View Full Version : Unusually LRODS
10-03-2009, 05:34 AM
Hi to all
Please see movie at this add. (
SpokeTurkish language , may be nokta from turkey
Anybody know any information about “strange LRODS “ ?
Best regards.
They are named twins. They need two persons to work.
10-03-2009, 09:52 AM
They are named twins. They need two persons to work.
Hi Geo
Are you worked and tried it?
Best regards.
Thanks for the comic relief! I am more than sure the results would have been the same had those fellows been using a handful of sand.
10-03-2009, 03:30 PM
Hi to all
Please see movie at this add. (
SpokeTurkish language , may be nokta from turkey
Anybody know any information about “strange LRODS “ ?
Best regards.
Classic demonstration of the ideomotor effect, and how it tricks the mind. This is the type of thing that keeps LRL scammers in business. :lol:
Hi Geo
Are you worked and tried it?
Best regards.
Some friends work with this type (only rods, not the boxes).
Better results but more hard:frown:
Thanks for the comic relief! I am more than sure the results would have been the same had those fellows been using a handful of sand.
Thank you. I am sure that the deeper that you have found is the 20...25 cm where VLF Detectors can find a coin. So you are happy and you are sure that there is not anything better. So you see as comic relief and laugh with everything who say that can detect deeper and from more long distance that the "exactly up of the coin" where the VLF can do.
Classic demonstration of the ideomotor effect, and how it tricks the mind. This is the type of thing that keeps LRL scammers in business. :lol:
My friends found a lot of objects with twins rods.
But i cannot prohibit you laugh with anything :lol::lol:
Dell Winders
10-03-2009, 09:23 PM
Dell Winders
10-03-2009, 11:44 PM
Hey Theseus,
A cheap calculator glued to a cheap radio, and it detects metal from a distance.
It can't possibly work, Right? Another Scam artist is at it again, reckon?
It sure beats the heck out of your pretend BS that you have Scientifically field tested the products I build and imagined they don't work as I claim.
Your chronic Lieing, and believing what you imagine is psychotic at best.
I hope gluing the calculator to the radio, and imagining it can't possibly work, doesn't put too much strain on your mind. They say, "a mind is a terrible thing to waste", and you have made yourself the Geotech mind wasters poster boy. Congratulations! Dell
10-04-2009, 12:32 AM
Guess scam LRL sales must be a little on the slow side. Either that or Trudy is away for a few days, and you've skipped taking your meds again. :razz: Why am I not surprised.
By now the truth about your uncontrollable lies and prevarications have reached your entire targeted market. I'm proud to say, I had a hand in that, but I can't take all the credit; as several others also exposed your scam LRL products, and came to the exact conclusions I reached.
Don't take it so hard, you might be able to sell back the paint roller handles and odd PVC plumbing fittings to your local hardware store. Of course there will no doubt be a 10 or 20 percent restocking fee. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sound familiar? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dell Winders
10-04-2009, 03:24 AM
Theseus,you are a real crackpot. Bragging about how you have done all this exposing, and you have wasted years of your life and can't show the folks here anything you have ever exposed, that is unless you think calling me a Scam artist, and wallet miner, among other choice words is exposing any truth?
Come on Theseus, be a man. Stop acting like a sneaky rodent hiding behind aliases and talking BS. Show the folks all the Scientific field testing you have done on the products I build.
You claim to be a Scientist, so show the folks here the types of scientific field tests you have conducted, and the proven results that exposes me as being untruthful to my customers in any way. Prove to your peers on this forum that you are not the pathetic, chronic Liar I say you are. Show them with proof positive that you are Not making false allegations just to generate attention to your self.
I'm still here, I'm still selling the products I build. I still use them in my own Survey's. So what have you exposed in all your wasted years of effort? I don't know of any secrets, or untruths you have ever exposed, or proven about me, because there are none. But, if folks here have any integrity they will certainly be questioning your motives for making such bogus claims about me, and hopefully asking you for proof.
You might also let the folks here know how many forums you have already been kicked off of for being irrational, and making unsubstantiated allegations.
When you speak of Meds, and other personal things, in the past you have always been speaking of your self. Now is no exception. It has been a consistent indicator of your mental illness.
I don't take any prescription medications, I don't use drugs, I don't drink alcoholic beverages, and I dont smoke. Get help, Sam. Dell
10-04-2009, 04:24 AM
...I ain't taking the bait. :razz::razz::razz:
Primarily, you are a washed up LRL scam artist, trying to sell the gullible and technically-challenged paint roller handles for treasure finders and PVC plumbing fittings for magic bait chambers.
However, second you are a simple Forum Troll, trying desperately to taunt those who have exposed your scam schemes, and get them removed from the forum.
I think you better come up with a different idea; your latest one has failed.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :razz:
10-05-2009, 11:49 AM
Hi Everybody ,
it is not nokta or any other commercial company's product
it is for sale but it is homemade ,
there is only one person who sells it right is not copied or produced by a detector company yet.
is it real or not , I do not know,
I think our friend Geo is the right person to explain this device ,because it's video is really fascinating , I would like to learn if Geo has used similar or not?
kind regards
10-05-2009, 01:24 PM
Hi Everybody ,
it is not nokta or any other commercial company's product
it is for sale but it is homemade ,
there is only one person who sells it right is not copied or produced by a detector company yet.
is it real or not , I do not know,
I think our friend Geo is the right person to explain this device ,because it's video is really fascinating , I would like to learn if Geo has used similar or not?
kind regards
It's just another variation on the dowsing rod theme. The rods are controlled by unconscious hand movements by the so-called ideomotor effect. Don't waste your time or money on this psychological curiosity.
Dell Winders
10-05-2009, 03:36 PM
If you have not field tested the device how do you know it is operating strictly on Ideomotor response? I watched the video and I didn't see any indication of Ideomotor response. Pushing a button to power an electric motor, possibly.
Your Scientific approach based on your assumption, in my opinion is totally irresponsible Pretend Science. Let's see your field, or laboratory test results, or at least some indication you have Dowsing experience and know what you are talking about? Thanks! Dell
I don't take any prescription medications, I don't use drugs, I don't drink alcoholic beverages, and I dont smoke. Get help, Sam. Dell
I am glad you are so much better.
I remember a post where you were saying you are a poor man spending all of its pension into medication ...
10-05-2009, 04:15 PM
If you have not field tested the device how do you know it is operating strictly on Ideomotor response? I watched the video and I didn't see any indication of Ideomotor response. Pushing a button to power an electric motor, possibly.
Your Scientific approach based on your assumption, in my opinion is totally irresponsible Pretend Science. Let's see your field, or laboratory test results, or at least some indication you have Dowsing experience and know what you are talking about? Thanks! Dell
It would be obvious to a blind man with a black bag over his head on a totally dark foggy night. No field or laboratory test needed here.
Anyway ... dowsing gadgets are incapable of successfully detecting anything, except gravity, in a properly controlled double-blind test, as you have found out to your detriment in the past.
And why would you surmise that there may be an electric motor in the device? What purpose could that possibly serve? Except to create the illusion of actually detecting something. In which case it's designed as a scam to fool the unwary ... or naive. ;)
Dell Winders
10-05-2009, 04:43 PM
However, second you are a simple Forum Troll, trying desperately to taunt those who have exposed your scam schemes, and get them removed from the forum.
Theseus, you say you have exposed me, put me out of business and yet I'm still here 24 years later still asking for you to show whatever legitimate proof you have to all your peers, and viewers.
I know you can't do this because there is nothing to expose. You have concocted stories from an irrational imagination and you have not exposed any thing but your self as being a chronic liar with mental disabilities.
I could care less, if Carl, allows you to use his forum, that's his business. But as long as you continue to use his forum as your personal media to bash me, and call me a Scammer, wallet miner, and other names of your choosing, rest assured that I will continue to defend my lifetime reputation of honesty and integrity against your false allegations as long as Carl, permits you to use his forum for that purpose.
Your extraordinary accusations require legitimate proof, so if you have any such proof, after 15 years of accusations, it's time you showed the world the years of scientific field testing you have conducted on mine and Tim Williams, products that legitimately substantiate your accusations against us.
Go ahead Theseus, show that you are a credible Scientist skilled in Earth Science physics, and not just a Scientific Pretender crackpot. Now, and everyday for 15 years you have had your chance to prove you are not a chronic Liar. I'm waiting for you to prove your allegations. Hopefully the Skeptics are interested in your Scientific field testing of Dell & Tim Williams LRL products also? Dell
Dell Winders
10-05-2009, 06:18 PM
I remember a post where you were saying you are a poor man spending all of its pension into medication ...
Nope! I have never said anything about spending money on medication. Do you just sit around and make up things to say? Dell
10-05-2009, 06:21 PM
Theseus, you say you have exposed me... Dell
And, I have. Of course I'm not alone in my findings or my opinions, there are many others who are aware of your business(?) and what you are up to. Perhaps I have been a little more vocal :D and to the point, than some of the others. :p
If bashing me and making up lies to place on this forum (and others) makes you feel good; go right ahead and do what you think is in your best interests. Likewise, I intend to keep publishing the truth about your products as my research and testing confirms.
Just realize that bashing the investigators, making up lies and trying to stifle the truth they publish in no way validates your products or your business schemes.
Have a nice day.... :razz:
10-05-2009, 06:24 PM
It would be obvious to a blind man with a black bag over his head on a totally dark foggy night. No field or laboratory test needed here.
I could not have said it better. :D
Dell Winders
10-05-2009, 06:57 PM
It would be obvious to a blind man with a black bag over his head on a totally dark foggy night. No field or laboratory test needed here.
Anyway ... dowsing gadgets are incapable of successfully detecting anything, except gravity, in a properly controlled double-blind test, as you have found out to your detriment in the past.
And why would you surmise that there may be an electric motor in the device? What purpose could that possibly serve? Except to create the illusion of actually detecting something. In which case it's designed as a scam to fool the unwary ... or naive.
Nope! I did not surmise anything, just mentioning a possibility for you to ponder since I saw no evidence of an Ideomoter response in the video.
There's certainly not any Science to your approach. "Stupid is, as pretend Scientist does". Dell
10-05-2009, 08:15 PM
Hi to all
Please see movie at this add. (
SpokeTurkish language , may be nokta from turkey
Anybody know any information about “strange LRODS “ ?
Best regards.
AND This LRL (
10-05-2009, 08:42 PM
Nope! I did not surmise anything, just mentioning a possibility for you to ponder since I saw no evidence of an Ideomoter response in the video.
So you're saying that it's a scam? :shrug:
10-05-2009, 08:44 PM
AND This LRL (
Another waste-of-time dowsing contraption with do-nothing electronics on top of a swivel handle. More mind tricks.
Dell Winders
10-05-2009, 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by Dell Winders
Nope! I did not surmise anything, just mentioning a possibility for you to ponder since I saw no evidence of an Ideomoter response in the video.
So you're saying that it's a scam?
Nope! I'm not saying that either. Like you, I have no way of knowing just by looking at it, and I have no ego to appease, or skeptic agenda to interfere.
I would have to field test it to ascertain the facts. Unlike you, I have the experience, and field knowledge to know what to look for, and what type of testing would be appropriate. Dell
Dell Winders
10-05-2009, 09:21 PM
Another waste-of-time dowsing contraption with do-nothing electronics on top of a swivel handle. More mind tricks.
It looks very similar to other LRL's developed, and built by Electronic Engineers, or Techs.
Because this device is being balanced in a horizontal position it could easily be moved by an ideomotor response. But the question, Is it? Even a bent coat coat hanger held in a human hand can react to, and even lock onto the surrounding "field" of a buried anomaly.
Again, I have no way of knowing if that is what is happening, just by looking at a picture. I can only knowif I personally Field tested the device myself.
By the way, did you build, and test the cheap calculator, scotch taped on top of a cheap AM radio, that detects metal from a distance, as demonstrated on the link I posted. Is the concept a worthless scam Dowsing device, or does it work as described? Dell
10-05-2009, 10:27 PM
Nope! I'm not saying that either. Like you, I have no way of knowing just by looking at it, and I have no ego to appease, or skeptic agenda to interfere.
But you do have a blind belief in the ancient mystical practice of dowsing, which is highly likely to cloud your judgment in these matters. The ideomotor effect is an interesting psychological phenomenon that has absolutely nothing to do with detecting treasure.
I would have to field test it to ascertain the facts. Unlike you, I have the experience, and field knowledge to know what to look for, and what type of testing would be appropriate. Dell
The blind man with the black bag on his head thinks otherwise. :lol:
10-05-2009, 10:37 PM
It looks very similar to other LRL's developed, and built by Electronic Engineers, or Techs.
In other words, you're saying it's a scam device. :rolleyes:
Because this device is being balanced in a horizontal position it could easily be moved by an ideomotor response.
More likely than not.
But the question, Is it? Even a bent coat coat hanger held in a human hand can react to, and even lock onto the surrounding "field" of a buried anomaly.
The so-called "locking on" is a figment of the imagination. There is no such thing as a signal line or buried anomaly. :nono:
Again, I have no way of knowing if that is what is happening, just by looking at a picture. I can only knowif I personally Field tested the device myself.
Try looking again on a foggy dark night. It might become clearer. :D
By the way, did you build, and test the cheap calculator, scotch taped on top of a cheap AM radio, that detects metal from a distance, as demonstrated on the link I posted. Is the concept a worthless scam Dowsing device, or does it work as described? Dell
Your calculator/radio-based metal detector has been posted on Geotech several times in the past. This is nothing new. It's basically a very inefficient BFO and is an interesting gimmick. It has absolutely no relationship to another device that has a cheap calculator glued on top of a doing-nothing box of electronics and fixed to a swivel handle, if that was your intimation.
Dell Winders
10-05-2009, 11:37 PM
O.K. You showed viewers you don't know much about physics, and Earth Science as you pretend.
It's to bad your closed mindset is a handicap to entering intelligent discussions. I'll continue to accept this as a bashing forum for Skeptics, with Theseus, worming and squirming as your poster boy. I hope you will allow me to leave for awhile, without my having to come back to reply to more false accusations from the Lunacy department.
I'll continue to visit this haven of lunacy, and pretend Scientist, as time permits. It's interesting to see how you folks use imagination, assumption, rationalization when your minds are shackled inside a tiny intellectual box. Certainly, your potential for learning is wasted when you can't even accept that there others out here that are smarter, wiser, and more experienced than you can only dream from your own little world. Dell
Because this device is being balanced in a horizontal position it could easily be moved by an ideomotor response. But the question, Is it? Even a bent coat coat hanger held in a human hand can react to, and even lock onto the surrounding "field" of a buried anomaly.
If so , a perfectly ballanced device would work too.A non-conductive counterpoise will cancel the gravity and the idemotor effect.
10-06-2009, 12:00 AM
O.K. You showed viewers you don't know much about physics, and Earth Science as you pretend.
I am sorry that real science offends you so much. It's a shame that you are unable to accept the overwhelming conclusion, from properly controlled scientific tests, that dowsing is a "trick of the mind".
It's to bad your closed mindset is a handicap to entering intelligent discussions. I'll continue to accept this as a bashing forum for Skeptics, with Theseus, worming and squirming as your poster boy. I hope you will allow me to leave for awhile, without my having to come back to reply to more false accusations from the Lunacy department.
When your mind is completely closed to reality, preferring instead to wallow in medieval mystical practices, one course of action is to simply run away and hide. :rolleyes: Personally, I do not remember that any of my posts were making accusations (false or otherwise). I merely stated the scientific reality of the situation. Apart from the reaction of a dowsing rod to gravity, there is little connection with physics ... unless you're discussing mechanical forces within the swinging handle of course. It has it's roots in psychology. What this device could have in connection with Earth Science is anybody's guess, given that there is no such thing as a "signal line" or "buried anomaly".
I'll continue to visit this haven of lunacy, and pretend Scientist, as time permits. It's interesting to see how you folks use imagination, assumption, rationalization when your minds are shackled inside a tiny intellectual box. Certainly, your potential for learning is wasted when you can't even accept that there others out here that are smarter, wiser, and more experienced than you can only dream from your own little world. Dell
:lol: :lol:
10-06-2009, 12:05 AM
O.K. You showed viewers you don't know much about physics, and Earth Science as you pretend.
It's to bad your closed mindset is a handicap to entering intelligent discussions. I'll continue to accept this as a bashing forum for Skeptics, with Theseus, worming and squirming as your poster boy. I hope you will allow me to leave for awhile, without my having to come back to reply to more false accusations from the Lunacy department.
I'll continue to visit this haven of lunacy, and pretend Scientist, as time permits. It's interesting to see how you folks use imagination, assumption, rationalization when your minds are shackled inside a tiny intellectual box. Certainly, your potential for learning is wasted when you can't even accept that there others out here that are smarter, wiser, and more experienced than you can only dream from your own little world. Dell
In the late '50s and early '60s they call your little routine Duck and Cover.
Here, on the RS forum of Geotech, it's just a tired old exercise we go through every few months; ad nauseam.
Stop back again when the heat in the kitchen cools down a little. :lol: :lol:
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