View Full Version : Maligned Rangertell Examiner: Field Testing
03-12-2009, 02:48 PM
Hello Folks re: the much maligned Rangertell LR Locator
Some time ago I found this site after searching for information regarding a newly purchased Rangertell Examiner. I offered to do a somewhat professional scientific/practical assessment of this device to answer general criticisms of its capabilities and indeed the integrity itself of the device as being a legitimate tool in the location of Gold. The Australian sharemarket being a far easier way of making money over the internet had simply got in the way recently until now, where I am more than happy to expend considerable time and effort to establish the credentials of this device in actual working conditions in the field. Rangertell have been advised that I will be doing so and in no way are supporting me to do so. Members on Geotech, both for and against the Rangertell, will be the beneficiaries of what is learnt/proven regarding this device. My personal involvement is because 1. I simply love the outdoors and i have the time to be out in it being a retired Technician 2. A fascination for this device that to date has at some stages exhibited startlingly effective and accurate detection of the location of Gold and Jewellrey while at other times given many a false signal to the location of Gold and Gold bearing Quartz. I also have at my disposal the services of a friend whose husband was an extremely successful Water Diviner and the Rangertell Examiner will be compared to that process as well in answer to the doubts of some on this forum. Wish me well gentlemen and I will endeavour to supply photographs hopefully with Carl somehow getting them onto this website for your viewing. Kindest Regards John Baryczka 12 March 2009.
03-12-2009, 03:16 PM
Hello Folks re: the much maligned Rangertell LR Locator
Some time ago I found this site after searching for information regarding a newly purchased Rangertell Examiner. I offered to do a somewhat professional scientific/practical assessment of this device to answer general criticisms of its capabilities and indeed the integrity itself of the device as being a legitimate tool in the location of Gold. The Australian sharemarket being a far easier way of making money over the internet had simply got in the way recently until now, where I am more than happy to expend considerable time and effort to establish the credentials of this device in actual working conditions in the field. Rangertell have been advised that I will be doing so and in no way are supporting me to do so. Members on Geotech, both for and against the Rangertell, will be the beneficiaries of what is learnt/proven regarding this device. My personal involvement is because 1. I simply love the outdoors and i have the time to be out in it being a retired Technician 2. A fascination for this device that to date has at some stages exhibited startlingly effective and accurate detection of the location of Gold and Jewellrey while at other times given many a false signal to the location of Gold and Gold bearing Quartz. I also have at my disposal the services of a friend whose husband was an extremely successful Water Diviner and the Rangertell Examiner will be compared to that process as well in answer to the doubts of some on this forum. Wish me well gentlemen and I will endeavour to supply photographs hopefully with Carl somehow getting them onto this website for your viewing. Kindest Regards John Baryczka 12 March 2009.
Hi John,
If you are planning to confirm any targets, detected by the RangerTell Examiner, by using dowsing, then you are going to receive a lot of criticism. As it also appears that you are biased in favor of the RT, you would be advised to use double-blind testing in order to prevent any unconscious contamination of the results.
I'm certain that Carl will be more than happy to supply you with the scientific procedures to follow. At the moment, your approach is unscientific and prone to human error.
03-12-2009, 03:33 PM
thanks for that info Q. This Rangertell device has me perplexed. I am going into this in an open minded way with no pre conceptions whatsoever. I have been exposed to the "flaming" process on this Geotech site in the past and know what I am getting myself in for. However this device whether it is all in the mind or if it does have scientific and practical substance will be thoroughly evaluated by me simply because I want whatever it is that has found me Micro Gold in Quartz, a quartz reef, gold jewellry wearing female moving through thick bush out of sight etc etc etc. I will be strictly impartial in assessment of this device for everyones benefit once and for all. If it is simply dowsing then i will prove that and then develop my "new found dowsing skills" for my own benefit because some of the results i have got already from this device are outstanding. Regards John. I have been a long time in the making of this commitment to the menbers of this site simply because we have had so many many bad bushfires in our gold areas that they have not been worth visiting, charred dead areas of nothingness. In the meantime I have been wrestling with that horrible USA export to the World, the 5 string Banjo.
03-12-2009, 03:33 PM
Hi John,
If you are planning to confirm any targets, detected by the RangerTell Examiner, by using dowsing, then you are going to receive a lot of criticism. As it also appears that you are biased in favor of the RT, you would be advised to use double-blind testing in order to prevent any unconscious contamination of the results.
I'm certain that Carl will be more than happy to supply you with the scientific procedures to follow. At the moment, your approach is unscientific and prone to human error.
Qiaozhi is 100% correct. If your test procedures involve dowsing in any way shape or form, and are not double-blind and monitored by dis-interested third parties --I would advise you to save your time and energy.
03-12-2009, 03:47 PM
yep I understand the difficulties I am going to have with this thing but understand this folks...the thing that keeps me going apart from the actual Gold and Gold in Quartz i have found is ...this thing most readily detects highly mineralised "PIPES" usually of Ironstone and other minerals that i have not had the opportunity to assay. These I can detect at large distance and they are the LRL equivalent of your metal detectors getting interference from highly mineralised ground.I am talking hundreds of yards distance here in thick mountainous terrain in ancient volcanic areas. Nature threw up large highly mineralised rocks in "Pods" in selected areas. I found three of these pods in an area of about 2 square miles. Yet I cannot locate buried coins on a beach very successfully too many false signals. So in answer to your responses , I am going to fully totally conclusively evaluate this rangertell examiner complete with HP calculator stuck on top once and for all and I am going into it with the assumption that no one , including the seller of RT's, believes they work to locate Gold or other metals.
03-12-2009, 03:48 PM
thanks for that info Q. This Rangertell device has me perplexed. I am going into this in an open minded way with no pre conceptions whatsoever. I have been exposed to the "flaming" process on this Geotech site in the past and know what I am getting myself in for.
In that case your first step should be to PM Carl with your proposal, and request the correct double-blind procedure to follow. Anything else - and especially "confirming" targets using dowsing - is a waste of time.
Absolutely,and the fact that you have already "detected" targets WILL twist the results.
(please define "detect" - (Rethorical))
03-13-2009, 01:51 PM
And, when you look (dowse, test whatever you want to call it) in a known gold-producing area, you MUST take equal samples without the RT device as you do with the device.
If you actually do this; you will find that on the average you will locate just as much random gold using either method. ;)
03-14-2009, 06:08 AM
...I also have at my disposal the services of a friend whose husband was an extremely successful Water Diviner and the Rangertell Examiner will be compared to that process as well in answer to the doubts of some on this forum.Hi Hippop,
I think Qiaozhi is right, in that a double-blind test is the most scientific method to test if you want accurate results. I must add, that using dowsing to verify a find seems like a way of avoiding verifying the find. The only real way to verify the find is to dig a hole and recover the target. Isn't this the way metal detectors are tested? You dig the target and see how deep it was buried to indicate the range, and also you identify the target to see if the detector showed the correct indication of what kind of target you found. But most important, recovering a target will give tangible proof that the device is useful for finding targets.
For example, if you use a treasure locator to find targets for an hour, and you find 5 places where the locator says there is a target, then you will dig 5 holes to see what you found. You should keep tract of how many holes you dug and how deep, then how many targets you found and how deep, and if the locator identified the target correctly. Also take note of how many empty holes you dug. This will be good information to tabulate to figure percentages of accuracy, even if it is not a double blind test.
Think about it.... wouldn't it be easier to believe that the locator found treasure if you dig it up and hold it in your hand, than if you verify it is there by a dowsing expert who says he got a signal?
Best wishes,
03-14-2009, 08:21 AM
Hi Hippop,
I think Qiaozhi is right, in that a double-blind test is the most scientific method to test if you want accurate results. I must add, that using dowsing to verify a find seems like a way of avoiding verifying the find. The only real way to verify the find is to dig a hole and recover the target. Isn't this the way metal detectors are tested? You dig the target and see how deep it was buried to indicate the range, and also you identify the target to see if the detector showed the correct indication of what kind of target you found. But most important, recovering a target will give tangible proof that the device is useful for finding targets.
For example, if you use a treasure locator to find targets for an hour, and you find 5 places where the locator says there is a target, then you will dig 5 holes to see what you found. You should keep tract of how many holes you dug and how deep, then how many targets you found and how deep, and if the locator identified the target correctly. Also take note of how many empty holes you dug. This will be good information to tabulate to figure percentages of accuracy, even if it is not a double blind test.
Think about it.... wouldn't it be easier to believe that the locator found treasure if you dig it up and hold it in your hand, than if you verify it is there by a dowsing expert who says he got a signal?
Best wishes,
J_PHi friends and J-P.
You're right from some aspects but from other aspects I oppose as I've experienced this these recent months.
We here found some 100% real treasure locations with our unique PI (MDL 8500) I think you've read about one of our locations I wrote about here:
the biggest one was being detected from 80-90 or maybe 100 meters and after hard work we found its' center. you see with a conventional detector we had problem to find the center, how expect of a LRL?
of course we went down up to 8 meters but some strange things(which makes some guys here laugh) happened and we had to stop (jinn that we have discussed little about it here:
on this point our other PI which is powerful but considerably weaker than MDL also gave strong signal which was unprecedented and overloaded in signal.
After that we found 2 other places with MDL, these locations were being detected from about 40-50 meters but other PI never gave signal over these latest; entirely silent. some gurus in weird sciences approved there are also armed with jinns like first location so we didn't dig those at all until find a potential guy to settle problem.
(oh, I know again some guys here laugh again but me personally for first time of my life experienced a jinn beat and still after 1 month I've sever ache in my ankle.)
Ok results; as you know I also made one PD (thank you for Morgan favors). I took it for all of these 3 locations to test its' workability. every time I set it very far from locations; maybe 500, 600 or 700 meters from locations and started to walk toward. for all of them PD reacted and became crazy over locations.
of course first signals appeared from more than 20 meters.
I checked this in different times and conditions, results were the same.
The points I noticed were ;
1- impossible to pinpoint carefully with such device over such locations.
if do, will surely have an empty hole.
2- assumedly we find such locations first with PD ( that is very appropriate for quick search or monitoring an area)or any other kind of LRL, if have not such unique PI, is impossible to find it. this approved me 100% it works but doesn't suffices.
especially over 2nd and 3rd location where other PI was silent.
03-14-2009, 10:22 AM
Hi friends and J-P.
You're right from some aspects but from other aspects I oppose as I've experienced this these recent months.
We here found some 100% real treasure locations with our unique PI (MDL 8500) I think you've read about one of our locations I wrote about here:
the biggest one was being detected from 80-90 or maybe 100 meters and after hard work we found its' center. you see with a conventional detector we had problem to find the center, how expect of a LRL?
of course we went down up to 8 meters but some strange things(which makes some guys here laugh) happened and we had to stop (jinn that we have discussed little about it here:
on this point our other PI which is powerful but considerably weaker than MDL also gave strong signal which was unprecedented and overloaded in signal.
After that we found 2 other places with MDL, these locations were being detected from about 40-50 meters but other PI never gave signal over these latest; entirely silent. some gurus in weird sciences approved there are also armed with jinns like first location so we didn't dig those at all until find a potential guy to settle problem.
(oh, I know again some guys here laugh again but me personally for first time of my life experienced a jinn beat and still after 1 month I've sever ache in my ankle.)
Ok results; as you know I also made one PD (thank you for Morgan favors). I took it for all of these 3 locations to test its' workability. every time I set it very far from locations; maybe 500, 600 or 700 meters from locations and started to walk toward. for all of them PD reacted and became crazy over locations.
of course first signals appeared from more than 20 meters.
I checked this in different times and conditions, results were the same.
The points I noticed were ;
1- impossible to pinpoint carefully with such device over such locations.
if do, will surely have an empty hole.
2- assumedly we find such locations first with PD ( that is very appropriate for quick search or monitoring an area)or any other kind of LRL, if have not such unique PI, is impossible to find it. this approved me 100% it works but doesn't suffices.
especially over 2nd and 3rd location where other PI was silent.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your thoughts. However, your situation is not the same as being discussed here. This discussion involves the RangerTell Examiner, which an "electronically-enhanced" :rolleyes: dowsing rod, whereas you are referring to a PI and a PD, which are different devices.
And "yes", you are correct. We should not discuss Jinns here. :lol: :lol:
Hi Hipopp,
yep I understand the difficulties I am going to have with this thing but understand this folks...the thing that keeps me going apart from the actual Gold and Gold in Quartz i have found is ...this thing most readily detects highly mineralised "PIPES" usually of Ironstone and other minerals that i have not had the opportunity to assay. These I can detect at large distance and they are the LRL equivalent of your metal detectors getting interference from highly mineralised ground.
The concept behind RT as I already stated, involves microcurrents and subatomic resonance. High mineralized ground is no problem to it. Conventional MDs besides working on a completely outdated and different aproach are things of the past. So a comparison is out of question.
Your comparison with dowsing rods should be your target as there are elements which relates both, but I'm sure in the end you will comprove that it's not dowsing, although there are several types of dowsing rods and dowsing aspects.
Both dowsing rods and the RT Examiner work by charge interaction involving the charged human cells that act as biocapacitors and micromagnetics. But unlike the dowsing rod that uses the natural law of attraction, the RT employs a transmitting carrier wave to resonate the target and magnetically aligning to it.
Yet I cannot locate buried coins on a beach very successfully too many false signals.
Yes I know it is a little hard. This is due to the beach sand pocesssing lots of trash, specially aluminum, acting as reflective debris for the emitting signal. If this phenomenon happens all the time for powerful RF transmitters, imagine in the case where micromagnetics are involved.
But if you research, you will find frequencies that will not be affected by it as they are much more specific and also you can tune the examiner to leave aluminum for instance out of the equation. This works too.
Anyway, if you need any further assistance from me or if you wish to exchange some ideas, feel free to PM me.
And be careful with what you say... The skeptics here will freak and you run the risk of completely imploding Carl's 'Agenda against LRLs'.:lol::lol:
Clondike Clad
03-14-2009, 12:50 PM
Hi Hipopp,
The concept behind RT as I already stated, involves microcurrents and subatomic resonance. High mineralized ground is no problem to it. Conventional MDs besides working on a completely outdated and different aproach are things of the past. So a comparison is out of question.
Your comparison with dowsing rods should be your target as there are elements which relates both, but I'm sure in the end you will comprove that it's not dowsing, although there are several types of dowsing rods and dowsing aspects.
Both dowsing rods and the RT Examiner work by charge interaction involving the charged human cells that act as biocapacitors and micromagnetics. But unlike the dowsing rod that uses the natural law of attraction, the RT employs a transmitting carrier wave to resonate the target and magnetically aligning to it.
Yes I know it is a little hard. This is due to the beach sand pocesssing lots of trash, specially aluminum, acting as reflective debris for the emitting signal. If this phenomenon happens all the time for powerful RF transmitters, imagine in the case where micromagnetics are involved.
But if you research, you will find frequencies that will not be affected by it as they are much more specific and also you can tune the examiner to leave aluminum for instance out of the equation. This works too.
Anyway, if you need any further assistance from me or if you wish to exchange some ideas, feel free to PM me.
And be careful with what you say... The skeptics here will freak and you run the risk of completely imploding Carl's 'Agenda against LRLs'.:lol::lol:Ok I had to ask this question,
1. What is the output power of the RT tranmitter.
2. What is subatomic resonance
3. what is micromagnetics with the RT
4. what is the RT employs a transmitting carrier wave is it am,fm,pulse can we detect the carrier wave from the RT unit.
5.Now this one I am lost, charged human cells that act as biocapacitors is it each cell?
I must get back to lurking.
03-14-2009, 12:52 PM
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your thoughts. However, your situation is not the same as being discussed here. This discussion involves the RangerTell Examiner, which an "electronically-enhanced" :rolleyes: dowsing rod, whereas you are referring to a PI and a PD, which are different devices.
And "yes", you are correct. We should not discuss Jinns here. :lol: :lol:Hi Qiaozhi.
No man, exact here was the place as referring to this part of J_P statements;
"For example, if you use a treasure locator to find targets for an hour, and you find 5 places where the locator says there is a target, then you will dig 5 holes to see what you found. You should keep tract of how many holes you dug and how deep, then how many targets you found and how deep, and if the locator identified the target correctly. Also take note of how many empty holes you dug. This will be good information to tabulate to figure percentages of accuracy, even if it is not a double blind test.
Think about it.... wouldn't it be easier to believe that the locator found treasure if you dig it up and hold it in your hand, than if you verify it is there by a dowsing expert who says he got a signal?"
he pointed to empty holes I pointed to it but was necessary first I tell all my story.
when our first PI doesn't detect it we are sure it is down 5 meters depth.(it seems is up to 10 meters as I determined it by 2 L-rods)
now you suppose one guy can pinpoint with an LRL very carefully exact over target, how deep can go down? in less than half way will be tired and leave especially soil be as hard as rocks.whereas the target is there.
doesn't matter by which kind of LRL; dowsing rods, PD .... when there is a considerable target all of detectors will react, all.
do you know what's a considerable target? not a single coin or a bunch of coins; so much bigger.
Meanwhile man, these were not my thoughts or guess or dreams, were entirely based on my personal experiences;) which we expended a lot to get, albeit I'm sure most people can't figure it out.:D
03-14-2009, 01:27 PM
Hi Hipopp,
The concept behind RT as I already stated, involves microcurrents and subatomic resonance. High mineralized ground is no problem to it. Conventional MDs besides working on a completely outdated and different aproach are things of the past. So a comparison is out of question.
Your comparison with dowsing rods should be your target as there are elements which relates both, but I'm sure in the end you will comprove that it's not dowsing, although there are several types of dowsing rods and dowsing aspects.
Both dowsing rods and the RT Examiner work by charge interaction involving the charged human cells that act as biocapacitors and micromagnetics. But unlike the dowsing rod that uses the natural law of attraction, the RT employs a transmitting carrier wave to resonate the target and magnetically aligning to it.
Yes I know it is a little hard. This is due to the beach sand pocesssing lots of trash, specially aluminum, acting as reflective debris for the emitting signal. If this phenomenon happens all the time for powerful RF transmitters, imagine in the case where micromagnetics are involved.
But if you research, you will find frequencies that will not be affected by it as they are much more specific and also you can tune the examiner to leave aluminum for instance out of the equation. This works too.
Anyway, if you need any further assistance from me or if you wish to exchange some ideas, feel free to PM me.
And be careful with what you say... The skeptics here will freak and you run the risk of completely imploding Carl's 'Agenda against LRLs'.:lol::lol:
All of this pseudo-scientific diatribe is utter nonsense. It is completely made-up fantasy-land science, and is basically a bunch of nonsensical scientific-sounding terms designed to confuse the technically challenged.
You would have as much success with JP's Mr Stick. :razz:
03-14-2009, 02:44 PM
gentlemen...the RT examiner appears to divide like no other invention it appears. Allow me to say this....In the dead of night i was putting up a tent just below a hillside at Walhalla which is in our nearby in quartz reefs was the nature of this enormous deposit....there was quartz laying all over the place at my feet where it had been thrown down from mining activity further up the hillside. Why did the RT Ex pick up two quartz specimens only out of many? the two when broken open shimmied with micro gold. This is sufficient for me to conclude that whatever it is that makes an RT Ex identify gold in quartz is something that i must identify and quantify and therefore replicate. The arguing and bickering surrounding whether the RT works this way or that way is rather premature and may i say irrelevant to the objective of "FINDING GOLD". On the other hand, my friend Faye's deceased husband had a 98% success rate with water divining for local contractors so dowsing will be taken into consideration in due course. However at this early stage i can assure you i am no uri geller, i cannot locate gold and gold in quartz with some sort of suggested meta physical powers of mind over matter. Sorry that is unscientific stuff i do not want to go anywhere near. So lets wait till we get out into the field and do a darn good job of testing the RT Ex from every conceivable angle, function, situation etc etc etc.
charged human cells that act as biocapacitors is it each cell?[/B]
Yes our cells store charges and act like capacitors.
You hopefuly will find info on studies conducted about it on the internet. Do a seach and you will know.
I already said I would not discuss such matters in this forum.
03-14-2009, 03:23 PM
gentlemen...the RT examiner appears to divide like no other invention it appears. Allow me to say this....In the dead of night i was putting up a tent just below a hillside at Walhalla which is in our nearby in quartz reefs was the nature of this enormous deposit....there was quartz laying all over the place at my feet where it had been thrown down from mining activity further up the hillside. Why did the RT Ex pick up two quartz specimens only out of many? the two when broken open shimmied with micro gold. This is sufficient for me to conclude that whatever it is that makes an RT Ex identify gold in quartz is something that i must identify and quantify and therefore replicate. The arguing and bickering surrounding whether the RT works this way or that way is rather premature and may i say irrelevant to the objective of "FINDING GOLD". On the other hand, my friend Faye's deceased husband had a 98% success rate with water divining for local contractors so dowsing will be taken into consideration in due course. However at this early stage i can assure you i am no uri geller, i cannot locate gold and gold in quartz with some sort of suggested meta physical powers of mind over matter. Sorry that is unscientific stuff i do not want to go anywhere near. So lets wait till we get out into the field and do a darn good job of testing the RT Ex from every conceivable angle, function, situation etc etc etc.
You already seem to be convinced that the RT actually works, whereas we (the skeptics) are already convinced that it is nothing more than a disguised dowsing rod.
Have you contacted Carl yet to request details of how to carry out a proper scientific double-blind test? If not, then you are wasting your time pushing the Examiner in this forum. Without a proper double-blind test, the results will be meaningless.
03-15-2009, 12:14 AM
one day some itinerant bedouin somewhere drew a line in the sand with a stick. People marvelled at his shapes. Many years down the track some inventive china man drew a line on a piece of parchment and people marvelled. Years down the road someone sneezed into a handkerchief making a nicely muffled sound so the horn speaker was invented and attached to a gramophone which was found by accident when someone accidently scratched a disc making a musical note. Someones teenage son wanted a bit more volume for his gramophone so he invented the valve allowing him to sock it to his neighbours with his renditions of Lily Marlene. A japanese gentleman in retaliation for Hiroshima invented the transistor and japan exported to the world. Remember those metal click toys? they were the good old days. then what happened afterwards is history with the advent of the silicon chip.....Now let me see....that adds up to about seven (7) people, a whole seven people out of billions who have ever lived, who have actually done something. Seven, a lonely miserable seven super heroes who did not lay about all day whingeing and whining and running down any new idea. WOW!!!!!!!! how about we all gang together positively and find out why the heck the Rangertell Examiner works and how it works so we can use it to draw new lines in the sand???
03-15-2009, 12:32 AM
Why did the RT Ex pick up two quartz specimens only out of many? the two when broken open shimmied with micro gold.
Hi hipopp,
You are talking about gold that you recovered and held in your hand. This is good information to tabulate on a chart to track the success rate of the rangertell. You should also take notes of any times when the rangertell signals a target that you cannot find, for the purpose of establishing a percentage of empty holes. Also take notes whether the rangertell was set to find gold and correctly identified it. Also at what distance from the target the rangertell first gave a signal.
You now can see the difference between tabulating targets that you recovered and targets that you did not recover. A person who buys a treasure locator is interested in knowing the odds that the locator will help him to find treasure that he recovers, not treasure that he does not recover, even when it is confirmed by others who do not recover it.
It looks like you are off to a good start.
Best wishes,
03-15-2009, 12:40 AM
he pointed to empty holes I pointed to it but was necessary first I tell all my story.
when our first PI doesn't detect it we are sure it is down 5 meters depth.(it seems is up to 10 meters as I determined it by 2 L-rods)
now you suppose one guy can pinpoint with an LRL very carefully exact over target, how deep can go down? in less than half way will be tired and leave especially soil be as hard as rocks.whereas the target is there.
doesn't matter by which kind of LRL; dowsing rods, PD .... when there is a considerable target all of detectors will react, all.
do you know what's a considerable target? not a single coin or a bunch of coins; so much bigger.
Meanwhile man, these were not my thoughts or guess or dreams, were entirely based on my personal experiences;) which we expended a lot to get, albeit I'm sure most people can't figure it out.:D
Of course you are right. If your treasure hunting grounds are plagued by jins, then you can expect to find many empty holes where the jins moved the treasure to prevent you from finding it. This could also be dangerous if they decide to fight you. My methods will wok only in locations where there are no jins moving the treasure. Expect to find many empty holes if jins have moved the treasure before you finish digging.
Best wishes,
03-15-2009, 08:23 AM
Hi, good to see one knowledgeable person who believes this.:)
yes J_P, but our first target is still there hasn't been moved, as MDL confirms it with signal intensity that was from first, but as I was beaten at 8 meters depth with jinn we left there to find a solution and find an expert guru to cast the spell.
so we decided not to touch the other 2 locations by the time find the guru.
but believe me over all these 3 locations all kind of LRLs work very clearly; PD, L rods, Dell DDL; detectors speak loudly. if we presume there is not plagued with jinn, digging based on only LRL will surely ends to empty hole as pinpointing is impossible.
03-15-2009, 11:13 AM
one day some itinerant bedouin somewhere drew a line in the sand with a stick. People marvelled at his shapes. Many years down the track some inventive china man drew a line on a piece of parchment and people marvelled. Years down the road someone sneezed into a handkerchief making a nicely muffled sound so the horn speaker was invented and attached to a gramophone which was found by accident when someone accidently scratched a disc making a musical note. Someones teenage son wanted a bit more volume for his gramophone so he invented the valve allowing him to sock it to his neighbours with his renditions of Lily Marlene. A japanese gentleman in retaliation for Hiroshima invented the transistor and japan exported to the world. Remember those metal click toys? they were the good old days. then what happened afterwards is history with the advent of the silicon chip.....Now let me see....that adds up to about seven (7) people, a whole seven people out of billions who have ever lived, who have actually done something. Seven, a lonely miserable seven super heroes who did not lay about all day whingeing and whining and running down any new idea. WOW!!!!!!!! how about we all gang together positively and find out why the heck the Rangertell Examiner works and how it works so we can use it to draw new lines in the sand???
So you're not biased in favor of the RT then? :rolleyes:
And ... have you contacted Carl yet to get the details of the correct double-blind test procedure to follow? If not, how else are you going to convince yourself that this device is nothing but nonsense?
03-15-2009, 02:25 PM
gentlemen...the RT examiner appears to divide like no other invention it appears. Allow me to say this....In the dead of night i was putting up a tent just below a hillside at Walhalla which is in our nearby in quartz reefs was the nature of this enormous deposit....there was quartz laying all over the place at my feet where it had been thrown down from mining activity further up the hillside. Why did the RT Ex pick up two quartz specimens only out of many? the two when broken open shimmied with micro gold...
Did you break open any of the other quartz specimens which the RangerTell DID NOT "pick up"?
And ... have you contacted Carl yet to get the details of the correct double-blind test procedure to follow? If not, how else are you going to convince yourself that this device is nothing but nonsense?
:lol::lol::lol::razz::razz::razz::lol::lol::lol::r azz::razz::razz:
That's hilarious! Ozzy you can't be for real!!
Contact Carl for what??!
To tell Hipop how to conduct a test??
Carl does not know the difference of acumpuncture from voodoo!
Give us a break!
Hipop does not need to convince anyone or be convinced in the wrong way!
He is clear in his post. He only wants to share his tests and experiences. Not even this you seem to be able to understand?
Oh, I almost forgot.
Congratulations on your new role as 'pupil administrator' for Geoskheptic forums. Now you are officially Carl's spokesman.:lol:
:lol::lol::lol::razz::razz::razz::lol::lol::lol::r azz::razz::razz:
That's hilarious! Ozzy you can't be for real!!
Contact Carl for what??!
To tell Hipop how to conduct a test??
Carl does not know the difference of acumpuncture from voddoo!
Give us a break!
Hipop does not need to convince anyone or be convinced in the wrong way!
He is clear in his post. He only wants to share his tests and experiences. Not even this you seem to be able to understand?
Oh, I almost forgot.
Congratulations on your new role as 'pupil administrator' for Geoskheptic forums. Now you are officially Carl's spokesman.:lol:
I can see from your post that Hipop´s intentions (should i say interests?) is no secret for you .
Well,for once you´r not alone :)
03-15-2009, 10:00 PM
The concept behind RT as I already stated, involves microcurrents and subatomic resonance. High mineralized ground is no problem to it. Conventional MDs besides working on a completely outdated and different aproach are things of the past. So a comparison is out of question.
Your comparison with dowsing rods should be your target as there are elements which relates both, but I'm sure in the end you will comprove that it's not dowsing, although there are several types of dowsing rods and dowsing aspects.
Both dowsing rods and the RT Examiner work by charge interaction involving the charged human cells that act as biocapacitors and micromagnetics. But unlike the dowsing rod that uses the natural law of attraction, the RT employs a transmitting carrier wave to resonate the target and magnetically aligning to it.
Originally posted by Clondike-Clad
Ok I had to ask this question,
1. What is the output power of the RT tranmitter.
2. What is subatomic resonance
3. what is micromagnetics with the RT
4. what is the RT employs a transmitting carrier wave is it am,fm,pulse can we detect the carrier wave from the RT unit.
5.Now this one I am lost, charged human cells that act as biocapacitors is it each cell?
Originally posted by hung
Yes our cells store charges and act like capacitors.
You hopefuly will find info on studies conducted about it on the internet. Do a seach and you will know.
I already said I would not discuss such matters in this forum.
Hi Clondike-Clad,
Ummm.... The answers are simple, I think.
However, in order to fully understand the dynamics involved, we must search back to previous posts that hung made describing the workings of the Rangertell:
This is the principle in which the Rangertell Examiner works. Resonance to the elements subatomic levels when a carrier signal line is shot and returned".
"Back to the Examiner’s concept, there’s a portion in ECE which I already mentioned which might explain how the magnetic fields produced by the unit even diminute might be working provided one gets free of the standard Maxwell Heaviside concept and maybe start to find some backup on the Aharonov-Bohm and the field and potential relationship, as Myron Evans points out as part of an explanation when I presented him the examiner pictures , concepts and my initial tests:
“Interesting! These would be Aharonov Bohm type effects. In a Ricci flat spacetime for example the tetrad is still non-zero because metric elements are non - zero. This leads to the gravitational AB effect. The spin connection in a Ricci flat spacetime is non-zero because the connection is non-zero even though the Ricci tensor is zero. In ECE the potential is proportional to the tetrad and the field is proportional to the Cartan torsion. The latter disappears in a Ricci flat spacetime because it is proprotional to the canonical angular energy momentum density. So there is a potential but no field - AB effect. In the ECE version of e/m the relation between field and potential in shorthand notation is:
F = d ^ A + omega ^ A
so when F = 0 , A and omega are not zero:
d ^ A + omega ^ A = 0
giving an AB effect as in the ECE papers and GCUFT books “
"The Examiner is clearly a radionic device".
"Gold is the most powerful 'self defensive' metal when it comes to avoid any harm to its structure, such as rust, oxidation, etc. Its DNA produces a substance which coats the metal to fight against those 'threats'".
With hung's recent post and previous posts, we can gain a clear insight to how he believes the Rangertell works:
To start with, a carrier signal is shot and returned by transmissions originated in the calculator. Now keep in mind how our cells store charges and act like capacitors, which is imperative to the functioning of the signal line that is returned after being shot by the Rangertell. The subatmic resonance which was pre-programmed on the calculator clearly is impinging on the biological cells of the rangertell operator.
How? This is easily explained by the DNA of gold and the organic substance it produces to coat the metal to fight against corrosion. The coding for the gold DNA is what returns with the shot signal, along with the subatomic resonance data that impinges on the DNA in the capacitive cells of the operator's body. After some complex chemical exchanges inside the operator's cell walls, the resultant magnetic field induces movement of the rangertell, thus causing it to point in the direction of the treasure. This is all confirmed by science as told by physicist Myron Evans' details of Aharonov Bohm type effects. Simply open your mind and reject the standard Maxwell Heaviside concept so you can begin to believe that A and omega are not zero.
So we see that the rangertell is a radionic device as hung described, not a pure dowsing rod.
Did I get it right?
Best wishes,
03-15-2009, 10:59 PM
Hi Clondike-Clad,
Ummm.... The answers are simple, I think.
However, in order to fully understand the dynamics involved, we must search back to previous posts that hung made describing the workings of the Rangertell:
With hung's recent post and previous posts, we can gain a clear insight to how he believes the Rangertell works:
To start with, a carrier signal is shot and returned by transmissions originated in the calculator. Now keep in mind how our cells store charges and act like capacitors, which is imperative to the functioning of the signal line that is returned after being shot by the Rangertell. The subatmic resonance which was pre-programmed on the calculator clearly is impinging on the biological cells of the rangertell operator.
How? This is easily explained by the DNA of gold and the organic substance it produces to coat the metal to fight against corrosion. The coding for the gold DNA is what returns with the shot signal, along with the subatomic resonance data that impinges on the DNA in the capacitive cells of the operator's body. After some complex chemical exchanges inside the operator's cell walls, the resultant magnetic field induces movement of the rangertell, thus causing it to point in the direction of the treasure. This is all confirmed by science as told by physicist Myron Evans' details of Aharonov Bohm type effects. Simply open your mind and reject the standard Maxwell Heaviside concept so you can begin to believe that A and omega are not zero.
So we see that the rangertell is a radionic device as hung described, not a pure dowsing rod.
Did I get it right?
Best wishes,
Don't be surprised if Hung forwards your pseudo-scientific description to RangerTell, and it gets published on their website. :lol: :lol:
Remember this? -> :lol: :lol:
03-15-2009, 11:18 PM
And as for this ... well, the two dangling balls say it all. No comment needed. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
03-16-2009, 12:50 AM
Hi Clondike-Clad,
Ummm.... The answers are simple, I think.
However, in order to fully understand the dynamics involved, we must search back to previous posts that hung made describing the workings of the Rangertell:
With hung's recent post and previous posts, we can gain a clear insight to how he believes the Rangertell works:
To start with, a carrier signal is shot and returned by transmissions originated in the calculator. Now keep in mind how our cells store charges and act like capacitors, which is imperative to the functioning of the signal line that is returned after being shot by the Rangertell. The subatmic resonance which was pre-programmed on the calculator clearly is impinging on the biological cells of the rangertell operator.
How? This is easily explained by the DNA of gold and the organic substance it produces to coat the metal to fight against corrosion. The coding for the gold DNA is what returns with the shot signal, along with the subatomic resonance data that impinges on the DNA in the capacitive cells of the operator's body. After some complex chemical exchanges inside the operator's cell walls, the resultant magnetic field induces movement of the rangertell, thus causing it to point in the direction of the treasure. This is all confirmed by science as told by physicist Myron Evans' details of Aharonov Bohm type effects. Simply open your mind and reject the standard Maxwell Heaviside concept so you can begin to believe that A and omega are not zero.
So we see that the rangertell is a radionic device as hung described, not a pure dowsing rod.
Did I get it right?
Best wishes,
Everything can be more simple if dowsing Rod´s not cost exagerated money,becouse anyway its very interesting to try them in field.
I have good results with this cheap one,but still a dowsing Rod...8015
03-16-2009, 03:25 AM
Everything can be more simple if dowsing Rod´s not cost exagerated money,becouse anyway its very interesting to try them in field.
I have good results with this cheap one,but still a dowsing Rod...Hi Morgan,
Perhaps you did not read the posts in here correctly. This is not a topic to test a cheap dowsing rod. The topic is
"Maligned Rangertell Examiner: Field Testing".
This means the posts here are to describe the field testing methods for a Rangertell, not methods for cheap electronic dowsing rods.
The method you posted may be good to test dowsing rods, but is not good for the Rangertell, because according to hung, the Rangertell is clearly a radionic device, not a dowsing device. Hung says the Rangertell requires the operator to hold the pistol in order to receive signals that are shot and returned, so his cells can react to the returned signals and store charges like a capacitor. This cannot happen when using the dowsing rod you show in the picture you posted. This is because the dowsing rod swivel is not in the operator's hand, instead, it is in a metal trunion where it swivels away from the operator's hand. Also, this electronic dowsing rod does not have a calculator to shoot and return a signal line.
This is an interesting dowsing rod you are showing.
Is the LRL you are showing also a radionics device, or is it pure dowsing?
Does the coil at the antenna cause a carrier signal line to shoot and return? Or is the coil only for receiving?
Best wishes,
03-16-2009, 01:09 PM
Did you break open any of the other quartz specimens which the RangerTell DID NOT "pick up"?
I see where you are coming from...but.... i for one do not break open every rock or lump of quartz that my Fisher Gold Bug metal detector passes over without signal. What is at stake here with this rangertell examiner is far far deeper than just a remote sensor or the phenomena of dowsing. It is the ability of the operator to find Gold that is my goal to quantify. I am not biased in favour of the device, it will remain an accessory to the pursuit of locating Gold. This forum will be supplied the relevant information in due course.
03-16-2009, 01:31 PM
Hi Morgan,
Perhaps you did not read the posts in here correctly. This is not a topic to test a cheap dowsing rod. The topic is
"Maligned Rangertell Examiner: Field Testing".
This means the posts here are to describe the field testing methods for a Rangertell, not methods for cheap electronic dowsing rods.
The method you posted may be good to test dowsing rods, but is not good for the Rangertell, because according to hung, the Rangertell is clearly a radionic device, not a dowsing device. Hung says the Rangertell requires the operator to hold the pistol in order to receive signals that are shot and returned, so his cells can react to the returned signals and store charges like a capacitor. This cannot happen when using the dowsing rod you show in the picture you posted. This is because the dowsing rod swivel is not in the operator's hand, instead, it is in a metal trunion where it swivels away from the operator's hand. Also, this electronic dowsing rod does not have a calculator to shoot and return a signal line.
This is an interesting dowsing rod you are showing.
Is the LRL you are showing also a radionics device, or is it pure dowsing?
Does the coil at the antenna cause a carrier signal line to shoot and return? Or is the coil only for receiving?
Best wishes,
"...Rangertell requires the operator to hold the pistol in order to receive signals that are shot and returned, so his cells can react to the returned signals and store charges like a capacitor." ;)
Buck Rogers is alive and right here on this planet...
Seriously, I certainly hope you actually get to witness a test of the unit.
I see where you are coming from...but.... i for one do not break open every rock or lump of quartz that my Fisher Gold Bug metal detector passes over without signal. What is at stake here with this rangertell examiner is far far deeper than just a remote sensor or the phenomena of dowsing. It is the ability of the operator to find Gold that is my goal to quantify. I am not biased in favour of the device, it will remain an accessory to the pursuit of locating Gold. This forum will be supplied the relevant information in due course.
And how many specimen that the RT detected did NOT contain gold? did you count them?
03-16-2009, 04:26 PM
The RT EX only located two specimens and both contained Gold at Walhalla. i did very little with the RT because faye and i went riding our motorbikes most of the time....After reading all the previous posts i am becoming of the conclusion i must possess some metaphysical qualities that others do not have if dowsing is all that it is because faye certainly cannot get a response from the RT in all cases. If it was human dowsing then all humans would get a response and the RT would get a tick of approval as being a 100% dowsing device. the only difference with faye and i is 1. she is female 2. she has a blood iron disorder and therefore may not be as good an aerial? as myself 3. I have two titanium plates in my right upper and lower leg from a trail bike accident. Members of this forum, if they believe in dowsing as a legitimate phenomena, should direct all their efforts away from cheap criticism and expend their efforts on quantifying/proving why dowsing works, if that is what they sincerely believe. /we would never need to buy an electronic gold detector again. Cars would drive under our Will Power etc etc etc . like i said before folks, i have merely offered to share my testing and conclusions with you. I do not understand the resistance to learning that the RT challenges us with.
Clondike Clad
03-16-2009, 05:43 PM
Hi Clondike-Clad,
Ummm.... The answers are simple, I think.
However, in order to fully understand the dynamics involved, we must search back to previous posts that hung made describing the workings of the Rangertell:
With hung's recent post and previous posts, we can gain a clear insight to how he believes the Rangertell works:
To start with, a carrier signal is shot and returned by transmissions originated in the calculator. Now keep in mind how our cells store charges and act like capacitors, which is imperative to the functioning of the signal line that is returned after being shot by the Rangertell. The subatmic resonance which was pre-programmed on the calculator clearly is impinging on the biological cells of the rangertell operator.
How? This is easily explained by the DNA of gold and the organic substance it produces to coat the metal to fight against corrosion. The coding for the gold DNA is what returns with the shot signal, along with the subatomic resonance data that impinges on the DNA in the capacitive cells of the operator's body. After some complex chemical exchanges inside the operator's cell walls, the resultant magnetic field induces movement of the rangertell, thus causing it to point in the direction of the treasure. This is all confirmed by science as told by physicist Myron Evans' details of Aharonov Bohm type effects. Simply open your mind and reject the standard Maxwell Heaviside concept so you can begin to believe that A and omega are not zero.
So we see that the rangertell is a radionic device as hung described, not a pure dowsing rod.
Best wishes,
Did I get it right?
I bet you know how to build a warp drive system.
I was I was as smart.
I didnot know that gold was alive and have DNA
Members of this forum, if they believe in dowsing as a legitimate phenomena, should direct all their efforts away from cheap criticism and expend their efforts on quantifying/proving why dowsing works, if that is what they sincerely believe.
Personally i want to begin by trying to discover if it works,and so far no success: i have never seen anyone or anything proving it.Should not be so dificult!!??
Then and only then the why and how questions .
03-16-2009, 09:57 PM
Members of this forum, if they believe in dowsing as a legitimate phenomena, should direct all their efforts away from cheap criticism and expend their efforts on quantifying/proving why dowsing works, if that is what they sincerely believe. /we would never need to buy an electronic gold detector again. Cars would drive under our Will Power etc etc etc . like i said before folks, i have merely offered to share my testing and conclusions with you. I do not understand the resistance to learning that the RT challenges us with.
Clearly you have no intention of performing a double-blind test of the RT Examiner, and therefore your conclusions will be worthless.
Dowsing is well known to be a trick of the mind, and does not require any supernatural powers. It is purely the ideomotor effect at work. This is the same process that makes ouija boards and table tipping "appear" to be something more fantastic than they really are. There is no detection of anything in dowsing, except gravity. It is an illusion, which is enhanced by the remarkable ability of humans for self-delusion, and selective memory.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
03-17-2009, 01:12 AM
Hi Morgan,
Perhaps you did not read the posts in here correctly. This is not a topic to test a cheap dowsing rod. The topic is
"Maligned Rangertell Examiner: Field Testing".
This means the posts here are to describe the field testing methods for a Rangertell, not methods for cheap electronic dowsing rods.
The method you posted may be good to test dowsing rods, but is not good for the Rangertell, because according to hung, the Rangertell is clearly a radionic device, not a dowsing device. Hung says the Rangertell requires the operator to hold the pistol in order to receive signals that are shot and returned, so his cells can react to the returned signals and store charges like a capacitor. This cannot happen when using the dowsing rod you show in the picture you posted. This is because the dowsing rod swivel is not in the operator's hand, instead, it is in a metal trunion where it swivels away from the operator's hand. Also, this electronic dowsing rod does not have a calculator to shoot and return a signal line.
This is an interesting dowsing rod you are showing.
Is the LRL you are showing also a radionics device, or is it pure dowsing?
Does the coil at the antenna cause a carrier signal line to shoot and return? Or is the coil only for receiving?
Best wishes,
This electronic Rod is interesting,its not pure Dowsing,the antenna only moves if locate metal target. Until now i found with this device a few coins and silver jewlry,no iron,no empty holes.
At the first looking it looks simple but inside the electronic box exist one PCB(inside resine)one 9v battery, manny wires,a LED and one Potentiometer for GAIN.From the box it goes one wire to Antenna.
This is not expensive Rod ,name is Ramka,its hand made,no internet information.
Sorry to put this in Rangertell thread...
03-17-2009, 04:03 AM
....After reading all the previous posts i am becoming of the conclusion i must possess some metaphysical qualities that others do not have if dowsing is all that it is because faye certainly cannot get a response from the RT in all cases. If it was human dowsing then all humans would get a response and the RT would get a tick of approval as being a 100% dowsing device. the only difference with faye and i is 1. she is female 2. she has a blood iron disorder and therefore may not be as good an aerial?Hi hipopp,
The description I posted of how the Rangertell works is not my idea. It is what hung said about how it works. I only searched hung's posts where he previously gave the intimate details of the workings of a Rangertell, and re-posted them so all could have the benefit of his expertise.
How it really works? I don't know. I hope to learn more from a live demonstration that Rangertell is attempting to arrange.
However, I can tell you what Rangertell said that may clear up some of your questions. Accordig to Rangertell, the Examiner is calibrated to work for the right hand of the operator. Left-handed users do not get a response. I am not sure, but I think that people with certain medical problems could have reduced responses. A third item I once read on the Rangertell website is that the operator's body completes the circuit to ground. Apparently it is imperative that whatever signal is received must travel through a human body entering through the right hand, and travel to ground in order to be processed correctly.
The prevailing theory amongst LRL proponents is the calculator generates a signal which is picked up by the internal antenna and circuitry, and is somehow directed to the target. This signal will be selective depending on the button sequence pressed on the calculator. ie: the buttons you press on the calculator will send a specific frequency to the antenna that resonates in some manner whereby only certain elements will respond by returning a signal.
The returned signal is received (I presume via the same antenna) and travels through the handle into the operator's right hand. From this point, it somehow interacts with the operators biological cells as it travels to ground through his shoes. I imagine that there are very small currents involved, and the coupling to ground may even be capacitive rather than a dc current flow. But I am just guessing.
So far I have heard a lot of weird explanations of how the Rangertell works.
If I see enough positive results in the live demonstration, I will probably buy a unit to use for further testing to actually measure the tiny signals and try to determine what is actually happening. But for me, the important thing is whether it leads to recovering valuable treasures, not how it works. If it works to recover treasures, then it is well worth the money. How it works is just a bunch of useless information unless you plan to build a similar device.
Best wishes,
03-17-2009, 05:05 AM
I bet you know how to build a warp drive system.
I was I was as smart.
I didnot know that gold was alive and have DNA
Actually I am not that smart. I only know what others tell me. You will see in my original post above that all of what I said including the gold DNA really came from hung's posts that detailed the actual workings of a Rangertell.
Sure I can build a warp drive, but I'm not so smart because it didn't work. When I followed the instructions from a teenager who posted how to build a warp drive, it caught fire because the hot melt glue was too close to the propane flame. (Take note: Never substitute a propane flame for dilithium crystals). :rolleyes:
Best wishes,
Steve in MS
03-17-2009, 08:14 AM
Another strange thread an usual:D:razz::lol:.
Micro gold is not a good starting place to determine if the Ranger can actually find gold.
Hung mentions
Conventional MDs besides working on a completely outdated and different aproach are things of the past. So a comparison is out of question.
Those outdated MD's, things of the past?:D:razz::lol:?
At least they have been proven time and time again to actually
Now nobody is picking on anyone here, show proof the Ranger works
then all doubt will be removed.
Yeah, you believe it works but without proper testing, most people don't believe they work simply because no evidence is available.
Mind over matter isn't going to go to over to well for a device said to be able to detect gold over a long distance, after all, it is a product sold to the public with that claim.
Come down out of the clouds and be objective for one time:D:razz::lol:.
Either it works or not, no excuses:D:D:D:razz::razz::lol::lol:.
03-17-2009, 03:58 PM
Micro gold is not a good starting place to determine if the Ranger can actually find gold.
Absolutely correct, Steve. Unless extensive "comparison" testing is done to ascertain the exact amount of micro gold found WITH and WITHOUT using the RT Examiner, a test in known gold-producing areas would be completely null and void. (useless and proving nothing)
Dell Winders
03-17-2009, 05:53 PM
Absolutely correct, Steve. Unless extensive "comparison" testing is done to ascertain the exact amount of micro gold found WITH and WITHOUT using the RT Examiner, a test in known gold-producing areas would be completely null and void. (useless and proving nothing)
Another reason why the Carl Morland, $25,000 publicity gimmick is an intentional deception, and useless except for his own self promotion. and gratification. Scientifically, it proves absolutely nothing except it's ability to garner the support of a few educated idiots who like to hide behind aliases and pretend they are Scientist. Dell
03-17-2009, 06:07 PM
Another reason why the Carl Morland, $25,000 publicity gimmick is an intentional deception... ??? Dell
Guess I don't follow your logic, Dell. Perhaps there isn't any logic to follow; rather just random words strung together to form more useless rhetoric.
One thing for sure is that any test designed by Carl will be according to DB protocol and as such would eliminate (to a strong degree) Chance Results from scoring a successful outcome.
Hmmmm... come to think about it, I suppose that would seem unfair to you and your do-nothing dowsing contraptions. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
To win the prize, you and your gadgets would actually have to perform the "stated" or "implied" function/claim. I can see where you'd have a problem with that constraint. ;)
03-18-2009, 12:19 AM
Another reason why the Carl Morland, $25,000 publicity gimmick is an intentional deception, and useless except for his own self promotion. and gratification. Scientifically, it proves absolutely nothing except it's ability to garner the support of a few educated idiots who like to hide behind aliases and pretend they are Scientist. Dell
We should put this quote in the Hall of Fame. It's a real gem from the mighty Dell-uded Winders. :lol:
Steve in MS
03-18-2009, 04:02 AM
Another reason why the Carl Morland, $25,000 publicity gimmick is an intentional deception, and useless except for his own self promotion. and gratification. Scientifically, it proves absolutely nothing except it's ability to garner the support of a few educated idiots who like to hide behind aliases and pretend they are Scientist. Dell
Dell, this thread was about the Ranger:D:razz::lol:, there was no need for you to come to the defense of the Ranger, after all, that is your competition.
Wouldn't it be in your favor for the Ranger to be proven to be useless:D:razz::lol:?
About Carl, I bet he would be glad to set-up a fair test, not only for your products but for the Ranger.
It would be hard for me to believe that Carl intentionally wants to destroy the LRL business.....
All we are looking for is evidence that LRLs far it is sort of like looking for sasquatch or the Loch Ness monster or UFOs:D:D:razz::razz::lol::lol:.
03-18-2009, 07:52 AM
folks...a large group of scientists were asked a bunch of hypothetical questions about "WHAT IF"? yup what if...what if this what if that...and they conscientiously submitted their reports to the inquirer who vetted the reports...threw out the ones that did not comply with his desired outcomes...then he put these now biased reports into a book form selling millions and up to this time the main proponent, the drug pusher if you like, is making millions out of Consultancy. The original scientists refuted their own outcomes because they are taken right out of context but they could not get their own work back from the tricksters. The consultant is Al Gore and the perpetrated fraud is Climate Change. The world is deluding itself. As a consequence of this world wide fraud believed by all and sundry I no longer Trust anyone but myself. My evaluation of the RT Examiner will be done honestly and conscientiously and my methodology will be fair and"correct" ....I can either find gold with it or it is all in the mind. If it is all in the mind then I will study this "mind" phenomena to locate further gold without the RT Ex. Fair enough??? And yes I will share all my findings on this site.
03-18-2009, 11:45 AM
folks...a large group of scientists were asked a bunch of hypothetical questions about "WHAT IF"? yup what if...what if this what if that...and they conscientiously submitted their reports to the inquirer who vetted the reports...threw out the ones that did not comply with his desired outcomes...then he put these now biased reports into a book form selling millions and up to this time the main proponent, the drug pusher if you like, is making millions out of Consultancy. The original scientists refuted their own outcomes because they are taken right out of context but they could not get their own work back from the tricksters. The consultant is Al Gore and the perpetrated fraud is Climate Change. The world is deluding itself. As a consequence of this world wide fraud believed by all and sundry I no longer Trust anyone but myself. My evaluation of the RT Examiner will be done honestly and conscientiously and my methodology will be fair and"correct" ....I can either find gold with it or it is all in the mind. If it is all in the mind then I will study this "mind" phenomena to locate further gold without the RT Ex. Fair enough??? And yes I will share all my findings on this site.
Hi hipopp,
OK - I understand what you're saying with regard to only trusting your own judgment. With that idea in mind, you must then remove the only other thing that could bias the results ... you. And the only way to achieve this is by using a double-blind test procedure. You may think you can avoid self-deception by simply being aware that it exists, but you would be wrong. Human beings have a huge capacity for unconsciously deceiving themselves. We will be looking for objective and not subjective results.
We await your findings...
Another reason why the Carl Morland, $25,000 publicity gimmick is an intentional deception, and useless except for his own self promotion. and gratification. Scientifically, it proves absolutely nothing except it's ability to garner the support of a few educated idiots who like to hide behind aliases and pretend they are Scientist. Dell
Dell, your words have never been so true. Don't be intimidated by these people.
Steve in MS said:
All we are looking for is evidence that LRLs far it is sort of like looking for sasquatch or the Loch Ness monster or UFOs:D:D:razz::razz::lol:
Don't be that stupid as the all the other 'skepthics' here. You don't need this forum for anything. You will never find your answers here.
Just pick your choice of LRL and buy one.
Or are you that poor?:shocked:
You will discover if it works for you or not.
If you don't do that, you are just fooling yourself and acting stupid as them.
03-18-2009, 12:29 PM
Just pick your choice of LRL and buy one.
Or are you that poor?:shocked:
You will discover if it works for you or not.
If you don't do that, you are just fooling yourself and acting stupid as them.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You should be in marketing ... NOT!!
"Don't worry about whether it actually works or not, just buy it! If you have to ask the price, then you can't afford it." :frown:
Yes - you would need to be stupid to fall for that one. :razz:
Try getting your money back afterwards, when you find out it was all a scam. :nono:
This to Hipopp or anyone following this thread with a non-skeptical mind only.
So if you are not hipopp or you are a 'sketphic', please ignore the following info and don't be a pest!
There's a report on LRLs type dowsing done in the past by treasurehunter David Villanueva where he teaches great techniques to be used in the field for locating targets.
David is an Electroscope user and a master of it.
I used his techniques with great sucess, back when I got my Examiner years ago.
I have this complete report in PDF. It used to be available for free in his site a few years ago, but apparently now it's for sale only. No big deal, for only 10 bucks I guess.
I strongly suggest that you or others read this report as it's rich in great information on how to use LRL type rods.
Since it's for sale now, I feel I am not allowed to publicly post the PDF file as I was going to.
But his site is highly worth a visit. There are lots of info on this subject also and the mentioning of the above report.
I would suggest you get this report as it will be a great basis for your your own study.
There's even a coment on Randi's (the balloney) test.:razz:
Good luck.
03-18-2009, 02:08 PM
i better not read it i might be accused of being biased...will get a friend to download a copy for reading later after i evaluate mine. These things work but how they work has me beat...will do full testing and let you know. there is far more to Physics (electronics/electromagnetism) than we know right??? so this will be a real challenge....will keep you informed Hung.
I have this complete report in PDF. It used to be available for free in his site a few years ago, but apparently now it's for sale only. No big deal, for only 10 bucks I guess.
The guy is actually selling his report ?!! man that´s sick
The greatest difference among the RT Examiner and the Electroscope is that this last one has a fixed frequency and does employ a circuit battery unlike the RT. But the Electroscope is a fine device.
The RT has many, several different frequencies for each substance plus the equations and data to be input to estimate weight, distance, depth, and many other features. This is a fantastic great feature only equaled by high complex electronic gear. But even this gear can't do some readings at distance such as weight and shape estimatives as the RT does.
Its concept was the basis for my team's complex system, the MIDAS.
The real price value for the RT unit lies in the frequencies and in the equations to be input. Not in the circuit box. Once you master it, you literally have the 'field at your feet', as their site advertised once.
But built in a swivel handle brings problems we know, as there's a very thin line between the real detection of the device and the user interference by ideomotor and unconscious movement of the hand. The better the practice to leave the device do all the work with no interference, the better the results.
03-18-2009, 05:21 PM
Its concept was the basis for my team's complex system, the MIDAS.
What does MIDAS stand for?
Is it "Metal Indicating Device Advanced Scanner"?
Or should that be "Scammer"? :razz:
What does MIDAS stand for?
Is it "Metal Indicating Device Advanced Scanner"?
Or should that be "Scammer"? :razz:
Actually it's Mental Implants Donated to Aid Skeptics.
Good for those handicaped to LRLs and born with inherited skepticism.
03-18-2009, 07:43 PM
Actually it's Mental Implants Donated to Aid Skeptics.
Good for those handicaped to LRLs and born with inherited skepticism.
So this new device has to be implanted in the buyer's head?
Ouch! :stars:
So this new device has to be implanted in the buyer's head?
Ouch! :stars:
Should i take this as an evidence that the device only works if the user follows mental conditioning?
I thought it was a tecnhinal (elctronic) instrument that could work with anyone ??
03-19-2009, 12:22 AM
03-19-2009, 01:26 AM
Only CRISS ANGEL can do that:razz: but if that stick has a calculator attached on it, yes it is possible......:lol::lol::lol:
03-19-2009, 05:04 AM
The greatest difference among the RT Examiner and the Electroscope is that this last one has a fixed frequency and does employ a circuit battery unlike the RT. But the Electroscope is a fine device.
By "fixed frequency," do you mean zero Hertz? The Electroscopes are DC circuits, no frequency involved at all. It's just a battery, and a resistor that drains the battery.
You did know this, right?
- Carl
03-19-2009, 12:40 PM
By "fixed frequency," do you mean zero Hertz? The Electroscopes are DC circuits, no frequency involved at all. It's just a battery, and a resistor that drains the battery.DC? Well, Yes... but not exactly.
When we look at the Rangertell, we see the calculator is not electrically connected to any of the wires or components inside the enclosure. Yet we are told that it is transmitting by means of shooting a carrier signal line which returns from a target.
How? Enough power radiates through the calculator enclosure and leaks into the bent wire below, whereby it is transmitted long range to buried metals, then returned to capacitor-like cells in the user's hand. Sound hard to believe? Well look at all the proof that hung has supplied to prove it.
But what about the Electroscope? ...DC?
Sure, when you open the enclosure, it looks like a battery that is drained by a resistor. But wait... What kind of resistor? Have you ever read a report on electronic noise caused by metal film resistors? In fact, Metal film resistors are not the only components to introduce noise into a circuit. Even solder joints can add very slight amounts of current depending on temperature (thermocouple effect). If you look at this noise signal, you will see it has an AC component that covers more than one frequency, but perhaps is hard to identify any particular frequency in the circuit noise.
So what about this noise in the electroscope? You think it doesn't amount to much? Well maybe not, but it could be on the same order of radiated power as a Rangertell, and also capable of shooting a carrier signal line long range and returning it to the capacitive cells in the user's hand.
Just because no electronic engineer or radio antenna technician is capable of detecting any radiated power from the Rangertell or the Electroscope does not mean they are not shooting and returning carrier signal lines. After reading hung's explanations and proof that it is backed up by the science of Myron Evans, It would seem that the calculator and resistor are somehow coupled to the antennas to shoot these powerful carrier signals lines long range. And of course, the Rangertell is a much better LRL because you can program heaps of information into the carrier signal line by pressing different keystrokes before using it.
So, after being told all about the theory and practice of the Rangertell and Electroscope, as well as having been told stories of great treasures found by them, how can anyone refute whether they work?
Best wishes,
Carl, It's not exactly that.
The dielectric constants exchange that the Electroscope deals with have high frequency responses which dinamically tends to move towards the one that presents zero frequency.
This is the classic charges exchange and of course frequencies are involved with particular dielectric characteristics to identify the material detected.
I found a portion on one of Afilani's patents that ilustrates well this:
'The first three modes of dielectric polarization electronic, atomic and nomadic, are molecular in distance scale and occur "instantaneously" as soon as the external electric field is imposed and contribute to the dielectric constant of the material at very high frequencies (infrared and optical). The last two polarization modes, rotational and interfacial, are molecular and macroscopic in distance scale and appear dinamically over time with characteristic time constants to help increase the high frequency dielectric constant at zero frequency. These characteristic material time constants control the dielectric and mechanical response of a material.'
Afilani calls this process, 'dielectrophoresis'. OK... induced polarization, law of charges, etc.
So, the Electroscope also employs the same charges exchange involved with the operator/target material, air, etc. as the RT unit, only focusing the material dielectric freq trough this exchange. Crystals inside the circuit set up this.
But the RT employs a function generator which sends out the signal and receives it back estabilishing the so called 'signal line'.
This is the furthest I will go.
This is my view. I can even be wrong in some issues and you don't have to agree with me.
I already said I would not discuss this here for the reasons given by me already in the past. I don't have the time nor I feel like being here flaming threads about this.
But time is going by, years are passing by and you still keep your outdated agenda against LRLs for self promotion. This is getting tiresome and will lead to nowhere. You know that. Wake up. Life is short.
03-19-2009, 02:10 PM
The dielectric constants exchange that the Electroscope deals with have high frequency responses which dinamically tends to move towards the one that presents zero frequency.
Pure gobbledygook.
But the RT employs a function generator which sends out the signal and receives it back estabilishing the so called 'signal line'.
Which, incidentally, doesn't actually exist.
I already said I would not discuss this here for the reasons given by me already in the past. I don't have the time nor I feel like being here flaming threads about this.
Yes - you're always saying this, and then doing the opposite. Very consistent. :lol:
Wake up. Life is short.
It's time to take your own advice. :razz:
Yes - you're always saying this, and then doing the opposite. Very consistent.
I just 'drop the bombs'...
I don't remain to discuss the effects.
No more.:nono:
You drop the bombs but i see no explosion.wet powder?
You just copy portions of patents that you dont understand and use it in your posts.this makes no sense at all and you should stop using this if you want to (to begin to) gain some credit .
Hung, try to explain something from you own words :D
You drop the bombs but i see no explosion.wet powder?
You just copy portions of patents that you dont understand and use it in your posts.this makes no sense at all and you should stop using this if you want to (to begin to) gain some credit .
Hung, try to explain something from you own words :D
...patents I don't understand...
Oh, I see...
At least my PD is not in the garbage can as yours...
Credit from you? :lol::lol: Do you I think I need it? :razz:
PS. Hope also someday you understand 10% of what Esteban tries to teach you. Or will he need to open your head by hand and stuck it inside?:shocked:
03-19-2009, 03:59 PM
...patents I don't understand...
Oh, I see...
At least my PD is not in the garbage can as yours...
Are you referring to the faked video, where you hold the PD is higher up in the first test, and then lower it for the second?
Nice try, but no cigar. :razz:
Credit from you? :lol::lol: Do you I think I need it? :razz:
You should, but you'll never admit it.
PS. Hope also someday you understand 10% of what Esteban tries to teach you. Or will he need to open your head by hand and stuck it inside?:shocked:
You and Esteban are like chalk and cheese.
Dropping wet gun powder here has no effect. You should understand that by now.
As Dell wisely said, the only thing fake here are the scientific pretenders such as you who pretend to understand physics.:lol:
C'mon Ozzy, not even a simple PD schematic you were able to produce! Full of mistakes...:rolleyes:
03-19-2009, 06:03 PM
As Dell wisely said, the only thing fake here are the scientific pretenders such as you who pretend to understand physics.:lol:
C'mon Ozzy, not even a simple PD schematic you were able to produce! Full of mistakes...:rolleyes:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Also, try to get the sound synchronized next time. That was a dead giveaway.
PS. Hope also someday you understand 10% of what Esteban tries to teach you.
I understand and i like what he says,instead of giving imaginary explanations he justs give FACTS.and it is easy to understandf precisely because those are real observations.
Like Qiaozhi said, your video was not convincing at all , an outdoor video on real targets would have been more usefull.
Steve in MS
03-20-2009, 05:54 AM
Don't be that stupid as the all the other 'skepthics' here. You don't need this forum for anything. You will never find your answers here.
Just pick your choice of LRL and buy one.
Or are you that poor?:shocked:
You will discover if it works for you or not.
If you don't do that, you are just fooling yourself and acting stupid as them.
Hung, I buy items that have a purpose and work for the intended purpose.
I can't think of anyone on the U.S. detector forums that use both conventional detectors and LRLs.
That leaves a wide gap as far as LRLs are concerned, one tends to seek out information before purchase that the product is capable of the task at hand.
Placing all skeptics into one lump isn't helpful for getting your point across as they (we) all have different backgrounds.
Now if someone wants to send me an LRL free of charge to test(without obligation), I would be glad to do that:lol:.
A better idea is since you have deep pockets, come to the US with your LRLs and put on a demonstration on how useful they are.
Wouldn't you like to show Carl and skeptics are wrong about LRLs?
Somewhere through all the haze, I have read different sources that LRL's don't work for everyone.......
Hmmm.....maybe that is a red flag:D:D:razz::razz::lol::lol:.
03-21-2009, 03:25 PM
I see where you are coming from...but.... i for one do not break open every rock or lump of quartz that my Fisher Gold Bug metal detector passes over without signal. What is at stake here with this rangertell examiner is far far deeper than just a remote sensor or the phenomena of dowsing. It is the ability of the operator to find Gold that is my goal to quantify. I am not biased in favour of the device, it will remain an accessory to the pursuit of locating Gold. This forum will be supplied the relevant information in due course.
I'm sorry if the question was too hard to understand, I felt that I had phrased it in such a way that you could have just answered "yes" or "no".
04-12-2009, 03:19 PM
I am strongly advising readers that the Rangertell in preliminary field tests has so far proved unreliable. More evaluation will be required and you will be notified accordingly....regards
04-13-2009, 05:27 PM
I am strongly advising readers that the Rangertell in preliminary field tests has so far proved unreliable. More evaluation will be required and you will be notified accordingly....regards
hi ipopp why you do not answerr my question ?
i give you 3 private message and two e-mail why do not answer?
04-14-2009, 07:47 AM
hello putrechigi...i did not respond earlier because i am in the middle of field testing the rangertell examiner and do not want to be responsible for giving anyone potentially misleading information. At this stage all i can say is that the rangertell examiner both Does and Does Not work as a metal detecting device. Quite fascinating really. More information soon folks....
04-14-2009, 06:36 PM
hello putrechigi...i did not respond earlier because i am in the middle of field testing the rangertell examiner and do not want to be responsible for giving anyone potentially misleading information. At this stage all i can say is that the rangertell examiner both Does and Does Not work as a metal detecting device. Quite fascinating really. More information soon folks....
ok i wait
10-18-2009, 07:37 PM
Since the beginning, follow the subject. I think people who talk about it here in the real sense, treasure. ranger tell examiner, really excellent. and want in depth search. 1200 meters distance himself from me, and nokta.1.80 signal meters found in the metal.
Since the beginning, follow the subject. I think people who talk about it here in the real sense, treasure. ranger tell examiner, really excellent. and want in depth search. 1200 meters distance himself from me, and nokta.1.80 signal meters found in the metal.
And let me guess... you fly over buildings and planes, have a big "S" on your suite and don't like kryptonite! :D
10-18-2009, 08:40 PM
I have 25 years, with this hobby.'ve tried many instruments, the result a (0), tell the ranger if you set the exact yapar. wondrous at the results, very easy sonuç.masa beginning to produce words kolay.ranger built in Australia. I writing from turkey. I told my father to son değil.fakat facts are:nono:
10-18-2009, 08:54 PM
away from the seriousness of the above words, are you here for fun, I bi happens. Be serious.
10-18-2009, 09:07 PM
hello can you explain how to find the treasures with rangertell? how to set the detector, and the calculator
10-18-2009, 09:25 PM
hello can you explain how to find the treasures with rangertell? how to set the detector, and the calculator
cihaz tam ayarlı olmalı,toprağın 30 cm altına altın objeyi göm.aleti kullanarak objeden uzaklaş,tahminen küçük bir yüzük için,25 metre mesafeye kadar sinyali almalısınburada yapacağın ayar çok önemli. ayarda hata olursa boş delik bulursun.daha sonra cd de verilen talimatları uygula.
iyi avlar
10-18-2009, 09:26 PM
[quote=osman;99874]cihaz tam ayarlı olmalı,toprağın 30 cm altına altın objeyi göm.aleti kullanarak objeden uzaklaş,tahminen küçük bir yüzük için,25 metre mesafeye kadar sinyali almalısınburada yapacağın ayar çok önemli. ayarda hata olursa boş delik bulursun.daha sonra cd de verilen talimatları uygula.
iyi avlar[/quot
türkçe-ingilizce translate
10-19-2009, 12:11 AM
And let me guess... you fly over buildings and planes, have a big "S" on your suite and don't like kryptonite! :D
The human mind is a wonderful mechanism... but it can play little tricks. :lol: :lol: :lol:
10-19-2009, 12:30 AM
The human mind is a wonderful mechanism... but it can play little tricks. :lol: :lol: :lol:
The wealth of the mind is the only true wealth.There is always hope in a man who actually and earnestly works.
10-19-2009, 12:38 AM
The wealth of the mind is the only true wealth.There is always hope in a man who actually and earnestly works.
There are many detectors do not work in my store, on-time to waste thousands $. work behind the instrument.
11-12-2009, 12:18 PM
exhaustive field testing for this device is almost complete. the final exercise is being conducted with the assistance of a Chiropractor, yes, a Chiropractor who is skilled in quantifying muscle strength. Testing has been highly professional and the results will be released within the week coming. regards hipopp.......john baryczka 0351 442292 Sale victoria
Hi Hung. It seem you radiate a lot of negative rusty ions which blocked you to detect anything real.
11-12-2009, 11:16 PM
exhaustive field testing for this device is almost complete. the final exercise is being conducted with the assistance of a Chiropractor, yes, a Chiropractor who is skilled in quantifying muscle strength. Testing has been highly professional and the results will be released within the week coming. regards hipopp.......john baryczka 0351 442292 Sale victoria
I'm sure that it was. :lol:
All those deep empty holes that needed digging. :lol:
11-13-2009, 11:31 PM
[quote = hipopp, bu cihaz için 101.017] ayrıntılı saha testleri neredeyse tamamlandı. son bir egzersiz Chiropractor yardımıyla yürütülmektedir, evet, kim kas gücü miktarının içinde yetenekli bir Chiropractor. Test edilmiş yüksek ve sonuç önümüzdeki hafta içinde çıkacak profesyonel vardır. ....... ahmet baryczka 0351 442292 Satılık victoria hipopp ilgili[/ quote]
hi hipoop
different models of this device, I, 5,6 years I've used.
the model experiments performed; (if the sub-adjustable model), the
and recently by the expert user, must be set
if not, there is no bottom-setting, again in the near future, must be set.
because of temperature differences, instrument settings are changed.
embedded objects, the temperature increases, more remote, sensing.
embedded object's signal strength, the metal is directly proportional to weight.
stored in metal, 15 or 20 kg or more, even if not fully set, will respond.
the range of tools for many, of the metal to be searches, to find a nearby minerals.
who knows the job is not a problem for people.
I live my personal experience they do.Tests you wonder.
Greetings everyone
11-14-2009, 08:36 AM
see new thread...rangertell examiner field trials...
see what ?
that it don't work if not as a flask ? :lol:
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