View Full Version : More LRL junk on eBay

11-28-2010, 09:38 PM
This time it's an RT Examiner ->

Here's some more info from the question and answer section:
Q: Have you ever found anything with this device? Does it come with frequencies for programming the device? Also, can you tell me it's age? Thank you. 27-Nov-10 A: Hello, thank you for your interest in my metal detector. Yes I have found stuff. The story of the guy that tested his out in a coin shop is exactly how it works. I took my friends camping to an old gold mine and every time she said right here we found a rock that had gold looking stuff in it. It was amazing! But as it turned out the assayer said it was copper. I believe this can be a miracle tool but don't think it is a miracle tool for everyone. As RangerTell says if you have a bad tailbone or just rode a bike it won't work as well. With the box star method, you can be fairly certain before you dig. It is advisable to box star your find and test with another piece of equipment before digging. It works. It really does work but I believe you will still get false signals. Thats why you do the box star test before digging. Thank you! And Good luck! If you have anymore questions contact me.

Isn't that marvelous?
The seller went to a gold mine, and when he pointed the dowsing gadget at the rocks it indicated gold, and there it was! Would you credit it? Finding gold in a gold mine. Who would have thought it?

But sadly the detected gold turned out to be copper. :shocked:
Even then the seller still insists "It works. It really does work ...". :???:

And now we have another excuse to add to the list of reasons why the dowser failed to find anything: "... if you have a bad tailbone or just rode a bike it won't work as well.".
Now you've heard it all. :lol:

11-28-2010, 09:46 PM
He's also selling one of Fitzgerald's Si-Go dowsing gadgets, with "Target Reflection Nulifier", whatever that's meant to be (or do). ;)

Apparently this "works great" as well. In fact, so great that it's up for sale on eBay. :lol: