View Full Version : H3Tec Challenge
11-20-2010, 06:26 AM
This thread will cover my discussions with H3Tec. In early 2010 I was sent an H3Tec device for testing and inspection. As part of my investigation, I wrote an email to Chuck Christensen at H3Tec with some questions about the device:
I've recently obtained an H3Tec device for performance evaluation and eventual engineering evaluation. For the performance evaluation, I would like to run the H3Tec through some tests that validate it does something useful, like detecting gold. In my initial trials, I get no reaction from the device; it behaves just like a dowsing rod. In fact, unless it is held in my hand, the pointer won't move at all, even when a 10-ounce gold bar is waved right in front of it.
Is the device supposed to work when it is not being held by the user? If the device won't work unless a person is holding it, can you explain how that is not equivalent to dowsing? Can you suggest any specific test methods that will unambiguously demonstrate true objective operation, preferably without the need for it to be held?
The second phase is to disassemble the device and see what's inside. On your web site, you claim it uses "nano-ionic resonance." Yet beyond discussions of H3Tec that term does not appear to exist in science, at least in web searches. What is being resonated? How are ions involved? Can you explain what scientific theory is used in H3Tec devices? Can you provide references in real, scientific literature?
On your web site, you claim that the U.S. Army was trained and has purchased at least two H3Tec units. On forums you claim it has been deployed overseas, specifically "H3's are in the Middle East protecting our troops." Is the H3Tec actively being used by the Army? Can you provide the name and phone number or email of a contact person in the Army who can verify that the H3Tec is being successfully deployed in any capacity?
Since my initial evaluation of the H3Tec device showed no apparent functional ability, I would like to try again with your suggested test methods. If I still can't get the device to perform, would you be willing to demonstrate the H3Tec in a professionally-administered randomized double-blind test?
Carl Moreland
11-20-2010, 06:33 AM
Chuck's reply to my email was as follows:
Dear Mr. Moreland;
H3 Tec demands that you return the H3 detector, H3 software, and H3 system as defined in the following paragraphs within 30 days of the date of this email to the following address:
H3 Tec Shipping/Receiving
P O BOX 140533
Ogden, UT 84415
You are not the licensee and have obtained this device illegally. Failure to return H3 Tec’s property will force us to seek remedy in a court in the State of Utah where the contract was initiated.
Each H3 system (training, manuals, and other materials manufactured by H3), H3 detector, and its corresponding H3 software is sold through a license agreement between H3 Tec, LLC and the licensed end user or owner of the device and is under a strict contract and Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) signed by H3 Tec, LLC and the licensee. The license and agreement are specific to the user who purchased this license package and was trained on the correct use of the H3 device; neither the license, device, software, system, nor the agreement is transferable. Any breach of this license and NDA is a violation of the H3 user agreement that is put in place at the time of purchase.
In addition, the H3 is protected by patents applied for on behalf of H3 Tec, LLC by Stoel Rives, LLC (our intellectual property and compliance law firm), and granted to H3 Tec by the United States Patent Office. This patent states that H3 has title to this invention and the right to exclude others from reverse engineering, making, using, offering for sale, selling, or importing the invention. This patent and the workings described are company-propriety and protected by U.S. Patent Law and the courts of the State of Utah.
I encourage you to consider carefully before tampering with, reverse engineering, or testing any H3 device. You are prohibited from disclosing any company-proprietary information to which you may have access. We will not hesitate to invoke legal action if you proceed.
Charles L. Christensen
CEO and Chairman of the Board
You can't hide from H3.
"Anything that cannot be explained by the current state of the art is a discovery."
H3 Tec, LLC
P O Box 150433
Ogden, UT 84415
P: 602.464.3832
F: 801.475.4984
C: 801.814.6577
w: (
This email message may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. Do not read this email if you are not the intended recipient. This email transmission and any documents, files, or previous email messages attached to it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and may constitute inside or non-public information under international, federal, or state securities laws. Unauthorized forwarding, printing, copying, distribution, or use of such information is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you are not the addressee, please promptly destroy this email and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner, and notify the sender of the delivery error by email; or you may call H3 Tec's corporate offices in Ogden, Utah, U.S.A at (+1) (602)464-3832.
11-20-2010, 06:37 AM
I wrote Chuck back to point out serious deficits in his demands, and to offer my LRL challenge:
I am unaware of any contract or license; perhaps you can forward copies to me. However, if misrepresentation was involved then any contract or license will be null and void. Based on what I see so far, a whole lot of misrepresentation is involved. In any case, I am not bound by any contract with H3Tec.
Furthermore, a patent provides absolutely no protection to inspection, reverse-engineering, or public scrutiny of the device. This is well-established law. Based on other misinformed comments you've made regarding patents, you may want to consider a new patent attorney.
It appears that you are neither inclined to answer my questions, nor to provide a procedure for objectively testing the H3Tec. Therefore, I offer you my $25,000 LRL prize if you, as the operator, can success-
fully demonstrate the H3Tec in a professionally-administered randomized double-blind test. I can arrange such a test with Sandia National Labs, which has extensive experience in testing these kinds of devices.
Rather than send this device to you, I will instead forward it to James Randi, who would like to inspect it and provide his own public report on what he finds. Finally, assume that any correspondence between us is not confidential and may show up in my public report on the H3Tec.
Carl Moreland
11-20-2010, 07:10 AM
H3Tec claims that their device was tested and "certified" by Chemir Analytical Services, which is a legitimate testing lab. H3Tec includes some footage of their visit to Chemir in one of their videos. So I decided to contact Chemir to ask about the test and the results:
Mr Charles Christensen of H3Tec is advertising a device as being tested and "certified" by Chemir. I would like to contact the person(s) involved in the testing of the H3Tec device to ask a few questions.
Chemir replied:
Dear Mr. Moreland,
Good morning. I am the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manager at Chemir, and I'm writing to tell you we received your recent inquiry. Perhaps I can help you, but please note that we have confidentiality agreements with each of our clients. There may not be much information I can provide you without direct consent from Mr. Christensen, and so I suggest you ask him to join the conversation.
You can reach me via e-mail or at the information below.
To which I responded:
Thanks for the reply. Basically, all I want to find out is whether the "H3Tec" device was tested by Chemir, and whether those tests were performed using a randomized double-blind protocol.
I have recently obtained an H3Tec device and have found it to be nothing but a dowsing rod. In randomized double-blind tests, dowsing never works, yet Mr. Christensen is touting the Chemir test results as proof that his device works. He even goes so far as to say, "Chemir Labs certified H3's claims."
Beyond the question of test protocol, what were the claims that Chemir certified?
Chemir again:
I will attempt to contact Mr. Christensen about this matter and reply to you by next week whether or not I receive a reply from him. I appreciate your patience while I do my best to comply with our confidentiality agreements.
Later that day:
Dear Mr. Moreland,
I have reached Mr. Christensen, and he has expressed his intent not to join this conversation. Thus, in compliance with our client confidentiality practices, no personnel at Chemir will be available to answer detailed questions regarding this product testing.
I appreciate your effort to notify us of a potential situation where a person or company is falsely representing our business or relationship.
It's very curious that Christensen would want to keep the test methods and results a secret, unless he is misrepresenting what actually happened. Chemir's last statement seems to suggest this very scenario.
At this point, I asked Chemir how much they would charge if I personally brought the H3Tec device in for them to perform a double-blind test. They responded:
I'm sorry, we cannot help with a product evaluation like this one.
A follow-up phone call clarified that Chemir does not perform double-blind product testing. They recommended another company.
11-20-2010, 07:17 AM
During all this, I sent James Randi a run-down on my adventures with H3Tec. He sent them the following email:
August 7th, 2010.
Kathy & Charlie: I assure you that the James Randi Educational Foundation will not be bound by any such "following paragraphs" if and when we obtain one of these devices for testing, which we intend to do, so please send us a serious, pompous, warning of dire legal consequences, so we may publish it for our readers. However, I assure you, no "reverse engineering" is being contemplated, sought, or even considered; that would be a waste of our time and labor, since there's no engineering to be found.
A simple test of your device could easily be conducted, should you be willing, and if the device works, that would result in the million-dollar prize of this Foundation being awarded to you or whoever you might designate. But though we are willing, able, and well prepared to witness such a test, you will -- predictably -- refuse to participate. Any such test would be conducted by you, personally, or any other person you might choose to designate, of course, under a simple protocol designed by you.
I confidently assert that this offer will be (a) refused, (b) ignored, and/or (c) mocked in ignorance of reality.
The "H3 Tec" device does not, cannot, and will never, work as advertised, but it will continue to sell because there exists a certain percentage of the public that is naïve enough to purchase it. And, contrary to the cute advertising motto you use, I am very capable of "hiding" from an H3. Anyone is…
(silence, except for frantic scurrying noises as lawyers are alerted to this nuisance, in preparation for another dire warning to be issued in legalese.)
James Randi
I assume he got no response.
11-20-2010, 07:32 AM
Uh-oh, time for another threatening email from Chuck. This time he copies Kory D. Christensen, who is apparently his patent attorney. Or, as I like to call him, his "attorney-of-the-same-name." I wonder if this guy is giving Chuck such phenomenally bad information, or if Chuck is making it up on his own.
Mr. Carl Moreland,
You have been informed in writing and made very aware of H3 Tec’s license and use restrictions. As I have explained to you before, Non-disclosure agreement, contract, and license is maintained for each and every H3 system sold. The fact that you say you have our property and are going to share our private information with everyone on the Web is enough for us to believe you are serious. Possession of H3 Tec’s property without a license constitutes theft. You have admitted that you are in possession of stolen property; therefore, you are required by law to return it. With that, we are again demanding that the H3 you have in your possession be returned to us, and that you inform us of the name of the party who transferred it to you. You can do this now, or you will be deposed through our attorneys in the very near future. Such deposition will include the company for which you are working and therefore represent.
The only misrepresentation in this situation is yours, and you have blasted it to anyone within sight and ear shot. It is on your phone, emails, website, and blog site. In fact, you have contacted our independent testing laboratories, illegally misrepresented yourself as our authorized vendor, and attempted to obtain company-confidential and proprietary information in the form of our lab tests. All your activities are illegal and we will seek remedy.
We have collected a lot of evidence in this matter, and will forward it to our attorneys for processing. Thinking you are smarter than our attorneys is less than amusing. You are an engineer, and have been an engineer for your entire career; you are not a lawyer. H3 Tec, LLC and H3 Tec, LLC’s property is protected--well protected. Our IP is very valuable, and we have invested deeply in the legal title and protections of our company. We use world-class business practice that were set up by our business attorney. I’m sure your employer, Mr. White, does the same thing with his business and property.
H3 Tec, by using the proper procedures to obtain patents on this IP and a host of other IPs, retains title and protections. H3’s IP, contracts, and licenses will be strictly enforced. This means that, as I have told you before, transfer of and/or possession of a transferred H3 detector system is strictly forbidden by law, and I am asking for the second time that you return our property immediately.
We also demand that you remove any mention of H3 Tec, H3 Tec products, Chuck Christensen, and Kathy Christensen from any media and/or domain over which you have control or influence and through which reference has been made to H3 Tec or the Christensen’s
As indicated by the confidentiality notice provided in this and all of our company emails, this email and its contents are strictly confidential. The contents of this email are company-propriety information and will be treated as such. This email may not be reproduced in or out of context using any media, electronic or otherwise, and cannot be verbally transferred to any other party in whole or out of context to anyone other than H3 Tec, LLC .
Charles L. Christensen
H3 Tec LLC
Davis Applied Technology College
450 South Simmons Way, Suite 650
Kaysville, UT 84037
P: (801) 593-2272
F: (801) 593-2110
W: (
This email message may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. Do not read this email if you are not the intended recipient.
This email transmission and any documents, files, or previous email messages attached to it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and may constitute inside or non-public information under international, federal, or state securities laws. Unauthorized forwarding, printing, copying, distribution, or use of such information is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you are not the addressee, please promptly destroy this email and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner, and notify the sender of the delivery error by email; or you may call H3 Tec's corporate offices in Kaysville, Utah, U.S.A at (+1) (801) 593.2271.
By the way, I authorized me to distribute this email.
11-20-2010, 07:38 AM
Not wanting to appear to be ignoring Chuck's pleas, I again offered my challenge. I even agree to all his demands IF the device is successful in a scientific test. Also, I copied his attorney-of-the-same-name so there would be no doubt that I have offered Chuck a legitimate settlement that satisfies their "demands."
I again offer you $25,000 if you can successfully demonstrate the H3Tec device in a professionally administered randomized double-blind test. Success will not only win you my prize money, but I will remove all negative comments about the H3Tec device and persons involved from my web site, issue a public apology, and publicly endorse the device.
I await your response to this offer.
If you want the H3Tec unit I had, you will now need to contact James Randi. Also, I believe he has directly offered you a 1 MILLION DOLLAR reward for a successful demonstration, if you consider my offer to be financially insufficient.
Carl Moreland
11-20-2010, 07:51 AM
Chuck was getting nowhere with his begging, so he asks the wife to beg instead:
Mr. Moreland;
H3 Tec, LLC is very serious about your interference with our technologies and company. Without regard to H3’s business and investment, you have made defamatory, slanderous, and blatantly false statements and you have broadcast those statements across the world through various means. You have also represented yourself as a vendor of H3 Tec’s devices and technology in order to gain company-sensitive, private data. You have represented yourself as subject-matter expert pertaining to our products. Your reckless actions and false statements have caused harm to our company and reputation.
As a result, you have seven days from the date of this email, specifically midnight Mountain Daylight Time on August 24, 2010, to comply with the following demands:
1. Remove all negative references to H3’s technology, H3 Tec, and the Christensens from your websites, blogs, and other media.
2. Provide the name of the party who transferred H3 Tec’s property and materials to you, and return all H3 Tec property and systems to our hands at the following address:
H3 Tec Shipping/Receiving
P O Box 140533
Ogden, UT 84415
H3 Tec property and systems includes the following:
a. Any H3 detector and its corresponding H3 software.
b. H3 Tec training materials, manuals, and any other materials manufactured by H3 Tec, LLC.
3. If, as you have claimed on multiple occasions, you indeed have had possession of H3 Tec’s property and if you transferred H3 Tec’s property to another party, you have compounded your problem and must contact whomever currently has possession of H3 Tec’s property and have it shipped to the address provided in item 2, above.
4. Post apologies and retraction statements for the references in item 1, above, and stop your interference with our activities.
Logically, if H3 Tec wanted your help with its product, you would be hired to perform that work. H3 Tec has no intention of hiring you, does not want your help, and neither requires nor seeks your endorsement. You are not recognized as an expert in any field in which we are interested.
Should you deem it necessary to communicate with us after the aforementioned seven days have expired, please direct all correspondence to our attorney at the address provided below as we will no longer respond to you in writing or otherwise.
Kory D. Christensen
Stoel Rives, LLP
201 South Main Street, Suite 1100
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
Kathleen G. Christensen
President & General Manager
You can't hide from H3.
"Anything that cannot be explained by the current state of the art is a discovery."
H3 Tec, LLC
P O Box 150433
Ogden, UT 84415
P: 602.464.3832
F: 801.475.4984
C: 801.209.9020
w: (
This email message may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. Do not read this email if you are not the intended recipient. This email transmission and any documents, files, or previous email messages attached to it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and may constitute inside or non-public information under international, federal, or state securities laws. Unauthorized forwarding, printing, copying, distribution, or use of such information is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you are not the addressee, please promptly destroy this email and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner, and notify the sender of the delivery error by email; or you may call H3 Tec's corporate offices in Ogden, Utah, U.S.A at (+1) (602)464-3832.
This email was sent August 17. Note the deadline of Aug 24 to comply with all their "demands". So I sent the following quick reply (still copying their attorney-of-the-same-name):
I will agree to your terms, plus award you the sum of $25,000, if you, or anyone you designate, can successfully demonstrate the H3Tec device in a professionally administered randomized double-blind test. This test would be administered by Sandia National Labs, a world-renown research facility which has significant experience testing long-range locator devices.
If your device works as you claim, then I expect you will eagerly accept this offer, as the test will be incredibly easy to pass, and the publicity will bring phenomenal business opportunities.
If your device is only a dowsing rod, then I expect you will decline or ignore this offer, as the test will be impossible to pass.
Carl Moreland
and decided to wait until Aug 24. Aug 24 came & went. Nothing. Weeks went by. Nothing. But on some public forums, both H3Tec and their dealers continue to puff up their chests and make legal threats. As Randi said, "pompous."
11-20-2010, 09:36 PM
Forgot to mention... in my last email to H3Tec, I added my own "confidentiality notice":
This email message may or may not contain confidential information that could be but may not be legally privileged. Do not read this email unless it was sent to you; if you read this email and weren't supposed to, then bad on you. Unauthorized printing, copying, reading, or dreaming about is STRICTLY FROWNED UPON. If you do these bad things, we will grit our teeth, stomp our feet, and hold our breath until we turn blue. Also, by reading any part of this confidentiality notice, you agree to pay us $10,000.
I assume Kathy didn't read this notice, as I have never received the $10,000 she would owe me for doing so.
Another great anti-fraud project Carl. Thank you for all your efforts in this way.
This one of the best statement in this case:
"However, I assure you, no "reverse engineering" is being contemplated, sought, or even considered; that would be a waste of our time and labor, since there's no engineering to be found."
11-20-2010, 10:16 PM
Early in my investigation of the H3Tec device, I emailed Ike Tiner with some questions. Ike was a vocal proponent of H3Tec and it appeared that he lived in Oregon, at a reasonable distance from me, so I hoped we could get together for some basic experiments:
Hi Ike,
I see that you own an H3Tec device. I recently obtained one for testing purposes and so far cannot get it to do anything. It appears to be just a dowsing rod. I'm curious if you've had any solid success with the H3Tec.
Ike responded positively about his experiences, and suggested I talk to H3Tec directly. I replied:
I got my H3 from a rather disgruntled owner, who sent it to me to investigate and put it through some double-blind testing. I've been investigating LRLs for 12 years, and after testing and dissecting around 20 different models I've yet to see one that works. So far, this one does nothing as well.
I'm going to try to get Chuck to demonstrate operation to me, but I've already expressed my skepticism toward his device and he is not too pleased with what I've had to say. I had in the past (before I got this device) asked if he would be willing to run some double-blind tests with me and he wouldn't reply. Double-blind testing is the only reliable way to test dowsing-based devices, and my experience with other LRL manufacturers is that they avoid it like the plague.
I plan to do some more testing with the unit, and dissect it to see what's inside. At that point I'll get back with Chuck and see if he will agree to tests. If he won't, would you be willing to get together and run through some operational experiments? I would like to get someone with experience with the device to handle it.
Ike responded, "Thank you for your response...But lets clear once thing up... The H3 is NOT a dowsing base tool.... as long as that thought is your head... your success with the H3 will be very limited..."
Well, yes, it IS a dowsing device, there is no doubt about that. But I let it go. I soon discovered in reading Ike's forum posts on that he has moved to Texas and is a dealer for H3Tec. So he has a personal investment in defending H3Tec.
Since Chuck refuses a scientific test of his device, I made a similar offer to Ike on This began when someone asked about the H3Tec, and I responded:
I have recently wrapped up a 2-month detailed investigation of the H3Tec, including a full dissection. It is nothing but a dowsing rod. As such, it obviously could not detect gold or silver or anything else (yes, I ran tests). It does have a real circuit inside (unlike so many LRLs that don't) but the circuitry doesn't really do anything, other than look high-tech and make the buyers feel they got more for their $10,000 than just a dowsing rod.
I have offered my $25,000 to Mr. Christensen if he can successfully demonstrate the device but so far all I've gotten back are legal threats and a lot of foot stomping.
Ike replied (some portions omitted for brevity):
Thank you for your post, Carl-NC...
In my lastest post, I said I wouldn't say anything else about the H3 or H3tec... but this posting by Carl absolutely requires a comment due to its one sided, and biased and untruthfull comments
From these comments, are the readers to assume you are an expert, with well documented education in electronic, magnetism, molecular and atomic structures, computer science, hardware and software with a great working understanding of several languages as well as mechanical engineering???
...because you would need to be well versed in all those academic subjects along with several others to stumble onto the the basis of the technology behind the H3... Mr Christensen is extremely well educated, in those fields and much more...DOWSING HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SUCCESS OF THE is truly scientific....
It would be helpful for you to tell the truth and the complete story... You left out the part where you contacted me personally and I, as well and Mr, Christensen have extended SEVERAL offers to you to come to Salt Lake City for a complete demonstration on the H3 and yet each time you have declined to do so... I still have the emails in my personal account and I can publish them for all to see that while legal issues have come and are coming about for you between yourself and H3tec... these came about ONLY after you declined several invitations and several request to stop saying negative things about the H3 and H3tec without the proper information to back up your statements... largely due to lack of your knowledge on the H3 and its patented technology....of which H3tec owns all the patents, of which there are MANY.......
Since you have $25,000 to use as a reward for a successful demonstration, why haven't you... or better yet, why don't you simply go to Salt Lake City for a demonstration, it is FREE other than your transportation and lodging and food....It certainly wouldn't cost $25,000 to go the SLC, to prove your point....
I will make the following ANYONE... (there are also dealers in Southern California as well as in Ohio and Slat Lake H3tec for their contact information)
I live in the Corpus Christi area of TX... and I will demonstrate and TEACH you how to properly use the H3... and you WILL find things a regular metal detector cannot find....All anyone has to do is contat me and set up an pay for your transportation, food and lodging....
I am an authorized dealer for the H3 and H3tec... my territory covers all the southern states, LA to AZ and from CO southward... I have been properly trained and understand the H3e very, very well....and have also been successful with it too....
Ignoring some of the false statements Ike makes, I responded by offering HIM my $25,000 prize:
Hello Ike,
I'm sure Mr. Christensen told you that I did offer him the $25,000 (plus other considerations) if he could successfully demonstrate the H3Tec device in a professionally administered randomized double-blind test. I'm sure he also told you that he responded with threats of a lawsuit if I didn't immediately surrender the device to him. I have the emails if you'd like to read them, although Mr. Christensen said they are "strictly confidential" and cannot be repeated to anyone.
I will make the same offer to you: $25,000 if YOU as the operator can successfully demonstrate the H3Tec device in a professionally administered randomized double-blind test. There is one caveat: the prize money is only available if H3Tec agrees to the test and for you to officially represent the company. If you want to demonstrate the device on your own, independent of the company, then I am certainly interested (as I said in my email to you) but the prize money isn't available unless it's a sanctioned test.
Since Mr. Christensen doesn't seem to be interested in a truly scientific test of the H3Tec, maybe you are (I would be, if I were selling them). Let me know. And feel free to post the contents of our prior emails.
Naturally, Ike refuses:
Instead of clouding the issues with getting money involved, aLL that we ask of you is to visit SLC and take a test drive....
Like Chuck, he desperately wants to avoid a truly scientific test of the device, and stick with a "sales demonstration" and "hands-on training." Self-deception, and deception, is much easier with those methods.
11-20-2010, 10:40 PM
In an earlier thread on this forum (, Chuck chimed in to disagree with me after I reported on seeing the H3Tec at the Texas Treasure Show. He made the following offer:
"We would be more than happy to give you a full demonstration of our products as well as a quick training session."
I replied,
"Would you do the demonstration under randomized double-blind conditions?"
He wouldn't respond to this question, even after I asked it again.
In a very recent exchange on TreasureNet, I repeated my challenge to Chuck, and extended to all their dealers:
Fact #1: The H3Tec "locator" is a dowsing device. No question. Anyone can disassemble one and see that.
Fact #2: The H3Tec has no ability to do what the manufacturer claims it will do.
I (again) make the following challenge to Chuck Christensen:
I will pay the sum of $25,000 if you can successfully demonstrate the H3Tec device in a professionally administered randomized double-blind test. Success will not only win you my prize money, but I will remove all negative comments about the H3Tec device from my web site, issue a public apology, and publicly endorse the device.
Please don't tell me you've performed this test. First, I don't believe you; Chemir told me they don't do double-blind product testing, plus you gave them strict instructions not to release any details of what they actually tested. Secondly, I don't care what you did in the past. I want to see, in person, the H3Tec device work in a scientific test. I do NOT care for a "sales demonstration," or "hands-on training," or testimonials. Scientific test, period.
Since H3Tec will (again) reject my offer, I make the following alternative challenges to H3Tec's dealers:
I will pay the sum of $25,000 to Ike Tiner (aka 'KlondikeIke') if he can successfully demonstrate the H3Tec device in randomized double-blind test.
I will pay the sum of $25,000 to Dexter Hulse (aka 'Curtis') if he can successfully demonstrate the H3Tec device in randomized double-blind test.
I will pay the sum of $25,000 to Jeff Haslett if he can successfully demonstrate the H3Tec device in randomized double-blind test.
If the device works as claimed, success will be trivial. If it doesn't, failure is certain.
No excuses.
No alibis.
Again, Chuck dodged the challenge.
Cain't do it.
11-24-2010, 04:50 PM
Here is the latest from Chuck:
Kindly remove all H3 material off your website. You have 24 hours to do so. Non-compliance will not be met favorably. You will force us to innate actions that are very negative for you and will take time out of our positive and busy schedule.
Charles L. Christensen
H3 Tec, L.L.C.
P.O. Box 150433
Ogden, UT 84015
P: 602.464.3832
C: 801.814.6577
F: 801.475.4984
W: (
This email message may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. Do not read this email if you are not the intended recipient.
This email transmission and any documents, files, or previous email messages attached to it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and may constitute inside or non-public information under international, federal, or state securities laws. Unauthorized forwarding, printing, copying, distribution, or use of such information is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you are not the addressee, please promptly destroy this email and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner, and notify the sender of the delivery error by email; or you may call H3 Tec's corporate offices in Ogden Ut, U.S.A at (+1) (602) 464.3832
I have no idea what "force us to innate actions" means. Perhaps his "well documented education in electronic, magnetism, molecular and atomic structures, computer science, hardware and software with a great working understanding of several languages as well as mechanical engineering" prevents him from understanding the English language.
11-24-2010, 05:34 PM
The whole reason I decided to post all these emails is because Chuck is deliberately spreading... er... fabrications about what's been said. Ferinstance, he has said:
In fact, you have contacted our independent testing laboratories, illegally misrepresented yourself as our authorized vendor, and attempted to obtain company-confidential and proprietary information in the form of our lab tests.
This has been repeated to his dealers and posted on forums. As anyone can see from the actual emails, I did no such thing. I was completely honest in my inquiry. If the test results really supported Chuck's claims, then there should be no reason to hide them.
I have no idea what "force us to innate actions" means.
They will destroy your forum at long range distance by H3Tec isotope.
The whole reason I decided to post all these emails is because Chuck is deliberately spreading... er... fabrications about what's been said. Ferinstance, he has said:
In fact, you have contacted our independent testing laboratories, illegally misrepresented yourself as our authorized vendor, and attempted to obtain company-confidential and proprietary information in the form of our lab tests.
This has been repeated to his dealers and posted on forums. As anyone can see from the actual emails, I did no such thing. I was completely honest in my inquiry. If the test results really supported Chuck's claims, then there should be no reason to hide them.
The last nasty-gram I got from Chuck said:
Hi Jim,
Just a note, maybe for the wise. We have been following you and your talk about our company. It is less than informed, and more than unchallengeable. I’m sorry you have come out to purposely do damage to our company without even accepting an invitation to use the H3, come to our manufacturing facilities and test drive the H3. You have pushed this issue past the point of reason or reconsideration.
Sincerely.....yada yada I've reconsidered H3's advertisement "H3 Treasure Detectors are scientific instruments, not toys"....and come to the same conclusion...not a scientific instrument
11-25-2010, 09:01 AM
Since the purpose of this thread is to publicly document my challenge to H3Tec and their responses, let's take a look at some more... err... "fabrications" that Chuck posted:
Carl ... has told the world that we do not manufacture a product stating "It has no board in it", "it can't work".
Ignoring the butchered English, I have never claimed the H3 device "has no board in it." In fact, I stated (THunting forum, 8/15/2010):
"It does have a real circuit inside (unlike so many LRLs that don't) but the circuitry doesn't really do anything, other than look high-tech and make the buyers feel they got more for their $10,000 than just a dowsing rod."
I also don't think I've ever said "it can't work," only that it's just a dowsing rod, and doesn't do what the manufacturer claims it will do.
We have invited Carl to Utah to see our production and assembly shop as well as test drive our products.
Chuck has never invited me to "see our production and assembly shop." He did say (Geotech forum, 4/11/2009):
"We would be more than happy to give you a full demonstration of our products as well as a quick training session."
I replied:
"Well, I just might take you up on that. Would you do the demonstration under randomized double-blind conditions?"
No answer. I repeated this question a few more times but Chuck kept dodging the question.
He refuses stating that he's offering us a 25K challenge.
I will gladly accept a demonstration of the device, as long as its executed using an acceptable scientific test procedure. I have no use for a typical sales demo.
Well it's a contract that can't be met, so he get's 5k for his efforts.
As I've stated, passing a scientific test is trivial if the device works, and impossible if it doesn't work. Sound like Chuck is admitting the device doesn't work.
In any case, the "5k" comment is blatantly wrong. There is no provision in the challenge for paying me anything. If the device works, I lose $25,000. It it doesn't work, I get nothing.
You might want to point out to the gentleman from HT 3 that you can not possibly be in breach of their confidentiality agreement since you never signed one with them.
Many years ago, I was being deposed in a patent infringement suit and as part of the discovery process, a letter from a competitor to a customer, that was in my possession was produced. The attorney for the other side tried to rattle me by pointing out that at the bottom of the letter was a paragraph stating that the letter contained company confidential information. The lawyer asked me why I had not returned the letter to our competitor since it contained their confidential information? I looked at him straight on and said that I didn't return it because I had never signed a confidentiality agreement with them. At that point he asked for a 15 minute recess in the deposition, probably to try and figure out another angle of attack. :lol:
You might want to point out to the gentleman from HT 3 that you can not possibly be in breach of their confidentiality agreement since you never signed one with them.
Hi Rudy....the nasty-grams I get from H3 Tec are equally as ridiculous. According to the lead....they are sending me someone else's property. I have never signed a confidentiality agreement or a NDA with them. I have, however...been posting my opinion that their "scientific instrument" is fraudulant. Thus, the threatening nasty-grams
This messages is property of H3 Tec, as are all electronic, voice, or written communications: See notice below.
Since you have no idea what you are talking about I’m going to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. I will at one caveat, You should well be aware of the rights of a patent holder and their property, you should know about slander and libel. You should also understand about industrial sabotage, and espionage. If you don’t, you should get very familiar with them in the near future.
Have a very happy Thanksgiving, and by the way, your website might be a reflection upon your professionalism.
Much luck and health to you in the future, and you will be seeing us very soon.
This email message may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. Do not read this email if you are not the intended recipient.
This email transmission and any documents, files, or previous email messages attached to it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and may constitute inside or non-public information under international, federal, or state securities laws. Unauthorized forwarding, printing, copying, distribution, or use of such information is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you are not the addressee, please promptly destroy this email and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner, and notify the sender of the delivery error by email; or you may call H3 Tec's corporate offices in Ogden Ut, U.S.A at (+1) (602) 464.3832
Hi Rudy....the nasty-grams I get from H3 Tec are equally as ridiculous. According to the lead....they are sending me someone else's property. I have never signed a confidentiality agreement or a NDA with them. I have, however...been posting my opinion that their "scientific instrument" is fraudulant. Thus, the threatening nasty-grams
This messages is property of H3 Tec, as are all electronic, voice, or written communications: See notice below.
Since you have no idea what you are talking about I’m going to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. I will at one caveat, You should well be aware of the rights of a patent holder and their property, you should know about slander and libel. You should also understand about industrial sabotage, and espionage. If you don’t, you should get very familiar with them in the near future.
Have a very happy Thanksgiving, and by the way, your website might be a reflection upon your professionalism.
Much luck and health to you in the future, and you will be seeing us very soon.
This email message may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. Do not read this email if you are not the intended recipient.
This email transmission and any documents, files, or previous email messages attached to it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and may constitute inside or non-public information under international, federal, or state securities laws. Unauthorized forwarding, printing, copying, distribution, or use of such information is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you are not the addressee, please promptly destroy this email and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner, and notify the sender of the delivery error by email; or you may call H3 Tec's corporate offices in Ogden Ut, U.S.A at (+1) (602) 464.3832
I wonder, has anyone with one of these "boxes" seen a label (or perhaps imprinted on the case), containing one or more U.S. Patent numbers? Companies afraid that their competitors will reverse engineer their invention and market it usually "mark" their equipment with such a label. The reason is that, if the item is so marked and they win their patent infringement suit against their competitor, they are entitled to recover treble damages as far back as competitor's unit #1 sold. Otherwise their damages are capped starting with the competitor's unit sold after the infringement suit was filed.
Yes, that boiler plate notice they tack on to emails is ludicrous. Our legal department would use it too on their emails. It was more of a CYA than anything else. And, since it is always at the bottom, how does one know it was there until after one reads the email? :razz:
11-26-2010, 06:31 PM
You should well be aware of the rights of a patent holder and their property...
This has been a recurring theme... I'm wondering if Chuck actually believes that a patent prevents anyone from dissecting his device and publishing the details of the design. If he does, he is either deluded or his attorney-of-the-same-name is giving him Really Bad Advice.
The irony, as I think I've mentioned before, is that his patent doesn't even provide protection against his product being copied and sold! Both independent claims begin, "A method/apparatus for detecting a substance, comprising..." This means, first and foremost, the device must be able to detect a substance. If, in the end, a device constructed according to the claims and teachings of the patent in incapable of detecting a substance, then there is no violation of the patent... the patent is junk.
Based on what I've seen of the H3 device, anyone can copy and produce it without violating the patent. Ergo, the patent is just for marketing purposes. That is, it's to impress people who foolishly believe patents are only granted for proven technology.
The reason is that, if the item is so marked and they win their patent infringement suit against their competitor, they are entitled to recover treble damages as far back as competitor's unit #1 sold. Otherwise their damages are capped starting with the competitor's unit sold after the infringement suit was filed.
Damage assessment varies, but typically the starting point is when notice of infringement is filed, typically in a company-to-company letter. Treble damages usually only result when there is willful infringement.
This has been a recurring theme... I'm wondering if Chuck actually believes that a patent prevents anyone from dissecting his device and publishing the details of the design. If he does, he is either deluded or his attorney-of-the-same-name is giving him Really Bad Advice.
The irony, as I think I've mentioned before, is that his patent doesn't even provide protection against his product being copied and sold! Both independent claims begin, "A method/apparatus for detecting a substance, comprising..." This means, first and foremost, the device must be able to detect a substance. If, in the end, a device constructed according to the claims and teachings of the patent in incapable of detecting a substance, then there is no violation of the patent... the patent is junk.
Based on what I've seen of the H3 device, anyone can copy and produce it without violating the patent. Ergo, the patent is just for marketing purposes. That is, it's to impress people who foolishly believe patents are only granted for proven technology.
Damage assessment varies, but typically the starting point is when notice of infringement is filed, typically in a company-to-company letter. Treble damages usually only results when there is willful infringement.
Carl, has the US Patent Number been published in the forum (if so I couldn't find it)? If you don't mind posting it or sending me a PM with it, I'd like to take a look at it. I know quite a bit about patents having four of them and three others that were in process prior to my retirement.
Carl, has the US Patent Number been published in the forum (if so I couldn't find it)? If you don't mind posting it or sending me a PM with it, I'd like to take a look at it. I know quite a bit about patents having four of them and three others that were in process prior to my retirement.
Hi Rudy.....try this
11-26-2010, 09:12 PM
Hi Rudy.....try this
In the application it states: "The method of claim 1, wherein the step of receiving an indication further comprises allowing an arm connected with the detection module to pivot in the direction of the substance to indicate presence of the substance".
It is difficult to see how this patent was even allowed. It's only value is to the Marketing Dept.. to trick the unwary into believing that the detection method has some value, when in fact it has none. I can only assume that the suggested embodiments do not affect the patent application so much as the claims being made.
Here is the full patent document (with graphics) ->
This patent appears to have been granted, even though it states in the text, such things as:
"the arm aligning to the element or compound"
"having a rod that pivots within a handle."
"The rod is supported and allowed to swing on precision bearings inside the handle."
"the rod swivels allowing the arm of the rod to pivot, to point to the direction of the target substance."
etc., etc.
It is clearly a dowsing rod in disguise. :frown:
It is clearly a dowsing rod in disguise. :frown:
Of course it is.
Just a thought....does the patent cover the H3 Tec Tricorder series? That's the model that uses a dowsing rod to "excite" the atoms/molecule and a smaller dowsing rod that "listens" to the atoms talk.
There seems to be a difference between the item patented and the current H3 models
Hi Rudy.....try this
In the application it states: "The method of claim 1, wherein the step of receiving an indication further comprises allowing an arm connected with the detection module to pivot in the direction of the substance to indicate presence of the substance".
It is difficult to see how this patent was even allowed. It's only value is to the Marketing Dept.. to trick the unwary into believing that the detection method has some value, when in fact it has none. I can only assume that the suggested embodiments do not affect the patent application so much as the claims being made.
Here is the full patent document (with graphics) ->
This patent appears to have been granted, even though it states in the text, such things as:
"the arm aligning to the element or compound"
"having a rod that pivots within a handle."
"The rod is supported and allowed to swing on precision bearings inside the handle."
"the rod swivels allowing the arm of the rod to pivot, to point to the direction of the target substance."
etc., etc.
It is clearly a dowsing rod in disguise. :frown:
Thanks to both of you. I'll be taking a gander at these.
11-26-2010, 10:14 PM
One other question that occurs to me:
Since the device contains an arm that pivots in the direction of the target substance, does "the dog wag the tail" or does "the tail wag the dog"?
As both Carl and Rudy have (or have had) one of these devices, they are the most qualified to answer the question. That is: Does the dog wag its own tail, or not?
11-27-2010, 09:51 AM
This has been a recurring theme... I'm wondering if Chuck actually believes that a patent prevents anyone from dissecting his device and publishing the details of the design. If he does, he is either deluded or his attorney-of-the-same-name is giving him Really Bad Advice.
The irony, as I think I've mentioned before, is that his patent doesn't even provide protection against his product being copied and sold! Both independent claims begin, "A method/apparatus for detecting a substance, comprising..." This means, first and foremost, the device must be able to detect a substance. If, in the end, a device constructed according to the claims and teachings of the patent in incapable of detecting a substance, then there is no violation of the patent... the patent is junk.
Based on what I've seen of the H3 device, anyone can copy and produce it without violating the patent. Ergo, the patent is just for marketing purposes. That is, it's to impress people who foolishly believe patents are only granted for proven technology.
Damage assessment varies, but typically the starting point is when notice of infringement is filed, typically in a company-to-company letter. Treble damages usually only result when there is willful infringement.Hmmm...
This is getting interesting. If H3Tec decides to hire an attorney to take action against Carl/Geotech, they must have a legal basis for their demands. ie: libel, theft of intellectual property, patent infringement, etc. So when the H3Tec attorney informs them that Carl has never agreed to any nondisclosure, and the equipment he tested was not stolen, but sent to him by an H3Tec customer for performance evaluation, then the final avenue will probably be to pursue a libel claim. But in order to prove libel, H3Tec must prove Carl printed something which is not true and is defamatory. This is the problem for H3Tec... how to prove Carl published something that is not true.
The US courts will not accept hearsay claims that Carl printed something, they want to see the actual evidence. And when they read what is published here in Geotech as well as other forums and emails, they will discover that there are indeed many defamatory statements. Then they will look for the final test that proves libel. The final test for libel is to show that Carl published false information about the H3Tec's ability to locate a substance. This means H3Tec must prove their equipment successfully finds the substances it is advertised to find in order to prove libel.
Again, the US courts will not accept hearsay or anecdotal stories as proof the H3Tec performs as advertised. They will want to see real evidence from a third party independent test. (Do you suppose they will want to see a double blind test? Will they accept a test that Sandia Labs administers?)
If you look at the ongoing actions of the H3Tec administrators and what Carl has done, we see where the argument is leading...
If H3Tec decides to actually hire an attorney to pursue their demands, they will ultimately end up in a court which orders them to submit their equipment for independent third party testing, and makes their equipment available for the defense to examine and test. It seems this is exactly what Carl has been asking for all along and H3Tec refused to do.
So what do you think?
Will H3Tec start legal actions against Carl, or will they continue to send email demands and threats without taking any legal action?
Best wishes,
So what do you think?
Will H3Tec start legal actions against Carl, or will they continue to send email demands and threats without taking any legal action?
Smart crime always tend to stay hidden.
Dummy crime can even go to court.
In this case I prefer dummy crime.
11-27-2010, 10:23 AM
Smart crime always tend to stay hidden.
Dummy crime can even go to court.
In this case I prefer dummy crime.I doubt H3Tec will hire an attorney to go after Carl.
I think H3Tec is scared to death to go to court where their equipment can be tested by an independent testing lab and the results published in newspapers, and maybe on TV. :cool:
Best Wishes,
US v. Quadro Corp., 928 F. Supp. 688 - Dist. Court, ED Texas 1996
"Case Study of Inoperable Inventions: Why is the USPTO Patenting Pseudoscience"
Come to mind :lol:
11-27-2010, 02:46 PM
US v. Quadro Corp., 928 F. Supp. 688 - Dist. Court, ED Texas 1996
"Case Study of Inoperable Inventions: Why is the USPTO Patenting Pseudoscience"
Come to mind :lol:
The case study is here ->
Page 1294 onwards makes for some interesting reading, particularly the section on the DKL LifeGuard patent. This patent was actually granted, despite later being confirmed as an inoperable invention by SNL.
11-27-2010, 04:19 PM
So what do you think?
Will H3Tec start legal actions against Carl, or will they continue to send email demands and threats without taking any legal action?
Best wishes,
I suspect they'll do the North Korea thing. Big bluster and attitude, fire a first shot, and then ultimately back down with some excuse, all the while continuing the bombastic talk and threats.
I suspect they'll do the North Korea thing. Big bluster and attitude, fire a first shot, and then ultimately back down with some excuse, all the while continuing the bombastic talk and threats.
Bombastic talk and like!
That....and useless dealer chatter on their own internet message board
11-27-2010, 09:00 PM
Do you know if the H3Tec has every been tested by an Independent Testing Lab?
That is the question I ask…Simple and to the point..Art
11-27-2010, 09:26 PM
This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/805,414, filed May 22, 2007, for "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETECTING ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS," which claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. .sctn.119(e) of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/747,894, for "ELEMENT SENSOR," filed May 22, 2006. Both of the foregoing applications are fully incorporated herein by reference.
Here is a little more reading you should also understand…Art
11-27-2010, 09:46 PM
Do you know if the H3Tec has every been tested by an Independent Testing Lab?
H3 has made prior statements that Chemir tested and "certified" the device:
"The H3 claims have been tested at Chemir Labs."
"Anytime you want to set up a test as the we did at Chemir to certify our claims..."
"It had to pass a double blind test for clams [sic] certifications."
However, I contacted Chemir and asked about H3... they declined to provide any information on what was tested, citing a confidentiality agreement. Fair enough. But they flatly stated they do not do double-blind testing. It's interesting that H3 refuses to disclose the test details or, better, give Chemir the green light to disclose them. Surely the results would verify H3's claims, wouldn't they?
Another interesting tidbit... in one of their responses to me Chemir said,
"I appreciate your effort to notify us of a potential situation where a person or company is falsely representing our business or relationship."
I noticed that in the last exchanges on TNet, H3 was very careful not to mention Chemir by name. I would not be surprised if they got a cease-and-desist letter from Chemir.
Bottom line: The H3 statements (or implications) that Chemir tested the device, or "certified" the device, or that the device has passed a "double blind test" are probably false. Certainly, they are avoiding it now.
By all appearances....the duel dowsing rod version (Tricorder) has not actually been tested @ Chemir. Video evidence confirms a single dowsing rod version was used.
11-27-2010, 10:51 PM
Will H3Tec be the next to trick the military and police? And what is nano ionic resonance?
In case some of you haven't seen this ->
In particular, notice this comment:
The US Department of Justice has specifically warned against these types of devices!
I just finished looking at the "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETECTING ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS" from Charles L. Christensen. US Pat 7,750,634 B1
The patent does contain H3 Tec copyrighted information, in the form of some PCB artwork, parts lists and source code. This probably helped lead the patent examiner into believing that the apparatus described is able to perform the intended function.
In the detailed description of the embodiment, a rather simplistic explanation of nuclear magnetic resonance is given, along with an explanation on how the resonant frequency of an element can be affected by external environmental factors such as the presence of a static magnetic field (ie. the earth's magnetic field). It then talks about how their electronics can integrate the effects of these environmental factors and perform a calculation that computes the effect of these factors and produces a new, corrected, NMR frequency. This drives a frequency generator and tunable filters to create a "clean" sinusoid of the desired frequency. This frequency can be amplified and fed to a Detection Module.
The above mentioned Detection Module uses this amplified frequency to "stimulate" the target element while at the same time it receives a reflected signal from the desired element. Then it starts to go downhill from there.
The Detection Module described in the patent is a ... dowsing rod with an electrical connection. But this is so wrong on so many levels that I don't know where to begin.
The idea of pumping an amplified signal (ie. many volts) into the dowsing rod so it can somehow propagate this signal to a remote location where the element to be detected is located, while at the same time using the same dowsing rod to receive a reflected signal from the element, which if it existed would be fractions of microvolts in amplitude, is ludicrous at best. It is like standing next to Niagara falls and trying to listen to a sound of a needle dropping on the floor. One could say that perhaps they do a TDMX of the dowsing rod, but that is not discussed, and neither is the subject of quantifying the effect on the NMR frequency signal when the stimulus signal is suddenly removed. This is much like the signal decay time vs sampling delay time on a PI detector.
My disbelief compounded when it is claimed that this weak signal, again if it existed, would be sufficiently strong to cause the dowsing rod to deflect and point in the direction of the source of the reflected signal.
Does this work, or can this work? I'd bet money it doesn't
11-28-2010, 07:39 AM
Does this work, or can this work? I'd bet money it doesn't
Heck, even H3's supporters don't believe it works. Not a single one is saying, "Hey Chuck, jump on this guy's challenge, show him the H3 works just like you claim, take his money, and embarrass ol' Carl once and fer all." Instead, every last one of them is crying for legal action to silence me.
If the very people selling the device are telling us it doesn't work, why should we think otherwise?
Your autism is showing again.
"H3 Tec demands that you return the H3 detector, H3 software, and H3 system as defined in the following paragraphs within 30 days of the date of this email ...
You are not the licensee and have obtained this device illegally. Failure to return H3 Tec’s property will force us to seek remedy in a court in the State of Utah where the contract was initiated.
Each H3 system (training, manuals, and other materials manufactured by H3), H3 detector, and its corresponding H3 software is sold through a license agreement between H3 Tec, LLC and the licensed end user or owner of the device and is under a strict contract and Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) signed by H3 Tec, LLC and the licensee. The license and agreement are specific to the user who purchased this license package and was trained on the correct use of the H3 device; neither the license, device, software, system, nor the agreement is transferable. Any breach of this license and NDA is a violation of the H3 user agreement that is put in place at the time of purchase.
(...)I encourage you to consider carefully before tampering with, reverse engineering, or testing any H3 device. You are prohibited from disclosing any company-proprietary information to which you may have access. We will not hesitate to invoke legal action if you proceed. "
This is the real reason on why you are about to be sued.
You have comitted the crime of piracy. And Jim of exposing unathorized copyrighted material, among other things.
Your 'challenge' or whatever, is insignificant to substantiate the object of the cause and would be completely disregarded in court.
PS. Now we know who SWR has got the H3tec's pictures from to expose over TNET.
This is the real reason on why you are about to be sued.
You have comitted[sic] the crime of piracy. And Jim of exposing unathorized[sic] copyrighted material, among other things.
Your 'challenge' or whatever, is insignificant to substantiate the object of the cause and would be completely disregarded in court.
PS. Now we know who SWR has got the H3tec's pictures from to expose over TNET.
Jim exposed unauthorized copyrighted material, eh? Bad Jim, no doughnut!
I just finished looking at the "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETECTING ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS" from Charles L. Christensen. US Pat 7,750,634 B1
The patent does contain H3 Tec copyrighted information, in the form of some PCB artwork, parts lists and source code. This probably helped lead the patent examiner into believing that the apparatus described is able to perform the intended function.
In the detailed description of the embodiment, a rather simplistic explanation of nuclear magnetic resonance is given, along with an explanation on how the resonant frequency of an element can be affected by external environmental factors such as the presence of a static magnetic field (ie. the earth's magnetic field). It then talks about how their electronics can integrate the effects of these environmental factors and perform a calculation that computes the effect of these factors and produces a new, corrected, NMR frequency. This drives a frequency generator and tunable filters to create a "clean" sinusoid of the desired frequency. This frequency can be amplified and fed to a Detection Module.
The above mentioned Detection Module uses this amplified frequency to "stimulate" the target element while at the same time it receives a reflected signal from the desired element. Then it starts to go downhill from there.
The Detection Module described in the patent is a ... dowsing rod with an electrical connection. But this is so wrong on so many levels that I don't know where to begin.
The idea of pumping an amplified signal (ie. many volts) into the dowsing rod so it can somehow propagate this signal to a remote location where the element to be detected is located, while at the same time using the same dowsing rod to receive a reflected signal from the element, which if it existed would be fractions of microvolts in amplitude, is ludicrous at best. It is like standing next to Niagara falls and trying to listen to a sound of a needle dropping on the floor. One could say that perhaps they do a TDMX of the dowsing rod, but that is not discussed, and neither is the subject of quantifying the effect on the NMR frequency signal when the stimulus signal is suddenly removed. This is much like the signal decay time vs sampling delay time on a PI detector.
My disbelief compounded when it is claimed that this weak signal, again if it existed, would be sufficiently strong to cause the dowsing rod to deflect and point in the direction of the source of the reflected signal.
Does this work, or can this work? I'd bet money it doesn't
Thanks for taking the time to post your analysis. Your bet that the device does not work as advertised is a safe one. One that I, and others...concur with.
11-28-2010, 01:22 PM
Your autism is showing again.
"H3 Tec demands that you return the H3 detector, H3 software, and H3 system as defined in the following paragraphs within 30 days of the date of this email ...
You are not the licensee and have obtained this device illegally. Failure to return H3 Tec’s property will force us to seek remedy in a court in the State of Utah where the contract was initiated.
Each H3 system (training, manuals, and other materials manufactured by H3), H3 detector, and its corresponding H3 software is sold through a license agreement between H3 Tec, LLC and the licensed end user or owner of the device and is under a strict contract and Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) signed by H3 Tec, LLC and the licensee. The license and agreement are specific to the user who purchased this license package and was trained on the correct use of the H3 device; neither the license, device, software, system, nor the agreement is transferable. Any breach of this license and NDA is a violation of the H3 user agreement that is put in place at the time of purchase.
(...)I encourage you to consider carefully before tampering with, reverse engineering, or testing any H3 device. You are prohibited from disclosing any company-proprietary information to which you may have access. We will not hesitate to invoke legal action if you proceed. "
This is the real reason on why you are about to be sued.
You have comitted the crime of piracy. And Jim of exposing unathorized copyrighted material, among other things.
Your 'challenge' or whatever, is insignificant to substantiate the object of the cause and would be completely disregarded in court.
PS. Now we know who SWR has got the H3tec's pictures from to expose over TNET.Crime of piracy?
Isn't piracy addressed in maritime law?
The US courts will not prosecute any act of piracy in the matter of H3Tec or its licence agreement with their customers. Nor will the H3Tec company make any claims that Carl violated their license agreement, because Carl has no agreement with H3Tec of any kind.
If they decide to make demands in a legal action against Carl, they will need to prove their equipment works by submitting it to an independent testing lab which will produce real evidence to show to the court that it works or does not work, and also submit a sample of the equipment to Carl and his defense team for examination and testing. You can be sure the press will be reporting the results of any testing that shows how the H3Tec can or cannot perform.
Do you really think H3Tec legal action will ever happen?
Or do you think we will continue to hear reports of their email demands and threats?
Best wishes,
This is the real reason on why you are about to be sued.
Exactly and reason is only one, crime company don't believe that their fraudulent thing work according their claims.
Even more, they very know that his funny scam creation cannot work according their claims.
So they're trying in every way to get the subject of crime back to underground.
Business as usual for scammers.
11-30-2010, 03:16 PM
Still having trouble with your reading comprehension I see….How do you spell SCAM? (
Revised 13 Dec 2008
Until further notice, the $25,000 LRL Challenge is suspended. This is due to two factors: (1) I am in the process of moving cross-country, and both my time and funds are tied up in this effort, and (2) the economic slump has reduced the prize account below the minimum needed to support the challenge.
11-30-2010, 05:22 PM
Revised 13 Dec 2008
Until further notice, the $25,000 LRL Challenge is suspended. This is due to two factors: (1) I am in the process of moving cross-country, and both my time and funds are tied up in this effort, and (2) the economic slump has reduced the prize account below the minimum needed to support the challenge.
Thanks, Art, I had forgotten about that. It's fixed.
Dave J.
12-01-2010, 07:31 AM
Tnet gets a souvenir Chuck Nastygram, Carl-NC gets several souvenir Chuck nastygrams.
What's the deal? Where's mine? I've badmouthed H3tec, too! And so have a bunch of other guys. The rest of us don't count? What's the deal? This is unfair!
Nobody's made H3tec look so fraudulent through and through as Chuck himself has-- website, public message board, patent, videos, emails, reps posting on forums, he's even manufactured apparatus that has wound up in people's hands. He's the ringleader who revealed all this stuff about H3tec. Heck, if it weren't for Chuck, I'd have never even heard of H3tec. I'd sure like to see a copy of the nastygram Chuck sends to himself once he discovers who's behind all this ruination of H3tec's reputation!
But meanwhile, where the heck is my copy? Only Carl and Marc are good enough? Where's that spirit of generosity that the Christmas season is supposed to be all about? Don't be a Scrooge!
And while you're at it, put twenty bucks (not a facsimile of a Chuck Nastygram) in the Salvation Army's Christmas bucket, the spiritual good it'll do ya will far exceed the financial good it will do the beneficiary. If you don't know how, come to El Paso on your dime within the next three weeks (Christmas special!) and I'll give you a demo with my own twenty bucks. Free instruction on "reverse dowsing for dollars"! No charge! But to gain proficiency you'll have to practice using your own $20 bills until you've mastered the art of "reverse dowsing for dollars" generosity and can get results every time with no further instruction from myself.
And there's no nondisclosure contract, either. In fact, for it to work to maximum efficiency you MUST disclose the secret sauce to others.
`--Dave J.
PS to Carl and Marc: I'm not asking him to flood the market with the things, that would devalue your copies. But it'll take more than just two to create market awareness for this collectible category. So it's a win-win situation for everybody. Most of all for Chuck, when he finally sends himself the most valuable nastygram of the bunch -- the one he sends to himself and proudly puts on display to replace the H3tec website declaring to the world he's found a new life.
Nobody's made H3tec look so fraudulent through and through as Chuck himself has-- website, public message board, patent, videos, emails, reps posting on forums, he's even manufactured apparatus that has wound up in people's hands. He's the ringleader who revealed all this stuff about H3tec. Heck, if it weren't for Chuck, I'd have never even heard of H3tec. I'd sure like to see a copy of the nastygram Chuck sends to himself once he discovers who's behind all this ruination of H3tec's reputation!
I've got my nasty-grams framed. A real work of art, that con-man is.
My last nasty-gram from Chuck said:
I have broken records, and when I want to listen to them, I do.
Good luck to you in the future,
I am not sure why anyone would want to brake records, or try to listen to them at a later date if they broke them earlier. But, such is the logic of a con-man.
Dave J.
12-01-2010, 10:34 AM
Not even a threat? No "you hurt my feelings so I'm gonna sue!"? That's a crappy Chuckiegram. You were ripped off. What's this world coming to when even blowhard record-breaking braggarts wimp out?
BTW, I hope those weren't Jimi Hendrix or Golden Gate Quartet or Mozart LP's he was stomping on.
--Dave J.
12-01-2010, 02:07 PM
My last nasty-gram from Chuck said:
I have broken records, and when I want to listen to them, I do.
Good luck to you in the future,
ChuckNot even a threat? No "you hurt my feelings so I'm gonna sue!"? That's a crappy Chuckiegram. You were ripped off. What's this world coming to when even blowhard record-breaking braggarts wimp out?
BTW, I hope those weren't Jimi Hendrix or Golden Gate Quartet or Mozart LP's he was stomping on.
--Dave J.What !!?
No demands? No lawyers? :eek:
Hey, I made popcorn and got refreshments ready so we could watch H3Tec duke it out with Geotech. This is all they got? :cry:
Best wishes,
12-01-2010, 05:03 PM
Let's try and get this thread back on topic:
Is this PCB really inside the H3Tec device in image 2, or is it from a different model?
Let's try and get this thread back on topic:
Is this PCB really inside the H3Tec device in image 2, or is it from a different model?
Here is that PCB in situ
12-11-2010, 08:14 PM
Here is that PCB in situ
What is the other device shown in the second photo? It looks like a second dowsing rod attached by a cable, but what is it's purpose, given that there is already a swinging arm built into the main unit?
What is the other device shown in the second photo? It looks like a second dowsing rod attached by a cable, but what is it's purpose, given that there is already a swinging arm built into the main unit?
Ah yes...the second dowsing rod.
The second dowsing rod you've asked about is used to excite/irritate/manipulate the atom of the element the device is programmed to locate. I guess you could call this the transmitting dowsing rod.
Once you have swept the target area with the transmitting dowsing rod, you can holster/remove the transmitting dowsing rod, as the atom is irritated, and will remain irritated for an undisclosed amount of time. Allowing the operator to utilize the smaller on-board dowsing rod. The on-board dowsing rod is used to listen for/to the irritated atom. And thus...lead the operator to the element by pointing in the direction of said irritated atom.
12-11-2010, 11:50 PM
Ah yes...the second dowsing rod.
The second dowsing rod you've asked about is used to excite/irritate/manipulate the atom of the element the device is programmed to locate. I guess you could call this the transmitting dowsing rod.
Once you have swept the target area with the transmitting dowsing rod, you can holster/remove the transmitting dowsing rod, as the atom is irritated, and will remain irritated for an undisclosed amount of time. Allowing the operator to utilize the smaller on-board dowsing rod. The on-board dowsing rod is used to listen for/to the irritated atom. And thus...lead the operator to the element by pointing in the direction of said irritated atom.
Sounds like a theory that is doomed to failure. :frown:
I also notice the on-board dowsing rod has 2 wires that disappear into the wiring loom, and presumably are connected to the complex-looking PCB. Have you any idea what signals are present in these two wires? I assume they must be one of the following:
A signal generated by the complex-looking PCB, which activates the on-board dowsing rod to (as claimed in the patent) orientate it in the direction of the detected mineral. (Seems unlikely, as there does not seem to be any mechanism, such as a stepper motor, to rotate the dowsing rod.)
A signal received by the on-board dowsing rod, which is then processed by the complex-looking PCB. (Again, seems unlikely as there is no LED, meter or audio output to indicate that anything has been detected.)
None of the above, as there are no signals present in the two wires. (In other words, this is simply a device designed to fool the unwary and technically challenged.)
There is actually a signal generated by the complex-looking PCB which goes to the dowsing rod. However, the skeptics on Geotech are incapable of understanding such an advanced concept because the pseudo-scientific theory that underpins the operation of the device is beyond their grasp. Especially since the firmware processes the very weak signals from the surrounding spatial matrix using quaternion mathematics, thus calculating the correct Euler angle by which to rotate the on-board dowsing rod according Frobernius' theorem ... or some such nonsense. :rolleyes:
Sounds like a theory that is doomed to failure. :frown:
I also notice the on-board dowsing rod has 2 wires that disappear into the wiring loom, and presumably are connected to the complex-looking PCB. Have you any idea what signals are present in these two wires? I assume they must be one of the following:
A signal generated by the complex-looking PCB, which activates the on-board dowsing rod to (as claimed in the patent) orientate it in the direction of the detected mineral. (Seems unlikely, as there does not seem to be any mechanism, such as a stepper motor, to rotate the dowsing rod.)
A signal received by the on-board dowsing rod, which is then processed by the complex-looking PCB. (Again, seems unlikely as there is no LED, meter or audio output to indicate that anything has been detected.)
None of the above, as there are no signals present in the two wires. (In other words, this is simply a device designed to fool the unwary and technically challenged.)
There is actually a signal generated by the complex-looking PCB which goes to the dowsing rod. However, the skeptics on Geotech are incapable of understanding such an advanced concept because the pseudo-scientific theory that underpins the operation of the device is beyond their grasp. Especially since the firmware processes the very weak signals from the surrounding spatial matrix using quaternion mathematics, thus calculating the correct Euler angle by which to rotate the on-board dowsing rod according Frobernius' theorem ... or some such nonsense. :rolleyes:
#4 is correct. Kinda/sorta.
12-12-2010, 01:44 AM
Sounds like a theory that is doomed to failure.
I also notice the on-board dowsing rod has 2 wires that disappear into the wiring loom, and presumably are connected to the complex-looking PCB. Have you any idea what signals are present in these two wires? I assume they must be one of the following:
1. A signal generated by the complex-looking PCB, which activates the on-board dowsing rod to (as claimed in the patent) orientate it in the direction of the detected mineral. (Seems unlikely, as there does not seem to be any mechanism, such as a stepper motor, to rotate the dowsing rod.)
2. A signal received by the on-board dowsing rod, which is then processed by the complex-looking PCB. (Again, seems unlikely as there is no LED, meter or audio output to indicate that anything has been detected.)
3. None of the above, as there are no signals present in the two wires. (In other words, this is simply a device designed to fool the unwary and technically challenged.)
4. There is actually a signal generated by the complex-looking PCB which goes to the dowsing rod. However, the skeptics on Geotech are incapable of understanding such an advanced concept because the pseudo-scientific theory that underpins the operation of the device is beyond their grasp. Especially since the firmware processes the very weak signals from the surrounding spatial matrix using quaternion mathematics, thus calculating the correct Euler angle by which to rotate the on-board dowsing rod according Frobernius' theorem ... or some such nonsense.
From looking at the photos, it appears the wires leading to the main board dowsing rod are connected to two terminals at the bottom of a cylindrical plastic protuberance which could contain a meter movement or motor.
What supplies power to the cylinder? Follow the gray wires.
It looks like they come from the connector to the secondary dowsing rod, either from a board in the rod handle, or from the main board that supplies the secondary rod.
From looking at the photos, it appears the wires leading to the main board dowsing rod are connected to two terminals at the bottom of a cylindrical plastic protuberance which could contain a meter movement or motor.
What supplies power to the cylinder? Follow the gray wires.
It looks like they come from the connector to the secondary dowsing rod, either from a board in the rod handle, or from the main board that supplies the secondary rod.
J_P, If the internal dowsing rod was mounted on a stepper motor or a meter movement, there would have to be two wires connected to it as the case is non-conductive plastic. I only see one wire in the picture. That would rule out the possibility of a so called stepper motor or meter movement.
12-12-2010, 03:24 AM
J_P, If the internal dowsing rod was mounted on a stepper motor or a meter movement, there would have to be two wires connected to it as the case is non-conductive plastic. I only see one wire in the picture. That would rule out the possibility of a so called stepper motor or meter movement.Maybe we only see one wire because it is a poor contrast black and white photo. Let's take a closer look at that wire enlarged...
No...just one wire going to the small on-board dowsing rod.
No stepper motor or a meter movement.
Just a little dowsing rod
Dave J.
12-12-2010, 07:54 AM
So is it a quality constructed dowsing rod?
[excuse me, not a dowsing rod, not, not not, heaven forbid that it should be a dowsing rod, but...... what stops it from dowsing? For that matter, what stops the results from being indistinguishable from dowsing? In other words, what's the difference between no value added, and supposed value added? Nobody's ever explained that one!]
I was wondering about the "meter movement" thing, too. If you connect two good permanent magnet meters together, each will act as the generator which powers the motor of the other, it's downright weird to experience it.
The two PM meter arrangement represents a major advance in LRL's. Whaddaywannabet this gets back to Chuckie, and it'll become Upgrade #6 for another 10 grand, and it really will seem majick!
And the ingrate will forget to thank me.
He owes me a Chuckiegram.
--Dave J.
12-12-2010, 11:21 AM
No...just one wire going to the small on-board dowsing rod.
No stepper motor or a meter movement.
In that case the on-board dowsing rod is presumably supposed to be acting as an antenna, which contradicts the description in the patent.
12-12-2010, 02:06 PM
No...just one wire going to the small on-board dowsing rod.
No stepper motor or a meter movement.It looks like the single wire ends at a contact that touches the rod.
Maybe the rod is grounded to the main board ground, or maybe there is a voltage signal on that wire in the manner of a Mineoro antenna.
In either case, a single wire does not power any kind of movement or motor. It could place a charge on the rod, or ground it.
I wonder if this single wire does anything to cause the main rod to move?
Maybe the contact touching the end of the rod causes some friction to dampen the rod movement.
Maybe the force of gravity and the operator's hand are the main motor force that move the rods in this LRL.
Now I am wondering what's inside the other secondary rod handle... More of the same contact touching the rod?
Maybe the same wire that connects to the main rod contact? Or another wire?
I wonder if you get your $10,000 worth of dowsing with the H3Tec,
...or could you get a machinist to make you a pair of bearing mounted rods for under $100?
Maybe not.... that wire must have something to do with the value.
Best wishes,
It looks like the single wire ends at a contact that touches the rod.
Maybe the rod is grounded to the main board ground, or maybe there is a voltage signal on that wire in the manner of a Mineoro antenna.
In either case, a single wire does not power any kind of movement or motor. It could place a charge on the rod, or ground it.
I wonder if this single wire does anything to cause the main rod to move?
Maybe the contact touching the end of the rod causes some friction to dampen the rod movement.
Maybe the force of gravity and the operator's hand are the main motor force that move the rods in this LRL.
Now I am wondering what's inside the other secondary rod handle... More of the same contact touching the rod?
Maybe the same wire that connects to the main rod contact? Or another wire?
I wonder if you get your $10,000 worth of dowsing with the H3Tec,
...or could you get a machinist to make you a pair of bearing mounted rods for under $100?
Maybe not.... that wire must have something to do with the value.
Best wishes,
The on-board dowsing rod (the one in the main unit) is connected via a wire to the signal generator. Only the signal side is applied, not the 'common' or ground side. The wire is connected to a small contact plate in the cap that the rod rests on.
The signal generator signal and ground are fed to the BNC connector at the front of the unit (you can plug this directly into an oscope and see the signal). You then connect the sidekick (transmitting) dowsing rod via a BNC cable. However, only the signal ground is electrically connected to the brass rod in the sidekick dowsing rod.
To recap...the on-board dowsing rod hosts the signal side of the signal generator, whereas the sidekick dowsing rod hosts the common or ground side of the signal generator.
In regards to the sidekick/secondary handle...the patent cut-away view simply shows contacts, spring and bearings
12-12-2010, 03:00 PM
The on-board dowsing rod (the one in the main unit) is connected via a wire to the signal generator. Only the signal side is applied, not the 'common' or ground side. The wire is connected to a small contact plate in the cap that the rod rests on.
The signal generator signal and ground are fed to the BNC connector at the front of the unit (you can plug this directly into an oscope and see the signal). You then connect the sidekick (transmitting) dowsing rod via a BNC cable. However, only the signal ground is electrically connected to the brass rod in the sidekick dowsing rod.
To recap...the on-board dowsing rod hosts the signal side of the signal generator, whereas the sidekick dowsing rod hosts the common or ground side of the signal generator.Well,
That explains it!
A signal on one rod, and a ground on the other. It all makes sense now. Torsional forces are at work between the two rods. We can have as much as the full signal voltage to build up a static charge between the two rods... and we all know what happens when unbalanced static charges are in close proximity (remembering a girl's hair levitating out in all directions when she put her hands on a Van De Graff generator).
But wait... It is not a simple static charge of 5 volts, it has a signal which varies...
This obviously explains how the treasure tri-corder effect works.
The force of static attraction will only become strong enough to move the rods together when the element or compound corresponding to the signal is present.
Wait a minute. The secondary rod is grounded, but it is claimed to be sending out a signal that "energizes and disturbs" the selected target isotope in a "field grid" (large area where you want to find treasure).
Ummmm.... signal from a grounded rod?
I thought the inventor was highly educated in a real long list of sciences. A grounded conductor cannot send out a signal!
It seems to me a 5 volt signal is not strong enough to charge either rod enough to cause to move. But if it was strong enough, they should tend to move to point toward each other, not to some distant hidden object. In fact, a 5 volt audio signal does not have enough power to broadcast into the air to become detectable more than a few inches. By what mechanism can the 5 volt signal cause a rod to move when no measurable power is being consumed by the wire that feeds to the rod? Muscle power perhaps?
From what we have seen so far in the construction of the H3Tec, I would expect it to behave like a dowsing rod which does not detect objects that you don't know the location of during a test.
Isn't that exactly what happened during the H3Tec demonstrations at the Texas Treasure show?
Best wishes,
03-18-2011, 01:18 PM
Dear friends!
if anyone has to set up PDF manual for the handling of this H3Tec device.
Thanks in advance!
04-16-2011, 07:16 AM
Insights into Charles L. Christensen
I have known Charles L. Christensen for 58 years. As embarrassing as it is to say this, he is my brother. Things were never normal after his arrival in our family. At a very early age it was becoming evident that he had a difficult time discerning reality from his own make believe. He had an invisible friend called Mr. Boom. When something got broken in the house as it often did, he always said Mr. Boom did it. My brother has put way more effort into fabricating and defending his lies that he would have in actually doing something real. The sad truth about his is that he 100% believes the things he makes up. He truly believes his gizmo works as much as he believes everything else he has made up about his education and his career.
Let's look at a few highlights. My comments are in red.
Here is his ad on the cambridge who's who. Like all the other awards he lists, this one was paid for. Send them a few bucks and they will list whatever you want them to.
Mr. Charles L. Christensen
Mr. Charles L. Christensen's Biography
Type Of Business:
Engineering Firm
No hint of any engineering or engineers at his company
Marketing Area:
Mr. Christensen's expertise includes mechanical engineering and electronic engineering;He is not an engineer in any way. in addition, he is a serial entrepreneur involved in innovation and business start-ups. A serial con man is not an entrepreneur. Certainly not innovative as dowsing rods have been hawked for decades if not centuries.
Major Product/SVS:
Research and Development, Rapid Prototyping and Refinement, H3 Element Detectors, Providing Earth, Space, and Marine Subsurface, Surface and Interplanetary Mapping and Detection,Does his gizmo now have a range that can reach other planets? with a Specialty in Oceanic Research and Recovery
Favorite Business Publication:
Utah Business; The Wall Street Journal; Innovation; Inventors Digest; Geo-Science; Space
Guitars, Amplifiers, Listening to Music, Teaching at the College,A room he rents, no accreditation of any kind. Scuba Diving, Football, Flying Airplanes, Golfing, Boating
Education Degrees:
Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering, California Institute of Technology (1978); Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology (1976) During this time he was a sales associate at Wolf's sporting goods store in Phoenix Az.
Charles L. Christensen dropped out of Dixie Junior College in St. George Ut. He didn't even complete one semester. He was a D student at Weber High School in Ogden Utah. I doubt he ever took his SAT's and if he did I'm sure his scores couldn't have gotten him into Cal Tech. He had a football scholarship to Dixie Jr College and was apparently cut from the team before the season even started. He shot an arrow into a dorm room door to get arrested and expelled from school.
Affiliations Awards:
ASME International Don't know much about this one or what he claims he won but all the awards he displays on his website are bought and paid for. None were awarded. I've noticed he doesn't talk about his Knighthood any more. When he first started this scam years ago he sent a photoshopped picture to our dad's sister showing him being knighted by the king of England. Queen Elizebeth was there too. He was knighted because his device found all the land mines and saved all the children in Europe. Kindly address him as Sir Charles in future correspondence.
Place of Birth:
Salt Lake City
Engineering Con Man
Country of Origin:
Children's Names:
Lance, Bobbi, Nathan, Bekah, David, Rachael, Matt, Ethan, Elizabeth, Melissa, Becky
How would you like to be remembered by your peers?:
That I cared about people. You certainly didn't care about your father when you assumed his identity and claimed his work as your own.
If you could solve one problem in the world today, what would it be?:
I have done that! Done what? The only time you weren't causing problems is the time you spent in the Utah State Penitentiary . I have no idea what he was convicted of. Maybe someone with more resources than me could find out. He was their guest sometime in the 90's.
If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?:
Nikola Tesla Maybe Rasputin could tell you how he pulled it off.
Spouse's Name:
Kathleen Graves Christensen
Throughout the duration of your career, what was the one highlight that stood out the most?:
The highlights of his career included being a part of the development team for the PAM II D Apogee Kick Motor,
This is a real corker. Our father was Charles C. Christensen. Our father was a director and one of the first employees of Thiokol. Dad was a successful rocket scientist with a real degree in chemical engineering. In fact he was the program manager for the Payload Assist Motor. He successfully launched many communication satellites as well as the Gallelio probe to Jupiter. Charles L Christensen worked at Thiokol for a short time as non skilled labor in the chemistry lab. Dad would never tell my why he was fired. He either had too much class or was too embarrassed by his son. I hope it was the former.
being involved in the deployment of the first H3 element detector in the Middle East to protect the Armed Forces,never happened drilling his first oil well with success, If he has oil wells and all the gold in the world why is he working so hard to sell his gizmos? starting a large gold mining prospect based on the H3 subsurface mapping system, and discovering his first Spanish galleon. We all know this is total bull****, but still I'd like to know, if you have a machine that can discover gold why would you sell it to anyone else? That makes as much sense as me selling a computer program that can pick winning lottery numbers.
Board Member, Enable Industries Inc.; Scottish Rite Children's Learning Center, Utah
Number Of Years In Profession:
Number Of Years In Current Position:
What Does He/She Attribute Success To:
He attributes his success to his hard work, extensive and constant re-education Could not be re-education as he was barely educated in the first place. , and never-give-up attitude. This part at least is true. He has worked very hard his entire life covering up and justifying his lies. It would have been easier for him to actually go to Cal-Tech even if it took him 20 years to graduate.
Why did you become involved in your profession or industry?:
He became involved in his profession because of his passion to learn, discover, develop and produce, along with the support he received from his professors,Never had a real professor. friends and family. I always want to build things, complex (lies)things.
Extended Bio Profile:
Mr. Christensen spent 35 years in the aerospace, military, advanced concepts, robotics, and automated machine industries, which have provided the background of engineering and science to enable him to build anything electronic or mechanical. Charles has no engineering or science background other than being fired from a few companies that work in those fields. He has no concept of anything scientific. I once sat in stunned silence while he explained to the family that a helicopter rotor flips over for half it's revolution in order to keep the airfoil of the blade moving the helicopter forward. He also has an electronics factory in India probably ordered a part and is well-connected in South East Asia to mass-produce tested prototypes. Why would anyone mass produce prototypes?He believes in dreaming big, but also accomplishing the work behind the dream; his motto is, "Never give up." Mr. Christensen has 14 grandchildren.
Position Responsibilities and Duties:
Overseeing Engineering and Design Departments, Overseeing the Capital Input and Output for All Departments,Is that a real term? I used to be an accountant and I've never heard it. Developing Future Business Prospects, Starting Up Mining and Oil Departments I'm starting up a perpetual motion machine that also makes the user live forever. It will probably be in the startup phase for a very long time.
Education Certifications:
Certified Scuba Diving Instructor (1973) Actually true!
Executive of the Year for Engineering, Cambridge Who's Who (2010-2011); Best and Brightest of Utah, I.Q Magazine (2008); Utah Innovations Award for Chemical and Materials, Silicon Slopes (2007); Best of Utah Award, Inventors Digest (2007);?All these are bought and paid for by Charles himself. R.D. Franklyn Award for Aerospace Engineering (1984) This award is real but it was won by our father Charles C. Christensen for his Payload Assist Module program. You should be ashamed of this brother! After all that Dad did for you this is how you repay him?
I'll never forgive you for what you did when we were kids or for what you did when Dad was murdered. I hope your new found religion can give you some solace, but I'm sure it's just another con. Where better to hide your bull**** than among a group of people who have been trained from birth to believe anything they are told without a shred of evidence to back it up.
I hope this helps shed some light on the kind of person you have all been dealing with here. I haven't spoken to my brother in nearly 20 years and I'm not going to start now so don't expect any correspondence Charlie.
Please be cautious visiting the H3tec website. I get warnings that the site contains malware and visiting it could damage my computer.
04-16-2011, 06:28 PM
A sister said this???? I don't know how much credence I would give this. This sounds as fishey as their claims and pricing.
The odds his sister "found" this forum to post on are slightly elevated, if you catch my drift.
04-16-2011, 06:55 PM
that couldn't have been easy for you.lots of respect to you.i would have liked to have a sister like you ;)
04-16-2011, 07:32 PM
A sister said this???? I don't know how much credence I would give this. This sounds as fishey as their claims and pricing.
The odds his sister "found" this forum to post on are slightly elevated, if you catch my drift.
I "found" this forum by googling my brothers name. That gave me links to H3tec. Googled H3tec and found 3 links to this forum. Really wasn't very difficult.
04-16-2011, 07:44 PM
Assuming this is straight, Thank you for the insight.
I have used one of the units, but I seem to have a dowsing ability compared to the other people I hunt with. It did lock targets that I had previously found, but most were minerals.
I have a huge problem with the money deal they are using. If it really worked as described, why not send one with a deposit and split the first find or 2 and refund the deposit?
And the yearly fee. Yea right.
Dave J.
04-16-2011, 11:27 PM
Cowgirl, there's more Chuckie forum action over at Treasurenet:,950.0.html
some of the same people posting as here. As best we can figure, the Blackhole Exploit Kit is not something that infected Chuckie's website through the malevolence of a hacker and Chuckie is trying so hard to clean it out, it is criminal spyware which Chuckie leases. What it's supposed to do is to infect the computers of those who visit his site with a slew of trojans which then collect data on the infected computer.
Chuckie doesn't post on the Treasurenet forum (at least not under his name) but a guy or thing or alter ego (not sure which) named "Hung" does Chuck's talking for him. The new Chuckie website is so much in the Hung style that the suspicion is that Hung is the H3Tec webmaster which if true would also make him the Internet criminal of the operation.
04-17-2011, 03:09 AM
Latest from Chuckie. Be aware that it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and may constitute inside or non-public information under international, federal, or state securities laws. Unauthorized forwarding, printing, copying, distribution, or use of such information is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Don't even think about it.
You have 24 hours to remove all postings about me or H3 Tec from your forum.
Charles L. Christensen
Chief Executive Officer
H3 Tec, L.L.C.
P.O. Box 150433
Ogden, UT 84015
P: 602.464.3832
C: 801.814.6577
F: 801.475.4984
W: (
This email message may contain confidential information that is legally privileged. Do not read this email if you are not the intended recipient.
This email transmission and any documents, files, or previous email messages attached to it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged and may constitute inside or non-public information under international, federal, or state securities laws. Unauthorized forwarding, printing, copying, distribution, or use of such information is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you are not the addressee, please promptly destroy this email and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner, and notify the sender of the delivery error by email; or you may call H3 Tec's corporate offices in Ogden Ut, U.S.A at (+1) (602) 464.3832
04-17-2011, 03:11 AM
I've verified to my satisfaction that Cowgirl is who she says she is.
You have 24 hours to remove all postings about me or H3 Tec from your forum.
Alternatively....does H3 Tec have 24 hours to remove all postings about Carl or Geotech from it's forum?
I've verified to my satisfaction that Cowgirl is who she says she is.
I thought so too Carl. Some of the details she gave were verifiable, while others were so bizarre that someone else would most likely not have picked them in an attempt to slander Chuckie.
04-17-2011, 04:35 PM
that couldn't have been easy for you.lots of respect to you.i would have liked to have a sister like you ;)
Thank you for your kind words. The hardest part is having to think about him again after all these years.
I don't think Sir Charles shares your sentiment though.
Dave J.
04-17-2011, 04:48 PM
Classic Chuckie. Such a buffoon that he didn't bother to say which 24 hours, or what happens next other than an automatic 24 hour extension.
Hey, but his accomplices are so stupid, they see the "threat" not even realizing that isn't one (!), and gloat how Chuckie is really telling Carl this time! The "threat" doesn't really have anything to do with Carl, it's for the consumption of his accomplices. He does something stupid, they're stuck between saying "gee, Chuckie, that's really stupid" or gloating, they know they have to gloat to stay in the club, and thus does Chuckie reinforce his control over them just like in a religious obedience cult.
--Dave J.
04-19-2011, 04:47 AM
My recent email exchange with Chuck was as follows:
[Chuck] You have 24 hours to remove all postings about me or H3 Tec from your forum.
[Carl] Or what?
[Chuck] Good enough... times up hope it was worth your time
[Carl] Yeah, that bluff done been called. I'll bet you suck at poker.
Tellyawhut Chuckie... Monday I'm gonna phone up the Registrar's Office at Cal Tech. If you really got those degrees you say you got, I'll remove your sister's post. And, yeah, she verified she's your sis. I wonder if your brother loves you as much.
[Chuck] I'm pretty sure you believe this is a game. I now have exactly what my lawyers need. You probably know them from your last law suit. They sure know you. Anyway I sure hope you get what you need from all of this, and remember you are the smartest man in the world.
As promised, I called up the Cal Tech Registrar's office today to get verification of the two degrees Chuck claims to have, per the bio he provided to "Cambridge Who's Who," shown below with the education highlighted.
The results?
Cal Tech has never heard of Charles Lance Christensen.
Not even a record of enrollment, much less graduation. His degrees are a complete fabrication.
Furthermore, I check into Chuck's claim that he was awarded the "R.D. Franklyn Award for Aerospace Engineering." Chuck's brother agrees with his sister: the award was given to their father, not to Chuck; so Chuck is falsely claiming this, too.
Chuck, you're right, this is a game for me. I'm having a blast! But for you, the things you're doing could seriously land you [back?] in prison. Good luck with those lawyers.
04-19-2011, 06:17 AM
Good work on Sir Charles' CalTech fictions.
Have you considered checking into his stellar academic record at Dixie Jr. College in St. George Utah? I think he dropped out before his first class but it might be worth some laughs. I'm thinking it was '71. I'm sure they could tell you if he dropped out or was expelled.
Dad always called him "Chuckles" because his fantasies were always good for a laugh. I'm sure dad wouldn't be laughing about his son claiming his Franklin award as his own. Our dad's lifetime goal was to have his "thumbprint in space". He achieved this with his Payload Assist Module program. It's so sad that his own son stole the credit for his greatest achievement upon his death. I always thought Sir Charles sold us all out to the woman who murdered our dad for drug money. Maybe he just couldn't wait for dad to die so he could assume his identity and usurp his achievements.
I wish someone could look into his criminal conviction. He was in the State penn. so it must have been a felony. He is sure playing a dangerous game for someone with a prior felony conviction.
this guy is definitely topping ex Dr. Freiherr von und zu Guttenberg, a former secretary of defense in germany, also well known as Dr. Copy & Paste. This guy has been nominated as the next prime minister of germany. Well, the higher you climb, the deeper you fall.
"Crime does not pay!".
04-19-2011, 03:07 PM
Sir Charles needs to lawyer up all right. But he needs to stop pretending to have civil attorneys to pretend sue people and start surrounding himself with real criminal defense attorneys. Hopefully he'll soon have to stop defiling our fathers memories. At least he won't be hurting anyone by spreading his lies once he's in prison. I'm sure his cellmate will believe that Sir Charles is a famous rocket scientist.
04-19-2011, 08:51 PM
Sir Charles needs to lawyer up all right. But he needs to stop pretending to have civil attorneys to pretend sue people and start surrounding himself with real criminal defense attorneys. Hopefully he'll soon have to stop defiling our fathers memories. At least he won't be hurting anyone by spreading his lies once he's in prison. I'm sure his cellmate will believe that Sir Charles is a famous rocket scientist.
lets hope his cell mate has a big rocket :D
04-21-2011, 03:32 PM
I've been catching up on what Chuckles has been up to for the past few years.
All of the awards he claims to have won have turned out to be as fictitious as his CalTech education. Why did you stop at only a Masters degree? I guess for the same reason that Khadafi only made himself a Colonel.
I did find one award that Sir Charles actually did win. First place in fact. He doesn't advertise it on his website for some reason. He beat out a ******ly abusive priest that hawks a fake cancer cure and another quack who sells water that saves you from viral infection. That's some tough competition Chuckles. Congratulations on rising to the top!
"Scum of the Minute
First place goes to H3 Tec, promoter of nano-ionic resonance as the key to detecting the presence of stuff. The H3 Tec is the latest replacement for the Quadro Tracker and the DKL Lifeguard. You have to wonder why there are still undetected roadside bombs going off in Iraq. This fantastic device should be detecting them without fail. In any case, after this endless war, the devices can be used to find lost golf balls or dentures."
click on "Scum of the Minute".
Here's hoping your minutes up and your hard time is about to begin.
06-15-2011, 06:14 AM
A full report on the H3 device has now been posted:
I apologize that the report is not good as I intended... I could have written 3 times as much but had to cut it off due to other priorities (as in, everything else).
06-15-2011, 03:11 PM
That's a heck of a report. Good info. Thanks Carl
06-15-2011, 04:26 PM
Yes, a really thorough report. :good
Hopefully it will save some unfortunate technically challenged individuals (suckers) from losing vast sums of money on what is essentially a dowsing rod.
A full report on the H3 device has now been posted:
I apologize that the report is not good as I intended... I could have written 3 times as much but had to cut it off due to other priorities (as in, everything else).
Thanks Carl.
Can be dangerous reading for believers with high blood pressure so "Consult your doctor before starting".
A full report on the H3 device has now been posted:
I apologize that the report is not good as I intended... I could have written 3 times as much but had to cut it off due to other priorities (as in, everything else).
Thanks Carl! :thumb:
Dave J.
06-20-2011, 07:51 AM
Carl, that document is a masterpiece of LRL fraud documentation. I presume that by now Chuckie's read it and has nightmares over what would happen if a prosecutor ever tried to nail him for LRL fraud. He'd have to choose between prison, or being declared insane.
Of course, there's the documentation that Chuckie hasn't seen, but has probably been told it exists, which has been compiled to help a prosecutor navigate the unfamiliar world LRL con games and how not to be suckered by them in the courtroom. Knowing that the prosecutor has knowledgeable "friends of the court" next time, has gotta give him "I don't wanna go back to prison!" nightmares.
* * * * *
One of the more bizarre Chuckie events that doesn't relate directly to the apparatus itself, is the utterly compelling evidence that he was using the H3Tec website to earn a few bucks on the side as an information theft trojan attack site, two businesses out of the same site. According Klondike Ike, when you trash a potential customer's computer system and they know who did it, closing the deal kinda evaporates.
* * * * * *
Carl, putting up with that lying axxhole's threats and countering them took a lot of your time and energy that you'd much rather have spent on something productive. I'm sorry for that, but you handled the situation with extraordinary skill and humor and in the process advanced greatly the state of the art of LRL defrauding. The LRL crooks can now look at Chuckie as an example of a guy who had to choose between getting the hell out of Dodge, or going to prison, and maybe that's their two choices as well. Prosecutors don't often get called into LRL fraud cases, but the next time it happens, the prosecutor is going to have resources available that were absent in the past, and one of those resources will be a fraudster who smells prison acutely enough to beg for a plea bargain.
Thanks again.
--Dave J.
06-20-2011, 04:25 PM
Yeah, it was a lot of time spent I'd rather have back, but I did it because a friend managed to get swindled by the con and asked me to look into it. And all those Chuckiegrams I got motivated me to keep going! (Thanks Chuck!)
06-21-2011, 10:47 PM
Good job Carl! Thank you for your time that you spent on his nonsense. It's very compelling to see all of Sir Charles' fabrications put into one concise document. I'm sure he's telling everyone that will listen that the Registrar at Cal Tech screwed up somehow. The cherry on top would have been confirmation of his felony convictions. I was hoping someone would have run a background check on him.
It sure looks like my Brother is feeling some heat. I'm sure he's already scheming on how to repackage his scam and play it on a whole new group of naive, greedy suckers.
I hope that your efforts, and everyone else who contributed, helped stop someone from being scammed.
Furthermore, I check into Chuck's claim that he was awarded the "R.D. Franklyn Award for Aerospace Engineering." Chuck's brother agrees with his sister: the award was given to their father, not to Chuck; so Chuck is falsely claiming this, too.
Evidently, Chuckles is now changing that claim in the various business profiles found on the internet:
" The winner of the R. D. Franklyn Award for Outstanding Technical Achievement in Aerospace, H3 Tec, LLC was founded in 1999 as HHcube Software Technologies, LLC, then rolled into H3 Tec, LLC. The founder is still hands on and handles the engineering and day to day planning for the company."
Rather confusing, as Chuckles Dad has passed and cannot have possibly "rolled into H3 Tec, LLC". (sorry for bringing this to light, Cowgirl)
Chuckles is trying so hard to stay under the radar. However, he continues to fabricate huge amounts of BS.
07-30-2011, 02:30 PM
these forums DID help someone else from getting scammed, and I thank you for posting it on a social networking site where I am "friends" with this guy.
by the by, i ran a background check on him. i can verify 100% that he has been in prison for some very questionable acts (that seem pretty conducive to a con mans actions), has several civil suits against him for various dollar amounts, and seems to be on the move a lot. (again, pretty much the "norm" for a con man.)
i'm just glad i was able to see these forums before he wound up with $15,000 that simply doesn't belong to him.
by the way here is the link to his expired trademark in case anyone wants to buy it and sue him:
Dave J.
08-17-2011, 07:24 AM
Several weeks ago I posted in another forum, speculation that Chuckie's recent alleged trip to Mexico did in fact take place, but for the purpose of ducking out because things were getting too hot at home, not for the purpose he blathered about.
And speaking of trademarks, Chuckie isn't the only LRL fraudster who infringes metal detector manufacturer trademarks. In another thread here, there's a CZ-21 LRL. I posted a little while ago that this is a non-accidental infringement on the trademark of the well-known Fisher Research Labs CZ-21 underwater metal detector and that the information was being passed on to our legal team, which has already happened although this late at night I doubt they know it yet.
And that leads to an obvious question: why would an honest manufacturer intentionally infringe another manufacturer's trademark? The question answers itself, doesn't it? Even if you don't know what an LRL is, you know a CZ-21 LRL is fraudulent when you know it's an intentional infringement of the respected trademark of another manufacturer in the consumer metal locating industry. If the LRL wasn't fraudulent, the idea of infringing another manufacturer's trademark wouldn't even cross their mind, they'd want to establish their own trademark!
--Dave J.
Several weeks ago I posted in another forum, speculation that Chuckie's recent alleged trip to Mexico did in fact take place, but for the purpose of ducking out because things were getting too hot at home, not for the purpose he blathered about.
Hi Dave,
there was rumor, or on FoxTV news (?), that purpose of his trip was to buy new labels for his upgraded trademark (upgraded from "H3Tec" to "C2H5OH").
Dave J.
08-18-2011, 05:56 AM
Several weeks ago I posted in another forum, speculation that Chuckie's recent alleged trip to Mexico did in fact take place, but for the purpose of ducking out because things were getting too hot at home, not for the purpose he blathered about.
And speaking of trademarks, Chuckie isn't the only LRL fraudster who infringes metal detector manufacturer trademarks. In another thread here, there's a CZ-21 LRL. I posted a little while ago that this is a non-accidental infringement on the trademark of the well-known Fisher Research Labs CZ-21 underwater metal detector and that the information was being passed on to our legal team, which has already happened although this late at night I doubt they know it yet.
And that leads to an obvious question: why would an honest manufacturer intentionally infringe another manufacturer's trademark? The question answers itself, doesn't it? Even if you don't know what an LRL is, you know a CZ-21 LRL is fraudulent when you know it's an intentional infringement of the respected trademark of another manufacturer in the consumer metal locating industry. If the LRL wasn't fraudulent, the idea of infringing another manufacturer's trademark wouldn't even cross their mind, they'd want to establish their own trademark!
--Dave J.
My mistake (sort of), the new LRL is "C-21". I still regard it as intentional misappropriation of a trademark.
To my knowledge, Chuckie has more firsthand experience with trademark fraud than anyone else here, perhaps he could be persuaded to post comment?
--Dave J.
08-18-2011, 11:01 AM
My mistake (sort of), the new LRL is "C-21". I still regard it as intentional misappropriation of a trademark.
To my knowledge, Chuckie has more firsthand experience with trademark fraud than anyone else here, perhaps he could be persuaded to post comment?
--Dave J.
Dave J.
08-28-2011, 07:47 AM
The "new" H3tec website is sort of up and running, generally similar to the old one. Colorful, navigable, charmingly naive and clunky in a country bumpkin sort of way, doesn't waste any time on real content, it's all about the tongue-in-cheek gullibilly pitch which is about entertainment rather than information. No more ugly "Hunged" website. If Chuckie's got attack malware re-installed, my security suite didn't flag it. Maybe he's given that up, using your primary business site to earn a few extra bucks as an illegal attack site is a really stupid business proposition.
He still can't remember whether he's doing business as H3Tec or Hewlett-Packard, and his laughable testimonials and awards are back. Love that new testimonial at the top-- the customer (who may be a complete fabrication, but that detail doesn't matter) admits he doesn't have time to actually dig the wonderful stuff he's "finding". It's great "read the advertisement!" material.
Another funny part is what ain't there or on Facebook -- excitement over his Nevada oil well gusher and all the oil prospecting contracts the news has brought him. Not even his belated discovery of the buzzword "fracking" added credibility-- in fact it made the story look more ridiculous.
That "Mexican vacation" story was probably our peek into his brain, where he finally realizes that his big time oilman fantasy wasn't paying the bills, and he needs to replace it with a fantasy about Mexican treasure to inspire him to get back to the work of conning gullibillies, and kiss the imaginary gusher goodbye.
However, he's got a history of liking oil fantasies, so I predict that his big time oilman fantasy will re-emerge.
--Dave J.
Dave J.
10-16-2011, 09:32 AM
The farther back you look, the clearer the Chuckie Picture develops. Anyone found his prison records yet?
--Dave J.
10-16-2011, 03:31 PM
To repeat, I have heard that some people really like the H3Tec. I also heard that one guy wished he hadn't bought one--he was talking skeptic garbage and I can only assume he was brainwashed. I don't know much about it except the price is obscene. I have also said the MFD equipment I use costs twenty times less and works for me and many others. I sure love it.
You know Dave you seem to have some hatred in your heart. You really need to "get over it". That guy isn't your problem--you are putting it on yourself just like every other skeptic. I realize you guys get some kind of adrenaline rush/fix from thinking you are right. That's an inferiority complex. And I read somewhere that "gossip is the last resort for people without a life." You gotta ask yourself what it is that you are not satisfied with in your life. Remember material wealth is an addiction and the thing about addictions is you are never satisfied for long. That's a low-life existence.
10-16-2011, 04:14 PM
I'm certain I will get a barrage of criticism for making this post so I'll say we are all guilty. One thing though, the moderators never seem to get down on anyone who makes personal attacks on LRL users. You really tipped your hand on this one. That's
the pseudo-skeptic in full daylight.
10-16-2011, 04:20 PM
The farther back you look, the clearer the Chuckie Picture develops. Anyone found his prison records yet?
--Dave J.That's an interesting link. I remember reading that story when I was researching to find out who that Chuckie is.
It seems interesting he would buy a full page ad in USA today to promote H3Tec.
As best I can recall, he placed the magazine ad asking the president of Motorola to contact him so they could discuss building the H3Tec into mobile phones.
And I believe he did get a reply but nothing seemed to come of it.
I suppose Motorola has their own tech staff who are capable of determining what technology is suitable to put in their phones.
Also interesting to note the credentials shown in that link:
"President and CEO of H3tec, Charles Christensen, has been working on the H3 detector for eight years after extensive experience studying in engineering, math and science and working with NASA, aircraft and automation".
Best wishes,
10-16-2011, 07:11 PM
One of the centers of unhappiness is the Power center of consciousness. Here people either cooperate with you or they threaten your games. More prestige the more you can manipulate poeple. The more a person is successful, the more they are lacking on the inside. Heart disease is one consequence. You need to denouce the emotionally backed demands of the addiction. The idea of dominating people, manipulating, controlling them to increase your prestige, wealth and pride, that's low-life addiction more than some homeless person.
Dave J.
10-16-2011, 09:53 PM
--Dave J.
--Dave J.
Not technology (there are none inside those "invention"), but people morality that does not stop even prior human lives.
Dave J.
10-17-2011, 05:23 AM
Chuckie can't hide from H3Tec, the monster he created will track him down and bite his britches until the end of his days.
--Dave J.
10-17-2011, 06:40 AM
Anyone found his prison records yet?
Not sure whether he's served any time, but I found that he had two "Violations of Protective Order," that is, violation of restraining orders; 1996 & 1998. Also a "Speed greater than reasonable and prudent" charge. And Chapter 13 bankruptcy in 1996. And a slew of small claims judgements.
I'm told he married Kathy for her money, she had a rather large inheritance that he used to fund H3Tec. I'm also told she is in deeeeep denial.
Not sure whether he's served any time, but I found that he had two "Violations of Protective Order," that is, violation of restraining orders; 1996 & 1998. Also a "Speed greater than reasonable and prudent" charge. And Chapter 13 bankruptcy in 1996. And a slew of small claims judgements.
I'm told he married Kathy for her money, she had a rather large inheritance that he used to fund H3Tec. I'm also told she is in deeeeep denial.
This is better than watching re-runs of All My Children. :D
11-11-2011, 11:49 AM
Hi Carl,
Interesting exposure on 'Chuckles' and his H3 scam.
Here in the UK we have been busy exposing our own home grown fraudsters for the last 3 years, see my blog at:
We have had a go at Chuckles in the past, but are now inspired to aggravate him further thanks you your article.
We have also built up a collection of legal threats but still wait (3 years now) the promised 'court action'.
If it's ok with you Carl I would like to link my blog to your site and use some of the information you have posted on the H3 for my own article. Wouldn't like to breach anyone's copyright.
regards to all,
Hi Carl,
Interesting exposure on 'Chuckles' and his H3 scam.
Here in the UK we have been busy exposing our own home grown fraudsters for the last 3 years, see my blog at:
We have had a go at Chuckles in the past, but are now inspired to aggravate him further thanks you your article.
We have also built up a collection of legal threats but still wait (3 years now) the promised 'court action'.
If it's ok with you Carl I would like to link my blog to your site and use some of the information you have posted on the H3 for my own article. Wouldn't like to breach anyone's copyright.
regards to all,
Good work Techowiz. All support to you.
Dave J.
05-08-2012, 06:54 AM
Chuckie's home page has gotten real funny.
Is there anyone who doesn't know just what it is he's intending to mine?
--Dave J.
05-08-2012, 09:23 AM
Chuckie's home page has gotten real funny.
Is there anyone who doesn't know just what it is he's intending to mine?
--Dave J.
I imagine this means they followed a "signal line" to the photographed location, and this is proof that there's something there. :rolleyes:
Apparently he is, after long time lost in space, finally able to detect the planet Earth.
Dave J.
05-08-2012, 11:27 AM
C'mon, you guys, did you check out the home page?
Did you see a mine?
Did you see any statement regarding what mineral might be found on that site?
Did you see any evidence that Chuckie has ever even been to that spot, other than the presumption that he took a photo of a pretty Utah landscape?
* * * * * *
Remember Chuckie's oil well story, where he wanted to be a big shot oilman, but was the last person on the planet to discover the word "fracking"? As soon as it supposedly produced a smidgin of oil, the story stopped. As far as I could determine, the whole thing was pure fantasy. Is there any evidence whatsoever that the whole oil well thing was anything other than pure fantasy?
Many years ago I worked on a gold mine where there really was gold, but the claim owner had it figured out that gold was a nonrenewable resource that required hard work to extract, whereas investors were a renewable resource and you didn't have to work up a sweat and get your hands dirty to mine investors. When myself and a couple other basically honest collaborators figured out what was really being mined, we bailed out, but the lesson was well learned.
Chuckie seems to have left H3Tec spinning in the breeze hanging from a rope. He was right, not even he could hide from H3Tec.
Following his posts on his bulletin board and Facebook, he was bragging how much money he was spending. You don't see him bragging how he paid the bills out of the profits. Add it up: the photo on his home page is "truth in advertising". His greatest asset is a nondescript hilltop, or maybe just a photo of a nondescript hilltop he can pretend to own.
* * * * * AND THAT BRINGS US BACK TO LRL'S! * * * * * **
The damn things are frauds. That's the key to understanding everything else you see the purveyors thereof doing.
--Dave J.
Hi Dave,
as I understand your post, Chuckie's LRL is able to detect GIM (Gold Investors Mine).
So, we can take this as final evidence that his LRL's are working in real.
Dave J.
05-08-2012, 12:09 PM
Like Thomas says in the Gravitator ad, "action at a distance". I have long praised Thomas' ads for "truth in advertising" even if the apparatus itself is fraudulent.
--Dave J.
05-08-2012, 01:30 PM
I imagine this means they followed a "signal line" to the photographed location, and this is proof that there's something there. :rolleyes:
C'mon, you guys, did you check out the home page?
Did you see a mine?
Did you see any statement regarding what mineral might be found on that site?
Did you see any evidence that Chuckie has ever even been to that spot, other than the presumption that he took a photo of a pretty Utah landscape?
* * * * * *
My reply was meant to point out (in a mocking sort of way - note the rolleyes emoticon) that there was no evidence in the photo of a mine entrance, or any mention of what the mine may (or may not) contain. If the so-called mine actually exists, that is, which I highly doubt.
But - as they say - you cannot hide from H3Tec, so there must be a mine there, even you cannot see it ... mustn't there? :shrug:
05-08-2012, 03:35 PM
"Here is our mine."
What I still see is (, which has been their mine for several years now. Web sites are a wonderful way to mine for gullibillies. My guess is that, already, several H3 gullibillies are clamoring to "get in on the ground floor" of this phenomenal opportunity. It's clear from some of their postings that they are neck-deep in delusion, and since most of them are likely tired of digging up Charlie Brown rocks and pretending they're valuable meteorites, maybe it's time to kick that delusion up a notch. A whole mine full of Charlie Brown rocks!
About 15 years ago, Claude Cochran pioneered web site mining for LRL gullibillies. He had a doozy, with photos of piles of Filipino gold bars, and the caption "Look what was just found!" but, as anyone with operational gray matter would note, he failed to note "with what." And that's the story of LRL advertising: imply, and reel 'em in.
- Carl
05-10-2012, 08:33 PM
As Mark Twain said, "The rumors of [the LRL Forum's] death have been greatly exaggerated".
Or something like that. :razz:
Dave J.
06-01-2012, 07:56 AM
Check out Jim Anderson's post of 26 May 2012 titled "Depth", on the H3Tec bulletin board.
He's posting his firsthand experience of how someone who's been bamboozled gets bamboozled, sticks with the salespitch story meanwhile, and creates a system of alabis for the whole experience. And is evidently not embarrassed to do this in public, he doesn't even realize what evidence he's providing. Read the advertisement!
Think about it. This comes after Chuckie jerked the rug out from under the H3Tec magic gizmo, saying he's not even in that business any more.
It really gets pitiful when Jim thanks Chuckie and Kathy for all they've done for him. And the funny thing is that they probably have. Having calculated well.
* * * * * *
My purpose in posting here is not to be hard on Jim. Read his post: he got victimized by a con game. He's discovered that nothing really makes any sense what he got dragged into, he's struggling hard with that discovery, but there's bait that's keeping him in the game. The con game has many of the elements I saw in Wayman Mitchell's religious obedience cult (with which I had a lot of interaction a few years back), and have seen in studying other obedience cults. Once you're in, it's really hard to get out.
My purpose is to point to a publicly available picture painted by an actual victim in his own words, of how the system works. In a few short sentences, Jim is providing an eloquent and detailed picture of what has happened to him and why he's hanging in there for it. So-called "skeptics" don't have to make this stuff up, in one short post you can hear it straight from a victim who happens to be a very good writer. Anyone who wants to understand how LRL fraud works can learn it straight from the Chuckies of this world and also from their victims, without having to rely on the assertions of so-called "skeptics".
--Dave J.
so-called "skeptics"are sometning like "so-called LRL's".
Someone is, or is not (sceptic). The same with LRL.
Nice finding Dave.
06-01-2012, 10:55 AM
Check out Jim Anderson's post of 26 May 2012 titled "Depth", on the H3Tec bulletin board.
I presume this is the link you're referring to? ->
Dave J.
06-08-2012, 04:16 AM
The Chuckie Bulletin Board isn't completely dead. "Watcher" has posted confirmation of what the dreaded "skeptics" have been saying, like f'rinstance.....
>Chuckie runs it like a religious cult, hence the "family" talk. Heck, the company I work for has a lot of loyal customers, but it was never about membership in a personal in-group.
>We're not the only people who don't see a mine in the photo.
>The photo is begging for investment, starting with "family" members who have already been burned.
>They know they've been burned, Chuckie is telling everyone he lost interest in the LRL manufacturing business, it's not like he's saying he went bankrupt and wishes he could continue support but the judge took away all the resources needed to do that.
>Qualifying the mark is an important element in scams. In this case, qualifying the mark for a mining investment scam is real easy if the mark has already fallen for the LRL scam.
"Watcher" said it in fewer words than I did. No need to believe me, click that mouse and read it in his own words! As has been pointed out so many times, we don't have to make this stuff up. The con artists and their victims gladly tell their stories in public, they're the ones who provide the evidence. All the dreaded "skeptics" need do is to tell anyone who wants to know the facts to "read the advertisement".
But just for fun we often do more than that.
--Dave J.
Dave J.
08-01-2012, 07:37 AM
A couple days ago some good entertainment showed up on Chuckie's home page. In the "skeptics don't have to make this stuff up" category. Cheggidout.
--Dave J.
01-14-2013, 05:29 PM
Delighted to belatedly catch up with the news of Chuckie heading for the hills and going underground! No doubt we can wait on the edge of ours eats to hear news that he has struck the motherlode! Or perhaps not!
Anyone heard any news as to why he finally gave up flogging the dead horse of the H3Tec fraud?
I still treasure some of my email exchanges with Chuckie.
As well as the email and internet campaign to get him and others shut down.
No doubt other versions of LRLs are still out there. We got involved because Chuckie was making claims for and of military use. I guess, sad as it is, that at least failure of LRLs in prospecting is less dangerous than when they are sold to detect explosives e.g. ADE651, GT200 etc. If you have not heard, fraud trials start in the UK of the main suppliers of these devices.
Latest developments at: (
and at:
Kudos to Carl for his tenacious pursuit of Chuckie!!!
01-16-2013, 09:21 AM
He's only chasing Chukie because it works and Carl is behind in technology.
The military contracts are worth heaps!
Run Carl Run...
Like the gamma ray camerra that was developed in Australia by the CSIRO.
These devices are simple and effective with a system whereby the substance to be detected can be changed via different cards.
The Thailand part would just be for manufacturing (it's cheaper)
Border security is huge business.
If your chasing them i'll come for a jog! RUN .. RUN.. AS FAST AS YOU CAN.
Time to get FIT.
The military contracts are worth heaps!
Which military contracts? With Iraqi Army?
They are known by using dowsing stuff as bomb detecting - with very known results.
01-16-2013, 09:48 AM
He's only chasing Chukie because it works and Carl is behind in technology.
The military contracts are worth heaps!
Run Carl Run...
I do hope you are joking Dedevil!
1. If the technology worked then Chuckie would be one of the richest men on earth by now. He isn't and therefore it is blindingly obvious it doesn't.
2. If the technology worked then Chuckie or one of the other sellers of LRLs would have had the equipment properly tested and certified by now. They haven't, proving beyond doubt that it doesn't work. He could have taken the JREF Million Dollar Challenge, or perhaps Carls $25000 if the damn H3Tec worked. Even if he didn't rust either of those, he could have simply gone to M.I.T. or similar to get credible testing carried out. But did he? No!
As we pointed out many times to the sellers of bogus detectors, if you were legit that is the first thing you would do i.e. get your product validated by an authoritative source, put out a press release and let the orders flood in. Did any of them take this oh so simple marketing advice? NO! Because they knew their garbage kit cannot and does not work except to extract money from gullible or corrupted marks.
3. Where is the evidence of the enormous military contracts? We asked Chuckie many times to validate his pie in the sky stories about sales to and use by the military. he never did. Why not? Top Secret maybe? BS. Chuckie and all other LRLers are fantasists and/or desperate.
4. If the H3Tec or any other LRL was so damned good why don't they sell like hotcakes? Because they do not work.
5. EVIDENCE my sorry feller. Not just bland statements or worthless anecdotes. When you have some worth the paper it is written on then feel free to return and show us. Until then do everyone a favour and clam up!
By the way, Carl obviously has an interest in selling real detectors. Nothing wrong with that. To best of my knowledge he has never hidden that and has simply done everyone who will listen to facts the service of informing them that LRLs are are a scam. It is a fact that he has helped stop quite a few fools parting with their money on the scam and for that he deserves much credit and success as an honest broker. We at the Fake Detectors Campaign have no such interest in any competitive business. Just in the un-varnished truth and in not seeing people ripped off.
By the way, did you read the posts from Chuckies sister? There is a clear history of Chuckie lying, and fantasising and being deluded.
Meanwhile we await the news that Chuckie has struck it rich with baited breath! :lol:
01-16-2013, 10:37 AM
I've worked for " a family" and know about watcher. This is UK based so the watcher is probably Scottland yard and the family is MI5. The're looking for Iridium. What the hell for? ???
Dave J.
01-16-2013, 10:41 AM
Diohuni, you're evidently not familiar with our forum denizen Mr. Devil. He knows what Chuckie is just like the rest of us who have followed the story, he's just trying to find out if he can get you all screwed up.
--Dave J.
01-16-2013, 10:48 AM
I've worked for " a family" and know about watcher. This is UK based so the watcher is probably Scottland yard and the family is MI5. The're looking for Iridium. What the hell for? ???
What on earth is this guy on about?
Dedevil, do try to write coherently and rationally or we may be tempted to think you are incoherent and irrational.
Barking mad or what?
01-16-2013, 10:52 AM
Diohuni, you're evidently not familiar with our forum denizen Mr. Devil. He knows what Chuckie is just like the rest of us who have followed the story, he's just trying to find out if he can get you all screwed up.
--Dave J.
Am already all screwed up! :D So he's a bit late on that one, but thanks for the advice. Just like to make sure there is a challenge to the bs and not let such loons have the free run of it.
By the way, we suspect that the Quadro Tracker, which morphed into the MOLE, SNIFFEX and subsequent incarnations such as GT200, ADE651 etc etc may have been inspired originally by the Afilani Electroscope, hence part of our interest in LRLs.
Dave J.
01-16-2013, 10:52 AM
Like I said, he's just trying to get you all screwed up. His worldview is that he's the devil, and if you're not prepared to debate him with that premise as a given, best to just ignore him.
--Dave J.
01-16-2013, 11:09 AM
Like I said, he's just trying to get you all screwed up. His worldview is that he's the devil, and if you're not prepared to debate him with that premise as a given, best to just ignore him.
--Dave J.
yeh Good one Dave my technially challenged buddy. Try Leggo.
01-16-2013, 11:43 AM
What on earth is this guy on about?
Dedevil, do try to write coherently and rationally or we may be tempted to think you are incoherent and irrational.
Barking mad or what?
I would have said that he's playing Devil's Advocate, but that implies the Devil is advocating himself! Perhaps that's the intention, to make you go round in ever increasing circles until your head explodes. :barf:
It's best not to take the bait.
01-16-2013, 11:37 PM
I would have said that he's playing Devil's Advocate, but that implies the Devil is advocating himself! Perhaps that's the intention, to make you go round in ever increasing circles until your head explodes. :barf:
It's best not to take the bait.
Is that Q hopping on the Technically challenged bus?
Back to school for Q.
01-16-2013, 11:57 PM
Is that Q hopping on the Technically challenged bus?
Back to school for Q.
It's Dedevil trying to provoke a response. :lol:
Dave J.
03-04-2013, 11:24 AM website dead.
Too bad, I liked the photo and the funny message that accompanied it. Looks like we're living in the post-h3tec era now. Chuckie was right, the monster he created was the monster from which in the end he could not hide, and it ate him. Evidently ate his buddies too, to my knowledge none of them has surfaced again yet.
Here's my theory as to what happened.
1. Chuckie grew up in a world without the Internet. The circle of victims could always be bigger. Trouble is that in a world with the Internet, the circle of victims could grow even faster, and the circle of people who knew what was going on could grow even faster yet. Before his game unravelled I explained that it was being run on the principles of a religious personal obedience cult, principles with which I am very familar.
2. His victims are keeping quiet for the customary reasons: shame at having been victimized, and the blackmail system created by the cult leader Chuckie who painted the whole operation as a friendly family matter so go ahead and bare your deepest secrets.
3. He's keeping quiet because he burned creditors and he's hiding from them. Even the H3TEC domain seems to have become a liability rather than an asset.
--Dave J.
03-05-2013, 03:29 AM
A couple of months ago I pinged a cult member to see what happened to good ol' Chuckie. I figured maybe, just maybe, this guy would have started to figure things out, he's otherwise pretty sharp. Err, no, still a True Believer to the core. I'm sure all the cult members will gladly tell us that Chuckie's struck it rich, and the laugh is on us.
Forum is still up, oddly.
- Carl
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