View Full Version : NEW LRL ARABIC (youtube)
08-08-2011, 01:00 AM
one of arabian built that LRL ,What do you think?
08-08-2011, 07:09 AM
Well, link to Web Site on which a new and modern wonders of LRL is:
But there is no price list...
08-09-2011, 12:01 AM
I think that is easy and works well
That there is top secrtet in its components
08-09-2011, 12:08 AM
Well, link to Web Site on which a new and modern wonders of LRL is:
But there is no price list...
but the price is expensive for this lrl's
08-09-2011, 10:31 AM
I think that is easy and works well
That there is top secrtet in its components
There is nothing "top secret" in this LRL. It's just the usual silly dowsing / pendulum nonsense. You can achieve the same results with a small weight on the end of a length of string. Don't waste your time or money on this gadget. Instead, spend your time learning about the ideomotor effect ->
10-17-2011, 04:18 AM
Mi friend have this rare dowsing rod, I dont believe much in dowsing, but he find old ceramic objects in my garden... I live in Chupicuaro culture.
the use is with open hands. (
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the numbers in paper are in centimeters. (
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10-17-2011, 07:16 AM
Thank you very much on this new dowsing rod.
This is not seen! Imagination is everything!
But, please, I'd have a few questions about this dowsing rod:
1. What metal is used for its construction?
2. What is the cross section (diameter) wire used? and
3. What is the diameter of the double circle of wire?
Thank you in advance for your response!
Hi Agraz.
Very interesting dowsing LRL.
Please can you give me the diameter of circle??
10-17-2011, 08:25 AM
to Agraz:
one more question from me :
is there something gold there or something else ?
to Agraz:
one more question from me :
is there something gold there or something else ?
Hi Pano.
I see you closed again in your lab :lol::lol:
10-17-2011, 12:33 PM
Hi Pano.
I see you closed again in your lab :lol::lol:
why not , outside temperatures -1 to +1 , around us high mountains already covered by snow!! :D:D ....:ninja:
come here for ski or ....tsipouro !!! :cheers:
regards and 73s
why not , outside temperatures -1 to +1 , around us high mountains already covered by snow!! :D:D ....:ninja:
come here for ski or ....tsipouro !!! :cheers:
regards and 73s
Maybe at the end of this month:).
Today i finished a dowsing rod with a build-generator at ferquences 1.5 ... 80Hz and variable duty cycle. After 2 hours i will go out to test it....
:stars: :shrug:
Its time to go.
I will inform at night.....:)
one of arabian built that LRL ,What do you think?
Have to be realistic in what I see in that video ? :D
ok, there's someone that dismantled some old refrigerator and got some copper pipes and copper reservoir from there... then add some flexible plastic pipe and filled anything with metallic mercury (quicksilver) and then claims that this C.R.A.P. (see note below) works as LRL and is able to discriminate also different metals...
note: C.R.A.P. stays for
Cyclic Refrigerator Atomic Precession
in that case (or maybe not, I'm not an expert of C.R.A.P. ...)
10-17-2011, 04:15 PM
one of arabian built that LRL ,What do you think?
:rotfl :wall
Do you really want to know? :rolleyes:
:stars: :shrug:
The test was canceled. I'll know the results when I make it
10-17-2011, 05:22 PM
Better to Rob Tombs!
These guys have it right! :D
one of arabian built that LRL ,What do you think?
I believe in dowsing because it worked for me many times with good results. But I think the many trinkets is to mock the people:lol: and not to work better
Better to Rob Tombs!
These guys have it right! :D
Must educate us:lol::lol: (
As always, the trick is to make some strange looking device that with change direction because of ideomotor effect.
If it was not the case, there were be no need to make it unsymmetrical.
In this particular "design", if the two lateral "handles" where a the same distance it would be impossible for the mind to make it point down. (
As always, the trick is to make some strange looking device that with change direction because of ideomotor effect.
If it was not the case, there were be no need to make it unsymmetrical.
In this particular "design", if the two lateral "handles" where a the same distance it would be impossible for the mind to make it point down.
I guess this one is similar to the other we can see in the youtube video: probably filled with metallic mercury inside, look at the copper pipes there, are from a refrigerator too , at least seems to me these are small copper pipes and filled with something
As far as I remember is an alchemy theory that postulates some special affinity of mercury with gold (we all know that's because mercury can dissolve and mix with gold creating "amalgam") and then I think these guys really belive that filling a copper pipe with mercury is the right way to get a working LRL.
I will not be surprised if such ideas are from some arabic alchemist of the past... like Jābir ibn Ḥayyān who wrote a lot about mercury and its properties in alchemic processes, included the "creation" of metals and gold from different mixtures of sulfur and mercury...
But we (scientific) people know that alchemy is a complete BS in the "normal" , everyday, world... cause mercury does not actract gold nor it's actracted by it...
Kind regards,
I guess this one is similar to the other we can see in the youtube video: probably filled with metallic mercury inside, look at the copper pipes there, are from a refrigerator too , at least seems to me these are small copper pipes and filled with something
As far as I remember is an alchemy theory that postulates some special affinity of mercury with gold (we all know that's because mercury can dissolve and mix with gold creating "amalgam") and then I think these guys really belive that filling a copper pipe with mercury is the right way to get a working LRL.
I will not be surprised if such ideas are from some arabic alchemist of the past... like Jābir ibn Ḥayyān who wrote a lot about mercury and its properties in alchemic processes, included the "creation" of metals and gold from different mixtures of sulfur and mercury...
But we (scientific) people know that alchemy is a complete BS in the "normal" , everyday, world... cause mercury does not actract gold nor it's actracted by it...
Kind regards,
I will try to convey something simple through a translator.
The generated au-198 isotope is beta-radioactive, breakable, with Hg-198 in the excited state mostly. The Hg-198 transitioning in the ground state by emitting energy ~ PHOTON ... etc
10-17-2011, 10:02 PM
I will try to convey something simple through a translator.
The generated au-198 isotope is beta-radioactive, breakable, with Hg-198 in the excited state mostly. The Hg-198 transitioning in the ground state by emitting energy ~ PHOTON ... etc
Regards:)Yes Geo,
You are correct. :)
Gold can be manufactured from Mercury by the photoneutron process or particle accelerators where mercury is converted to pure gold with a stable isotope. The problem is that it cost many times more than the cost of buying gold. We also see that alchemists did not have particle accelerators or X-ray machines in their laboratories. So they were not successful to convert mercury to gold.
Best wishes,
10-17-2011, 10:26 PM
The test was canceled. I'll know the results when I make it
Regards:) (
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10-17-2011, 11:35 PM
Better to Rob Tombs!
These guys have it right! :D
Don't get caught. Only the in-group in Egypt does the tomb robbing. The rest get dead. Mubarik and his group are the descendents of the old tomb robbers. They got go rich from their "occupation" they have controlled Egypt for 1000's of years.
Yes Geo,
You are correct. :)
Gold can be manufactured from Mercury by the photoneutron process or particle accelerators where mercury is converted to pure gold with a stable isotope. The problem is that it cost many times more than the cost of buying gold. We also see that alchemists did not have particle accelerators or X-ray machines in their laboratories. So they were not successful to convert mercury to gold.
Best wishes,
OK... one yet and i stop.
If you reverse what you said, the Au198 converted into Hg198 releasing a large amount of energy. If you can receive part of this energy then you made a lrl only for gold. What would you say;;
Regards:) (
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After the tests i will send you my schematic and some photos.
I will try to convey something simple through a translator.
The generated au-198 isotope is beta-radioactive, breakable, with Hg-198 in the excited state mostly. The Hg-198 transitioning in the ground state by emitting energy ~ PHOTON ... etc
yes, sure, but as J_Player reported this stuff is possible only in large nuclear facilities and at costs per gram of gold produced of maybe some thousands dollars, it does not happen in "normal" world, everyday life and nature... as it does not happen that hydrogen fuse to create heavy nuclei (helium) and energy... at least not on our planet... in the Sun or other stars, yes, ok... but no big news
nuclear reactions can't be involved in such LRLs things... cause target are in normal soil and THunter that use LRL is often not a Dr. o scientists (ok, with exclusion of Dr. Hung that we all know...):rolleyes:
I think arabic LRL is strongly related to fantasy and beliefs of the region about alchemic arabic stuff... legends and myths but not science and not working stuff, just ideomotor effect, that's my opinion
Very simple the new arabic lrl is a new kind of dowsing rod:).
Now about ideomotor all you know that i have different opinion.
Of course is my opinion.......:lol:
10-18-2011, 09:34 PM
Ι love the ideomotor efect because it does the job for me.:D
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ι love the ideomotor efect because it does the job for me.:D
:lol: :lol: :lol:
For sure, it can switch you to extrasensory perception and lead to nirvana
10-18-2011, 11:30 PM
OK... one yet and i stop.
If you reverse what you said, the Au198 converted into Hg198 releasing a large amount of energy. If you can receive part of this energy then you made a lrl only for gold. What would you say;;
Regards:)Hi Geo,
There is only one stable isotope of gold = gold 197.
This is the gold that will cause women to do anything, and will cause men to hunt for it.
All other isotopes of gold are unstable and will decay into something different than gold in a short period of time.
Any gold-198 you produce from mercury will decay back to mercury with a half life of 2.7 days.
This may be good for some quick fun, but what will you do when the hot lady complains about her gold ring melted into a puddle of mercury?
She will leave you! :eek:
All other gold nuclides are even more unstable.
The worst is gold 177 with a half life of 7 ns.
Think of it... you will not even have time to see the gold color because it is gone too fast.
A better way to get gold from mercury is to take some gold and drop it in a small cup of liquid mercury.
Stir it around and wait for the gold to dissolve.
Then place the cup on an electric hotplate and invite a large crowd of people to watch and see you convert mercury into gold.
Make sure the hotplate is disguised to appear as part of the table where you place the cup of mercury.
Wave your hands over the cup and chant magical words while you wait for the mercury to evaporate (Be careful don't breathe the fumes).
When all the mercury has finished evaporating, you will have a mass of gold remaining in the cup.
Sprinkle some "magic water" on top of the gold mass to cool it so you can pick it up and show to the watchers.
When the non-believers see the gold, then they will see with their own eyes how you converted mercury to gold. :rolleyes:
Real gold LRLs
The fact is there are LRLs which detect gold from long distance by detecting emissions from radioactive gold nuclides.
But these are not MFD machines. They work by real science where they measure gamma radiation energy levels to identify gamma emissions from gold 197.
These LRL machines are used by making a survey of a place that is suspected to have buried gold.
Then the survey is interpreted using digital enhancements and expert assessments of the survey data.
These surveys usually produce excellent results for pinpointing long-time buried gold under the ground.
The scientists who measure these gamma emissions from buried gold think MFD to detect nuclides is a big joke.
But of course, I don't laugh.
I know MFD is the only real working detection to find millions of dollars of gold... not gamma detection.
I am very sure of this simply because I see all the millions of dollars of gold recovered by MFD. :rolleyes:
Best wishes,
Hi J_P.
I only gave an idea about a gold LRL.
Have you ever wondered if the cosmic ray or anything can turn AU198 to steam Hg?? If so, imagine how easy it is to build an LRL for gold;
10-19-2011, 06:41 AM
Hi J_P.
I only gave an idea about a gold LRL.
Have you ever wondered if the cosmic ray or anything can turn AU198 to steam Hg?? If so, imagine how easy it is to build an LRL for gold;
Regards:)Hi Geo,
Yes I know gold 198 is unstable. It does not need help from cosmic rays to decay and become mercury. The only gold that needs help to decay is gold 197, which is the same gold you find in the ground and in jewelry. It does not usually decay from the force of cosmic rays, but from particles which collide from other decaying atoms in the ground. Much of the natural gold in the ground was originally other materials that decayed to become gold, and much of the gold in the ground decayed to become other materials. This is a fact that is well known by astrophysicists. This process happens very slowly for natural gold 197. But it does not cause MFD to work. In order to detect nuclides under the ground, you need much more sophisticated equipment than a tuned transmitter or receiver.
Best wishes, :)
Hi Geo,
Yes I know it can. Gold 198 is unstable. It does not need help from cosmic rays to decay and become mercury. The only gold that needs help to decay is gold 197, which is the same gold you find in the ground and in jewelry. It does not usually decay from the force of cosmic rays, but from particles which collide from other decaying atoms in the ground. Much of the natural gold in the ground was originally other materials that decayed to become gold, and much of the gold in the ground decayed to become other materials. This is a fact that is well known by astrophysicists. This process happens very slowly for natural gold 197. But it does not cause MFD to work. In order to detect nuclides under the ground, you need much more sophisticated equipment than a tuned transmitter or receiver.
Best wishes, :)
We agree, and i don't speak about MFD.
Hi J_P.
I only gave an idea about a gold LRL.
Have you ever wondered if the cosmic ray or anything can turn AU198 to steam Hg?? If so, imagine how easy it is to build an LRL for gold;
your statement I think doesn't lead to anything real about LRL claims
I mean... even speculating all that possible (big speculation to me) you have to sniff ATOMS of Hg or Hg compounds molecules from a free air stream! not possible for devices like PD, not possible generally speaking for such few concentrations in the air... unless COUNTING ATOMS/MOLECULES!:lol:
... last time I heard of a person counting atoms it was about nuclear physics experiments underground in the 70s and sealed glass vials , where glass vials were then evacuated under hi vacuum and atoms literally counted ! (for the weekly cost of 200.000 usd in machines and labs)
not possible the way you think, with PD stuff and some TDA7000... it's science fiction
Best regards,
10-23-2011, 08:32 PM
your statement I think doesn't lead to anything real about LRL claims
I mean... even speculating all that possible (big speculation to me) you have to sniff ATOMS of Hg or Hg compounds molecules from a free air stream! not possible for devices like PD, not possible generally speaking for such few concentrations in the air... unless COUNTING ATOMS/MOLECULES!:lol:
... last time I heard of a person counting atoms it was about nuclear physics experiments underground in the 70s and sealed glass vials , where glass vials were then evacuated under hi vacuum and atoms literally counted ! (for the weekly cost of 200.000 usd in machines and labs)
not possible the way you think, with PD stuff and some TDA7000... it's science fiction
Best regards,
:)Hi Max,
You are correct.
The idea to detect mercury vapor in the air in order to find buried gold treasures cannot possibly work.
The reason is because the gold 198 that Geo is talking about is nearly non-existent anywhere on the earth.
There are no pockets of gold 198 or deposits under the earth.
And it is not found concentrated in gold 197, which is the gold we hunt for.
The few atoms of Gold 198 that are formed by nature under the ground disappear within a few days.
Gold 198 is so scarce in nature that we will never be able to locate it by hunting the mercury atom that it decays to.
Remember, gold 198 does not originate from a lump of buried gold.
It comes from a much heavier elements than gold, which decay to become unstable gold isotopes and other unstable isotopes.
Finding the gold 198 or the mercury it decays into does not lead you to treasure.
If you want enough gold 198 to measure, the your best bet is a laboratory where it is manufactured.
But get your detector there quickly because it will be disappearing at an alarming rate.
Best wishes,
your statement I think doesn't lead to anything real about LRL claims
I mean... even speculating all that possible (big speculation to me) you have to sniff ATOMS of Hg or Hg compounds molecules from a free air stream! not possible for devices like PD, not possible generally speaking for such few concentrations in the air... unless COUNTING ATOMS/MOLECULES!:lol:
... last time I heard of a person counting atoms it was about nuclear physics experiments underground in the 70s and sealed glass vials , where glass vials were then evacuated under hi vacuum and atoms literally counted ! (for the weekly cost of 200.000 usd in machines and labs)
not possible the way you think, with PD stuff and some TDA7000... it's science fiction
Best regards,
Who spoke about PD or TDA7000???
I did a simple matter for how would work a LRL.
Unfortunately I see that, no need nor to supose something nobody:(
10-23-2011, 10:46 PM
I think arabic LRL is strongly related to fantasy and beliefs of the region about alchemic arabic stuff... legends and myths but not science and not working stuff, just ideomotor effect, that's my opinion
the rlr's arabic work good without any fantasy you can try it your self
the Video that you see works on the principle of the pendulum
10-23-2011, 11:12 PM
the rlr's arabic work good without any fantasy you can try it your self
the Video that you see works on the principle of the pendulum
What do you mean by "the principle of the pendulum"?
Using scientific terms, tell us exactly how it is supposed to detect a buried object.
10-23-2011, 11:31 PM
[quote=Qiaozhi;137577]What do you mean by "the principle of the pendulum"?
Using scientific terms, tell us exactly how it is supposed to detect a buried object.[/quote
10-23-2011, 11:42 PM read the link.
I see it says "A pendulum ( is a body suspended from a fixed support so that it swings freely back and forth under the influence of gravity".
This means pendulum can detect the direction of gravity in Arabic lands?
Best wishes,
10-24-2011, 12:33 AM
You can ask the owner of the video
Who spoke about PD or TDA7000???
I did a simple matter for how would work a LRL.
Unfortunately I see that, no need nor to supose something nobody:(
Hi Geo
I made just an example cause e.g. Esteban/Alonso PDs often use TDA7000 and FM radio receiver inside but we know there are different and using e.g. just transistors but this is not the topic here
the topic is you cannot count non-existent atoms of Hg or ions in an air stream at an atom count procedure when these supposed (I repeat, non-existent) atoms or ions are immersed in billions of atoms/molecules of other stuff (oxigen, nytrogen, co2,noble gases etc...) and particulate of various origin using just an RF device
I can also belive in the physics involved in airborne ion detectors (e.g. based on SQUID supercooled sensors) but NOT at few atoms or ions in a massive air stream... these devices always require minimum concentrations of ions in the air in the range of micrograms/m^3 level usually that's for sure incompatible with what we are talking about here... so, even having a supersensitive portable squid supercooled airborne ion detector (something that costs million $$$ and that Sandia Labs, CIA or TSA could have and use e.g. in airports and sensitive places e.g. wall street...) and have the $$$ to supercool it with liquid helium etc etc... you cannot detect femtograms/m^3 = 10E-15 gr/m^3 levels or less of Hg atoms or ions in the air stream, cause it's simply OUT OF RANGE for ionic detection even using such bulky and very expensive devices
that's cause I say that it could not work , even assuming the presence of Hg atoms/ions that from what we know there aren't
as you can see it's not my blindness about LRL or RF that let me say that, but matter of facts
Hi Max,
You are correct.
The idea to detect mercury vapor in the air in order to find buried gold treasures cannot possibly work.
The reason is because the gold 198 that Geo is talking about is nearly non-existent anywhere on the earth.
There are no pockets of gold 198 or deposits under the earth.
And it is not found concentrated in gold 197, which is the gold we hunt for.
The few atoms of Gold 198 that are formed by nature under the ground disappear within a few days.
Gold 198 is so scarce in nature that we will never be able to locate it by hunting the mercury atom that it decays to.
Remember, gold 198 does not originate from a lump of buried gold.
It comes from a much heavier elements than gold, which decay to become unstable gold isotopes and other unstable isotopes.
Finding the gold 198 or the mercury it decays into does not lead you to treasure.
If you want enough gold 198 to measure, the your best bet is a laboratory where it is manufactured.
But get your detector there quickly because it will be disappearing at an alarming rate.
Best wishes,
sure, I agree, there's nothing to detect! my thoughts were about Geo's theory of Hg presence , that's a big speculation to me
the rlr's arabic work good without any fantasy you can try it your self
the Video that you see works on the principle of the pendulum
ok, so you're talking about dowsing, and I'm right when talking about the alchemy connection in the "design" of the arabic LRL
I mean, it's not scientific approach that will fail at double blind tests like always (till now, as far as I know) any dowsing activity do
so, you can use anything for dowsing even a piece of iron or wood and results will be the same with other pendulum thing e.g. fully made of brass and with no Hg inside
10-25-2011, 01:18 AM
think that owner of the video (lrl arabic) have conducted an experiment in his home and did not experience outside the home to show us the health of his machine
10-25-2011, 02:01 AM
think that owner of the video (lrl arabic) have conducted an experiment in his home and did not experience outside the home to show us the health of his machineHi adventurer,
You opened this topic asking:
one of arabian built that LRL ,What do you think?
My answer is I think I am looking at CRAP.
And I think you made a big mistake to put this stupid video in the Geotech forum for remote sensing.
I see nothing that makes me think I am looking at a video of remote sensing.
I know very well that if this person or any others I see at the links on the right side of this video page could really locate things, then they could win one million USD.
But they cannot locate things.
They can only make stupid videos and talk about these things.
If they are truly able to locate things which they do not know the location of, then why have they not shown their abilities to people who will make them rich in return for demonstrating their abilities?
Is it because they prefer to live poorly without the extra million dollars?
Or is it because they cannot really locate things which they do not know the location of?
Maybe they can only make videos and talk, but they cannot locate things when real people are watching them and ready to pay them one million US dollars if they are successful.
Best wishes,
sure, I agree, there's nothing to detect! my thoughts were about Geo's theory of Hg presence , that's a big speculation to me
Hi Max.
What are you mean with "big speculation" ???
10-25-2011, 02:36 PM
Hi adventurer,
You opened this topic asking:
one of arabian built that LRL ,What do you think?
My answer is I think I am looking at CRAP.
And I think you made a big mistake to put this stupid video in the Geotech forum for remote sensing.
I see nothing that makes me think I am looking at a video of remote sensing.
I know very well that if this person or any others I see at the links on the right side of this video page could really locate things, then they could win one million USD.
But they cannot locate things.
They can only make stupid videos and talk about these things.
If they are truly able to locate things which they do not know the location of, then why have they not shown their abilities to people who will make them rich in return for demonstrating their abilities?
Is it because they prefer to live poorly without the extra million dollars?
Or is it because they cannot really locate things which they do not know the location of?
Maybe they can only make videos and talk, but they cannot locate things when real people are watching them and ready to pay them one million US dollars if they are successful.
Best wishes,
I have no experience in the field of sensor like you
But I think that you have chosen this forum for discussion and dialogue
So I put together this video, he was not aware of me
We do not deny that we have benefited a lot from you, thanks to you always
If you want that declined to put any question again, would be
Best wishes
10-26-2011, 05:12 PM
I have no experience in the field of sensor like you
But I think that you have chosen this forum for discussion and dialogue
So I put together this video, he was not aware of me
We do not deny that we have benefited a lot from you, thanks to you always
If you want that declined to put any question again, would be
Best wishesHi adventurer,
The opinion I posted is only my opinion.
When I say I think I an looking at crap, this is only what I see.
Not everyone else sees the same as I see.
The reason I say this is because the video is identical to many other videos where people show remarkable skills to locate hidden things.
To me this is nothing new.
I see many other people also do these things in their own ways when using dowsing rods, pendulums, bent wires, copper tubes and many other dowsing aids.
These people are able to make videos to show their amazing abilities.
But none of them can show these same amazing abilities to work when strangers are watching to see them recover hidden things that they do not know the location of.
Their abilities begin to appear as useless when they cannot be demonstrated to find some object which another person hides.
That is the reason why I see nothing that makes me think I am looking at a video of remote sensing.
If I see that these methods can be used when strangers are watching to see them recover hidden things that they do not know the location of, then I will begin to believe I am seeing remote sensing.
I am happy that you find some benefit from the technical things in this forum.
I do not mean to discourage your conversation with other people who are interested in talking about dowsing.
I am wrong. You do not make a mistake to discuss these things in this forum.
My only point is to say that I do not think the person in the video is able to locate an object which a stranger hides and asks him to find it.
Best wishes,
Hi Max.
What are you mean with "big speculation" ???
I mean that's not that way or that the probability to this to happen is very low
I don't think Hg is produced as you wrote (by radioactive decay) at any detectable level (using actual technology) if it's produced at all
10-26-2011, 10:49 PM
hi j player
I respect your opinion humbly
I hope that my presence among you be happy. and not worry about me when I ask you some questions and information in this forum modest
Best moments to you j player
10-27-2011, 01:46 AM
hi j player
I respect your opinion humbly
I hope that my presence among you be happy. and not worry about me when I ask you some questions and information in this forum modest
Best moments to you j playerThank you adventurer.
I will help you if I can.
But I know no technical things for dowsing.
I only know that nobody is able to make it work to find things that other people hide.
Maybe you find I am wrong to think this. I would like to see some public demonstrations if you think it will work.
Best wishes,
10-27-2011, 12:15 PM
Thank you adventurer.
I will help you if I can.
But I know no technical things for dowsing.
I only know that nobody is able to make it work to find things that other people hide.
Maybe you find I am wrong to think this. I would like to see some public demonstrations if you think it will work.
Best wishes,
thank you so much
when i find any new in this field I will tell you . but when be shur is that working succesfully
best wishes
10-28-2011, 06:34 AM
Hello Zocky-Zocky:
1- The metal is cooper
2- The wire diameter is about 8mm
3- is 10cm
Hi Geo:
-is 10 cm
Hello epitopios:
In this time my friend put ancient bone instead of gold, here when looking graves and ceramic put bone.
Hi Fred, Yes I think is ideomotor effect, but it may work with people who has not worked the rods and pendulum.
10-28-2011, 06:55 AM
Thank You very much Agraz!
10-28-2011, 07:11 PM (
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I used nails in wood., also I made one with aluminum.
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