View Full Version : LRL Frequence of Gold
01-14-2009, 10:00 PM
Does anyone know the frequency in hz or khz that these LRL devices use for finding gold?
I see two main techniques: 1. Use of speaker to output a signal 2. Use of inputting a signal into the ground
01-15-2009, 12:35 AM
Does anyone know the frequency in hz or khz that these LRL devices use for finding gold?
I see two main techniques: 1. Use of speaker to output a signal 2. Use of inputting a signal into the ground
try 630hz,610hz, 5khz,59khz
01-15-2009, 03:08 AM
Does anyone know the frequency in hz or khz that these LRL devices use for finding gold?
I see two main techniques: 1. Use of speaker to output a signal 2. Use of inputting a signal into the ground
i think 5khz good where is your schematic.............
01-15-2009, 04:12 AM
i think 5khz good where is your schematic.............
I don't have a schematic but plan to get a variable frequency generator that will hit these various levels of output and use for short range testing. Is there something you would recommend?
I don't have a schematic but plan to get a variable frequency generator that will hit these various levels of output and use for short range testing. Is there something you would recommend?
See at Carl's project. There is a good generator for rods working.
I take good signal for gold and good center at 4813.... 4900 Hz
01-15-2009, 10:43 AM
Does anyone know the frequency in hz or khz that these LRL devices use for finding gold?
I see two main techniques: 1. Use of speaker to output a signal 2. Use of inputting a signal into the ground
59---62 KHz
So many frequencies... (sob) ... so litle time....
01-15-2009, 01:21 PM
Does anyone know the frequency in hz or khz that these LRL devices use for finding gold?
I see two main techniques: 1. Use of speaker to output a signal 2. Use of inputting a signal into the ground
Try with this
This frequency list was researched by Dr. Toshihiko Yayama in Japan. He used the F-Scan with reagents and patients with known metal poisoning.
Frequencies have been rounded to the nearest 100 Hz. To test for metals, a DIRP is done from 30,000-60,000 Hz in 100 Hz steps. The mercury frequency has been confirmed by others. These frequencies are intended for research in detecting the presense of metals. They are not intended for use as treatment. Treatment should include chlorella and other materals as needed.
Arsenic 30400
Aluminum 31900
Beryllium 32700
Vanadium 32800
Titanium 35300
Thallium 36600
Palladium 37700
Lead 38000
Chromium VI 39200
Silver 43300
Mercury 43700
Magnesium 45300
Gallium 45400
Manganese 45700
Tungsten 47500
Lithium 47900
Indium 48300
Tantalum 48900
Rubidium 49200
Molybdenum 49800
Nickel 55200
Zinc 56200
Cobalt 56300
Iridium 57000
Cadmium 57300
Copper 58600
Gold 59000
Osmium 59200
Platinum 59300
Tin 59700
01-15-2009, 02:16 PM
Very sorry to report to you, but the notion that buried metals respond to, or give off a specific frequency, is a total fabrication -- a myth.
What's more, you will never ever find two dowsers that will agree on the same exact frequency. The reason for this is really quite simple. You see, these so-called frequencies were all derived empirically by the individual dowsers themselves; hence no two are alike.
The idea that buried metals respond to certain frequencies is perpetrated by LRL salesmen, ie. Wallet-miners and scam artists. The theory (bogus as is might be) has netted a few Wallet-miners many hundreds of thousands of dollars in stolen cash from those who covet the idea as truth.
Why do you think there are so many replies above that read; "...try 6.5 kHz, or try 19.6 Hz, or try 128 mHz, and on and on" ???
The answer is because you can literally try any frequency you like, or NO frequency at all; and you will of course come up with the exact same results every time. Of course if you try enough different frequencies, eventually you will find something that resembles the metal you were looking for, and then that "frequency" will become the one that you swear by.
The idea of "specific frequencies" is all part of a grand mind game and a marketing scheme repeated and repeated by the Wallet-miners and scam artists that prey on the gullible and technically-challenged.
You can forget about "frequencies", and just go out and do your dowsing without them, and you will not lose as much cash and you will have the same results with or without the use of "frequencies".
Rest assured, the only people who have ever profited from the use of "frequencies to find metals", are those scam artist LRL salesmen that sell the stuff. What they are doing is called Fraud through Willful Deception, and it is a crime.
01-15-2009, 02:20 PM
For me choosing the right frequency plus a good pair of rods if you are using mfd makes the difference. i am using frequency that only detects buried object(1 gm and above). gold dust no more;)
01-15-2009, 04:43 PM
For me choosing the right frequency plus a good pair of rods if you are using mfd makes the difference. i am using frequency that only detects buried object(1 gm and above). gold dust no more;)
dear if you has an treasure location simply yuo go there and keep a radio on sw band and sighlytly walk around area togerther adjust tune frweuency i think have found near 17.5 mhz better responce ......
dear if you has an treasure location simply yuo go there and keep a radio on sw band and sighlytly walk around area togerther adjust tune frweuency i think have found near 17.5 mhz better responce ......
Must be a VERY big treasure, right ?
01-16-2009, 12:44 AM
dear if you has an treasure location simply yuo go there and keep a radio on sw band and sighlytly walk around area togerther adjust tune frweuency i think have found near 17.5 mhz better responce ......
ok tnx my friend i will test it. will let you know the result:)
01-16-2009, 01:25 AM
Thanks for all of the replies everyone.
Has anyone ever figured out what type of signal the gold is supposed to exhibit when you input a certain frequency into the ground or air? Most people talk about L or dowsing rods but that doesn't explain the signal. Any ideas such as a weak electrical field which should be magnetic or what??
01-16-2009, 01:46 AM
Thanks for all of the replies everyone.
Has anyone ever figured out what type of signal the gold is supposed to exhibit when you input a certain frequency into the ground or air? Most people talk about L or dowsing rods but that doesn't explain the signal. Any ideas such as a weak electrical field which should be magnetic or what??
You won't find a consensus as to the type of signal that gold is "supposed" to exhibit because gold does not produce a signal of any type (when a frequency is radiated into the nearby ground or air). It is a physical impossibility.
If there were a "sympathetic radiation" produced, as you've been told and you obviously believe, there would be no reason at all to employ hand-held error-prone dowsing rods as a sensing device. :nono: Not to mention the fact that all the Physics texts (and axioms) in this world would need to be re-written. ;)
Dell Winders
01-16-2009, 04:33 AM
Sam, are you still jealous that LRL's work better than your fancy Dowsing Pendulums you were selling for high prices? Dell :lol:
01-16-2009, 02:23 PM
Must be a VERY big treasure, right ?
Yes, a very big treasure, or on the other hand, it could be a transmitter of some kind emitting a "real" RF signal of the frequency being listened for. :D
Clondike Clad
01-16-2009, 02:53 PM
Sam, are you still jealous that LRL's work better than your fancy Dowsing Pendulums you were selling for high prices? Dell :lol:
01-16-2009, 03:11 PM
Dell, thinks it is okay for him to do whatever he wants. He believes he is immune to and exempt from all the laws of the land, simply because he has gotten away with his deceptive marketing schemes for so long. Dell needs to pay more attention to what just happened to his buddy Bob Yokum.
Sometimes it is slow, but eventually justice will prevail. :D
Dell Winders
01-16-2009, 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Dell Winders
Sam, are you still jealous that LRL's work better than your fancy Dowsing Pendulums you were selling for high prices? Dell
Sometimes it is slow, but eventually justice will prevail.
You are right about that, Sam. I see you are hiding behind another deceptive alias and trying to control your jealous prejudice so they don't come after you, Again. :)
My claims are always honest & truthful, and have evidence to support, You have already taken your best shots to no avail. You don't have a Scientific leg to stand on, which you are surely aware of by now. Your slander is contrived, and as bogus as your pretense to be who you are not.
It's very unlikely that Mr. Yokum, considers me a buddy of his. That's only in your imagination. Dell
01-16-2009, 05:23 PM
You are right about that, Sam. I see you are hiding behind another deceptive alias and trying to control your jealous prejudice so they don't come after you, Again. :)
My claims are always honest & truthful, and have evidence to support, You have already taken your best shots to no avail. You don't have a Scientific leg to stand on, which you are surely aware of by now. Your slander is contrived, and as bogus as your pretense to be who you are not.
It's very unlikely that Mr. Yokum, considers me a buddy of his. That's only in your imagination. Dell
Once again your paranoia is affecting your mind, Dell. Sam??? I don't see any posts from Sam. Me hiding??? Who is hiding??? My user name is Theseus, and is no different from all the other user names on here. You seem to be really taken with this Sam fellow from your past. He must've done you some real dirt somewhere along the way; probably many years ago, the way your mind works. If he ever stops by here, I'd like to shake his hand buy him a beer and congratulate him for a job well done. :razz:
And if Bob is not your buddy, at least he was in the same business you are in; only he got hauled into court. Just something for you to think about.
01-16-2009, 11:05 PM
dear Fred
yes actually im planed to built a tow box type locator simeller frequency near gold...:nono:
01-16-2009, 11:12 PM
dear sweatofgl go as soon as but you shuld be use a plastic handle and aportable antena near a old bueired treasure location........
01-17-2009, 01:37 AM
Physicist Dr.Paul E. Dobler in his experiments with high end millimeter waves found that all materials give off radio waves,hence the millimeter wave passive security cameras in use today. He measured gold's frequency at 1.2mm or 249GHZ.
This was done in the turn of the last Century after Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose's experiments with lower millimeter waves,both using the same primitive lab equipment at the time.
If you want to find out about this goto (, click on used books and type in the Author space Paul E. Dobler and you will see 1 copy of his condensed book in eng. and 2 auf deutsch which contains detailed info complete with photographs which I bought and highly recommend and they are both around $50 from a bookstore in Austria (which is strangely enough where I bought my copy).
Get informed,
01-17-2009, 03:35 AM
Physicist Dr.Paul E. Dobler in his experiments with high end millimeter waves found that all materials give off radio waves,hence the millimeter wave passive security cameras in use today. He measured gold's frequency at 1.2mm or 249GHZ.
Isn't that interesting, especially in light of the fact that most LRL/MFD contraptions are utilizing frequencies in the Audio Spectrum; that is Hz and KHz. Something doesn't quite add up here, wouldn't you agree? Next thing somebody will tell me is that they are using "harmonics" of the GHz frequencies. I've heard it all. Incidently, if buried metals were giving off frequencies there would be NO reason at all to sense them with error-prone dowsing rods. Someone would have designed a simple receiver to detect the aforementioned frequencies, and there would be very few buried treasures left in the ground. So far that hasn't happened. Hmmmmm.... curious.
Incidently, if getting informed means I would have to invest in a library of esoteric/occult books about pseudoscience and other things that go bump in the night --I'll leave that to you and your friends of a similar ilk. If you really enjoy those kinds of "far out" topics, I suggest you research the Rife Instruments, Radionics boxes and the work of Pierre Beasse. When you get totally informed on that topic, the next one I would suggest you investigate would be Orgone Energy, Orgone Accumulators and the experiments of Wilhelm Reich.
BTW, I think Walmart is currently running a special on aluminum foil; and you'll probably need quite a lot of it once you start building your orgone accumulator.
Birds of a feather flock together.........
01-17-2009, 05:19 AM
I was testing you Theseus to see if when provided with actual past discoveries of Physicists if you were truly interested in scientific facts you would acknowledge it and thank me for telling you. Instead you became sarcastic and refuted these Scientists,calling them occultic.
So that proves to me that you truly aren't interested in Science,but just after LRL/MFD/Dowsers.
I know I'm wasting my time telling you this but for the rest of the forum there is currently a device in development that will be able to indentify various metals or elements based on their Millimeter or THz wave frequency. Voodoo science,occult? Nope, just science-sorry Theseus. Maybe when the article comes out you can take it to your outhouse and read it on the throne.
Science really isn't all that bad once you get over the fear of it,hey who knows,you just might learn something8). Or it could be an excellant laxative;).
Steve in MS
01-17-2009, 08:52 AM
Even if gold, etc gives off specific frequencies, once they are under the ground it would much harder for that frequency to be of a magnitude that could be useful for any practical device to pickup.
There is no free lunch, gold is not "screaming out" a frequency that can be detected from a long distance.
A question, has there ever been any electronic instrument constructed to do such a feat?
If so, how far distance can it pick it up?
What are the chances any current LRL would do the same thing?
Honest answers to these questions need to be entertained, right?
Some are making electronic LRL's to detect with, they use BFO's as the main part of their construction which also brings up a question to be asked, namely why can't a standard BFO detector with a large coil do the same thing?
One would think the large brand detector makers, such as Whites, which spends big money on making detectors would already know about specific frequencies of metals.
Then they would market such detectors so they could make more money....
01-17-2009, 09:46 AM
You're right,a 249GHZ signal will not penetrate soil more than a few centimeters if I'm remembering right. Far as gold on the surface the transmission distance would not be great to due the curvature of the earth and at that frequency even if it is at a high elevation relative to a receiver, the attenuation vs distance can vary from .9db per kilometer up to 5 db/Kilometer for high humidity per Bulletin Number 70 entitled "Millimeter Wave Propagation: Spectrum Management Implications" published by the Federal Communications Commission,July 1997.
Far as your other statements,I pointed out that a device is currently being developed to detect metals by their frequency. When you start researching Millimeter/THZ technology,you quickly realize that it is so cutting edge it's still in the labs at Universities or big companies. Do a google search on Millimeter cameras or THZ imaging and take note of the URL's.
So be patient Steve, Technology will catch up to your wishes. The equipment is VERY expensive. Oh yeah you can go to Virginia Diodes and window shop. Just imagine what all that nice precisely machined stuff must cost to coble together a working receiver.
Also let it be known that my reply to Theseus was to let him know that technically gold and other materials do emit RF but I in no way was implying that these are what LRL/MFD/dowsers are responding to. And actually gold will give off ions if excited by ultaviolet light at 244nm which is under the topic of photoion emissions. Problem with the ions are they drift away and so with photoion emissions it is done in a vacuum to prevent this so that blows away (oops,no pun intended here) the "detecting gold by ions" theory.
01-17-2009, 12:41 PM
I was testing you Theseus to see if....
Yeah right. I'm already light years ahead of you in the science department, so test away.
I know I'm wasting my time telling you this but for the rest of the forum there is currently a device in development that will be able to indentify various metals or elements based on their Millimeter or THz wave frequency. Voodoo science,occult?
ROTFLMAO....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Boy, I wish I had a dollar for every "kitchen/garage inventor" that has come on here (and other forums) claiming to be building the ultimate LRL. I'd be a rich man.
With that kind of work going on, you had better not spend too much time here. :nono:
Be sure and come back and tell us all about your great invention. If Wilhelm Reich was alive, he'd be proud of you.
01-17-2009, 03:27 PM
I pointed out that a device is currently being developed to detect metals by their frequency. When you start researching Millimeter/THZ technology,you quickly realize that it is so cutting edge....
Where have you been? Spectroscopy, and its application to chemical analysis and material identification has been around a great many years. Spectroscopic technique is used to assess the concentration or amount of a given species. The instrument that performs such measurements is a spectrometer or spectrograph. Spectroscopy/spectrometry is often used in physical ( and analytical chemistry ( for the identification of substances through the spectrum emitted from or absorbed by them. This includes the technique you are alluding to, and is nothing new, merely an offshoot of common technology that has been around a very long time.
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy analyzes the magnetic properties of the various atomic nuclei to determine different electronic local environments of hydrogen (, carbon (, or other atoms in an organic compound ( or other compound ( This is used to help determine the structure ( of the compound and identify the various constituents of a compound or material. Again, nothing new, as this type of analysis technique was used by myself and other researchers well over a decade ago.
I suggest you read up a little more on what has been done with "real" science and technology before you attempt to meld the terminology with your own brand of pseudoscience in the hope of yielding the next generation of LRL. ;)
01-17-2009, 06:56 PM
Terahertz imaging has been around for a long time. In fact, around 15 years.
The frequency band for terahertz radiation is located between microwaves and infrared (100GHz to 10THz) and this technique has one important difference to ordinary spectroscopy. Whereas standard spectroscopic techniques only look at amplitude changes, terahertz imaging examines both the amplitude and the phase. This allows more information about the target to be extracted. However, it is far from being applicable to the long-range location of buried objects.
01-17-2009, 11:39 PM
I'm not making a LRL or MFD so get off you're tirade. Since you're so smart in Science what are you working on to locate gold or whatever treasures you're into?
When you reply to this post I don't want to read one negative or sarcastic comment from you:nono:.
I want to read what you yes YOU are doing to further the hobby. I admire guy's like Esteban who at least TRY ideas that are out of the norm and construct many many circuits. Ditto Geo and Rospy.
So tell us all what you've been working on Theseus?
01-18-2009, 01:28 AM
So tell us all what you've been working on Theseus?
By now it should be intuitively obvious to the most casual observer.
If it's not clear to you, go back and read my posts, and even you should eventually figure it out. :cool:
01-18-2009, 02:26 AM
Nothing absolutely nothing.
01-18-2009, 03:50 AM
Nothing absolutely nothing.
My, my, Randy -- you are a rather bitter individual. Why is that do you suppose? I suspect you have a hidden agenda of some kind, so why don't you just get it off your chest.
Just as an aside, and to return "sort of" to the topic of this thread, consider if you will that MFD/LRL and talk about gold and other metals emitting frequencies has actually been theorized and discussed since I believe the late 70s or early 80s. Not only that but several commercial devices, which supposedly utilize the concept, have actually been introduced to the retail market. Sadly, none of them have produced results better than pure "dowsing" ---but nevertheless the concept has been around for right at 30 years (give or take a few).
In that same span of years, science and technology has gone forward in not only outer space exploration but all other areas of the legitimate sciences. Now use your head, Randy.... wouldn't it be logical to assume that with all the other technological advances that have evolved in the span of 30 years, that IF the MFD/LRL concept (or a related offshoot) was at all legitimate; that it too would have been advanced? Of course it would! It's called "piggyback" advancements.
The fact is: No amount of work or wishing will ever be able to take pseudoscience and magically turn it into a legitimate workable science. That has never worked in the past and it is not ever going to work in the future. And you are wasting your time waiting for that to happen.
Your remarks and attitude remind me of someone else who I've heard iterate similar baloney. You blame legitimate researchers, investigators and scientists for not working on and not forwarding your pseudoscientific beliefs. Wake up and smell the roses, Randy. It's really obvious why your "wish science" is falling by the wayside ---and can never be advanced.
It is completely baseless, and blaming people for not working on it is a dumb thing to do; IMHO. :D
Dell Winders
01-18-2009, 04:12 AM
Hey Sam, You better take your med's. You are getting all worked up, and you know what happened to you before when you went off the deep end. Dell :nono:
Clondike Clad
01-18-2009, 10:36 AM
Hey Sam, You better take your med's. You are getting all worked up, and you know what happened to you before when you went off the deep end. Dell :nono:
How do that thingie rollor pick up a signal?:nono:
01-18-2009, 02:14 PM
Hey Sam, You better take your med's. You are getting all worked up, and you know what happened to you before when you went off the deep end. Dell :nono:
Sam??? I guess you were talking to Randy. Seems you are the one that is totally confused. Have you been checked recently for Alzheimer’s?? Are you currently taking your prescribed meds? Well, at least you recognized my baloney reference was aimed at you. I was afraid you might miss that. Thanks for stopping by and spreading your usual load of BS. Too bad you can't sell that crap, you'd have even more money than you do now, which you've stolen from the gullible and technically-challenged. :lol::lol::lol:
01-18-2009, 02:17 PM
How do that thingie rollor pick up a signal?:nono:
I heard someone say they couldn't use it within 20 miles of a store that sells paint because it keeps pulling towards the store. I suppose it wants to go back to where it came from. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
01-18-2009, 02:21 PM
Around good conductive metals buried for long time exists a magnetic and electric field, this make the difference with the vecinities in the soil... Also can exist re-radiadated radio waves... The main problem is to detect small items at great depth, but big treasures is great in "emission".
a 249GHZ signal will not penetrate soil more than a few centimeters if I'm remembering right.
Actually it can go much, much deeper if you use a special aproach of 'microwave trains'.
Gold is the most powerful 'self defensive' metal when it comes to avoid any harm to its structure, such as rust, oxidation, etc. Its DNA produces a substance which coats the metal to fight against those 'threats'.
The above frequency might be one related to gold. But ANY element has much more than one single frequency. Several and several. Those make up their shape, mass, size, structure, etc. There are a few frequencies left which are most relevant. Those are the ones to be used in a special combination.
Clondike Clad
01-18-2009, 04:19 PM
I heard someone say they couldn't use it within 20 miles of a store that sells paint because it keeps pulling towards the store. I suppose it wants to go back to where it came from. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I may have a need for one.
If i get lost it will pull me to a paint store.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Clondike Clad
01-18-2009, 04:21 PM
Around good conductive metals buried for long time exists a magnetic and electric field, this make the difference with the vecinities in the soil... Also can exist re-radiadated radio waves... The main problem is to detect small items at great depth, but big treasures is great in "emission".From what you are telling us.
01-18-2009, 09:04 PM
Aha! I knew you were confusing me with someone else on this forum! Theseus show me ONE post where I have referred to you as Sam:razz::nono:. Think man think and re-read the above posts of mine and others and see WHO has referred to you as Sam AND where have I said on this thread that I am designing an LRL/MFD??:shocked:
Get your people straight when you reply to me, I merely was making a point and referenced REAL physicist. Yeah ok so they used primitive equipment back then,does that negate their discoveries,c'mon man respect there work. IF it wasn't for these early scientists we wouldn't be enjoying the fruits of their labor with electricity+radio waves, etc.
How about Tesla,was he one your list as hucksters? Maybe Heinrich Hertz,or how about Ernst Lecher is he occult? True now in Europe they have a dowsing rod that they claim to tune in elements in the low GHZ using a Letcher antenna see here (you cad)
I give up on you Theseus as your not a rational person,I'm sorry. I think you should check with Carl on who I am.
[quote=Theseus;84053]Sam??? I guess you were talking to Randy. Seems you are the one that is totally confused. Have you been checked recently for Alzheimer’s??
01-18-2009, 10:06 PM
Gold is the most powerful 'self defensive' metal when it comes to avoid any harm to its structure, such as rust, oxidation, etc. Its DNA produces a substance which coats the metal to fight against those 'threats'.WHAT!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
You mean them Credit Suisse bars I bought are contaminated with DNA and other organic substances?
I paid good money for them, and they guaranteed 99.999 % pure gold!
Now I'm mad :nono:
Ok hung, give me the details about gold DNA and that substance it produces to coat the bars so I can sue Credit Suisse to get my money back! With your help I will get to the bottom of this "pure gold" scam in no time!
Best wishes,
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards my 99.999% pure gold bars, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
DNA signature, the missing secret.
We should try to discover hung´s frequency to tune elsewhere :lol:
01-18-2009, 11:02 PM
Aha! I knew you were confusing me with someone else.....
Huh? :???:
I'm well aware of who you are Randy. Your reputation precedes you.
Yeah, right - the tuned Lecher wire goes hand in hand with the Radionics boxes from the 1920s. Have you ever considered writing for the Twilight Zone?
WHAT!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
You mean them Credit Suisse bars I bought are contaminated with DNA and other organic substances?
I paid good money for them, and they guaranteed 99.999 % pure gold!
Now I'm mad :nono:
Ok hung, give me the details about gold DNA and that substance it produces to coat the bars so I can sue Credit Suisse to get my money back! With your help I will get to the bottom of this "pure gold" scam in no time!
Best wishes,
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards my 99.999% pure gold bars, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
Holly crap, well you should submit them a DNA test to know if Credit Suisse is the real father.:lol:
01-19-2009, 12:51 AM
From what you are telling us.
These aren't my words. :lol: Electric and magnetic field associated in concordance with the size and time.
01-19-2009, 12:55 AM
And you did EXACTLY what I thought you would do when once again as a reference I mentioned what the Europeans are using the Lecher Antenna for-in other words you fell for it:lol::p.
So let's try it again, I've NEVER referred to you as Sam (you do have the same pattern as Max but you are fluent in english so that's not a match). I don't own an LRL or MFD. What I DO own is a White's GMT,a Eric Foster Goldquest V1.2 PI,a 4- terminal Resistivity meter,a dual Müeller tube geiger counter,3 mercury sniffers, a Falcon MD-20 300 KHZ detector and here let me throw you a bone to jump on-I JUST bought a Pipefinder II dowsing rod from Northern Tool Company used to locate pipes. There ya go, I just gave ya a free one-jump on it Theseus. I mean I want to see the above HIGHLIGHTED in your reply. Oh please,pretty please?!
You don't know nothing about me but I'm beginning to suspect that your an Albanian Gypsy who's got nothing to contribute but negative comments-just like the banned Max used to do right down to the "T".
So Theseus tells us what technical stuff you've been working and don't dodge the question this time-answer me!
I love Spectroscopy and have studied the different methods to analyze metals,but I keep an open mind as all the inventions have not been made yet and there's always room for experimentation. We haven't even touched the idea of using Scalar detection for metal discrimination-there's a whole new field.
Or maybe putting white noise into the ground in a putting various kind of metals in the earth then observing the spectra with a spectrum analyzer. Would be nice if we could make our own Network Analyzer and scan metals in the earth and observe the results (already been done I'm sure but it would be a learning experience that might give us ideas)
P.S.Theseus, tell me who you think I am. I think your bluffing.:nono:
Huh? :???:
I'm well aware of who you are Randy. Your reputation precedes you.
Yeah, right - the tuned Lecher wire goes hand in hand with the Radionics boxes from the 1920s. Have you ever considered writing for the Twilight Zone?
Steve in MS
01-19-2009, 06:35 AM
Can metal transmit signals? I would think yes but how useful those signals are for detection by various practical means is the big question.
Atoms have electrons and metals are good conductors and I agree with Esteban that larger metal objects are easier to detect because of their extra mass.
I have an old TR detector and it will go surprisingly deep on large objects but much less on small objects.
OK, I am still skeptical of LRLs, someone send me me a working model -free- and I will check it out....but don't bother though with the mechanical type :D........those with a built-in BFO, I will give room that they might work.
01-19-2009, 04:35 PM
There is enough natural radiation that you might be able to detect smaller metal objects if you went to some of the higher frequencies which is something I'd like to try.
Theseus,I'd really like to know about my reputation that precedes me. Having my phone number,address,and birthdate are easily gotten off the net so I don't feel threatened or intimidated by sociopathic behavior.
I would like to hear what you feel what be a good circuit for prospecting.
What about using the abundance of background radiation from .001hz up to gamma rays?
01-20-2009, 02:57 AM
Do not post another member's personal information without their consent. The rules of the Geotech forums (and this forum in particular) include the following:
Be polite. Write messages as if you are standing in front of someone talking to them.
Criticism should be relevant and constructive. If you disagree with something, state your case, and move on.Stick to the topic of discussion, there is no need to get personal. I've known Randy for a long time, and even though I might disagree with him on some points I can say that he is looking at all this from an inquisitive standpoint, and has no agenda.
- Carl
Steve in MS
01-20-2009, 06:58 AM
There is enough natural radiation that you might be able to detect smaller metal objects if you went to some of the higher frequencies which is something I'd like to try.
Theseus,I'd really like to know about my reputation that precedes me. Having my phone number,address,and birthdate are easily gotten off the net so I don't feel threatened or intimidated by sociopathic behavior.
I would like to hear what you feel what be a good circuit for prospecting.
What about using the abundance of background radiation from .001hz up to gamma rays?
Randy, I only use standard type detectors so I would have no idea what frquencies would work for prospecting, if you mean a passive type electronic device.
If you are referring to VLFs for prospecting, you probably have an idea, looking at what is for sale on the market, higher frequencies for small stuff and lower freq. or pulse for larger items.
Perhaps Esteban and others have figured out a method using BFOs with various antenna configurations, I would come closer to believing the possibility of this working over pivot point devices, that would seem to be more challenging as far as successful operation.
As far as circuits, I am not a electronic builder.
I look at this from a standpoint of how practical something works.
You mention being able to pick up signals from small gold thru means of passive devices, that would be great, if ground signals can be screened out or ignored.
I see where the mention of using a FM radio as a receiver, the higher the frequencies get, the shorter the waveform will be and I would imagine their usefulness for treasure hunting would be questionable but hey, maybe someone can mod a cell phone to pick up emissions from the ground?
I read somewhere that the military has a vehicle that can look into the ground and can tell the diff. between pulltabs and rings, probably anything else but it is necessary to wear a lead suit while operating.
The cost would be out of the reach of anyone except gov.
Large gold is not of interest to me, if I knew where some was buried I would
1 Buy the land
2 Get a very powerful PI with large coil(s)
3 Get a backhoe and sluice and start digging:D.
01-20-2009, 09:09 AM
I don't recall using passive detectors but I am intrigued with the idea of using the natural radiation of the earth. The difficulty is not being able to use a phase detector with natural Radio Sources as it's random.
So will see what happens,
01-20-2009, 12:43 PM
Do not post another member's personal information without their consent. The rules of the Geotech forums (and this forum in particular) include the following:
Be polite. Write messages as if you are standing in front of someone talking to them.
Criticism should be relevant and constructive. If you disagree with something, state your case, and move on.Stick to the topic of discussion, there is no need to get personal. I've known Randy for a long time, and even though I might disagree with him on some points I can say that he is looking at all this from an inquisitive standpoint, and has no agenda.
- Carl
Sorry. Randy made more than one reference to me that I had him confused with someone else. I was merely trying to enlighten him (prove to him), that in fact I did know who he was and was not confused. As Randy pointed out, I did not reveal anything about him that was not already in the public domain. Hopefully, this thread can get back to "the LRL frequence(sic) of Gold". ....and thanks for the reminders.
Incidentally, I re-read some of Randy's earlier posts to me, and I'd have to say they no doubt fell outside the scope of "polite".
01-20-2009, 11:23 PM
You don't know nothing about me but I'm beginning to suspect that your an Albanian Gypsy who's got nothing to contribute but negative comments-just like the banned Max used to do right down to the "T".
What makes you think that Max was banned? :shrug:
01-20-2009, 11:59 PM
What makes you think that Max was banned? :shrug:
Was RObert!
01-21-2009, 12:08 AM
Was RObert!
Max was Robert! ???
Max was Robert! ???
I think Seden mixed up Max and Robert.
If Max was Robert we would know it :razz:
01-21-2009, 12:23 AM
No, the banned (s) was RObert and Sony. Do you remember? Now, in this "new" forum don't appear as banned (the both).
Seems... are des-banned. :lol:
Don't know what happens with Max.
01-21-2009, 02:07 AM
You guy's are right, I did get Max and Robert mixed up:razz:
My apologies to Max,what an insult!! Did Robert EVER contribute any technical stuff or just bag on those who did? Yep bringing back memories of his constant sarcastic barbs. Even a child can criticize (that's easy!), it's the sharing of ideas takes work and is the stuff that separates the men from the boy's on this forum.
01-21-2009, 04:06 AM
You guy's are right, I did get Max and Robert mixed up:razz:
My apologies to Max,what an insult!! Did Robert EVER contribute any technical stuff or just bag on those who did? Yep bringing back memories of his constant sarcastic barbs. Even a child can criticize (that's easy!), it's the sharing of ideas takes work and is the stuff that separates the men from the boy's on this forum.Ummm... yes Robert did contribute some technical stuff...
If you recall, he contributed the circuit for the "Robertoro" LRL...
Which led to a series of photos that I submitted showing my construction efforts, and the difficulties I encountered at the beach in the way of distractions that kept me from my second favorite hobby, building treasure machines.
Unfortunately. these photos were removed when Robert was banned.
However, through a miracle of electronics, I am able to re-post the photos showing My construction efforts with the "Robertoro" LRL, and the distractions at the beach....
01-21-2009, 04:48 AM
Pretty funny stuff. Seeing those pictures of the beautiful women brings something to mind-there's no women on this forum:frown:
I've worked with some pretty foxy female engineers as well as technicians in my career so I know there out there,they just haven't discovered Carl's forum for some reason.
Thanks J_player for the playback,
Your pictures brought me some memories too, the soldering iron you show is very similar to my first one, i was 10 or 12 and this was the only way i got to solder my first components.
The only difference is that i used a small tube (from a pen or something) to bring the gas farther and close to the tip.Of course doing so i needed another lighter to "ignite" the system...
AND, i was already getting girl´s atention too. :razz:
01-21-2009, 03:49 PM
they just haven't discovered Carl's forum for some reason.
These forums aren't just for electronics, but metal detector electronics. If my math is correct, statistically there are only 6 women in the whole world interested in this, and one of them works at White's. So where are the other 5?
01-21-2009, 11:07 PM
No, the banned (s) was RObert and Sony. Do you remember? Now, in this "new" forum don't appear as banned (the both).
Seems... are des-banned. :lol:
Don't know what happens with Max.
I think Max is in a part of the world where there are many political problems. Many he's located in the Gaza strip. :frown:
01-24-2009, 03:46 PM
On eb*y right now there is a long range camera that states it can find near surface gold using post processing. Company is out of Australia and is there any input on these devices? Are they bogus?
Long Range Gold IR Detector
Easy to Use/ World First Concept/ Item number: 230320555531
by maxFynd
You can also see the gold location on the screen as you walk. You don't need to take a shot until enough gold is visible in a certain form. Sounds hard to believe but it's actually the first device that allows easy-as-carrying-a-camera x-ray below the surface. It's two-dimensional but answers your questions fully. The bottom picture on this page is a stylized impression, but it works!
01-24-2009, 08:08 PM
This is a scam run by "Ranger-Tell", a.k.a. Vincent Blanes. He's selling several scam devices on eBay. I own 2 of his "Examiner" LRLs and they are an absolute joke... a calculator taped to a dowsing rod.
- Carl
OK. Carl posted his impressions.
Now I post mine.
I own the RT examiner and it worked for me. So much so, that I found that their aproach is just a tip of the iceberg containing tons of info and possibilities. Their aproach is just a seed that led me to develop a full electronic and powerful LRL system.
The first thing I found years ago with the RT examiner was a silver ring. Then came other more 'valuable ' stuff.
Try it and decide for yourself. Don't take our words. It will either work for you or not.
About the maxfynd camera, I don't know if it works, but the concept is true and I'm working on the same technology right now.
01-24-2009, 10:37 PM
Hung is right, don't take our word for it. Contact the seller, ask for references of people who bought the product and actually recovered something with it. Call them and get a detailed report of what it does.
- Carl
01-25-2009, 11:17 AM
OK. Carl posted his impressions.
Now I post mine.
I own the RT examiner and it worked for me. So much so, that I found that their aproach is just a tip of the iceberg containing tons of info and possibilities. Their aproach is just a seed that led me to develop a full electronic and powerful LRL system.
The first thing I found years ago with the RT examiner was a silver ring. Then came other more 'valuable ' stuff.
Try it and decide for yourself. Don't take our words. It will either work for you or not.
About the maxfynd camera, I don't know if it works, but the concept is true and I'm working on the same technology right now.
Earth to Hung! :shocked:
You are either seriously technically-challenged, or part of the wallet mining brigade.
The RT-Examiner is simply a very poor attempt to deceive those with minimal or no technical knowledge. No one in their right mind could possibly believe that a cheap calculator taped to a swivel handle could detect anything but gravity (and occasional wallets). And don't tell me that I don't understand the physics behind this so-called LRL, as I wrote the spoof article of the RT, that you sent to Ranger Tell, and they actually posted it on their website. How gullible ... just like their customers.
Same thing for the camera, if you look at the feedback you will see positive one only for usual stuff,and the less positive one are "private".
aparently is´t just a $200 camera with a ir filter sold $800.Then they use the autofocus thing to "spot" places.
It appear more and more obvious to me (Yes Mr Q ) that any random signalling device will work fine for LRL.
First of all I'm not involved with RT (or any LRL corp) either technically, financially or whatever.
I agree LRLs are priced unbelieveably high. The present RT unit can be built for less than $5.
But if LRL manufacturers include their developed concept in the final price, this could justify the increase in price. But not at the present values which are displayed over the internet.
In the case of RT, the increase in price is due to the main elements of the device which are the table of frequencies and the equations to be input in the calculator to make the functions work.
Secondly, a calculator glued over the antenna is inducing the circuit. The calculator is the signal generator, and every amateur engineer knows the calculator value displays in the LCD input frequencies. If some here refute that they need to be aware of it as their ignorance escapes common sense.
Third, according to RT's site, they hit more than 3,000 customers along the time. Imagine 3,000 anggry customers rioting in front of RT' place. They would have probably burned the house down by now and you would have known about in CNN.
So, don't come with this non sense talk that it's ideomotor or t's a scam. These statements are the true BS.
I know many RT users and they confirm it works and their findings.
Last, I don't know if the camera works. Could be trough infrared, or something else. Fact is this concept is highly plausible as I know now.
01-25-2009, 02:10 PM
OK. Carl posted his impressions.
Now I post mine.
I own the RT examiner and it worked for me.
If it was actually involved in the "finding" of a target you were looking for; all that proves is that a bent coat hanger would have found the same target.
If you actually paid for the Examiner, and didn't receive it as a gift in return for pushing it here on Geotech, then you have been the victim of a grand LRL hoax, like all the rest who bought that worthless contraption. :)
01-25-2009, 02:15 PM
Secondly, a calculator glued over the antenna is inducing the circuit. The calculator is the signal generator, and every amateur engineer knows the calculator value displays in the LCD input frequencies. If some here refute that they need to be aware of it as their ignorance escapes common sense.
Total rubbish! If you actually believe such BS you are a lot less skilled in Engineering principles than I first imagined.
01-25-2009, 02:26 PM
Total rubbish! If you actually believe such BS you are a lot less skilled in Engineering principles than I first imagined.
Hung's engineering skill level is exactly as I imagined, :lol: and every post reaffirms my expectation.
...every amateur engineer knows the calculator value displays in the LCD input frequencies.
What ?
Could not understand
01-25-2009, 09:39 PM
Secondly, a calculator glued over the antenna is inducing the circuit. The calculator is the signal generator, and every amateur engineer knows the calculator value displays in the LCD input frequencies. If some here refute that they need to be aware of it as their ignorance escapes common sense.
Originally Posted by Fred
What ?
Could not understand What? :eek:
Every novice engineer knows the calculator input frequency is determined by a clock and dividers that do not change their frequency regardless of what numbers are pressed. But now hung says our ignorance escapes common sense unless we believe like he does that the calculator LCD is displaying input frequencies? :shocked:
But wait...
This science comes from the same person who said "This is the principle in which the Rangertell Examiner works. Resonance to the elements subatomic levels when a carrier signal line is shot and returned". :nono:
When questioned about his idea of radio transmission, hung replied "What I said is that the Examiner sends out a signal and aligns with the responsive one". Then it was pointed out that hung is not telling the truth about what he said, and furthermore, the RangerTell has no broadcasting equipment, or not even any working circuits. Finally hung changed his story again to explain that the RangerTell works on the principle of radionics. :???:
Hope this helps you to understand what hung is saying.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Best wishes,
Thanks JP,now it´s clear .
But i will only take it for sure if Hung confirms it.
I suppose i have to go back to childhood to understand this principle.
01-31-2009, 05:14 PM
hi every one check this detector ...............
02-14-2009, 04:48 PM
See at Carl's project. There is a good generator for rods working.
I take good signal for gold and good center at 4813.... 4900 Hz
In your own field experience, Is it ok to use 5khz for gold 5lbs and above?
Thanks and more power!
:):):)Happy VALENTINE'S to you and your love ones:):):)
02-16-2009, 04:48 AM
hi every one check this detector ...............
I believe Scarborough has died. when he was still in this world I communicated with him several times. As I recall, he was a priest or minister of some church in Africa. His hobby was electronics and he came up with some nice but simple designs.
Looks like a simple detector. has anyone built this? The circuit is a standard oscillator using the coil to change frequency when in presence of metals.
02-16-2009, 05:29 AM
I believe Scarborough has died.
He was alive 2 weeks ago. Recovering from a severe bout with rheumatic fever.
- Carl
02-21-2009, 08:30 PM
Does anybody knows frequency of platinum?
I already know 59300hz.
02-23-2009, 12:47 PM
Does anybody knows frequency of platinum?
I already know 59300hz.
i tried 59300 but not good for deep buried object. say the target is at 3ft., you are 9ft. away from the real target! you have to do something to collapse the two rings surrounded by the real object. that is only the result of my experimentation.:)
02-23-2009, 02:17 PM
i tried 59300 but not good for deep buried object. say the target is at 3ft., you are 9ft. away from the real target! you have to do something to collapse the two rings surrounded by the real object. that is only the result of my experimentation.:)
you have to do something to collapse the two rings that surrounds the real object.
Götz von Berlichingen
02-23-2009, 03:35 PM
He was alive 2 weeks ago. Recovering from a severe bout with rheumatic fever.
- Carl
I guess this here is his Blog, mostly about the Ministy :
02-23-2009, 04:26 PM
im using self (i and another one smartguy) made model. We came to conclusion, that with lrl cannot pinpoint gold target, i dont know why.
With our made lrl we found many of WW2 artefacts.
lrl works brilliant in searching of metals like iron/copper/aluminum/titan ect.
We have been found 5 ww2 planes, of course, hardly damaged and one tank (t-34).
02-23-2009, 10:56 PM
im using self (i and another one smartguy) made model. We came to conclusion, that with lrl cannot pinpoint gold target, i dont know why.
With our made lrl we found many of WW2 artefacts.
lrl works brilliant in searching of metals like iron/copper/aluminum/titan ect.
We have been found 5 ww2 planes, of course, hardly damaged and one tank (t-34).
if your lrl is smart enough to locate any other metal then there is no reason it can not locate and pinpoint gold.:):):)
02-24-2009, 09:19 AM
Rumours of Thomas's death are greatly exaggerated... unless he is emailing us from the Afterlife.
Götz von Berlichingen
02-24-2009, 01:32 PM
Rumours of Thomas's death are greatly exaggerated... unless he is emailing us from the Afterlife.
Well, he wrote in his Blog that he is alive. :)
02-25-2009, 05:19 PM
if your lrl is smart enough to locate any other metal then there is no reason it can not locate and pinpoint gold.:):):)
Maybe... But i dont know how.
03-03-2009, 12:24 AM
Actually it can go much, much deeper if you use a special aproach of 'microwave trains'.
Gold is the most powerful 'self defensive' metal when it comes to avoid any harm to its structure, such as rust, oxidation, etc. Its DNA produces a substance which coats the metal to fight against those 'threats'.
The above frequency might be one related to gold. But ANY element has much more than one single frequency. Several and several. Those make up their shape, mass, size, structure, etc. There are a few frequencies left which are most relevant. Those are the ones to be used in a special combination.
GOLD, DNA like WTF:rolleyes::rolleyes:????? These guys are just off the rails and out to lunch in SO many ways it is beyond belief!! As for Gold actually RUSTING, erm not a chance buddy, it doesn't corrode because of its electrovalent properties, or has that SIMPLE scientific fact passed you (and so manay others) by??
DNA, Dioxy Ribonicleic Acid, the buikding blocks for life!! Now you'd have us believe that gold is alive?? OMG new levels of gullibility reached. I smell something, and I THINK I know what it is.
03-03-2009, 01:30 AM
GOLD, DNA like WTF:rolleyes::rolleyes:????? These guys are just off the rails and out to lunch in SO many ways it is beyond belief!! As for Gold actually RUSTING, erm not a chance buddy, it doesn't corrode because of its electrovalent properties, or has that SIMPLE scientific fact passed you (and so manay others) by??
DNA, Dioxy Ribonicleic Acid, the buikding blocks for life!! Now you'd have us believe that gold is alive?? OMG new levels of gullibility reached. I smell something, and I THINK I know what it is.
Well.... try to remember, you are in the Remote Sensing Forum. :D
Here, it is not only possible for Gold to rust and corrode, but it can also exude ions into the ether which can subsequently be impinged on absorptive receiving devices, thereby revealing the whereabouts of said Gold over incredible long distances. :shocked:
Why is it I keep expecting Rod Serling to return from the dead and start posting here...... :lol:
Steve in MS
03-03-2009, 07:06 AM
Well.... try to remember, you are in the Remote Sensing Forum. :D
Here, it is not only possible for Gold to rust and corrode, but it can also exude ions into the ether which can subsequently be impinged on absorptive receiving devices, thereby revealing the whereabouts of said Gold over incredible long distances. :shocked:
Why is it I keep expecting Rod Serling to return from the dead and start posting here...... :lol:
Now that is funny, I don't care who you are. Rod would be proud.
03-03-2009, 05:46 PM
Silly me :rolleyes::rolleyes:
ROFLMAO at that Rod Serling bit Theseus!! Hey, I wonder if they could find him using an LRL, I bet he's now giving off a few "ions" :lol:.
I would like to propose a a new LRL'ers creed;
STOP pretending you know how these things work because in reality you have NO IDEA. All these pseudo scientiic terms and mumbo-jumbo theories just make you all look like members of the Clan RETARD.
I ACCEPT that dowsing works, and so may your LRL's for you that is. But as for HOW, it is impossible to say. It's just one of those things that science CANNOT and will NEVER be able to explain (like ghosts).
This forum would be SO MUCH more interesting, AND active, if you just published your finds (if any), HOW you found them, using WHAT (commecial unit or your own design, and HOW about some "schematics" and engineering drawings so we can make our own and test them too) and what sort of response you got, THEN maybe you would start to see a pattern emerge, and people take you seriously but at the moment, you guys are just a joke to those with real technical knowledge.
Sorry if that offends anyone, but try to look at it from a SANE (well mostly) rational persons perspective. Not ALL of us are gullible idiots willing to give our money away.
LRL's are one area where BS DOESN'T baffle brains!
03-04-2009, 01:26 AM
hi every one check this detector ...............
Sorry Rajesh, that would be a VCO and is used to transmit a signal on the AM band. They call it a BFO metal detector :D:D.
Steve in MS
03-04-2009, 06:06 AM
Silly me :rolleyes::rolleyes:
ROFLMAO at that Rod Serling bit Theseus!! Hey, I wonder if they could find him using an LRL, I bet he's now giving off a few "ions" :lol:.
I would like to propose a a new LRL'ers creed;
STOP pretending you know how these things work because in reality you have NO IDEA. All these pseudo scientiic terms and mumbo-jumbo theories just make you all look like members of the Clan RETARD.
I ACCEPT that dowsing works, and so may your LRL's for you that is. But as for HOW, it is impossible to say. It's just one of those things that science CANNOT and will NEVER be able to explain (like ghosts).
This forum would be SO MUCH more interesting, AND active, if you just published your finds (if any), HOW you found them, using WHAT (commecial unit or your own design, and HOW about some "schematics" and engineering drawings so we can make our own and test them too) and what sort of response you got, THEN maybe you would start to see a pattern emerge, and people take you seriously but at the moment, you guys are just a joke to those with real technical knowledge.
Sorry if that offends anyone, but try to look at it from a SANE (well mostly) rational persons perspective. Not ALL of us are gullible idiots willing to give our money away.
LRL's are one area where BS DOESN'T baffle brains!
Exactly Sean, I asked Hung to show us some pics of his finds but so far neither has he or anyone else shown any finds.
That really doesn't help their cause, as I mentioned, one can go to most any forum and see finds posted using standard detectors.
I am still not convinced that dowsing works or any of these other souped up swinging pivoting rods.
I will at least give room for the LRLs that have electronics and have a BFO circuit might work but ionics emitting from gold being sensed by a passive mechanical device is a bit much to believe without substantial proof.
At a different time period, like the dark ages, it might be believed more readily but this is the 21st century and people generally like to know devices of any kind work before they purchase them.
So these guys need to get together with "unbelievers" and show some proof that these LRLs work.
For some strange reason, they think we should believe whole-heartedly in something that hasn't been adequately examined by anyone but the LRL community.
Gosh, I hope this appears logical to the LRL users:D:razz::lol:.
03-04-2009, 10:34 AM
Well.... try to remember, you are in the Remote Sensing Forum. :D
Here, it is not only possible for Gold to rust and corrode, but it can also exude ions into the ether which can subsequently be impinged on absorptive receiving devices, thereby revealing the whereabouts of said Gold over incredible long distances. :shocked:
Gold corrodes and gives off ions in the remote sensing forum?
It does in the real world too....
According to geomicrobiologist Frank Reith, ..."In soils with high contents of organic matter heterotrophic bacteria and fungi appear to dominate the gold dissolution by excreting amino acids, low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs), cyanide or organic sulfur compounds. These molecules were shown to have the ability to dissolve native gold and act as complexing agents for the resulting gold ions."
Dr. Reith is not an LRL proponent. But he does believe gold corrodes when buried in the soil based on the mobile gold ion measurements he made. In fact, locating gold by finding dissolved gold ion anomalies in the soil is a multimillion dollar industry used in the exploration of gold as well as other metals and ores.
Dr. Reith performed a test where wet soil samples were incubated with these microbes, then gold pellets were added to the soil. After 20-30 days of incubation, up to 3 ppm of gold was found in solution. This controlled experiment shows higher concentrations than are usually found in nature. The MMI method used for gold mine exploration usually finds concentrations of gold ions in the soil at the parts per billion range, not parts per million. Yet the trace anomalies seen when making a survey are able to pinpoint gold deposits up to 5000 feet deep (Yes, gold-dissolving microbes do live that deep in the ground).
Now, for a non-LRL proponent, this scientist seems to have found a way to locate gold at long range. He and the people who run the MMI tests literally have tons of real gold samples that were recovered from the spots they marked as being gold-bearing at mines all over the world.
So does gold corrode and release ions that move up in the soil? Absolutely!
But the amount of gold that corrodes is nearly unmeasurable, and cannot be detected by inspecting the gold object by eye. In fact the gold will not corrode unless there are microbes present which excrete chemicals that can dissolve gold and cause it to form complexes to release ions. These scientists would agree that the gold must be long-time buried before dissolved gold ion anomalies can be measured in the in the soil above the gold. Perhaps it takes several decades for microbes to dissolve enough gold to be measured, and then for capillary action of the rain cycles to transport these ions upward through the soil.
It seems the big difference between the MMI scientist's claims and the LRL proponent claims is the scientists use tools that have reproducible results that they can demonstrate in front of witnesses, and they have two decades of recoveries that have been observed by all the personnel involved in the mining operations. --- no secret recoveries that they brag about and try to get others to believe.
Oh ya... I forgot to add...
The scientists claim the gold ions quickly cease to be ions once they reach the surface of the earth, because they become bound with elements of the soil at that point. --- So they don't agree with Alonso that the ions travel up an additional 7.2 feet into the air and hover where you can detect them with a Mineoro detector.
Read the details of the MMI process for finding gold ions moving up in the soil here:
You can also read some posts I made about the details of dissolved gold ions here:
Or read the whole thread here:
Best wishes,
03-09-2009, 02:55 AM
Maybe... But i dont know how.
Fine tuning your frequency is the key! GOOD LUCK....:):):)
04-16-2009, 10:20 AM
Maybe... But i dont know how.
Au frequency: 142.4Hz
Range : 75 feet
Depth : 3 feet
In your own field experience, Is it ok to use 5khz for gold 5lbs and above?
Thanks and more power!
No i did n't tried at so big gold objects :frown:
I tried at some coins (about 190 gold coins ). Also i tried at 15kgr copper (other frequency) and it went exactly up of the object center.
Regards :)
Au frequency: 142.4Hz
Range : 75 feet
Depth : 3 feet
142.4 Hz or Khz???
How big was the object???
04-23-2009, 01:17 AM
142.4 Hz or Khz???
How big was the object???
142.4Hz. more than 15kgs.
04-25-2009, 02:19 AM
Around good conductive metals buried for long time exists a magnetic and electric field, this make the difference with the vecinities in the soil... Also can exist re-radiadated radio waves... The main problem is to detect small items at great depth, but big treasures is great in "emission".
Hello Esteban
During my searches with Pistoldetektor very often i find aluminium scrap and foil...Finaly i made one modification in PD to avoid this unwanted metals,and now it works only with noble metals,detection range not afected.
If you are interested to know more about this,just send PM.
Again,thanks a lot for your explanations about LRL´s and the phenomenom.
It seems the Key to detect only the Gold frequence depends on electromagnetic resonance produced by sample connected to Receiver circuit.
Keep researching and you will get to isolate only gold. Not silver, bronze, etc. There's not only correct resonance involved. There's also phase and other things.
Our MIDAS can detect a gold coin for instance at incredible distances even if there's silver, iron, etc. on top of it.
04-25-2009, 02:57 PM
Keep researching and you will get to isolate only gold. Not silver, bronze, etc. There's not only correct resonance involved. There's also phase and other things.
Our MIDAS can detect a gold coin for instance at incredible distances even if there's silver, iron, etc. on top of it.
Would incredible distances be several inches, several feet, hundreds of yards or a couple of miles?
Where is the public evidence of detection at incredible distances? A YouTube video would be good. Talk is cheap, demonstrate it.
When does the debunkering begin?
04-25-2009, 04:35 PM
Keep researching and you will get to isolate only gold. Not silver, bronze, etc. There's not only correct resonance involved. There's also phase and other things.
Our MIDAS can detect a gold coin for instance at incredible distances even if there's silver, iron, etc. on top of it.
I agree with you. 5grms Gold = 5kms distance
04-26-2009, 01:13 AM
Keep researching and you will get to isolate only gold. Not silver, bronze, etc. There's not only correct resonance involved. There's also phase and other things.
Our MIDAS can detect a gold coin for instance at incredible distances even if there's silver, iron, etc. on top of it.
Ok,i dont say that i have developed better LRL than you & your TEAM,i´m not E.Engeneer,but now the Pistoldetektor is more selective,i change Ferrite for other thing,it works,only Gold or Silver.
I send details to Esteban,he will analize and make his conclusions,or maybe laugh about this...
What i can tell you is the PD get much more LRL signals than any Mineoro (i have 3 Mineoro models),Mineoro is obsulet in bad ground conditions and not catch little objects,this happens in my contry.
04-26-2009, 01:20 AM
Would incredible distances be several inches, several feet, hundreds of yards or a couple of miles?
Where is the public evidence of detection at incredible distances? A YouTube video would be good. Talk is cheap, demonstrate it.
When does the debunkering begin?
Distances with LRL elektronik devices are limited,if the person who sell LRL talk about MILES is a liar,this is fantasy. The true is one coin 2 or 4 meter distance and one treasure 15m to 80m,this is the reality if using LRL based at frequencies+electromagnetic resonance.
04-26-2009, 01:31 AM
Keep researching and you will get to isolate only gold. Not silver, bronze, etc. There's not only correct resonance involved. There's also phase and other things.
Our MIDAS can detect a gold coin for instance at incredible distances even if there's silver, iron, etc. on top of it.
Today i can say to you,come here to my field test,where exist gold buried many years ago,and i CHALLENGE you,if you catch the gold medal more than 2 meters distance i give you one price. My PD detect gold medal 2m distance very easy,come here and try your LRL devices.
The price is my Pistoldetektor
Hi Morgan and Hung.
What about the weather and temperature that needing to work your PD? Before 2 days i was at a mountain where there are old treasures and tried my PD but without results. Temperature was low and one day before had rained
142.4Hz. more than 15kgs.
Thank you. I must locate a big treasure (more than 100Kgr gold) so i will try and this frequency. Generator output is 20V P-P at 4 Ohm load. I believe that it is ok for a distance 300... 400m
Regards :)
04-26-2009, 11:48 AM
hello morgan, why you no think anyone can detect to most distance what you can
esteban says he can detect objectives to most of 50 mts, hung can quit your pd jajja remember he has friends whit lrls of alonso
be cautelous because your pd can go whit hung jajaja
one embrace my lrl genius'
atte. dman
04-26-2009, 11:55 AM
geo; i see, isnt easy work whit soil weat in use of frecuence oscilation in conection direct whit electrodes, in excesive weat humedad, the electrodes short circuit one to other closed the field, and not go away, very little weat in soil help, but very much not, i think electricity of electodes colapse in contact near the emision, may be is succes whit one to one, electrodes separated to large distance
regards dman
04-26-2009, 12:06 PM
you morgan have the pd succes in function because you can copy in direct of pd of alonso, but pd is not easy to clone, is very demasiado critic, are two power detectors in one, the tx and other , rx
for right function is neccesary put equal same,s two and other afinations, but all is possible in lrls, you not be esceptic in think lrl go to 100 mts, remember lrl work whit rf, not menosprecie to hung, less to esteban jaja
you soon can has one lrl power can detect to the gold in the moon
best regards my dear friend
04-26-2009, 09:33 PM
Hi Morgan and Hung.
What about the weather and temperature that needing to work your PD? Before 2 days i was at a mountain where there are old treasures and tried my PD but without results. Temperature was low and one day before had rained
My PD only have problems with storms or rainy days,as nothing to do with electrostatic.
04-26-2009, 09:37 PM
hello morgan, why you no think anyone can detect to most distance what you can
esteban says he can detect objectives to most of 50 mts, hung can quit your pd jajja remember he has friends whit lrls of alonso
be cautelous because your pd can go whit hung jajaja
one embrace my lrl genius'
atte. dman
Tropical weather in Paraguay ,all this humidity produce more electric field around buried metals,but the challenge is here,with european weather.
No problem to give my PD to the winer
04-27-2009, 12:18 AM
Around good conductive metals buried for long time exists a magnetic and electric field, this make the difference with the vecinities in the soil... Also can exist re-radiadated radio waves... The main problem is to detect small items at great depth, but big treasures is great in "emission".
Hi Esteban
I agree 100% with you about this PHENOMENON explanations.
In Pistoldetektor,the Passive Receiver working alone cannot detect very weak eletromagnetic field around small buried objects,so it needs one external stimulator of pulses to work in limit,and with the exact frequence/resonance its possible to reject the unwanted targets,thats what i have done,it works and i´m open to start challenge against other LRL´s.
Thanks to answer my thread and to find interest in the changes i have done in my pistoldetektor.
04-27-2009, 12:27 AM
STIMULATOR COIL. Find best distance. Stimulator coil is in this position.
04-27-2009, 12:42 AM
STIMULATOR COIL. Find best distance. Stimulator coil is in this position.
I agree. This is the same oscilator used in old DCH Mineoro. Geo told about one treasure found in Greece 80m distance,with Mineoro DCH .
As you told,treasures irradiate more electric field,detection range can be even biger than 80m.
04-27-2009, 03:47 PM
hola, hola esteba y morgan, hace tiempo esteban preguntaba que cual era la causa de que un tesoro pudiera detectarse y se decia que era el efecto bateria, o que podria ser fenomeno ionico, en el caso del pd yo tengo una teoria de que es lo que detecta, y lo comprendo porque si yo arrastro un desarmador de acero contra un metal cercano a una extension electrica el pd suena, y concluyo que son las peque/nas chispas de electricidad estaticas las que hacen pitar el aparato, y tambien con rayos distantes el pd suena, suena pues con las cargas de cierta clase de corriente electrica, parecidas a la estatica que puede producir un peine energizado, y entiendo que las monedas sueltan pequenas cargas de chispas entre si, o descargas, entonces el pd como es un detector de radio frecuencia las detecta, o tambien es que el pd lanza electricidad por medio del campo magnetico del omega y hace short circuits
podria ser que otro tipo de lrl funcione de otra manera detectando el halo, pero en el pd, son las cargas estaticas que sueltan entre si las monedas continuamente y en el caso de las monedas que encontro morgan estas soltaban muchas chispas por eso le fue facil, y una sola moneda solo suelta pequenas chispas contra la tierra y es mas dificil de detectar ya que estas chispas son mas debiles y mas ocasionales
el pd es para medianos entierros
otro abrazo
04-27-2009, 03:52 PM
concluyo pues que es el calor del sol al calentar la tierra que hace que se carguen electricamente y independientemente las monedas ya que estan aisladas por medio del oxido adquirido a traves de los a/nos y entonces sufren pequenas descargas electricas como mini baterias, y sueltan corrientes entre si, y si son muchas las descargas son mas fuertes y detectadas a distancia, simples baterias
04-27-2009, 03:54 PM
para mi que son tres o hasta cuatro tipos de emanaciones que despiden los tesoros, gases halo electricidad y radiacion
04-28-2009, 01:42 PM
Hola Dectectoman
AsÃ* parece ser. Una vez la pistola detectó una moneda que una maquinaria habÃ*a desenterrado, pero lo hacÃ*a afuera porque estaba expuesta al sol sobre la arena y estaba muy caliente. Hay que ser muy buen observador.
Seems like your explanation. Once the pistol detect a coin removed by tractor. This coin was in sand exposed to light of Sun and the coin is hot. You must to be a observer.
04-28-2009, 11:28 PM
esteban, yo creo que hay varios metodos como puediera ser detectada una moneda enterrada y pienso que aun se pudieran hacer aparatos para detectar entierre fresco' tambien son muchas las condiciones que pueden estrpear la deteccion, quizas por eso md-iconos no quiere arriesgarse a fallar
nadie puede estar seguro de lograr una deteccion en terreno desconocido, aun la alineacion planetaria podria afectar un abrazo mi hermano
Clondike Clad
04-28-2009, 11:37 PM
STIMULATOR COIL. Find best distance. Stimulator coil is in this position.
What is a Stimulator coil "transmittor or what!,AM,FM,SSB,WHAT:shocked:
04-29-2009, 01:25 AM
What is a Stimulator coil "transmittor or what!,AM,FM,SSB,WHAT:shocked:
Imagine a I/B balance detector as regular range locator. Your secondary transmitter coil, this is the stimulator, can be at same frequency of oscillator of first transmitter, but separated and found well distance. Also can be at 5th harmonics.
STIMULATOR COIL. Find best distance. Stimulator coil is in this position.
Hi Esteban. i believe that the stimulator coil the only that do is to excite the detector coil, a little up from the background.
My PD only have problems with storms or rainy days,as nothing to do with electrostatic.
After a rain how many days need the soil to generate again the electrostatic-electromagnetic field???
After a rain how many days need the soil to generate again the electrostatic-electromagnetic field???
According to Damasio, usually it takes 3 to 4 days.
But I found this is not a rule and in the past, I even got hits the next day after rain with the PDC210. Depending on factors such as how long the object is buried and how big it is, mileage may vary.
The FG80 Tyon is the only device of this kind I know that appears to not suffer from the humidity factor. In a recent field trip, it was raining. Actually raining for 2 days in a row. It detected the target from the same distance we tried it when the weather was dry. About a mile away.
04-29-2009, 01:07 PM
...we tried it when the weather was dry. About a mile away.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
According to Damasio, usually it takes 3 to 4 days.
But I found this is not a rule and in the past, I even got hits the next day after rain with the PDC210. Depending on factors such as how long the object is buried and how big it is, mileage may vary.
Thank you Hung
04-29-2009, 08:24 PM
it is so funny to see this thread everyday a taste of ... and to see the detection of a target "a mile away"....
it is so funny to see this thread everyday a taste of ... and to see the detection of a target "a mile away"....
Indeed, this may look as funny as hell for the idiots who don't understand a s**t about it. In this case, laughing is the highest emulated evidence of miserable ignorance.
But the ones who trully know about it have the best laugh in the recovery time.
04-30-2009, 12:19 PM
Indeed, this may look as funny as hell for the idiots who don't understand a s**t about it. In this case, laughing is the highest emulated evidence of miserable ignorance.
But the ones who trully know about it have the best laugh in the recovery time.
The ones who know about it,and already found Treasure at great distance,as i can see they keep in silent. And some of them are in this forum...
04-30-2009, 01:46 PM
Indeed, this may look as funny as hell for the idiots who don't understand a s**t about it. In this case, laughing is the highest emulated evidence of miserable ignorance.
But the ones who trully know about it have the best laugh in the recovery time.
When does the debunkering begin?
04-30-2009, 05:05 PM
esteban dime por favor cuales son las ventajas y desventajas de operar a 5 armonicas,
acaso en la 5 armonica va mas lejos la deteccion, o profundiza mas?
cuales son las desventajas, acaso mas inestabilidad, mas interferencia?
yo creo que es mas rango, yo hice esto en mis bfos, mas enrrollamiento, no mas grandes capacitores, y si se obtiene mejor funcionamiento
y porque no mas altas armonicas
contestame punto por punto por favor un abrazo mi hermano
04-30-2009, 05:07 PM
debi decir" y porque no poner mas altas armonicas? mas alla de la 5., porque 5?
esteban dime por favor cuales son las ventajas y desventajas de operar a 5 armonicas,
acaso en la 5 armonica va mas lejos la deteccion, o profundiza mas?
cuales son las desventajas, acaso mas inestabilidad, mas interferencia?
yo creo que es mas rango, yo hice esto en mis bfos, mas enrrollamiento, no mas grandes capacitores, y si se obtiene mejor funcionamiento
y porque no mas altas armonicas
contestame punto por punto por favor un abrazo mi hermano
My Friend detectoman, why you don't write in English Language???
Regards :):)
04-30-2009, 11:03 PM
Indeed, this may look as funny as hell for the idiots who don't understand a s**t about it. In this case, laughing is the highest emulated evidence of miserable ignorance.
But the ones who trully know about it have the best laugh in the recovery time.
I didn't realize that your statements were meant to be taken seriously! :razz:
04-30-2009, 11:19 PM
geo brother,: because my english is very bad
i cant have good explanations for yours in english, i cant write all my complete opinions on the tread
i intent in future write in english ok
my apologies for you difficult
04-30-2009, 11:23 PM
geo i quest to esteban on advantages- vantages and features whit the frecuence put to 5 harmonic
why 5 harmonic whit capacitors, is possible 5 harmonic rx, whit wind wire?
04-30-2009, 11:26 PM
apologies, correction,: turns of wire, in bfo i obtain other harmonics in the coil reference whit most turns of thickness wire
05-01-2009, 04:37 AM
apologies, correction,: turns of wire, in bfo i obtain other harmonics in the coil reference whit most turns of thickness wire
Hi detectoman :)
I reading geotech all section everyday. Also I know that Esteban built BFO LRL.
I remember Geo spoke about BFO LRL at place of this forum.
But I cannot found BFO LRL thread by “search “ option .
Please show me that thread .
Best regards.
05-01-2009, 12:00 PM
hello friend aft, bfo is critic for stabilice the coils, you can build one simple project how bfo home clara", is the best and most simple bfo, in google you can find, bfo home clara', these project accept all transistors npn and is very versatile for modifications you put green cap. put in paralell whit speaker indicator ( analogic )of neddle very sense whit resistence
want you the major turns of coil reference, for stabilizacion, near 340 turns, most or less, in coil rastreo near 3 ohms wire groos grueso ( not thickness )
bfo is the best for little objects discrimination, whit big coils
best whises
05-01-2009, 12:05 PM
aft put in coil reference of bfo wire awg 32 -.020 in coil rastred put you wire may be 28 and others most or less put 3 ohms in down coil
i have these circuit in my memory usb archives, say me if like to obtain but in buscador google exist
05-01-2009, 12:37 PM
aft, ok, i understand you, yes morgan in past year build lrl bfo, these is in recently panels, morgan say bfo lrl is very inestable, esteban only put references on lrl bfo but not complete indications
in google exist very much bfos, everyvary bfo is same basic function, you adapt to bfo ionic, absortive am fm and others bfo accept
bfo home clara is the most heavy duty for ocasional short circuits, but put exact power in bateries for optime function, may be 8 volts whit bateries 1.5 v. but should be regulated, whit due early regulator, bfo change estabilidad whit input of volts, want to put regulator old of zener to right voltage what bfo nedd
bfo react reach little pieces, too exist bfo discriminator if the best, exist bfo short range whitout hibrid whit others rf emissions, the problem of bfo is the oscilation, for introduce frecuence in the soil because bfo oscilations is how radio frecuence
exist in the past bfo detector power is very inestable whitout special regulator
in panel i think no exist other complete circuit what of the morgan
best regards my friend
Indeed, this may look as funny as hell for the idiots who don't understand a s**t about it. In this case, laughing is the highest emulated evidence of miserable ignorance.
But the ones who trully know about it have the best laugh in the recovery time.
Sometimes it´s and honor to be considered an idiot by some least i laught to your posts, and have fun with LRL´s.You on the other side seem to be often in a state of irritation.:lol:
I´m glad that you could find a spot on earth where in a 1 mile radius there is only one target.The one you want, of course.
05-02-2009, 02:30 PM
aft, ok, i understand you, yes morgan in past year build lrl bfo, these is in recently panels, morgan say bfo lrl is very inestable, esteban only put references on lrl bfo but not complete indications
in google exist very much bfos, everyvary bfo is same basic function, you adapt to bfo ionic, absortive am fm and others bfo accept
bfo home clara is the most heavy duty for ocasional short circuits, but put exact power in bateries for optime function, may be 8 volts whit bateries 1.5 v. but should be regulated, whit due early regulator, bfo change estabilidad whit input of volts, want to put regulator old of zener to right voltage what bfo nedd
bfo react reach little pieces, too exist bfo discriminator if the best, exist bfo short range whitout hibrid whit others rf emissions, the problem of bfo is the oscilation, for introduce frecuence in the soil because bfo oscilations is how radio frecuence
exist in the past bfo detector power is very inestable whitout special regulator
in panel i think no exist other complete circuit what of the morgan
best regards my friend
Hi detectoman :)
Thank you friend, I built BFO detector as metal detector at the past. And knowing how it works ….
But My opinion the BFO that be able working as LRL. Esteban built it.
Also Morgan had the thread about it.
Are you built BFO LRL? is it be able detecting long time buried metals ?
Best regards.
08-16-2013, 07:52 PM
You can try 5111 khz
08-18-2013, 01:49 AM
?¿¿¿¿? wtff
08-18-2013, 01:52 AM
sorry brother aft i no look your past 2005 post ajaja, is true our friend esteban build earlier lrl bfos too regards
Esteban was using BFO technology only for pinpoint. For lrl he was using other technology.
08-18-2013, 04:10 PM
esteban write here in forum what he father of he in the past find objects whit bfo lrl in middle of paraguay jungle because bfo lrl isnt affected by underbrush weeds, sir geo how you must see i have good memory jaja
08-18-2013, 04:16 PM
mr geo, also, in recently thread anybody post a video whit two guys whit a lrl bfo what find 3 coins in field terrain wall, this lrl whit two telescopic anten one in front and other above, you remember? these stuff sound how bfo tegnology, you need check your memory jaja
08-18-2013, 04:34 PM
too i build in past a bfo lrl whit bfo-static transistor, morgan also build a bfo lrl whit aluminum square loop, bfo-zahory conjunction and esteban build lrls bfo and fm lrl, may be you need any memory vitaminas, bfos are good how lrl but those apparatus no discriminate ok and can detect mineral veins, for bfo i think only need put hig frecuence in the front coil two oscilators hf, little turns refference coil and other little thing, for pinpoint bfo no good, due these whit each liitle coil low dramatic the detection range
too i build in past a bfo lrl whit bfo-static transistor, morgan also build a bfo lrl whit aluminum square loop, bfo-zahory conjunction and esteban build lrls bfo and fm lrl, may be you need any memory vitaminas, bfos are good how lrl but those apparatus no discriminate ok and can detect mineral veins, for bfo i think only need put hig frecuence in the front coil two oscilators hf, little turns refference coil and other little thing, for pinpoint bfo no good, due these whit each liitle coil low dramatic the detection range
Detectoman.. i know what i write, i don't need memory vitamines:lol:.
If you will look inside the Esteban's pistol you will see an bfo detector plus a passive receiver.
08-19-2013, 01:49 AM
jajaaj geo, you is banned due you earlier be sceptic md builder, my cousin esteban first build bfo lrls, how father he, after he begin to make fm lrls and at last esteban finish doing very much distincts lrl class, hibrid prototipes, zahory, am, resonance, ferrites, loop. anten, mfd etc, never doing dowser how you, so you should remember all this lrl radiation affect you mind loos memory jaja, i build very also much experimental prototipes since 2005 @ 2012 too lrl bfosbut i destroy those due only detect iron :)
jajaaj geo, you is banned due you earlier be sceptic md builder, my cousin esteban first build bfo lrls, how father he, after he begin to make fm lrls and at last esteban finish doing very much distincts lrl class, hibrid prototipes, zahory, am, resonance, ferrites, loop. anten, mfd etc, never doing dowser how you, so you should remember all this lrl radiation affect you mind loos memory jaja, i build very also much experimental prototipes since 2005 @ 2012 too lrl bfosbut i destroy those due only detect iron :)
Maybe you know better...
Dave J.
08-19-2013, 08:00 AM
I turned on my "reverse Google translator" and think I got it back to the original language.
Al paracer que Detectoman sI sabe algo que merece su attencion.
Looks like Detectoman knows something that merits your attention.
--Dave J.
08-19-2013, 04:20 PM
jaja dave, im doing joke whit geo, he was heavy lrl sceptic, today brodhy geo semms how EE- lrlst- dowser and other strange electronician asumptions, but he by age is loosing memory, no remember nafthing, also geo no show any new project how when he iniciate working here no put pictures videos finds no photos no movie nafthy, what happen? may be he take whit lrl any treasure and rest in beach lassing whit a glass of wine in hands :)
08-19-2013, 04:35 PM
geo; please put you for us, any wonderfull video where you show your succes whit your lrl operation, you continue in standbye since 2006, what happ¿? we no looks any thing no results in experiment, fruit of you meet whit morgan, we need lrlsts action!
09-05-2013, 02:40 PM
No-one machine can be good without right. Frequency. So the main question is what is the right frequency
Dave J.
09-05-2013, 03:27 PM
If you go to the gold prospecting forums, the people who are actually finding gold are doing it with the following frequencies (all in kHz) 13, 14, 17.8, 19.2, 48, and 71. Using machines that I designed. My overall preference is 19.2, but the others also work. No alibi mysteries like the phase of the moon or k-indexes or tinfoil hat being worn wrong.
--Dave J.
09-05-2013, 05:41 PM
yes, i ll try them, but the question is are they react only at gold or you ll have to dig holes and holes. No matter which frequency is i bealive that there is resonant frequency at elements and thair harmonics. So if we say that 5 KHz is RF at gold we ll have the same esults and at 2,5 and 10 and 15 KHz. Im speaking for refined gold, not for nudgets
Dave J.
09-05-2013, 06:21 PM
yes, i ll try them, but the question is are they react only at gold or you ll have to dig holes and holes. No matter which frequency is i bealive that there is resonant frequency at elements and thair harmonics. So if we say that 5 KHz is RF at gold we ll have the same esults and at 2,5 and 10 and 15 KHz. Im speaking for refined gold, not for nudgets
Things that are real don't care what you believe about them. Fantasy based "detectors" yield only fantasy gold. For many people, that's the best kind. The neat thing about fantasy is that it can be anything you want, which accounts for its popularity. Things that are real impose real limitations, it's understandable why people hold a grudge against reality.
Metal detectors designed for gold prospecting detect all metals, not just gold. They'll also detect refined gold. The units that have discrimination are capable of knocking out most iron metal, but will lose most small gold in the process.
Gold detection apparatus that actually works doesn't have anything to do with the fictional "resonant frequencies" you see discussed so fruitlessly on LRL forums. For actually finding real gold, there are frequencies that everyone knowledgeable in real gold prospecting can agree on.
No such thing can happen with LRL's because for fantasy gold one frequency is just as good as another. And because it's all about fantasy, there is no "right" LRL frequency that will be of any help in making the damn thing useful for finding real gold. It's like medieval theologians debating over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin-- in fantasy, it's any number you want, and in the real world nobody's ever demo'd an angel dancing on the head of a pin or for that matter even on a bishop's throne.
--Dave J.
09-05-2013, 06:37 PM
I really cant understand you but with that what you are saing that there is no real resonant frequency for gold, and of course other elements you are demanting this forum. YOu said alone that you are selling machines - LRL what are working at as you say ;;fantasy gold frequency;;. The list of frequencies what you give to me i ll try it but i think that ::JUST GOLD;; you cant find at two diferent frequencies if thay are not harmonic, and 13 KHz and 14 KHZ cant be harmonic frequencis.
Metal detectors are other think and there is no need here for discusion about them.
Dave J.
09-05-2013, 07:25 PM
If you want harmonic based detection, I've done those too-- the Fisher CZ's and the analog circuit part of the White's DFX. Both will detect gold but they're not very good at it.
If you want to detect a gold item at long range, use binoculars, not an LRL. Of course the gold item has to be on the surface.
At the atomic level, atoms have identifiable "frequencies", particularly precession frequencies which depend on relaxation from a very strong imposed magnetic field. This is the basis of proton precession magnetometry which is real, not fantasy. It has nothing to do with LRL's other than providing a convenient mystery word to boggle the imagination of technically clueless gullibillies.
There is no gadget available at any price anywhere, that will through physical means lead you to an otherwise unknown gold object buried at a distance. That really sucks, doesn't it??!!! As long as there are people who insist that such a gadget should exist and demand that therefore it must exist, there will be others willing to invite buyers to pay for fraudulent equipment for the privilege of fullfilling fantasies. And, since it was all about demanding that fantasies be "true" in the first place, many of the victims of the fraud are quite happy with what was done to them!
How happy? One of the most common kinds of LRL story they post goes like this: "I located a gold treasure buried ....... 10 meters deep so I wasn't able to dig it...... located on a military reservation so I wasn't allowed to actually go there....... I got close and then the signal disappeared....... there was nothing there, so someone else must have dug it up and all I detected was its ghost image...... etc., etc., etc." This is how they themselves report having had resounding success "finding" huge caches of gold without ever having produced any evidence of real gold, and they're happy as clams! I don't have to make this up, they're the ones who actually demonstrate what kinds of customers LRL's are specifically targeted to, and why the customers are happy even though the apparatus itself does nothing relating to detecting gold at a distance. The apparatus was purchased for fantasy and it supports the fantasy for which it was purchased, and in that sense selling it to that particular customer wasn't even fraud.
--Dave J.
My overall preference is 19.2, but the others also work.
--Dave J.
Hi Dave,
why exactly 19.2kHz, why simply not 19.0kHz?
Dave J.
09-05-2013, 07:38 PM
There's a reason, but it's a trade secret. It doesn't have anything to do with gold per se, the gold wouldn't care.
--Dave J.
09-05-2013, 07:40 PM
little refresh, translate it from macedonian to english
09-05-2013, 07:45 PM
we dont have same opinion with you, so im still working on my proekts, im not bying any devices, im constructing them myself, so if i find something sometimes i ll tell you. But i still bealive this is not fantasy forum.
Its true that the industry in this business have the biggest benefit with solding the ,, machines that are working'':rolleyes:.
09-05-2013, 07:47 PM
Hi Dave,
why exactly 19.2kHz, why simply not 19.0kHz?
He told you that everyone frequency is the same, no matter witchone
09-05-2013, 09:08 PM
If you go to the gold prospecting forums, the people who are actually finding gold are doing it with the following frequencies (all in kHz) 13, 14, 17.8, 19.2, 48, and 71. Using machines that I designed.
I really cant understand you but with that what you are saing that there is no real resonant frequency for gold, and of course other elements you are demanting this forum. YOu said alone that you are selling machines - LRL what are working at as you say ;;fantasy gold frequency;;.
The frequencies Dave J. has listed are used in real conventional metal detectors, not LRLs. Dave does not design or sell LRLs.
The bottom line is that you can use any frequency you like. It really doesn't matter, as long as you believe it will work. I would suggest experimenting with 65kHz (give or take 10kHz) as this is popular with pistol detector builders.
Dave J.
09-05-2013, 09:58 PM
I could design and sell LRL's, George, but by choice I prefer not to. If I didn't have a real job and was facing starvation, maybe I'd choose to get into the LRL business after all.
--Dave J.
There's a reason, but it's a trade secret. It doesn't have anything to do with gold per se, the gold wouldn't care.
--Dave J.
I didn't meant gold related, but circuit physics related, OK, thanks Dave, I understand.
Is this 19.2kHz related to digital design of prospecting machine only, or to analog devices too?
Dave J.
09-05-2013, 11:50 PM
The original 1980's Gold Bug was all-analog, the new GB's have a microprocessor. Both run at 19.2 kHz for somewhat similar (undisclosed) reasons.
Since it's a thoroughly proven frequency for gold, it ought to work for LRL'ing at least as well as any other frequency a person might fancy-- provided that it doesn't interfere with your metal detector.
--Dave J.
09-07-2013, 07:27 PM
The original 1980's Gold Bug was all-analog, the new GB's have a microprocessor. Both run at 19.2 kHz for somewhat similar (undisclosed) reasons.
Since it's a thoroughly proven frequency for gold, it ought to work for LRL'ing at least as well as any other frequency a person might fancy-- provided that it doesn't interfere with your metal detector.
--Dave J.
It is well known dave that the higher frequency helps to find small pieces of gold. Most of the detectors used for gold prospecting run at higher frequencies. The Tesoro Lobo and the Tesoro Tejon run at about 18 KHz.
Dave J.
09-08-2013, 12:34 AM
LRL fans often talk about having located "micron gold". Maybe their secret gold frequency is in the micron wavelength range. Since the gold thus located is of the imaginary kind, the transmitter evidently transmits only on the j axis. Fortunately without any power on the real axis, the transmitter itself can be imaginary. People make it sound so hard to build an LRL when in fact it's so easy!
The Gold Bug 2 runs at a frequency of 540 gigaradians/fortnight. No wonder it finds such small stuff! And since the phase sweeps through all 2 pi radians, the power is real and the gold thus found is real, users post photos of it. And owners of other models from other manufacturers (not even of LRL's!) don't question whether the GB2 actually works or not. 540 gigaradians/fortnight, the phase rotating through all 2 pi radians, imagine that!
--Dave J.
09-09-2013, 08:32 AM
LRL fans often talk about having located "micron gold". Maybe their secret gold frequency is in the micron wavelength range. Since the gold thus located is of the imaginary kind, the transmitter evidently transmits only on the j axis. Fortunately without any power on the real axis, the transmitter itself can be imaginary. People make it sound so hard to build an LRL when in fact it's so easy!
The Gold Bug 2 runs at a frequency of 540 gigaradians/fortnight. No wonder it finds such small stuff! And since the phase sweeps through all 2 pi radians, the power is real and the gold thus found is real, users post photos of it. And owners of other models from other manufacturers (not even of LRL's!) don't question whether the GB2 actually works or not. 540 gigaradians/fortnight, the phase rotating through all 2 pi radians, imagine that!
--Dave J.Sorry Dave G. , but I think frequency is measured in Hertz (HZ), not in gigaradians/fortnight :nono:
09-09-2013, 10:46 AM
Sorry Dave G. , but I think frequency is measured in Hertz (HZ), not in gigaradians/fortnight :nono:
Dave J (not Dave G, by the way) is being deliberately facetious. :D
However, for the record, his statement of 540 gigaradians/fortnight is still [strictly speaking] correct.
TX frequency of Gold Bug 2 = 71kHz.
71000 * 2pi * 3600 * 24 * 7 * 2 = 539.61E9
i.e. 540 gigaradians/fortnight.
Please be aware that these types of units will become obsolete in the future when we move to metric time. Under the new system there will be 100 seconds to the minute, 100 minutes to the hour, and 20-hour days. Seconds will be referred to as millidays, minutes as centidays, and hours as decidays. Terms such as "a month of Sundays" and "fortnight" will be abolished. :nerd:
09-09-2013, 11:55 AM
I have no knowledge for this anymore, and I have no interest, so I'm over with my posts.
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