View Full Version : GOLD ion detector...
10-27-2009, 05:14 PM
Hi to all friends,
we read some posts and see some devices that introduce in this site to remote sensing a treasure under ground...!!!
But these are my questions:
1- is this true, that buried gold (or other metals) emit negative ions that comes up to the surface of ground ?
2- just old buried metals emit these negative ions or new buried metals also emit these negative ions ?
3- really, can we detect these emitted negative ions by one negative ion detector device or not?
4- what we can do to increase these device sensitivity to detect these negative ions from more distance and more depth ?
Please, let's we answer to these question carefully to reach to the best results... ;)
I am waiting for your good and perfect answers... :cool:
10-27-2009, 06:51 PM
Hi to all friends,
we read some posts and see some devices that introduce in this site to remote sensing a treasure under ground...!!!
But these are my questions:
1- is this true, that buried gold (or other metals) emit negative ions that comes up to the surface of ground ?
2- just old buried metals emit these negative ions or new buried metals also emit these negative ions ?
3- really, can we detect these emitted negative ions by one negative ion detector device or not?
4- what we can do to increase these device sensitivity to detect these negative ions from more distance and more depth ?
Please, let's we answer to these question carefully to reach to the best results... ;)
I am waiting for your good and perfect answers... :cool:
Here are my answers to your questions:
1 - No - it's not true.
2 - Neither.
3 - See answer 1.
4 - See answer 1.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that longtime buried objects release ions into the atmosphere, therefore it is not possible to detect them. Some people claim that there is a PHENOMENON (or anomaly) surrounding longtime buried objects, which is detectable at long range using certain devices tuned to the edge of sensitivity. This has yet to be confirmed by a repeatable experiment under double-blind test conditions.
10-27-2009, 07:23 PM
Thanks Qiaozhi,
Is there any other idea from anybody... ? :cool:
Hi to all friends,
we read some posts and see some devices that introduce in this site to remote sensing a treasure under ground...!!!
But these are my questions:
1- is this true, that buried gold (or other metals) emit negative ions that comes up to the surface of ground ?
2- just old buried metals emit these negative ions or new buried metals also emit these negative ions ?
3- really, can we detect these emitted negative ions by one negative ion detector device or not?
4- what we can do to increase these device sensitivity to detect these negative ions from more distance and more depth ?
Please, let's we answer to these question carefully to reach to the best results... ;)
I am waiting for your good and perfect answers... :cool:
1. not that way: the buried metal emits POSITIVE ions, cause lose electrons and losing negative charge atoms become positive ions
2. both old and "new" metals emit POSITIVE ions if right conditions exist
3. you need a positive ion sniffer: if you use a "squid" device you can do that from several meters far away, but device have huge price
4. easy to put in words, but practice is another thing: you need to cool the sniffer "squid" device at very low temperature, this way it's less sensitive to noise and can make more accurate detection, that means you can increase detection range also
Squid use superconducting material... and are hard to find and build without proper technology. Here you see in the picture are old sensors now obsolete , but you can make an idea of what's needed...
Kind regards,
10-27-2009, 10:19 PM
Here are my answers to your questions:
1 - No - it's not true.
2 - Neither.
3 - See answer 1.
4 - See answer 1.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that longtime buried objects release ions into the atmosphere, therefore it is not possible to detect them. Some people claim that there is a PHENOMENON (or anomaly) surrounding longtime buried objects, which is detectable at long range using certain devices tuned to the edge of sensitivity. This has yet to be confirmed by a repeatable experiment under double-blind test conditions.
There is no credible evidence to suggest ions from longtime buried objects float above the ground in the atmosphere.
In that regard, Qiaozhi's answers are correct.
There are those who are experimenting with high-gain amplifier devices, tuned to a precarious edge between indicating something and not indicating something, but from everything we can see here - there is no consistency to the indications, temperature and humidity fluctuations create havoc with the indications and as was stated above, no formal monitored testing over blind targets has been done. (At least the test data and protocol have not been published here or on any other known sites.)
Ion migration above the ground, is a tantalizing concept that is appealing and attractive to many, but so far is just not provable. ;) Thus, building devices to measure ion migration above the ground is a waste of time and energy until it can be proven there are ions to detect. :D
10-28-2009, 08:09 AM
But these are my questions:
1- is this true, that buried gold (or other metals) emit negative ions that comes up to the surface of ground ?
No. They emit positive ions caused by chemical corrosion.
2- just old buried metals emit these negative ions or new buried metals also emit these negative ions ?
The positive ions are released when a metal corrodes. A very small trace amount of corrosion happens to copper when you hold it in your hand, and the acids in your skin ionize some metal from the surface. A lot more corrosion can happen when metals are left in the ground for some period of time.
3- really, can we detect these emitted negative ions by one negative ion detector device or not?
I have seen no evidence of any negative ion detector locating any buried metal.
4- what we can do to increase these device sensitivity to detect these negative ions from more distance and more depth ?
You can remove all electricity from the earth except the circuits working in the detector.
Max is correct. Buried gold releases positive ions. Gold ions in the soil have a +3 charge. Scientists have discovered that long-time buried gold does corrode. The amount is much less than for copper, but enough gold corrodes and emits gold ions to go into solution with the soil around it and migrate up to the surface, where it quickly becomes bound with elements at the surface and becomes part of the soil as a gold compound or microscopic metallic gold. Although the process is slow, large amounts of gold are moving in the soil by this method. The corrosion of gold under the ground is not something that would happen easily above the surface, because there are colonies of microorganisms below the surface that secrete chemicals such as cyanide and sulfur complexes which are capable of dissolving gold and suspending it in the soil as ions. A particular strain of gold-attacking bacteria thrives dark places without much oxygen like in the soil or rock crevices below the soil. These have been discovered as deep as 2 miles below the surface in gold mines, as well as near the surface of the ground.
There are other microbes that can actually precipitate metallic gold from the ions that are released into the soil, thus forming new nuggets some distance above the original gold that was below. They have also been observed to deposit new, very pure gold on the surface of existing nuggets, leaving a high purity surface on a lesser purity center. Does this sound hard to believe? If it is true, it means there are gold ions in the soil, and not just a few unmeasurable ions, but enough to make nuggets from.
According to geomicrobiologist Frank Reith, "...the precipitation of gold by micro-organisms, and thus in the biomineralisation of gold, which as recent evidence suggests has led to the formation of some of the world largest gold deposits."
But in addition to micro-organisms precipitating metallic gold, there are microbes that ionize and dissolve gold:
"In soils with high contents of organic matter heterotrophic bacteria and fungi appear to dominate the gold dissolution by excreting amino acids, low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs), cyanide or organic sulfur compounds. These molecules were shown to have the ability to dissolve native gold and act as complexing agents for the resulting gold ions."
Wet soil samples were incubated with these microbes, then gold pellets were added to the soil. After 20-30 days of incubation, up to 3 ppm of gold was found in solution, compared to none measurable in the sterilized soil samples with gold pellets.
Now, how do atoms from a gold pellet get into solution? They have to become ionized first! Thus it cannot be true that buried gold does not form ions. We are talking about small amounts (3ppm), But this is the amount measured in some small sample test areas after a month in the ground. The investigations into mine sites from the real world show that this process can happen on a much larger scale, creating nuggets that are very pure where microbes precipitated the gold (98% and better).
Not all gold nuggets are created by microbes. Many are formed with cooling molten rock masses. The gold formed by microbes is derived from these primary gold sources in the ground. But it has been discovered that there are many nuggets which have a rich outer gold shell, and a lower purity gold in the center. In some cases these were nuggets formed by molten gold cooling, then later, microbes deposited a layer of higher purity gold on the top surfaces.
Because it takes some time for these microbes to ionize buried gold metal and put it in solution with the surrounding soil, it tells us that long time buried gold is different than fresh gold that was recently put in the ground. In addition, there are microbes that will attack the other metals alloyed with gold like silver, copper, platinum, etc. According to these studies, some soil is richer in these gold-eating microbes than other soil, so we can expect some soils to show a greater difference between fresh gold and long time buried gold.
In the case of the other microbes that convert the ions back into gold metal, we will find gold nuggets that have ions around them being converted into metallic gold to precipitate and grow the nugget. These new gold nuggets may have similar halo properties as gold that is decomposing. Check here to read this article:
There are over a million reports on microbes that convert gold to ions, and other microbes that convert gold ions to gold metal in the soil. These include much larger concentrations of gold ions, enough to precipitate gold nuggets. See these reports showing how microbes convert gold to ions, and other microbes that convert gold ions to gold metal in the soil:
Microbes manufacture gold nuggets:
Electron micrographs of microbes moving gold associated with Au(III) reduction:
Microbes convert dissolved gold into solid metallic gold:
Report says scientists have ascertained the microbeʼs process converts approximately 1% of exposed gold per year.
You will find over a million reports on microbes that eat and ionize gold and other metals if you google for "gold microbe": f&oq=&aqi=
There are several gold corroding chemical processes that have been documented in different locations depending on the soil conditions. In soils with high organic content, the microbe strains that dissolve gold are mostly microbes that produce cyanide and organic acids and complexes which react with metallic gold and bind it in the complex. This complex goes into solution in the soil, and moves with the subterranean moisture. Much different microbes that live only on metallic gold surfaces are able to digest the dissolved ions and precipitate them onto the nuggets where they live. Various chemical mechanisms have been documented, but the researchers are still working to unravel the mysteries of how these processes change in different soils. Apparently the ability of microbes to adapt to their environment is an important part of the puzzle.
Here are a few pages about cyanide producing microbes that dissolve gold:
Microscopic plants and fungi Produce cyanide which is thought to have dissolved ancient gold deposits in alluvial sands: d1JAjV9BDA5NOEGPuoR_co#PPA494,M1
30 species of microorganisms including bacteria, yeasts, actinomycetes, fungi and algae were found to accumulate gold from laboratory solutions. This abstract also describes how Pseudomonas cells can be treated to absorb and desorb gold on demand.
Microbes moving gold in Southern Australia by various chemical methods:
In the reports from mining exploration, you will read how they have been finding gold ions that rise in a column to the surface soil above buried gold ores. According to Dr. Mark Fedikow, exploration geochemist and mineral deposits geologist, approximately 1000 sample sites have been analyzed using the mobile metal ion process (MMI) to locate gold and other mineral deposits since 1993 in over 30 countries. Dr. fedikow says the MMI technique of chemical and electronic analysis results in distinctive anomalies directly over mineralized zones. The MMI sampling has been successful for finding metal ions in the surface soil from Cu, Pb, Zn Cd, Ni, Co, Pd, Au, Ag, Cr, Nb, and Mg. The technology to locate these mineral deposits was developed by an Australian company who measures ions in the parts per billion and sub-parts per billion range in surface soil. The main testing laboratory for the MMI surveys is SGS Group.
See the SGS Group page that explains the movement of ions upward here:
See more web reports about sampling the soil for traces of metal from the vertical movement of metal ions here:
See more than 250,000 web pages showing reports of gold ions being measured in near-surface soil with MMI techniques here:
While we don't see much gold corrosion, it is happening, and causing gold ions to move through the soil in a vertical column that can be detected by chemical surveys of the soil. The scientists who developed the MMI method to detect the location of gold deposits say the gold ions in the soil move upward in a column until they reach within 10-30 cm of the surface. Then they combine with other elements in the soil and cease to be ions. So we know there are no gold ion clouds hovering above a buried treasure. Only a very weak trail of gold ions above long-time buried gold. These trace ions can be measured by chemical measurements. Can they also be detected by an LRL?
I have never seen any live tests to suggest they can.
Best wishes,
Can they also be detected by an LRL?
I have never seen any live tests to suggest they can.
Best wishes,
Hi J_P.
I believe that any LRL can't detect the gold from Ions.
10-28-2009, 11:56 AM
Interesting theories. But is there any locator that detects these gold ions ?
10-28-2009, 12:19 PM
Hi to all friends,
we read some posts and see some devices that introduce in this site to remote sensing a treasure under ground...!!!
But these are my questions:
1- is this true, that buried gold (or other metals) emit negative ions that comes up to the surface of ground ?
2- just old buried metals emit these negative ions or new buried metals also emit these negative ions ?
3- really, can we detect these emitted negative ions by one negative ion detector device or not?
4- what we can do to increase these device sensitivity to detect these negative ions from more distance and more depth ?
Please, let's we answer to these question carefully to reach to the best results... ;)
I am waiting for your good and perfect answers... :cool:
System open base PNP transistor (antenna type) can be good. Better germanium old type.
10-28-2009, 01:49 PM
Interesting theories. But is there any locator that detects these gold ions ?
What J_P said is not a theory. It is fact based on substantiated data collected by other experimenters and investigators.
While we don't see much gold corrosion, it is happening, and causing gold ions to move through the soil in a vertical column that can be detected by chemical surveys of the soil. The scientists who developed the MMI method to detect the location of gold deposits say the gold ions in the soil move upward in a column until they reach within 10-30 cm of the surface. Then they combine with other elements in the soil and cease to be ions. So we know there are no gold ion clouds hovering above a buried treasure.A "locator", in the strict sense of the word, does not exist because gold ions above the ground do not exist. Thus, nothing to locate. End of Story.
10-28-2009, 02:49 PM
What J_P said is not a theory. It is fact based on substantiated data collected by other experimenters and investigators.
A "locator", in the strict sense of the word, does not exist because gold ions above the ground do not exist. Thus, nothing to locate. End of Story.
The secondary effect I called "phenomenon" and can be complex and can deppend of material, shape, position, type of ground, etc. In general, round forms as coins and rings are better detectable.
10-28-2009, 03:24 PM
The secondary effect I called "phenomenon" and can be complex and can deppend of material, shape, position, type of ground, etc. In general, round forms as coins and rings are better detectable.
I wonder if it is your contention that this "secondary effect phenomenon" is what you believe to be ions floating above the ground; or do you not know for sure what it is that you believe is touching off your detectors?
10-28-2009, 06:11 PM
Thanks J_Player,
Esteban, please tell us about a workable LRL to detect gold...
Did you really get results with these device ... :rolleyes:
10-28-2009, 06:17 PM
you say that Buried gold releases positive ions,
Thus we can detect these ions by a positive ions detector... ?
10-29-2009, 02:02 AM
you say that Buried gold releases positive ions,
Thus we can detect these ions by a positive ions detector... ?I have seen no live demonstration to suggest that any kind of ion detector can detect the ions that are released from corroding metals in the ground. Not positive, negative, or other kinds of ion charge detector. In fact, I have never heard any evidence that corroding metal ions in the soil can be detected from a distance with any electronic device that is held in the air without contacting the soil. The only buried metal ion detection that has been proven is to make a survey by taking many soil samples over a large area, then test these samples in a laboratory to determine the parts per trillion of gold ions to find where an anomaly exists. For other metals such as copper, lead or silver, the concentration of ions can be thousands of times greater.
Best wishes,
10-29-2009, 12:40 PM
I have seen no live demonstration to suggest that any kind of ion detector can detect the ions that are released from corroding metals in the ground. Not positive, negative, or other kinds of ion charge detector. In fact, I have never heard any evidence that corroding metal ions in the soil can be detected from a distance with any electronic device that is held in the air without contacting the soil. The only buried metal ion detection that has been proven is to make a survey by taking many soil samples over a large area, then test these samples in a laboratory to determine the parts per trillion of gold ions to find where an anomaly exists. For other metals such as copper, lead or silver, the concentration of ions can be thousands of times greater.
Best wishes,
Based on this thread, and a few others, it seems the fact that "...never heard any evidence that corroding metal ions in the soil can be detected from a distance with any electronic device that is held in the air without contacting the soil.." is falling on deaf ears. :frown:
What a waste of time, energy and financial resources; chasing random beeps emitted by "edge-tuned high gain amplifiers".
The effort is akin to those keeping track of past Lotto drawings, and then believing there is some way to predict future drawings by studying the data. A time-consuming hobby but at the same time; An exercise in futility. :D
10-29-2009, 02:56 PM
Etc., etc., etc. :lol:
10-29-2009, 07:36 PM
Etc., etc., etc. :lol:
Oh well, I guess there are worse things you could be wasting your time on. :lol:
Interesting theories. But is there any locator that detects these gold ions ?
The squid based amplifier DO
Some are currently used by the US army, exactly for this purpose...:D
Kind regards,
10-30-2009, 11:08 AM
Hi Max,
Did you build a workable LRL or other electrostatic detector ?
Did you get any result with building LRL or other electrostatic detector, yet ?
Hi Max,
Did you build a workable LRL or other electrostatic detector ?
Did you get any result with building LRL or other electrostatic detector, yet ?
Best I've made is based on Dr. Best design: half a mile for a gold coin
Not so bad, but I think it can go much better and sensitivity can be pushed at least 1 order magnitude more (5miles)
Just electrostatic stuff I made but with poor or no results. You need to integrate stuff, the more signals you catch the more sensitive device become.
Multi-sensing is the key to successful LRL! ;)
Kind regards,
10-30-2009, 07:27 PM
Best I've made is based on Dr. Best design: half a mile for a gold coin
Not so bad, but I think it can go much better and sensitivity can be pushed at least 1 order magnitude more (5miles)
Just electrostatic stuff I made but with poor or no results. You need to integrate stuff, the more signals you catch the more sensitive device become.
Multi-sensing is the key to successful LRL! ;)
Kind regards,
MaxHi Max,
Which antenna option did you use on your Dr. Best based LRL design?
Was it the double spiral antenna, or the pyramidal logarithmic quadro spiral antenna?
How did you avoid the horrors of massive gold ion migration that turns you into a gold statue?
Best wishes,
Hi Max,
Which antenna option did you use on your Dr. Best based LRL design?
Was it the double spiral antenna, or the pyramidal logarithmic quadro spiral antenna?
How did you avoid the horrors of massive gold ion migration that turns you into a gold statue?
Best wishes,
I used both as test, but prefer the pyramidal logarithmic quadro spiral cause it's more directive.
No ion migration occours, if you use insulant shoes (rubber stuff) and charge your body positive respect to the soil... the metal ions are then repelled and flow to the ion sensor at middle of antenna disc. :D
Kind regards,
10-30-2009, 07:43 PM
I used both as test, but prefer the pyramidal logarithmic quadro spiral cause it's more directive.
No ion migration occours, if you use insulant shoes (rubber stuff) and charge your body positive respect to the soil... the metal ions are then repelled and flow to the ion sensor at middle of antenna disc. :D
Kind regards,
MaxHi Max, Thanks for the tips.
Should I connect the positive terminal of the battery supply to my ear with an alligator clip to keep me safe?
Or should I carry a small Van De Graff generator to charge me positive?
Best wishes,
10-30-2009, 08:01 PM
Hi Max, Thanks for the tips.
Should I connect the positive terminal of the battery supply to my ear with an alligator clip to keep me safe?
Or should I carry a small Van De Graff generator to charge me positive?
Best wishes,
Max & J_P
some mercy please, there are who will build Dr. Best based LRL design and implement your tips.:D
best wishes,
Hi Max, Thanks for the tips.
Should I connect the positive terminal of the battery supply to my ear with an alligator clip to keep me safe?
Or should I carry a small Van De Graff generator to charge me positive?
Best wishes,
it's very easy: you must use a solid state HV generator, around 5KV.
You must wear a conductive rubber bracelet (like in anti-static work) to the positive pole of generator.
The trick is at the shoes: you must put a conductive layer under your rubber shoes, like a fine metallic mesh and glue it down the bottom. Then with wires you'll connect the negative pole to the shoes, so the negative will be in contact with soil.
Remember: this works good if there's enough humidity and moisture in soil, otherwise you don't get good electrical contact.
If you follow that rules the gold ions will be easy repelled from your body and so sniffed by device handheld probe very easy.:cool:
Kind regards,
11-01-2009, 12:49 AM
it's very easy: you must use a solid state HV generator, around 5KV.
You must wear a conductive rubber bracelet (like in anti-static work) to the positive pole of generator.
The trick is at the shoes: you must put a conductive layer under your rubber shoes, like a fine metallic mesh and glue it down the bottom. Then with wires you'll connect the negative pole to the shoes, so the negative will be in contact with soil.
Remember: this works good if there's enough humidity and moisture in soil, otherwise you don't get good electrical contact.
If you follow that rules the gold ions will be easy repelled from your body and so sniffed by device handheld probe very easy.:cool:
Kind regards,
MaxHi Max,
Thanks for the tips. I think I will attach stainless steel mesh to the bottom of my shoes using hot melt glue. The stainless steel should hold up well when climbing over rocks and trash. And the poor conductivity of staniless steel will not matter at 5Kv.
But I have one question:
Suppose I step on a nail that is pointing up from the ground, which penetrates my shoe and goes into my foot while I am detecting a large gold ion cloud hovering in the air in front of me. Will I change into a gold statue at that moment?
Best wishes,
11-01-2009, 05:41 PM
Hi to all,
I complete my ion detector, and can detect TV emitted signals
from about 2 meter ... it is good ;) isn't it ?!!!
I use telescopic antenna for this device...
I want know that,can i detect metal emitted ions by this device... ? :D
Hi Max,
Thanks for the tips. I think I will attach stainless steel mesh to the bottom of my shoes using hot melt glue. The stainless steel should hold up well when climbing over rocks and trash. And the poor conductivity of staniless steel will not matter at 5Kv.
But I have one question:
Suppose I step on a nail that is pointing up from the ground, which penetrates my shoe and goes into my foot while I am detecting a large gold ion cloud hovering in the air in front of me. Will I change into a gold statue at that moment?
Best wishes,
yes, you can fix that using sturdy shoes, like I do, the kind used by workers inside construction sites... these shoes have extra safety bottom cause it's internally reinforced with a strong steel layer that virtually eliminate the danger of nails and other penetrating harmful bodies in the foot tissue.
So you'll not change into a gold statue, but you have to use device properly... e.g. don't walk over water or conductivity of it will make electrical contact appears between your skin and soil, thus discarging the 5KV potential at soil and let you be covered with eccess gold ions. Be careful , avoid too humid places.
Sometime dry is better... :D
Kind regards,
11-01-2009, 07:36 PM
Hi to all,
I complete my ion detector, and can detect TV emitted signals
from about 2 meter ... it is good ;) isn't it ?!!!
I use telescopic antenna for this device...
I want know that,can i detect metal emitted ions by this device... ? :DIf you are detecting TV emitted signals from 2 meters, this indicates your Dr, Best single chip LRL is working properly. Of course you can improve the detection distance when using the double spiral antenna with the flexible nonconductive wave guide. But the real improvement will come after you switch to using the pyramidal logarithmic quadro spiral antenna. This advanced antenna will work even when the double spiral antenna is making random beeps, because it does not need to be placed in the middle of a treasure signal line like the double spiral or single spiral antenna.
Even with the telescopic antenna, you may find some treasure at close distance, but expect to find many random beeps that will cause you to dig hundreds of empty holes. If there is any large cloud of hovering metal ions in the air close in front of you, the Dr, Gest detector you built will find them. This is guaranteed. But if there is a metal ion cloud floating in the distance, then you will probably not find it using a telescopic antenna. Also you will not be able to discriminate. It will beep the same for TV signals as for electric fence or large gold ion cloud in the air. Maybe it is time to make improvements to your antenna.
Remember to be careful when near metal ions clouds.... read Max's tips above.
Best wishes,
11-02-2009, 09:09 AM
there is no any idea ?!!!
11-02-2009, 09:11 AM
I want know that,can i detect metal emitted ions by this device... ? :D
The answer is "no". :nono:
11-02-2009, 09:16 AM
Hi to all,
this is used schematic for building my detector:
Please check it and share your results...
11-02-2009, 09:18 AM
Hi dear Qiaozhi,
please don't beat me ... ;)
Hi to all,
this is used schematic for building my detector:
Please check it and share your results...
I see similar device (made with e.g. 4049 or 4069 inverters) a number of times , in many magazines all around europe...
I also made one, sometimes in the 80's I think... used a 4069 if remember well...
I used that stuff to trace a powerline down the walls of an old house...
This kind of things are like fet-based electrometers... are enormously sensitive to static charges... you e.g. brush your cat at 2 meters and device light up like crazy! :lol:
Then what ? You think you can detect metals long range with it ? :rolleyes:
No, you can't.... it's like zahori things... lot of ghosts to detect and no treasures! ;)
You need something better... if someone told you this work as LRL it's just a stupid joke... :razz:
Kind regards,
11-02-2009, 10:13 AM
a new theory is born:the magnetic activity of buried object is important and detectable .Buried gold (older than 100 years) is detected by emission of electromagnetic waves f= 5khz the detector costs 5000euro.
a new theory is born:the magnetic activity of buried object is important and detectable .Buried gold (older than 100 years) is detected by emission of electromagnetic waves f= 5khz the detector costs 5000euro.
5Khz ? Like Omnifu$k and other magic numbers detectors ?
C'mon , if gold buried 100years emits em waves at 5Khz any stupid AM radio can be converted to detect it from distance! :lol:
Don't tell me! That's why PD has germanium diodes inside! :razz:
11-02-2009, 01:15 PM
Any person at this forum confirm this “emission of electromagnetic waves f= 5khz”
as said Max, if is true , then build , EM receiver tuned on 5khz is easy .
Best regards.
11-02-2009, 01:29 PM
Hi to all,
this is used schematic for building my detector:
Please check it and share your results...
For test it, very simple ,go to archeology place ,if you has signal ,than dig
and see what you find .:D
11-02-2009, 01:35 PM
maybe you be able fined gold . :rolleyes:
11-04-2009, 11:48 AM
Hi to all,
this is used schematic for building my detector:
Please check it and share your results...
sayın GOLDENSKULL kullanılan collector'de bakır levhamı kullanıldı, yoksa aluminium levhamı kullanıldı. collector hakkında detaylı bilgi verilmemiş. şimdiden teşekkür eder, başarılarının devamını dilerim....
The dear GOLDENSKULL Be used In Collector The copper Panel be_used There Aluminium My panel It was used. collector About Detayli The knowledge It was not given. Right now The thanks It, Of the success The I wish.
11-04-2009, 01:13 PM
bu şekilde yapılsa, pozitif iyon ve negatif iyon ayrımı daha iyi olmazmı? (
11-12-2009, 07:25 AM
Hi to all,
(Goldenskull, Max, J Player, Quiaozi and all)
Instructional and funny! As once I've tried to learn some little sience (and passed :)), I don't have an easy way to proof (or denny) the existence of the "Ionic Cloud" over the jackpot...:nono:
Only guess that will be much more easy to detect, as more abundant the buried material is. And I am thinking of mining.
So I think that in case of such artifact can be built, and something there is to detect, it will work better over large mineralized soil. What about those yaciments we know with zinc, silver and lead where concentration of the metals are high (very high) compared to a few coins?
( By the way the above mineral is called "Galena" :lol: and my grandparents used it to listen the radio on WW2, so I think we can study a method to throw a wire over the surface, and then If we listen to some music, we know we are over something big :D )
Hi to all,
(Goldenskull, Max, J Player, Quiaozi and all)
Instructional and funny! As once I've tried to learn some little sience (and passed :)), I don't have an easy way to proof (or denny) the existence of the "Ionic Cloud" over the jackpot...:nono:
Only guess that will be much more easy to detect, as more abundant the buried material is. And I am thinking of mining.
So I think that in case of such artifact can be built, and something there is to detect, it will work better over large mineralized soil. What about those yaciments we know with zinc, silver and lead where concentration of the metals are high (very high) compared to a few coins?
( By the way the above mineral is called "Galena" :lol: and my grandparents used it to listen the radio on WW2, so I think we can study a method to throw a wire over the surface, and then If we listen to some music, we know we are over something big :D )
Hi Mario,
yes I know galena... used in crystal radio stuff before the "invention" of encapsulated diodes... if remember well is a solid gray zinc sulfide, common in some places and still mined somewhere in the world.
In crystal radio era was common using galena as rectifier before headphones (hi impedance). These amateur radios were unpowered (no ac source, no battery) but the antenna, usually a very long wire (30meters usually) provided enough signal received to be revealed and produce small audio in headphones.
This is similar to Marconi's original idea, but you have in these tunable tank (LC) and cat-whisker-galena rectifier (usually very handmade) ...and few other stuff... (like a gnd contact you connect to some e.g. buried tube/pipe of water and similar to provide reliable ground).
Was very popular thing in the 30's as hobby... and many people made that stuff... both totally handmade or using parts they bought from magazines (in the US and Germany and UK mostly) or from big companies (e.g. variable inductors devices...)
About LRL, the principle of ionic detection is flag of stuff ala Mineoro... stuff that don't work.
I'm not saying that ionic remote sensing is impossible (for some substances and in some cases) but that things like Mineoro will never work as advertised.
Ionic remote detection IS possible but with very complex, secret and priced technology... not for hobbists or amateurs treasure hunters... but for governments and military YES.
Then there's the fact gold does not release air-born ions.... and this is a big issue for people who wanna locate gold from remote....
Other (e.g. heavy) metals are well know pollution agents in hi-concentration sites... and give tons of ions to detect (e.g. zinc minerals contain usually good amount of other metals... easy to detect even from remote with right device). So the test can be made, and if device is GOOD it will show ability to detect heavy metals ions from remote... carried by air/wind. I have no dubts about.
Kind regards,
11-12-2009, 01:56 PM
Hi Mario,
yes I know galena... used in crystal radio stuff before the "invention" of encapsulated diodes... if remember well is a solid gray zinc sulfide, common in some places and still mined somewhere in the world.
In crystal radio era was common using galena as rectifier before headphones (hi impedance). These amateur radios were unpowered (no ac source, no battery) but the antenna, usually a very long wire (30meters usually) provided enough signal received to be revealed and produce small audio in headphones.
Kind regards,
Let's not :nono:lose sight of the fact that galena worked as a rectifier (in an unpowered) crystal set radio because there were nearby radio transmitters transmitting RF waves that amounted to many thousands of watts of electromagnetic energy.
Unfortunately, buried treasure does not radiate anything in the way of air-born RF waves (or ions either). :D
11-12-2009, 02:57 PM
Unfortunately, buried treasure does not radiate anything in the way of air-born RF waves (or ions either). :D
Perhaps that should be "fortunately". Otherwise we would have even more electromagnetic interference than we have already. ;)
Dell Winders
11-12-2009, 03:48 PM
Otherwise we would have even more electromagnetic interference than we have already.
W.I.S. :lol: :lol: :lol:
11-12-2009, 03:52 PM
Perhaps that should be "fortunately". Otherwise we would have even more electromagnetic interference than we have already. ;)
The Magnetic Field Detector with preamp added show at the 10th led!!! when treasure is detected at dozens of meters and is some difficult "center" the treasure (buried for many years). So, what causes it in the coil? Interference? Strong magnetic field? RF? Maybe, if you see the links of the videos I've been posted, you can obtain an idea, you can comprobe stability, no random, but at few meters 10 coins in pile, with verdigris, buried 15 years ago causes strong signal, 3rd led on. :)
Let's not :nono:lose sight of the fact that galena worked as a rectifier (in an unpowered) crystal set radio because there were nearby radio transmitters transmitting RF waves that amounted to many thousands of watts of electromagnetic energy.
Unfortunately, buried treasure does not radiate anything in the way of air-born RF waves (or ions either). :D
where I wrote that buried treasure radiate RF ?:shrug:
I don't understand. I was talking of crystal radio.
Kind regards,
11-12-2009, 04:32 PM
where I wrote that buried treasure radiate RF ?:shrug:
I don't understand. I was talking of crystal radio.
Kind regards,
I know.... but some here have a "belief system" that includes the idea that buried treasure emits some type of RF (or other radiations); and I was merely pointing out that in fact - THEY DO NOT.
Dell Winders
11-12-2009, 09:19 PM
W.I.S.:lol: :lol:
11-12-2009, 11:13 PM
W.I.S.:lol: :lol:
What does that mean?
"Winders Is Skeptical" ???
Surely not! :lol:
wisdom is silence
I think he made a joke against Robert... that's absent from here... :lol:
Hope he will see and answer Dell his way... :rolleyes:
Kind regards,
11-13-2009, 11:44 AM
I know.... but some here have a "belief system" that includes the idea that buried treasure emits some type of RF (or other radiations); and I was merely pointing out that in fact - THEY DO NOT.
When the treasure is entirely closed in iron box, this can not detected at distance because this iron acts as a shield.
11-13-2009, 01:09 PM
When the treasure is entirely closed in iron box, this can not detected at distance because this iron acts as a shield.
Are you making an inference that if the buried treasure were not in an iron box, that it can be detected from long distances? If so, please tell us how and provide a believable demonstration. :D
Also, is iron the only thing that will block "your phenomenon"? What about a box made of steel, or glass, or a plastic garbage bag, or a wooden box lined with tin foil, or a leather pouch. :???:
How about if I place buried treasure in plastic zip-lock refrigerator bag? :???:
Inquiring minds would like to know..... :rolleyes:
When the treasure is entirely closed in iron box, this can not detected at distance because this iron acts as a shield.
Wrong, iron box can not suppress ion radiation of gold.
See on picture below invincible gold ions radiation taked by Kirilian camera:
Gold is buried in metal box 1.73m deep.
11-13-2009, 05:43 PM
Are you making an inference that if the buried treasure were not in an iron box, that it can be detected from long distances? If so, please tell us how and provide a believable demonstration. :D
Also, is iron the only thing that will block "your phenomenon"? What about a box made of steel, or glass, or a plastic garbage bag, or a wooden box lined with tin foil, or a leather pouch. :???:
How about if I place buried treasure in plastic zip-lock refrigerator bag? :???:
Inquiring minds would like to know..... :rolleyes:
If the box of steel or iron is entirely closed, no, because acts as a shield. But if has a small hole caused by oxidation or has aberture like for the key, no problem, but in this case signal is not strong. No problem with plastic, clay pottery, glass, wood, etc. Even if the box is made of copper or bronze, no problem, because detection is for good conductive metals.
But always the metal must be buried some years.
11-13-2009, 07:36 PM
......because detection is for good conductive metals.
But always the metal must be buried some years.
If you compare the conductivity of iron, steel, copper, bronze, silver or gold with glass, plastic or dry wood; they would all be considered "good" conductors.
I must be missing something here.... ;)
11-14-2009, 07:56 AM
See on picture below invincible gold ions radiation taked by Kirilian camera:
Gold is buried in metal box 1.73m deep.
I can't believe: If a treasure, shows radiation in a Kirlian camera, this would be the first choice in gold exploration!
We only need a "real time kirlian TV"
Seems so good to be true! Come on! Any further references?
I can't believe: If a treasure, shows radiation in a Kirlian camera, this would be the first choice in gold exploration!
We only need a "real time kirlian TV"
Seems so good to be true! Come on! Any further references?
too good, to be true :D
11-14-2009, 12:19 PM
I can't believe: If a treasure, shows radiation in a Kirlian camera, this would be the first choice in gold exploration!
We only need a "real time kirlian TV"
Seems so good to be true! Come on! Any further references?
I agree. Besides, kirilian photography has NOTHING to do with treasures "supposedly" radiating ions.
Kirlian photography refers to a form of photogram made with a high voltage. It is named after Semyon Kirlian (, who in 1939 accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate ( is connected to a source of high voltage, small corona discharges ( (created by the strong electric field ( at the edges of the object) create an image on the photographic plate. (Wikipedia)
11-14-2009, 01:30 PM
If you compare the conductivity of iron, steel, copper, bronze, silver or gold with glass, plastic or dry wood; they would all be considered "good" conductors.
I must be missing something here.... ;)
Are good conductors, but doesn't exhibit the capability for to create the "field". Once was detected at some distance a complete roll of wire for fences (buried and oxidated), but maybe because form a kind of shape or "coil"... as you can "see", only pistol shows these effects.:lol:
If you use many wires in pistol, then you can detect also ferrous objects. But with few number of turns in coil, the coil almost don't be affected by iron and other ferric oxidated objects. Except... few months ago a "mountain" of big nails used in rails was detected at some meters, maybe buried more than 100 years ago. The rail at sight, open, in the air, don't be detected, but the acumulation of these intrincated iron buried for many years is another thing.
Hi Esteban.
My pistol also detected iron "rusted buckle". As it is bad conductor, how did it make the ".......field"???
11-14-2009, 03:56 PM
Are good conductors, but doesn't exhibit the capability for to create the "field". Once was detected at some distance a complete roll of wire for fences (buried and oxidated), but maybe because form a kind of shape or "coil"... as you can "see", only pistol shows these effects.:lol:
If you use many wires in pistol, then you can detect also ferrous objects. But with few number of turns in coil, the coil almost don't be affected by iron and other ferric oxidated objects. Except... few months ago a "mountain" of big nails used in rails was detected at some meters, maybe buried more than 100 years ago. The rail at sight, open, in the air, don't be detected, but the acumulation of these intrincated iron buried for many years is another thing.
Are you making an inference that if the buried treasure were not in an iron box, that it can be detected from long distances? If so, please tell us how and provide a believable demonstration. :D
11-15-2009, 12:05 PM
Are you making an inference that if the buried treasure were not in an iron box, that it can be detected from long distances? If so, please tell us how and provide a believable demonstration. :D
If the iron box is totally closed, detection at distance isn't possible. But if the "signal" "drift" through some hole, the pistol show as a small item, due the "scape" from hole. The only "believable" for me is a film... but not all the day you found an iron box full of gold coins... is very rare, but detection of sparzed objects or small treasures is possible to film. :D
11-15-2009, 12:07 PM
Hi Esteban.
My pistol also detected iron "rusted buckle". As it is bad conductor, how did it make the ".......field"???
In general, the iron isn't detectable with pistol (except if you design for iron), but iron object near valuable target can mask the detection.
In general, the iron isn't detectable with pistol (except if you design for iron), but iron object near valuable target can mask the detection.
Ohhh what did you remember me!!!! A friend has a Fisher... very deep machine, very very good discrimination. I think CZ20... not sure this time.
When a ceramic or iron is near the target (coin, ring etc) it don't detect neither target neither ceremic or iron :angry::angry:
So the sure is one.... my PD is not Fisher :lol::lol:
11-15-2009, 02:35 PM
Ohhh what did you remember me!!!! A friend has a Fisher... very deep machine, very very good discrimination. I think CZ20... not sure this time.
When a ceramic or iron is near the target (coin, ring etc) it don't detect neither target neither ceremic or iron :angry::angry:
So the sure is one.... my PD is not Fisher :lol::lol:
There are some similarities between normal MD and pistol detector.
11-16-2009, 07:05 AM
esteban, but lrl is cold and too hot so detect at large range, cold for form how of is built, and hot due to this stuff is very nerveous, may be, i think
hot and cold...
so what ?
Do you like LRL hot ? Good...
Cold ? Good...
At room temperature !? Good...
then ? Are we talking about wine and how to serve it ??? :lol:
LRL for sure like wallet of people... hot or cold... doesn't really matter if it's full... and heavy! :lol:
11-17-2009, 03:41 AM
jaja my cousin max, i call cold to primary circuits, simples, basic, and hot to complex circuit, how racing s car turbocharged, modified, esteban configuration is how one game, antique ideas and modern implementations, here is clave, tubes is best, pc complex circuit, have viruses, dm detect ceramic, and mineral, middle just
one embrace my winer, you not drink, only water
01-15-2011, 07:02 AM
hi dear
this is mohammad
thank you for your compelet informatons
i see squad in your subject
how can buy it
thanks a lot for your cooperation
1. not that way: the buried metal emits POSITIVE ions, cause lose electrons and losing negative charge atoms become positive ions
2. both old and "new" metals emit POSITIVE ions if right conditions exist
3. you need a positive ion sniffer: if you use a "squid" device you can do that from several meters far away, but device have huge price
4. easy to put in words, but practice is another thing: you need to cool the sniffer "squid" device at very low temperature, this way it's less sensitive to noise and can make more accurate detection, that means you can increase detection range also
Squid use superconducting material... and are hard to find and build without proper technology. Here you see in the picture are old sensors now obsolete , but you can make an idea of what's needed...
Kind regards,
01-17-2011, 10:48 PM
the best ion pistol
01-18-2011, 03:26 PM
jajaj an little erratic but isnt clasifier
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