View Full Version : GOLD GUN AL707
12-19-2011, 09:21 PM
Hello friends,
I am interesting to build the gold gun al707,
If any of you, can help me with the schematic, or any other informations
about it i will appreciate,
Thank you.
12-19-2011, 11:53 PM
Hello friends,
I am interesting to build the gold gun al707,
If any of you, can help me with the schematic, or any other informations
about it i will appreciate,
Thank you.
sorry,only have this model
12-20-2011, 10:04 AM
Thank you for your answer,
I have see again this schematic
It is similar with the al718, but there are some
Different value capacitors .
What model is this?
Thank you for your answer,
I have see again this schematic
It is similar with the al718, but there are some
Different value capacitors .
What model is this?
Model is AL718.
Capacitor in thank circuit depends on VLF signal transmitter frequency in your region.
In schematic given capacitor can be of little use if there are not radio signal inside tank circuit resonate frequency.
But even there are not VLF radio signal, you can build weak, simple and cheap transmitter tuned at AL718 frequency and put it in field of your search ten meters away.
You need to tune your AL718 ferrite antenna at the best directivity by changing ferrite rods mutual distance and coils position. You need transmitter for such tuning placed of about 50 meters away (good one is battery powered signal generator with two wires - one inserted in earth and other as antenna up in air).
For some additional idea about transmitter you can look here:
12-20-2011, 01:19 PM
I visit the page you recommend,
There are very interesting transmitter kits,
Which one you thing is the best solution
To work us a pair with a gold gun ?
I think also that I have to change the coil capacitors
With big value trimming capacitors for the tunning
Of the ferrite antenna.
Also if somebody have a good schematic for
a transmitter we can try to build one,
Thank s a lot.
12-20-2011, 05:08 PM
Model is AL718.
Capacitor in thank circuit depends on VLF signal transmitter frequency in your region.
In schematic given capacitor can be of little use if there are not radio signal inside tank circuit resonate frequency.
But even there are not VLF radio signal, you can build weak, simple and cheap transmitter tuned at AL718 frequency and put it in field of your search ten meters away.
You need to tune your AL718 ferrite antenna at the best directivity by changing ferrite rods mutual distance and coils position. You need transmitter for such tuning placed of about 50 meters away (good one is battery powered signal generator with two wires - one inserted in earth and other as antenna up in air).
For some additional idea about transmitter you can look here:
hi wm6
Please put a transmitter that is above.I have not found such a transmitter on the Internet.Please put the transmitter.??
Put in attachments pcb gg817 in sprin layout ;) enjoy;)
hi mesy64 and other freinds
this is a transmitter vlf with coil anttena .How to change the antenna coil to the telescopic antenna.???
You can use the transmitter for the Said wm6 ???
12-20-2011, 08:24 PM
tank you jack
please insert Complete schematic
How to change the antenna coil to the telescopic antenna.???
In two ways (not to mention that L1 alone works as antenna too: to bigger diameter - to better signal):
1. You can build L1 as ferrite rod antenna with same inductance (regarding to desired TX frequency) for better antenna directivity.
2. You can build vertical (or telescopic) antenna by help of LF ferrite toroid transform with his primary windings tuned to desired TX frequency.
12-21-2011, 12:05 AM
In two ways:
1. You can build L1 as ferrite rod antenna with same inductance (regarding to desired TX frequency).
2. You can build vertical (or telescopic) antenna by help of LF ferrite toroid transform with his primary windings tuned to desired TX frequency.Hi WM6,
I can see you are giving very advanced secrets to locating gold from long distances.
The engineering is amazing... Such an elegant solution to locating the elusive treasure signal.
Who would have thought of using a toroid ferrite?
Maybe this is better than Dr. Best, because easy to build.
I will watch with interest to see how much treasure mesy64 and Jack recover with this advanced breakthrough design.
Best wishes, :)
Hi WM6,
I can see you are giving very advanced secrets to locating gold from long distances.
The engineering is amazing... Such an elegant solution to locating the elusive treasure signal.
Who would have thought of using a toroid ferrite?
Maybe this is better than Dr. Best, because easy to build.
I will watch with interest to see how much treasure mesy64 and Jack recover with this advanced breakthrough design.
Best wishes, :)
Hi J_P ,
don't forget that dowsers are capable to make miracles (especially equipped with proper MD).
12-21-2011, 12:59 AM
Hi J_P ,
don't forget that dowsers are capable to make miracles (especially equipped with proper MD).Yes...
A miracle can make any circuit work... :D
Best wishes, :)
tank you wm6
If one end of a telescopic antenna is no longer with the same frequency is sent to Earth to be what?
How is this possible?And better performance for gold gun ?
tank you wm6
If one end of a telescopic antenna is no longer with the same frequency is sent to Earth to be what?
How is this possible?And better performance for gold gun ?
Hi Jack,
despite your English is very atractive, I do not understand what you ask. Sorry.
12-21-2011, 08:55 PM
ionios, are you from zakynthos?
12-22-2011, 07:16 AM
ionios, are you from zakynthos?
Yes, I am.
Hi Jack,
despite your English is very atractive, I do not understand what you ask. Sorry.
I'm sorry dear wm6
How can one end of the telescopic antenna to Earth????
Is it possible?
How to Plan???(A telescopic antenna and a signal transmitter to the ground together)
This will help the gold gun receiver to detect metals???
I wish I had found the English language to improve understanding;);)
I'm sorry dear wm6
How can one end of the telescopic antenna to Earth????
Is it possible?
How to Plan???(A telescopic antenna and a signal transmitter to the ground together)
This will help the gold gun receiver to detect metals???
Maybe now I understand.
Yes it is possible that one end of antenna to be grounded to Earth. Look at last drawing and find point with comment "here grounded". You can instal wire from this point to ground. With this connection antenna is grounded to Earth.
GG can theorethically detect something (what and on which distance still need to be answered). You cannot expect to detect coins at distance, but maybe bigger deposits of metal. It depend on directivity of your GG receiving antenna.
Maybe now I understand.
Yes it is possible that one end of antenna to be grounded to Earth. Look at last drawing and find point with comment "here grounded". You can instal wire from this point to ground. With this connection antenna is grounded to Earth.
GG can theorethically detect something (what and on which distance still need to be answered). You cannot expect to detect coins at distance, but maybe bigger deposits of metal. It depend on directivity of your GG receiving antenna.
What is the way to tuning the transmitter with a gold gun?
Please explain how the vlf transmitter with gold gun????
What do you recommend to set the frequency?
Please see the picture and identify specific areas?
Mr. wm6 please explain about how the vlf waves in the Earth and in space.The telescopic antenna transmits its own waves in the Earth without ground wire?
with tespect
What is the way to tuning the transmitter with a gold gun?
Both have to work on the same frequency.
You get this by tuning LC tank circuit in Tx and RX antenna stages.
Try first with say 10 turns on RX ferrite rod, measure inductance, calculate whole inductance of say 500 to 1000 turns, calculate resonance frequency with C of 1 to 10nF, repeat the same with TX.
Read post #4 too again.
What is the way to tuning the transmitter with a gold gun?
Please explain how the vlf transmitter with gold gun????
What do you recommend to set the frequency?
Please see the picture and identify specific areas?
Mr. wm6 please explain about how the vlf waves in the Earth and in space.The telescopic antenna transmits its own waves in the Earth without ground wire?
with tespect
Antenna can emmit better if grounded:
12-22-2011, 06:49 PM
Hello WM6, is it possible for you to give us
The complete schematic for the transmitter
With the values of the capacitors .......etc.
Thank you.
Hello WM6, is it possible for you to give us
The complete schematic for the transmitter
With the values of the capacitors .......etc.
Thank you.
This is jack's schematic not my. Ask him.
Here is my schematic (sorry I have not PCB, cause this MAX IC is not in my PCB design library): (
hi wm6
How low frequency transmitter in the ferrite?
12-23-2011, 10:47 AM
hi mesy64 and other freinds
this is a transmitter vlf with coil anttena .How to change the antenna coil to the telescopic antenna.???
You can use the transmitter for the Said wm6 ???Hi Jack,
What is the reason why you want to change from coil antenna to telescopic antenna?
Best wishes, :)
Hi Jack,
What is the reason why you want to change from coil antenna to telescopic antenna?
Best wishes, :)
I want to transfer to the ground vlf waves and I identified with the waves gold gun;)
hi wm6
How low frequency transmitter in the ferrite?
It is about properties of ferrite core not transmitter.
Ask your supplier for LF toroid of higher AL value, which are mostly manganese/zinc (MnZnFe{II}) type.
Or better: forget telescopic antenna an build simple and effective coil antenna as on my schematic.
It is about properties of ferrite core not transmitter.
Ask your supplier for LF toroid of higher AL value, which are mostly manganese/zinc (MnZnFe{II}) type.
Or better: forget telescopic antenna an build simple and effective coil antenna as on my schematic.
A transmitter circuit that put the output of IC 4060 produces very low frequency.Section shown in the picture and it only reinforces the output frequency of the rf frequency makes.
Wrapping wire on a ferrite high frequency is generated from the IC?
Or raise it?
I want to use the telescopic antenna.
In your opinion is the efficient use of telescopic antenna?Or use the antenna coil?
12-23-2011, 08:11 PM
It is about properties of ferrite core not transmitter.
Ask your supplier for LF toroid of higher AL value, which are mostly manganese/zinc (MnZnFe{II}) type.
Or better: forget telescopic antenna an build simple and effective coil antenna as on my schematic.
i have another question for, you in your plan were we connect the generator?
also the antenna were you have in your plan it is for air transmit,
if we like to have both air and ground what we do?
Thank you.
if we like to have both air and ground what we do?
Nothing special, cause VLF wave penetrate very deep in ground also (without ground plane part of antenna).
You need to place your transmitter with coil antenna in air near to soil surface of about 10 meters or more from detecting place.
For better detecting you can try from different positions and different orientation of coil antenna in air (vertical, horizontal, in detecting direction, etc.).
12-23-2011, 11:48 PM
i have another question for, you in your plan were we connect the generator?
also the antenna were you have in your plan it is for air transmit,
if we like to have both air and ground what we do?
Thank you.portable VLF transmitters and receivers almost always use coil type antennas because they are more efficient than telescoping antennas. The coil type is also much more directional.
The portable telescoping antenna works poorly at VLF frequencies. The telescoping antennas are usually reserved for higher frequencies than the 30 KHz that you want to broadcast.
VLF at 30KHz will broadcast easily into the air, and will also penetrate from the air into the ground at least 10 meters deep depending on the soil. If the soil is not conductive, then it can penetrate deeper. When you make the frequency lower, then the same power of VLF will penetrate into the ground deeper. I would not be surprised if you sent signals to 50 meters using 12 KHz, but it depends on the soil conductivity and how much power you are broadcasting.
Geologists set up their portable transmitters on the ground, then they usually put a cable on the ground in a single loop that can be more than 1Km diameter to make a circle around the place where they want to locate and measure anomalies under the ground.
They want to make a very even vertical VLF magnetic field that they can walk through the interior of, and measure the variations of the field strength with their receivers.
They can detect rock formations and mineral deposits or ores and metals or tanks under the ground up to 50 meters deep, and sometimes deeper.
I think you will find that WM6 is very expert for building transmitting equipment.
And I believe WM6 is correct that you will be wise to experiment with different kinds of transmitting and receiving antenna coils.
You will find that the coils he recommends will always work better than a telescoping antenna for VLF frequencies.
You will see there is no need to put parts of the antenna under the ground to penetrate deep.
The problem will be to locate metal things that are small.
I think it will take much experimenting before you will find a good combination of transmitter and receiver to be able to detect metal things under the ground that are small enough for you to carry in your hand.
Best wishes,
Thanks J_P, for good explanation.
One remark: I intentionally did not gave high output power transmitter solutions to stay inside authorities regulations limits regarding EMI disturbances in RF spectrum.
At the same time, using low power TX, we can, with proper designed RX, and under proper circumstances, even sense changes in wave polarisation on short distances, which is very important to distinguish between different source and direction of received wave mess. With even slight higher power this is not possible to achieve at short distances.
RX problems and solutions we will discuss once in next year.
12-24-2011, 12:56 AM
Thanks J_P, for good explanation.
One remark: I intentionally did not gave high output power transmitter solutions to stay inside authorities regulations limits regarding EMI disturbances in RF spectrum.
At the same time, using low power TX, we can, with proper designed RX, and under proper circumstances, even sense changes in wave polarisation on short distances, which is very important to distinguish between different source and direction of received wave mess. With even slight higher power this is not possible to achieve at short distances.
RX problems and solutions we will discuss once in next year.It is important to understand that high power is not necessary to make VLF penetrate deep into the ground.
The geologists are using low power portable transmitters to measure maybe more than 40 meters deep into the ground.
They use less power than the limit for most countries.
Most people do not bury treasures 40 meters deep. Most treasures are less than 2-3 meters deep.
It is easy to penetrate to 2-3 meters with very low power VLF.
Most people who experiment with LRLs are using less power than a metal detector will use at similar VLF frequencies.
I read where many LRL experimenters say that too much power will destroy their detection.
In the case of Mineoro, the reports from the factory and users close to the factory say that if you put the power from moving a metal detector coil over a buried treasure site, you will destroy the detection for that treasure for several days.
Then you must wait a few days until the signal will return before you can locate the treasure.
The biggest problem with illegally transmitting high power VLF is you could be interfering with the submarine communication signals from large countries like Russia, USA, Canada, and many others around the world. If these countries have problems from interference, then they will find your location by using their radio direction locators.
Then they will complain to the state department for your country.
Then there is a very good chance some government officials will come to your home to confiscate your equipment and impose fines and imprisonment to you.
You must remember, these VLF signals can travel very long distances with not much power, and they can penetrate the ground and ocean water very easily.
Especially the lower frequencies. This is why submarines use VLF for secret communications.
Russia is known to operate VLF transmitters which change to different un-published frequencies without announcing when they change frequencies.
I would not want to be broadcasting a high power VLF signal that interferes with their secret military communications.
Best wishes,
12-24-2011, 11:33 AM
Thank you for the explains,
I check throw the internet about
The MAX4366 it is very difficult to found it.
Do you know were we can get it?
Thank you.
Thank you for the explains,
I check throw the internet about
The MAX4366 it is very difficult to found it.
Do you know were we can get it?
Thank you.
You can use MAX4367 or MAX4368 as well - or look at simple and cheap VLF TX solution with NE555 in another topic.
dear wm6 and j-p
Thank you for the details.We have an overall conclusion
1- is the best antenna for vlf transmitting wave antenna coil?
2-Vlf transmitter with either a project or plan that is in my wm6 would be the metals can be detected in the ground?
3-Vlf waves from the transmitter of the device performance is the gold gun?
4-The best way to set the transmitter and the device is goldgun together how?
5-Vlf transmitter can detect small metal coins such as the use of the Remote?
6-The transmitter signals the detection of metals are what distance?
7-When the antenna coil is used to transfer the signal wire to ground or not?
with respect
12-24-2011, 07:44 PM
dear wm6 and j-p
Thank you for the details.We have an overall conclusion
1- is the best antenna for vlf transmitting wave antenna coil?
2-Vlf transmitter with either a project or plan that is in my wm6 would be the metals can be detected in the ground?
3-Vlf waves from the transmitter of the device performance is the gold gun?
4-The best way to set the transmitter and the device is goldgun together how?
5-Vlf transmitter can detect small metal coins such as the use of the Remote?
6-The transmitter signals the detection of metals are what distance?
7-When the antenna coil is used to transfer the signal wire to ground or not?
with respect
1- is the best antenna for vlf transmitting wave antenna coil?
For small portable VLF transmitters, coil is most efficient.
I have never seen a portable VLF transmitter use any kind of antenna except a coil antenna.
Telescoping antenna cannot send out the strength of VLF waves that a coil can send.
2-Vlf transmitter with either a project or plan that is in my wm6 would be the metals can be detected in the ground?
A VLF transmitter does not detect any metals in the ground.
The VLF transmitter only makes VLF waves for a receiver to tune to.
The receiver must find the location of things under the ground.
The VLF transmitter must send out VLF waves that are strong enough for the VLF receiver to receive from the distance in your treasure hunting field.
This amount of transmitter power is low power for less than 1Km distances.
3-Vlf waves from the transmitter of the device performance is the gold gun?
VLF waves are not transmitted from the gold gun.
The gold gun is only a receiver which is designed to receive VLF waves from a separate transmitter.
The transmitter is sometimes located hundreds of Km distance from the gold gun.
The military transmitter in the USA is one of the transmitters that the gold gun was designed to listen for.
But the transmitters are no longer sending VLF signals.
When the transmitters stopped making VLF broadcasts, the gold gun company began to sell a small portable VLF transmitter to put near the place where people want to hunt for treasure using their gold gun.
But the gold gun company is no longer selling gold guns or transmitters.
This is the reason why it is good to build a small transmitter and put it somewhere near where you will hunt for treasure.
The gold gun needs to find a VLF wave from a transmitter to receive.
4-The best way to set the transmitter and the device is goldgun together how?
For the gold gun, the transmitter is set at the side of the place where you want to hunt for treasure.
You want the transmitter to have enough distance from your hunting area so you will find an even amount of VLF in the different parts of the hunting area.
You do not want to move the gold gun very close to the transmitter because it will receive a signal that is too strong when you are close to the transmitter.
For me, I would put the transmitter outside the area that I would hunt for treasure, and I would put the loop so it will be sending the VLF horizontal.
Then I would adjust the position of the loop so it will send the wave 10 degrees down from horizontal so I will know the waves are being sent to the ground.
Then I will go to the opposite side of the hunting area to use the receiver pointed to the direction of the transmitter on the other side.
From this point I would walk and scan back and forth different directions to see if the gold gun finds a direction where the signal becomes very weak.
If I find a direction with a very weak signal, then I will move 20 meters to the side to see where the weak direction crosses the previous weak direction.
Then I would repeat from 2 or 3 more locations to see If I can locate the center of the place where the weak signal is found.
But I have never used a gold gun to find treasure, so I do not know if this is the best way.
You must make your own experiments to find what method works best for you.
5-Vlf transmitter can detect small metal coins such as the use of the Remote?
VLF transmitter does not detect anything.
VLF transmitter sends out VLF frequency for receiver to detect.
The VLF receiver will look to find changes of the signal when it is near metal things.
The gold gun is a VLF receiver which is built with special receiver coils put on ferrites to help find the variation of the VLF waves when it is near metal that is small.
6-The transmitter signals the detection of metals are what distance?
The transmitter does not signal the detection of metals ever.
The purpose of the transmitter is to send a very even and smooth VLF signal for the receiver to receive.
Only the receiver detects metal.
The receiver must be designed to be very directional and it must be very sensitive to to the VLF waves that it receives.
The receiver works similar to a small portable AM radio with a battery for power.
If you turn the AM radio receiver different directions you will hear the signal will get stronger and weaker.
The gold gun will also become stronger and weaker when you turn to different directions.
It has ferrite coil antenna inside which is almost the same as inside the AM radio.
But the gold gun has two ferrite antennas to help find the exact direction where treasure is located.
The gold gun circuit is designed to determine the direction where buried metal things are making secondary induced signals from locations under the ground.
The gold gun looks for locations where the signal from the transmitter is no longer smooth, because the buried metal is interfering with the smooth signal.
7-When the antenna coil is used to transfer the signal wire to ground or not?
The transmitter antenna does connect to a wire which is buried in the ground.
The transmitter is a loop coil which is placed in the air or could be placed on the ground if you want to put it there.
Some people lay the VLF coil flat on the ground, and other people put it in the air.
The transmitter sends a VLF signal from the coil into the air or to the ground or to whatever other things are in front of it.
The transmitter VLF waves will travel in the air, then they will move from the air into the ground and into other things that are in the path of the waves.
If there is ground or water in the path of the VLF wave, then the VLF will penetrate into the ground or water.
The transmitter receiver is held similar to a portable battery AM radio with no wires connecting into the ground.
When the gold gun was sold to treasure hunters, there was never a wire to put into the ground.
The wire for the ground is not needed for VLF coil antennas or VLF coil receivers.
Best wishes, :)
1- is the best antenna for vlf transmitting wave antenna coil?
For small portable VLF transmitters, coil is most efficient.
I have never seen a portable VLF transmitter use any kind of antenna except a coil antenna.
Telescoping antenna cannot send out the strength of VLF waves that a coil can send.
2-Vlf transmitter with either a project or plan that is in my wm6 would be the metals can be detected in the ground?
A VLF transmitter does not detect any metals in the ground.
The VLF transmitter only makes VLF waves for a receiver to tune to.
The receiver must find the location of things under the ground.
The VLF transmitter must send out VLF waves that are strong enough for the VLF receiver to receive from the distance in your treasure hunting field.
This amount of transmitter power is low power for less than 1Km distances.
3-Vlf waves from the transmitter of the device performance is the gold gun?
VLF waves are not transmitted from the gold gun.
The gold gun is only a receiver which is designed to receive VLF waves from a separate transmitter.
The transmitter is sometimes located hundreds of Km distance from the gold gun.
The military transmitter in the USA is one of the transmitters that the gold gun was designed to listen for.
But the transmitters are no longer sending VLF signals.
When the transmitters stopped making VLF broadcasts, the gold gun company began to sell a small portable VLF transmitter to put near the place where people want to hunt for treasure using their gold gun.
But the gold gun company is no longer selling gold guns or transmitters.
This is the reason why it is good to build a small transmitter and put it somewhere near where you will hunt for treasure.
The gold gun needs to find a VLF wave from a transmitter to receive.
4-The best way to set the transmitter and the device is goldgun together how?
For the gold gun, the transmitter is set at the side of the place where you want to hunt for treasure.
You want the transmitter to have enough distance from your hunting area so you will find an even amount of VLF in the different parts of the hunting area.
You do not want to move the gold gun very close to the transmitter because it will receive a signal that is too strong when you are close to the transmitter.
For me, I would put the transmitter outside the area that I would hunt for treasure, and I would put the loop so it will be sending the VLF horizontal.
Then I would adjust the position of the loop so it will send the wave 10 degrees down from horizontal so I will know the waves are being sent to the ground.
Then I will go to the opposite side of the hunting area to use the receiver pointed to the direction of the transmitter on the other side.
From this point I would walk and scan back and forth different directions to see if the gold gun finds a direction where the signal becomes very weak.
If I find a direction with a very weak signal, then I will move 20 meters to the side to see where the weak direction crosses the previous weak direction.
Then I would repeat from 2 or 3 more locations to see If I can locate the center of the place where the weak signal is found.
But I have never used a gold gun to find treasure, so I do not know if this is the best way.
You must make your own experiments to find what method works best for you.
5-Vlf transmitter can detect small metal coins such as the use of the Remote?
VLF transmitter does not detect anything.
VLF transmitter sends out VLF frequency for receiver to detect.
The VLF receiver will look to find changes of the signal when it is near metal things.
The gold gun is a VLF receiver which is built with special receiver coils put on ferrites to help find the variation of the VLF waves when it is near metal that is small.
6-The transmitter signals the detection of metals are what distance?
The transmitter does not signal the detection of metals ever.
The purpose of the transmitter is to send a very even and smooth VLF signal for the receiver to receive.
Only the receiver detects metal.
The receiver must be designed to be very directional and it must be very sensitive to to the VLF waves that it receives.
The receiver works similar to a small portable AM radio with a battery for power.
If you turn the AM radio receiver different directions you will hear the signal will get stronger and weaker.
The gold gun will also become stronger and weaker when you turn to different directions.
It has ferrite coil antenna inside which is almost the same as inside the AM radio.
But the gold gun has two ferrite antennas to help find the exact direction where treasure is located.
The gold gun circuit is designed to determine the direction where buried metal things are making secondary induced signals from locations under the ground.
The gold gun looks for locations where the signal from the transmitter is no longer smooth, because the buried metal is interfering with the smooth signal.
7-When the antenna coil is used to transfer the signal wire to ground or not?
The transmitter antenna does connect to a wire which is buried in the ground.
The transmitter is a loop coil which is placed in the air or could be placed on the ground if you want to put it there.
Some people lay the VLF coil flat on the ground, and other people put it in the air.
The transmitter sends a VLF signal from the coil into the air or to the ground or to whatever other things are in front of it.
The transmitter VLF waves will travel in the air, then they will move from the air into the ground and into other things that are in the path of the waves.
If there is ground or water in the path of the VLF wave, then the VLF will penetrate into the ground or water.
The transmitter receiver is held similar to a portable battery AM radio with no wires connecting into the ground.
When the gold gun was sold to treasure hunters, there was never a wire to put into the ground.
The wire for the ground is not needed for VLF coil antennas or VLF coil receivers.
Best wishes, :)
tank you very much j-p
This means you are worth making?(gold gun)
You build it and integrate it with a wave transmitter is buried treasures and metals found in the basement?
You suggest that this device is built with the specifications?(gold gun and transmitter)
Is effective and efficient?
12-24-2011, 11:49 PM
tank you very much j-p
This means you are worth making?(gold gun)
You build it and integrate it with a wave transmitter is buried treasures and metals found in the basement?
You suggest that this device is built with the specifications?(gold gun and transmitter)
Is effective and efficient?I never have held a gold gun in my hand.
The things I say for the gold gun are only from what I read that other people observed.
I know about VLF wave propagation because I studied propagation of different electromagnetic waves for many years.
If the gold gun can find treasure,, this is something I no nothing about.
I only know that other people say they found treasure with it.
These other people who say they found treasure when using the gold gun are people who used their gold gun when there were VLF transmitters sending signals from the USA.
But these signals are no longer being sent from the military VLF transmitter.
For me, I do not think the gold gun is a good way to find treasure.
I do not think VLF survey is a good way to find treasure unless the treasure is larger size than a car.
But other people say they have found treasure when they use the gold gun.
So I tell how the gold gun works.
If you believe you can find treasure with the gold gun then you can build the gold gun.
Then you can take your gold gun to see if it will help you to find treasure.
If you want to read some posts from people who say they found treasure when they use the gold gun you can look here:
You will also see some photos of the inside of gold guns that people finished building.
Here is more photos for the gold gun...
Also, look at these links where you can see people make forum posts to say they cannot find treasure with the gold gun:
Originally Posted by Carl-NC
"I own a Gold Gun AL718. Couldn't get much out of it, and I've never heard of anyone else who has had success with one.
Still, I'd like to get mine into an area where there's more natural gold, and see what it does. Based on what I know of Accurate Locators, I don't expect much of it". (
originally posted by Tim Williams
"...I could not get the gold gun I had to work. But that may be because the signal was not being transmitted. This unit has a transmitter.
I can't say if it will work or not. I just wanted to let everyone know there was one on ebay". (
originally posted by Agraz
"I build that model Gold Gun AL718, diagram post for Tim Williams, and work well, but is best put a transmitter with rods in ground, I dont try it". (
originally posted by Geo
"..Many people constructed it at Greece, without results:lol::lol:
Few weeks ago, when i went to Olympus for treasure hunting, there was two people who had a GG clone. No results..." (
originally posted by alnamr
"Hi to all
I made this device but there was no sound except confusion:lol::lol:
See photos:nono::nono:" (
You can see that many people are reporting that the gold gun does not find treasure.
This is the reason why I do not want to spend my time to build it.
But maybe I am wrong.
Maybe if you build it you will find treasure.
You can make your own decision.
If you want to build the gold gun, look at the circuit schematic and instruction manual below in the zip file below.
Also look at the patent which was filed that tells the principle on which the gold gun was based.
Best wishes, :)
Hi J_P.
I believe that the pattent who you attached here it is not for GoldGun. At the schematic of the pattent the coil is 90 degrees vertical one to other, as a two box. Coils at G-G are at same direction. From what i know the archaeological services using such detectors, with the coil of one receiver to be vertical to the coil of the other receiver.
12-25-2011, 07:09 AM
Hi J_P.
I believe that the pattent who you attached here it is not for GoldGun. At the schematic of the pattent the coil is 90 degrees vertical one to other, as a two box. Coils at G-G are at same direction. From what i know the archaeological services using such detectors, with the coil of one receiver to be vertical to the coil of the other receiver.
Regards:)Hi Geo,
You are correct.
The patent is not filed for the gold gun.
The patent is for a different detector that is more sophisticated than the gold gun.
The patent shows the principle for how the signal is found.
The patent tells all details of the phase shift and tilting angles ... there are no secrets because they tell everything that is important for using VLF to locate inductive signals from buried metals.
The gold gun is making detection by using the same principle to detect the same signal that you see in the patent.
But the gold gun manual does not tell you about the electrical conductivity of the buried metals, or phase angle shifts like you can read in the patent.
You will see the gold gun is a more simple adaptation to find this same inductive signal that is described in the patent.
This patent is important because it relies on a distant transmitter exactly as the original gold gun relies on to find the buried metals.
But the patent shows a much better approach for VLF prospecting than the gold gun uses to locate the same signals that are derived from a distant transmitter.
The gold gun was made to be a more simple method to find this same inductive signal without using phase angle shifters or extracting quadrature components.
This is the reason why the gold gun coils are arranged in a different plane than the more sophisticated locator that you see in the patent.
If you build the machine that is shown in the patent, then you can expect to find better detection than you will find when you use the gold gun.
But if you build the gold gun, then you can still detect VLF anomalies from the same VLF signal.
And it is easier to build the gold gun than it is to build the locator that you see in the patent.
The gold gun may also be more specialized to locate the azimuth angle than the machine you see in the patent.
So you can make your choice....
You can build the gold gun very easy, or you can build the locator that you see in the patent.
Gold gun is easy to build, but difficult to locate buried metal.
And the machine in the patent is more difficult to build, but easier to locate buried metals --- especially large bodies of metal or ore that are buried.
For me, I think the gold gun and the machine in the patent are not the best ways to find buried metals.
I think other methods will work better than to use these inductive VLF detectors.
But maybe my idea is wrong.
So I show what other people published to show how they found buried metals for my answer to questions that people are asking.
Best wishes, :)
Hi Geo,
You are correct.
The patent is not for the gold gun.
The patent is for a different detector that is more sophisticated than the gold gun.
The patent shows the principle for how the signal is found.
The gold gun is making detection by using the same principle to detect the same signal that you see in the patent.
The difference is the gold gun is a more simple adaptation to find this signal.
If you build the machine that is shown in the patent, then you can expect to find better detection than you will find when you use the gold gun.
But if you build the gold gun, then you will still detect the same signal.
The gold gun will not detect the signal as well as the machine you see in the patent.
But it is easier to build the gold gun than it is to build the locator that you see in the patent.
So you can make your choice....
You can build the gold gun very easy, or you can build the locator that you see in the patent.
Gold gun is easy to build, but difficult to locate buried metal.
And the machine in the patent is more difficult to build, but easier to locate buried metals.
For me, I think these are not the best ways to find buried metals.
Best wishes, :)
Yes you have right.
I worked with a detector like the pattent but it was good for very large objects (as a barel or bigger), and for caves as a big room.
02-19-2012, 11:57 AM
geia sou ionios patrida!to dokimases an douleuei?thelw na ftiaksw k gw ena apostatiko alla na douleuei..exw dokimasei kati topika mikra alla de pane bathos oute apostash.
02-19-2012, 12:02 PM
also i forget to say hi to everybody..i am a new member and excuse me for my bad engish..i would apreciate a final diagram which is tested and working.i would also like to know the depth and the distance that it will work
also i forget to say hi to everybody..i am a new member and excuse me for my bad engish..i would apreciate a final diagram which is tested and working.i would also like to know the depth and the distance that it will work
ionios335, welcome as a new member here.
GG AL707 schematic is well known and tested. You need to read threads about GG Al707 from start.
Capabilities to detect something with GG AL707 are more theoretical than practical (main problem is proper antenna tuning). In all cases you can detect with this devices a bigger ore underground deposits only. But device is cheap, easy to build, work better than all mineoro and other scam devices, so it is worth to try.
02-22-2012, 09:32 PM
I just finish it, so i am going to test it now
and i will give you the resoltes,
with out transmitter,
Thank you.
02-23-2012, 12:30 PM
Hi ionios
I hope your GG works, so i will look forward for your results.
For J.PLayer, my friedn i was tryiong to understand this divice function and i compared to pdk, wich is also a VLF receiber.
About GG, i think that is not necesari to have the correct ferrite to catch the correct frequencies, cause you can use other ferrites to or may be the same arrange has pdk RX coil. The point is to set the correct frequency by just doing a correct LC circuit tune to the frequencies you want to recibe.
May be by just building a small vlf transmiter, like coil stimulator made bu pdk, will do the job to.
In ather words i think that you can combine pdk and GG schematics to get a good LR MD.
I just finish it, so i am going to test it now
and i will give you the resoltes,
with out transmitter,
Thank you.
About GG, i think that is not necesari to have the correct ferrite to catch the correct frequencies, cause you can use other ferrites to or may be the same arrange has pdk RX coil. The point is to set the correct frequency by just doing a correct LC circuit tune to the frequencies you want to recibe.
Yes, Nelson, the main point is correct frequency. Mean frequency tuned to transmitter that can be received in your local.
There is a little use, even if you have original GG, if there is no TX frequency on which GG is tuned in your local.
You can replace non-existent (military) local VLF signal transmitter by your own portable one. I have already posted some adequate TX schematic here.
J_P can explain this matter more in detail.
02-23-2012, 05:12 PM
Hello friends, here is a small video,
It is the first time i use the gold gun so i like to ask,
If someone use gold gun from you,
What you think about the video and the numbers i get in organe?
Is it works like must be?
Thank you.
Hello friends, here is a small video,
It is the first time i use the gold gun so i like to ask,
If someone use gold gun from you,
What you think about the video and the numbers i get in organe?
Is it works like must be?
Thank you.
Congratulations ionios, very nice construction.
Yes, I tested GG circuit in past. With proper tuned antenna it can easy detect direction and position of small transmitter, but i never can detect reliable reflection from metal targets. Transmitter signal always override reflected signal and disturbed receiving of weak reflected signal. We need EM shielded antenna. I left this project without a valid success.
02-23-2012, 05:54 PM
For the video I didn't use any transmitter,
So you think it is working correct?
The next days I am going to check the direction
That gold gun so me,
I will be very happy if I found any metal there.
I let you know about this.
Thank you.
02-23-2012, 05:59 PM
Congratulations ionios
Very nice GG and in the video if i m not wrong you got a null signal. Tell us how and from were you got the transmitter signal.
Hello friends, here is a small video,
It is the first time i use the gold gun so i like to ask,
If someone use gold gun from you,
What you think about the video and the numbers i get in organe?
Is it works like must be?
Thank you.
02-23-2012, 06:02 PM
Thanks WM6
I will try to find the transmiter scjhematics you posted.
I m not shure, but is my idea that mixing GG with pdk device could allow me to have succes on long range MD.
Yes, Nelson, the main point is correct frequency. Mean frequency tuned to transmitter that can be received in your local.
There is a little use, even if you have original GG, if there is no TX frequency on which GG is tuned in your local.
You can replace non-existent (military) local VLF signal transmitter by your own portable one. I have already posted some adequate TX schematic here.
J_P can explain this matter more in detail.
02-23-2012, 06:03 PM
How did you made GG digital. Do you have schematics to share?
Hello friends, here is a small video,
It is the first time i use the gold gun so i like to ask,
If someone use gold gun from you,
What you think about the video and the numbers i get in organe?
Is it works like must be?
Thank you.
02-23-2012, 07:14 PM
Here it is the circuit for the gold gun i make, (
And the change i made with the capacitors connection (
02-23-2012, 08:03 PM
thx friend
you can read it :D
02-23-2012, 09:40 PM
The gold gun is a radio receiver similar to a small battery power AM radio receiver.
The gold gun is tuned to one frequency to listen to a radio station.
The design shows a switch which allows you to tune to 3 different radio stations.
The gold gun does not find any signal from buried metals.
The gold gun finds a signal only from a radio station that sends a broadcast at the same frequency that the gold gun is tuned to.
If there is no station sending a radio broadcast to the gold gun, then the gold gun will receive no signal.
Today, the radio transmitters which send signals for the gold gun are not working.
There is no transmitter sending a signal to the gold gun, so the gold gun will receive no signal.
It will only show occasional variations of random noise.
If you want the gold gun to work, you must build a small transmitter that is tuned to the same frequency as the gold gun.
Then your gold gun can receive the signal from the transmitter.
The transmitter does not need strong power.
50 milliwatts is much more than you need.
This transmitter should have a loop antenna to send out the VLF broadcast.
A loop antenna will send a 10mw VLF signal maybe several Km distance for easy reception of the signal on the gold gun.
When you have your transmitter tuned to the exact same frequency as your gold gun, then you can put the transmitter to the side of the place where you want to hunt for buried metal.
When you see that you are receiving a carrier wave from the transmitter, then you can use the gold gun to search for buried metal.
You walk in the field and watch for when the carrier signal goes to a minimum.
Then you move some meters to the side and search a second time to see where you find the minimum signal.
The place where the two lines of minimum signal cross is where the buried metal is located.
If there is no transmitter in the distance sending a signal for your gold gun to receive, then you will receive no signal to show where is the buried metal.
The buried metal does not send out a VLF signal that the gold gun can receive.
Only a separate transmitter can send a signal for the gold gun to receive.
The detection of buried metal is done through the principle of induction due to the metal properties of the buried metal.
The buried metal can make an inductive anomaly of the signal that you receive from the transmitter.
Remember, most people say the gold gun does not work.
originally posted by Tim Williams
"...I could not get the gold gun I had to work. But that may be because the signal was not being transmitted. This unit has a transmitter.
I can't say if it will work or not. I just wanted to let everyone know there was one on ebay".
originally posted by Geo
"..Many people constructed it at Greece, without results:lol::lol:
Few weeks ago, when i went to Olympus for treasure hunting, there was two people who had a GG clone. No results..."
http://www.longrangelocators ( (
originally posted by alnamr
"Hi to all
I made this device but there was no sound except confusion:lol::lol:
See photos:nono::nono:"
Best wishes, :)
02-23-2012, 10:16 PM
Thank you for your answers, I didnt use te same frequencies that the gold gun use,
I make the board a little bigger and i use 12 position button, with 12 different values
capacitors for the coil,
Also one extra trimming capacitor parallel with the coil to adjust the the small frequencies.
I hope the resoltes are good.
02-23-2012, 10:24 PM
Thank you for your answers, I didnt use te same frequencies that the gold gun use,
I make the board a little bigger and i use 12 position button, with 12 different values
capacitors for the coil,
Also one extra trimming capacitor parallel with the coil to adjust the the small frequencies.
I hope the resoltes are good.Your gold gun will not receive any signal unless there is a transmitter sending a broadcast at the same frequency that you are tuned to.
The exact frequency does not matter.
But it is important that the gold gun is tuned to the frequency of a transmitter, or it will receive no signal.
For detection in deeper ground, lower frequencies are used... 10KHz - 15 KHz.
For detection closer to the surface higher frequencies are used... 25-50KHz
50 Khz is good for penetrating the ground 2-3 meters or more depending on the ground.
You can use an adjustable signal generator to transmit a signal.
If your signal generator does not produce enough power, you can add a single amplifier stage to power a loop antenna.
Then adjust the transmitter frequency until you receive a carrier wave on the gold gun.
Best wishes, :)
02-29-2012, 04:39 PM
Your gold gun will not receive any signal unless there is a transmitter sending a broadcast at the same frequency that you are tuned to....
Best wishes, :)
Ionios you receive the signal from Germany for clocks ( time signal ), or the ionosferic noise at 20KHz that all the people forget, or something else ...
You are lucky, because 300km East from you, we don t receive the first one. The second is not stable.
Ionios kalofagota :D
04-04-2012, 11:04 PM
Ionios you receive the signal from Germany for clocks ( time signal ), or the ionosferic noise at 20KHz that all the people forget, or something else ...
You are lucky, because 300km East from you, we don t receive the first one. The second is not stable.
Ionios kalofagota :D
Hallo, how is it going Guard?
Did you have any success using your gold gun? What about transmitting your own frequency? Have you done anything like that? I believe you did.
04-09-2012, 04:40 PM
Does anyone know if aeronautical beacons around 240 to 360 Khz may be usefull for using gold gun?
Hallo, how is it going Guard?
Did you have any success using your gold gun? What about transmitting your own frequency? Have you done anything like that? I believe you did.
04-09-2012, 04:42 PM
Ok, so what kind of transmitter we must use in case we dont have a closer beacon that transmit on this frequencies?
Your gold gun will not receive any signal unless there is a transmitter sending a broadcast at the same frequency that you are tuned to.
The exact frequency does not matter.
But it is important that the gold gun is tuned to the frequency of a transmitter, or it will receive no signal.
For detection in deeper ground, lower frequencies are used... 10KHz - 15 KHz.
For detection closer to the surface higher frequencies are used... 25-50KHz
50 Khz is good for penetrating the ground 2-3 meters or more depending on the ground.
You can use an adjustable signal generator to transmit a signal.
If your signal generator does not produce enough power, you can add a single amplifier stage to power a loop antenna.
Then adjust the transmitter frequency until you receive a carrier wave on the gold gun.
Best wishes, :)
04-09-2012, 04:46 PM
I think you forgot to add the file.
Here it is the circuit for the gold gun i make, (
And the change i made with the capacitors connection (
04-09-2012, 04:50 PM
Hi J_Player
I have a Palomar VLF converter that goes from 10 Khz to 500 Khhz, so do you thinkg it may work like gold gund if i made the gold gun antena and also using a VLF TX ?
The gold gun is a radio receiver similar to a small battery power AM radio receiver.
The gold gun is tuned to one frequency to listen to a radio station.
The design shows a switch which allows you to tune to 3 different radio stations.
The gold gun does not find any signal from buried metals.
The gold gun finds a signal only from a radio station that sends a broadcast at the same frequency that the gold gun is tuned to.
If there is no station sending a radio broadcast to the gold gun, then the gold gun will receive no signal.
Today, the radio transmitters which send signals for the gold gun are not working.
There is no transmitter sending a signal to the gold gun, so the gold gun will receive no signal.
It will only show occasional variations of random noise.
If you want the gold gun to work, you must build a small transmitter that is tuned to the same frequency as the gold gun.
Then your gold gun can receive the signal from the transmitter.
The transmitter does not need strong power.
50 milliwatts is much more than you need.
This transmitter should have a loop antenna to send out the VLF broadcast.
A loop antenna will send a 10mw VLF signal maybe several Km distance for easy reception of the signal on the gold gun.
When you have your transmitter tuned to the exact same frequency as your gold gun, then you can put the transmitter to the side of the place where you want to hunt for buried metal.
When you see that you are receiving a carrier wave from the transmitter, then you can use the gold gun to search for buried metal.
You walk in the field and watch for when the carrier signal goes to a minimum.
Then you move some meters to the side and search a second time to see where you find the minimum signal.
The place where the two lines of minimum signal cross is where the buried metal is located.
If there is no transmitter in the distance sending a signal for your gold gun to receive, then you will receive no signal to show where is the buried metal.
The buried metal does not send out a VLF signal that the gold gun can receive.
Only a separate transmitter can send a signal for the gold gun to receive.
The detection of buried metal is done through the principle of induction due to the metal properties of the buried metal.
The buried metal can make an inductive anomaly of the signal that you receive from the transmitter.
Remember, most people say the gold gun does not work.
originally posted by Tim Williams
"...I could not get the gold gun I had to work. But that may be because the signal was not being transmitted. This unit has a transmitter.
I can't say if it will work or not. I just wanted to let everyone know there was one on ebay".
originally posted by Geo
"..Many people constructed it at Greece, without results:lol::lol:
Few weeks ago, when i went to Olympus for treasure hunting, there was two people who had a GG clone. No results..."
http://www.longrangelocators ( (
originally posted by alnamr
"Hi to all
I made this device but there was no sound except confusion:lol::lol:
See photos:nono::nono:"
Best wishes, :)
04-09-2012, 06:19 PM
Hi J_Player
I have a Palomar VLF converter that goes from 10 Khz to 500 Khhz, so do you thinkg it may work like gold gund if i made the gold gun antena and also using a VLF TX ?
No, I do not think the Palomar VLF converter will work like the gold gun.
I think the Palomar converter will work like a VLF receiver because this is what it is designed to do.
You can connect a speaker and listen for demodulated audio sounds from the Palomar converter.
If you want directional reception like a gold gun produces, then you need to build a gold gun.
You will then need to tune the gold gun to a VLF frequency that is being broadcast when you are searching for your buried metal.
If you look at the gold gun circuit diagram, you will see it is fairly simple with the antenna critically adjusted, and amplifier stages adjusted to optimize the directional response from the antenna.
You will see the gold gun is not designed for easy listening to commercial broadcasts or for decoding time signals.
The only function of the gold gun is to provide directional radio signal strength information to a person who is looking to locate buried metal.
We see the gold gun circuit is optimized for locating buried metal.
But I have not read any convincing reports that make me believe the gold gun can be used to successfully find buried metal.
Best wishes,
04-10-2012, 04:30 PM
Ok thanks J_Player.
THats very clear.
So, what kind of transmiter we must uso to work with gold gun?
Could an AM VLF trnsmitter do the job?
No, I do not think the Palomar VLF converter will work like the gold gun.
I think the Palomar converter will work like a VLF receiver because this is what it is designed to do.
You can connect a speaker and listen for demodulated audio sounds from the Palomar converter.
If you want directional reception like a gold gun produces, then you need to build a gold gun.
You will then need to tune the gold gun to a VLF frequency that is being broadcast when you are searching for your buried metal.
If you look at the gold gun circuit diagram, you will see it is fairly simple with the antenna critically adjusted, and amplifier stages adjusted to optimize the directional response from the antenna.
You will see the gold gun is not designed for easy listening to commercial broadcasts or for decoding time signals.
The only function of the gold gun is to provide directional radio signal strength information to a person who is looking to locate buried metal.
We see the gold gun circuit is optimized for locating buried metal.
But I have not read any convincing reports that make me believe the gold gun can be used to successfully find buried metal.
Best wishes,
04-10-2012, 05:29 PM
Ok thanks J_Player.
THats very clear.
So, what kind of transmiter we must uso to work with gold gun?
Could an AM VLF trnsmitter do the job?
NelsonHi Nelson.
A simple oscillator which produces a sine wave can be connected to a loop.
No modulation is needed. A pair of transistors are capable of producing a wave form close enough to a sine wave for this purpose.
You don't need more than 50mw power to cover a large treasure hunting area.
The loop can be small like a metal detector, or large - maybe 1 meter diameter or more.
You can even make a large loop of cable that you lay on the ground like geologists do with their VLF transmitters.
My preference would probably be a 1 meter loop that I can set to the side of the treasure hunting field.
If I did not get good results, then maybe I would lay a 100 meter diameter cable on the ground and connect the ends to the oscillator.
Set the transmitter to your favorite VLF frequency.
This can be anywhere between 5KHz to 150KHz.
You will see that lower frequencies can penetrate deeper into the ground.
(5 KHz has been used to send communications signals more than 50 meters below the surface).
The problem with lower VLF frequencies is they are not as good for pinpointing a location as higher frequencies.
This is why we hear people using frequencies between 60 and 120 KHz - because it can locate small anomalies more precisely than lower frequencies can.
The higher frequencies do not penetrate as well into the ground, but at 120 HKz you can expect to penetrate at least 2 meters in most soil.
This is probably a good range of depth where you will want to find most of your treasures.
At 50-60 KHz you should find nearly double this amount of ground penetration.
Just remember that wet and conductive ground does not allow RF to penetrate as well as dry and non-conductive ground.
Also, keep in mind that after you choose your favorite frequency, you must calibrate the gold gun to the same frequency as the transmitter.
The gold gun must be able to receive the transmitter signal before it can tell you what direction the transmitter anomalies are coming from.
You may want to use very stable capacitors in your transmitter oscillator and receiver circuits in order to keep the frequencies stable.
If you have trouble keeping tuned to the correct frequency, you could add a trimmer capacitor in the gold gun to make tuning adjustments while you are treasure hunting.
Finally, do not be disappointed if you find the gold gun does not help you to locate buried metal.
This is what most people reported who tried it.
Best wishes,
10-21-2012, 05:56 PM
hi dear j player AND jack (
i have a question
what is the number of 16 pins ic JACK posted UP THER? (signal generator)
please put schematic with number of ic you use in circuit or any ic like that (
10-21-2012, 07:18 PM
hi dear j player AND jack (
i have a question
what is the number of 16 pins ic JACK posted UP THER? (signal generator)
please put schematic with number of ic you use in circuit or any ic like that (
This schematic drawing by me, few years ago
Please see analytical infos and value for this stage.
10-21-2012, 07:55 PM
This schematic drawing by me, few years ago
Please see analytical infos and value for this stage.
Hi Andreas you have testing this shematic for LRL ? and it work for detecting Gold in ground depth?
10-21-2012, 08:10 PM
Hi Andreas you have testing this shematic for LRL ? and it work for detecting Gold in ground depth?
I draw this schematic and build a prototype for two-box high power detector. Never use this circuit for LRL
10-21-2012, 08:23 PM
Thank you for answering andreas
10-21-2012, 08:29 PM
I draw this schematic and build a prototype for two-box high power detector. Never use this circuit for LRL
Thanks Andreas I believe
check your email
Best time
10-21-2012, 08:40 PM
Hello Andreas!
It's nice to see you again on the forum.
Can you show us a video or photo of your prototype, that is high power Two Box detectors?
Thanks in advance!
All the best!
10-21-2012, 09:07 PM
Does anybody have a test circuit from the transmitter to the GG?
10-21-2012, 09:32 PM
Hello Andreas!
It's nice to see you again on the forum.
Can you show us a video or photo of your prototype, that is high power Two Box detectors?
Thanks in advance!
All the best!
I have onyl a photo with my daughter.
Best machine . Tx coil work 540Vpp. Only i build a prototype and stop, because is a expencive machine, big weight , extra regulate degree Txcoil and calibration distance coils up-down to the ground and distance between TX-RX etc..etc.
This is full modification Sascho 2-box with new stageS and electronic tune Rxcoil.
Nostalgia for me
10-21-2012, 09:53 PM
OOOPs!!!! I something more with dicrimination
10-21-2012, 09:57 PM
10-21-2012, 11:42 PM
I have onyl a photo with my daughter.
Best machine . Tx coil work 540Vpp. Only i build a prototype and stop, because is a expencive machine, big weight , extra regulate degree Txcoil and calibration distance coils up-down to the ground and distance between TX-RX etc..etc.
This is full modification Sascho 2-box with new stageS and electronic tune Rxcoil.
Nostalgia for me
My congratulation Dear Andreas
Big LRL Detector mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!
Best time
10-21-2012, 11:48 PM
Hi Treasure Guard
Thx for your feeling
I'm trying to make one high specification
Best Regards
04-30-2014, 10:07 PM
finally made it do the gold gun?recording 77.5 khζ
null signal
04-30-2014, 10:20 PM (
Hi Taxma,
did you take videos in black night? I cannot see nothing except pure black display. There are some voices like clock in behind.
Otherwise, nice design.
04-30-2014, 11:00 PM
the sound is made of the transmitter 77.5 khζ... no videos only recording ,sorry for my english
05-01-2014, 11:50 PM
05-02-2014, 12:52 AM
Hi thx but you are using your android detectors???
where the sensor for it ??? or the Gun? I cant understand nothing from this video
05-02-2014, 01:01 AM
I have the program for imaging instead of the known digital instrument which has the gold gun.. i detect gold in my window
05-02-2014, 01:48 AM
I have the program for imaging instead of the known digital instrument which has the gold gun.. i detect gold in my window
Thx but I not know how work because need sensor connected in Android to work or via Bluetooth
maybe work but we not see how work in this video. maybe need take good video
I wish you nice job if need information I m always here
05-02-2014, 01:48 PM (
05-02-2014, 02:46 PM (
What people here want to know is how the white sensor is connected the Android device, and what sensor is being used?
To be honest, I'm not even sure what we're seeing in the video. It just looks like a display of random noise.
05-02-2014, 05:32 PM
What people here want to know is how the white sensor is connected the Android device, and what sensor is being used?
To be honest, I'm not even sure what we're seeing in the video. It just looks like a display of random noise.
me too dear Qiaozhi this vido shows nothing. So we know how to work a detector with android
but strange for me this videos. remains to be clarified things or explain a little details how the principle of operation and how are the two connected devices mean the Gun and Android.
05-02-2014, 06:12 PM
why not show something the video; detector is the Gold gun with one CONNECTED androint the amplifier output, the receiver is tuned to 77.5 khz,.
05-02-2014, 07:46 PM
why not show something the video; detector is the Gold gun with one CONNECTED androint the amplifier output, the receiver is tuned to 77.5 khz,.
How is it connected to the Android device? Is it hard-wired (USB), or using Bluetooth?
05-02-2014, 08:23 PM
With cable,sorry for my English
05-03-2014, 01:39 PM
look at the phone screen
only open states are alarm clock and headphones .
both of them are outputs.
so only input of mobile is speaking microphone, since you plug headphone ,it must be closed.
so ,does this phone has mic on the headphone cable ?
waiting technical advises and vidoe or photos showing the connectins ,please
05-03-2014, 08:47 PM
I use a cable from headphones with mic but I only connected the microphone n the ground in this way that I take from the amplifier to see on the screen of the program
05-09-2014, 10:53 PM
null signal
05-11-2014, 11:33 AM
Hi Taxma1981,
I had a similar project. but I did not try it on phone before.
today I bought a headphone set with microphone.
I cut the cable .. on jack
1.( tip of jack) is buzzer
2. is buzzer
3. is microphone input
4. is ground
I used 3. and 4. connections . , 3. is microphobe + and 4. is general ground.
let me tell you my tests from begining,
I took headphone set.
I opened microphone part of headphone set. and disconnected buzzers side of small pcb.
then I disconnect phone side's buzzer connections. I left just lines which are connected to 3. and 4. tips of jack.
here the story begins.
I just left microphone input alive.
when I connected jack to mobile , on the screen ,I can see microphone is connected. take care , not only headphones.
there is 2 different symbols , one is just headphone, other is headphone and mic is connected.
in your videos ,only headphone is active.
anyway , lets continue on story.
I was speaking to microphone and watching on the secreen. that is good. only input was the microphone on the tip of the cable .
when I cut these connections and connect them to my experimental pcb.
there were no symbols left behind.
But , on the otherhand , I was watching the signal from the circuit. , I was recieving the signal even there is no symbol of headphone.
that is also okay,but I discovered something else ,too.
I was also reciveing the noise in the room. while I was speaking ,screen is also changing. so , on mobile microphone of the mobile is still active.
Do you have the same problem?
please try to make noise , sounds while you are watching the signal of your circuit on the screen.
now, I need advices on ,how to close on mobile mic. or what sort of connection is needed to close the on mobile phone.
becasue , at my tests , when there was only the orginal microhone of headphone set was left on the tip of cable , only entrance was microphone on the tip , not the on mobile microphone.
waiting offers.
05-11-2014, 04:07 PM
You get earphones with microphone and cut the microphone will only keep the cord with jack plug opium will link to mobile phone, the other end of the cut cable will connect a simple plug jack, will join the ground and the milrofon only, so the screen of your mobile will only see that you get from the amplifier's gun, the night I will make text
05-11-2014, 06:31 PM
please do the test, because your phone is probably also hearing the noise in the room
speak to onboard microphone of your mobile while your system is connected to your phone.
does your voice effect the screen or not ?
05-11-2014, 08:53 PM
not not hear any noise, we see that records the Gold gun, know what's going on with yours, you put directly on the mobile jack recorded and the noise in the house, you should slowly the pressure until I reset the screen with The program, run tests and see
05-11-2014, 11:57 PM (
05-22-2014, 09:18 PM
05-23-2014, 02:06 AM
Hi thanks dear here in this video we can understand so more better
I wish you good advantage and success.
my congratulations
05-23-2014, 05:21 PM
what do we understand here ,at this video
it is obvious that ,it is not beeping to radiator of heating system.
he is living in flat , what is he detecting . yes there is detection of something or increase of signal at the direction to the corner of window.
05-23-2014, 09:12 PM
There is an old church from 1200 towards detection, I can not know what it is though, supposedly the Gold gun detects gold:lol::lol::lol:
05-23-2014, 09:26 PM
what do we understand here ,at this video
it is obvious that ,it is not beeping to radiator of heating system.
he is living in flat , what is he detecting . yes there is detection of something or increase of signal at the direction to the corner of window.
Hi my Dear Okantex :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: maybe you don't understanding nothing:nono: heheheh
But me I have understand who our friend Taxma1981 have secret for that he make video in black and to the corner of window. yes he detect the :ninja: in Eglise heheheh :yo:
Hi Taxma1981 I advice you to make good video my dear. not only put picture or video in one place and said I have detect signal??? what type of signal? and please go out your room in area to try the Gun. no try in Kitchen :lol: or in bedroom :lol::razz: or at home.
05-23-2014, 10:03 PM
haahahaha:lol::lol:I'll do and extra video in nature
05-23-2014, 10:31 PM
haahahaha:lol::lol:I'll do and extra video in nature
05-23-2014, 10:35 PM
haahahaha:lol::lol:I'll do and extra video in nature
Thanks my dear but make it in day not in Night :nono::nono::nono::nono:and in Color
:lol::lol::lol::lol: no in black:nono::nono::nono:
05-24-2014, 05:43 PM
Hi my friend
This is my Version to Gold gun 707 with booster (
To open this file you must download this program to watch
Watch and follow good
05-24-2014, 07:15 PM
the work at all buddy;
05-25-2014, 12:20 AM
nikolas It works well ??
05-25-2014, 12:32 AM
nikolas It works well ??
Yeah I see is work well but not for small target or coins is for void and big treasure 10 or 15kg over
and I have add much modification for frequency receiver and a booster transmitter and high power and LCD to read all parameter of the device. but let me finish and try this Gun
05-25-2014, 12:41 AM
nice job nikolas Congratulations:)
05-25-2014, 12:54 AM
nice job nikolas Congratulations:)
thank dear welcome I give you all project let me only finish that
and like you share me you project heheheh to study what you make in back video and transmitter 75khz with phone hehehe. if not have problem to share it with me maybe I advice you about it
05-25-2014, 01:01 AM
Why not exist attachment???
06-06-2014, 11:26 PM
Hi my friend
This is my Version to Gold gun 707 with booster (
To open this file you must download this program to watch
Watch and follow good
hi all
Mr. Nicolas please can complement the scheme of connection of the connectors (J1-J2-............)
thank you in advance
06-26-2014, 08:47 PM
Nikolas do you have the original schematic of golf gun
06-30-2014, 06:24 PM
Hello, I made the gold gun structure but I can not understand if i made it correct! How can I understand! Some one help me! What kind of sound have to do it!
Thanks a lot!
reza vir
06-30-2014, 06:39 PM
You want to test, passing in front of the TV
Firing Battery or 1.5
06-30-2014, 07:18 PM
Hello, I made the gold gun structure but I can not understand if i made it correct! How can I understand! Some one help me! What kind of sound have to do it!
Thanks a lot!
reza vir
06-30-2014, 07:32 PM
Hey, the video file is corrupted
06-30-2014, 07:44 PM
only sound my friend
reza vir
06-30-2014, 07:59 PM
see video
reza vir
06-30-2014, 08:03 PM
Gold gun works like Zahori
And can detect electromagnetic fields
Power flow fields
Frequency aggregation
06-30-2014, 08:43 PM
see video
this i my video : Lol:
reza vir
07-01-2014, 08:34 AM
this i my video : Lol:
Yes, this is your video
Please explain for the user slavi how it works
What is the sensitivity of the sensing
Thanks and regards
07-01-2014, 08:26 PM
Hello, I think that gold gun will find the metal very difficult. Someone can say something about the metal detector, which catch the signal on 20-30 meters. Can you show me the scheme!
Thanks a lot! :)
reza vir
07-02-2014, 09:33 AM
Hello, I think that gold gun will find the metal very difficult. Someone can say something about the metal detector, which catch the signal on 20-30 meters. Can you show me the scheme!
Thanks a lot! :)
Dear Friend
The system worked differently Locator
And detector can send signals to a depth of
Because the frequency of the signal or other device is not to be analyzed
Soil minerals and soil pollution has impact and depth, metal stamping :nono:
20 m depth, one thing is a lie
A woman has a maximum depth of 5 m.
Most of the waves and the return signals are imperfect
Frequencies due to incorrect calculations of homogeneous environments and
Mineral soils returned a first frequency and
More noise at a depth of 5 m and return an error
No metal found in the soil and Warning Devices
These and many other makes of metal detector to explore not more than 5 m.
But the companies with fraud and lie more searches.:angry:
07-02-2014, 07:51 PM
Hello, I search something that works 20-30 meters in the air and 50-100 sm. under the earth. Give me the schematic, please!
reza vir
07-03-2014, 08:12 PM
Dear friend, there are many circuits in this forum
However, different systems in your life that you need to know which device is working properly and to make changes to the building location.
Gold gun works like Zahori
Are you sure?
Zahori is electrostatic field sensing device. Classic TV CRT charge can be live hours after TV power off, so it is active target and test mean nothing for passive targets searching.
Gold gun is electro-magnetic wave sensing device.
Not the same principle.
Zahori can detect only active source of electrostatic potential. Gold Gun is, at least theoretically, capable to detect reflected wave (or wave shadow) from passive target too. With Gold Gun all is in coil directivity tunning by changing ferrite gap and both windings positions on ferrite rods. You cannot expect sensitivity to small target. Properly tuned Gold Gun is able to detect (using proper wave source), bigger targets or ore deposits in soil only.
07-04-2014, 01:52 AM
Are you sure?
Zahori is electrostatic field sensing device. Classic TV CRT charge can be live hours after TV power off, so it is active target and test mean nothing for passive targets searching.
Gold gun is electro-magnetic wave sensing device.
Not the same principle.
Zahori can detect only active source of electrostatic potential. Gold Gun is, at least theoretically, capable to detect reflected wave (or wave shadow) from passive target too. With Gold Gun all is in coil directivity tunning by changing ferrite gap and both windings positions on ferrite rods. You cannot expect sensitivity to small target. Properly tuned Gold Gun is able to detect (using proper wave source), bigger targets or ore deposits in soil only.
Thanks my friends WM6 I m agree with not equally Zahori and Gold Gun. thanks to explain more better these difference
reza vir
07-04-2014, 11:59 AM
Are you sure?
Zahori is electrostatic field sensing device. Classic TV CRT charge can be live hours after TV power off, so it is active target and test mean nothing for passive targets searching.
Gold gun is electro-magnetic wave sensing device.
Not the same principle.
Zahori can detect only active source of electrostatic potential. Gold Gun is, at least theoretically, capable to detect reflected wave (or wave shadow) from passive target too. With Gold Gun all is in coil directivity tunning by changing ferrite gap and both windings positions on ferrite rods. You cannot expect sensitivity to small target. Properly tuned Gold Gun is able to detect (using proper wave source), bigger targets or ore deposits in soil only.
Thanks to the good and correct answer
I'd Zahori and gold guns in both were identified TV
And magnetic fields Buildings and power lines
Do you use a different circuit?
Or the problem of calibrating the my device?
07-24-2014, 05:43 PM
what detect the gun hier??:razz:
07-24-2014, 06:52 PM
i have signal evry day,
17,6-17,7 norway -17.8 ynited state ,77,5 khz dho77 ...
russia rdl
01-02-2015, 09:26 PM
01-03-2015, 01:12 AM
An experiment with the mobile phone transmitter and receiver gold gun,only react to bright metal
01-04-2015, 07:49 PM
simple 25 watt transmitter 0-20 khz with mobile phone ,
03-15-2015, 07:21 PM
Data logger
03-24-2015, 10:05 PM
gold gun with thresold detector
04-19-2015, 09:21 PM
05-16-2015, 08:15 PM
new design gold gun.and powerfull ( (
07-13-2015, 05:30 PM
sound discrimination:razz:
07-13-2015, 07:04 PM
We can see anything from your videos, youtube says is not abailable or no access permit.
sound discrimination:razz:
07-13-2015, 07:21 PM
[QUOTE=nelson;151470]We can see anything from your videos, youtube says is not abailable or no access permit.[/QUOT
ok now
07-13-2015, 07:22 PM
07-17-2015, 01:29 PM
Taxma, please post the schematic and correct coil information like number of turns, resistace and inductance. Are the two ferrite rod the same coil turns and inductace?
09-11-2015, 08:00 PM
Problem with thresold detector ?hahah
12-22-2015, 09:16 PM
01-03-2016, 05:07 PM
Test with low sensitive
01-13-2016, 05:58 PM
Small signal detect
01-13-2016, 05:59 PM
01-14-2016, 06:32 PM
Signal from metal (
And the video test
Signal from electrikal power (
ishtar hunter
10-15-2016, 01:05 PM
hi wm6
Please put a transmitter that is above.I have not found such a transmitter on the Internet.Please put the transmitter.??
Put in attachments pcb gg817 in sprin layout ;) enjoy;)
This pcb is not correct. do you have the correct pcb of gold gun 718?
11-07-2017, 04:15 PM
Hi,today i go out in the mountain with the gold gun ,this area it is old and i think with precious metall:)
In the second foto i have a good point with elevated prices in the voltometer,
I did a survey with the magnetometer and i think i detect a grave
I will also upload videos to a few minutes
I will also upload videos to a few minutes
Hi taxma1981.
Your videos are marked as "not available".
Probably not open to public view?
11-07-2017, 05:13 PM
in areas with metal I have no sign reduction why?;I only rise and fall to the original mark signal...
07-18-2019, 07:11 PM
My version of GG, years ago.
Panel meter is True Rms and it tune via varicap
My version of GG, years ago.
Panel meter is True Rms and it tune via varicap
Perfect design Geo. Congrats.
I wish once to see your evidently rich LRL museum.
Does it open to public?
07-19-2019, 10:12 AM
You are the best Mr Geo :)
How do you cope with quake Geo?
Is all OK with you?
Perfect design Geo. Congrats.
I wish once to see your evidently rich LRL museum.
Does it open to public?
Thanks Jaka.....
Museum is always open for you.
If you visit Greece i wait you or take Ivica and come on.....:lol:
Ohhh about quake no problem at all at my area. I did n't understood it but it was not so strong.
You are the best Mr Geo :)
07-22-2019, 04:34 AM
Hi,today i go out in the mountain with the gold gun ,this area it is old and i think with precious metall:)
In the second foto i have a good point with elevated prices in the voltometer,
I did a survey with the magnetometer and i think i detect a grave
I will also upload videos to a few minutes
hi taxma, definitely a grave in the last two photos, you can even see the corresponding high spot next to the grave caused by the spoil heap from digging the grave.
well done the high spot is almost always eroded away.
09-21-2019, 05:42 PM
My new Goldgun can detect fresh gold without stimulator or transmitter , is it good results ???
reza vir
09-23-2019, 04:03 PM
My new Goldgun can detect fresh gold without stimulator or transmitter , is it good results ???
Congratulations you are Approaching
Requires little change in antenna coil
09-23-2019, 05:51 PM
what changement in coil ??? , all is Ok !!!
reza vir
09-23-2019, 06:17 PM
what changement in coil ??? , all is Ok !!!
Because you are only sensing new metal
09-23-2019, 06:24 PM
what must i do, explain ?
09-23-2019, 07:09 PM
you're wrong Mr reza vir, that's how the LRLs test :D:D:D
reza vir
09-23-2019, 09:27 PM
you're wrong Mr reza vir, that's how the LRLs test :D:D:D
how the LRLs test?
I mean this circuit, not LRLs
In this circuit, if you have new metal in your senses
You can't have old metal
You need to change the ferrite antenna
I don't have access to the old drive
I have all the new and old metal test films with this circuit
09-23-2019, 09:42 PM
You need to change the ferrite antenna ??????????????????
why ? by what ? my LRL work and detect fresh and buried metals :D
reza vir
09-23-2019, 09:57 PM
You need to change the ferrite antenna ??????????????????
why ? by what ? my LRL work and detect fresh and buried metals :D
In the link below you said fresh metal
Very good
If you have both new and old senses
How deep do you have buried metal?
Is more than 2 meters
Thanks & Regards
09-23-2019, 10:43 PM
i don't have test field with two meters deep , only 50 cm ! and it's new results not yet tested in unknown area !
My new Goldgun can detect fresh gold without stimulator or transmitter , is it good results ???
My TDI or my Fisher can do it very well without stimulator. Is it good?????:lol:
You don't write at who distance and depth your GG locate the gold because here we don't speak about simple detectors but about LongRangeLocators.......
09-24-2019, 09:11 AM
it's new results not yet tested in unknown area !
One of my lrls locates a fresh gold coin at 20m easy and don't locate anything else on air test.
BUT inside the ground it detects and other noble metals:angry:.... so what fresh metal it detects does n't matter:frown:
09-24-2019, 12:03 PM
check your mail Mr Geo !
Long Ranger
08-24-2020, 12:29 AM
I got my Gold Gun al-707 to work--but, it does require a transmitter. I located a Timber Baron's hoard of gold, from the 1930's Gold Act--at a distance of 0.82 miles away, here in western Washington State. The property is privately owned, as well as posted. I'm still searching for a private way to get in there.....
I need Carl to sell me his Gold Guns, lickety-split......I'll even pay for the shipping........
09-01-2020, 11:38 AM
sorry,only have this model
Hi Morgan
what is the first schematic and third one ? there are two different lrl? or we have to make both of them to make a gold gun ?
sry for my awkward question because im new to this electronic parts
09-24-2020, 05:14 PM
Hello to all Please specify the name of the base of the transistor fet. (G s d) on the image Thank
09-24-2020, 06:12 PM
Hello to all Please specify the name of the base of the transistor fet. (G s d) on the image Thank
At least indicate which image you are talking about. Otherwise, your question will remain unanswered.
Hello to all Please specify the name of the base of the transistor fet. (G s d) on the image Thank
There is no "base" with FET transistor, only with regular BJT transistor:
So FET transistor "base" is named "Gate" (G).
Why different names for control input of both transistor?
Cause they (BJT and FET) work differently.
09-26-2020, 07:35 AM
Thank you so much dear friend Please also tell the exact specifications and size of the ferrites and the wire score. best wishes for you
09-28-2020, 12:08 PM
Hello I made this circuit. And I have a whistle at the output. I have two questions 1 Does the sound turn into a hiss when the metal senses? 2 Is it possible to output the output like a Franco circuit with two diodes and a half-wave capacitor that increases the voltage with the sense of metals?
11-01-2020, 05:12 AM
Hello everyone. I just want to know if the gold gun ferrite coils have the same or opposite direction of windings? If it is opposite, can someone explain why? Thank you.
Same direction (but there is critical tuning gap between two ferrite rods and tuning distance
between both windings with main goal to get best directivity / selection in mess of signals):
11-02-2020, 08:18 AM
Thank you for your answer WM6....
What is the advantage of two ferrites than single ferrite?
I notice that adjusting the ferrite distance changes the total inductance...which inductance should I calculate to get the resonannce, individual or total inductance?
What is the advantage of two ferrites than single ferrite?
Already said. Apart from fine tunning to given TX frequency it
allowed to improve antenna directivity to get better selectivity
between mess of reflected signals of same frequency.
I notice that adjusting the ferrite distance changes the total inductance...which inductance
should I calculate to get the resonannce, individual or total inductance?
It is about total inductance.
Despite ferrite rods used by homeworkers will not be the same as with original device,
it is better to stay with proposition of original number of turns (about 2 x 333 turns)
as coarse frequency set and tune to desired resonance frequency by changing
capacitor(s) value, rather than calculating antenna inductance (which will be not
dependable). If possible, use ferrite rods from old (cheap) portable ferrite radio.
We need to invest quite a more laborious activity in tuning to best directivity / selectivity
than to resonant frequency alone. Of course during directivity improvement, resonant
frequency should be obtained and retained.
Once tunned to best directivity / selectivity at one selected resonant frequency (best in
the midle of antenna tank circuit band, say here about 20kHz) there is no need to
(re)tune antenna again to other adjacent resonant frequencies of interest. At those
tuned position antenna rods and windings should be fixed by wax or hot glue. Any other
adjacent resonant frequency should be set by changing antenna tank circuit capacitors.
Best directivity / selectivity tuning at given TX frequency is most laborious work with GG
AL718 project. Happy building.
11-02-2020, 12:47 PM
Thank you so much for the explanation WM6...
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