View Full Version : Dell/Omnitron

11-04-2006, 11:57 AM
what I have gotten is no quite perfect instrument exists in this world and we have to combine the ability of some kinds to succeed.

This instrument, as well as Dell Winders Omniton series, are instruments of █████████ deception. All you have to do is to crack one open to plainly see that.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out these devices cannot work as advertised. :)

Dell Winders
11-04-2006, 04:34 PM
This instrument, as well as Dell Winders Omniton series, are instruments of fraud and deception. All you have to do is to crack one open to plainly see that.

Here is the link; http://www.omnitron.net

The Pro-4 model is easy for anyone to open. Just remove the rubber feet, loosen 4 screws, and wa-la it's revealed to be nothing more than a Frequency Generator, a frequency selector switch, a power switch, a slide switch, a 150 ohm resistor, a couple of LED's, some poor soldering, a crude homemade antenna, and a single 9 volt transister battery.
Easy to copy, easy to build your own and save some $dollars$. It comes in a carrying case along with operating instructions.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out these devices cannot work as advertised Jim should know. He is not a Rocket Scientist. Neither am I. Dell


11-04-2006, 08:44 PM
Let's face it Dell, you have never found one single treasure in your life and you know it. Nobody cares what you write or say and you are only talking to yourself. You are a broke old man that lives in a trailer in Florida. As for the MINEORO, quite simply "IT DOS NOT FIND GOLD OR ANYTHING ELSE"!
I simply cannot believe you and others going "on & on"about a device that myself and many others have tested. Yes, I have tested the new and old versions. Yes, I have tested them every month of the year and in several different locations including Greece, Mexico, Philippines and many other places.
I don't care what is inside it, I don't care how much it cots, it DOES NOT FIND TREASURE. Neither do you, or you wouldn't be a broke old man living in an old trailer in the swamp.
Just the facts here folks, don't get offended but Dell is so full of hot air that it gets old. He and others use this board for advertising and you people take his bait. Now he will answer with one of his long say nothing replies. He is probably selling MINEORO like others on this board. Enough said!

Dell Winders
11-05-2006, 01:31 AM
VCRB, Thanks for dispelling those nasty rumors the skeptic clan has been falsely spreading for years, that I have made a fortune ($millions$) scamming guible, technical challenged consumers out of their hard earned money.

Maybe they will believe you, get over their jealousy, and start showing some respect after hearing the "facts" of your report that I am a poor and broke old man who lives very humbly, and enjoys the peaceful envoirment of Alligators. Dell

11-05-2006, 02:01 AM
I am not skeptical about the ████████ devices made and sold by Dell Winders.

I am positive that the electronics (or lack of electronics) in the ████████ devices (IE: Dell Winders Omnitron) are not capable of the ability to search and determine the potential locations of deep buried Treasures and Artifacts, as advertised.

Dell Winders
11-05-2006, 03:14 AM
This instrument, as well as Dell Winders Omniton series, are instruments of fraud and deception. All you have to do is to crack one open to plainly see that.

You said you could tell my product was a fraud just by opening it up and looking at it. It's logical to assume it would would not work if the electronics are fraudulent. Are the Electronics fraudulent? Is it not a working electronic Frequency generator as I described. Was I truthful?

Jim, don't be bitter, Just show me what you have made that will work better for detecting and discriminating deep buried anomalies from a distance, at less cost to the consumer than the homeade devices I'm making and using.

I'll be proud to use such a product that demonstrates your electronic engineering skills.. It would make me very happy if you can build a better locator than an uneducated Kentucky hillbilly, has to offer Treasure hunters. I'm open minded and don't have an ego to support, let's see what you have to offer? Dell

11-05-2006, 12:26 PM
Jim, don't be bitter, Just show me what you have made that will work better for detecting and discriminating deep buried anomalies from a distance, at less cost to the consumer than the homeade devices I'm making and using.

Make a fraudulent device, which deceives and is more fraudulent than an existing one?

What, are you nuts? Are you off your medications?

Are you saying that I should not criticize a obvious scam unless I can replace it with something legitimate?

Oy vey!

11-05-2006, 03:21 PM
...a crude homemade antenna, ...

Are you still using the voice coil ripped out of a speaker, and glued inside a potentiometer case? :rolleyes:

Dell Winders
11-05-2006, 03:39 PM
What's the make, model and serial number it came from?

Dell Winders
11-05-2006, 03:51 PM
This instrument, as well as Dell Winders Omniton series, are instruments of fraud and deception. All you have to do is to crack one open to plainly see that.
You said you could tell my product was a fraud just by opening it up and looking at it. It's logical to assume it would would not work if the electronics are fraudulent.

Are the Electronics fraudulent? Is it not a working electronic Frequency generator as I described. Was I truthful? Dell

11-06-2006, 08:13 PM

Yes, I have tested them every month of the year and in several different locations including Greece, Mexico, Philippines and many other places.
I don't care what is inside it, I don't care how much it cots, it DOES NOT FIND TREASURE.

I can conclude Mineoro doesn't work if I found a treasure with metal detector (of all types, two boxes, etc.). But I don't found any treasure with any machine, so I conclude the other detectors ALSO fail or has limitations. Many "history" of treasures (the most!!!) only are part of the folklore. :)

01-11-2007, 07:17 PM
I don't want to offend anyone, but I was taken in by the Electroscope people, Anderson Rod and a certain MFD manufacturer. I believed the claims in the beginning, so I shelled out the bucks for these units. Well, after many hours of testing and field searching, I came to my own conclusion that these things just don't work. If you all remember the 'TREASURE HUNTERS CONFIDENTIAL' printed a few years ago by L.W.; he took a Model 20 apart and could not find anything that resembled true working electronics. I guess that one has been debunked for years now. The Anderson Rod I owned is nothing more than a bent rod, nothing more. When I was treasure hunting in Turkey in 1992, some of my Turkish friends wanted to test the so-called test load in the unit. The research lab said the load was only crystal rocks that didn't do anything. I also test the Anderson Rod against a known target along with a bent rod in a copper tube for a handle and got the same results. The Anderson Rod would not descriminate. I also tested a MFD unit with same results. The MFD units don't have the signal strength to go very far, even if they did work. Just thought I would add my experience and stupidity for buying these devices to the forum. I now use standard metal detectors. It's a shame wisdom comes at such a price! Let me just say in my own defense, that when these LRL's first came out, NO one was debunking them and they were selling like hotcakes and making hundreds of thousands of dollars off these schemes. After a few years, people began to realize these things didn't really work as advertised. Guess what? After all the test and all the info out there about these units, the A.Rod and MFD units are still being sold. If I would have had the internet back then and the access we have today, I never would have bought one of the units in question. How do they still sell those things and get away with it??

01-12-2007, 04:03 AM
How do they still sell those things and get away with it??

When you realized you had been ripped off, what did you do about it? The answer to this question, is the answer to your question.

- Carl

01-13-2007, 03:23 AM
Beware of too good to be true claims, and explanations sprinkled with impressive sounding scientific terms and enveloped in "pseudo science".

Look at it this way. If you were to somehow invent a device that actually found gold or other precious metal deposits, from a long distance, why on earth would you waste your time peddling the stupid thing, when you could hire a minimum wage crew to go out there and dig it up for you and make you rich?

Its just like those commercials on TV where the guy promises you that if you buy their course on buying real state (or whatever), you can become a millionaire following his teaching.

Folks, if it sounds like it is too good to be true it is because .... it is.

01-13-2007, 01:23 PM
Beware of too good to be true claims, and explanations sprinkled with impressive sounding scientific terms and enveloped in "pseudo science".

So far 'pseudo science' is more apropriate to what you claim (or disclaim) than everything else discussed here. One day you will know. But not at someone's expenses. Get up from your confortable chair and easy job and go to the lab. Do some research and enrich your knowledge.

Look at it this way. If you were to somehow invent a device that actually found gold or other precious metal deposits, from a long distance, why on earth would you waste your time peddling the stupid thing, when you could hire a minimum wage crew to go out there and dig it up for you and make you rich?

This is called 'pride' my friend. The opportunity to see the inventions being used by others and also a great deal of helping others achieve the same results.
I can't speak for others by I know Damasio and Mineoro are included in the case I told above.

See? It's because of this type of 'dogma' such as the one you proposed in your question that you always hit a dead end in your science knowledge.

01-13-2007, 04:16 PM
So far 'pseudo science' is more apropriate to what you claim (or disclaim) than everything else discussed here. One day you will know. But not at someone's expenses. Get up from your confortable chair and easy job and go to the lab. Do some research and enrich your knowledge.

I have 4 issued U.S. patents to my name and two pending at the patent office. Granted they are not in the metal detecting field, but in other parts of electronics.

You can provide some actual factual explanations and results, rather than hide behind this misterious project you refuse to talk about, or pseudo science like radionics.

This is called 'pride' my friend. The opportunity to see the inventions being used by others and also a great deal of helping others achieve the same results.
I can't speak for others by I know Damasio and Mineoro are included in the case I told above.

See? It's because of this type of 'dogma' such as the one you proposed in your question that you always hit a dead end in your science knowledge.

Greed is a much more powerful force. That is what unfortunately leads some to buy these units and waste their money.

01-17-2007, 11:24 PM
Someone emailed me this picture of Dell Winders selling his products.

They sure look like dowsing rods to me...even though Dell claims that he does not sell dowsing rods :rolleyes:

01-18-2007, 02:44 AM
I'll be...even the sign on his sales table says: Dowsing Rods

Dell Winders
01-18-2007, 06:17 AM
HERE IS THE LINK:http://lrlman.com/Pages/TN_CWS/tn_civil_war_show.htm

01-18-2007, 10:14 PM
Someone emailed me this picture of Dell Winders selling his products.

They sure look like dowsing rods to me...even though Dell claims that he does not sell dowsing rods :rolleyes:
Clearly Dell has no vested interest in promoting dowsing or LRLs then? :shocked:
Despite his previous retort:
Absolute lying BS. I have no vested interest in promoting Dowsing. :???:
C'est la vie!

01-18-2007, 10:35 PM
Clearly Dell has no vested interest in promoting dowsing or LRLs then? :shocked:

Who can ever forget this famous quote from Dell Winders:

"I don't manufacture, or sell products intended to be used for Dowsing"

Dell Winders

01-18-2007, 10:56 PM
Who can ever forget this famous quote from Dell Winders:

"I don't manufacture, or sell products intended to be used for Dowsing"

Dell Winders

That's a much better quote than his usual "WHAT HAS BEEN DONE, CAN BE DONE" rhetoric. :lol: