View Full Version : Minelab visits Mineoro

06-30-2012, 11:49 AM
I just saw it at Mineoro's facebook. I will call my friend soon to get the whole story.
Here's Gary Schaffer and Minelab guys with the gang. More here...http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=323885424367051&set=a.256874781068116.64142.216042025151392&type=1&theater (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=323885424367051&set=a.256874781068116.64142.216042025151392&type=1&theater)

And here...[/URL][url]http://www.facebook.com/MineoroIndustria (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=323885424367051&set=a.256874781068116.64142.216042025151392&type=1&theater)

Dave J.
06-30-2012, 02:17 PM
Hung, while Minelab was there, did ya tell 'em you don't want no stinkin' floor polishers?

--Dave J.

Dave J.
06-30-2012, 03:18 PM
Hung, here's my theory. Mineoro is gonna buy Minelab and make Bruce Candy stop screwing around with "floor polishers", Mineoro's gonna turn Bruce's engineering talents to designing gold ion guns.

Whadday think?

--Dave J.

(oops, sorry about the typo in the post title, should be "Bruce", edit function evidently doesn't go there.)

06-30-2012, 05:17 PM
I just saw it at Mineoro's facebook. I will call my friend soon to get the whole story.
Here's Gary Schaffer and Minelab guys with the gang. More here...http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=323885424367051&set=a.256874781068116.64142.216042025151392&type=1&theater (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=323885424367051&set=a.256874781068116.64142.216042025151392&type=1&theater)

And here...[/URL][url]http://www.facebook.com/MineoroIndustria (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=323885424367051&set=a.256874781068116.64142.216042025151392&type=1&theater)


Minelab is great MD factory,one of my best preferences in MD´s

What they are doing in MINEORO factory? well,maybe they are in holidays and sniffing around...
Garopaba is a good place to spend some days,nice beach ,traditional food etc,i like very much,and missing this place.

06-30-2012, 07:09 PM

Minelab is great MD factory,one of my best preferences in MD´s

What they are doing in MINEORO factory? well,maybe they are in holidays and sniffing around...
Garopaba is a good place to spend some days,nice beach ,traditional food etc,i like very much,and missing this place.
I think it's the other way round ... Mineoro are sniffing around the Minelab factory.
Have a look at the photos on Facebook. On one of them they're outside the Minelab building.

06-30-2012, 07:35 PM
I think it's the other way round ... Mineoro are sniffing around the Minelab factory.
Have a look at the photos on Facebook. On one of them they're outside the Minelab building.I s'pose Minelab hasn't heard....
There is a Heathkit metal detector circuit hidden inside the Mineoro DCH locators.
Since Heathkit no longer makes metal detectors, where can they find a new circuit to update their DCH series locators? :rolleyes:

Best Wishes,

07-01-2012, 12:04 AM
I think they are wrong minelab did not go to the factory mineoro, mineoro went to Australia to visit the factory minelab, or making a joke ud.

bets regards

07-01-2012, 07:14 PM
I think they are wrong minelab did not go to the factory mineoro, mineoro went to Australia to visit the factory minelab, or making a joke ud.

bets regards

Well,they can test the MINEORO equipment in Australia gold fields...maybe it works there,hope better than in Europe.

07-01-2012, 09:24 PM
i think mineoro make some alliances with mine lab mineoro study the gpx circuit and made better a new metal detector he can find 1 gram de gold in 15 cm mineralized ground may be can made some better mineoro /minelab
bets regards