View Full Version : Rangertell LRL discreditation
08-31-2008, 06:36 PM
:nono:Please be advised that I have purchased and subsequently field trialled a Rangertell Examiner LRL with fantastic results. I acknowledge that the device simply does not work for my friend Faye Flint who has a blood iron problem but it works very very well for me. I can flawlessly locate a half gram nuggett at 50 meters with no problem whatsoever. Micro gold within chips of quartz no problem whatever. Even locating where a coin had been laying half a minute before, residual effect. Before anyone else attempts to discredit this device please take notice of my now aim of providing Rangertell with a full customer appraisal for inclusion on their website in the near future. I believe the internet is being used in a product war between various vendors. I am not gaining any reward or advantage for doing this. Kindest regards John Baryczka tel: 0351442292
08-31-2008, 07:32 PM
LOL Rangertell.
Did you read the Report ?
All you need for dowsing is a goddamm piece of wire, no fake Electronics.
:nono:Please be advised that I have purchased and subsequently field trialled a Rangertell Examiner LRL with fantastic results. I acknowledge that the device simply does not work for my friend Faye Flint who has a blood iron problem but it works very very well for me. I can flawlessly locate a half gram nuggett at 50 meters with no problem whatsoever. Micro gold within chips of quartz no problem whatever. Even locating where a coin had been laying half a minute before, residual effect. Before anyone else attempts to discredit this device please take notice of my now aim of providing Rangertell with a full customer appraisal for inclusion on their website in the near future. I believe the internet is being used in a product war between various vendors. I am not gaining any reward or advantage for doing this. Kindest regards John Baryczka tel: 0351442292
Why don't you post this stuff in Remote Sensing , uh ? Are you scared ? :lol:
Steve in MS
08-31-2008, 07:58 PM
That is another good reason for me to stick with real :razz: metal detectors because these type devices it appears the user has to possess special powers and abilities:lol:.
Man! one more necessary condition to be succesfull with LRL´s : blood iron must be OK.
The list is really going long.
Fortunately for the $eller it seems to work...:rolleyes:
09-01-2008, 01:38 AM
Listen up guys! I am not just a darn idiot sucker who handed over $650 for a device that did not work...i could have got my money back but no way am i parting with my rangertell complete with hewlett packard mathematicians calculator "stuck" on top. I am a retired former technician/technical officer and i just happen to know about these things OK? I got it working for me after considerable messing about with it like resetting the aerial after each button change , had to work out everything myself pretty much cos they did not send me the CD with it till much later. Worked off their user guide onsite and spent hours and hours in a proper technical assessment of the thing. I stand by my word that i can pick up a nugget of 0.6 grams (that i bought on ebay to test it) at 50 meters. Fact! final! No error! My rangertell does not look anything like the one that was tested so you flamers get your facts straight before you slander a perfectly good product. Now having said all that, Ranger recomend you have a metal detector as well to save time locating the target when close up. Avoids using triangulation blah blah blah. A detector goes straight to the spot. Much quicker. But mates I can find a mineralised patch at distance and know what ground to avoid. You guys have to do the hard yards and trudge every square inch of soil to detect thereby wasting 99% of your time. You can argue with Ranger all you like about their productsbut mine WORKS!!!!!! I was sincere enough to leave you my contact details for anyone sincere in thier enquiries regarding its effectiveness as a gold detector. But do not bother thanks, I hate prejudice. A test of a product found wanting by the products opposition, you kidding me right? By the way I live in Patten ST Sale Victoria and am not associated with Rangertell in any way. Cheers....
09-01-2008, 02:19 AM
Let someone else hide the gold nugget, without you knowing where.
Then try to find it again.
Do you understand what ideomotor effect is ?
Do you want us to believe that the latest Ranger Tell
is more than a heavy dowsing rod with a Calculator on Top
and a do-nothing circuit inside ?
09-01-2008, 02:28 AM
read my post Mr.unregistered...I stand by my word and have sent Carl an email accepting his offer re the $25000.....regards
read my post Mr.unregistered...I stand by my word and have sent Carl an email accepting his offer re the $25000.....regards
Yes but did you try to find the nugget when you REALLY didn´t know where it was?
If it is working so well you must find gold everyday right?
09-01-2008, 03:30 AM
YES FRED!!!!!!!! i have tons of quartz in my backyard and front garden full of useless micro gold....i show visitors when they come. But i am living in South East australia where it is all quartz reef type gold no nuggetts. I am buying a caravan to go into our "outback" next winter which is the dry season....4000klms from have a go at the real stuff. Regards.
09-01-2008, 05:38 AM
I stand by my word that i can pick up a nugget of 0.6 grams (that i bought on ebay to test it) at 50 meters. Fact! final! No error!Hi hipopp,
I hear you loud and clear.
You are saying your modified rangertell will find the hidden nugget from 50 meters. This is great! We have all been waiting for an LRL that can do this. Since you have already contacted Carl to win his $25,000 prize and prove you can find the treasure in a double blind test, we are waiting to see you collect the $25,000.
But it is not so hard as you think...
you only need to locate the nugget from 3 meters. If you can accurately tell where the hidden nugget is hidden 7 times out of 10 tries, then you win! You will finally put an end to the dispute of whether the rangertell works or not... and you will go home with $25,000 USD!
We are all waiting to see you prove Carl wrong. So go for it! :super:
Best wishes,
09-01-2008, 05:58 AM
thanks JP for the sensible post. My friend Faye and I have just tried it in our lounge room at about 3 meters picked up the nuggett on the floor fine...shifted it away and the sig was gone restored it and the signal was back no worries. I had faye holding my arm to make sure i wasn't twitching or doing anything different. Carl has just been in contact i will continue this, works well for me. Will keep you all posted...regards john
Steve in MS
09-01-2008, 07:10 AM
Listen up guys! I am not just a darn idiot sucker who handed over $650 for a device that did not work...i could have got my money back but no way am i parting with my rangertell complete with hewlett packard mathematicians calculator "stuck" on top. I am a retired former technician/technical officer and i just happen to know about these things OK? I got it working for me after considerable messing about with it like resetting the aerial after each button change , had to work out everything myself pretty much cos they did not send me the CD with it till much later. Worked off their user guide onsite and spent hours and hours in a proper technical assessment of the thing. I stand by my word that i can pick up a nugget of 0.6 grams (that i bought on ebay to test it) at 50 meters. Fact! final! No error! My rangertell does not look anything like the one that was tested so you flamers get your facts straight before you slander a perfectly good product. Now having said all that, Ranger recomend you have a metal detector as well to save time locating the target when close up. Avoids using triangulation blah blah blah. A detector goes straight to the spot. Much quicker. But mates I can find a mineralised patch at distance and know what ground to avoid. You guys have to do the hard yards and trudge every square inch of soil to detect thereby wasting 99% of your time. You can argue with Ranger all you like about their productsbut mine WORKS!!!!!! I was sincere enough to leave you my contact details for anyone sincere in thier enquiries regarding its effectiveness as a gold detector. But do not bother thanks, I hate prejudice. A test of a product found wanting by the products opposition, you kidding me right? By the way I live in Patten ST Sale Victoria and am not associated with Rangertell in any way. Cheers....
I see that you believe in this product but you have to expect others are skeptical. We "flamers" haven't seen any proof that these devices work.
Another thing, you need'nt get upset if someone doubts that this device actually works, I really don't care what others think about the detectors I use, I use what I want to use or what works for me.
Think of it this way, if no one else believes this product works and you know it does, then you have a great advantage over others searching for treasure. However if you are a dealer of these devices, I can understand why you would be upset since you would be trying to make money selling them.
I've got one good question about these devices, how often do they give a false (positive reaction) and there is nothing of value there? How much of a percent? Is is 10%, 50% or 99% :D of the time? I would hate to go out with one of these devices and dig really deep pits when nothing is there:lol:.
I have heard they are good at locating water underground:D but beyond that, I have serious doubts.
And another thing, with these devices, one has to hold them a certain way and according to the makers, they are very hard to get the technique of using them properly, looks like to me it would be a good way to blame the user if it doesn't work:D.
Finally, if these devices really worked I bet the metal detector manufacturers would have been making them and selling them for the past 50 years:D.
Finally, if these devices really worked I bet the metal detector manufacturers would have been making them and selling them for the past 50 years:D.
I bet not!!!:lol:
Even with the hydrogen car engines working, there are too much oil companies around and some serious Arab's money to support USA.:lol:
09-01-2008, 01:15 PM
hear you steve...but you guys got to come back a bit with your thinking. The rangertell i bought was at first a great waste of time for me till i learnt how to use it properly. I will be the first to say that i will be buying a conventional metal detector to work with it hand in hand simply cos up close the ranger takes a lot longer to zero in on the target. I went to a victorian goldfield paid for a guide for the day rented the lastest minelab, had the minelab state manager along for company as well. Fay came as well as another gent who lasted fifteen minutes of swinging a detector around. For a days detecting we found zero zilch nothing, but the object of the exercise was for me to become familiar with the latest minelab without having to actually buy one first up. When the others were not looking i pulled the rangertell out and had a signals at all on four large patches we did for the day. These goldfields are only an hour away from a city of 4 million people and the patches have beeen thrashed to death. This is not my idea of looking for gold. I have taken the ranger out the back of where i live to a goldfield ony half an hour away from my small home town. Gladstone Creek. Quartz Reef country with abandoned mines. I get two types of signal with the ranger here. The first is a nuisance it picks up highly mineralised "pipes" at surface. Looks mainly like ironstone. I pick these up at anything up to a mile away, yes, a mile. The other signal i get is every now and then from a single piece of quartz or even multiples of quartz or in one case a whole quartz reef in a mountainside. I have brought the quartz home, crushed it, and the micro gold flashes in the sunlight. Beautiful stuff but entirely uneconomic. I will be back at the gladstone when it warms up a bit to walk the entire length of the creek looking for micro nuggets which were found there in the 1880's. In the meantime i bought a 0.6 gram nuggett on ebay and oh boy oh boy oh boy. I can find this thing pretty much wherever Fay wants to hide it. Not only that but i can find fay walking out of sight in the bush with her gold jewellry on. I played around in the field a bit with the ranger and came to the conclusion it was all about learning to use it properly. Experimented in my loungeroom with a nuggett on the concrete floor with rio in it but had no trouble picking it up. Had to shift my Banjo though was interfering with the signal. OK then, I understand how you guys feel about this thing but it is entirely new in concept and so so sensitive to the target. I can get a signal for a coin or nuggett, take the coin or nuggett away and the signal lingers till it fades away. Man that is sensitive and a plus not a minus. The weather is warming up here and as soon as i can i am off to check its effectiveness at depth but what i want it for mainly is for detecting in rivers and creeks. I have the scuba gear and coup[led up with an underwater EXCALIBUR i reckon i can go over some pretty virginal gold bearing country (in the streams of Tasmania). The ranger makes it quick quick quick to scan patches, if nothing move to the next just like that, no wasting time and going over dirt or river that may have been gone over dozens of times. I have alerted Carl that this is going to cost him $25000 but i have to do this through ranger themselves cos that is the only way carl will pay for the plane trip. Will keep you guys posted. I am just a retired Technician and not connected in any way with ranger other than once they asked for a customer appraisal. I have not done this yet because it is simply too cold here the last few months we are down south. I wanted to do a serious technical/scientific assessment of the thing duly witnessed and presented. It is not rangers fault that the device may or may not work properly for some individuals. Fay cannot get anything out of it at all. Nothing. I have to have the knob on ytop right over to the right nearly off the scale. I believe at this early stage that the ranger has to be setup for each individual because your body becomes part of the aerial. It works superfine for me. Regards john.
Hi John,
I would like to ask you if you tried your RT in magnetic island and if it worked ok.
By 'working ok', I mean if you still can find your gold nugget where a strong magnetic field is present.
Hi John,
I would like to ask you if you tried your RT in magnetic island and if it worked ok.
By 'working ok', I mean if you still can find your gold nugget where a strong magnetic field is present.
uhm... why don't you call it ...treasure island ? You watch too much TV. :D
What's that magnetic island HUNG ? :lol:
Maybe you need also the island be magnetic for that LRL to work... so ... you need too few iron on blood...a caravan and sure a paint roller as backup! :lol:
Magnetic Island is a particular spot in Queensland, Australia.
Steve in MS
09-01-2008, 06:24 PM
I bet not!!!:lol:
Even with the hydrogen car engines working, there are too much oil companies around and some serious Arab's money to support USA.:lol:
Say maybe this is a good comparison as hydrogen is very expensive, not cost effective alternative to oil. It will never be a primary fuel source for several reasons--just will not work--
Say even hipopp mentions false good signals and that these devices don't work for others, hmmm, I rest my case.
So John, you have already contacted Carl?
I bet he is wringing his hands and is really worried about the money:D.
That's is what we have been lacking about these devices, something more scientific, not taking someones' word that it works, that is all I have seen, which reminds me of
Championship Wrestling:D...maybe folks from other countries won't know what I am talking about.
Magnetic Island is a particular spot in Queensland, Australia.
I see... so you're still addicted to ferrite I think...:D
Steve in MS
09-01-2008, 07:14 PM
I have one of these LRL devices, it's called the Quadro. It has a cheap radio antenna with a pivot point and it has a module that goes in the handle, one for silver and one for gold. Anyway, I have placed a large pile of silver coins on the ground in my yard and couldn't get the device to locate it while I was using the silver module so I decided to wave a silver dollar close to the end of the antenna and it didn't make the antenna move. Wouldn't a near field be stronger than a far field:D?
Say, aren't all these devices the same, I mean they all do the same thing, having a pivot point that causes movement so they must be the same:D?
I bet this one is just as good as any other brand, which brand is the best:D?
Maybe I didn't believe enough that it will work:D?
Hung, which brand do you have? I bet mine is just as good as yours:D:lol:.
How much did yours cost:D? I would like to know if I got a good deal on mine:D.
I would sell mine but I can't make any guarantee that it works, I would hate to rip someone off:D, how can someone be honest that sells these devices:D?
09-02-2008, 01:25 AM
Hung...i just tried picking up a nuggett at 10 feet in my loungeroom. Half gram nuggett on the floor detects fine. Introduced a strong fridge magnet to near the aerial and all detection of the nuggett stopped, no nugget. Took away the magnet and it took the aerial approx. 30 seconds to lock onto the target again. So yes magnetism affects the rangertell. regards...
Hung...i just tried picking up a nuggett at 10 feet in my loungeroom. Half gram nuggett on the floor detects fine. Introduced a strong fridge magnet to near the aerial and all detection of the nuggett stopped, no nugget. Took away the magnet and it took the aerial approx. 30 seconds to lock onto the target again. So yes magnetism affects the rangertell. regards...
did you try close your eyes and thow away the nugget, then try to find it with the RT ?
That would be interesting.
Let's assume, we want to detect a 0.5 gram gold nugget at 50 m distance. We use a PI machine because they are really able to detect small gold. We know, when the current through the coil is high, the detection range will also higher. Doubling the coil current gives us appr. 12% depth increase. For double distance, we need 64 times more coil current.
Let's say, our PI has a coil current of 1 A for the detection depth of 0.5 gramm gold at 10 cm distance. Now the billion dollar question is: How much coil current is necessary to compete with such a LRL detector?
Ok, lets make some math:
Distance Current
0.1 m, 1 A
0.2 m, 64 A
0.4 m, 4096 A
0.8 m, 262144 A
1.6 m, 16777216 A
3.2 m, 1073741824 A
6.4 m, 68719476736 A
12.8m, 4398046511104 A
25.6m, 281474976710656 A
51.2m, 18014398509481984 A
Ok, we need just 18,014,398,509,481,984 A (18e15 A) through the coil. Now, we need additional an array of nuclear reactors to operate our PI detector. Of course, if we are able to solve some trivial problems with very high currents.
Ok, this was a joke. Now the truth:
LRL can not work.
Hung...i just tried picking up a nuggett at 10 feet in my loungeroom. Half gram nuggett on the floor detects fine. Introduced a strong fridge magnet to near the aerial and all detection of the nuggett stopped, no nugget. Took away the magnet and it took the aerial approx. 30 seconds to lock onto the target again. So yes magnetism affects the rangertell. regards...
Yes, this is expected. I already did this test in the past.
Also, if you place the magnet in a strait line with the gold sample and you pass with the examiner in between, it will tend to point to the magnet.
I did hold the magnet in my right hand close to the handle and checked if it could locate the gold sample on the floor. At first, the aerial seemed 'confused' to where to point. Then in the second and third tries, it could locate the target even holding the magnet.
This all was done with the original swivel examiner. And the explanations are as follows:
The examiner works by aligning its aerial trough the law of charges to the sample in which the input frequency of the element sought acts as a waveguide. This attraction force is very diminute as the device only produces micro volts and currents. The body is a natural charge booster and sometimes, mainly in the evening you will experience a considerable detection power decrease. This seems to be confirmed in all users.
The refrigerator magnet even being small produces a strong field which is able to move fast a compass nearby and it's many times more powerful than the lines of force hitting the aerial in the gold sample's case alone. Naturally, the aerial will suffer strong interference and will tend to align to the strongest force around. You will notice that if you have a polarized magnet, the examiner will tend to open or close depending on the pole the magnet is facing the aerial.
But then comes the interesting part. After repeated tests several months ago, I noticed that despite of that, after the first temptatives with the magnet present, the examiner started to overcome this and in the second and third tries it could locate the target. The 100% failure rate did not happen, but the average sucess rate with the magnet present was lower.
The explanation to this in my view is that my mind/body electromagnetic field started to produce a differential to overcome this. The aerial captured this 'differential' and it could work better to avoid the alien magnetic interference.
I later discovered that by pressing a simple key in the examiner helped even more.
Carl Moreland used to use this dirty magnet trick to mess up dowsers in his freaky tests.
But I know some examiner users and also dowsers who seem to be immune to magnets around and they proceed locating the targets with no problems. They deserve to be a case of deeper studies.
If you can go to Magnet Island, please do it and see how the examiner reacts there and if you can locate your gold sample with the strong magnetic fields around you. This is a different aproach from the simple magnet case. It's a real field condition. If you suceed at least once or twice, this will prove that there's a way to make your examiner work in such conditions.
09-02-2008, 01:21 PM
Yes, this is expected. I already did this test in the past.
Also, if you place the magnet in a strait line with the gold sample and you pass with the examiner in between, it will tend to point to the magnet.
I did hold the magnet in my right hand close to the handle and checked if it could locate the gold sample on the floor. At first, the aerial seemed 'confused' to where to point. Then in the second and third tries, it could locate the target even holding the magnet.
This all was done with the original swivel examiner. And the explanations are as follows:
The examiner works by aligning its aerial trough the law of charges to the sample in which the input frequency of the element sought acts as a waveguide. This attraction force is very diminute as the device only produces micro volts and currents. The body is a natural charge booster and sometimes, mainly in the evening you will experience a considerable detection power decrease. This seems to be confirmed in all users.
The refrigerator magnet even being small produces a strong field which is able to move fast a compass nearby and it's many times more powerful than the lines of force hitting the aerial in the gold sample's case alone. Naturally, the aerial will suffer strong interference and will tend to align to the strongest force around. You will notice that if you have a polarized magnet, the examiner will tend to open or close depending on the pole the magnet is facing the aerial.
But then comes the interesting part. After repeated tests several months ago, I noticed that despite of that, after the first temptatives with the magnet present, the examiner started to overcome this and in the second and third tries it could locate the target. The 100% failure rate did not happen, but the average sucess rate with the magnet present was lower.
The explanation to this in my view is that my mind/body electromagnetic field started to produce a differential to overcome this. The aerial captured this 'differential' and it could work better to avoid the alien magnetic interference.
I later discovered that by pressing a simple key in the examiner helped even more.
Carl Moreland used to use this dirty magnet trick to mess up dowsers in his freaky tests.
But I know some examiner users and also dowsers who seem to be immune to magnets around and they proceed locating the targets with no problems. They deserve to be a case of deeper studies.
If you can go to Magnet Island, please do it and see how the examiner reacts there and if you can locate your gold sample with the strong magnetic fields around you. This is a different aproach from the simple magnet case. It's a real field condition. If you suceed at least once or twice, this will prove that there's a way to make your examiner work in such conditions.
This is just absolute nonsense, based purely on pseudo-scientific claptrap. There is no natural charge boosting from the body, or any interference from magnets. The whole delusion is in your mind - what there is of it. :razz:
Pure self-deception. But - of course - there's not really much point in telling you this, is there? Go and take the $25,000 challenge, if you're so confident in your LRL's capabilities. Then we can all have a good laugh. :lol:
... Go and take the $25,000 challenge, if you're so confident in your LRL's capabilities. Then we can all have a good laugh. :lol:
Did you notice the new problem? Carl has planted magnets everywhere, they need to mentally overcome this problem first... this i why the 25000usd remain there :stars:
Everything has an explanation in the LRL world!
09-03-2008, 06:41 AM
Carl Moreland used to use this dirty magnet trick to mess up dowsers in his freaky tests.
Once again, whenever dowsers can't do what they say they can do, it somehow must be ol' Carl's fault. :lol: Magnets have no effect whatsoever on dowsing or LRLs, beyond the pure imagination of the practitioner. So even if I did tote in a magnet to a dowsing test it would make no difference, as long as the dowser had no knowledge of it. Such a "dirty trick" would be as pointless as secretly putting a voodoo spell on the test area.
But I have to say, your fabrications are at least getting a little more creative.
- Carl
P.S. -- are "nearby magnets" in my "Frequently Articulated Excuses" list? I'll have to add it! Oh, the alibis!
09-03-2008, 10:26 AM
There is a saying that ..a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
I am seeing this now with the attitude of some people to the ranger LRL. They want it to be an analogue device which is something they can know's gotta have a wire or two connected. I mean the whole mobile phone network is a fraud cos there ain't no wires connectin' it baby. Yo ho it ain't got no circuit can't fool me will never work....but it does. All matter produces its own electric and magnetic fields but they aren't there cos yer can;t see them right? I can't see Resonance in action so it ain't real right? A simple LCR circuit in a rangertell is too simple right? so it can't work. Never heard so much frivolous uninformed technical assessment. This rangertell is awesome in that it remembers detecting an object and has to be degaussed between settings but now carl is saying a magnet has no effect (on a coil for god's sake, an inductor.) Hey carl basic kids stuff move a magnet over a coil yer produce an EMF, how you think you get power from your electric suupply in the house. You just re wrote the entire script for producing and harnessing electricity. OK i have said enough for now....there seems to be a horrible resistance to anything that looks like a resonant circuit in the minds of the folk here on geophysics. Cannot understand your attitudes at all unless someone is on the payroll of the (expenxsive) traditional type metal detectors. All this started from doing an old bloke here in australia a favour by giving him an unbiased appraisal of the rangertell, and, in the meantime he found the geophysics site and the bias and prejudice here and in the wash i copped a hiding if not abuse from reporting correctly without fear nor favour. I must be missing something.
There is a saying that ..a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
I am seeing this now with the attitude of some people to the ranger LRL. They want it to be an analogue device which is something they can know's gotta have a wire or two connected. I mean the whole mobile phone network is a fraud cos there ain't no wires connectin' it baby. Yo ho it ain't got no circuit can't fool me will never work....but it does. All matter produces its own electric and magnetic fields but they aren't there cos yer can;t see them right? I can't see Resonance in action so it ain't real right? A simple LCR circuit in a rangertell is too simple right? so it can't work. Never heard so much frivolous uninformed technical assessment. This rangertell is awesome in that it remembers detecting an object and has to be degaussed between settings but now carl is saying a magnet has no effect (on a coil for god's sake, an inductor.) Hey carl basic kids stuff move a magnet over a coil yer produce an EMF, how you think you get power from your electric suupply in the house. You just re wrote the entire script for producing and harnessing electricity. OK i have said enough for now....there seems to be a horrible resistance to anything that looks like a resonant circuit in the minds of the folk here on geophysics. Cannot understand your attitudes at all unless someone is on the payroll of the (expenxsive) traditional type metal detectors. All this started from doing an old bloke here in australia a favour by giving him an unbiased appraisal of the rangertell, and, in the meantime he found the geophysics site and the bias and prejudice here and in the wash i copped a hiding if not abuse from reporting correctly without fear nor favour. I must be missing something.
who want anoalog devices ? And for what purpose ?
And what have you on hand ? Isn't it some mumbo jumbo non-sense electronics ? Haven't you a digital calculator and some inductor there glued around ?
What's the meaning of "resonance" you say ??? There are many kind of resonances but seems you focused on some calculator noise interaction with target.... if so... I'm sure my toaster have much more resonance to gold than your RT! :lol:
LCR meter ? Where ? Inside RT there isn't... otherwise it could serve for something useful... apart making a flask for whiskey... changing the pot with a cork. :D
Magnets ???
So... let me tell you... when you talk about detection of a small nugget on the floor... inside an house... do you really knows how many magnets have you around ??? :lol:
MDs are expensive ??? Some really are expensive but few... others go for 50-200$ not big price I think, think at ACE150 and 250... good , entry level, disc MDs from a reasonable price... and other brands have similar models too. Not for free but very cheapy.
But what about RT cost , uh ??? C'mon write it here !
But MDs give you REAL detection... not random beeps.:lol:
You're completely stoned... I see... like the rocks of the outback...the outback's sun hit very hard there! :razz:
Kind regards,
09-03-2008, 10:51 AM
carl...i would suggest you advise your folk here not to be wasting their time here mucking about with expensive consumer packaged toys to look for gold and gems. why not tell them about the phenomena of Resonance. you know all matter resonates with its own individual frequency. glass metal iron gems thumbnails banjos everything. You know about resonance i take it..a small change to a resonant circuit causes a huge sometimes 1000 or more times change in the current oscillating in the resonant the target can be extremely weak. why not tell your folk how to build thier own, easy once you know the resonant frequency of the target such as gold for example. You might have to build a huge aerial and carry the device around in the back of your semi trailer as well ...or could just go out and buy yourself a Rangertell LRL which is smaller cos it works off a harmonic of the original resonant frequency allowing you to make it smaller. The principle of operation is no , i say again, no different to the tuning knob on a transistor radio with your body as an aerial and the inductance from currents from the calculator assisting in the discrimnation of the target signal. The ranger was designed by a geoliogist for use in the detection of minerals/fields. It has always been recomended to be used in conjunction with a standard metal detector because of the time/efficiency constraints sometime associated with professional industrial application.
There is a saying that ..a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing..
Not for you.'s gotta have a wire or two connected. I mean the whole mobile phone network is a fraud cos there ain't no wires connectin' it baby. Yo ho it ain't got no circuit can't fool me will never work....but it does. All matter produces its own electric and magnetic fields but they aren't there cos yer can;t see them right? I can't see Resonance in action so it ain't real right? A simple LCR circuit in a rangertell is too simple right? so it can't work. Never heard so much frivolous uninformed technical assessment.
This is ridiculous: it is precisely the opposite :everybody believes in wireless etc etc because its principles are well documented and understood,unlike the rangertell.
Hey carl basic kids stuff move a magnet over a coil yer produce an EMF, how you think you get power from your electric suupply in the house. .).
Since when are magnet involved in powerplant generators?
OK i have said enough for now.....
I agree...
.. in the minds of the folk here on geophysics. .
You keep referring to geophysics, do you mean "Geotech"?
Once again, whenever dowsers can't do what they say they can do, it somehow must be ol' Carl's fault. :lol: Magnets have no effect whatsoever on dowsing or LRLs, beyond the pure imagination of the practitioner. So even if I did tote in a magnet to a dowsing test it would make no difference, as long as the dowser had no knowledge of it. Such a "dirty trick" would be as pointless as secretly putting a voodoo spell on the test area.
But I have to say, your fabrications are at least getting a little more creative.
Who's fabricating something here? So now you will deny your every dirty trick used on dowsers in the past?
Should I remind you of one your apparent 'dumb' questions directed to Mike Tune at the time of the treasure tracker challenge? What was that question Carl, uh?
About... if the TT was affected by magnets, which made Mike question if you were thinking about doing something 'off the record'?
And now one more fabrication stating the magnets don't affect the movement of rods!
C'mon Carl, every dowser knows that. Who are you pretending to fool here?
Did you recede in your knowledge about dowsing if any?
Who's fabricating something here? So now you will deny your every dirty trick used on dowsers in the past?
Should I remind you of one your apparent 'dumb' questions directed to Mike Tune at the time of the treasure tracker challenge? What was that question Carl, uh?
About... if the TT was affected by magnets, which made Mike question if you were thinking about doing something 'off the record'?
And now one more fabrication stating the magnets don't affect the movement of rods!
C'mon Carl, every dowser knows that. Who are you pretending to fool here?
Did you recede in your knowledge about dowsing if any?
if magnets are so relevant in the failure of LRL process... why the hell he claimed can detect a gold nugget on the floor inside a room ??? explain that, you're so smart! :lol:
Or he hasn't magnets at that place ??? :D
New age guy... or just full BS story about that magnets interferences... ;)
and lrl nugget detection at meters away... take your pick!
So he miss that pretty things in the picture maybe... :razz:
I think it's just another fairy tale... this time without magnets.
So, I must assume he hasn't a cellphone, a creditcard, some vhs tape around... no computer/harddisk, no crt, no microphones, no headphones, no table phones, no electric motors, no compass, no transformer cores, no magnetic gadgets, no magnetic toys, no nails in the wall, no rebars in concrete etc etc...
Pretty minimalist place... made of wood , paper and hot melt glue ? good for new age madness! Maybe he's also vegetarian ! :lol:
But don't eat legumes... cause need low iron content in the blood... so... I just wonder which would be his protein source ??? No meat ... no legumes... so what ??? Eggs maybe ? :razz:
Kind regards,
09-03-2008, 03:15 PM
Who's fabricating something here? So now you will deny your every dirty trick used on dowsers in the past?
You want me to deny something you fabricated? Sure, I'll deny it, because it never happened.
And now one more fabrication stating the magnets don't affect the movement of rods!
C'mon Carl, every dowser knows that. Who are you pretending to fool here?It's only an issue in the imagination of the dowser. Keep in mind, some dowsers tape magnets to their foreheads in the belief that it helps them! But if you do randomized blind testing on the effects of magnets on dowsing, you'll find there are no effects. Just like gloves, rubber boots, and signal generators. It's all imaginary.
- Carl
09-03-2008, 03:52 PM
The whole "theory" of gold resonating at some special frequency is an age-old dowsing fantasy. It doesn't happen. Never has, never will. You believe it happens because someone told you it does, and the RT has deceived you with a simple but convincing ideomotor response.
I have watched many dowsers perform self-tests that do nothing but reinforce their self-deception. I have worked with some of those dowsers and showed them proper test techniques that, when applied, results in the sudden and spectacular failure of their dowsing ability. It just didn't exist.
You're at the point with the RT where you are 100% convinced that it works, and the debate here will do nothing to change that. That's OK, seen it many times. You can do what most dowsers do, go off and use your dowsing rod for years, in the continued belief it is doing something it is not. Maybe with the help of a metal detector, you might occasionally find a nugget here or there. But I'll bet those Minelab boys will be cleaning house while you're chasing alibis.
A second route, one that I admit dowsers rarely take, is to find out for certain whether the RT works, or whether it is a mind trick. I told you in an email that there is an Australian skeptics group that has tested many dowsers, so they are fully aware of proper test techniques. Look them up, I bet they'll be glad to work with you. What you'll find is that under rigorous randomized blind conditions (which is still easier than field conditions) the RT will simply stop working.
Now here's the punch line: dowsing and LRL proponents who are familiar with randomized blind testing will readily admit that such tests ALWAYS fail, and most avoid such tests and actively denounce them. I've yet to test a dowser who has walked away from a failed test (and they've ALL failed) and admitted that dowsing just doesn't work; they blame the test. Denial runs deep in this game.
I'm sure that LRL proponents will tell you stay far far away from bad ol' scientific testing, so my expectations are that you will just continue believing what you want to believe. And that's fine. If you're having fun with it then, by golly, have fun. Everyone needs a little adventure in life, even if it's imaginary.
- Carl
09-03-2008, 04:10 PM
carl...i would suggest you advise your folk here not to be wasting their time here mucking about with expensive consumer packaged toys to look for gold and gems. why not tell them about the phenomena of Resonance. you know all matter resonates with its own individual frequency. glass metal iron gems thumbnails banjos everything. You know about resonance i take it..a small change to a resonant circuit causes a huge sometimes 1000 or more times change in the current oscillating in the resonant the target can be extremely weak.
Why would you want Carl to lie to people? All matter DOES NOT resonate at an individual frequency. That is strictly a myth, concocted by LRL salesmen to sucker the "gullible" into buying worthless (overly expensive) dowsing contraptions. And, don't start talking about MRIs, because that is not the same thing at all.
You have been mentally brainwashed to think so, but you are very wrong in those beliefs. Vincent Blanes (RT) has sold you a bogus theory and a totally bogus (junk) dowsing gadget.
If you once would test your dowsing gadget according to a well-structured double-blind test protocol, you would see how you've been "taken in" by a clever scam artist, Vincent Blanes. Right now he is laughing all the way to the bank with your cash.
If the device actually worked, as advertised, the last thing he would be doing is selling it; rather he would be out using it and would not have time to run his marketing and sales schemes. The fact is, it doesn't work any better than ordinary guessing, and that's why he can make more cash selling it than he ever could using it.
I'm very sorry you have been robbed of your hard-earned cash. It's a very expensive lesson.
To many skeptic's dismay and at your own, I see that you get even further from understanding what dowsing is every year. And worse, you seem to 'un-learn' some scientific basis to back up your own as well.
Steve in MS
09-03-2008, 06:52 PM
Here is the bottom line on LRL, does it work or not. Then how often will it work successfully. Still all we have is someones' word that they work, that is not enough though because we all know cellphones, radios, standard metal detectors, etc work because we see the results of them being used every day. A controlled test with other people present other than devout LRL users will be necessary to prove their usefulness otherwise all that left is a never ending debate that goes nowhere.
09-03-2008, 07:34 PM
I am a retired former technician/technical officer and i just happen to know about these things OK?
Actually, it's not ok, especially since you went on to say:
There is a saying that ..a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
You can say that again! :lol:
I am seeing this now with the attitude of some people to the ranger LRL. They want it to be an analogue device which is something they can know's gotta have a wire or two connected. I mean the whole mobile phone network is a fraud cos there ain't no wires connectin' it baby. Yo ho it ain't got no circuit can't fool me will never work....but it does. All matter produces its own electric and magnetic fields but they aren't there cos yer can;t see them right? I can't see Resonance in action so it ain't real right? A simple LCR circuit in a rangertell is too simple right? so it can't work. Never heard so much frivolous uninformed technical assessment. This rangertell is awesome in that it remembers detecting an object and has to be degaussed between settings but now carl is saying a magnet has no effect (on a coil for god's sake, an inductor.) Hey carl basic kids stuff move a magnet over a coil yer produce an EMF, how you think you get power from your electric suupply in the house. You just re wrote the entire script for producing and harnessing electricity. OK i have said enough for now....there seems to be a horrible resistance to anything that looks like a resonant circuit in the minds of the folk here on geophysics. Cannot understand your attitudes at all unless someone is on the payroll of the (expenxsive) traditional type metal detectors. All this started from doing an old bloke here in australia a favour by giving him an unbiased appraisal of the rangertell, and, in the meantime he found the geophysics site and the bias and prejudice here and in the wash i copped a hiding if not abuse from reporting correctly without fear nor favour. I must be missing something.
Clearly you do not "know about these things".
carl...i would suggest you advise your folk here not to be wasting their time here mucking about with expensive consumer packaged toys to look for gold and gems. why not tell them about the phenomena of Resonance. you know all matter resonates with its own individual frequency. glass metal iron gems thumbnails banjos everything. You know about resonance i take it..a small change to a resonant circuit causes a huge sometimes 1000 or more times change in the current oscillating in the resonant the target can be extremely weak. why not tell your folk how to build thier own, easy once you know the resonant frequency of the target such as gold for example. You might have to build a huge aerial and carry the device around in the back of your semi trailer as well ...or could just go out and buy yourself a Rangertell LRL which is smaller cos it works off a harmonic of the original resonant frequency allowing you to make it smaller. The principle of operation is no , i say again, no different to the tuning knob on a transistor radio with your body as an aerial and the inductance from currents from the calculator assisting in the discrimnation of the target signal. The ranger was designed by a geoliogist for use in the detection of minerals/fields. It has always been recomended to be used in conjunction with a standard metal detector because of the time/efficiency constraints sometime associated with professional industrial application.
Blimey ... you are one confused individual. :razz:
As Carl said - have fun with the RT - but, please keep it to yourself. We don't encourage wallet-mining here.
09-03-2008, 08:39 PM
To many skeptic's dismay and at your own, I see that you get even further from understanding what dowsing is every year. And worse, you seem to 'un-learn' some scientific basis to back up your own as well.
Since every dowser I've ever met has been unable to do what he says he can do when I'm watching, and after looking at over 20 LRLs and finding utter nonsense surrounded by bogus claims and even outright fraud (of which RangerTell is one of the worst), there is no other conclusion I could possibly arrive at.
If I'm wrong, then surely someone can show me I'm wrong. But every time they try, I turn out to be right.
- Carl
Since every dowser I've ever met has been unable to do what he says he can do when I'm watching, and after looking at over 20 LRLs and finding utter nonsense surrounded by bogus claims and even outright fraud (of which RangerTell is one of the worst), there is no other conclusion I could possibly arrive at.
What about the dowsers who think it's not relevant at all to take your dumb tests which serve the only purpose of promoting yourself? Are they on your list too or you just count the half a dozen that decide to knock on your door?
I already told about how the RT led me to two treasure sites. This was before I develop my own system.
I know of someone which by the way you are aware of him too who has a RT and found a jar of coins with it. Most important, he detected this from miles away and entering some keys in the examiner, he could estimate the distance it was at. To make this story short, the coins were lying only 4 feet from where he had estimated.
Does it also sound ideomotor to you ? Or ... maybe he suceeded cause you were not watching?:lol:
If I'm wrong, then surely someone can show me I'm wrong. But every time they try, I turn out to be right.
- Carl
Sure. As long as it's profitable to you.:shocked:
09-03-2008, 11:52 PM
I know of someone which by the way you are aware of him too who has a RT and found a jar of coins with it. Most important, he detected this from miles away and entering some keys in the examiner, he could estimate the distance it was at. To make this story short, the coins were lying only 4 feet from where he had estimated.
Does it also sound ideomotor to you ? Or ... maybe he suceeded cause you were not watching?:lol:
No - it doesn't sound ideomotor to me ... just idiotic. :rolleyes:
09-04-2008, 01:13 AM
I already told about how the RT led me to two treasure sites. This was before I develop my own system.
What makes these treasure sites? Did you recover treasure from them?
I know of someone which by the way you are aware of him too who has a RT and found a jar of coins with it. Most important, he detected this from miles away and entering some keys in the examiner...
Entering keys into the R-T dowsing wand has no effect whatsoever on what the device will point to. Pointing his finger in a supposed direction, and then going there with a metal detector to see what could be found in the general area, would produce the same results.
hi Hung (or double?)
Most important, he detected this from miles away and entering some keys in the examiner, he could estimate the distance it was at. To make this story short, the coins were lying only 4 feet from where he had estimated.
How did he know the distance he was from the coins with a precision of 4 feets? :shocked:
09-04-2008, 03:37 AM
the more this discussion goes on the more evident it is that people do not have a clue what they are talking about. To say that magnets are not used in power generation or that each atom molecule or compound or metal is not resonating at its own frequency is a flight from reality and reason. Even a bridge resonates at its own frequecy that is why soldiers break stride and do not march in unison cos they can add power to the resonance and ultimatelt bring the brodge down. What do you think the Walls of Jericho were all about. As for the rangertell, i am not claiming to be a dowser you folk said that. I opened my discussions here by saying that i can pick up a .6 gram nugget clear as day at 50 meters. I saw faye walking back from a public toilet with it with all her jewellry, when she was out of sight to me.Quite funny it was we were out in the backblocks and i thought i had picked up a rabbit who had swallowed a nuggett. I think the rabbitts are only here. I saw gold in an old prospectors shed. I see all the micro gold in bits of quartz laying on the ground. I have picked up a quartz reef with micro gold in it at about 300 meters. I can pick up ironstone at a mile away. All proper field tests done a 100 ways to LEARN. I have not finished yet. Hung got me testing the interference of magnetism and as a byproduct of that i see that the ranger can be set up to minimise picking up small targets and zeroing in on large target only. I can pick up the gold plated pins in my computer motherboards. What else do you want folks? you are totally in denial me thinks. any chance of reasonable discussion is lost. go do your homework about resonance and magnets in the power industry to generate electricity then we can start off thinking you know at least a little of electrical/magnetic theory. regards.
Götz von Berlichingen
09-04-2008, 04:18 AM
Dont repeat this Nonsense over and over. :frown:
If you want us to believe you, pick up Carl's 25,000 $
and while you are at it, take James Randi's 1,000,000 $, too.
09-04-2008, 04:47 AM
...or that each atom molecule or compound or metal is not resonating at its own frequency is a flight from reality and reason. Even a bridge resonates at its own frequecy
1. What is the resonance frequency of gold? How do you know?
2. What is the resonance frequency of bridges? Careful with this one, it might make you re-think #1.
As for the rangertell, i am not claiming to be a dowser you folk said that.
True, but the RT is just a dowsing rod. If you pick it up & use it, you are dowsing. You can pretend you're not dowsing, but that doesn't change reality.
I opened my discussions here by saying that i can pick up a .6 gram nugget clear as day at 50 meters. ... What else do you want folks?
I don't "want" anything. What do you want? That is, why are you here? If you're 100% happy with your RT, then do you really care what skeptics think? Wouldn't your time be better spent collecting gold nuggets? The Minelab boys are beating you hands down right now.
Maybe you're here because you're looking for something. Validation perhaps? If I flew to Australia right now, and we performed a randomized blind test of you with the RT, you would fail miserably. Of that there is no doubt. Even Hung will tell you that, though he will find a way to blame me instead of you.
Obviously, I'm not going to drop everything and spend $2000 to watch another newbie dowser bite the dust. But I have provided you with information where you can find out for yourself whether you are doing what you think you are doing. Are you interested in knowing instead of just believing?
- Carl
Steve in MS
09-04-2008, 06:51 AM
Guys, Carl runs these forums and he has provided this forum for those who like LRL's. I think he is very generous and has even wanted someone to come to him with an LRL that actually works. I think he is one of the nicest forum owners around and to think he would rig the test area so the device would fail just doesn't fit who he is. All of us would like a device that can magically locate precious metals at long distances but so far it doesn't exist or at least hasn't proven to be true. I can imagine all of us who use conventional metal detectors would ditch them real fast for a better product.
I am guessing Carl would welcome seeing first-hand a working LRL, I bet he would come on board and start using one that actually works, not only that but many more of us, like me, would start selling them.
So all we have so far is some that build their own and others that use bought LRLs with no proof that they actually work and I and others are not very likely to be convinced just because some come on a forum and proclaim they work without any proof whatsoever. The opposite is true about cell-phones, radios and yes,
Real metal detectors:D,
you know the kind that beeps when you
scan over a metal:razz:.
so show us some proof or continue to be not taken very seriously.
09-04-2008, 07:52 AM
It seems silly to be arguing about how the rangertell works or doesn't work. The objective is to use the rangertell to find treasure, and to use the rangertell to find the hidden target in Carl's contest. If the rangertell can find the hidden target 7 times out of 10 tries according to the contest rules, then hipopp wins $25,000. It makes no difference how it located the treasure, only that it succeeds in 7 or more tries out of 10.
The subject of hidden magnets is not an issure because the contest rules provide that both parties and the test proctor can scan the test location for anomalies before the test. If there are magnets or other things interfering with locating the targets, simply move to another location nearby that both parties agree to.
From the test rules page:
Both parties will agree on a test location. Claimant is responsible for any costs associated with the use of a location2. Claimant is encouraged to scan the chosen location for anomalies prior to the start of the test. Proctor may also inspect the test area. Both proctor and claimant may inspect the target to be used. Both proctor and claimant may inspect the concealment devices and/or holes, including scanning with a metal detector. Proctor may visually inspect the locating equipment, but will not open it. Both parties should make every reasonable effort to reach approval of the test conditions.Involving the rangertell factory in order to cause Carl to travel to the test site that is reserved for manufacturer testing sounds like a form of fraud to me, and I doubt Carl will agree to travel to test a newbie who misrepresented who is being tested.
However, this is easily solved by traveling to where Carl is for the test without trying to scam Carl out of the travel expenses. If your rangertell can really find hidden treasures 7 times out of 10 tries, then you can take home the $25,000 and pay for travel expenses from Australia. This means you will have $21,000 prize money left in your hands after paying about $4000 for round trip travel and lodging. (You could expand this to a nice vacation if you want).
Think about it... $21,000 in hand, and no need to scam anyone. How long does it take to save that amount of money? :cool:
Best wishes,
09-04-2008, 12:00 PM
the more this discussion goes on the more evident it is that people do not have a clue what they are talking about.
I am sure you would like to believe that, but the truth is that many of the people here do know what what they're talking about. On the other hand, it is clear that you are not open-mindedly testing the RT. If you knew the slightest thing about the ideomotor effect, you would be attempting to understand the phenomenon behind your experiences, instead of ranting wildly about the results of your non-scientific tests. The bottom line is that dowsing is a "trick of the mind". There is no detection of anything, except gravity. I know it can seem compelling when the rod moves, but it's all a delusion. You need to see beyond the illusion, and follow Carl's instructions for double-blind testing.
To say that magnets are not used in power generation or that each atom molecule or compound or metal is not resonating at its own frequency is a flight from reality and reason.
Nobody here said that magnets are not used in power generation. Although, why you think this has anything to do with dowsing, is a mystery. :shrug:
Even a bridge resonates at its own frequecy that is why soldiers break stride and do not march in unison cos they can add power to the resonance and ultimatelt bring the brodge down. What do you think the Walls of Jericho were all about.
Yes - we all know about the phenomenon of mechanical resonance. There are many famous examples of this, without having to resort to religious quotes. :rolleyes:
As for the rangertell, i am not claiming to be a dowser you folk said that. I opened my discussions here by saying that i can pick up a .6 gram nugget clear as day at 50 meters.
So - you're not a dowser - but you are using a Ranger Tell. In that case, what are you claiming to be?
I saw faye walking back from a public toilet with it with all her jewellry, when she was out of sight to me.Quite funny it was we were out in the backblocks and i thought i had picked up a rabbit who had swallowed a nuggett. I think the rabbitts are only here. I saw gold in an old prospectors shed. I see all the micro gold in bits of quartz laying on the ground. I have picked up a quartz reef with micro gold in it at about 300 meters. I can pick up ironstone at a mile away.
Blimey! With all the bits and pieces of gold that must exist within a radius of one mile, the poor RT must be whizzing around like a windmill. :shocked: Perhaps you could attach a magnet to the do-nothing electronics box, and use it to generate electricity. :lol:
All proper field tests done a 100 ways to LEARN. I have not finished yet. Hung got me testing the interference of magnetism and as a byproduct of that i see that the ranger can be set up to minimise picking up small targets and zeroing in on large target only. I can pick up the gold plated pins in my computer motherboards. What else do you want folks?
This is where your claims start to sound ridiculous. Someone has really sold you a pack of pseudo-scientific nonsense, and you've swallowed it hook, line and sinker. :lol:
you are totally in denial me thinks. any chance of reasonable discussion is lost.
That happened when you wrote your first post on this forum. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Your testing of the RT has been non-scientific, and purely based on subjective measurements. Dowsing is well known to be a mind trick, and therefore your conclusions are irrelevant.
go do your homework about resonance and magnets in the power industry to generate electricity then we can start off thinking you know at least a little of electrical/magnetic theory. regards.
What has this got to do with a swivel handle attached to a box of hot-glued do-nothing electronics, with a cheap calculator glued on the top?
If you knew anything about electrical/magnetic theory, you would be laughing at the RT, and wondering how anyone could be gullible enough to use this rubbish to search for gold. Then you would have tossed it in the trash, where it belongs. :razz:
09-04-2008, 12:30 PM
the more this discussion goes on the more evident it is that people do not have a clue what they are talking about.
And, the more input you enter here, clearly shows you not only don't understand basic mechanical principles, but you also have been taken in completely (brainwashed) by a wallet-miner and scam artist.
To say that magnets are not used in power generation or that each atom molecule or compound or metal is not resonating at its own frequency is a flight from reality and reason. Even a bridge resonates at its own frequecy
That statement is a perfect example of how much you don't really know about resonance. Mechanical resonance is completely different from molecular resonance. Comparing the two in a feeble attempt to validate and strengthen your own faulty belief systems, as sold to you by Vincent Blanes, is an exercise in futility and anyone with even a grade-school education can recognize that fact.
Instead of wasting your time here "plugging" the Blanes dowsing wand, go out and make your fortune with it. Soon, you will find the only one who has a chance at making his fortune are the scam artist wallet-miners that sell these dowsing contraptions.
To say that magnets are not used in power generation
Not power generation, power plant generators.Do you make it on purpose?
I can pick up the gold plated pins in my computer motherboards.
There is gold eveywhere around you: in you watch, calculator, computer, car , TV set, in every single electronic device around you and in the street, there is gold.But you only pick you nugget and Mboard gold. Did you think how selection was done?
It can only be human.
Then you would have tossed it in the trash, where it belongs. :razz:
Too expensive to be tossed away: once you´ve bought it , you must "make it work", or you lose part of your virility.:lol:
Not power generation, power plant generators.Do you make it on purpose?
There is gold eveywhere around you: in you watch, calculator, computer, car , TV set, in every single electronic device around you and in the street, there is gold.But you only pick you nugget and Mboard gold. Did you think how selection was done?
It can only be human.
Too expensive to be tossed away: once you´ve bought it , you must "make it work", or you lose part of your virility.:lol:
The only way he has to make it work is reselling on ebay to some other sucker! :lol:
Will work as it normally do: giving him at sell some money for nothing (and chicks for free ?). :rolleyes:
Kind regards,
09-04-2008, 02:40 PM
1. What is the resonance frequency of gold? How do you know?
2. What is the resonance frequency of bridges? Careful with this one, it might make you re-think #1.
True, but the RT is just a dowsing rod. If you pick it up & use it, you are dowsing. You can pretend you're not dowsing, but that doesn't change reality.
I don't "want" anything. What do you want? That is, why are you here? If you're 100% happy with your RT, then do you really care what skeptics think? Wouldn't your time be better spent collecting gold nuggets? The Minelab boys are beating you hands down right now.
Maybe you're here because you're looking for something. Validation perhaps? If I flew to Australia right now, and we performed a randomized blind test of you with the RT, you would fail miserably. Of that there is no doubt. Even Hung will tell you that, though he will find a way to blame me instead of you.
Obviously, I'm not going to drop everything and spend $2000 to watch another newbie dowser bite the dust. But I have provided you with information where you can find out for yourself whether you are doing what you think you are doing. Are you interested in knowing instead of just believing?
- Carl
Don't know under wich circumstances :lol:, but found this. If we know the atomic frequency (like the cesium, for example), then, we can build a selective LRL for each metal.
09-04-2008, 02:49 PM
Don't know under wich circumstances :lol:, but found this. If we know the atomic frequency (like the cesium, for example), then, we can build a selective LRL for each metal.
With one exception!!! The atomic frequency you make reference to IS NOT something that travels out and away from the source. Hence, your LRL can never be selective, no matter what number you plug into the do-nothing calculator.
Selectivity can only exist within the mind of the dowser, and that parameter of the process is very error-prone, making it totally worthless as a selection indicator.
09-04-2008, 03:38 PM
With one exception!!! The atomic frequency you make reference to IS NOT something that travels out and away from the source. Hence, your LRL can never be selective, no matter what number you plug into the do-nothing calculator.
Selectivity can only exist within the mind of the dowser, and that parameter of the process is very error-prone, making it totally worthless as a selection indicator.
I talk about electronic LRL.
Don't know under wich circumstances :lol:, but found this. If we know the atomic frequency (like the cesium, for example), then, we can build a selective LRL for each metal.
that's true in NMR scenario: you have big RF sources all around the target piece trying to make it resonate at a particular frequency (that it's strictly related to the magnetic fields there), this way the resonance process will absorb part of the energy and that drop is usually detected by ultra low noise devices connected to the NMR machine.
The way this kind of operation is done require enormous amount of energy to stimulate resonance process in the sample... and usually NMR apparatus have active RF TX running at some Tesla induction: 2-3 Tesla are often employed in medical stuff... but fairly higher are usually employed in e.g. NMR for chemistry stuff... like in big academic labs.
Now... the lrl proposed (RT) hasn't any TX... apart the noise generated at calculator , that so small power... and simple tuned circuit.
No NMR is possible at 1000mt distance... even using an enormous superconducting magnet... sorrounding the target... and no receiver exist to read such small variation from 1000mt far...
No way the things like RT could work as LRL. It's scientific fact.
Kind regards,
That is interesting.
There is enought RF energy at any frequency on Earth and outside...
09-04-2008, 06:22 PM
that's true in NMR scenario: you have big RF sources all around the target piece trying to make it resonate at a particular frequency (that it's strictly related to the magnetic fields there), this way the resonance process will absorb part of the energy and that drop is usually detected by ultra low noise devices connected to the NMR machine.
The way this kind of operation is done require enormous amount of energy to stimulate resonance process in the sample... and usually NMR apparatus have active RF TX running at some Tesla induction: 2-3 Tesla are often employed in medical stuff... but fairly higher are usually employed in e.g. NMR for chemistry stuff... like in big academic labs.
Now... the lrl proposed (RT) hasn't any TX... apart the noise generated at calculator , that so small power... and simple tuned circuit.
No NMR is possible at 1000mt distance... even using an enormous superconducting magnet... sorrounding the target... and no receiver exist to read such small variation from 1000mt far...
No way the things like RT could work as LRL. It's scientific fact.
Kind regards,
Yes, NMR requires some Tesla in intensity, this mean high current...
But, can be detectable vibration of atoms (frequency)? If yes, you can discriminate each metal from others...
09-04-2008, 06:27 PM
That is interesting.
There is enought RF energy at any frequency on Earth and outside...
When I detect a simple coin at few meters with FM radio, no more 3-5 m and no at high depth, I think in re-radiated frequency from different sources...
Dell Winders
09-04-2008, 09:04 PM
Here is the bottom line on LRL, does it work or not. Then how often will it work successfully. Still all we have is someones' word that they work, that is not enough though because we all know cellphones, radios, standard metal detectors, etc work because we see the results of them being used every day. A controlled test with other people present other than devout LRL users will be necessary to prove their usefulness otherwise all that left is a never ending debate that goes nowhere.
Thousands of controlled tests, double blind, and total blind field tests have been conducted over many years, with and without the Rod(s). Sorry some of you weren't there to see them. Dell
Dell Winders
09-04-2008, 09:23 PM
The way this kind of operation is done require enormous amount of energy to stimulate resonance process in the sample... and usually NMR apparatus have active RF TX running at some Tesla induction: 2-3 Tesla are often employed in medical stuff... but fairly higher are usually employed in e.g. NMR for chemistry stuff... like in big academic labs.
Now... the lrl proposed (RT) hasn't any TX... apart the noise generated at calculator , that so small power... and simple tuned circuit.
No NMR is possible at 1000mt distance... even using an enormous superconducting magnet... sorrounding the target... and no receiver exist to read such small variation from 1000mt far...
No way the things like RT could work as LRL. It's scientific fact.
Kind regards,
Max, your PRETENSE of Scientific knowledge of all physics astounds me.
FYI, It is a scientific fact, that for many years now the frequencies of anomalies in earth stratas are being detected, received recorded, and analyzed at the earth surface, to depths of 16,000 feet, that I am aware of. This is done without any tx stimulation whatsoever. Dell
Götz von Berlichingen
09-04-2008, 09:33 PM
Thousands of controlled tests, double blind, and total blind field tests have been conducted over many years, with and without the Rod(s). Sorry some of you weren't there to see them. Dell
It seems like you live in a parallel Universe where Dowsing works.:stars:
I know only a few Scientific Tests about Dowsing.
The Result of these Tests is well known : It does not work.
Dell Winders
09-04-2008, 10:45 PM
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was replying to the subject of Mechanical Long Range Locators, not Meta-physical Dowsing. There is a big difference in the application.
Regarding Mental Dowsing, it was reported on a television documentary 3 weeks ago, that according to the latest scientific brain studies, it was definitely concluded that humans do have ESP within the sub-conscious part of the brain. Of course, for those of us who have trained ourselves to utilize that portion of our brain, we already knew this a long time ago, before it was scientifically proven. Dell
Delbert grady
09-04-2008, 11:01 PM
So how does this model cope with Dicky Spy problem
Can it be fitted with Dicky Spy screen
09-05-2008, 12:37 AM
Regarding Mental Dowsing, it was reported on a television documentary 3 weeks ago, that according to the latest scientific brain studies, it was definitely concluded that humans do have ESP within the sub-conscious part of the brain. Of course, for those of us who have trained ourselves to utilize that portion of our brain, we already knew this a long time ago, before it was scientifically proven. Dell
I suppose that, because it was on TV, you believe it to be true. :rolleyes:
Which program was it?
I invite you to watch Richard Dawkins present Enemies of Reason. You can view it on YouTube at
This is Episode 1 (1 of 5).
If you only want to watch the part on dowsing, then go to Episode 1 (3 of 5) and start viewing at 9mins, then continue with Episode 1 (4 of 5). I fully expect that your response will be similar to the dowsers who were filmed in this documentary, if you actually bother to watch it ... which I doubt. :razz:
At least it will be interesting for everyone else, if you've not seen it before.
09-05-2008, 12:57 AM
I suppose that, because it was on TV, you believe it to be true. :rolleyes:
Which program was it?
I invite you to watch Richard Dawkins present Enemies of Reason. You can view it on YouTube at
This is Episode 1 (1 of 5).
If you only want to watch the part on dowsing, then go to Episode 1 (3 of 5) and start viewing at 9mins, then continue with Episode 1 (4 of 5). I fully expect that your response will be similar to the dowsers who were filmed in this documentary, if you actually bother to watch it ... which I doubt. :razz:
At least it will be interesting for everyone else, if you've not seen it before.
Interesting. And naturally, it points up and validates everything the skeptical faction has been maintaining all along. Curious isn't it, how controlled and closely monitored tests of dowsing all produce Chance results, yet anecdotal evidence always gives supporting evidence.
09-05-2008, 01:18 AM
Don't know under wich circumstances :lol:, but found this. If we know the atomic frequency (like the cesium, for example), then, we can build a selective LRL for each metal.
I had hoped that Hippop would answer this, since he was insistent that elements have some frequency you could resonate to.
From your post, an LRL'er might say, "Gold resonates at 1.729 MHz," and that's that. They would, of course, be completely wrong, in the same way that they would be wrong to say, "Bridges resonate at 1.148 Hz."
Many times LRL'ers have pointed to NMR frequencies as their proof that every element resonates at some special frequency, but this just underscores their ignorance in what those NMR frequencies really mean. Anyone who understands how a proton precession magnetometer works, understands what those NMR frequencies really mean.
So let's take the magnetometer as an example, and ask ourselves, "What is the resonant frequency of hydrogen?" When you can answer this question, you can follow up with second question: "How can we physically measure resonating hydrogen?"
When you understand the science behind the proton mag, you will begin to understand just how silly the LRL claims of target resonance really are. The problem is, of course, that most LRL proponents really don't understand science... they make it up as they go.
- Carl
P.S. -- Esteban, you are wise to include the disclaimer, "Don't know under which circumstances"... this makes all the difference in the world!
Dell Winders
09-05-2008, 05:02 AM
So let's take the magnetometer as an example, and ask ourselves, "What is the resonant frequency of hydrogen?" When you can answer this question, you can follow up with second question: "How can we physically measure resonating hydrogen?"
When you understand the science behind the proton mag, you will begin to understand just how silly the LRL claims of target resonance really are. The problem is, of course, that most LRL proponents really don't understand science... they make it up as they go.
WOW! Carl, you are smart. I towed a proton magnetometer sensor head around in the water (H2O) for years and never once gave thought I was detecting the resonate field of hydrogen in the water. I guess that shows my stupidity of LRL physics. :lol: :lol:
Dell Winders
09-05-2008, 05:07 AM
I suppose that, because it was on TV, you believe it to be trueAnd, am I to suppose that because you saw it on youtube, you believe it to be true? Dell
Max, your PRETENSE of Scientific knowledge of all physics astounds me.
FYI, It is a scientific fact, that for many years now the frequencies of anomalies in earth stratas are being detected, received recorded, and analyzed at the earth surface, to depths of 16,000 feet, that I am aware of. This is done without any tx stimulation whatsoever. Dell
I think you don't understand well what I wrote. The anomalies you talk are related to big energy, and it's wrong there's no transmitter.
There are "transmitters": e.g. the lightning storms could generate few hertz signals detectable, or the Earth magnetic field can produce variations in known physical phenomenons like telluric currents...
But I was talking about NMR and claimed atomic resonance detected by LRLs... not other stuff. So I stand on my words.
If you know how to do NMR at 1000mt distance tell us how instead of ranting about "anomalies" recorded. :D
Otherwise, your PRETENSE of reading atomic frequencies will remain a mark of your ignorance. :lol:
Kind regards,
Steve in MS
09-05-2008, 07:51 AM
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was replying to the subject of Mechanical Long Range Locators, not Meta-physical Dowsing. There is a big difference in the application.
Regarding Mental Dowsing, it was reported on a television documentary 3 weeks ago, that according to the latest scientific brain studies, it was definitely concluded that humans do have ESP within the sub-conscious part of the brain. Of course, for those of us who have trained ourselves to utilize that portion of our brain, we already knew this a long time ago, before it was scientifically proven. Dell
I bet ESP plays a big role with the devices you sell:D:lol:.
I could take a course in remote viewing and bypass using these dowsing rods altogether and get better results:D.
Thousands of independent tests:D?
We are talking about the pivot type devices here, the ones to for sale to the more gullible people out there, not military or lab equipment.
It is truly amazing that these rods can tell gold and/ or silver from all other metals out there, isn't it:D?
I bet there are thousands upon thousands of detector users that would like a device to find gold rings amongst all those pulltabs:D.
You should be able to take Carl's tests and pass it with flying colors, just be sure we get it on video for everyone to see :D, if Carl cares to deal with you:D.
09-05-2008, 11:20 AM
I bet ESP plays a big role with the devices you sell:D:lol:.If ESP played a role in selling LRLs. this would imply the LRL seller had some extra-sensory precognition that an individual, or group of individuals was predisposed to believe that LRLs work. I doubt this is true.
The methods of marketing do not rely on ESP to identify a potential victim. The most popular LRL marketing strategy simply presumes there is a sizable percentage of ignorant people who believe whatever crap they are told (or read), and will spend money for what they believe will easily find treasure, even though they have never seen it work reliably, or at all. The theories about "magnetic-electric" fields, "shooting signal lines", and other wierd science are easy for people to believe who had no education except what they see in the movies.
I must conclude any use of ESP for LRLs is simply more advertising BS, or hypothetical theories of how it works -- not really part of the LRL apparatus or its use, and not part of identifying victims for LRL sales. :rolleyes:
Best wishes,
09-05-2008, 12:03 PM
When I detect a simple coin at few meters with FM radio, no more 3-5 m and no at high depth, I think in re-radiated frequency from different sources...
Simple coin with FM radio, no more 3-5 m !?!?!?
What "m" stands for? Milimeter? Even than is hell of result!:shocked:
09-05-2008, 12:15 PM
And, am I to suppose that because you saw it on youtube, you believe it to be true? Dell
What's not to believe? The dowsers were speaking for themselves, and they were dowsing in good faith; and missing the target they said they could find 100% of the time. They scored pure chance results, just exactly like your dowsing or my dowsing would produce.
What's not to believe?
Deny all you want, just like you deny there is only one kind of dowsing; but your denial will NEVER change the truth of the matter.
09-05-2008, 12:29 PM
And, am I to suppose that because you saw it on youtube, you believe it to be true? Dell
Clearly my prediction was correct then ... you didn't bother to watch it. :razz:
For your reference: Richard Dawkins is the Charles Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University and a fellow of New College.
And - your selective memory (no doubt honed to perfection from years of dowsing activity) :lol: has managed to filter out my previous question -> which program are you referring to?
From your post, an LRL'er might say, "Gold resonates at 1.729 MHz," and that's that. They would, of course, be completely wrong, in the same way that they would be wrong to say, "Bridges resonate at 1.148 Hz."!
I don´t understand from where this frequency comes. From what i understood it is depending of the intensity of field applied to make it resonate.
But if we admit the presence uniformely distributed field, i suppose it would make "respond" any metal at a determinate frequency,depending of the metal itself.
09-05-2008, 04:44 PM
Simple coin with FM radio, no more 3-5 m !?!?!?
What "m" stands for? Milimeter? Even than is hell of result!:shocked:
And more: For to evitate FM and AM signals, you can eliminate FM coil and AM ferrite (also here you loose some extra weight!) and use only audio input via volume pot. with some simple circuitry in this input. Put the radio pot. external as sensibility control. In the end... all is audio! :lol:
Don't forget audio beeps gen. at audio output of the radio.
09-06-2008, 09:03 AM
Esteban you should learn more details about radio.
Setup you are talking about usually do have front end,local oscilator,mixer,demodulator and finaly audio stage.
So you are suggesting void of "coil" at front end? What will you get?
Some undefined "signal" fed to front end mixed with local oscilator and giving what? Ha? Sorry,this time i do not want to mocker but you are suggesting huge nonsence here!?
Please learn more about radio before coming here and posting nonsences.
Esteban you should learn more details about radio.
Setup you are talking about usually do have front end,local oscilator,mixer,demodulator and finaly audio stage.
So you are suggesting void of "coil" at front end? What will you get?
Some undefined "signal" fed to front end mixed with local oscilator and giving what? Ha? Sorry,this time i do not want to mocker but you are suggesting huge nonsence here!?
Please learn more about radio before coming here and posting nonsences.
Hi robert,
Thinking better ( :) ) , if you remove the coil ,(the selective circuit), you ´ll end up with a wideband sensitive RF detector.
Same story that we had almost one year before, with cellphone PCB, remember? You can believe it or not, but one thing is for sure: Esteban is very consistent with his info :).
09-06-2008, 01:57 PM
Esteban you should learn more details about radio.
Setup you are talking about usually do have front end,local oscilator,mixer,demodulator and finaly audio stage.
So you are suggesting void of "coil" at front end? What will you get?
Some undefined "signal" fed to front end mixed with local oscilator and giving what? Ha? Sorry,this time i do not want to mocker but you are suggesting huge nonsence here!?
Please learn more about radio before coming here and posting nonsences.
Not a coil, a telescopic antenna. But can be a coil. Also I don't know why RF can detect variations in sites with metal buried for some years. If science don't show me how detect at regular distance, so, I'm free for to search in different ways. But I learn from other and this other uses RF detector. :)
... you can eliminate FM coil and AM ferrite
I think robert was refering to that coil...i was! :)
09-09-2008, 12:05 AM
Regarding Mental Dowsing, it was reported on a television documentary 3 weeks ago, that according to the latest scientific brain studies, it was definitely concluded that humans do have ESP within the sub-conscious part of the brain. Of course, for those of us who have trained ourselves to utilize that portion of our brain, we already knew this a long time ago, before it was scientifically proven. Dell
And - your selective memory (no doubt honed to perfection from years of dowsing activity) :lol: has managed to filter out my previous question -> which program are you referring to?
4 days have passed, and it seems that Dell's selective memory and turned into complete memory failure. :shrug:
So Dell - which program was it then that you were referring to?
I wonder how many other awkward questions you have managed to avoid by this technique?
4 days have passed, and it seems that Dell's selective memory and turned into complete memory failure. :shrug:
So Dell - which program was it then that you were referring to?
I wonder how many other awkward questions you have managed to avoid by this technique?
From what i have seen so far, a lot.
As soon as a revelant question is made, Dell is gone. :notalk:
09-09-2008, 03:27 AM
From what i have seen so far, a lot.
As soon as a revelant question is made, Dell is gone. :notalk:
He's been doing this little trick for years.
If you really get him cornered, he will make some kind of farewell posting, and then be gone completely for a period of time, while the current posters forget all about the questions they were asking him.
Can't tell you how many times I've seen him pull this same stunt, but it is one he has rehearsed and executed countless times.
Finally, when he believes the "heat" is off of him, he will once again surface, and -- you guessed it; we will repeat the same scenario all over again.
09-09-2008, 11:09 AM
From what i have seen so far, a lot.
As soon as a revelant question is made, Dell is gone. :notalk:
He's been doing this little trick for years.
If you really get him cornered, he will make some kind of farewell posting, and then be gone completely for a period of time, while the current posters forget all about the questions they were asking him.
Can't tell you how many times I've seen him pull this same stunt, but it is one he has rehearsed and executed countless times.
Finally, when he believes the "heat" is off of him, he will once again surface, and -- you guessed it; we will repeat the same scenario all over again.
Perhaps we should have the complete list of unanswered questions compiled and waiting for his return. :D
Sounds like a job for JP...
09-09-2008, 11:59 AM
Perhaps we should have the complete list of unanswered questions compiled and waiting for his return. :D
Sounds like a job for JP...
I'm sure JP could use a list of questions in some manner.
Here is one to get things started:
Dell has always contended there are two types of dowsing, mental and physical. Mental is done with a needle dangled from a thread and is strictly a "mind" thing. Physical does not involve dowsing, or a "normal" ideomotor effect; but rather involves MFD (frequency generators plugged into the ground), physical signal lines between the FG and the target, and the L-rod tips angled down by several degrees from level.
My "unanswered" question(s) to him have always been: Dell, please post valid and substantiated evidence to support your theory of two types of dowsing. Also, show how the signals from your "physical" dowsing can be measured with something other than L-rods held in your hand.
Also, a list of necessary operator´s conditions (iron blood, empty stomach,mental preparation,years of training, etc etc,) would be interesting...
Dell Winders
09-09-2008, 06:25 PM
Dell has always contended there are two types of dowsing, mental and physical. Mental is done with a needle dangled from a thread and is strictly a "mind" thing. Physical does not involve dowsing, or a "normal" ideomotor effect; but rather involves MFD (frequency generators plugged into the ground), physical signal lines between the FG and the target, and the L-rod tips angled down by several degrees from level.
:nono:Sorry, It is you who insists on confusing physics, with meta-physics. I, at least know the difference, and when you combine the two methods, it causes errors in interpretation, and boggling confusion in the minds of the Skeptics.:razz:
Shame, shame on you Sam. Stealing a partial post from another forum with out giving credit, misconsruing it totally out of context, and use your rant to excuse your prejudice, and show off that tid bit of knowledge you learned from me, to save face in front of your peers for your own inability to learn to Dowse.
The truth is, I have always agreed. By definition, there is only one true dowsing method, and that is the meta-physical use of a trained mind/muscle, ideomotor response.
The implication of known laws of physics incorporated into meta-physical Dowsing is inaccurate, in my opinion, and at best a mis-nomer.
I sure don't understand the mentality that denies that a metal rod cannot be applied to physics applications? There is no scientific proof, or evidence of truth whatsoever, to warrant such an idiotic assertion. Dell
:nono:Sorry, It is you who insists on confusing physics, with meta-physics. I, at least know the difference, and when you combine the two methods, it causes errors in interpretation, and boggling confusion in the minds of the Skeptics.:razz:
Uhm... why not pseudo-physics also... or call it pseudoscience... even better! :D
Look at here:
I like the frequency part... seems all have a "resonance" for that folks! Magic of crystals I see! :lol:
Like with some hotmeltglue device... :rolleyes:
Kind regards,
Here's the medical science involved with "Pseudoneurotic Gullibility"...AKA "Credulous Personality Disorder"
for the big series... "Ask Dr. Lecter" :lol:
Let me start with definition and features:
Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of Credulous Personality Disorder is a pattern of pervasive and excessive gullibility that causes the individual to accept without question claims unsupported by any credible evidence (including but not limited to claims involving health and health-related products, unconscious motivations, advertised products and services, extraterrestrial beings, get-rich-quick schemes, psychotherapeutic interventions, and/or the supernatural). This pattern begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts.
Individuals with Credulous Personality Disorder have a marked tendency to be easily convinced by evidence of poor quality, or even by no evidence at all, as long as the knowledge claim fits easily into the individual’s irrational worldview and is made by a person of authority (e.g., a guest on an all-night radio call-in show; a self-confident telemarketer with a British accent; a celebrity interviewee on Larry King or a reporter for an entertainment magazine; a "therapist" on Sally Jesse Raphael; an actor playing a doctor in a television commercial; an author of a book promoted by Oprah Winfrey; a "being" who claims to be from another planet or another dimension who channels through their next-door neighbor; anyone claiming to speak with the dead, nonverbal animals, or omniscient entities from another plane of existence).
Interesting! :lol:
I think one could make a lot of money collecting that fools' dollars. :rolleyes:
An interesting spot is in here...
Individuals with Credulous Personality Disorder often experience extreme dysphoria because of their desperate and constant attempts to achieve total happiness, health, and self-fulfillment — attempts that always result in eventual disappointment. The dysphoria lifts temporarily when they find a new scheme for achieving these same goals. People with Credulous Personality Disorder often are diagnosed with comorbid Anxiety Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, Somatization Disorder, Major Depression, Dysthymic Disorder, Substance-Related Disorders, Disorders of Impulse Control, as well as other Personality Disorders, especially Dependent Personality Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and several other personality disorders still under development (see future editions of this manual).
Histrionic Personality Disorder: seems it's you Dell! :lol:
Kind regards,
09-09-2008, 07:23 PM
:nono:Sorry, It is you who insists on confusing physics, with meta-physics. I, at least know the difference, and when you combine the two methods, it causes errors in interpretation, and boggling confusion in the minds of the Skeptics.:razz:
Aaaaa... right on que with another non-answer to the REAL question. You are so predictable.
Dell said; The truth is, I have always agreed. By definition, there is only one true dowsing method, and that is the meta-physical use of a trained mind/muscle, ideomotor response.
Yes, but we both know that is part of your sales and marketing scheme to make the gullible and technically challenged think there is another type of dowsing when a FG is involved.
The real truth is; whether a person uses a needle and thread to obtain an ideomotor response, or an L-rod and a Do-Nothing MFD plugged into the ground to obtain an ideomotor response, both actions are called DOWSING. There is only one kind!
I repeat my challenge to you for the umpteenth time: Please post valid and substantiated evidence to support your theory of two types of dowsing. Also, show how the signals from your "physical" dowsing can be measured with something other than L-rods held in your hand.
:nono:Sorry, It is you who insists on confusing physics, with meta-physics. I, at least know the difference, and when you combine the two methods, it causes errors in interpretation, and boggling confusion in the minds of the Skeptics.:razz:
Could you explain the meta-physics that makes dowsing work?
Dell Winders
09-09-2008, 08:32 PM
And I repeat to you for the umteenth time, I have No theory that supports two types of Dowsing. That is your own prejudice belief, not mine. No rational discussion can be held when you hold such idiotic beliefs.
Max, your definition of "Credulus Personality Disorder" fits the chronic Skeptic mentality, on this forum perfectly. I hope you get well soon. :lol: Dell
Could you explain the meta-physics that makes dowsing work? NO!
09-09-2008, 09:34 PM
And I repeat to you for the umteenth time, I have No theory that supports two types of Dowsing. That is your own prejudice belief, not mine. No rational discussion can be held when you hold such idiotic beliefs.
Max, your definition of "Credulus Personality Disorder" fits the chronic Skeptic mentality, on this forum perfectly. I hope you get well soon. :lol: Dell
And what about the other questions you have conveniently ignored with your selective memory?
I repeat: What was the name of the documentary you were referring to earlier?
09-09-2008, 10:30 PM
So..... Dell maintains two kinds of long distance locating things through the use of an L-rod. One method utilizes the mind and an ideomotor response, to either cause a simple pendulum to indicate, or an L-rod to swing or lock. The other uses an L-rod to swing or lock, but depends totally on something metaphysical, as an input to the L-rod indication.
Here is something I found on the Internet. Perhaps this gives us a clue why Dell won't tell us how his metaphysical method of locating something at a distance, works.
Another view is that metaphysical statements are not meaningless statements, but rather that they are generally not fallible, testable or provable statements (see Karl Popper ( That is to say, there is no valid set of empirical observations nor a valid set of logical arguments, which could definitively prove metaphysical statements to be true or false. Hence, a metaphysical statement usually implies an idea about the world or about the universe, which may seem reasonable but is ultimately not empirically verifiable.
Or, alternatively, maybe Dell has concocted his own brand of (dare I say the word...) DOWSING, and since he needed a name for it that would suggest things of a physical nature, but it was something that couldn't be testable or explainable--- then he chose the word metaphysical; and thus afforded himself a convenient "back-door", in case anyone actually ask for an explanation.
Clever, wouldn't you say? This smug old guy in the red shirt is not as dumb as he makes out to be.
06-14-2010, 02:05 AM
I purchased a rangertell examiner deluxe with the seperate line generator for the computer.
There are 14 pdf files and I have had mixed sucess in the short hour or two I actually used the device.
I'm half tempted to take it apart to see if it is a hoax, or is for real, as I understand basic quantum physics and very basic electrical engineering, but I don't want to destroy it, as I am thinking about selling it since it is basically brand new and I did pay over 500$ for the 2 devices and could use the $.
I have to believe there is some validity to their device, but need to have someone show me how it works and how to use it "properly". It did know the difference in 14, 18, and 24k gold, but magnetic interferance, including my own, does seem to effect the device to a degree.
My uncle was 98 when he died and I have seen him "douse" to the exact foot, so I know without ANY doubt that dowsing is an ABSOLUTE reality. I tried years ago, but was unsuccessful. My mother could do it as well.
Someone mentioned something about a cd and resonance, but there is a laser and other electronics in play there, so it is not the same thing.
They say this is not dowsing it is detecting, but I'm not convinced either way as of right now.
I sell on eBay and was going to put it in my store, but after hearing all this negative feedback, I don't know if I want to risk the feedback, in case the person who buys it cannot use it due to his or her individual frequency, or the inability to "feel" the change in vibrations or magnetic frequencies.
I have used it and found no gold, but it takes most people more than 2 hours to find gold, lol!!! and I did spend about 20 hours with my fisher G.B. 2 with no better results, just dug up a lot more "garbage".
Again, I need the $, but don't know if I should risk bad feedback, as we are at 100% and would like to keep it that way.
People are all different and if you get the wrong buyer, "nothing you do is right", so it's not really worth the risk for us..........Don't suppose the the makers would buy it back???.
I am netural and would be more than happy to go on you-tube or participate in a test with a standard gold detector to either prove it works, or report that it does not.
I hope it does work, but people need to know either way, as I saved up pennies for quite some time from disability to buy this unit and feel I have a responsibility to give it a chance and inform others either way.
Again, I hope it works, but if it is a 5$ calculator and a garage door opener, the maker should be in prison and if I do find that it is, I will devote 52 blogs over the next year to expose it for what it is.
Thank for listening,
06-14-2010, 03:37 AM
I purchased a rangertell examiner deluxe with the seperate line generator for the computer.
There are 14 pdf files and I have had mixed sucess in the short hour or two I actually used the device.
I'm half tempted to take it apart to see if it is a hoax, or is for real, as I understand basic quantum physics and very basic electrical engineering, but I don't want to destroy it, as I am thinking about selling it since it is basically brand new and I did pay over 500$ for the 2 devices and could use the $.
I have to believe there is some validity to their device, but need to have someone show me how it works and how to use it "properly". It did know the difference in 14, 18, and 24k gold, but magnetic interferance, including my own, does seem to effect the device to a degree.
My uncle was 98 when he died and I have seen him "douse" to the exact foot, so I know without ANY doubt that dowsing is an ABSOLUTE reality. I tried years ago, but was unsuccessful. My mother could do it as well.
Someone mentioned something about a cd and resonance, but there is a laser and other electronics in play there, so it is not the same thing.
They say this is not dowsing it is detecting, but I'm not convinced either way as of right now.
I sell on eBay and was going to put it in my store, but after hearing all this negative feedback, I don't know if I want to risk the feedback, in case the person who buys it cannot use it due to his or her individual frequency, or the inability to "feel" the change in vibrations or magnetic frequencies.
I have used it and found no gold, but it takes most people more than 2 hours to find gold, lol!!! and I did spend about 20 hours with my fisher G.B. 2 with no better results, just dug up a lot more "garbage".
Again, I need the $, but don't know if I should risk bad feedback, as we are at 100% and would like to keep it that way.
People are all different and if you get the wrong buyer, "nothing you do is right", so it's not really worth the risk for us..........Don't suppose the the makers would buy it back???.
I am netural and would be more than happy to go on you-tube or participate in a test with a standard gold detector to either prove it works, or report that it does not.
I hope it does work, but people need to know either way, as I saved up pennies for quite some time from disability to buy this unit and feel I have a responsibility to give it a chance and inform others either way.
Again, I hope it works, but if it is a 5$ calculator and a garage door opener, the maker should be in prison and if I do find that it is, I will devote 52 blogs over the next year to expose it for what it is.
Thank for listening,
B.P..Hi jondoe67,
I have a Rangertell same Examiner deluxe model as you have on loan to perform some field tests.
This model is the same as the G-T Ver 8.08B model, but with a different calculator, more frequenies published in the instruction CD, and with the extra ground probe and software for a computer.
I have a long story, but I will try to give you the pertinent information that could answer your questions.
I was sent a new G-T Ver 8.08B to test in hopes of filming some demonstrations of scientific testing that would show whether it works or not.
During the time I had the G-T Ver 8.08B, I opened it and showed photos of the inside:
I have never seen any electronics that looked like this locate treasure. I tried to run some scientific tests to determine if it worked or not. But I had a problem. I could not establish a base line needed to perform a scientific test. By this I mean that I was never able to find any detection from the Examiner except random chance times it was pointing to a treasure that I knew the location of. It was the same as guessing. I found the same results from other people who tried it. On some occasions people were finding it to point to known treasure more than random guessing would allow. But when I secretly removed the treasure, the Examiner was still pointing to the location where they believed the treasure was. The times when these people tried to locate unknown treasures, they were not able to locate them.
Eventually I sent this unit back to the factory. I was told it was misadjusted and not functioning correctly, but after the factory re-aligned the components and made a readjustment it was working correctly. They were unable to determine whether it was damaged in shipment, or possibly damaged when it was opened.
We also can read the online Rangertell literature that says some people are biologically impaired in a manner that would prevent them from getting good results from an Examiner. According to Rangertell, this could be caused by being left-handed, or by injuries or medical conditions. These conditions are said to apply to only a small percentage of people. In my case, I have a past injury and nerve damage to my right arm which would make me suspect as a candidate for testing an Examiner. My future testing would be done only with volunteers who are right handed, while I observe and record the results.
Eventually, I was sent a replacement Examiner which is the same model as you have. I have tried it, and two acquaintances have tried it. The three of us have gotten the same results as from the previous G-T model which is the exact same pistol. We were never able to locate unknown treasures. For the treasures where we knew the location, my friends did better than me. Apparently I don't have the ideamotor gene. Because I cannot establish a base line percentage of successful attempts to locate treasure, I cannot perform a scientific test.
The feedback I get from other readers who claim success tell me there are special techniques needed, such as meditation, or mental excercises, but the manual says it is fully electronic, with the user's body forming part of the circuit. In any case I have invited anyone in the Los Angeles area to come and try it out to see if they are able to find treasure with it, and no responses. There is one other forum member nearby who came to test it and found the same results as I described. An attempt at a scientific test was failed because no base line was established. This same volunteer is also willing to come to a test demonstration and help with testing if we can find someone who wants to try and see if they can get it to work.
I have not opened the new Examiner Deluxe or the ground probe because I don't want to take the chance that I will cause any damage that could cause it to malfunction. The Deluxe model is identical to the photos you see above. The ground probe I am guessing has no electronics inside other than the wire soldered to the probe. (I may be wrong. Maybe a coil or...)? The ground probe is fed by the cable that plugs into a laptop computer audio jack to send an audio signal. The software causes your computer to make an audio tone that you can send to the speaker jack. You would hear this tone on headphones, or you can connect the ground probe to send it to the ground.
That is the essence of what I know from experience about the Examiner Deluxe. You can read a lot more about it in a long thread that has lots of debates about the best way to test and use it here:
Bottom line: It does not work for me. I have never seen it work for anyone else. I would not risk the liability of being sued for fraud for selling one when so many people report it does not work.
If you want to be involved in testing the Examiner, send me a PM
Hope that helped
06-14-2010, 03:57 AM
Hi Jondoe,
There is no question that the Ranger-Tell Examiner is a fraud. Open it up and look for yourself, that will remove all doubt. But before you do so, I urge you to perform some basic randomized blind testing on a test target. For most people, LRLs "seem" to work under lax test conditions (when the target location is known) but results fall to random guessing in more rigorous tests.
I know you say you need the money, but I hope you don't slough off a Bad Decision on someone else. If you decide the Examiner is a scam, contact the seller and request a full refund. If he won't do it, contact eBay and complain loudly. Contact ACCC (Australian consumer protection) and complain loudly. Spread the word in public forums.
I am in Oregon. If that is convenient to you I would be happy to meet and show you proper test methods. I can also show you the insides of 2 other Examiners, and 20+ other LRLs. It ain't pretty.
- Carl
06-14-2010, 04:13 AM
Thanks, this helps and keeps me from tearing mine apart.
I Appreciate your reply and was puzzled by so much negativity. I have a very open mind and accept things much easier than most, but have mixed feelings about what's inside.
I see it possibably picking up different frequencies, but where is the power supply???. Even a "zero point" energy device has a power source and I do not understand how such a small voltage array of solar cels coud resonate and supply power.......I'm not so sure I can sell it on eBay now without some extensive blind testing of my own. Thank you very much for the time and info,
06-14-2010, 04:24 AM
Thanks, this helps and keeps me from tearing mine apart.
I Appreciate your reply and was puzzled by so much negativity. I have a very open mind and accept things much easier than most, but have mixed feelings about what's inside.
I see it possibably picking up different frequencies, but where is the power supply???. Even a "zero point" energy device has a power source and I do not understand how such a small voltage array of solar cels coud resonate and supply power.......I'm not so sure I can sell it on eBay now without some extensive blind testing of my own. Thank you very much for the time and info,
B.P.You have it exactly right.
There is no power supply inside the box.
You don't want to sell it on ebay or to anyone else when you cannot get it to work.
If you sell it, you can expect your customer will find the same as what you found.
Best wishes,
06-14-2010, 04:26 AM
Thanks again, I tried the line generator and it works, but they are easy to understand.
Thanks for the reply, I am still going to do a test with someone hiding gold and try to find it.........I live on the southern oregon coast, are you close?. If your close, can we meet and test it?.
If it fails I will request a refund....It's been almost a year.....and complain to eBAY, if it doesn't work.
I'm not 100% sure it won't work, if it does, I could sure use the 25k I heard about.....But, since J_P posted the guts of the unit I have, I'm not as "hopeful as my first post". Thanks to you both, I hope we can meet and do a test, thanks,
06-14-2010, 04:36 AM
It's not an issue, if it doesn't work, I'll ask for a partial (-shipping) refund.
Like I said, I will test it more myself and with someone random, hopefully with the man who lives here in Or. who repplied to the post as well.
If it is a hoax, I'm all for exposng it for what it is.
If it is a bunch of B.S., I will expose it for what it is, by posting as many blogs as possible about the "blind tests" and the product itself.
However, if it goes the other way, I'll post the results as well and start getting rich, lol!, thanks for your info, Brian.
06-14-2010, 11:58 AM
It's not an issue, if it doesn't work, I'll ask for a partial (-shipping) refund.
Like I said, I will test it more myself and with someone random, hopefully with the man who lives here in Or. who repplied to the post as well.
If it is a hoax, I'm all for exposng it for what it is.
If it is a bunch of B.S., I will expose it for what it is, by posting as many blogs as possible about the "blind tests" and the product itself.
However, if it goes the other way, I'll post the results as well and start getting rich, lol!, thanks for your info, Brian.
Hi Brian,
The Examiner is nothing more than a cheap calculator glued on top of a plastic box, containing some do-nothing electronics and attached to a swinging handle. It is simply a dowsing rod, ans all the other stuff is just window dressing. It would be well worth your time to visit Carl and get some first-hand education on these nonsense devices.
I look forward to your future expose of this B.S.
Hi Brian,
The Examiner is nothing more than a cheap calculator glued on top of a plastic box, containing some do-nothing electronics and attached to a swinging handle. It is simply a dowsing rod, ans all the other stuff is just window dressing. It would be well worth your time to visit Carl and get some first-hand education on these nonsense devices.
I look forward to your future expose of this B.S.
Trying your dirty tricks against newbies again eh Ozzy?
Brian: I am a fairly long time user of the RTExaminer. I think it's a great tool.
There's a very successful and experienced user fairly close to your location called Art Flowers. He is from Northern Nevada.
You can read some of his posts and watch a few movie shots by him over specific Examiner threads in the Treasurenet forums like this one:,305970.0.html
You may wish to contact him trough TNET private messaging and I'm sure he will be happy in helping you out, speaking of his impressions and you both could probably arrange for a meeting for his demonstrations. He is a very talented Examiner user.
Good luck and regards.
LRL Business Model?
Lying (the customer)
Ripping off (the customer)
Living (from the customer)
No, I am just asking myself.
06-14-2010, 10:17 PM
Trying your dirty tricks against newbies again eh Ozzy?
Brian: I am a fairly long time user of the RTExaminer. I think it's a great tool.
There's a very successful and experienced user fairly close to your location called Art Flowers. He is from Northern Nevada.
You can read some of his posts and watch a few movie shots by him over specific Examiner threads in the Treasurenet forums like this one:,305970.0.html
You may wish to contact him trough TNET private messaging and I'm sure he will be happy in helping you out, speaking of his impressions and you both could probably arrange for a meeting for his demonstrations. He is a very talented Examiner user.
Good luck and regards.
Hi Brian,
Hopefully you will be able to distinguish fact from fiction, unlike the person quoted above, who is severely self-deluded. :D
luciano furtado
06-19-2010, 02:18 AM
I think this simple device works as a fork Radiesthesia with the Kirlian effect if the staff who are doing research works can be sensitive.
luciano furtado
06-19-2010, 02:22 AM
An interesting topic, which has a strong scientific foundation and even used in a way is the intense research that involves the detection of water, minerals and oil deposits by sensors able to detect small changes in local gravity. The scientific basis is the fact that sensitive equipment can really make this detection. Research, however, involves the possibility of people can understand these variations and detect the deposits using pendulums, forks or other less technical device like this ...
06-19-2010, 05:36 AM
I think this simple device works as a fork Radiesthesia with the Kirlian effect if the staff who are doing research works can be sensitive.
...the possibility of people can understand these variations and detect the deposits using pendulums, forks or other less technical device like thisYou seem to think it works on principles of dowsing. Because it looks like dowsing?
According to the manufacturer it is not dowsing. From the Rangertell main page you can click on a link titled "Not Dowsing". This takes you to a page where they list three tests to show it is not dowsing and does not rely on ideamotor, and claims it is "not ideamotor or other deceptions proposed by sad skeptics".
The skeptics consider the Examiner to be a dowsing rod because they have observed no electronics that could locate treasure in an Examiner, and because they have observed no results that show the Examiner can locate treasure (Read above for skeptical views of the examiner). The people who believe the Examiner does locate treasure claim it works by using electronic principles that do not follow the laws of physics. For example: This is the principle in which the Rangertell Examiner works. Resonance to the elements subatomic levels when a carrier signal line is shot and returned.
The real answer can be found by trying an Examiner and seeing if it finds treasure for you. So far the reports I have heard from people who bought an Examiner mostly say it does not find treasure. I have also personally observed that everyone I watched who tried to find treasure with an Examiner was unsuccessful at finding gold or any other metal except for spotty results when they knew where it was hidden. This seems like strong evidence that it is performing according to the ideamotor principle. For me, the Examiner was not able to locate treasure when I knew the location or when I did not know the location. If I could see someone consistently find hidden metal that they do not know the location of, then I might change my mind about how it works or doesn't work. But until I see it actually working, I will believe what I saw so far.
If anyone wants to try out an Examiner in the Los Angeles area, send me a PM. I have a Deluxe model ready for testing that has a separate ground probe for a laptop frequency generator.
Best wishes,
luciano furtado
06-19-2010, 02:51 PM
Hi J_Player okay
From what I honestly saw inside one of these devices, I believe the electronic system does not function as the manufacturer says, I think sincerely that functions as a detector radiostesia rather as a wand or pendulum even though most already have electronic and scientific foundations for prove Radiesthesia as gavÃ*metro.
There is a physical reasoning helps explain some of the changes of the pendulum near deposits: the oscillation can be affected by small changes in gravity caused by the presence of a body of lesser or greater density than the soil of their neighborhoods.
Thank you very much
06-19-2010, 09:04 PM
Hi J_Player okay
From what I honestly saw inside one of these devices, I believe the electronic system does not function as the manufacturer says, I think sincerely that functions as a detector radiostesia rather as a wand or pendulum even though most already have electronic and scientific foundations for prove Radiesthesia as gavÃ*metro.
There is a physical reasoning helps explain some of the changes of the pendulum near deposits: the oscillation can be affected by small changes in gravity caused by the presence of a body of lesser or greater density than the soil of their neighborhoods.
Thank you very muchSensitive gravimeters can detect a difference in the local density. This is because these instruments have precision sensors. A person can also hold a pendulum in the area of a denser deposit, but he has no precision instruments to hold a pendulum stable and measure how the period of oscillation changes. He has arm muscles which move enough to spoil any attempt to stabilize the pendulum position to make a measurement of local gravity possible. The pendulum moves as a result of his arm and hand causing it to move. Any influence from density of a buried object cannot be seen when a person's hand holding a pendulum moves thousands of times more strongly to influence the pendulum than any buried object could.
Secondly, gravity cannot be the force that causes a pendulum or dowsing rod to locate a metal object. For example, we see people using dowsing rods to search for coins when a car is nearby. If they were responding to gravity, they would locate the car, which is about one million times as heavy as a 1 Euro coin. In the case of the Examiner, the manufacturer shows it to develop a force that moves against gravity. Look at what it says on his main page below the video: "Note how the Examiner is dipping a little so it is climbing against gravity"
According to the manufacturer, the magnetic laws are responsible for this movement against gravity. Yet we see no power source inside the Examiner which can develop any amperage in the coils to cause a magnetic rotational force. In fact, if a power source was added, the only nearby field the internal coils could respond to is the magnetic field of the earth, or possibly an iron object held very close to the Examiner. In essence, you could build a crude compass using coils and adding a substantial power source, which does not exist in the Examiner.
My observation has been the Examiner does not move against gravity unless someone causes it to move against gravity with their arm muscles, or by holding it in the wind to blow the antenna against where gravity would move it. I also observed the users of an examiner cannot cause it to move against gravity or with gravity where an unknown hidden treasure is located. But some people have caused it to point in the direction where they know a treasure is placed.
The appearance is simple guessing would serve to function the same as using the examiner, unless I missed something that these people exhibited in their attempts to locate hidden objects with the Examiner.
Best wishes,
luciano furtado
06-19-2010, 10:39 PM
Hi friend but respect their views ate because I really like your posts here in the forum to accompany times already out.
I believe much of this equipment as ragertell in a small blender or fork, pendulum if the person is sensitive but can detect because they came up in practice happen ok since I unfortunately do not have this sensitivity because it comes from years of training.
The gravity survey of a region is a powerful tool to discover deposits. In research involving these changes are done with gravity sensors attached to aircraft.
Going to the research, using the call fork (= dowser wand) to detect water (or gold) based on the same principle.
Small changes in weight caused by the presence of a body of water can be detected by a sensitive person.
luciano furtado
06-19-2010, 10:43 PM
The small "oscillations" or movements of the wand pointing to the "operator" where would the best place to dig a well or try to find ores.
In gravimetry, the electron is already widely used in the detection of mineral deposits, but in the research of phenomena like this are few researchers who make their use, although the chances are very broad.
Thus, both the impactor and the fork can be coupled to sensitive electronic detectors, much better than humans, they could accuse minimal changes of amplitude or guidelines of their vibrations.
luciano furtado
06-19-2010, 10:49 PM
If you want I can send you some schemes electronics teins a friend if you can make your oscilloscope test and draw your conclusions.
thanks friend J Player
06-19-2010, 11:16 PM
The gravity survey of a region is a powerful tool to discover deposits. In research involving these changes are done with gravity sensors attached to aircraft.
Going to the research, using the call fork (= dowser wand) to detect water (or gold) based on the same principle.Of course, gravimeters are very useful tools to map a region and help locate deposits. But the evidence suggests a dowsing rod does not determine the difference in density of nearby objects as a gravimeter does. Where do you find evidence to support that dowsing is based on the same principle as a gravimeter?
If you want I can send you some schemes electronics teins a friend if you can make your oscilloscope test and draw your conclusions.Here is a better idea:
Start a new thread in this forum called Gravity Dowsing Schematics and post the circuits there. Then everyone can read the schematics and make oscilloscope tests to draw their conclusions. :)
Best wishes,
luciano furtado
06-19-2010, 11:35 PM
07-01-2010, 11:41 PM
It's not an issue, if it doesn't work, I'll ask for a partial (-shipping) refund.
Like I said, I will test it more myself and with someone random, hopefully with the man who lives here in Or. who repplied to the post as well.
If it is a hoax, I'm all for exposng it for what it is.
If it is a bunch of B.S., I will expose it for what it is, by posting as many blogs as possible about the "blind tests" and the product itself.
However, if it goes the other way, I'll post the results as well and start getting rich, lol!, thanks for your info, Brian.
Any update?
07-03-2010, 12:35 AM
Any update?
It seems the gross absence of any positive results speaks volumes, and goes a long way towards validating all the evidence that the Examiner is nothing more than an ideomotor-based dowsing wand.
i have an examiner device and it was registerd to my pc ... My pc is broken now due to high voltage ferequnce i was wondering is there any way to recover my activation key becuase i had to change the pc completely and now its my key is not working on the new pc
12-22-2010, 12:03 PM
i have an examiner device and it was registerd to my pc ... My pc is broken now due to high voltage ferequnce i was wondering is there any way to recover my activation key becuase i had to change the pc completely and now its my key is not working on the new pc
Wouldn't that be something you should be asking Vincent Blanes at Ranger Tell?
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