View Full Version : paper money?
Clondike Clad
06-01-2008, 05:22 PM
I looked at this web site.
1 documents buried or exposed(LIKE PAPER MONEY).
2. substances of the mineral world.
3. Locating all substances of the vegetable world., semi-precious stones, water and a lot WHAT IS THIS A LOTIt looks as if this detector would be beeping all this time.
06-02-2008, 01:28 AM
What's the URL so I can see it?
What's the URL so I can see it?
Does it matters??
If it beeps everywhere and you dig everywhere it beeps, you will eventually find paper money.
06-02-2008, 03:23 AM
Come come now Fred I'm not clowning around with you,I want to see this detector for myself. Let's have the web address.
06-02-2008, 04:26 AM
Quite a few LRL makers have made this claim.
Dell Winders:
Russ Simmons:
Also Ranger-Tell and I believe Yocum.
Take yer pick...
- Carl
06-02-2008, 07:39 AM
Wait... I found it..!!!
Look at this: Here is a web page from a member right here in this forum, where an affordable LRL actually finds paper money! Yes, It sounds too good to be true, but the inventor of this product will assure you it really works!
Just think...
When you have a bout of Alzheimers, no more wondering where you put your cash... just take out the X-scan to easily find your currency!
You want to know who stole your wallet? Use the x-scan to quickly locate the theif! (please, dishonest people, don't order this LRL to find money that does not belong to you).
You asked for it.... so here it is:
Also, check this link for the real deal:
With the times being i wonder why nobody claimed "inventing" a LRL capable of detecting OIL!
Is this because you cant explore an oil well if you dont own the land? :razz:
The most interesting of the above device is its ability to detect aspirin.I´m sure it will be needed.
Clondike Clad
06-02-2008, 12:27 PM
What's the URL so I can see it?
this is the site I was on
Dell Winders
06-02-2008, 02:51 PM
With the times being i wonder why nobody claimed "inventing" a LRL capable of detecting OIL!
Is this because you cant explore an oil well if you dont own the land? :razz:
The most interesting of the above device is its ability to detect aspirin.I´m sure it will be needed.
Certainly, you folks are intelligent enough to understand that, what has already been done, can be done?? Dell
I have never been intelligent enought to fully understand all the deepness of your phrase.
My question is: WHAT has been done ?
Or do you mean "what has been claimed can be done" ??
No offense, i just cant see any evidence of something special that has been done...
Clondike Clad
06-02-2008, 04:39 PM
Certainly, you folks are intelligent enough to understand that, what has already been done, can be done?? Dell
How could you sell the stuff you sell?
Please tell us how in the known world do you detect PAPER MONEY
Do you really know what's in our money.( TOP SECRET STUFF)
06-02-2008, 08:51 PM
I have never been intelligent enought to fully understand all the deepness of your phrase.
My question is: WHAT has been done ?
Or do you mean "what has been claimed can be done" ??
No offense, i just cant see any evidence of something special that has been done...
I think he's referring to wallet mining. :rolleyes:
06-03-2008, 03:15 AM
What Dell really meant to say was; "What can't be done can be lied about." ....since all Dell can do is mouth his empty statements. Not once in over 30 years (of being questioned) has he ONCE come up with a shred of evidence for his claims.
If you'll notice, his advertising scheme is nothing more than blatant inferences, in the hope that every once in awhile, a technically-challenged overzealous believer in dowsing, will come along and fall for his line of BS.
And wouldn't you know - there are a few of these type still floating around. Maybe Mike H. (Mont) will stop by and tell us how many actual items he's purchased (not counting the books on occult) from wallet miners like Dell, or others just like him. I could name at least 4 items I know of, but I'm sure there could be a lot more, and I'd rather let him tell you.
06-03-2008, 03:25 AM
How could you sell the stuff you sell?
Easy. The man has no remorse and hence no guilt for the snake oil scams he pushes onto the gullible and technically-challenged.
Besides, he's done it for so long now, he actually "might" believe it himself. Look up the definition of a sociopath liar.
It’s a double-whammy, because as liars improve their game, we, the truth-seekers, get worse. Even people who start out as bad liars get feedback on their performance. They know at once whether the person they’re trying to fool believes them, and if they don’t, liars learn to change tactics. To make matters worse, some people—the sociopaths—are born liars. He (or she) doesn’t have a conscience to get in the way of his taking advantage of you. The sociopath has to lie to cover his predatory life-style, but he’s aided in this by a nervous system that is different from the rest of us: He simply doesn’t react emotionally. When he lies, he’s as cool as a cucumber.
06-03-2008, 08:22 AM
Hi friends, about money paper, I don't know, but I have seen for another more weird thing;
a genuine personal experience that thought is better to be mentioned here.
And it demonstrates is possible for many things like as money,… as before that I had heard Some very experienced users are able to find opium with this mechanism!!!
last year I got acquainted with a guy (who is registered here but not interested in putting much posts) he owned a PMR II.
we (me, Owner and one of my constant partners) took it to an old house in a village for test. he told when it really detects a target it will swivel to left-right sides. it was the first time I was watching PMR working.
He put a small gold sample in the chamber.
all of us and himself tried to work and detect, but no noticeable reaction.
user would go out of house and others concealed test target ( the plate sent by mineoro). no one could hit it.
another time me and my partner went out and owner remained in as to hide the test target.
then he called us and gave us the PMR to search and find the target. me personally never could get a signal, but my partner got a very clear signal the rod turned to a side and he followed to where it was swiveling to sides ( I call it flapping) it was very strong, I told him is it really the PMR reaction or you're kidding and intentionally doing that? he emphasized it's the rod by its' own not any intention or ideomotor.
the owner made doubt and told no, you are wrong, go and retry, he found there again with same reaction!!!!!!:shocked:
incredible rod behavior as if it was shouting that here is something. then owner opened the chamber you surely don't believe he had put a raisins grain whereas we thought were looking for gold.
at that place were two big raisin bag which all of us were ignorant about. he had found the raisin grain on ground and put in chamber.
what we got there was that these kind of devices don't work for all people as the same, from man to man it differs.
06-03-2008, 02:26 PM
Someone sold a device to the gov't that can detect a specific chemical in paper money from several? feet away. I can't recall but I think it was a component of the green ink.
Here is a small article on it.
I wonder why the Government didn´t buy a pair of brazing rods instead :rolleyes:
06-03-2008, 04:18 PM
Here simple dollar tester useful for to detect magnetic characters in bills :lol:
Clondike Clad
06-03-2008, 04:58 PM
Here simple dollar tester useful for to detect magnetic characters in bills :lol:
This only works on money with the magnetic strip and not all money have this.( if this will detect bills at 2 meters we would have something.)
One key to a fake LRL is detector that picks up paper money or diamonds.
06-03-2008, 05:23 PM
This only works on money with the magnetic strip and not all money have this.( if this will detect bills at 2 meters we would have something.)
One key to a fake LRL is detector that picks up paper money or diamonds.
Yes, you're right! You need a small sample chamber (empty glass fuse) and put inside, for example, part of 1 US$ bill in very small cut pieces (but if you prefer destroy a US$ 100 bill, is your problem) :lol:.
In this chamber is a coil (1,000 tuns fine wire) wich "noses" the molecules of bill, similar in the sample. Maybe also can helps a source of HV (1,000 V). There are oscillator, filter at oscillator frequency, multiplier of frequency, amplifier with sensibility control and audio system.
Also you can use a xtal oscillator and put the sample in one face (nude xtal). This is similar to technic used in microbalance detector for molecule of explosives and others.
06-04-2008, 02:17 AM
Yes, you're right! You need a small sample chamber (empty glass fuse) and put inside, for example, part of 1 US$ bill in very small cut pieces (but if you prefer destroy a US$ 100 bill, is your problem) :lol:.
In this chamber is a coil (1,000 tuns fine wire) wich "noses" the molecules of bill, similar in the sample. Maybe also can helps a source of HV (1,000 V). There are oscillator, filter at oscillator frequency, multiplier of frequency, amplifier with sensibility control and audio system.
Also you can use a xtal oscillator and put the sample in one face (nude xtal). This is similar to technic used in microbalance detector for molecule of explosives and others.
Just curious; what exactly is going on "In this chamber is a coil (1,000 tuns fine wire) wich "noses" the molecules of bill" ?
I'm not familiar with your term "noses". Could you liken this term to a known physical scientific process, either chemical, mechanical or perhaps electrostatic?
Just curious; what exactly is going on "In this chamber is a coil (1,000 tuns fine wire) wich "noses" the molecules of bill" ?
I'm not familiar with your term "noses". Could you liken this term to a known physical scientific process, either chemical, mechanical or perhaps electrostatic?
Like molecules detectors i suppose.
06-04-2008, 03:53 AM
US currency and Euros have embedded radio frequency ID tags in each note:
But why not build an RFID reader? Could you build a paper money detector using electronics?
In 2005, an RFID tag was scanned at a distance of 69 feet...
Does this mean that Devcon produced a prototype for a true long range treasure locator?
Best wishes,
Dell Winders
06-04-2008, 04:48 AM
Looks like you have exposed the secret of my passive LRL's
Congratulations! Now you can build your own working LRL, and stop inferring that I am a liar. Dell
06-04-2008, 06:10 AM
Looks like you have exposed the secret of my passive LRL's
Congratulations! Now you can build your own working LRL, and stop inferring that I am a liar. Dell __________________
Aww... Now come on Dell...
You know there are no electronics in any of your LRLs capable of detecting paper money or pharmaceuticals, or even elements. You advertise your X-scan which operates at a few kilohertz, but the RFIDs in currency respond only frequencies well over a hundred KHZ.
Now this is not to say the X-scan is useless. When combined with your brazing rod gizmo that has the 2-segment egg crate hanging on it, it should work real good to detect the general direction of gravity as Carl pointed out.
You want me to stop inferring you are a liar?
Nobody in this forum needs to infer you are a liar. You have already established yourself as a liar and a conniving fool who tried to pull the wool over the eyes of a lot of people who read this forum, and who were too smart to fall for your trickery. We know all about your shady dealings in the early days of LRLs, and how you sold thousands of dollars worth of equipment you knew did not work after testing it yourself in front of witnesses. Why must anyone infer you are a liar when you admitted it right in this forum?
I really don't like wasting my time arguing with people who don't have a clue what they are talking about, and can only boast about their years of experience, yet are afraid to demonstrate their products actually working in front of witnesses.
Have a nice day Dell, and look for new ways to spend the money you found with your brazing rods and egg crates.... Oooops.. I mean treasure locators.
:lol: "WHAT HAS BEEN DONE, CAN BE DONE... P.T. Barnum did it, and Dell Winders can do it." :lol:
Dell Winders
06-04-2008, 07:55 AM
What are you talking about? I have no idea where you obtain your information from, but it's certainly contrived with out any respect for truth. You are a bald faced liar. There has not been a single customer complaint presented on any instrument I have built. That is a fact
If you are insistent on making irresponsible libelous allegations, show your proof? Who are these alleged customers I have personally built LRL's for that you claim I lied to.
Don't be so cowardly. Why do you hide behind aliases and make venomous remarks. Present these people, and allow me to face your alleged accusers. If I am as bad as you claim why doesn't someone notify the authorities. What have you got to hide? Get Real. Get the facts. Get the truth.
Everything I do is open to public scrutiny. Always has been. I use my real name, real address, and real telephone number of 22 years. I am reachable. Truthful claims and Information about the products I build are posted on the Internet for all to see and make their own intelligent decision. I have nothing to hide.
How about you folks here with the venomous tongues? Is your life as open to world wide public scrutiny as mine is? Are you as honest and truthful? Why are you the ones hiding behind aliases? Are you ashamed? Dell
Clondike Clad
06-04-2008, 09:39 AM
What are you talking about? I have no idea where you obtain your information from, but it's certainly contrived with out any respect for truth. You are a bald faced liar. There has not been a single customer complaint presented on any instrument I have built. That is a fact
If you are insistent on making irresponsible libelous allegations, show your proof? Who are these alleged customers I have personally built LRL's for that you claim I lied to.
Don't be so cowardly. Why do you hide behind aliases and make venomous remarks. Present these people, and allow me to face your alleged accusers. If I am as bad as you claim why doesn't someone notify the authorities. What have you got to hide? Get Real. Get the facts. Get the truth.
Everything I do is open to public scrutiny. Always has been. I use my real name, real address, and real telephone number of 22 years. I am reachable. Truthful claims and Information about the products I build are posted on the Internet for all to see and make their own intelligent decision. I have nothing to hide.
How about you folks here with the venomous tongues? Is your life as open to world wide public scrutiny as mine is? Are you as honest and truthful? Why are you the ones hiding behind aliases? Are you ashamed? Dell
Let me test one of your LRL unit and post what I find.
AS YOU KNOW LIGHT FLYS AT 186,282.42mps amd electrons go bump tode bump and don't move very far right.
06-04-2008, 11:21 AM
Let me test one of your LRL unit and post what I find.
AS YOU KNOW LIGHT FLYS AT 186,282.42mps amd electrons go bump tode bump and don't move very far right.Hi Clondike Clad,
It's nice of you to offer to make a real test for Dell's LRL. Did you know I also offered to test an LRL that Dell sold more than 2 years ago?
After asking some questions about the origin of a product Dell sold, Dell asked if I ever conducted field tests of this product, claiming that sceintific testing was lacking. He then went on to say "people, stop pretending to be Scientific. Do your field testing, experiments & research before you keep jumping to conclusions..." Of course, I then offered to test his product.
Guess what was Dell's response... Nothing. He ignored my offer.
The fact is Dell does not want the products he sells to be tested scientifically. He only wants people to send him money so he can continue peddling his crap. Dell will not demonstrate the X-scan working in front of witnesses, nor will he send an X-scan to you to be tested scientifically. He is only posting in this forum in order to gain publicity for his website and to attempt to sell his products.
Good luck with your search for a paper money detector. You might look into building a long range RFID reader, using methods like Devcon did to locate RFIDs at a record distance.
Best wishes,
06-04-2008, 11:44 AM
What are you talking about? I have no idea where you obtain your information from .... show your proof? Who are these alleged customers I have personally built LRL's for that you claim I lied to.Hi Dell,
You are now accusing me of saying you lied to your customers? I did not say that, and again, you don't have a clue what you are talking about. I said "you have already established yourself as a liar and a conniving fool who tried to pull the wool over the eyes of a lot of people who read this forum, and who were too smart to fall for your trickery".
I already posted: "I really don't like wasting my time arguing with people who don't have a clue what they are talking about..." If you really want to see my proof that what I posted is correct, then restate your complaint in the proper thread "Dells Complaints". I will not waste any more of my time on your attempts to side-track this topic of detecting paper currency.
Best wishes,
06-04-2008, 12:39 PM
Like molecules detectors i suppose.
Oh, I get it now. Probably the same principle the Sniffex uses to smell or sniff out bombs and explosives.
That device was also found to be nothing more than a scam dowsing rod. Just like Dell's X-Scan(Scam).
06-04-2008, 03:16 PM (
Looks like you have exposed the secret of my passive LRL's
Congratulations! Now you can build your own working LRL, and stop inferring that I am a liar. Dell
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
There is no correlation whatsoever between RFIDs and a passive LRL. :shrug:
06-04-2008, 03:28 PM
What are you talking about? I have no idea where you obtain your information from, but it's certainly contrived with out any respect for truth. You are a bald faced liar. There has not been a single customer complaint presented on any instrument I have built. That is a fact
If you are insistent on making irresponsible libelous allegations, show your proof? Who are these alleged customers I have personally built LRL's for that you claim I lied to.
Don't be so cowardly. Why do you hide behind aliases and make venomous remarks. Present these people, and allow me to face your alleged accusers. If I am as bad as you claim why doesn't someone notify the authorities. What have you got to hide? Get Real. Get the facts. Get the truth.
Everything I do is open to public scrutiny. Always has been. I use my real name, real address, and real telephone number of 22 years. I am reachable. Truthful claims and Information about the products I build are posted on the Internet for all to see and make their own intelligent decision. I have nothing to hide.
How about you folks here with the venomous tongues? Is your life as open to world wide public scrutiny as mine is? Are you as honest and truthful? Why are you the ones hiding behind aliases? Are you ashamed? Dell
What you say, and what you do, appear to be two different things.
Originally Posted by Dell Winders (
Looks like you have exposed the secret of my passive LRL's
Congratulations! Now you can build your own working LRL, and stop inferring that I am a liar. Dell
I think the link is wrong.
the right one is :
Dell Winders
06-04-2008, 08:52 PM
What you say, and what you do, appear to be two different things.
I see you are a fan of tabloid journalism. A scientific oriented person would Never post a link to such rubbish.
Any one with intelligence and a desire to learn the truth can check
on that author's many posts on google and see the pattern of hatred and gossip mongering by a mental retard, cowardly hiding behind aliases, proxies, and fake IP's pretending he is something, he is not.
To give you a hint of the mentally of the author you are so anxious to proclaim his works, He takes great pride in creating a rant to save the world against Dowsing, and Dowsers, he calls JELAD. (Just Eliminate Lies About Dowsing)
The authors Rants you support are untruthful, erroneous, and have no credibility. Have you no conscience or shame? Be honest and bring forth these alleged customers that you claim have been lied to and bilked out of their money by me. Show the world proof of your slanderous allegations and inferences against me. Lets allow the full and real truth about me be known.
I'm not the one cowardly hiding in fear of being known behind Alisa's, proxies, and fake IP's. Dell
06-04-2008, 09:44 PM
I see you are a fan of tabloid journalism. A scientific oriented person would Never post a link to such rubbish.
Any one with intelligence and a desire to learn the truth can check
on that author's many posts on google and see the pattern of hatred and gossip mongering by a mental retard, cowardly hiding behind aliases, proxies, and fake IP's pretending he is something, he is not.
To give you a hint of the mentally of the author you are so anxious to proclaim his works, He takes great pride in creating a rant to save the world against Dowsing, and Dowsers, he calls JELAD. (Just Eliminate Lies About Dowsing)
The authors Rants you support are untruthful, erroneous, and have no credibility. Have you no conscience or shame? Be honest and bring forth these alleged customers that you claim have been lied to and bilked out of their money by me. Show the world proof of your slanderous allegations and inferences against me. Lets allow the full and real truth about me be known.
I'm not the one cowardly hiding in fear of being known behind Alisa's, proxies, and fake IP's. Dell
Well ... they do say the truth hurts... :razz:
Clondike Clad
06-04-2008, 09:52 PM
I see you are a fan of tabloid journalism. A scientific oriented person would Never post a link to such rubbish.
Any one with intelligence and a desire to learn the truth can check
on that author's many posts on google and see the pattern of hatred and gossip mongering by a mental retard, cowardly hiding behind aliases, proxies, and fake IP's pretending he is something, he is not.
To give you a hint of the mentally of the author you are so anxious to proclaim his works, He takes great pride in creating a rant to save the world against Dowsing, and Dowsers, he calls JELAD. (Just Eliminate Lies About Dowsing)
The authors Rants you support are untruthful, erroneous, and have no credibility. Have you no conscience or shame? Be honest and bring forth these alleged customers that you claim have been lied to and bilked out of their money by me. Show the world proof of your slanderous allegations and inferences against me. Lets allow the full and real truth about me be known.
I'm not the one cowardly hiding in fear of being known behind Alisa's, proxies, and fake IP's. Dell
Dell are you willing to let me test one of your detectors
Just think if I can make it work you would be king.
06-04-2008, 10:03 PM
Well ... they do say the truth hurts... :razz:
Apparently in the case of Dell Winders, it has hurt him a lot, since he spends an inordinate amount of time trying unsuccessfully to stifle the truth that is published about him.
Isn't it curious ??? that of all those involved in the business of making and selling over-priced dowsing gadgets (disguised as having some connection to electronics and real science); Dell is the only one that chooses to come on public forums and defend what he is doing, as if it was legal and above board.
You'd think after all his failed attempts to legitimize that which has been proven to be ordinary fraud, he would've learned by now that his futile efforts to side-step the truth only validate and solidify his obvious guilt.
06-04-2008, 11:24 PM
Apparently in the case of Dell Winders, it has hurt him a lot, since he spends an inordinate amount of time trying unsuccessfully to stifle the truth that is published about him.Inordinate amount of time?
How long does it take to drop an X-scan in the mail to Clondike Clad, so he can prove once and for all that it will find paper money, and shut us all up? Why didn't Dell allow me to test his LRL after whining about how I should test the product before concluding it is crap? Dell finds lots of time to call anyone who thinks his junk does not work a liar and scientific pretender, but no time to allow any scientific tests to see what those brass rods and 555 timers actually do. Is Dell only posting here promote his website and sell his junk?
Do you get the idea we have a weasel lurking about looking for new suckers, and stinking up our forum? :rolleyes:
Best wishes,
06-05-2008, 12:31 AM
Apparently in the case of Dell Winders, it has hurt him a lot, since he spends an inordinate amount of time trying unsuccessfully to stifle the truth that is published about him.
Isn't it curious ??? that of all those involved in the business of making and selling over-priced dowsing gadgets (disguised as having some connection to electronics and real science); Dell is the only one that chooses to come on public forums and defend what he is doing, as if it was legal and above board.
You'd think after all his failed attempts to legitimize that which has been proven to be ordinary fraud, he would've learned by now that his futile efforts to side-step the truth only validate and solidify his obvious guilt.
Especially since this forum is predominately occupied by skeptics.
Maybe this is simply emotional (masochistic) leakage. :lol:
Dell Winders
06-05-2008, 01:07 AM
Well ... they do say the truth hurts... :razz:
I am very pleased with the truth. It's the malicious lies perpetrated by cowardly pretenders hiding behind aliases and proxies that the truth will hurt.
For you who exercise a venomous tongue and are guilty of perpetrating the same malicious lies and mock the truth, Look closely at my avatar and bow down to Carl's friend, and the person you are honoring who created the fraudulent scheme to pursue an unscrupulous, personal vendetta agenda to publicly demonize me.
It's sad for me that there those of you who pretend to be Scientific, but speak in obvious ignorance of Science.
If you remember, I came to this forum to share my field experience in the use of LRL as an aid to Treasure Hunting, it's merits, it's limitations. Nothing else.
It's now being construed that I am trying to pull the wool over the eyes of forum members that are too smart to build their own simple LRL's and learn to use them.
I really don't like wasting my time arguing with people who don't have a clue what they are talking about, and can only boast about their years of experience, yet are afraid to demonstrate their products actually working in front of witnesses.
JPlayer, I also don't like wasting my time arguing with people who don't have a clue what they are talking to about pertaining to LRL, and that includes you.
Where to H--- do you , and others, get off claiming I am afraid to demonstrate the products I build, in front of witnesses? That is a blatant bald faced lie on your part. Why?
At least a third of my customers have been to my home, stayed with me as a guest, or joined me in the field on actual Treasure Hunts for weeks at a time. They had the use of the products, personal instruction, and experienced the results for themselves, before they purchased. How can you fault that?
I build my products on request, as a supplement to my Social security. The majority of requests are the result of "Word of Mouth". If the products were not as I claimed, common sense dictates that there would be no positive "Word of mouth" testimonies from my customers to suggest others buying from me. Several of my customers have been repeat buyers. What can I attribute this to, except honesty, and a product working as claimed?
Dell are you willing to let me test one of your detectors
Just think if I can make it work you would be king.
Klondike, I appreciate your offer, but understand that I have already been there, done that. I sent out 9 instruments to written requests from people claiming to be writers, electronics engineers, a prospector, and Scientific researchers. Unfortunately, only one unit was returned (the prospector) and I never heard from any of the others again. My loss.
I regret I am not in a position to afford to put that faith in human nature again. It takes me 1-2 weeks to build an instrument and at that slow pace I am always back ordered with a 2 week, up to 3 month waiting period for delivery. I'm sorry!
If you are in the Central Florida area feel free to visit me, and you can use my own units to test the products as much as you want without charge, or obligation. Dell
Clondike Clad
06-05-2008, 03:05 AM
I am very pleased with the truth. It's the malicious lies perpetrated by cowardly pretenders hiding behind aliases and proxies that the truth will hurt.
For you who exercise a venomous tongue and are guilty of perpetrating the same malicious lies and mock the truth, Look closely at my avatar and bow down to Carl's friend, and the person you are honoring who created the fraudulent scheme to pursue an unscrupulous, personal vendetta agenda to publicly demonize me.
It's sad for me that there those of you who pretend to be Scientific, but speak in obvious ignorance of Science.
If you remember, I came to this forum to share my field experience in the use of LRL as an aid to Treasure Hunting, it's merits, it's limitations. Nothing else.
It's now being construed that I am trying to pull the wool over the eyes of forum members that are too smart to build their own simple LRL's and learn to use them.
JPlayer, I also don't like wasting my time arguing with people who don't have a clue what they are talking to about pertaining to LRL, and that includes you.
Where to H--- do you , and others, get off claiming I am afraid to demonstrate the products I build, in front of witnesses? That is a blatant bald faced lie on your part. Why?
At least a third of my customers have been to my home, stayed with me as a guest, or joined me in the field on actual Treasure Hunts for weeks at a time. They had the use of the products, personal instruction, and experienced the results for themselves, before they purchased. How can you fault that?
I build my products on request, as a supplement to my Social security. The majority of requests are the result of "Word of Mouth". If the products were not as I claimed, common sense dictates that there would be no positive "Word of mouth" testimonies from my customers to suggest others buying from me. Several of my customers have been repeat buyers. What can I attribute this to, except honesty, and a product working as claimed?
Klondike, I appreciate your offer, but understand that I have already been there, done that. I sent out 9 instruments to written requests from people claiming to be writers, electronics engineers, a prospector, and Scientific researchers. Unfortunately, only one unit was returned (the prospector) and I never heard from any of the others again. My loss.
I regret I am not in a position to afford to put that faith in human nature again. It takes me 1-2 weeks to build an instrument and at that slow pace I am always back ordered with a 2 week, up to 3 month waiting period for delivery. I'm sorry!
If you are in the Central Florida area feel free to visit me, and you can use my own units to test the products as much as you want without charge, or obligation. Dell
You are one of a kind dell you have very big BALLS
Dell Winders
06-05-2008, 04:56 AM
You are one of a kind dell you have very big BALLS
It's a proportional act of nature. I am 6 feet 7 inches tall, weigh 300 lbs, and wear a size 16 shoe. It's only natural. Dell
06-05-2008, 08:08 AM
It's a proportional act of nature. I am 6 feet 7 inches tall, weigh 300 lbs, and wear a size 16 shoe. It's only natural. DellHmmm... Does this mean you are ready to give a credible demonstration in front of witnesses with your X-scan locating hidden dollar bills as depicted on your web page?
Best wishes,
06-05-2008, 12:01 PM
It takes me 1-2 weeks to build an instrument and at that slow pace I am always back ordered with a 2 week, up to 3 month waiting period for delivery. I'm sorry! Dell
It's a wonder you have any spare time to faff around on Geotech, courting the sort of abuse you receive here.
Perhaps you simply enjoy it...
Clondike Clad
06-05-2008, 12:39 PM
I am very pleased with the truth. It's the malicious lies perpetrated by cowardly pretenders hiding behind aliases and proxies that the truth will hurt.
For you who exercise a venomous tongue and are guilty of perpetrating the same malicious lies and mock the truth, Look closely at my avatar and bow down to Carl's friend, and the person you are honoring who created the fraudulent scheme to pursue an unscrupulous, personal vendetta agenda to publicly demonize me.
It's sad for me that there those of you who pretend to be Scientific, but speak in obvious ignorance of Science.
If you remember, I came to this forum to share my field experience in the use of LRL as an aid to Treasure Hunting, it's merits, it's limitations. Nothing else.
It's now being construed that I am trying to pull the wool over the eyes of forum members that are too smart to build their own simple LRL's and learn to use them.
JPlayer, I also don't like wasting my time arguing with people who don't have a clue what they are talking to about pertaining to LRL, and that includes you.
Where to H--- do you , and others, get off claiming I am afraid to demonstrate the products I build, in front of witnesses? That is a blatant bald faced lie on your part. Why?
At least a third of my customers have been to my home, stayed with me as a guest, or joined me in the field on actual Treasure Hunts for weeks at a time. They had the use of the products, personal instruction, and experienced the results for themselves, before they purchased. How can you fault that?
I build my products on request, as a supplement to my Social security. The majority of requests are the result of "Word of Mouth". If the products were not as I claimed, common sense dictates that there would be no positive "Word of mouth" testimonies from my customers to suggest others buying from me. Several of my customers have been repeat buyers. What can I attribute this to, except honesty, and a product working as claimed?
Klondike, I appreciate your offer, but understand that I have already been there, done that. I sent out 9 instruments to written requests from people claiming to be writers, electronics engineers, a prospector, and Scientific researchers. Unfortunately, only one unit was returned (the prospector) and I never heard from any of the others again. My loss.
I regret I am not in a position to afford to put that faith in human nature again. It takes me 1-2 weeks to build an instrument and at that slow pace I am always back ordered with a 2 week, up to 3 month waiting period for delivery. I'm sorry!
If you are in the Central Florida area feel free to visit me, and you can use my own units to test the products as much as you want without charge, or obligation. Dell Why do it take up to 2 weeks to bend a wire and a simple circuit? go to ( I am making a electric motorcyle.. The controller ,electrinics, welding wiring, moding etc.
I can do it all if I had two week to work on it
Let me build one of your detector to test.
I can build it in ten min.
06-05-2008, 01:01 PM
For you who exercise a venomous tongue and are guilty of perpetrating the same malicious lies and mock the truth, Look closely at my avatar and bow down to Carl's friend,
Carl's friend... :???: You could have fooled me. I thought that was some really older picture of you in your younger days (before the rigors of defending your lies and scam products made you old, grey and ugly).:lol:
06-05-2008, 01:05 PM
Why do it take up to 2 weeks to bend a wire and a simple circuit?
Could it be you've caught him in yet another lie? :nono:
Some things (people) just never change do they.
06-05-2008, 01:58 PM
Hmmm... Does this mean you are ready to give a credible demonstration in front of witnesses with your X-scan locating hidden dollar bills as depicted on your web page?
Best wishes,
You know J_P, that sounds like a natural for a little YouTube video. Here is a buddy of Dell's demonstrating something ??? I'm really not sure what.
Dell Winders
06-05-2008, 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Dell Winders
It's a proportional act of nature. I am 6 feet 7 inches tall, weigh 300 lbs, and wear a size 16 shoe. It's only natural. Dell
Hmmm... Does this mean you are ready to give a credible demonstration in front of witnesses with your X-scan locating hidden dollar bills as depicted on your web page?
Best wishes,
?????? I am at a loss to understand your thinking of why posting my physical characteristics has anything to do with your interest in my giving a demonstration? I seem to be missing your intended logic.
As I have stated before, I don't give demonstrations. I do give instructions on how to hold and use the locator, or Rods, until the person is obtaining reactions to the fields of undiscriminated targets. Then I turn on the discriminator, see how they are reacting, to the signal, and then leave them on their own to trace the signal to the buried target(s) The users locate the targets on their own without my presence.
I would think with your claimed expertise you would be capable of building your own set of Rods, and add your own electronic experiments?
Carl's friend... :???: You could have fooled me. I thought that was some really older picture of you in your younger days (before the rigors of defending your lies and scam products made you old, grey and ugly).:lol:
I guess you are easily fooled by the truth, but I am not trying fool you. The man pictured has indeed proved himself to be a Liar, and Pretender (Scammer). Now he lurks on the internet using a wide variety of aliases and fake Ip's.
It's a wonder you have any spare time to faff around on Geotech, courting the sort of abuse you receive here.
You are right, it is time consuming. You have the option to become honorable gentlemen and Discuss the subject of this forum and stop your abuse of it's participants so my time wouldn't be wasted.
Why do it take up to 2 weeks to bend a wire and a simple circuit? go to ( I am making a electric motorcyle.. The controller ,electrinics, welding wiring, moding etc.
I can do it all if I had two week to work on it
Let me build one of your detector to test.
I can build it in ten min.
Klondike, I certainly don't question your aptitude and skills. I don't walk in your shoes so I can only speak for myself.
There is a big difference in building a prototype for myself, than building a product for my customers from scratch. I never said I was fast, or good at it. Poor eyesight, and being handicapped and having to lie down at intervals slows me down considerably.
I would suggest you build your self a pair of Rods and learn to use them first before you add electronics. Carl, has plans on his website.
Everything mentioned on my website & more, has already been done, so therefore it can be done. You don't need me in order to build your own LRL, and your testimony that it works as claimed is of no value if I am supplying the product. It would appear I was soliciting your approval. But I thank you for the offer. I'm sure you mean well. Dell
Clondike Clad
06-05-2008, 08:56 PM
?????? I am at a loss to understand your thinking of why posting my physical characteristics has anything to do with your interest in my giving a demonstration? I seem to be missing your intended logic.
As I have stated before, I don't give demonstrations. I do give instructions on how to hold and use the locator, or Rods, until the person is obtaining reactions to the fields of undiscriminated targets. Then I turn on the discriminator, see how they are reacting, to the signal, and then leave them on their own to trace the signal to the buried target(s) The users locate the targets on their own without my presence.
I would think with your claimed expertise you would be capable of building your own set of Rods, and add your own electronic experiments?
I guess you are easily fooled by the truth, but I am not trying fool you. The man pictured has indeed proved himself to be a Liar, and Pretender (Scammer). Now he lurks on the internet using a wide variety of aliases and fake Ip's.
You are right, it is time consuming. You have the option to become honorable gentlemen and Discuss the subject of this forum and stop your abuse of it's participants so my time wouldn't be wasted.
Klondike, I certainly don't question your aptitude and skills. I don't walk in your shoes so I can only speak for myself.
There is a big difference in building a prototype for myself, than building a product for my customers from scratch. I never said I was fast, or good at it. Poor eyesight, and being handicapped and having to lie down at intervals slows me down considerably.
I would suggest you build your self a pair of Rods and learn to use them first before you add electronics. Carl, has plans on his website.
Everything mentioned on my website & more, has already been done, so therefore it can be done. You don't need me in order to build your own LRL, and your testimony that it works as claimed is of no value if I am supplying the product. It would appear I was soliciting your approval. But I thank you for the offer. I'm sure you mean well. Dell
Dell I did build Carl detector and Like he said it did not work.
Your detector works or that is what your are telling us.
I don't want to sell your detectors all I want to do is test one of them.
If I can make it work I know you will build it better and I would buy one asap.
06-05-2008, 09:04 PM
I guess you are easily fooled by the truth, but I am not trying fool you. The man pictured has indeed proved himself to be a Liar, and Pretender (Scammer). Now he lurks on the internet using a wide variety of aliases and fake Ip's.Dell
Really. And did this gentleman give you permission to use his picture as an avatar. Or, is what you are doing yet another bit of fraud, like the sale of your junk lrls. I guess when you get started in a life devoted to crime and deception, it's a little hard for you to abide by any Laws of The Land. I can see your problem. You think because you wear a large shoe size, that entitles you to break the law whenever you so desire. I feel so sorry for you and your ultimate day of reckoning. I would certainly not want to be in your shoes, no matter what size they are.
06-05-2008, 09:22 PM
As I have stated before, I don't give demonstrations.Exactly!
You will never demonstrate any of your products with the Dell Systems or Omnitron label performing in a credible test as they are depicted on your web page, because they don't work! You lied to us all. :nono::nono::nono:
All your name calling and other feeble attempts to pull the wool over our eyes to make us believe your products find treasure is just more Dell BS and trickery. You sleaze.
06-05-2008, 11:28 PM
...And did this gentleman give you permission to use his picture as an avatar. Or, is what you are doing yet another bit of fraud, like the sale of your junk lrls...If you spot this man on the streets, do not throw tomatoes at him... It is NOT Dell Winders...
Clondike Clad
06-05-2008, 11:28 PM
DELL SYSTEMS- OMNITRON Molecular Frequency Discriminators have proven their value to Archaeologist, Anthropologist, Geologist, Mining Companies
Dell can I talk with some of your customers ???????
I really would like to talk with a geologist if that is ok.
Also would talk with anyone on this list.
Dell Winders
06-06-2008, 01:33 AM
Dell I did build Carl detector and Like he said it did not work.
Your detector works or that is what your are telling us.
I don't want to sell your detectors all I want to do is test one of them.
If I can make it work I know you will build it better and I would buy one asap.
Klondike, I suggested you learn to use the RODS accurately before you ventured into adding the Electronics. If you can't
use the antenna RODS, and learn to correctly interpret their reactions the application of electronics for discrimination will be an exercise in futility. First things first. As I said, Carl has plans for a set of free swinging Rods on his web site.
Granted, Carl's electronic circuit configuration, and frequencies, aren't the best, but it does work. There have been at least one report of Treasure being found with it. What I don't understand is why Carl, made such a big fan fare about his circuit when he introduced it, post it on the Internet for folks to copy and build, and then tell you it doesn't work?? That doesn't make much sense to me?
Yes, in my opinion, and experience, LRL's can be made much better. Totally electronic and computerized. Most of the computer technology to accomplish this has been around since the 90's. Fully electronic versions have been around since 1980 that I am aware of. I have personally used a several of them.
No, it's unlikely you will be able to purchase any improved versions from me. I don't have the money, or resources, to build them.
Over the years I've had hundreds of offers to supply locators to people such as you, for testing, articles, feedback, percentages of Treasures found, etc. I simply don't have the finances to afford to do that. I'm sorry.
No I'm not looking for dealers. Building them on request takes up too much of my time now, but it's necessary to survive.
Dell Winders
06-06-2008, 02:49 AM
Sorry folks, I just wasted an hour of the courtesy of replying to your posts only to have it disappear in the blink of an eye. Not the first time it's happend here, but I don't have time for the aggrevation. Later! Dell
Clondike Clad
06-06-2008, 03:11 AM
Klondike, I suggested you learn to use the RODS accurately before you ventured into adding the Electronics. If you can't
use the antenna RODS, and learn to correctly interpret their reactions the application of electronics for discrimination will be an exercise in futility. First things first. As I said, Carl has plans for a set of free swinging Rods on his web site.
Granted, Carl's electronic circuit configuration, and frequencies, aren't the best, but it does work. There have been at least one report of Treasure being found with it. What I don't understand is why Carl, made such a big fan fare about his circuit when he introduced it, post it on the Internet for folks to copy and build, and then tell you it doesn't work?? That doesn't make much sense to me?
Yes, in my opinion, and experience, LRL's can be made much better. Totally electronic and computerized. Most of the computer technology to accomplish this has been around since the 90's. Fully electronic versions have been around since 1980 that I am aware of. I have personally used a several of them.
No, it's unlikely you will be able to purchase any improved versions from me. I don't have the money, or resources, to build them.
Over the years I've had hundreds of offers to supply locators to people such as you, for testing, articles, feedback, percentages of Treasures found, etc. I simply don't have the finances to afford to do that. I'm sorry.
No I'm not looking for dealers. Building them on request takes up too much of my time now, but it's necessary to survive.
DellOk if carl units work maybe i need to talk to Carl.
Clondike Clad
06-06-2008, 09:06 AM
Klondike, I suggested you learn to use the RODS accurately before you ventured into adding the Electronics. If you can't
use the antenna RODS, and learn to correctly interpret their reactions the application of electronics for discrimination will be an exercise in futility. First things first. As I said, Carl has plans for a set of free swinging Rods on his web site.
Granted, Carl's electronic circuit configuration, and frequencies, aren't the best, but it does work. There have been at least one report of Treasure being found with it. What I don't understand is why Carl, made such a big fan fare about his circuit when he introduced it, post it on the Internet for folks to copy and build, and then tell you it doesn't work?? That doesn't make much sense to me?
Yes, in my opinion, and experience, LRL's can be made much better. Totally electronic and computerized. Most of the computer technology to accomplish this has been around since the 90's. Fully electronic versions have been around since 1980 that I am aware of. I have personally used a several of them.
No, it's unlikely you will be able to purchase any improved versions from me. I don't have the money, or resources, to build them.
Over the years I've had hundreds of offers to supply locators to people such as you, for testing, articles, feedback, percentages of Treasures found, etc. I simply don't have the finances to afford to do that. I'm sorry.
No I'm not looking for dealers. Building them on request takes up too much of my time now, but it's necessary to survive.
Now reread your post.
Now everyone will now about you dell.
06-06-2008, 11:24 AM
Klondike, I suggested you learn to use the RODS accurately before you ventured into adding the Electronics.
OK - let's read between the lines/lies - take your pick.
If you can't use the antenna RODS, and learn to correctly interpret their reactions the application of electronics for discrimination will be an exercise in futility.
In other words, the electronics don't really add any value, except to the seller. The whole idea of MFD is pure pseudoscience.
First things first. As I said, Carl has plans for a set of free swinging Rods on his web site.
Yes - and what an excellent set of plans. At least a potential buyer can determine the futility of dowsing for the minimum of cash.
Granted, Carl's electronic circuit configuration, and frequencies, aren't the best, but it does work. There have been at least one report of Treasure being found with it.
If you mean that it can detect gravity, then your statement is true. It only "works" by a trick of the mind. Even a blind squirrel can sometimes find a nut, so there's no surprises there. Randomly digging holes would have the same result. But then you're an expert at that.
What I don't understand is why Carl, made such a big fan fare about his circuit when he introduced it, post it on the Internet for folks to copy and build, and then tell you it doesn't work?? That doesn't make much sense to me?
Well that's hardly surprising from a pseudoscientific mindset. The whole purpose of posting the design was to expose the total nonsense surrounding these devices. Now do you understand?
Yes, in my opinion, and experience, LRL's can be made much better. Totally electronic and computerized. Most of the computer technology to accomplish this has been around since the 90's. Fully electronic versions have been around since 1980 that I am aware of. I have personally used a several of them.
How ever many times you multiply a number by zero, you will still get zero. Adding nonsense electronics will not improve these items one iota.
No, it's unlikely you will be able to purchase any improved versions from me. I don't have the money, or resources, to build them.
Are you so destitute that you cannot afford to buy some welding rods, a few 555 timers, stripboard, and hotglue?
Over the years I've had hundreds of offers to supply locators to people such as you, for testing, articles, feedback, percentages of Treasures found, etc. I simply don't have the finances to afford to do that. I'm sorry.
If these devices actually worked, you wouldn't be in this situation.
No I'm not looking for dealers. Building them on request takes up too much of my time now, but it's necessary to survive.
There's one born every minute, as they say. If that's true, this makes 525,600 new customers every year. That should keep you busy. :lol:
06-06-2008, 12:40 PM
Yes, in my opinion, and experience, LRL's can be made much better. Totally electronic and computerized. Most of the computer technology to accomplish this has been around since the 90's. Fully electronic versions have been around since 1980 that I am aware of. I have personally used a several of them.
Don't you ever get tired of spreading that same old tired BS?
If LRLs could be made totally electronic and computerized, they would have been many years ago.
There is just one thing that has all along kept that from happening. YOU CAN'T MIX PSEUDOSCIENCE WITH REAL SCIENCE AND EVER END UP WITH SOMETHING THAT IS REAL SCIENCE.
You, and others, have tacked on or attached your receiver rods to multi-thousands of dollars worth of electronic gadgetry, lights, readouts and frequency generators. But not ONCE have you ever come up with a device that, in the end, was anything more than pure pseudoscience. Not once!
Qiaozhi, said it best for you; but I'm sure it went sailing right over your head:
How ever many times you multiply a number by zero, you will still get zero.
You, and others, have borrowed all the terms and technology labels you can think of, and applied them to your pseudoscientific receiver rods. All done, in the hope of lending some type of credibility to your pseudoscientific junk, which has ZERO credibility.
And why do you do this....? To fool some poor technically-challenged sap into thinking the electronics are actually doing something; when in fact, the device will work exactly the same whether or not the power switch is turned on.
You, Dell, are a scam artist of the worst kind. How you can sleep at night is beyond me.
Clondike Clad
06-06-2008, 01:09 PM
OK - let's read between the lines/lies - take your pick.
In other words, the electronics don't really add any value, except to the seller. The whole idea of MFD is pure pseudoscience.
Yes - and what an excellent set of plans. At least a potential buyer can determine the futility of dowsing for the minimum of cash.
If you mean that it can detect gravity, then your statement is true. It only "works" by a trick of the mind. Even a blind squirrel can sometimes find a nut, so there's no surprises there. Randomly digging holes would have the same result. But then you're an expert at that.
Well that's hardly surprising from a pseudoscientific mindset. The whole purpose of posting the design was to expose the total nonsense surrounding these devices. Now do you understand?
How ever many times you multiply a number by zero, you will still get zero. Adding nonsense electronics will not improve these items one iota.
Are you so destitute that you cannot afford to buy some welding rods, a few 555 timers, stripboard, and hotglue?
If these devices actually worked, you wouldn't be in this situation.
There's one born every minute, as they say. If that's true, this makes 525,600 new customers every year. That should keep you busy. :lol:
As you see if I can make one of your detectors and it works (We all eat a 90 year old crow) but we will help you so you can stop the BIG LIE.
So please do not lie anymore on the forum.
Good work to all that will expose Dell's BS
OK now Dell please let me know how your detector picks up paper money.
Dell Winders
06-06-2008, 08:52 PM
I see from the unfriendly venemous words directed at me, that in my clumsiness I have stepped on some egos.
If you folks are not interested in my participation on this forum. So be it. I don't share your passion for hate mongering.
Just a reminder, all that I have said about my field experience with LRL's is true and user proven to be true. I don't lie.
When you consider that I am not the one among you who is hiding behind aliases, fake IP's, or blatantly bragging that people who purchase or use Frequency Discrimination tools for Treasure searching, or geophysics, are somehow less intelligent and inferior to yourselves. It's evident we don't share that same mentality. What I have said all along continues to apply here.
Display your mockery and show your true mentality. Dell
06-06-2008, 11:47 PM
It's a pity you don't practice what you preach ... otherwise you could also enjoy true scientific understanding, instead of wallowing in the murky world of pseudoscience.
Although, after (what was it?) 28+ years of peddling LRLs, it's little wonder that you would develop a closed mindset. How difficult it must be to admit to having wasted so many years in the pursuit of this nonsense. In the end you only lie to yourself.
Clondike Clad
06-07-2008, 01:17 AM
I see from the unfriendly venemous words directed at me, that in my clumsiness I have stepped on some egos.
If you folks are not interested in my participation on this forum. So be it. I don't share your passion for hate mongering.
Just a reminder, all that I have said about my field experience with LRL's is true and user proven to be true. I don't lie.
When you consider that I am not the one among you who is hiding behind aliases, fake IP's, or blatantly bragging that people who purchase or use Frequency Discrimination tools for Treasure searching, or geophysics, are somehow less intelligent and inferior to yourselves. It's evident we don't share that same mentality. What I have said all along continues to apply here.
Display your mockery and show your true mentality. Dell
Clondike Clad
06-07-2008, 01:23 PM
Dell why are you using that man as you.
Are you that much of a scammer.
Well who is he?
Dell are you going to let me build one of your detectors
Please tell us how it will detect paper money.
Dell am I asking to much from you?
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