View Full Version : MINERO
05-25-2006, 04:27 PM
As Robert is blind by Mineoro's threads, :D he don't see another thread! Of course, Mineoro's threads isn't for projects. Maybe no all the complicate expect by he, but is a good starting. I post 2 days ago about the thread Zahori. The thread consist in:
1. The three pages of the article (in Spanish) and explanation of some info in old threads and the Russian version (exact copy) as "Biolokator" (???)
2. The photo of the kind of device and many modifications for to simplify and make usable.
3. The last mod (pin 9 no connection to -).
4. A posterior publication of ionic detector for positive and negative ions (look the similarities with Zahori, but by the same magazine).
6. Variation of input connection via cap.
In the audio output is all the info of the detection... the rest of the job is yours. :)
05-25-2006, 06:22 PM
Sure, no problem...
Here's the main PC board:
There is a microcontroller, a piezo buzzer, some misc components, a "sensor" (top-center), and a "black box" (top-right). The large trace around the perimeter is a loop antenna, which would not be the least bit necessary if the device works according to Mineoro's claims. The oval trace around the sensor, and some components connected to it, are otherwise isolated from the rest of the circuitry, and do nothing.
The sensor is a piece of PVC pipe filled with epoxy:
This is the one piece I did not have permission to dissect. But it functions as a proximity detector, as the device beeps when objects are about 1/2 inch away.
The black box revealed this nifty little circuit:
I believe it is a simple regenerative receiver, used to pick up radio waves. I suspect the demonstrations I've heard about involve someone with an appropriate radio transmitter who can remotely cause the device to beep on command.
If anyone has a Mineoro they wish to sell, rent, or loan, I'll finish up my investigation and post a formal report.
- Carl
P.S. -- the device does not detect gold. Yes, I tried.
hi carl,
may you e-mail me a esquematic diageam of the lrl in order to analize it?
05-29-2006, 08:05 AM
this is an mineoro a simple circuit, i invent one similar in my six months i born
these device mineoro is only a fist of electronicas pieces made pile is single
ok detectoman
05-30-2006, 01:01 AM
"RObert" is not blind at all..... RObert is here all the time, updating whole
forum every day. RObert is just sick of your claims and nonsences and further
no coments.....
I do not want to put Carl in a position to be pushed to act somehow here,
therefore i am not that "blue" to continue to argue with you ignorants any more !
Mineoro products are scum,trash and rubbish DO NOT WASTE MONEY ON IT !!!
05-30-2006, 03:44 PM
"Robert" said:
Mineoro products are scum,trash and rubbish DO NOT WASTE MONEY ON IT !!!
Maybe you're correct, maybe not, but accusations demmand proof from your part. Obviously, you're hide as Robert, so is very easy to launch accusations based in nothing! Be a serious person and show your real name. Also you don't show your private mail, very intelligent, so is very difficult to track you.
This is the only truth.
05-30-2006, 06:31 PM
I am not one man band.....Esteban you are now smart! Congratulations!
Under RObert nick there are team of people, all experts in electronics,physics
et.etc. There are plenty of names,mails etc...etc..
Regards Esteban, you showed here that you are very smart...:)
05-30-2006, 08:16 PM
I'm curious what can do your team for to solve your problem... :D
There are not in books, there are in large experimenting in outdoor fields, no indoor...
05-31-2006, 10:25 AM
Joke again.......good esteban....
06-12-2006, 08:40 AM
Hello members of this forum
I just wanted to ask your opinion regarding the mineoro.Recently I discovered this.
I calibrated the pdc210fg and then set it on the ground.Then I got a 1.5v battery and started to shortcircuit it.The pdc beeped everytime I shortcircuited it quickly, even from 3 meters away.This means that it truly detects the shortcircuit of the positive and negative ions in it's chamber?
Waiting for your comments.
06-12-2006, 11:05 AM
If the pdc beeped everytime you shortcircuited a battery quickly, this means the pdc beeped every time you shorted the battery. It does not mean anything about ions.
The existence of measurable ions inside the chamber being sensed has never been proven by anyone. The fact that the machine beeped is proof only that it beeped when you short-circuited a battery nearby.
I cannot tell you the reason why it beeped unless I am able to test the machine with instruments that can accurately observe the circuiry working, and measure what caused it to beep when you shorted the battery. Others in this forum have much better instruments than I do. If you were to allow someone such as Carl repeat your test with his instruments, he could probably tell you exactly why it beeped.
I highly doubt the reason is because of ions inside the chamber. I would suspect electromagnetic noise or radio noise caused by minute arcing when the spark occurs due to shorting a battery. This kind of interference causes many instruments to pick up the noise. But then this explanation is only speculation.
06-12-2006, 11:12 AM
So what you are actually saying is that it can pick up the minute arcing of the positive and negative shortcircuit of the ions in the battery from long distance.So why cant it be picking up the minute arcing when the negative gold ions are shortcircuiting with the positive gold ions in it's chamber?
Just thinking
06-12-2006, 03:09 PM
...Quote by mineorogreece:
So what you are actually saying is that it can pick up the minute arcing of the positive and negative shortcircuit of the ions in the battery from long distance.So why cant it be picking up the minute arcing when the negative gold ions are shortcircuiting with the positive gold ions in it's chamber?
Just thinking
I am not saying that at all. If you read my answer, I said "It does not mean anything about ions".
I never said that it has anything to do with ions in the chamber. If you read my statements about ions you will see these words: "The existence of measurable ions inside the chamber being sensed has never been proven by anyone. The fact that the machine beeped is proof only that it beeped when you short-circuited a battery nearby". "I highly doubt the reason is because of ions inside the chamber".
I cannot understand how you came to conlcude I am saying there is some working mechanism of ions in the chamber. And also how you determined that i am saying the pdc can detect ions in the battery from a long distance. It is ludicrous for you to try to claim these are my statements. I am not so stupid as to say anything as un-believable as that.
If it helps you to understand what I actually said, you can read the words in my previous post, rather than the new words you tried to re-write for me.
Here is a simpler-to-read outline of what I think about your report of beeping on the pdc:
1. If your report is accurate, then it proves that the pdc beeped when you short circuited the battery. It does not prove anything about ions or long distances more than the distances you observed.
2. The minute arcing that I referred to happens whenever a battery with a charge is short circuited in air. I made mo commentary to suggest that the pdc is sensing ions from this arc. In fact my speculation is that there are electromagnetic waves which are commonly thought of as "noise" being radiated into the air as a result of a rapid increase in current flow through the conductor which is shorting the battery. This radiated wave could be coupling with some of the circuitry within the pdc. I have noticed this phenomenon cause measurable signals in a number of electronic instruments.
3. As I stated, It is only my speculation that this is the source of the beeping in your pdc. When I say it is speculation, this means it is NOT a fact, but only my theory based on the limited information you provided. I cannot determine the actual cause of the beeps in your pdc without conducting tests on the machine.
The final part of your post is where you ask: "So why cant it be picking up the minute arcing when the negative gold ions are shortcircuiting with the positive gold ions in it's chamber?"
Nobody knows why it can't do that. Perhaps the reason is because it has no mechanism which allows it to do that. Perhaps there are no gold ions short circuiting in the chamber. If you want to know for sure, I would suggest you send the machine to a testing lab to find out if there are really any measurable ions of any kind in that chamber. If the lab tells you yes, then have them test the flow of ions and current in the sensor to see if it changes when in the proximity of distant buried treasures.
So far, nobody I ever heard of has been able to find any measureable ions inside a mineoro chamber, and nobody on earth is willing to conduct a live demonstration of a mineoro detector finding treasure. Maybe that will help shed some light on the answer to your question of why a pdc can't pick up the "minute arcing".
06-13-2006, 09:34 PM
Does anybody know how much cost mineoro pdc 210 and mineoro fg79?
Does anybody know how much cost mineoro pdc 210 and mineoro fg79?
The PDC 210 is discontinued, however you may contact Mineoro to check if they still have any in stock and see the price that you can get.
The FG 79 is not out yet and I think is little less than $8,000. But I can be wrong.
06-14-2006, 12:43 PM
Dell Winders
06-14-2006, 04:30 PM
The owner of the unit I field tested wishes to sell his Mineoro. At the moment he is in the hospital with quadruple by-pass surgery. When he returns home I will find out the asking price, along with pertinent information and post it. Dell
The owner of the unit I field tested wishes to sell his Mineoro. At the moment he is in the hospital with quadruple by-pass surgery. When he returns home I will find out the asking price, along with pertinent information and post it. Dell
Sorry to hear about his health Dell. Hope he recovers fast.
06-17-2006, 05:56 PM
Hello members of this forum
I just wanted to ask your opinion regarding the mineoro.Recently I discovered this.
I calibrated the pdc210fg and then set it on the ground.Then I got a 1.5v battery and started to shortcircuit it.The pdc beeped everytime I shortcircuited it quickly, even from 3 meters away.This means that it truly detects the shortcircuit of the positive and negative ions in it's chamber?
Waiting for your comments.
Shorting the terminals of a battery will produce some broadband electromagnetic interference. As shown by Carl in an earlier post, there is a small radio receiver built into the Mineoro. See image below:
I believe it is a simple regenerative receiver, used to pick up radio waves. I suspect the demonstrations I've heard about involve someone with an appropriate radio transmitter who can remotely cause the device to beep on command.
If anyone has a Mineoro they wish to sell, rent, or loan, I'll finish up my investigation and post a formal report.
- Carl
P.S. -- the device does not detect gold. Yes, I tried.
06-17-2006, 07:22 PM
what happens in a shortcircuit is diferent of radio waves. as you mentioned is an electromagnetic interference, but not necessarily radio waves. If it's so, then for assurance can make a confirmatory test;
turn on a radio transmitter near mineoro then change any option; frequency and output voltage(sensitivity).frequently turn it on/off. Let us know the results. If I had a mineoro, definitely would do it.
06-17-2006, 10:24 PM
what happens in a shortcircuit is diferent of radio waves. as you mentioned is an electromagnetic interference, but not necessarily radio waves. If it's so, then for assurance can make a confirmatory test;
turn on a radio transmitter near mineoro then change any option; frequency and output voltage(sensitivity).frequently turn it on/off. Let us know the results. If I had a mineoro, definitely would do it.
I disagree. Radio waves and electromagnetic waves are the same thing. Unless (of course) your definition of radio waves means that they are modulated in some way. I do not know what type of "radio" receiver is contained in the Mineoro, but it doesn't look too complicated, and may be just an RF amplifier. In which case it would easily pick up the interference from a nearby spark transmitter.
06-18-2006, 04:22 AM
I posted this in IONIC MECHANISM but maybe it fits better here.
To all doing the ION detectors,
From building several so called ion detectors (Ivconic, Zahori, etc.) I find that they all do a good job of detecting electrostatic fields but are lousy in detection of ions. I decided that the ion detector must be able to distinguish between the two or one doesn't have any reliable way to tell if ions are being detected or it is simply an electrostatic field.
To solve this conumdrum I ran a few tests with my ion/ES detector and found that ions have a very rapid pulse associaled with them. This would be analogous to what Esteban referred to in one memo saying the Minero gave a "pop" in the earphones when an ion was detected. Conversely, the ES fields were much slower transitions.
The "radio receiver" in the Mineoro detector is possibly a pulse (high frequency) detector and if it is a radio, it is a very poor way to do a pulse detect that comes from an ion or ion discharge.
In my tests I set off sparks by walking across my carpet with acrylic socks and then touched a ground location to create a spark discharge. That would be ion discharges and high speed discharges. I adjusted my oscope to detect anything over 50 Khz as output from the my ion/ES detector circuit. I found that the only spark discharges were detected and the electrostatic fields that I created around the antenna would be totally ignored as far as triggering the Oscope.
So now I am going to install a glitch grabber circuit into my detector circuit and see how that works.
As an aside, I did a lot of field tests looking for buried treasure with my ion/ES detector and so far have found absolutely nothing. The detector is so sensitive that my feet generate ES and possibly ion discharges that make the detector meter do wild. So to counter this I take a few steps that then use the detector.
Any inputs on a simple glitch detector would be appreciated.
If there is a pony in all this ion horsepucky TH stuf I'll find it.
06-18-2006, 05:31 AM
The detector is so sensitive that my feet generate ES and possibly ion discharges that make the detector meter do wild. So to counter this I take a few steps that then use the detector.
Which one is so sensitive; built base on Ivconic or Zahori circuit?
which one is more satisfiable, stable and precise? Thanks a lot.
06-18-2006, 05:38 AM
i agree with Qiaozhi, he is absolutely right when shortcut battery it produce electomagnetic waves with wery large freqency spectrum - from khz to mhz
you can recieve with any radio reciever.
about black box it is for low freqency becose of ferit transformer (may be coil) for me it is generator for 5-10 khz
about board there is antena printed on board very similar to car alarm remote unit working around 422 mhz
there is very strange parts not logical to be together
there is any opamp for taking small signals and to put them in PIC
06-18-2006, 09:48 AM
Hmmm... I been reading about this "ion crashing" stuff for awhile, and it occurred to me there's something wrong with this picture. First off, there is no record of "ion crashing" anywhere in the history of physics that I ever read about. Now maybe it is true that ions really do crash and make signals that a Mineoro machine can hone in on to detect incredible treasures from long distances. but what if.... just suppose...
Maybe there is no such thing as ions "crashing" in a way that makes a signal to be sensed. Now I am not saying there is no such thing, I am only asking "what if the theory is wrong"...
Just suppose for a minute... that there is a completely different mechanism that allows LRL detectors to work. And also suppose that Damasio does not know what this principle is.. (only suppose)..
If we were to suppose Damasio was wrong in his assessment of how his machines work, then could it be possible that the short-circuited battery was actually sending out radio waves that can be picked up by the circuitry in his machine? Hmmm? Can you rule that out?
Now we all know our beloved Demasio would NEVER intentionally mislead us. But just suppose he made an error when trying to determine the mechanism how his machines work... What would this mean?
Would it mean that Qiaozhi is right? Would it mean the battery syndrome is merely radio noise? Would it mean there are no ions causing the mineoro machines to beep?
06-18-2006, 10:11 AM
I have mineoro unit, I checked it with an Ion detector, it emmits negative ions not positive as posted here befor.
I have also personal neck negative air ionizer, I put it infront of the mineoro unit and it detected from about 5 meter.
hope this information help you.
06-18-2006, 10:26 AM
mosha: I have mineoro unit, I checked it with an Ion detector, it emmits negative ions not positive as posted here befor. I have also personal neck negative air ionizer, I put it infront of the mineoro unit and it detected from about 5 meter.
Really? Are You sure? The mineoro sent out negative ions 5 meters from the box?
I am amazed. I thought Damasio said the ions were contained inside the chamber. I had no idea these ions are transmitted 5 meters away! I would like to see this test with my own eyes. What model Mineoro do you have?
06-18-2006, 11:01 AM
it don't sent the ions a way, but around the champer only.
I said it detect the small air negative ionizer from 5 meters when I put the ionizer infront of the mineoro unit from 3 to 5 meters it beebs.
I think the mineoro unit has two main circuits, first is VLF detector and the second is ionizer. it detect the ions' collisions around the champer.
this is just a guiss.
Dell Winders
06-18-2006, 02:49 PM
I am not qualified to argue electronics, or physics with any of you, but I have field tested ELECTRONICLY METERED Remote sensing Discrimination devices, by several inventors since I was first introduced to this concept in 1979. So far, Mineoro, is the only developer among those inventor's to ever suggest the Ion theory.
For what it's worth, the Mineoro, generates a harmonic signal line to and from the "Field" of the target which can be metered with a simple pair of Dowsing rods, and the "field' volume nulled with my "Weight chek" the same as every other so called LRL, I've ever used by ANY manufacture.
This is a provable common link regardless of theory, claims, or arguments Pro or Con. Dell
Just suppose for a minute... that there is a completely different mechanism that allows LRL detectors to work. And also suppose that Damasio does not know what this principle is.. (only suppose)..
Hey JPlayer, suppose for a minute that the inventor of the airplane never meant that this machine could fly. He actually wanted it to be another automobile just using the wings to get some air thrust...
But hey, this thing can fly!
If we were to suppose Damasio was wrong in his assessment of how his machines work, then could it be possible that the short-circuited battery was actually sending out radio waves that can be picked up by the circuitry in his machine? Hmmm? Can you rule that out?
He, he,he. Damasio and Alonso studying the phenomena for 50 years, and now some here expect to discover their methods in some posts...
Would it mean that Qiaozhi is right? Would it mean the battery syndrome is merely radio noise? Would it mean there are no ions causing the mineoro machines to beep?
I think we have covered this 1,000 times before. Ions surrond matter and long time buried objects produce stronger fields. Your basis to understand this better lacks the introduction of a component which I am not gonna tell. But I grant you the concept is correct.
Dell Winders
06-18-2006, 08:57 PM
From what I've seen in comparison , Minero is still a long ways behind in understanding the workings of Remote Sensing Discrimination technology.
I don't buy the legitimacy of their supposedly developing a new model every few months and promoting it as a new advanced technology each time and then excusing the problems of 1 year old models as old technology. If they don't understand the technology after 50 years of R&D, they never will.
The promotions of an advanced technology with each sound like an all too familiar LRL competitive marketing ploy used by some US sellers to get repeat business and justify higher prices by a slight revamping of the same old product. Dell
From what I've seen in comparison , Minero is still a long ways behind in understanding the workings of Remote Sensing Discrimination technology.
Dell I can't compare this to dowsing or whatever, but one thing Damasio always gets pissed is when somebody tells him his detector involves discrimination. He almost shout: 'The detector does not discriminate which is a primitive term. The detector classify the substance.'
So please go to their site and understand the difference. They are completely different things. If you don't find it on their site, I can provide you a link.
I don't buy the legitimacy of their supposedly developing a new model every few months and promoting it as a new advanced technology each time and then excusing the problems of 1 year old models as old technology. If they don't understand the technology after 50 years of R&D, they never will.
I don't see it like that. All previous detectors work. My team with the PDC detected a jesuit site. They may have a questionable policy which one can or canmnot agree, but their efforts in always improve their invention is evident.
Good for us customers.
Dell Winders
06-19-2006, 01:05 AM
Dell I can't compare this to dowsing or whatever, but one thing Damasio always gets pissed is when somebody tells him his detector involves discrimination. He almost shout: 'The detector does not discriminate which is a primitive term. The detector classify the substance.'
So please go to their site and understand the difference. They are completely different things. If you don't find it on their site, I can provide you a link.
Sorry, I have no formal education, or technical training so I apologize for the mis-nomer. There is nothing I can do if folks I don't know get pissed at my ignorance, so that is their own problem.
I remember the instructions did say the Mineoro was subject to detecting elements other than Gold even though it is explained as a Gold Ion detector with an integrated Gold conductor. Can I assume then that the Mineoro, is only designed to classify and distinguish between Ferrous & and Non-ferrous metals, and not intended to discriminate to any specific chemical element?
No, I did not include dowsing with my comparison of other electronic remote sensing technologies I've field tested since 1979, other than they all, including Mineoro, can trace their signal to the target with simple non-electronic rods that can also be used for Dowsing. Of course, if I didn't understand there are metering applications other than dowsing with the Rods, I wouldn't be able to inform you of that.
I don't see it like that. All previous detectors work. My team with the PDC detected a jesuit site. They may have a questionable policy which one can or canmnot agree, but their efforts in always improve their invention is evident. Good for us customers.
I don't question the fact that the Mineoro, works. I have field tested and compared one of their models 428?, with a 528? upgrade, with other methods that also work.
From my own field experience of using different applications and theories advanced by different inventors compared with the Mineoro, prompted me to express the opinion; Originally Posted by Dell Winders
From what I've seen in comparison , Minero is still a long ways behind in understanding the workings of Remote Sensing Discrimination technology.
Yes, I do question their advertising & promotion policy because in their instructions I found some mis-leading things that didn't quite hold true and creates doubt in my mind whether the author is as well informed about the Mineoro operation, as the advertising suggests.
A questionable advertising policy, can result in a questionable product. Dell
06-20-2006, 10:56 AM
Hello Dell
This was sent to me by mineoro which describes their detection system and I think it talks about what esteban and hung and you are talking about.
Substance Locator and Classifying Detector.
This is a system capable of accurately detecting,
locating and classifying, at long range, the
detected substance.
It detects,locates and classifies buried substances.
The detection method is based on the electrostatic
fields generated by the Inner core of the Earth that
originate in cosmic space. Location is made possible
due to elliptical propagation of ionic fields, generated
and released by buried substances.
Substance classification is made possible
because of energy archs that emit from buried or non
buried matter, which generate potential energy when
interacting inside an ionic chamber of the same
substance. This phenomenon is amplified in
electronic or mechanical circuitry.
Substance detection takes place in an elliptical
shape. The shortest detection distance occurs at the
South-North direction. The largest detection
distance, at the North-South direction. Average
distances will happen at the East-West/ West-East
Distances are able to be measured from the
geometrical shape generated by electrostatic and
ionic fields at the location of buried substances,
are proportional to mass and depth.
Present Technique Stage:
Presently, Buried Substance Detection Systems in the
market, are based in electromagnetic wave
There are detection methods using dynamic
electricity that measure such variations through
The above mentioned systems are not able to detect
substances at long range,
classify substances, and can't measure
06-23-2006, 01:08 AM
All good long range detector actuates as a sensitive switch. This is the more simple and precisse explanation I can provide.:)
Dell Winders
06-24-2006, 10:54 PM
I have already acknowledged that the Mineoro, I tested in Central Florida did indeed work, but was subject to the same limitations as every other MFD/LRL on, and off the market I have field tested. I will be happy to offer an LRL comparison result to the Mineoro, on the Mineoro thread if you are interested?
Are you sure you are now an expert in tuning the Mineoro detector you used? No, I am not. We were tuning according to the factory instructions.
How did you know that you set the correct calibrations to claim the above statements. There is no way for the customer to know without testing on a known target, which I did. But, the customer had no known targets to test Mineoro. Twice it did appear to detect a 1 ounce Gold Kruggerand. Once while in my pocket, and the second time laying on the ground, but more testing would have to be done to be sure.
There's no detector on earth right now AFAIK beat the Mineoros.
If you have not used every detector on earth it is an unqualified opinion.
It is my personal opinion, based on my own field experience that the value of
the technology claims by the manufacturers of Mineoro, is being overrated for marketing purposes. The scientific words and graphics are impressive to the novice, but comparative results, with less expensive products is not impressive. Dell
I don't agree with that.
That's your perrogative. I can only honestly inform you, Mineoro company ,or any one interested our results. Whether you believe me or not doesn't matter.
We compared the results of the Mineoro, with 3 other MFD/LRL, which used the rods to trace the locations, determine the depth, and measure the target size, reversing the proceedure on half the locations. They were all within inches of being the same, regardless.
On one occassion we rented an extend-a-hoe and excavated to a depth of 13 feet, and on another occasion we rented a trac hoe (excavator) and with the aid of a large pump we excavated to a depth of 20 feet. On both occassions the readings of Minero, and two of the other MFD/LRL indicated the targets were still there, but beyond our limitations to dig any deeper.
Of course there are things as 'marketing strategies', but nothing Mineoros claims in their tests are false. Neither are any of my claims. They are backed by witnesses and some video documentation.
Dell, you live miles away from Mineoro. I live close and have visited the factory. I don't want to believe in the things you do. Again, that is your perrogative, but it is meaningless unless you have also experienced the use of the Mineoro, under the conditions of Central Florida.
But please don't emit opinions without absolute sureness.
No! I am not an expert at tuning the Mineoro detector. it was the first time I had ever seen one. The customer had tried to tune the Minero, according to the instructions with no success, and he said his E-mails requesting advice from the California dealer, and the Mineoro, were not answered. I suggested he could drive the 50 miles to my residence and I would help if I could.
If I remember correctly, according to the instructions it said the Mineoro, would not work between the hours of 11 AM and 1 PM, because of the position of the sun. Just in reading this I knew that this was not necessarily true. As any experienced LRL/MFD user can tell you Solar affects are not regulated according to a man made time table. These products can be affected anytime day, or night by this phenomena and it can last for hours, sometimes days. The Mineoro, proved to be no exception. you can't tune the Mineoro when there is no reception signal to tune to, and Mineoro, provides no instructions, or meter, for the operator to know when the Mineoro, is going to work, and when it is not going to work. it's left to a customer's guessing game, with Mineoro's deceptive operating times disclaimer.
I do not emit this opinion without absolute surness. I do not lie. Dell
Sorry Dell, I did not mean you were a liar.
On the contrary, you are one of the most respected member here and I admire your open mind a lot. It's due to your open mind you have come that far.
Are you sure the manual says the GDP won't work from 11 to 1 ?
This is strange, because besides the fact that my medalion was detected with my PDC in this time period, If I remember well this time period is just weaker but it does not necessarily means one can not go out and detect.
I can agree with you the detector manual lacks a lot of things. But take this to the huge industrial field. I used to own 2 years ago a Sony DMX mixing board. Superb board, but if you read the manual (japanese to english), you feel like spitting on it. No, absolutely no practical info on how to use it. Mainly descriptive subjects. It took a representative in US to write another manual which included tutorials, how to, explanations, etc.
And there are also the people who don't need to read manuals much. They like to explore 'new frontiers' and discover things by their own. I admit I fall in this category.
Back to Mineoro detectors, you really have to spend time with it as there are tips and things you can do with it which are not in the manual.
Finally, when I said Mineoro are the best detectors in my opinion, maybe is because I know them so well and there's all this controversy regarding others. But in the past I already said I believe there are other LRLs which also can detect gold, but as most of them if not all involves rods, dowsing or something like that which is based on mind, the Mineoros don't give false signals (if well set) and are totally electronic.
I'm not saying dowsing and MFDs do not work. I know they do. What I am saying is that the ionic principle and Mineoro's concept are an overwhelming achievement.
You may even not take my word for it, but you would be amazed at how Alonso and Damasio, these two nice seniors, know about treasure hunter technology and have 50 years of story tellings to share...
Dell Winders
06-26-2006, 04:12 AM
It's due to your open mind you have come that far.
Are you sure the manual says the GDP won't work from 11 to 1 ?
I'm open minded about the things which I know have already been done. I allow myself to be skeptical of things that don't seem likely within my own realm of understanding.
I called the Mineoro owner, to confirm the hours the specific hours the Mineoro was not supposed to work, but he didn't have access to his operator's manual, but 11 to 1 sounded close.
I checked the Mineoro web site for the on-line instructions and they were no longer there. Sorry, I can't say for sure.
I was reading reading the information about their "Substance Classifier" and was suddenly stunned at the realization the description of reasons and effects were describing in detail the effects of my own product "X-SCAN" which I never considered to be working according to an Ion theory.
Even with many years of using LRL and Frequency Discrimination, I am as amazed and elated with the abilities of the X-SCAN, as the inventors of Mineoro, appear with their New invention. I really don't know how it works, but if as you say, that Mineoro, would sue OKM for infringement, it certainly raises reason for my concern.
If it took Mineoro 50 years to build their New Invention from their theory, and it took me 3 weeks to build my New invention from my own simplistic theory. That means they were there first and mine, is still developing. I haven't taken the time to convert it into a beeper yet.
But, that's what I like about competition. It forces manufacturers to build better products for lower prices, and that benefits consumers.
Iam happy to see Mineoro, is stopping their continous upgrade policy and passing the costs on to the consumer each time. My thanks, for becoming a new example for my Skeptic Cult logo. "WHAT HAS BEEN DONE, CAN BE DONE" Dell
06-26-2006, 06:17 AM
Hello Hung and everybody,
I have an idea for Mineoro which can help the rest of us if they go along with it.Since Damasio and Alonso have all this experience ,it would be great if they sat down and wrote a book on detecting with their devices,with many examples and practical experiences.This would be very handy for all people interested but which have doubts.Also since these 2 inventors are getting old,they will be gone in the next 10-15 years but the information and their products will stay for the next generation.It would be greatly appreciated by many people.
Just a few thoughts from me.
06-26-2006, 10:51 AM
Hello Hung and everybody,
I have an idea for Mineoro which can help the rest of us if they go along with it.Since Damasio and Alonso have all this experience ,it would be great if they sat down and wrote a book on detecting with their devices,with many examples and practical experiences.This would be very handy for all people interested but which have doubts.Also since these 2 inventors are getting old,they will be gone in the next 10-15 years but the information and their products will stay for the next generation.It would be greatly appreciated by many people.
Just a few thoughts from me.
Damasio is 70 and Alonso is younger. I believe 63.
Sure they know they won't last forever.
AFAIK Damasio is training his grandson who has a degree in electronics to suceed him.
But we all know they are two different people.
Your idea of a book is interesting. But I don't know if they would place their secrets on it. As I know him, I doub it.
I think their main goal is about to happen. To make the detectors fully automatic so the fine tuning is always at best.
In my opinion they gave a tremendous contribution to treasure detecting. I believe from now on just enhancements in terms of imaging, all weather conditions, etc. will be made.
The main concept has been estabilished.
I'm open minded about the things which I know have already been done. I allow myself to be skeptical of things that don't seem likely within my own realm of understanding.
I called the Mineoro owner, to confirm the hours the specific hours the Mineoro was not supposed to work, but he didn't have access to his operator's manual, but 11 to 1 sounded close.
I checked the Mineoro web site for the on-line instructions and they were no longer there. Sorry, I can't say for sure.
I was reading reading the information about their "Substance Classifier" and was suddenly stunned at the realization the description of reasons and effects were describing in detail the effects of my own product "X-SCAN" which I never considered to be working according to an Ion theory.
Even with many years of using LRL and Frequency Discrimination, I am as amazed and elated with the abilities of the X-SCAN, as the inventors of Mineoro, appear with their New invention. I really don't know how it works, but if as you say, that Mineoro, would sue OKM for infringement, it certainly raises reason for my concern.
If it took Mineoro 50 years to build their New Invention from their theory, and it took me 3 weeks to build my New invention from my own simplistic theory. That means they were there first and mine, is still developing. I haven't taken the time to convert it into a beeper yet.
But, that's what I like about competition. It forces manufacturers to build better products for lower prices, and that benefits consumers.
Iam happy to see Mineoro, is stopping their continous upgrade policy and passing the costs on to the consumer each time. My thanks, for becoming a new example for my Skeptic Cult logo. "WHAT HAS BEEN DONE, CAN BE DONE" Dell
Understand the Mineoro's method of 'classify' the substances.
06-26-2006, 08:35 PM
Hi Andreas,
It would be good to see the schematics of the Mineoro "detectors", but I doubt that Carl will want to publish these commercial schematics openly on this forum.
One small point - you should not post replies using CAPITAL LETTERS as this is considered as "shouting". It is just part of forum etiquette.
Maybe you could upload the schematics to another site. Many people on this forum use
Dell Winders
06-26-2006, 09:20 PM
To this phenomenom, Alonso (60) and Damásio (70) gave the name of "Substance Classifier" or just "Classifier". This denomination was necessary to differentiate from the expression "discrimination",commonly used in other systems of detection by electromagnetic waves. About the "classifier" it is good to inform that it is possible to manufacture classifiers for other metal and non-metal substances. It is possible to classify blood in its kinds; plants and its kinds; drugs and its kinds, etc. at long distance. That is why we announced in the media that we are talking about " A MODERN INVENTION".
I read the changes in the new models and believe it is for the better. With the LRL's I am familiar with it is well understood that increasing the broadcast strength, increases the range, the ability to detect newly placed surface samples, and overcome some interference. There are some trade offs such as increased sensitivity to detect even micron sized particles when clustered, and too much broadcast strength creates distortion resulting in off target locations.
I am happy to see Mineoro, include an adjustable power output. This can be a helpful feature. I couldn't understand why they had not included this feature in previous models?
The Mineoro, webpage illustrations show Ions rising vertically straight up from the target to a specific height above the surface of the ground. Is this pattern an established Scientific fact about the physics of Ions, or is it the presumption of the inventors?
Thank you for your kind efforts to have my questions answered. Dell
I am happy to see Mineoro, include an adjustable power output. This can be a helpful feature. I couldn't understand why they had not included this feature in previous models?
Maybe because the time is now?
The Mineoro, webpage illustrations show Ions rising vertically straight up from the target to a specific height above the surface of the ground. Is this pattern an established Scientific fact about the physics of Ions, or is it the presumption of the inventors?
No. The inventors would not make presumptions. They measured this exaustively and found out the above. In fact, I need to ask Damasio about details on this when I see him again. I want to know in particular if this exact height varies with the mass of the buried object, or it's a constant factor caused by the earth electrostatics...
I am almost sure that this could raise controversy in the scientific comunity as with hundreds of other matters, but if they both claim this, they know what they're talking about.
Stand by that if I get to talk to him, I'll post his answer.
06-27-2006, 01:11 AM
It would be good to see the schematics of the Mineoro "detectors", but I doubt that Carl will want to publish these commercial schematics openly on this forum.
No, I'll be glad to post them, with Andreas' permission. I'll have to dig out the emails he sent me, so it may be a day or two...
Dell Winders
06-27-2006, 02:17 AM
Thanks! I'm trying to ascertain if we are studying the same energy fields? There appear to be striking similarities with reference to Mineoro's description, but there are wide descrepancies between some parts of our studies and analysis.
The "fields" I am familiar with do not necessarily rise vertical from the target to the surface. In earlier years, they were mostly vertical with an occasional offset of 1-9 degrees to the South. The residual effects of years of a double Solar cycle, the slowing of the earth's spinning core, and the migration of the earths polarity, appear to have changed that. There is no longer any predicability as to whether the target "Field" will be rising vertical, at an angle, or the degree of angle.
I have electronicly metered these "Fields" to an altitude above the ground surface of 2,000 feet from an aircraft with a Frequency Discriminator, located the anomalies on the ground, and ground truthed at least one of the anomalies.
Using another electronic method referred to as a "Gamma Scan" for the lack of a better name, we have conducted Treasure survey's using an aircraft and later ground truthed the locations, that were detected from altitudes up to 6,000 feet, and 150 miles distance. The Denver, Co mint was used as a reference point in learning to calibrate the instrument from the air, at distances up to 350 miles.
There is more, but the interesting thing is, the target signals from these high tech electronic instruments can be metered with simple L-Rod(s). We are easily able to did this with the Mineoro.
It will be interesting for me to learn if the New Mineoro, has the broadcast strength to over come the conditions that hindered our use of the model tested in Central Florida, and appears to me to be a problem in other parts of the USA as well, before I would consider, or reccommend it's purchase at this time.
Knowing what I know about the field use of LRL, I am skeptical of the New Mineoro models ability to perform consistently under our present operating conditions. I hope I can look forward to being proved wrong. Dell
Dell, upon the indonesia tsunami period, in which the earth's axis tilted a little bit, Damasio told me that this could have influenced the ionic and electrostatic field propagation in some way.
I don't know exactly what he did but some days later he returned to me saying that nothing had changed.
The height of the field being around 7 feet above the earth's surface refers exclusively to the ionic/electrostatic field. I'm sure there are other fields involved , such as EM spectrums which can be picked up by MFDs. But those are different aproaches.
One thing worth of mentioning. Damasio built and uses an ionic Lrod. He is a master on it. When going to the beach with him at the time I was there, the ionic fields were awfully low. My PDC seemed useless. With his ionic rod, he detected an object kept walking till he was over it and told me. 'Here. try the PDC over here', he said showing me an exact spot. I pointed the PDC over it 4 inches away and it beeped! Making a confirmation.
The procedure is always the same. He only decides to go to the beach when in the factory test field he experiments with his rod and find there's enough ionic field activity worth of going out.
His rod is indeed incredible.
One close affiliate told me that a famous american rod user came to know about his rod and decided to fly to Garopaba to see it. Prior to using Damasio's rod, he was saying how good and unique his own rod was...
To make a long story short, he left his rod there and took the ionic one back home.
Dell Winders
06-27-2006, 07:03 PM
The procedure is always the same. He only decides to go to the beach when in the factory test field he experiments with his rod and find there's enough ionic field activity worth of going out.
Hung, I can relate to every thing you say. However, because Damasio, finds it necessary to check his test field to deterimine if the ionic fields are strong enough for the Ionic rod to work, it would appear that he is in doubt himself that the Mineoro, will always work except for the specific 2 hour period in the middle of the day that is implied in the instructions. Is the consumer not being openly informed of all the Mineoro's, limitations?
The height of the field being around 7 feet above the earth's surface refers exclusively to the ionic/electrostatic field. I'm sure there are other fields involved , such as EM spectrums which can be picked up by MFDs. But those are different aproaches.
The simple locator rod I build only detects the target "field" up to 2 feet above the surface which makes it highly directional (pictured with the X-SCAN) We field compared a simple Non-electronic Gold directional rod with the Mineoro, and the locations were the same each time with the use of either. with little difference in the results, or limitations, the visible difference is obvious. Size, weight, appearance and the MIneoro, has an electronic circuit that beeps. Minero, has marketing appeal. Consumers have been oriented to a technological age. Consumers expect this and are willing to pay the price for Beep technology.
His rod is indeed incredible.
One close affiliate told me that a famous american rod user came to know about his rod and decided to fly to Garopaba to see it. Prior to using Damasio's rod, he was saying how good and unique his own rod was...
To make a long story short, he left his rod there and took the ionic one back home. As a Professional Treasure hunter/salvor, I can relate to that. I've always sought after methods better than I was presently using. That's how I became knoledgeable in the field use of all types of gizmos, gadgets, technologies and detection methods on the market.
If Mineoro, had proven better than what I presently use, I would purchase a Mineoro, but the new unit we tested, did not.
The Mineoro Florida customer is now asking less than $3,000 for his like new Mineoro, with all the accessories including Depth & Center. He thinks it is a fine product, but unfortunately it did not live up to his own unrealistic expectations generated by Mineoro, marketing strategy. A wannabe Treasure hunters weakness is to want the best, even if it's made to sound too good to be true.
Now, less than a year later, Mineoro, is promoting another improved technology for another investment of several thousand dollars. Of course this has greatly dimminished the value of this customer's investment in the Mineoro product, he recently purchased. The irony is that he had to wait several months for delivery of the supposed new factory upgrade to the model he did purchase in order to have the latest and the best, which he apparently does not have. Dell
06-27-2006, 10:30 PM
No, I'll be glad to post them, with Andreas' permission. I'll have to dig out the emails he sent me, so it may be a day or two...
Thanks Carl. I'm sure we are all eager to see these schematics.
06-29-2006, 01:10 PM
Dear friends. Hello again. Carl does not need he searches for the drawings. I prefer something better. I present my own drawings. The beginning of operation of electronic circuit is supported in the same phenomenon that the MINEORO used for all old her own detectors. All the circuit functions. The regulations will be sent slower personal in whoever it finds the solution. I want through the FOrum is discussed also my joy is to occupy all "what sees".
I would only want to add that personally I do not interest itself for the hunting of treasures, but, interpretation of various unknown phenomena. Consequently the regulations will not be published through the Forum, because, I do not want becomes commercial exploitation.
Because I have a certain problem with the Internet explorer I want a e-mail in order to I send
Drawings in jpeg. I request the drawings to be published immediately in Forum
Andreas e-mail ANCHRY@IN. gr.
07-16-2006, 12:17 PM
:confused: who this model :D :D :D
Hi Jonas,
As far as I know, this is the picture of a prototype model which could pick up gold in air, not necessarily buried.
As this technology moved to current models FG79 and FG80, I believe the MT2006 has never been released.
07-17-2006, 07:23 PM
Hi Hung
New model?:
Hi Hung
New model?:
Well, not so new... They have been displaying it in the site for sometime. But only last week or so I think it actually began shipping. This is the one of the three definitive automatic models.
07-18-2006, 01:38 PM DETECTORS FOR TREASURES/Model DC2008 (http://javascript<b></b>:;) in the image to extend Information and Prices
click here ( It is not RadiestesiaElectronic equipment Model DC2008 - Automatic
We communicate the launching in the international market of the Directional Detector of Long Distance. One is about model DC2008 - to only locate embedded gold.
New models FG80/FG79 and DC2008, only detect gold. But, also it is póssÃ*vel to detect silver, bronze and has covered or leagues of these metals between itself and that they are embedded it has many years. The more embedded time, better the detention.
Metals that if find deposited in the surface of the land or walls; deposited in attics or bilges; in caves, underground, tunnels, furnas, at last, static objects; although they are not embedded, they will be detected with precision, since that it does not have, during long time - many years – physical movement of people, machines or vehicles, and nor electric net in functioning.
Despite the success of model PDC210 launched in 2003, our Laboratory of Research continued studying the iónico-electrostatic phenomenon. It had a considerable advance in the field and laboratory research.
The detector directional model </B>PDC210 and of long distance, launched in 2003, was an unknown detector in the whole world. It did not have another model capable to locate gold objects in the depth of 28 meters !
E this depth, 28 meters, is not the limit. Already objects through a mountain had been found whose diameter was of 350 meters.
Model GDP538, GDM428 and DM42, had been surpassed by new models FG80/FG79 and DC2008, launched in 2006.
In the distance of detention it increased 10 times more. To see in the Graph ( 2ftesouros%2ftabeladc.htm), the differences between the PDC210 launched in 2003 and models FG80/FG79 and DC2008 launched in 2006.
Some joined Treasures
- 17 bars of gold had been located (Lebanon);
- a box I contend 10,000 (ten a thousand) currencies of gold of 8 (eight) grams each one (Lebanon);
- untied gold currencies (Greece) and much more. It sees more in Recent Findings ( 2ftesouros%2fachados01.htm).
The model support that folloies detector DC2008 is a very useful accessory to determine in simple and practical way the center and the depth it found object, making possible a more necessary hollowing.
Directional Substance detector DC2008 - electronic and Total inteiriços (to only remove of the case)
Support - It determines the Center and the Depth with precision - Has two models.
Detection system
Biotronic Classifier System - BCS
It sees the Graph ( 2ftesouros%2ftabeladc.htm)
Source of feeding
12 x 1.5V AA alkaline stacks - 03 x 9 V alkaline battery
Length 18cm - Width 23cm - Height 26cm
You substantiate that it detects
It only detects gold. But, also it is possible to detect Silver, Copper, Bronze and aleações
1,5 kg
03 years
TOP ( 2ftesouros%2fdc2008.htm#top) 48 3254 3142 - Telefonista
Tel: 48 3254 4818 - Torquato (portugu곩 48 3254 3002 - Monica (espanhol)
Tel: 48 3254 3978 - Patricia (ingl곩 (ingl곩
It's a hungry beast ->
12 x 1.5V AA alkaline stacks - 03 x 9 V alkaline battery
And I mean "hungry". The battery details are called "Source of feeding" under "Characteristics". :)
07-18-2006, 07:04 PM
Some joined Treasures
- 17 bars of gold had been located (Lebanon);
- a box I contend 10,000 (ten a thousand) currencies of gold of 8 (eight) grams each one (Lebanon);
- untied gold currencies (Greece) and much more. It sees more in Recent Findings ( 2ftesouros%2fachados01.htm).
Hi old boys, if you digging anywhere in Lebanon or Greece without this unit,
you can find everytime gold(!) as long as dig for.Try to find gold with this in Central Africa or Australia and then we will speak.
07-18-2006, 10:54 PM
Some joined Treasures
- 17 bars of gold had been located (Lebanon);
- a box I contend 10,000 (ten a thousand) currencies of gold of 8 (eight) grams each one (Lebanon);
- untied gold currencies (Greece) and much more. It sees more in Recent Findings ( 2ftesouros%2fachados01.htm).
Hi old boys, if you digging anywhere in Lebanon or Greece without this unit,
you can find everytime gold(!) as long as dig for.Try to find gold with this in Central Africa or Australia and then we will speak.
Hi Seeker,
Don't confuse with me an advocate of LRLs and dowsing.:eek:
I am a total skeptic on this subject, and do not believe these devices could find gold, even if it was 1mm from the "detector". :D :D
Anyway - it gives us something to discuss...
Hi Seeker,
Don't confuse with me an advocate of LRLs and dowsing.:eek:
I am a total skeptic on this subject, and do not believe these devices could find gold, even if it was 1mm from the "detector". :D :D
Anyway - it gives us something to discuss...
Sorry, but as that song says... You keep missing treasures as 'time goes by'...
07-19-2006, 10:10 PM
Sorry, but as that song says... You keep missing treasures as 'time goes by'...
I know, I know, whatever... :)
As I've said before - I really don't care if anyone actually believes these LRLs work as advertised. If you do (and it's finding gold for you) then great. If it's not, then we will welcome another skeptic. Personally, I'm mystified :confused: that anyone could be taken in by this pseudoscience. The only treasure that can be detected by these devices is in your wallet.
The basic problem is that people are easily tricked into believing false results by a lack of understanding. It is a process of self-deception whereby we deceive ourselves that something is true, when in fact it is based on a false idea. This is referred to as pathological science. On one hand there are some well-intentioned, but misguided, individuals (many of whom are actually quite good engineers). On the other hand there are also those who intentionally seek monetary gain by selling a bunch of false ideas at ridiculous prices.
By all means build an LRL and carry out your own investigations. Carl has posted plenty of plans in the LRL section of this site for your delectation. Make up your own mind - skeptic or believer, it's up to you. ;) Just keep your hard-earned money in your pocket...
I don't know if it's possible to set up a voting system on this forum (Carl?).
If so, it would be interesting to gauge the number of LRL proponents versus opponents (anonymously of course). :)
07-20-2006, 02:39 AM
There are persons who believe and pay for to obtain the LRL.
Another persons don't believe and, of course, keep the pockets.
Others believe (in his own devices or design) and build according this. Don't expense money in it, only the necessary material. (With audacity, also you can build in Mineoro's "peeling" PCB :D.) Prototype under construction, based on Mineoro's theory:
07-20-2006, 02:46 AM
In red circle, the Mineoro brand:D
07-20-2006, 05:06 AM
Hi Seeker,
Don't confuse with me an advocate of LRLs and dowsing.:eek:
I am a total skeptic on this subject, and do not believe these devices could find gold, even if it was 1mm from the "detector". :D :D
Anyway - it gives us something to discuss...
Hi Qiaozhi ,I doubt in efficienty of electronic devices "LRL" too. In last comment I mention about fact that MINEORO has "found" gold in Lebanaon and Greece.
I know this regions, there without any LRL's,only with spade you can find gold,if you dig enough.Everywhere groud is full with artefacts and precious metals.Let's use LRL in some region, where never had ancient civilizations and we will see what LRL "find" .
But I have some experience in human dowsing and I know ( I don't believe, I know) that phenomenon exist. About 23 years I research it and I have not
found what exact move rod yet.I have some theories and only if you want I will discuss them.
07-20-2006, 02:04 PM
There are persons who believe and pay for to obtain the LRL.
Another persons don't believe and, of course, keep the pockets.
Others believe (in his own devices or design) and build according this. Don't expense money in it, only the necessary material. (With audacity, also you can build in Mineoro's "peeling" PCB :D.) Prototype under construction, based on Mineoro's theory:
This is exactly my point. It is good investigate these claims using your own device(s). Keep up the good work, and please let us know if it works.
Also, I have a question - you said "In red circle, the Mineoro brand:D". Are you using a Mineoro PCB in this design?
07-21-2006, 09:16 PM
Qiaozhi: the point is if you can't buy the detector, make it. Of course, 20 years I'm working in different...:D
The PCB is original of Mineoro, failure detector. I dissamble it and "peel" the copper. Only use the magnetic and resonant printed coils. I use individual PCB circuits for to try different of these, wich part is better, etc.
My idea is to sell Mineoro. At this moment is very stable and extremely sensitive and with great immunity to electric lines.
The electric field detector (brown PCB) I had tried 5 years ago and become very sensitive. I don't understand why I abandon this project (original with three antennas)... Grrrr!!!!:mad:
Another "candidate"::D
I spent the weekend where my friend who owns a PDC210 live. He's a professional miner who works telling other miners where the gold veins are using his PDC.
He charges daily for the detection. His mining area are getting around 200 grams of gold per ton . All of the veins were easily detected using the PDC 210.
We left to a farm where the rancher hired him to find the gold veins in his property.
Pretty easy. We first scanned the area and got hits from about 400 meters. We kept walking and centered the gold concentration and its ramifications following the beep patterns. One more job done sucessfully.
He has been doing this for several years and every miner who had the property scanned by the PDC is now sucessfully processing gold.
So coments by Qiaozi above, really makes me laugh to that!
Are some here still trying to discuss if this thing works or not????????!!!!!!
So coments by Qiaozi above, really makes me laugh to that!
07-25-2006, 03:09 PM
So coments by Qiaozi above, really makes me laugh to that!
Are some here still trying to discuss if this thing works or not????????!!!!!!
No - we're not still discussing if this thing works or not.
They don't work - period! :rolleyes:
Have a look at this crap below, and seriously tell me that this stuff has any chance whatsoever of finding gold. Jeez!!!!! You must being having a giraffe!!!!! :D
No - we're not still discussing if this thing works or not.
They don't work - period! :rolleyes:
Have a look at this crap below, and seriously tell me that this stuff has any chance whatsoever of finding gold. Jeez!!!!! You must being having a giraffe!!!!! :D
Ha,ha,ha,ha,... Qiaozhi someday I will meet you in Vegas when I 'll take the 'garbage' I found with the Mineoros to their casinos just for fun...
Lost in NC
07-26-2006, 02:02 AM
not only does it sniff gold it can pick up the yankees at texas hahaha. looks like a transistor radio i broke open when i was a kid. lebanon? yea make a claim about finding gold with this thing a county no one wants to go these days lol. im surpised it didnt say iraq or afghanistan as well. i think that this is the next evolution of alchemy. we cant make gold and its too tedious to go out and find lets try to whip up a device that will tell you how to find gold without leaving the lazy boy. im definatly game ! why if i wasnt an honest person i bet i could make a mint designing and selling this crapola. anyone want to embark on a joint venture? j/k
07-26-2006, 01:04 PM
...anyone want to embark on a joint venture? j/k
I'd be too embarassed. :eek:
Hey Esteban,
I really wish I visit your lab someday...
07-26-2006, 06:12 PM
Maybe in the day the time be generous for me! :)
I'm out of home the major part of the time. I work for a newspaper as chief of a section. As you know, prees is very absorptive!!!. In my spare time I build the detectors and make experiments.
07-26-2006, 09:54 PM
Maybe in the day the time be generous for me! :)
I'm out of home the major part of the time. I work for a newspaper as chief of a section. As you know, prees is very absorptive!!!. In my spare time I build the detectors and make experiments.
Hi Esteban,
By the way - I know I used your picture of the "crap" inside a Mineoro PDC2001M, but I hope you realise there was no disrespect intended. You are doing some very good investigations. Keep up the good work. :)
At least you've found a good use for the Mineoro PCB. :D
07-26-2006, 10:18 PM
"Hi Qiaozhi ,I doubt in efficienty of electronic devices "LRL" too. In last comment I mention
about fact that MINEORO has "found" gold in Lebanaon and Greece.
I know this regions, there without any LRL's,only with spade you can find gold,if you dig
enough.Everywhere groud is full with artefacts and precious metals.Let's use LRL in some
region, where never had ancient civilizations and we will see what LRL "find" .
But I have some experience in human dowsing and I know ( I don't believe, I know) that
phenomenon exist. About 23 years I research it and I have not found what exact move rod yet.
I have some theories and only if you want I will discuss them."
.................................................. ...............
"...there without any LRL's,only with spade you can find gold..."
And coins,and relics.....and all other items ! This is truth! I agree! I am living in such i do know is truth! Some parts of south America too....there are
very rich regions also!
Mineoro manufacturers counted on that fact, many naives would be
missleaded by random finds to beleive in such a fraud as mineoro!
"...But I have some experience in human dowsing...."
HUUH ! How many idiots i had been seen so far.....! Ts,ts,ts..!
Dowsing is one thing....but natural "skills" are quite another thing!
.................................................. .......................
Esteban: "...with great immunity to electric lines...."
and a few lines bellow: "..The electric field detector (brown PCB)..." ????
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????
Esteban you must be very confused man!? What kind of immunity you are talking about when
at the same time you have ef detector in your funny bogus device included!?
Let me tell you one thing! That brown pcb on your picture is nothing else but pre-amp
from Commodore 64's cassete player.....!? Ha,ha,ha....noty...noty...
It is sensitive of course! It should be sensitive...cassete magnetic head is supposed
to be connected on it! And a lot of CBM64 games could be loaded and played!Good job
The same confusion you showed with that zahori toy! Ha,ha,ha!!! Zahori is supposed to
detect just and only AC electric field and nothing else....But you claimed that it can
detect burried items ...!??!? Ha,ha,ha....!!!
.................................................. .....................
Hung....... "..spent the weekend where my friend who owns a PDC210 live. He's a professional
miner who works telling other miners where the gold veins are using his PDC...."
This is very nice explanation why Brasil is such poor country with enormous economic crise!
and further:
"...So coments by Qiaozi above, really makes me laugh to that!
Are some here still trying to discuss if this thing works or not????????!!!!!!..."
Ha,ha,ha,ha !!!! Nothing to discuss Hung! THIS THING DO NOT WORKS !!! PERIOD !
......."...LAUGH TO DEATH!..." Yes! died very poor! Broken!
"....Ha,ha,ha,ha,... Qiaozhi someday I will meet you in Vegas when I 'll take the
'garbage' I found with the Mineoros to their casinos just for fun..."
Ha,ha,ha....!!!! Sweet dreams Hung! You can only do that if mineoro pay your advertisments so on these pages...But as far as it could be seen here you did not done good job!
.................................................. ...........
Lost in NC..... I agree! I can only add: Albania,Korea,Somalia,Moon, Uranus....etc..
"...looks like a transistor radio i broke open when i was a kid...."
Ha,ha,ha....Yes it is! A various scrap pcbs put togather to make it look working...Amongs
those scrap i noticed a pcb from pre-amp from Commodore 64 cassete player !!!! Ha,ha,ha !
.................................................. ........
Esteban again: "...I'm out of home the major part of the time. I work for a newspaper as
chief of a section. As you know, prees is very absorptive!!!. In my spare
time I build the detectors and make experiments...."
Esteban you better hang to your avocation.....So far it showed that you just vasting time
doing other things....
If any bug can collect honey......well !??
EE diplomas arent for nothing...dont you know that?
Cut the crap people! This subject is not interesting any more....
07-26-2006, 11:28 PM
This subject is not interesting any more....
I agree wholeheartedly - but it so much fun - don't you think? :D
:D :D :D I laughed so much at your reply I nearly had a small accident. :eek:
Lost in NC
07-27-2006, 12:38 AM
yea robert it is a little bit dull but i do enjoy seeing those who beleive in them, sell them or build them squirm under the pressure. some people kick dogs we just bash LRL's save the dog and come here and vent your frustrations of the day its more humane. besides i think i am going to design one that attaches directly to a shovel. and sniffs gold and silver from 1000 feet away and to depths of ohh lets be reasonable 250 feet deep. i bet it will sell like hot cakes hhahah maybe i can contact that detector shop in florida to market them? maybe carl will sell me all of his old experiments i can super glue then to a plastic box and epoxy then to the shovel handle. just retract the anntenea turn it on and go johnny go!
07-27-2006, 02:58 AM
Lost: you are l o s t :D
07-27-2006, 03:19 AM
Oh, Robert, oh Robert: your false name.
Now, you only know that Zahori is sensitive for electric lines, but not for your own investigation, your words are based on Ivconic investigations.
In other words, your collaboration was zero in all aspects.
I'm sure you never built nothing!!!! Use more better your EE.
Sorry, nothing to do with Commodore or similar, you need glasses, telescopes, and more!
Of course, never I'll show details here.
If I work outside my house, maybe i work in electronics and my dedication in home regarding metal detector.
Robert: Go home and play with your Playstation.:D
Qiaozhi: I use the PCBs of failure detectors. 205 and 210 models are good Mineoro detectors.
Originally Posted by Esteban
Qiaozhi: I use the PCBs of failure detectors. 205 and 210 models are good Mineoro detectors.
Alright, surfing on Esteban's coment, I have a story to tell...
Remember when I mentioned my friend Celi had found a ring at the beach with the PDC 210?
Well, now I have the details, I mean amazing ones, as the ring was not long time buried !
While we were driving to the mining area, he told me the whole story.
He used to have a restaurant close to the beach. One afternoon a friend came and ask him if he could detect his ring which he had lost in the beach a FEW HOURS EARLIER.
Knowing the PDC would most likely detect targets which were buried or at surface but for a long time, he could simply have told him 'no can do'...
But he tod him he would try.
He went there with the PDC and the MP10, a Mineoro superb 2 box made in 1986. I played with it this weekend, and it's got features no 2 box to date pocesses AFAIK.
Well his friend took him to the aprox area. He over input the gain knob a little and got a beep. Ironically his friend said that was not the right place. But the beeps kept emanating from a particular direction till it stoped as he aproached it. Naturally due to fast ionic field consumption as the ring was buried too short a time.
He marked a small 'square' as a guideline at the sand and began scanning with the MP10. In matter of a few minutes the ring was at his friend's finger again.
My guess is that since detection on sea is 4 times greater due to ionic conditions be present 24 hours a day, sodium and other ionici rich elements build up fast in the sand.
Have a good day forumsters.
07-27-2006, 10:46 PM
Qiaozhi: "..but it so much fun - don't you think?.."
Yes, i agree! Sometimes, some claims,claimed here are so funny! Esteban looks as very
good man, but sometimes very confused.....Amateur,laic...with a very good will to do
something but do not know how!? Same thing with all amateurs,laics arround the world.
But i can only support their efforts even if that leads to bust! Why? It is so funny,
makes me laugh all the time! Besides it showed many times that those funny ideas can
provoke serious ee to start thinking alternative way from time to time...It's been
noted through history, that some of crucial scientific revelations has been made by
great help of unawared amateurs!? Therefore....i am here, listen....waiting....
Lost in NC
I can only support you to continue with that magnificent project! If mineoro can do
simillar....than we can do better! One hint: that shovel should be automatic! It can
save you from hard labour - digging...It should dig alone without human effort!On the
holder you can include gprs unit too...So if you asleep while waiting shovel to finish,
later you can trace it by that unit!
Esteban: "..Lost: you are l o s t!.."
(L)ovely, (O)vationed, (S)weet, (T)rue....
Yes! That's me! What to say? Thank you Esteban!Thank you very much!
"...Oh, Robert, oh Robert: your false name...."
Again name!? What use for you if you know my real name? O.K. let say that my real name
is Gervasiuss Twinkleminklensson....Are you satisfied now?
Huh! You provoked me to dislose my identity...I have to kill you now! All of you!
"...your words are based on Ivconic investigations...."
Maybe i am ivconic !? Maybe i did all those investigations!? What makes you think that
he (ivconic) is speaking the truth here? Is this really makes any difference to you!?
I do not mind names here...i do mind only ideas and claims...
Do not waste your time and energy on names, Esteban....try to focus on ideas, if you want
to learn something here...
Besides i have been already accused here that i am Robert,Sony,Leto,Strujas ......and
now i can be ivconic too....i do not mind at all..
"...I'm sure you never built nothing!!!! Use more better your EE..."
Oh! How i wish your words are true! If i had more brains before....i would rather be
something me...but now it's to late. Ages....Maybe in next life!
"...Of course, never I'll show details here...."
But OF COURSE !!! I never doubted that! If you do that, you can lose all that glory which
expects you in future! Same as mineoro! Same as your cousin.....
You better keep your secrets, do not be so naive to share with others!
Or you just do not have anything to share!? Or this is just another kiddy,bogus project!?
Only time will tell....
"...Robert: Go home and play with your Playstation..."
Yes! I am home now, and i play with my PS I all the time,although i play with my pc too...
Since 1981. i had ZX Spectrum48, Commodore 64,Atari XL800, Amstrad/Schneider CPC 6128,
Amiga 500, Dell PC XT turbo 10 mHz, 286,386,486....and all those pentiums so far....
Right now i do have Dell P4(2.26 GHz)...also a few older pentiums (II and III's).....
I am playing all the time....How did you knew that !!?? Ha,ha,ha....
"...I use the PCBs of failure detectors. 205 and 210 models are good Mineoro detectors..."
Oh! I do envy you much! Who gave you those pcbs...? Is there any chance somebody else to
have those? Can you send me one of them? I would like to play with it for a while....
Considering prices of mineoros products, you may consider yourself as a very lucky man
having chance to experiment with their pcbs...! Ha,ha,ha....
Just to let you know...i already "disected" FG78 a several months ago...I was stupid not to
take any photos at the time...These days i am preparing to do that again,but i will take
photos on it...Later i can post all those here...At the time, i was not seen anything
interesting inside that device...Some nonsenced components....nothing much! At that time
owner of FG78 just bought it and was very affraid to let me to do some more serious
investigations, due to posibillity to bust it somehow...Now,these days, very same owner
is so disgruntled with FG78, so he is apathetic about it, and he's gonna let me to do
whatever i want with his device....Problem is that he is living 180km away from me, so
we have to find some spare time to meet and do that...I am waiting his call..
According to his experiences(simillar to mine) FG78 is bogus,faked, non-working...but
very expensive "toy" for naives and stupids!!! Wasted money anyway!
On the field it "beep"-ing from time to time....No rules at all! Detects nothing!!!
He lost so much time digging huge holes everywhere...Has find nothing so far with it!!!!
What to say more!? So many people from arround the world have very simillar experiences
with mineoro products!! Are they all stupid? Are they all incompetent?? Are they all
ignorants??? I do not think so!
Lost in NC
07-27-2006, 11:46 PM
Lost in NC
I can only support you to continue with that magnificent project! If mineoro can do
simillar....than we can do better! One hint: that shovel should be automatic! It can
save you from hard labour - digging...It should dig alone without human effort!On the
holder you can include gprs unit too...So if you asleep while waiting shovel to finish,
later you can trace it by that unit!
thanks for the encouragement! maybe i will get around to buildign on eof these in my spare time for kicks and grins. i think the automatic shovel idea is suberb. we can offer this as the "manuel" option. an upgrade that will only set you back an extra 999.95!
07-28-2006, 11:42 PM
In italic letters, Robert wrote:
Do not waste your time and energy on names, Esteban....try to focus on ideas, if you want to learn something here...
Yes, I want to learn here. Also I'm waiting for ideas from your part. All of us ignores the major part of all the things.
* * * * * * * * *
Besides i have been already accused here that i am Robert,Sony,Leto,Strujas ......and now i can be ivconic too....i do not mind at all..
Yes, I agree, think this is not the case. Is some difficult fight against multipersonality...
* * * * * * * * *
How did you knew that !!?? Ha,ha,ha...
* * * * * * * * *
I have to kill you now! All of you!
Do you have a good plan?
* * * * * * * * *
... you may consider yourself as a very lucky man having chance to experiment with their pcbs...!
Yes, this is true. And I said thanks all the persons provide me.
Also have schematics of Mineoro (number 493 of my list):
493. Various Mineoro schematics, two boxes, etc.:
- 08 MI - Two boxes
- 89 MC - Two boxes
- BL 692 - Two boxes
- 8 VLl - MD
- 8 VLU - MD
- Modifications in Mineoro’s 8VLU
- CM 80
- D1 and D2 - BFO
- MP 10 - Two boxes
- DC 2006 - Pistol long range
- Pointronic 98 - Pistol long range
- DCH 85 - Pistol long range
And other pistol for to added in my list (don't remember the model).
And mine ideas and schematics, sensors, etc.
Clariffy: I don't work in Mineoro. I don't work for Mineoro.
No pedantry. I wish to demonstrate you and all I'm not a lier.
* * * * * * * * *
But OF COURSE !!! I never doubted that! If you do that, you can lose all that glory which expects you in future! Same as mineoro! Same as your cousin.....
Wich glory? The glory for me and the money for others? :D
And as I'm not doctor in Physics or similar, no credit for nobody. True.
* * * * * * * * *
Believe me Robert: you not need much for to build long range MD, my uglies PCBs over Mineoro's main PCB is enough... and some kind of homemade sensor in antenna.
I know various kinds of LR detection:
- radio - antenna
- infrared - light (this is a good hot antenna!)
- electromagnetic - coil - square and round antennas
- microvoltmeter - antenna
- high voltage
- variations of these
- the better and more new (my discovery in sensor?): detection of molecular vibration of metal (frequency, low signal) - appears selective
If the field for experimentation is very large, why the manufacturers are closely only in coil types? They only added screen and some tones for targets, but the depth of the detection is the same or similar than 20 years ago with all the reduction of noise in ICs. Maybe the problem is the regulation in power transmitter or what?
07-29-2006, 01:48 AM
"...Yes, I want to learn here. Also I'm waiting for ideas from your part. All of us ignores
the major part of all the things...."
I guess now is the time to clear up some things. You already used bunch of my ideas so many
times! You are just not awared yet! Robert is just my alter ego here. I wanted to split on
two quite different subjects. EE who is posting some technicals and RObert who
is bully, acting rude from time to time,provoking other nice people here (of course You too)
to START USING MIGHTY BRAINS they have! Sometimes there are much of argue....even war.But
it showed some results so far. I do not want to mix my professional attitude with my very
own,personal opinion.That was the only reason.
Do not try to guess second nickname here, you'll never guess it! Michael tried and tried
but without any success....sorry Michael! So i do not "ignore the major part of all things"
here, trust me!
"...Do you have a good plan?..."
Yes! Perfect plan! To let you to continue with your beliefs on LRL subject, of course this
include all mineoro doubts so far....
This would be enough to kill you for sure! At least financially!!!
"No pedantry. I wish to demonstrate you and all I'm not a lier..."
I never said that! I do not think that at all! I do beleive that you are just too naive!
But it will come to you sooner or later anyway...
"Wich glory? The glory for me and the money for others?"
Right! Good thinking! Think for a moment on money, mineoro can take, cose people like you
promoting their products here and on the other places!
Last you can do to compenstate is to post here every of their projects,schematics etc. to
help others to see,check and decide about it....When i saw White's schematic for the first
time and checked it, i didn't decide to build it...of course not, but i dug that it is
very good machine so i decided to buy the time...And of course i bought it, and now
i am happy owner! Since i am ee, i always wanted first to see all the aspects of some
apparatus, than to decide to have it or not....I do not beleive in plain advetisments at all
even if they came from very serious manufacturer like White's, in this case.
Of course there is another side of the story, There is a kind of people who have grabbed
somehow some projects and schematics from others and later decide to earn some money on it,
buy trying to sell those, using free forums for example.First by posting some non-interesting
or semi-interesting stuff here(which nobody asked for), than very shifty advertise what
they want to sell by posting some interesting appreciations,hints,remarks,particles etc...
It is very easy to gush them! Just list the forum and read some posts twice...Ha,ha,ha!!!
"Believe me Robert: you not need much for to build long range MD, my uglies PCBs over
Mineoro's main PCB is enough... and some kind of homemade sensor in antenna...."
I do beleive you.But those toys are not working what they supposed to do! Not detecting
any metal anywhere! I made dozen so far, some of them many years ago. I experimented,
tested,checked......Nothing! Those machines do something(very funny) but never what
they claimed to do!
If you ever found anything on the field without conventional md, than it was random find,
lucky guess or your natural "skill" but NEVER YOUR LRL! If you do not beleive me than
it is very easy to check that. Do some double blind tests, first you,than ask some of
your "non-prospector" friends to repeat that...and you'll see!
Read more of this in Challenge, Carl put that much better than me, there...
"If the field for experimentation is very large, why the manufacturers are closely only
in coil types? They only added screen and some tones for targets, but the depth of the
detection is the same or similar than 20 years ago with all the reduction of noise in ICs.
Maybe the problem is the regulation in power transmitter or what?..."
Not true! Huge differences between oldies and new ones! But this technique dated from the
begining of last century. Science developed quite new techniques, much better, powerfull,
much efficieny.....Only those are much more expensive....For example trace some cesium
gradiometer on the .net...
"- radio - antenna
- infrared - light (this is a good hot antenna!)
- electromagnetic - coil - square and round antennas
- microvoltmeter - antenna
- high voltage "
Almost forgot! This list of yours makes me think that you are much confused about
fundamentals related to radio principles! You just can not confuse behavior of radio
waves in any way with any principle of metal detecting. Radio wave is quite another
thing and nothing related to it can not be applied to metal detector! Trust me! At least
i am very good in radio stuff.Worked as professional so many years and main subject was
radio waves, antenas, repeaters, power tx's etc...!
The same with infrared! Such high freq. can not penetrate anywhere solid!
"Microvoltmeter - antenna" ???????? What? Now you are confused resistivity meter principles
with something!?
"electromagnetic - coil - square and round antennas"....Huhh! Agan huge confusion!
Coil is not antenna! Let me give you funny example! Let's take Classic III coil for
example. Freq.should be from 6.35kHz to 6.55 kHz. So radio wave is aprox. 50km long!!!
Does it means that Classic III can detect item on that distance? Or TX covers such
area!??? Of course not! It has nothing to do with radio wave. It is just resonant freq.
of presented e field, and CLIII coil is NOT ANTENNA !!! Perfect antena should be lambdax1.
But mainly we use lambda/4 in almost all aplications ever! But if you "disect" CLIII tx
coil you'll count only 31 winding!??? Very suitable for some SW freq., which means a few
Mhz's !? So i'll repeat: do not mix radio with md at all!
"- high voltage"....What? Many experiments busted so far on that. Even great Nikola Tesla
stucked on it...."Does not drink any water...." Ha,ha,ha !
Another very funny example is Avramenko's fork....ha,ha,ha,ha....Why led's flashes!???
Ha,ha,ha,ha....Just closer examine the nearest TX shaft of local radio station in your
place. You'll notice red light on the top of that shaft. It flashes by night to prevent
some plane to crush or simillar...i guess!? That red ligh has not any power line at all.
Than how it radiate??? Without any power??? Ask your local radio ee...Ha,ha,ha...
Maybe it is a sort of Avramenko's fork....who knows? Ha,ha,ha......
I am to tired to give you more arguments's been a hard day today...
07-29-2006, 05:09 AM
Bla, bla, bla. Inflate texts!
Theory, theory, this is the reason why nothing work for you! All I said here about kinds of detection, include FM radio, is true! This violates your academicism and diploma!
You fail because you pretend show small signal in a meter or ear sound as metal detector, but this is so small, "a soft breeze", so you need to convert... Ok? :)
If you pretend to build according the same principle of classic MD, you're wrong! (But... a good MD you can convert in long range, and comprobe how our senses isn't enough.) :D
Bla, bla, bla. Inflate texts!
Theory, theory, this is the reason why nothing work for you! All I said here about kinds of detection, include FM radio, is true! This violates your academicism and diploma!
You fail because you pretend show small signal in a meter or ear sound as metal detector, but this is so small, "a soft breeze", so you need to convert... Ok? :)
If you pretend to build according the same principle of classic MD, you're wrong! (But... a good MD you can convert in long range, and comprobe how our senses isn't enough.) :D
Esteban, don' let tis guy take your time. Leave him talking alone..
07-30-2006, 04:23 AM
From here on, foul language and name-calling gets deleted... no more warnings... if I have to keep doing this, then the next step is banning...
07-30-2006, 06:11 AM
Thank you Carl. It's a very good step. I appreciate it though it could have done much earlier. Not bad if check;
the member again calls names with derogatory phrase (suck...)
apparently can't do in normal and polite manner and is hard for him tolerate the opponent opinions.
this is far from a forum etiquette. may be our opinions here not be like or even be opposite, but never have right to mock or humiliate each other. every idea or belief is respectable in it's place. Again thank you very much.
07-30-2006, 07:55 AM
CArl do not be onesided!
Cant you see who started first....or he is just your good friend?
Congratulation Carl....
You asking a lot of job un further...
07-30-2006, 08:12 AM
Just to remind present people here:
.................................................. .......................................
Hung to Esteban : "...Esteban, don' let tis guy take your time. Leave him talking alone.."
.................................................. .......................................
Well,well ...!??? I do not remember, that, me or Esteban mentioned your name or anything
connected to you Hung.....Correct me if i am wrong.
We were discussing some Esteban's claims and i was very ready to calm down my tone and
start a sort of dialogue with him, cose he looks like a man with who man can talk even
if not agree in many points.
Esteban showed some respectfull character here on this forum....
I was ready to discuss more deeper any of aspects of his ideas and claims.
To tell the truth i was(and still i am) very interested about some of Esteban's experiments,
claims and opinions.
I am EE and profesional, i do rank my self very high, i am not false modest, i am not
hypocrite to think about myself high but at the same time present myself very modest here...
Esteban is not what? I do not mind.... All of his previous posts showed me his
great dedication to this md subject. I was ready to argue with him(polite), exchange some
knowledge etc...
But all of the sudden you showed, unbidden, unnasked with a brilliant sentence:
"...Leave him talking alone...."
.................................................. ....................................
Bravo Hung! Very easy you trampled over my effort to make at least some comunication
with Esteban...!!!????
That is this Forum for! To comunicate, between people with
very oposite opinions and attitudes....
But not for you! For you this forum has only one purpose: to advertise only one product,
to spit on others and from time to time to provoke everybody else who do not agree with
I am sure that you gonna disregard my posts, and i am glad for that.Better to stay that way!
I am writting this for others to explain my behavior, language and attitude...
When you asked for trouble, be sure, you'll get it !!!
I do not feel any remorse. My reaction was very right! I can react even worse, But trust
me, you do not want that!
I deleted here some words .....
.................................................. .....................................
Esteban we may continue or not...As you wish.. I have no hard feelings on you at all.
Your sketchy list of principles is interesting me. I would like you to go detailed and
explain some of your claims and ideas. You do not have to uncover your secrets but
just a bit to explain what you listed above....
I posted my critics on it, as it was - sketchy, in manner to provoke you to explain more.
If you feel angry and do not want to, than O.K. ...
"...Bla, bla, bla. Inflate texts!
Theory, theory, this is the reason why nothing work for you! All I said here about kinds
of detection, include FM radio, is true! This violates your academicism and diploma!
You fail because you pretend show small signal in a meter or ear sound as metal detector,
but this is so small, "a soft breeze", so you need to convert... Ok...."
My "inflated texts" are not empty retorics! You may check my claims any time....
Theory.......without theory the rest is "fog" walking or jump from a clif....
".....You fail..."
What makes you think that i failed ??? You do not know yet about my experiments on that
subject...??? Be pationed, talk, give and wait to take....
The rest of people here can see and check every claims....This is very public, so if you do
not have anything "tactile" to say here.....well??? Disregarding is very weak weapon....
Somebody showed his illiteracy. He also showed will only to advertise and provoke....
Esteban it is your turn now to make difference ...
:eek: :cool: :)
07-30-2006, 12:37 PM
Hi folks! Here is my sad story....No need for are enough!
07-30-2006, 12:40 PM
This is my ad and true story....
07-30-2006, 12:41 PM
last picture:(
this was the true story in backstage::D :D :D :D :D :D
07-31-2006, 08:51 PM
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Whats your story SRL man ???
I do have certain "history" here. My war is only mine!
Whats your story????
Your post is gonna provoke them to convince me again! Dirty language....
very dirty!!!
I decided to stop a few days ago!
My next posts would be only pictures without dirty "words"!!!
I "wash my hands" of you!!!!
:D :D :D
Huuh!!! Can't you see Robert..??? Can't you recognize him???
Looking more carefully on style and utterance i can swear that
SRL is nobody else but one of those two "sweet LRL boys" you
being arguing with lately!
English language ignorance, spelling(orthography) ignorance too!?
If you look their previous posts, read it carefully, compare style
of "naming" words in sentence....than you'll notice and find out
who is SRL ....Ha,ha,ha....SRL your style is so transparent!
SRL you are trying to imitate "rude and dirty" language of me and
RObert....but weak...very weak man.
You were thinking to "answer" the same way to us...Ha,ha,ha.....
Only one thing you are missing: STYLE...
Brains and style. You just have to know when,where and how to put
words togather.
What you done here is crap! I hope that Carl is gonna delete this
the same way he deleted our stupid posts...
I have only one more thing to say....BUT WITHOUT NAMING ANYBODY HERE!!!
Gays would stay gays !!! Even if changing nicknames and reposting
pictures with changed txts....gays always stay gays !!!
Lack of arguments "push" brainless people to act stupid! Ha!
The WAR continue !!! But next phase is something much different!
Until liers, gays and frauds die !!!
By the way... this is not just a presumption. We done our investigation
we traced him, we do have his ip.... WE ARE THE MASTERS OF .NET !!!!
Nobody can hide from us....and nobody can trace us !!!!
Next is "bombing" him to death!!!
:D :D :D
07-31-2006, 11:01 PM
O.K. Sony...we'll deal with those out of this forum...
This will be serious post without any of "words" from my
very rich dictionary!
I am writing this for occasional visitors (very rare) here, NOT
for "natives" here, cose i do not want to argue any more on this
very nonsence subject....
.................................................. ................
"This is not a regular proximity or electrostatic field detector.
This is an ionic field detector which detects specifically gold
although some elements of the above fields mentioned are present..."
.................................................. ..................
Gold (Au) does not produce ions...this is fact!!!
Even proximity or electrostatic field detector can NOT (impossible)
DETECT ANY KIND OF GOLD.......this is fact !!!
.................................................. ....................
"...Be careful, quick conclusions may lead to incorrect diagnostics.."
.................................................. ....................
Conclusions made after weeks of experimenting with a few mineoro
top models are not QUICK !!!
.................................................. ................
"...low humidity real environment condition, which is needed for
the FG 80 to detect 'fresh' gold...."
.................................................. ................
Real environment conditions are NOT LOW HUMIDITY !!! AND :
the FG 80 CAN NOT detect 'fresh' gold or any kind of gold...FACT !!!
.................................................. ...................
"This is a must for any researcher who decides to get this detector,
as humidity conditions can change dramatically in the field and the
researcher will promptly be aware of the detecting conditions. The
best is the digital model. Don't get the mechanical one which is prone
to misgaugings and several inconsistencies due to light transport bumps."
.................................................. .....................
I am very lured to use some of "words" on this...but i will not!
So many craps in a few sentences !!!?????
Somebody once said that mineoro acts like "Tribal Quack" !!!
How true it is! You have to fulfill so many conditions to make it "work"...
ts,ts,ts,ts....even if fulfill all of those it still NOT WORKING, it
still RANDOM BEEPS ! This is fact!!!
"...Mineoro's claim about the humidity factor..."
.................................................. ..
Mineoro have million claims about infinite number of factors so they can
always have good reason why their machine NOT WORKING AT ALL !!!!
This open so many excuses against customer apeals later !!!
.................................................. .........................
"...My gold ring was picked up from about 5 foot easily and consistently..."
.................................................. .........................
And my gold ring (11g..999) was picked up from 8 foot easily and consistently
with FG78....Later i repeated with cola can, some iron, glass of water,soldering
iron( off and on)....and empty hand too. When no object or hands at all...again
random BEEPs from time to time !!!! No rule! I found out that FG78 picked up all
present FM radio signals.....When went deep in mountains where supposed to be
a lack of any hum and industrial signals, it BEEPS rarely in any direction....
again no rule....random!!! Also picked up strong FM radio again....
.................................................. ............
.................................................. ............
WHATTTTT !!!??? HA,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha !!!!! Again ionic chamber but now it is
with some INFRARED !!!????? Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha..!!!!!!!!!
Ionic chamber OYE ! Ionic chamber all the time, oye,oye !!!
Muchos ionicos chamberos segnor...oye,oye!!!
THERE IS NOT ANY IONIC CHAMBER IN IT !!!! Either missinformation either wrong
understanding of terms and English language !?
Infrared !????? What is infrared in or about it???
I disected few models so far....nothing ionic and nothing infrared in it !!!!!
According to my modest(i am not honest here) knowledge i can presume what are
mineoro FG78 and FG80 and simillars....
Those machines are nothing more than mystified Zahori-look-like devices...
First Ivconic made Zahori, than i made it...than both of us took FG78 again
to test and disect it(first time we done that in february as i remember)...
Comparing FG78 with Zahori behavior, we dug conclusion that those are the very
same machines, only made different way!!!! I can even add that Zahori showed
much better and much reliable performances than FG78...
There are not random beeps at Zahori.It beeps only when AC e field is nearby.
Depending of power and radius of that field the distance is longer or shorter..
But FG78 showed much more instabillity and noticeable shorter range of detection!
Ivconic later added much better audio on Zahori, than performances became much
Trust me: What you gain with Zahori would be much better than what you suppose to
gain with any of mineoro model ever!!!
One more thing: Zahori will cost you aprox. $10 to $15 to build, but to buy
any mineoro......hell money!
Many Thanks to Esteban who persisted on Zahori subject such long time and to Ivconic
who added such rich and nice audio on it!!!
Best regards!
08-02-2006, 02:03 AM
If only a ball pen creates more than 50v! of electric field,
the mineoro is a really crap.
Electrons are everywhere, even ir you clothes. And to detect alpha radiation (protons) u will need a mica tube with a geiger counter. And a proton does not travel more than 5 meters (if you are out of a lept), radiactive stuff like pechblenda (uranite) shoots alpha radiation (and betta and gamma), but don't try to discover if the mineoro works like a geiger counter or you'll die by Cancer.
Even if you want to receive rf induced signals, there are trillions only of harmonics in the nature.
Last thing... If you want to do a very accurate ion catcher, get an OPA128 and do a profesional electrometer, u'll can read electrostatic voltages from charges of 40 femto amperes.
See you
08-02-2006, 11:33 AM
:) are so RIGHT !!!
But some people here know that better, only they have to do what
are they payed for!
If this wasnt case, than i am 100% sure they be absolute ignorants!
OPA128 is interesting hint! I've been using TLC272,CA3130/3140 and
in some cases NE5532/5534...
Now,I'll try OPA128 for sure!
What's story about OP37 ?
But no matter those experiments of mine....I am absolutelly sure
Fairy tales!
You mentioned some devices.....see picture...
I've been experimenting on that "field" for some years...
08-02-2006, 11:34 AM
08-02-2006, 08:50 PM
Military equipment and looks modified. I did a check and found no reference to M118. So would you tell us what the equipment is. I too have been working on "detecting the field". I figured you must know something as your info re ion and electrostatic field detection is pretty much right on.
Otherwise send email to if you want to trade stories and info.
Best Regards,
08-02-2006, 11:49 PM
Yes is military geiger counter.
But label is DR-M11B.
Serbian army used it long time ago.
Is it Serbian product or not, i am not sure at all.
From my earlier experiences i already know that many devices
Serbian army used (former Yugoslavian army) are mostly USA products,
like many models of radios from RCA and Motorola etc..etc..
I still have in my showroom famous ANGRC-9 (GRC-9) SW radio
USA was used in Vietnam,Cambodia...Korea
The very same radio Yugoslavian manufacturers reproduced for
army needs in period 195x-196x (i am not sure), by some
military contract between USA and Yugoslavia, at the time.
SO i presume a lot of other devices comes here the simillar
way. Many of devices are whole Serbian products(EI Nis), but many
of those are not, but licenced, mostly from USA.
I bought this counter on second hand market. It is quite
accurate. Works very fine. I was experimenting with it like
with many more devices i have, just to establish some sort
of cognitions....
The smaller device is digital gas detector, some French
product (i presume since had label on French)....
But i was modding it many times, as you can see some wires
out of small hole....I used MAX232 (Carl's section..)
to convert some signals from it and later analyze with
some pc software....Various experiments so far...
It will need much more space to explain those..but i guess
no need for that. This suppose not to be place to bug other
people with my wierd ideas for now..
My main interest are metal detectors, since i am not expert
for those(i do consider myself a sort of expert for radio only)
i collected so many various detectors(proximity,gas,ef,infra...
ultra..., radio..., blah,blah..etc) so i can experiment,mod,
All of that due to learn more,understand
more,gain more....
I am in ages(40) which are hard to start all over i am trying somehow to eke all those about m.detectors
i have been missing so far...A lot of has been done so far!(over
15 years)
That's why,i am so "brave" to come here and claim some claims!
I do not have any paper or data more on this counter...
If you have or manage to find something more about it, please come here
again and post it. I would like to experiment more with it.
I would try to trace schematic of it and later to post on this forum
if somebody interested, although it's not a big deal. A lot of newer
and easier geiger counter projects you may find already on the .net
08-03-2006, 12:00 AM
get this geiger plans:
it's in spanish so if you don't understand anything, ask me.
08-03-2006, 12:11 AM
and a neutron counter:
12-13-2007, 11:47 AM
Hi, I am an analyst for Systems, I have no connection with Mineoro, I do not sell Mineoro, most have a detector DCH-85 pistol bought in 1994, when the occasion was in manufacturing, I made several test in Campo during this time and found that this model pistol DCH-85 is not ideal sensitivity to detect gold, and that in a way not in searches in the security field. If possible I would like information on this model FG-80, because I have doubts about the workings of this new model.
Detectors that has:
DCH-85 pistol - I have not had any success.
08 MI-Two boxes Very Good - has been found several pieces of silver and 01 gold.
Bandido II - Very Good-finding 03 Currencies Silver date 1889 Empire Brazil
I would like to see in a field test this new model of Mineoro LRL detectors.
Thank you.
Hi, I am an analyst for Systems, I have no connection with Mineoro, I do not sell Mineoro, most have a detector DCH-85 pistol bought in 1994, when the occasion was in manufacturing, I made several test in Campo during this time and found that this model pistol DCH-85 is not ideal sensitivity to detect gold, and that in a way not in searches in the security field. If possible I would like information on this model FG-80, because I have doubts about the workings of this new model.
Detectors that has:
DCH-85 pistol - I have not had any success.
08 MI-Two boxes Very Good - has been found several pieces of silver and 01 gold.
Bandido II - Very Good-finding 03 Currencies Silver date 1889 Empire Brazil
I would like to see in a field test this new model of Mineoro LRL detectors.
Thank you.
Gilmar, me mande uma mensagem em privado através desse forum. Lá escreva seu email. Vamos conversar. Tenho muitas informações para voce.
The spider has found a prey.
Or not?
12-14-2007, 10:19 AM
Hello, Thank you for your attention, more if we can exchange E-mail in the forum so that all the knowledge is passed to members of the list.
More leave my E-mail
My thanks.
01-11-2008, 02:57 PM
Hi I would like to know if there any plans on making a device such as the DC2008, if someone could post a file on them.
Thank you
Hi I would like to know if there any plans on making a device such as the DC2008, if someone could post a file on them.
Thank you
why are you interested in it ? Seems doesn't work for real... apart... ehm... the w-mining issue! ;)
Seems that about w-mining it's cool... instead!:cool:
Kind regards,
01-17-2008, 09:26 AM
Hi I would like to know if there any plans on making a device such as the DC2008, if someone could post a file on them.
Thank you
I own DC2008, it appear not working, after turn it on few minutes it lost calibration and start give random beeps in every direction. According to some EE the device has to be tuned to specific FR and broadcast only in brazil (I am not strong confident of that anyway).
I think some fellows in this forum (esteban, andreas and Nihil Roma Maius) have some good ideas of workable LRL principals, ask them if you want to build LRL, may be they can help you :rolleyes:.
01-17-2008, 07:58 PM
Hi I would like to know if there any plans on making a device such as the DC2008, if someone could post a file on them.
Thank you
Maybe Mosha is rigth and this device only works ok in Brazil.
My DC2008 its a nice wood box (with infra red)and very noisy buzzer,anyway here in Europe its useless device...
02-14-2011, 10:27 PM
Here the radar. The cost is the very cheap (US$ 70):
Hello to all,
I'm interested in buying this radar so could you please give me more infro about this radar.
And of course where can be bought.
Thanks in advance,
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