View Full Version : What is test paragon of LRL instruments?
11-06-2009, 06:28 AM
Hi to all LRL men
My question, what is test paragon of LRL instruments? :???:
In other words, some person said battery short circuit,
Detecting, TV screen Detecting. :shrug:Assume that doesn’t exist long buried metal
Whence knowing LRL instrument working really and correct?
Best regards.
11-06-2009, 12:04 PM
Hi to all LRL men
My question, what is test paragon of LRL instruments? :???:
In other words, some person said battery short circuit,
Detecting, TV screen Detecting. :shrug:Assume that doesn’t exist long buried metal
Whence knowing LRL instrument working really and correct?
Best regards.
Put a copper plate (regular size) in a site with good light of Sun. Wait 1 hour or more, need to warm it and so can "emit" similar effect of the "phenomenon". Better if the plate is several days in the same site, don't move it, so here is created his own "atmosphere" or field. Try when is warm. I detect easily the target from 2 or more meters.
11-06-2009, 02:04 PM
Put a copper plate (regular size) in a site with good light of Sun. Wait 1 hour or more, need to warm it and so can "emit" similar effect of the "phenomenon". Better if the plate is several days in the same site, don't move it, so here is created his own "atmosphere" or field. Try when is warm. I detect easily the target from 2 or more meters.
A standard BFO, tuned to the rate of slow ticking will do the same thing. ;)
Better to first clearly identify the parameters and attributes of the "phenomenon", then IF it really exists, develop measurement devices for the specific entities.
Development of the measuring device, without first knowing exactly what you are trying to measure is attacking the problem backwards; and will always result in random and confusing results yielding a circular effort which can last a lifetime without really furthering the concept.
11-06-2009, 02:22 PM
A standard BFO, tuned to the rate of slow ticking will do the same thing. ;)
Better to first clearly identify the parameters and attributes of the "phenomenon", then IF it really exists, develop measurement devices for the specific entities.
Development of the measuring device, without first knowing exactly what you are trying to measure is attacking the problem backwards; and will always result in random and confusing results yielding a circular effort which can last a lifetime without really furthering the concept.
Of course, with a BFO (and other things) the "phenomenon" can be detectable many meters than 2 meters.
The test was taken with pistol type IB detector in point not random, of course, but a plate of 30 X 30 cm (the approximative size with wich was made the experiment) isn't detectable at cold, yes when is warm. I note the same in my searching in inland because I found a cutted silver coin (3 meters of the pistol) removed by tractor. The small metal was in presence of high light of Sun. This I found with simple receiver pistol coil/antenna, so seems exist "emission" when the good conductive metal is exposed at strong light of Sun. Maybe molecular movement is more high and "emitt" also a kind of RF... The BFO per se can't detect this small metal at this distance, only because exist the secondary effect. ;)
11-06-2009, 04:39 PM
ohhhhhh jaja guys very interesants observations, the coper have chemical phisic reaction whit sun, then emit any thing how electrical ions charged, what go to vacations for sumer, the can be seein for binoculars electonic, too here are girls or ions negatives in bikini, very interest, bfo is radiant and trap in air these little guys out outdoor of the beach
11-06-2009, 04:43 PM
cooper is cousin of sun, is red, so sun invite to go out, i have one idea, may be one piscina for these vacational guys for us trap them
11-07-2009, 04:28 AM
Put a copper plate (regular size) in a site with good light of Sun. Wait 1 hour or more, need to warm it and so can "emit" similar effect of the "phenomenon". Better if the plate is several days in the same site, don't move it, so here is created his own "atmosphere" or field. Try when is warm. I detect easily the target from 2 or more meters.
Thank you Esteban
I need to method test PD without long buried metals .
And your comments new for me , will try it .
Best regards.
11-07-2009, 04:38 AM
ohhhhhh jaja guys very interesants observations, the coper have chemical phisic reaction whit sun, then emit any thing how electrical ions charged, what go to vacations for sumer, the can be seein for binoculars electonic, too here are girls or ions negatives in bikini, very interest, bfo is radiant and trap in air these little guys out outdoor of the beach
Detectoman ,
Thanks for your attention , are you know other method except girls in bikini :lol:
11-07-2009, 05:08 PM
yes brodhy aft, i know other metod, is whit mercurio, but is very dangerous, one of each 8 bodys what rescue these treasure is death, yes is secure you can obtain one of these chesse, but first make testament
11-08-2009, 10:40 AM
yes brodhy aft, i know other metod, is whit mercurio, but is very dangerous, one of each 8 bodys what rescue these treasure is death, yes is secure you can obtain one of these chesse, but first make testament
Hi big brother detectoman :)
Please more explain about mercuric method. If need, you small brother ( I am )
Will write my testament.:cry: Don’t worry , it was joke . :lol:
Best regards.
yes brodhy aft, i know other metod, is whit mercurio, but is very dangerous, one of each 8 bodys what rescue these treasure is death, yes is secure you can obtain one of these chesse, but first make testament
are you trying to poison him ? :lol:
I think he's now collecting old thermometers and play with them with an hammer... :D
btw the mercury stuff is nice to play with... I remember I made kinda balls of it... rolling down the floor when was a children... :lol:
The fact it's toxic don't scare me much, but better do not inahle vapours or touch, or ingest it... no good.:shocked:
Kind regards,
Yes it is simple but dangerous.We made a test before years. We put 1Kg of mercury inside the ground at depth of 40cm about. It want hot days...
after 7.... 10 days we had a very strong signal for about one month. After the month, the phenomenon was lost.
Yes it is simple but dangerous.We made a test before years. We put 1Kg of mercury inside the ground at depth of 40cm about. It want hot days...
after 7.... 10 days we had a very strong signal for about one month. After the month, the phenomenon was lost.
? You really put 1Kg of pure mercury inside the ground ??? :rolleyes:
If so I hope nobody discovered that stuff... cause I think you violate a number of laws of your country putting some toxic waste inside the ground...
Or you mean you used some kind of container and so did not spread the poison all around ? :D
Please explain...
Kind regards,
11-09-2009, 04:45 PM
the spanish mans in the invasion to mejico they put in operation one metode, put mercury in soil where they think exist gold then.. i not say yours this is dangerous mjmj
11-09-2009, 04:57 PM
this metod is rustle, of continue observarion, but danger whit air send, then see the mercury vapors beat whit the other vapors obtain one column of brigthnes in the night, the halo is observed how fire of stove in surface of soil, isnt easy need conditions of moon
11-09-2009, 04:59 PM
need be precise if air go direction, your in campament of night then the people can death, this is for profesionals and ventures mans, childrens not intent
? You really put 1Kg of pure mercury inside the ground ??? :rolleyes:
If so I hope nobody discovered that stuff... cause I think you violate a number of laws of your country putting some toxic waste inside the ground...
Or you mean you used some kind of container and so did not spread the poison all around ? :D
Please explain...
Kind regards,
And with metal detectors i violate a number of laws of my country :lol:.
No. i put it without any kind of container.....:frown::frown:
The place was a place of my farm where i use it only to park my agrarian machines. It is about 10.000 square meters (1 hectare) without any tree or flower or anything else inside it, only to park the machines. So i believe that the problem was small, but i did it only that time :angry:
And with metal detectors i violate a number of laws of my country :lol:.
No. i put it without any kind of container.....:frown::frown:
The place was a place of my farm where i use it only to park my agrarian machines. It is about 10.000 square meters (1 hectare) without any tree or flower or anything else inside it, only to park the machines. So i believe that the problem was small, but i did it only that time :angry:
uhm... I'm sorry you did that...and now you tell me I must say... not to scare you but be more careful in future with similar stuff...
mercury is really poisoning stuff... and can enter water floor or flows... no good!
If you have a well for water there and use it to drink of cook food or even wash your hands or irrigate plants/trees I suggest you buy an easy and cheap test for heavy metals in water.
You can also take some samples of it and carry to local authority to check them for heavy metals.
The fact is mercury (like many others but more than others) is subtle... you think you drop it in one place and it find its way to water and e.g. vegetables you may grow there even at consistent distance from the contaminated site...
So, do it. You can buy these tests over Internet (e.g. ebay) and are easy and cheap; if have some friend at local university or lab or e.g. public environment agency took samples and carry there to check water (and also soil at distance from contaminated site).
You must know mercury and its compounds are extremely dangerous for nervous system ( especially of childrens ) and can cause skin disorders... better know if you drink the water there... ;)
Kind regards,
I suggest you buy an easy and cheap test for heavy metals in water.
Kind regards,
Very good advice.
Exposure to mercury can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor and behavioral dysfunctions.
To stop mercury poisoning you can also use well known men pills (zinc+selen - against prostate disorder) :
"The conventional idea describes selenium as a sort of "mercury magnet." Under this theory, once selenium is digested it can locate and neutralize mercury molecules. In one study, Japanese researchers found that adding selenium to the diets of birds "gave complete protection" from large amounts of mercury. ( Research carried out by scientists in Scotland and the Philippines has concluded that the relationship between mercury and selenium is one of "toxicological antagonism." ( And in the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency describes selenium as an element that is "antagonistic to the toxic effects of mercury." ("
Contamined soil have to be carefuly (use protective wear and breath mask) excavated and separated in stainless container on safe place or/and immobilized by lignin derivatives and ferric chloride (ferric lignin) in soil.
Dont forget Mercury penetrates deep and it will in the top layer of soil probably not be found. However, plants also sends out roots to a depth, some of plants very deep (eg asparagus to 3m deep) and you can so get all poison back.
uhm... I'm sorry you did that...and now you tell me I must say... not to scare you but be more careful in future with similar stuff...
mercury is really poisoning stuff... and can enter water floor or flows... no good!
If you have a well for water there and use it to drink of cook food or even wash your hands or irrigate plants/trees I suggest you buy an easy and cheap test for heavy metals in water.
You can also take some samples of it and carry to local authority to check them for heavy metals.
The fact is mercury (like many others but more than others) is subtle... you think you drop it in one place and it find its way to water and e.g. vegetables you may grow there even at consistent distance from the contaminated site...
So, do it. You can buy these tests over Internet (e.g. ebay) and are easy and cheap; if have some friend at local university or lab or e.g. public environment agency took samples and carry there to check water (and also soil at distance from contaminated site).
You must know mercury and its compounds are extremely dangerous for nervous system ( especially of childrens ) and can cause skin disorders... better know if you drink the water there... ;)
Kind regards,
Hi Max.
I agree with you.
At the place where i buried the Mercury there is not water for drink nearest from 10Km.
The nearest water to irrigate trees etc is 700m far. I check it at a chemical office and until now no Problem.....
Of course it was a very bad action
Now i am ready for the next test with Mercury.
Before 2 days a friend gave me 1/2 kgr of Mercury. I found a place far from people and without any metallic buildings near it. I will take a pyrex with dimensions 25x25cm, i will fill it with soil and i"ll put inside it the Mercury. After it i will dig a hole at 20...40 cm depth and i "ll put inside the ground the pyrex. I will cover the hole and the test area is OK.
Maybe Max has something to tell me about attentions!!!
Hi Geo,
nice to see you in full experimenting mode.. I'm still recovering
About mercury:
I have same memories as max .. playing with heavy droplets - neverending fun.. Actually I live in a mercury mining town with 500 years tradition and 800 km of shafts beneath the city.. until the mine was closed few decades ago.
Mercurialism or quicksilver poisoning is a nasty one, but you have to inhale lots of mercury vapors (eg. near smelting furnace) to get sick, no need to worry if handling half kilo. Evaporation of mercury at room temperatures is slow. Also do not worry about the soil, vegetation or animals..(just do not do it under your vegetables).. Also you do not need to wear any protective masks - geo do not be funny
Some other facts from my memory and city stories..
There are no remedy pills (like selenium) for mercury poisoning - at least any that do anything good. Mild symptoms are: salivation, loss of teeth, shaking - tremor. Will not describe worst symptoms but are quite irreversible.
Paracelsus was first to observe and describe mercury mining and smelting disease, but also prescribed mercury as remedy for syphilis...
New 'baptized' miners usually got secretly drop of mercury in their wine cup .. result is instant diarrhea and lots of mocking...
On some parts of our town you just have to poke a hole in a ground and there are mercury drops, over heavy rains you have pools of mercury in riverbed ..500 years old legacy
Mercury in water pipes is benign and does no harm - do not worry about nearby water supplies, more problematic is ingesting vegetables growing in contaminated soil or just eating lots of tuna fish from Adriatic sea or Japan..
I hope Geo I have calmed you down ...
for all others not having an obsession with quicksilver .. sorry for bothering
[quote = Λητώ? 102694] Hi Geo,
χαίρομαι που σας βλέπω σε πλήρη λειτουργία πειραματίζεται .. Είμαι ακόμα ανάκτηση
Σχετικά με τον υδράργυρο:
Έχω ίδιο αναμνήσεις ως max .. παίζει με βαρύ σταγονίδια - Neverending διασκέδαση .. Πραγματικά ζω σε μια πόλη ορυχείων υδραργύρου με παράδοση 500 ετών και 800 km φρεάτων κάτω από την πόλη .. μέχρι το ορυχείο έκλεισε πριν από λίγες δεκαετίες.
Mercurialism ή δηλητηρίαση υδράργυρος είναι μια άσχημη, αλλά θα πρέπει να εισπνέετε παρτίδες των ατμών υδραργύρου (π.χ. κοντά σε χυτήριο) να αρρωσταίνουν, δεν χρειάζεται να ανησυχείτε αν το χειρισμό ενός δεύτερου κιλό. Εξάτμιση του υδραργύρου σε θερμοκρασία δωματίου είναι αργή. Επίσης, μην ανησυχείτε για το έδαφος, τη βλάστηση ή ζώα .. (απλά δεν το κάνει σύμφωνα με τα λαχανικά σας) .. Επίσης, δεν χρειάζεται να φορούν κανένα προστατευτικό μάσκες - γεω δεν είναι αστείο
Ορισμένα άλλα στοιχεία από τη μνήμη μου και τις ιστορίες της πόλης ..
Δεν υπάρχουν χάπια θεραπεία (όπως το σελήνιο) για τη δηλητηρίαση υδραργύρου - τουλάχιστον κάθε ότι κάνουμε κάτι καλό. Ήπια συμπτώματα είναι: σιελόρροια, απώλεια των δοντιών, κουνώντας - τρόμος. Δεν θα περιγράφουν χειρότερα τα συμπτώματα, αλλά είναι αρκετά αμετάκλητη.
Παράκελσος ήταν πρώτα να παρατηρεί και να περιγράψει τον υδράργυρο εξόρυξης και τήξης των ασθενειών, αλλά προβλέπεται επίσης υδράργυρο ως θεραπεία για την σύφιλη ...
Βάφτισε «Νέα» ανθρακωρύχοι συνήθως πήρε κρυφά πτώση του υδραργύρου στο φλιτζάνι κρασί τους .. αποτέλεσμα είναι άμεσα παρτίδες διάρροια και των διακωμώδηση ...
Σε ορισμένα τμήματα της πόλης μας, απλά πρέπει να χώνει μια τρύπα στο έδαφος και υπάρχουν σταγόνες υδραργύρου, πάνω από έντονες βροχοπτώσεις έχετε πισίνες του υδραργύρου στην κοίτη του ποταμού .. 500 ετών κληρονομιά
Υδράργυρος σε σωλήνες νερού είναι καλοήθεις και δεν βλάπτει - μην ανησυχείτε για κοντινά παροχές νερού, είναι πολύ πιο δύσκολη η πρόσληψη λαχανικών αυξάνεται σε μολυσμένο έδαφος ή απλά τρώει παρτίδες ψαριών τόνου από την Αδριατική θάλασσα ή την Ιαπωνία ..
Ελπίζω Geo σας έχω ηρεμήσει ...
για όλους τους άλλους που δεν έχουν εμμονή με Quicksilver .. Συγγνώμη για την ενόχληση [/ quote]
Hi Leto.
I am very Glad for your answer:)
Best Regards:)
Mercury in water pipes is benign and does no harm -
Leto this is very similar to friendly fire.
Lets see example:
Your stated claim against medicine claim:
"Short-term exposure to mercury in drinking water can result in kidney damage, while a lifetime of exposure can lead to impairments in neurological functioning."
The latter is a widespread disease among the population in mining districts of mercury.
In fact, if we speak about inorganic mercury, it is not so harmfull (at least for adults) as organic mercury, but live (micro)organisms in waters easily change metallic mercury and some types of inorganic mercury into very poisoning organic forms.
But if you claims come from the principle, that man must die of something, then you're right.
Leto this is very similar to friendly fire.
Your stated claim against medicine claim:
"Short-term exposure to mercury in drinking water can result in kidney damage, while a lifetime of exposure can lead to impairments in neurological functioning."
Hi WM6,
You can try to cut'n'paste any www medical claims about mercury but please do not scare Geo for that half a kilo..
As you live in same country, and you know about town I'm livin in I'm quite suprized on your 'ignorance'. There are no kidney damages in our town only liver disorders and this is not from drinking water..
WM6 generaly you are right - it is poison.. specially on long term but usually not to die for..
Hi WM6,
- it is poison.. specially on long term but usually not to die for..
Leto, sometimes is better to die, than vegetate for the serious neurological disorders, very known in your mining district.
Neither the batteries, which contain only small amounts of heavy metals may not be discharging into the wild. What you advice Geo to do is basically environmental crime.
There are no remedy pills (like selenium) for mercury poisoning - at least any that do anything good.
This claim need some additional explanation. Mercury is poisoning in all of its form: inorganic and organic.
Only organic form of poisoning is ireversible.
Inorganic form of mercury poisoning can be reversible by adequate taken of selenium. Fact known in medicine and scientific proven as statet in post #19.
I don't understand where is the problem now???
I will put the mercury in a Pyrex (glass plate) with soil and i will put it in the ground???? I will not put the Mercury alone in the ground!!!!!
Please explain me!!!
I will put the mercury in a Pyrex (glass plate) with soil and i will put it in the ground???? I will not put the Mercury alone in the ground!!!!!
Please explain me!!!
Yes, Geo, I have read this before.
You getting cautious, that is okay.
Leto and me had only a minor debate about mercury, health and pollution.
We cannot change the world, but we may change our attitude towards nature from which depends our survival, and do not do things against nature that we do not necessarily need to do.
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