremly few stuff is buried and where
this before was made shure by a metal-detector.
If we have to guess that the OBMD-2 has a "here is the target"-field of 2meters radius
and the location is somewhere with many finds, of course the metal detector has a
very high chance to find something at this large located place.
Thats why only a region is useful for such tests, where extremly few stuff is located.
How can otherwise exclude that only stuff just by pure chance gets found?!
How exact works the OBMD-2? How large is the final "here is the find"-field?!
Of course if it is possible to find and extract simple one find after another because
the signal is stronger for the closer find it is very good, but we must test this first.
@ djcelownik
Thank you for the new infos. btw. I have a metal-detector from poland and I
also dig out the stuff since a long time with a good garden-shovel from Poland. :)
Its interesting to read that you was careful and critical before you
bought the OBMD-2.
But I hope now your successful results have really substance!
If so, they should be repeatable some other place, some other time,
or what do you think?
Per instance you can repeat such tests in deep woods or up at some mountains
so you can exclude that at those hunting regions are much more finds as you may guess.
It was also good that you said already the weather may have a strong influence
so while wet or rainy weather or with very humid soil the detection does not work.
And perhaps you can explain a little bit the video:
I hear all the time the same beeps so how could you know when the signal was stronger?
However, it would be a real SENSATION here for this forum if you djcelownik
together with Andreas are able to provide real convicible tests including the needed
background information.
If not, many people here just will think it is the same unbelievable story-stuff
as it was all the time before.
Seen technically it is highly unprobable if not completly impossible that a single coin
can create some detectable distortion of the EM-field so it can be found from
many meters away, especially if buried and not testable with in-air coins.
djcelownik, why don't you go to a metal-detector-club or visit a treasure-hunter-party
and demonstrate the OBMD-2 for all the people there and listen what they say
about it? That way you would at least get a real feedback from other persons
concerning how the detector works under real conditions.
Do you think, you could convince them?
The most important thing is that you find a way to make it clear that
the find really was "detected only" with the OBMD-2 and not just by pure chance
with the "pinpointing" metal-detector.
This means that the detection signal has to be connected without any doubt
with a certain find, and not with dozens of possible at a place buried stuff.
Good luck. :)
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