View Full Version : MFD or what
03-22-2013, 12:00 PM
In order for me to Dowse Elements without a Machine, i need power to be on. I haven't yet figured out what that power is, but I do know it's rarely on. When it is on, I'm assuming it's Frequencies, ressonating all Elements atoms. Those Frequencies/Power when on cover the whole spectrum, if that's the right term, and Ressonate ALL Elements atoms, at the same time. It doesn't discriminate. All Elements subjected to this power ressonate at their own Specific Frequency, and create Dowsable connection lines, between same Elements, this I know.
What i'd like to know is what is the cheapest, strongest, Signal Generator available ? One that doesn't discriminate, and one that would cover all Frequencies, just like nature does.
This used to work before it fried, but it discriminated.
115Hz to 24.36KHz variable
Max amptitude 1.38 volts peak to peak
Square wave with fixed duty cycle of about 40%
Without having much of a clue as to what that means, is it necessary?
Basically all I need is a cheap strong signal generator, that can duplicate nature's power of on. Any ideas?
Dave J.
03-22-2013, 01:13 PM
Nature does broadband with lightning storms. Unfortunately lightning storm generators are kinda expensive.
Maybe you'd best stick with a little battery powered signal genny like the one you evidently had. At least you're not likely to harm yourself with that.
--Dave J.
03-22-2013, 01:51 PM
I don't dowse in Lightning, and never realized a storm was nearby when I could. Something in nature does create a wide band or full spectrum frequency burst at times. I'm still working on trying to figure it out. It's maybee Gamma rays, or Radio bursts, or whatever from the Sun, or it's Magnetics, or Lightning from the Earth. All I know for fact is something causes all Elements to Ressonate at the same time, and when that happens a Dowsable connection line will connect same Elements. Is their any device that can transmit all frequencies at once?
03-22-2013, 02:29 PM
The more I've Dowsed, the better I've gotten at it. And I'm actually constantly watching all charts and graphs indicating changes in all fields. It's even possible that the power I talk about isn't charted or graphed, but it does exist, no arguement necessary. The next time power is on, I'll be ready. I'm just waiting for that event, i now know where to look, i have all the pages bookmarked.
To explain more, power's been off most the winter, when I've checked. There has been Solar flares, but none have been extreme, and there has been no significant change because of flares. I'm not sure if snow cover has anything to do with blocking power, I won't know unless power is on more in the summer. I do know that even in the summer it's not on all the time. What I do know is it fluctuates, sometimes rapidly and sometimes not. I've seen it go from off to on up too five times in a minute. It's rarely steady, but I'm still in investigation stages. There must be some kind of machine that transmits all frequency bands at once, right? It's done in Nature.
03-22-2013, 03:49 PM
I believe I would need a Signal Generator that does square wave with a fixed duty cycle. Which would be a Non-Sinusoidal waveform, would that creaute the Multiple Sine waves needed? When using a MFD is it broadcasting multiple Sine waves, and the Discrimination is setting the machine to a specific Sine wave? So it' possible to Generate Multiple Sine waves, without Discrimination? So i need a square wave Signal Generator without any Discrimination? Is there a device out there, an MF? Or can I make one with some cheap device on the market?
03-22-2013, 11:02 PM
I believe I would need a Signal Generator that does square wave with a fixed duty cycle. Which would be a Non-Sinusoidal waveform, would that creaute the Multiple Sine waves needed? When using a MFD is it broadcasting multiple Sine waves, and the Discrimination is setting the machine to a specific Sine wave? So it' possible to Generate Multiple Sine waves, without Discrimination? So i need a square wave Signal Generator without any Discrimination? Is there a device out there, an MF? Or can I make one with some cheap device on the market?
You should get a copy of "Inside the METAL DETECTOR", and read Chapter 13. ;)
It includes some MFD circuits that will work as well as any commercial unit.
Alternatively, you can also look here ->
03-23-2013, 12:56 AM
Thanks for the info on How to build an MFD, but I don't see the answer I'm looking for, yet. I'm not Technicle enough to comprehend much of it.
What i'd like to know, if there's a Signal Generator that Transmits all Frequencies at once? Not just a specific Frequency, but a Broad Band, from Hz to KHz all at once, or so rapidly shifting, that there is no pause on specific.?
Something in Nature does it, does anyone know what it is, besides Lightning?
Can a device like that be made? Like from 115Hz to 24.36KHz constant.
03-23-2013, 01:54 AM
Thanks for the info on How to build an MFD, but I don't see the answer I'm looking for, yet. I'm not Technicle enough to comprehend much of it.
What i'd like to know, if there's a Signal Generator that Transmits all Frequencies at once? Not just a specific Frequency, but a Broad Band, from Hz to KHz all at once, or so rapidly shifting, that there is no pause on specific.?
Something in Nature does it, does anyone know what it is, besides Lightning?
Can a device like that be made? Like from 115Hz to 24.36KHz constant.
What you are looking for is a white noise generator ->
Here's one you can buy on Amazon ->
03-23-2013, 02:27 AM
Thank you, that's very possibly what I'm looking for. I'll have to contact Manufacturer and ask more questions. Has anybody out there ever tried such a device, using it to Resonate Elements? I know it would take a Master Dowser to determine that. Is white noise the same as a type 1V or type11 radio burst from the Sun?
03-23-2013, 03:02 AM
That's it !! Thanks again qiaozhi !!
I went to and checked their free noise colors. The pink noise Ressonates my Silver's, thus creating a Dowsable line between, but the other color noises don't . I'll have to do more tests on other Elements tomorrow. I wonder what their pink noise Frequency range is. Thanks again...
03-23-2013, 03:24 AM
More Dowsing tests indicate Copper is also Ressonated by their Pink noise button. It's not a strong signal but it is there. I'm not sure how far a white noise Generator can send a signal, but i do believe that it's white noise that creates the power on I was looking for.
03-23-2013, 02:03 PM
Although White noise has equal energy on every Frequency, and Pink noise is equal energy per octave, and they do Resonate Elements, i see that it must be something else, because I can hear White and Pink noise. If I'm out Dowsing and power to Dowse all Elements is on, I don't hear it. So it must be something else that's causing Element Resonation, or multiple Frequency output. I'm not sure if Browniam Motion, nor Johnson-Nyquist noise causes it. There is so many different things.
Still looking for the invisible Power the Resonates all Elements specific Frequencies in one Broad Band, something not heard, like Pink noise, nor seen like Lightning. But another type of multiple Frequency signal. Any more suggestions? It's out there Nature does it..
03-23-2013, 02:45 PM
As soon as Dowsing power is back on, I'll record the time, and be able to research all graphs. It's looking so far that with all the signals recorded, it might not be one of them. All I got is one date in the past that I knew power was on. On Christmas day Dec 25 2011, in Arizona, my Dowsing buddy and I went out chasing signals. And we started at 9:00 am, which in Universal time is 15:00 I believe. Power was on Extreamly strong, we we located many things that day, two sub surface gold veins, two Meteorites, one was broken into seven peicess, and my first Gold claim I was able to file on, which we chased the signal eight miles. Power shut back down about three, and we had to get anyway. Looking back on reacords, there was a Sun flare that day, but I was at 18.16 universal time, well after we were able to Dowse. Also at 18.16 ut. there was a Type 1V Radio burst, also well after we could Dowse. I'm not ruling out Sun activity for the source of power, but so far nothing's coinciding with the fluxuation of Dowsing power, which is rarely on. I'm not talking about both types of Dowsing power, I'm talking about Element Resonation, which creates Molecular connection. So if power isn't graphed or charted, and rarely on, I'm trying to Generate my own Power. I know that their are multiple Signal Generators, or LRL devices that are or were on the market. But I'm not looking for a device that creates or Generates a specific Frequency. I just need a device that Generates all Frequencies. I use Elements to find Elements, I just need them Ressonated. And I need signal Ressination to be transmitted at quite a distance, or what I'm looking for won't be able to ressonate enough to create my Dowsable line, while connecting to my Element. I migh have to settle on Specific Frequency device, but i'd rather not..
03-23-2013, 04:56 PM
Seeing that it's written that Gold has a Frequency of 5KHz, and Silver has a Frequency of 8.7KHz, is that in agreement with everybody? And on line going to a Free Frequency Generator, it requires you to put in the Frequency you want to hear, but their device only is in Hz not KHz, why is that?
03-24-2013, 11:31 PM
It would be interesting to use a Zeta Waveform Generator with the frequency for gold or silver. Here is a link to a real simple one:
Make this, put the signal into a 25Watt Audio Amplifier and the output of the amplifier into staked rods spaced about 100feet apart. I suspect you would get more of a reaction out of this than white noise even though I have thought of using white noise too.
03-25-2013, 12:10 AM
Thanks for the info Sedan, it's what I'm heading toward, and even though a white noise Generator hits all the Frequencies I need, it certainly doesn't Broadcast far enough. I like the Amplifier idea, because i need my signal to go as far as possible. I'm still in the process of figuring exactly what causes natures Element Ressonation. Even though a Machine might not be capable of duplicating it, a correct Real time graph is better than nothing. I'm working on Geomagnetic Pulsations, and waiting for some replies. It might be indicated in Bz., when above 5nt, but i still have some tests to do. I've been wrong, and posted wrong in the past. But a strong signal Generator will be in my future. But I need more Elements, because I also Dowse Meteorites, and Diamonds, not just Gold and Silver. Thanks again...
03-25-2013, 01:53 AM
The reason I'm looking for a Broad Band VLF Generator is because I use Elements to find Elements. I had a LRL that required you to set a specific Frequency for the Element desired. The Led reading on the device had to be precise, for it to correctly signal. It was obvious by watching the Led and by Dowsing, the signal would drift. Even if it only drifted a half setting, 100% discrimination could not be confirmed. When natures power is on, all Elements are Ressonated at the same time, and all same Elements connect their invisible Dowsable line. By me placing my 100% pure Elements on the ground, when power is on, I can positivly be sure that any connection line to my Element is 100% discriminated or pure. It makes it easier to find Meteorites, because you need multiple Element composition in the line, to determine if your signaling an Earth rock or Meteorite. If their's such a Signal Generator that Generates all Element Frequencies to a great distance, then I can use my Elements to connect to distant same ones. So it's not only easier, and quicker, but extreamly faster. The Omni-Range master i no longer have, because the board fried in it, was designed to send and receive a Specific Element signal 64 square miles, but in reality it only needed to Generate the Element signal, once Elements are Ressonated they connect themselves with the Dowsable line. The Machine was only turning itself into the Element set at, and ressonating distant same, connection occurs automatically.
It seems that I have stumbled on an established form of dowsing that actually uses machines and electricity. I'm intrigued, and would be greatly appreciative if anyone wanted to explain more to me about this.
03-26-2013, 01:21 AM
Hi jax, I'm not sure what you do know, i assumed everybody knew about LRL Dowsing devices. Not to be believed, they don't work, no Manufacturer can stand up, and prove they work. Figment of a Dowsers imagination. Plus many more negative things said. I'm just a Master Dowser i call myself, not someone trying to prove anything. Unless you show up at my doorstep, then I'll teach what I know.
03-26-2013, 11:37 AM
It seems that I have stumbled on an established form of dowsing that actually uses machines and electricity. I'm intrigued, and would be greatly appreciative if anyone wanted to explain more to me about this.
See chapters 13 and 14.
03-27-2013, 04:27 AM
Your case of using a signal generator that blasts out a plethora of freqs with enough bandwidth is intriguing. I have built single signal generators with special antennas that generate what I call gravitational signals. Gravitational signals are pure longitudinal waves with no magnetic or electric components. This can be accomplished using bifilar coils which will cancel the two em components and create what I call a stress wave.
This is not standard physics but well known by many of us doing research in alternative physics. I have also derived the gravitational frequencies for all the elements. This is proprietary. Interestingly, these grav freqs do correlate with many of the elements that dowsers claim.
If you could reduce the frequencies or list of elements that you are interested in to a smaller amount than the entire periodic table it would be a simple matter of programming a micro controller, like a PIC, to rapidly scan through all these freqs at a high rate so to your nervous system would basically "see" all the freqs at once. A manageable number like 10 or less would be easily done.
03-27-2013, 08:26 AM
Goldfinder thanks for posting. I looked on E-Bay and was amazed at all the different Signal and Frequency Generator's and devices for sale. Most didn't have enough specs for me too understand where I would even start to build one myself, and for practical purposes it would have to be Dc. I know that the LRL I used to have had a range of 115Hz to 24.36 KHz, and i don't need all Elements Ressonated, just the ones i frequently use. I'm pretty sure Elements are VLF and Geomagnetic pulses are VLF, but which low Frequencies are the ones I need have to be figured out with my Elements, an accurate digital Signal or Frequency reciever, and me Dowsing. I'm sure all Element Frequencies are figured out, and there must be a list somewhere, that everybody agrees on, i haven't found it yet. I do know the Elements I use and need for what I'm trying to do. Gold, Platinum, Silver, Copper, Iron, Iridium, Carbon, Ytterium, Tellerian, Nickel, and Cobalt. Those are the main one's I would use. Even though there is other many other Elements in Meteorites, and other prescious metals, these are all that's i need. How close are they in Frequency, i wouldn't know. If a machine can be built like that it would serve my purpose, and i could Dowse with 100% discrimination all the time. Let me know if you can build one, and how much. Thanks
03-27-2013, 08:36 AM
Oops, i knew i'd forget one. Aluminum
03-28-2013, 12:11 AM
With all the different Signal or Frequency Generator ideas, most trying to accomplish the same thing, sending a specific frequency through the ground, or the air, and sending it a long distance, i don't see anything on how calibration of the devices is obtained. How are the specific Frequency's determined, and who determines them? If one Frequency Generator is set at 5KHz, will any Signal reciever read the same exact Frequency? How are they calibrated from zero? Is there one pure Element their all calibrated too? If I had a device made that only sent out ten specific Frequencies, in a rapid continuous Broadcast, just repeating the same Frequencies over and over, what determined the Gold Frequency to Ressonate Gold, Silver to Silver, ect ect ect. Where can I find information about Elemental Specific Frequency Ressonation?
03-28-2013, 03:44 AM
Goldfinder thanks for posting. I looked on E-Bay and was amazed at all the different Signal and Frequency Generator's and devices for sale. Most didn't have enough specs for me too understand where I would even start to build one myself, and for practical purposes it would have to be Dc. I know that the LRL I used to have had a range of 115Hz to 24.36 KHz, and i don't need all Elements Ressonated, just the ones i frequently use. I'm pretty sure Elements are VLF and Geomagnetic pulses are VLF, but which low Frequencies are the ones I need have to be figured out with my Elements, an accurate digital Signal or Frequency reciever, and me Dowsing. I'm sure all Element Frequencies are figured out, and there must be a list somewhere, that everybody agrees on, i haven't found it yet. I do know the Elements I use and need for what I'm trying to do. Gold, Platinum, Silver, Copper, Iron, Iridium, Carbon, Ytterium, Tellerian, Nickel, and Cobalt. Those are the main one's I would use. Even though there is other many other Elements in Meteorites, and other precious metals, these are all that's i need. How close are they in Frequency, i wouldn't know. If a machine can be built like that it would serve my purpose, and i could Dowse with 100% discrimination all the time. Let me know if you can build one, and how much. Thanks
I would have to make a circuit board with a 20 MHZ clock driving a PIC uC. Since the PIC takes average 4 clock cycles ( or 5 MHZ cycle time) per instruction the PIC program would have 1/5 microsecond accuracy per frequency per element plus or minus a 1/5 if microsecond. Since you don't know what kind of accuracy you need it may be a cut and try affair. Nature is by nature (ha) a little sloppy, i.e. there is some variability in resonance. The old Gaussian curve thing so a cycling through the 12 frequencies may just work as an application to your basic idea.
As I mentioned I have derived a table of all the frequencies of the elements based on mass resonance of each atom. Gold is close to 5 Khz etc. and many of the other dowsed element frequencies are also close to the derived and I have verified some of these in the field although I don't pretend to be some kind of expert dowser.
If you are really serious about this send me a personal message.
reza vir
05-28-2013, 02:23 PM
In order for me to Dowse Elements without a Machine, i need power to be on. I haven't yet figured out what that power is, but I do know it's rarely on. When it is on, I'm assuming it's Frequencies, ressonating all Elements atoms. Those Frequencies/Power when on cover the whole spectrum, if that's the right term, and Ressonate ALL Elements atoms, at the same time. It doesn't discriminate. All Elements subjected to this power ressonate at their own Specific Frequency, and create Dowsable connection lines, between same Elements, this I know.
What i'd like to know is what is the cheapest, strongest, Signal Generator available ? One that doesn't discriminate, and one that would cover all Frequencies, just like nature does.
This used to work before it fried, but it discriminated.
115Hz to 24.36KHz variable
Max amptitude 1.38 volts peak to peak
Square wave with fixed duty cycle of about 40%
Without having much of a clue as to what that means, is it necessary?
Basically all I need is a cheap strong signal generator, that can duplicate nature's power of on. Any ideas?
I must advise you of the magazine.
05-29-2013, 12:28 AM
I read some of it, and i can see invasion of privacy, gold and silver can't be hidden from Dowsing.
reza vir
05-29-2013, 05:10 AM
Their bodies have energy
Even if the metal is not
The Energy resides within the body and is looking Lrl
05-29-2013, 10:21 AM
I must advise you of the magazine.
Chock full of self-delusion, with a liberal use of selective memory. You only have to read the section entitled "COMPARING THE RESULTS WITH GEOPHYSICS AND HISTORICAL DATA" to see this in action. The author concludes "This has been the first occasion where I have been able to apply my dowsing under genuinely blind conditions and then have at least some of my findings subsequently confirmed by geophysical scans."
Notice the words "at least some of my findings subsequently confirmed", which could just as easily be interpreted as "the majority of my findings were unconfirmed". In other words, a total failure, except for a couple of lucky guesses that were most likely prompted by visual clues.
Have you actually read the real truth about dowsing? -> Info (
05-29-2013, 12:14 PM
Don't need to read what others think about Dowsing, I've figured it out, Mastered it, succesfully tought, and recovered lost, hidden, or never seen objects. But what's best is, I got to be soo good at it, I figured out how to design the only working, testable, proveable LRL Dowsing Machine in the world. No, it's not on the market yet. But it'll be available before 2014. Get ready Dowsers, this Machine is awesome.
reza vir
05-29-2013, 12:55 PM
Believe you are making the detector more :frown:
reza vir
05-29-2013, 01:12 PM
Look carefully at the movies test LRL
05-29-2013, 05:29 PM
Look carefully at the movies test LRL
Looks simple when the location of the target is already known. :frown:
This is a typical demonstration of the ideomotor effect, clearly showing that dowsing has more to do with psychology than treasure hunting.
Obviously you still haven't read the information located here -> Info (
or Chapter 13 of ITMD -> Inside the METAL DETECTOR - Published September 2012 (
05-29-2013, 05:32 PM
Believe you are making the detector more :frown:
The Zahori was a design published some years ago in Elektor magazine. The word "Zahori" means "Dowser", and this design was an attempt at producing an electronic dowsing rod for finding underground water. The theory was that there is an electrostatic field associated with flowing water that could be detected by electronic means. Of course, this is total nonsense, and we explored the published design here from a purely academic standpoint.
reza vir
05-30-2013, 06:13 AM
very thanks Qiaozhi :)
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