View Full Version : Thanks Carl

11-27-2011, 06:52 PM
Well this is nice our own website and forum “nice and cosy” free from sceptics “I think not”

Well done Carl and thanks for all your hard work time and effort.

I think it’s a great idea and I’m sure others here would agree.

Personally I love this forum.

With thanks :)

11-27-2011, 07:22 PM
Personally i have not problem if forum is full of real sceptics, i want them, but i have problem with the pseudo sceptics:frown:.

11-27-2011, 08:15 PM
Well this is nice our own website and forum “nice and cosy” free from sceptics “I think not”

Well done Carl and thanks for all your hard work time and effort.

I think it’s a great idea and I’m sure others here would agree.

Personally I love this forum.

With thanks :)Hi MIJ,
I believe the objective of the change was not to remove the skeptics from the forum, but to remove the abuse from the forum.
By separating the LRLs from real electronic circuit forums, it is much less likely that people who have no interest in LRLs will inadvertently stop in to make abusive comments in discussions they have no interest in.
As long as there is no abuse, I see no problem with having skeptical people reading and posting comments here.
The same goes for LRL enthusiasts.
I expect the new rule policy will keep the abusive posts from causing problems for members of this forum.

When you think about it, this is a good arrangement because the LRL enthusiasts as well as the skeptics like to be careful to not waste their time and money on non-working equipment. As long as there is no abusive comments, everybody gets the benefit of opinions that maybe they would not hear if some people were not permitted here.

Best wishes,

11-29-2011, 11:10 AM
Hi to all specially Carl and Qiaozhi
For new site, Also I am thanking from carl and Qiaozhi .http://www.iranmicro.ir/forum/images/smilies/hi.gif
Better remote sensing forum is lonely.
Best regards.

11-30-2011, 03:06 PM
It's lonely because it's still locked.

12-01-2011, 01:42 AM
You provide a great service in the various forums you have and this new LRL by itself is great idea.